Bollu, P. C., & Sahota, P. 2017

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science of Medicine

Sleep and Parkinson Disease

by Pradeep C. Bollu, MD & Pradeep Sahota, MD

Patients with Parkinson Abstract institutionalization2. Prevalence

disease can have a range Sleep disorders are prevalent of sleep problems in PD can vary
of sleep disorders that in Parkinson disease (PD), a anywhere from 50%3 to 81%4,5.
can affect not just the disease with well recognized Although nighttime sleep impairment
quality of sleep but also motor dysfunction. Sleep and excessive daytime sleepiness
related problems received little were reported first, other sleep-
the quality of life.
attention until the last three related problems in PD received little
decades. Sleep disorders seen attention until the last three decades.
in PD patients include insomnia, In this review article, we will discuss
excessive sleepiness, restless legs the sleep-related issues in Parkinson
syndrome, REM sleep behavior disease.
disorder. Some of these can have
significant impact and lower the Sleep-Wake Architectural
quality of life in these patients. Differences and
An understanding of sleep Circadian Variation of
issues in PD can help identify Symptoms in Parkinson Disease
them early and result in optimal With increasing understanding
management. and analysis of sleep in PD, sleep
architectural abnormalities are
reported in this patient population.
Compared to healthy controls,
Parkinson disease (PD) is a
PD patients have reduced total
neurodegenerative disorder first
sleep time6. Sleep fragmentation
described by James Parkinson in is a consistent finding and may be
his ‘ Essay on Shaking Palsy’1. It has seen early during the disease7. Sleep
predominant motor dysfunction. fragmentation is also a common
Its prevalence increases with age. finding in other neurodegenerative
In his description, Parkinson briefly disorders8. Sleep efficiency is reduced
mentioned the sleep disturbances with increased amount of WASO
seen in the terminal stages of PD. (Wakefulness After Sleep Onset).
He described severe exhaustion and Nocturnal arousals are common
extreme sleepiness. Though motor complaint in PD patients. Up to 80%
symptoms dominate initially, the of PD patients report two to five
patients start experiencing non-motor nocturnal awakenings9. Coexisting
symptoms as the disease advances. problems like benign prostatic
These include: dysautonomia hypertrophy, diuretic usage, etc., may
(constipation, erectile dysfunction, further worsen this. Some studies
impaired heat regulation, etc.), mood report increased amount of Rapid
disorders (anxiety, depression) and Eye Movement (REM) sleep with
sleep problems. shortened onset to REM especially
Pradeep C. Bollu, MD, (top), and Pradeep
Sahota, MD, FAAN, (below), MSMA member Sleep disturbances in PD are with coexisting depression10.
since 2003, are both in the Department of numerous, multifactorial, and Increased alpha activity has been
Neurology, University of Missouri School of
result in a significant morbidity noted in drug naive patients with
Contact: even contributing to earlier Parkinson disease.

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People with PD may show circadian variation of their is common and seen in up to 50% of PD population17.
symptoms11. Some feel better in the morning while some Identification of mood disorders should be part of
may feel worse. A small proportion may not have this evaluation of PD patients. Coexisting depression and
circadian variation9. However, studies analyzing changes in anxiety can result in sleep fragmentation and early
the circadian rhythm in Parkinson disease population did morning awakenings10. Addressing and alleviating
not find any differences between patients and controls. One depression and anxiety in these patients can improve
study showed increased melatonin secretion in patients with the day time functioning and help with the night time
significant tremor compared to patients with just akinesia or insomnia.
rigidity. Treatment with levodopa is reported to cause phase Pain disorders cause sleep disruption and insomnia
advance of the nocturnal melatonin secretion12. and increased prevalence of pain in PD patients may
Medications used in PD can also affect sleep negatively impact sleep. Approximately 46% of patients
architecture. Levodopa can result in REM suppression with PD report chronic pain18. Nocturnal limb dystonia
and increased REM latency6,13. Levodopa can also block (discussed below) can also result in early morning
REM rebound following REM sleep deprivation14. awakening.
Dopamine receptors agonists can also suppress REM
sleep. Anticholinergic drugs can increase REM latency and Sleep-Disordered Breathing in PD
suppress REM sleep15. Similar REM sleep suppression is Sleep-related breathing disorders include
noted with Mono-Amine Oxidase Inhibitors and Catechol- obstructive sleep apnea, central sleep apnea, sleep-
O-Methyl Transferase inhibitors. Deep brain stimulation of related hypoventilation, and sleep-related hypoxemia.
subthalamic nucleus was shown to improve total sleep time A high incidence of central and obstructive apnea
and sleep efficiency and reduction in WASO16. is found in moderate to severe PD19 as compared to
early stages19,20. Several factors may be contributory
Insomnia including rigidity, diaphragmatic dyskinesias, abnormal
Insomnia is persistent difficulty with sleep initiation, movement of glottis-supraglottic structures, and stridor.
duration, consolidation, or quality occurring despite These in conjunction with increased tone in upper
adequate opportunity/circumstances for sleep and resulting airways increase the likelihood of obstructive sleep
in daytime impairment. Daytime symptoms include fatigue, apnea21-23. Sleep disordered breathing can cause chronic
mood issues, irritability, malaise, and cognitive impairment. sleep deprivation and is a risk factor for cardiovascular
Some patients with insomnia may also experience physical and cerebrovascular disease. Untreated sleep apnea
symptoms like muscle tension, palpitations, and headache. can result in sleep deprivation with daytime sleepiness,
Under the international classification of sleep disorders, fatigue, early morning headaches, poor concentration,
insomnia with PD is categorized as “Insomnia due to a etc.
Medical condition.” Female sex, disease duration, and Treatment of sleep disordered breathing depends
presence of depression are associated with higher risk of on the type of the disorder. Obstructive sleep apnea is
insomnia in PD patients17. treated with Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) therapies,
A variety of reasons are proposed for insomnia in mandibular advancement devices, positional therapy,
PD. Insomnia is more prevalent in elderly and PD is and surgery in select cases. Treatment of central sleep
a disease, typically of elderly. Inadequately controlled apnea involves addressing the causative factors, advanced
motor symptoms can interfere with sleep initiation and PAP therapies, and in some cases, respiratory stimulants
maintenance. Associated Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) can like acetazolamide. Hypoxemia disorder is treated with
result in sleep onset difficulties. Periodic leg movements supplemental oxygen while hypoventilation is treated
in sleep can cause sleep fragmentation with resulting sleep with advanced PAP therapies.
maintenance insomnia. Nocturia is another frequent
problem in elderly and can cause repeated awakenings from Parasomnias and Other Sleep-Related
sleep. This can result from prostatic issues but can also Movement Disorders
be due to dysautonomia and fluctuations in responses to Restless Legs Syndrome and Periodic Leg
medication. