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WORLD HISTORY REVIEWER - invented the printing press.

Dahilan para
MIDDLE AGE mapalaganap ang mga kasulatan ofc.
•Following the fall of the roman empire. DESIDERIUS ERASMUS
ISLAMIC EMPIRE - A friend of Thomas more, and Hans
•Begun by prophet Muhammad (founder of Holbein (si holbein yung nag paint ng
islam) portrait ni Henry viii.
•Abu bakr (successor of Muhammad ruler of - He sought peace and unity and reform
rashidun caliphate) within the church. According to him, mas
VIKINGS/ Northmen valuable pag-aralan ang humanities
•Fearsome raiders from the sea from kesa sa science.
scandinavia. - Famous Work: praise of folly.
•196 yrs. THOMAS MORE
•Europeans tried to take control of the holy land - Idea of UTOPIA (ideal world)
(Palestine) from the muslim turks.
VERNACULAR- language used other than latin FRANCOIS RABELAIS
GOTHIC CATHEDRAL- Symbol of medieval - Work: Gargantua and pantagruel
age that defies the law of balance. - Idea of living a full busy life. He was a
___________________________________ monk and a physician.
•Rebirth. Revival interest in literature and MICHAEL DE MONTAIGNE
culture of Greece and rome. It is a bridge - Essays.
between classical and middle age. Ruled by the
Medici family (banking) for about 300 yrs. MIGUEL DE CERVANTES
Florence, Italy was the center of art during the - Serve as a soldier against the turk and
renaissance. was imprisoned for 5 years by the
Typical subjects: human, religion, pirates in north Africa. He became a
mythology Spanish tax collector. Mock the way
medieval codes of chivalry distorted
•Led early development of renaissance - WORK: don Quixote.
humanism. Consider as the founder of
humanism. He saw books as “welcome WILLIAM SHAKESPEAR
companions, encourage you, comfort you, - WORKS: Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet.
advise you and take you/ teach you the world Julius Caesar, Cleopatra, Mark Anthony.
secrets. Finest dramatist and greatest writer.
- Nothing weighs less than a pen. Ayan
namatay siya tas nakayuko daw sa GIOTTO
open book :) - Perspective.
NICCOLO MACHIAVELLI - Mathematical laws in art.
- The prince: book.
- Drew on roman history to set up JAN VAN EYCK
guidelines for rulers of his time. - Was a Flemish painter that introduced
the use of oil in painting.
- Founder of platonic university. Nagging RAPHAEL SANTI
center ng studies in greek philosophy - Master of design
- Lorenzo “the magnificent” Cosimo's - Works: school of Athens, Madonna,
grandson. Mary the mother of Jesus.


- First woman of the world - He called sculpture as “the first of arts”
- Pope Julius II commissioned him to
JOHANNES GUTENBURH paint the ceiling of the Sistine chapel.
- Works: Sistine chapel, pieta
- He wrote: 95 theses and put it in the
LEONARDO DA VINCI front of the church that added a spark in
- Universal genius. reformation. He urged changes in
- Draws human anatomy. His works: church services and said that members
monalisa, the last supper. of the clergy should be allowed to marry.


- Painted tower of babel. - FOLLOWERS: Calvinism, huguenots
- Dutch renaissance. His innovative - Idea of predestination.
depictions of landscapes and peasant - Books: institutes of Christian religion.
scenes signified the departure from the Henry viii
religious subject matter. - break away from England because the
church refused him to divorce his wife
ALBREACHT DURER (COA) and he wanted to marry Anne
- Some words: adam and eve, feast of the Boleyn.
rosary, four apostles. ___________________________________
___________________________________ Other information
JONATHAN SWIFT- Gulliver’s travel reformation__________________
DANIEL DEFOE- Robinson Crusoe The council of Trent (1545-1563) marked the
SAMUEL RICHARDSON- Pamela formal beginning of the counter-reformation.
EDUARD GIBBON- Decline and the fall of Key aspects of counter-reformation.
Roman empire - Formation of new religious
WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART- don orders like the Jesuits.
Giovanni and the marriage of figaro - Establishment of roman
JOHN LOCK- the social contract inquisition.
THOMAS HOBES- leviathan - Council of Trent’s reaffirmation
BARUCH ESPINOZA - pantheism “all god” of catholic doctrines.
BARON DE MONTESQUIEU- the spirit of the ___________________________________
______________________________________ - Revolutionary shift in scientific thought
______REFORMATION__________ and methodology during 16th and 17th
- The Bible should be the supreme ANDREAS VESALIUS
authority and not the church. So does - Pioneer of modern human anatomy and
he write civil criticism of the papacy. author of “De Humani corporis fabrica.”/
- His followers were known as poor Cadaveric dissection.
JOHN HUSS - He proposed the infinite universe theory
- Challenged the pope's authority and and was condemned for his ideas by the
criticized church wealth. Through his inquisition.
teachings on the supreme authority of
- Followers: hussites. - Father of Microbiology and credited with
the invention of the microscope and
MARTIN LUTHER discovery of microorganisms.
- A German monk and a prominent figure
during the reformation. WILLIAM HARVEY
- Question how people could be pardoned - Discovered circulation of blood in the
for sins and the indulgences where it body that revolutionized the
was believed to reduce the time of one’s understanding of physiology.
soul would have been spent in suffering
or punishment before the soul reached ROBERT BOYLE
heaven. - Founder of modern chemistry and
physics through his description about
the relationship of pressure and volume - Trading post and the plantation-
of gas and constant temperature. economic base for Portugal overseas
- Modern alchemist. Known for his MAIN MOTIVES FOR EXPLORATION -
contribution to medical reform and his - Seek gold, spices. / sugar and silk from
rejection of traditional medical practices. asia.
- 3 G ( glory, god, gold)
- Known for his accurate and MONOPOLY - having an authority to control a
comprehensive astronomical product/trade without having competitors.
observations. CARAVELS- ships/sail that can survive on the
sea/ocean and maritime battles. Usually used
JOHANNES KEPLER for long voyages.
- Key figure in scientific revolution and SILK ROUTE. Historical trade route which
most famous for his planetary motion. connected Asia with the Mediterranean and
European world
- Founder of modern empirical science/ KEY PROPONENTS IN NAVIGATION
baconian method/ inductive+deductive. PRINCE HENRY OF PORTUGAL
He made no voyages but he was a prominent
GALILEO GALILEI figure in contributing to the advancement of
- Known for his telescopic discoveries knowledge about the sea that's why English
and advocacy of heliocentrism. writers call him "the navigator".
- Tried to begin a new crusade in 1415 by
NICOLAUS COPERNICUS capturing the muslim city (Ceuta) in
- Heliocentric model. North Africa.
- Camel caravans carries gold dust
RENE DECARTES across sahara (largest desert in the
- Father of modern philosophy/ cogito world)
ergo sum or “I think therefore, I AM”
ISAAC NEWTON - He made the discovery of a sea route
- Formulated the laws of motion and into the Indian ocean known as the
universal gravitation that laid the cape of good hope/ cape of good
groundwork for classical mechanics and storm. Founded at the south tip part of
modern physics. Africa.


- Best known for his microscopy and his - Mapping the route between Europe and
book micrographia. India via the southern tip of Africa.
- "We come in search of christians and
- Known for his principle in fluid - His voyage led to Portugal establishing
mechanics and his concept of wager in a trade post.
_____________________________ CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS
The Global Age: Ages of Navigation - Queen Isabella of Spain funded his
and Discoveries voyage. Gave him title as the
- The beginning of western expansion. "admiral of the ocean sea"
- Navigators used astrolabe to observe - His caravels/ships: niña and pinta and
the position of the sun, moon and stars the flagship of santa maria.
to find their latitude. - He considered the new world as India
- Compass. Showed the direction of (america today) and established the first
magnetic north. European settlers/colonies in
(America) but failed. - March 17, 1521, Magellan and his crew
first came into contact with inhabitants
- Nagkaroon ng slightly disputes Portugal of the Homonhon Island.
and Spain that's why to prevent disputes - Only the Victoria ships out of 5 ships
between Portugal and Spain, pope return to spain. Ships: Trinidad,
Alexander vi established an imaginary Santiago, Victoria, Concepción, and San
"line of demarcation" in the Atlantic Antonio.
ocean na nag ddivide sa lupa na pag
aari ng spain and portugal. West part of HERNANDO CORTEZ
Europe is for Spain and the east is for - A conquistador who overthrew the
Portugal, which is lugi sila since nasa aztecs empire and won Mexico for the
spain ang new world. crown of spain.
But soon revised as "treaty of tordesillas"
since may poot ng portugal sa unang treaty na HENRY HUDSON
mas pabor sa spain monarchs. Sa "treaty of - explored what is now known as the
tordesillas" napunta sa portugal ang brazil and Hudson River, Hudson Bay, and Hudson
the rest ng america is sa Spain. Strait.


