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✓ Nilgiri hills- Tamil Nadu

✓Chali hill -Himachal Pradesh

✓ Matheran Hill Station -Maharastra

✓ Daringbad hill station-Odisha

✓ Amarkantak hill - Madhya Pradesh

✓ Barmura hill -Tripura

✓ Girnar Hill -Gujarat

✓ Satmala Hill --Maharasthra

✓Patkai Bum hills -Arunachal Pradesh

✓ Kudagu hills -Karnataka

✓ Darjeeling Hills --West Bengal Place of the thunderbolt

✓Gawilgarh Hills – Maharashtra

✓Harischandra Range - Maharashtra

✓Rajmahal Hills – Jharkhand

✓Garhjat Hills – Odisha

✓Sirumalai Hills – Tamil Nadu

✓Seshachalam Hills – Andhra Pradesh

✓Varusanadu Hills - Tamil Nadu


🔹Global Environment Index
🔹Human Capital Index
🔹Inclusive Growth and Development report
🔹Global Gender Gap Index
🔹Global Risk Report
🔹Global Info Tech Report
🔹Travel and Tourism
🔹Global Competitiveness Report
🔹Enabling Trade Report
🔹World Power Language Index
🔹Global Energy Architecture Performance Index
🔹Ease of doing Business
🔹World Development Report
🔹Easing of Living Index
🔹Universal Health Coverage Index
🔹Logistics Performance Index
💠World Health Organisation (WHO)
🔹World Health Statistics
🔹Ambient Air Pollution Report
🔹World Tuberculosis Report
🔹Global Nutrition Report
🔹World Health Report
💠International Monitoring Fund (IMF)
🔹Global Financial Stability
🔹World Economic Outlook
🔹Fiscal Monitor
💠United Nation Devlopment Programme (UNDP)
🔹Gender Inequality Index
🔹Human Development Index
🔹Sustainable Development Goal
🔹Multidimensional Poverty Index
💠United Nation Environment Program (UNEP)
🔹Actions on Air Quality
🔹Global Environment Outlook
🔹Emission Gap Report
🔹World Cities Report
🔹Habitat Commitment Index
Important Active volcanoes around the world:
1. Kilauea, Hawaii, United States
2. Stromboli, Italy
3. Mount Etna, Italy
4. Mount Yasur, Vanuatu
5. Mount Merapi, Indonesia
6. Mount Nyiragongo, Democratic Republic of Congo
7. Mount Rainier, Washington, United States
8. Mount Fuji, Japan
9. Mount Vesuvius, Italy
10. Popocatepetl, Mexico

👁‍🗨 Conventions and Protocols🔻

🔲Ramsar Convention- wetlands
🔲Bonn Convention- On migratory birds
🔲Vienna Convention- Ozone layer
🔲Montreal Protocol- Ozone layer
🔲Minamata Convention- Mercury
🔲Geneva Protocol- Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or other
Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare

🔲Stockholm Convention- Persistant Organic pollutants(POP)

🔲Rotterdam Convention- Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain hazardous
Chemicals and Pesticides

🔲Basel Convention- Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their


👁‍🗨Artificial Lakes in India

1. Bhojtal — MP
2. Gobind Sagar — HP (Bhakra Nagal)
3. Jaisamand Lake — Udaipur RJ | 2nd largest artificial in
4. Barapani Lake — Shillong
5. Bhimtal Lake — Uttarakhand
6. Hirakund Lake — OR
7. Rana Pratap Sagar — RJ | Chambal Valley project
8. Nagarjuna Sagar — TL
9. Kodaikanal — TN
10. GB Pant — UP


Warli - Maharashtra
Pattachitra - Odisha
Kalamkari - Andhra Pradesh
Kalighat - Calcutta
Kalamezhuthu - Kerala
Thangka - Sikkim
Pithora Painting - Gujurat
Thanjavur - Tami Nadu
Madhubani, Manjusha (Snake painting) - Bihar

👁‍🗨List of Revolutions in the various field in India

🔲Black Revolution : Petroleum.
🔲Production Blue Revolution : Fish.
🔲Production Brown Revolution : Leather/non-conventional (India)/Cocoa production.
🔲Golden Fibre Revolution : Jute Production.
🔲Golden Revolution : Fruits/Overall Horticulture development/Honey Production.
🔲Green Revolution : Food grains.
🔲Grey Revolution : Fertilizer.
🔲Pink Revolution : Onion production/ Pharmaceutical (India)/Prawn production.
🔲Red Revolution : Meat and Tomato Production.
🔲Round Revolution : Potato Silver.
🔲Fiber Revolution : Cotton.
🔲Silver Revolution : Egg/Poultry Production.
🔲White Revolution (In India: Operation Flood) : Milk/Dairy production .
🔲Yellow Revolution : Oil Seeds production .
🔲Evergreen Revolution : Overall development of Agriculture.
🔲Rainbow Revolution : agriculture, horticulture, forestry, sugarcane, fishery, poultry and
animal husbandry.

Albedo refers to the measure of the reflectivity of a surface or an object. It quantifies the
proportion of incident light or radiation that is reflected back into the environment. Albedo is
typically expressed as a percentage, with higher values indicating greater reflectivity.

Key points about albedo:

1. Reflectivity: Albedo represents the ability of a surface to reflect sunlight or other

radiation. Surfaces with high albedo reflect a significant portion of the incoming energy, while
surfaces with low albedo absorb more energy.

2. Climate Impact: Albedo plays a crucial role in Earth's climate system. It influences the
balance of incoming and outgoing energy, which affects temperature patterns, weather
conditions, and climate change. Different surfaces have different albedo values, influencing
their heating or cooling effect on the surrounding environment.

3. Surface Types: Various surfaces have different albedo values. For example,
snow-covered areas typically have a high albedo, reflecting most of the sunlight back into
space. Darker surfaces, such as forests or asphalt, have lower albedo and tend to absorb
more energy, contributing to warming.
4. Environmental Implications: Changes in albedo can have significant environmental
implications. For instance, melting snow and ice in polar regions decrease the overall
albedo, leading to increased absorption of solar radiation and accelerating global warming.

5. Human Influence: Human activities can alter albedo through land use changes,
urbanization, deforestation, or the use of reflective materials. These changes can impact
local and regional climate patterns, contributing to the urban heat island effect or altering
regional temperature and precipitation patterns.

6. Climate Mitigation: Albedo modification is an area of research for climate mitigation

strategies. Certain techniques, such as increasing surface reflectivity in urban areas or
deploying reflective materials on rooftops, can help reduce heat absorption and mitigate the
urban heat island effect.

Understanding albedo and its influence on the Earth's energy balance is essential for
studying climate change, assessing environmental impacts, and developing strategies to
mitigate its effects. It plays a significant role in shaping temperature patterns, climate
dynamics, and the overall health of ecosystems.

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