- discovered that the new world was not a - the first European to discover Tasmania
part of asia but rather a new continent and confirm Australia as an island
that is why the map maker labeled the continent.
new continent with the name of
Vespucci from latin (America) HERNANDO DE SOTO
- the first European to discover the
JUAN PONCE DE LEON Mississippi River.
- Known for searching the "fountain of
youth" , a magical water capable of JAZQUES CARTIER
reversing the aging process and curing - Discovery of st. lawrence
- His discovery of Florida. FRANCISCO PIZZARO
- Conquering the Incas and executing
VASCO NUNEZ DE BALBOA their leader Atahuapia.
- A settler in Hispaniola (Haiti and __________________________________
Dominican rep. today) went to look for COLONIAL AMERICA UNDER BRITISH
gold and soon established a settlement PARLIAMENT.
known today as panama. - Government: parliamentary colonies
- Crossed the narrow isthmus of panama have their representatives or
and became the first European to see assemblies. / constitutional monarchy.
the Pacific ocean/"the great south Led by the prime minister but the 13
sea" - 13 colonies had more freedom than the
British subjects in UK dahil sa location.
FERDINAND MAGELLAN And because of having their own
- Successfully circumnavigated the globe. assemblies the British assume that they
- Magellan strait/ strait of magellan. can govern themselves and only
Located in the tip of South America It. intervene if necessary.
The most important natural passage - 13 colonies under the British parliament.
between the Pacific and Atlantic - Reasons for establishing colony:
Oceans. seeking wealth.
- ANTONIO PIGAFETTA- His literary Expansion of territory/economy.
work represents a bridge that brought Religion.
knowledge of the Philippines to Europe. - Reasons for failed colony:
He served as Magellan's assistant until Starvation, diseases, hardships,
Magellan's death in the Philippine battles with the natives.
Islands, and kept an accurate journal.
Reasons for revolution of this thirteen representatives or mga
colonies also known as "British subjects. assembly.
- Administration of justice act
Because of the 7 years of wars against france. batas na kung saan if nagkasala
Even if the British have won it cost them so ang isang British officials sa
much debt that they seek other ways to still British government siya ittrial.
sustain their military powers and subjects. They Colonies saw it as an unfairly
provide laws that increase taxes of the 13 act also known as (murder act)
colonies that soon will revolt and gain their - Quartering act same lng sa
independence unang batas na pagpapatuloy
sa mga british soldiers sa mga
● The British laws imposed on the bahay ng colonies na mas
thirteen colonies lalong nagpapahirap sa kanila.
- Navigation Act 1660-1663 - This act - Quebec act - limitation for the
was for the limitation of trade of the colonies expansion of their
thirteen colonies to the other European settlement.
countries other than British England. So
basically it gives colonies trade Important People During American
restrictions. Revolution
- Proclamation act of 1763
This act prohibited the colonies from THOMAS PAINE
moving and expanding their settlements THOMAS JEFFERSON
on the newly acquired territory after the SAMUEL ADAMS
war with France allowing the British to
still control them easily. GEORGE WASHINGTON
- Sugar act increases tax on everyday
- Quartering act
Requiring colonies to house British
soldiers para mabawasan ang pondo na
nilalaan ng british sa mga soldiers
- Stamp acts lahat ng newspaper, ________________________________
documents is may dagdag na tax. Other;
- Townshend acts
Increase tax on imported goods. Feudalism was a social and political system in
- Tea act - British granting east india medieval Europe where land was granted by a
company to sell tea in america. Colonies lord in exchange for loyalty and military service.
see this as a threat. Nagpanggap silng
natives or indian then tinapon nila ang Mercantilism was an economic system during
tea sa boston port known as "boston tea the Age of Exploration and Navigation where
party" nations sought to increase their wealth and
- Intolerable coercive acts dagdag power by accumulating precious metals and
batas na ipinasa ng British Parliament controlling trade. Exporting more than importing.
para parusahan ang colonies dahil na
din sa boston tea party. Scholasticism was a philosophical and
- Boston port act hindi theological system in medieval Europe that
magagamit ang port if di sought to reconcile faith and reason, often
nababayaran ng Massachusetts through the interpretation of religious texts.
colonies ang mga sinayang na
luxury goods or tea. Manorialism was an economic system centered
- Massachusetts government around the manor, an estate controlled by a lord,
act dagdag na government and the labor of peasants who worked the land.
officials na galing sa English
parliament para mas makontrol
ang colonies and humina ang

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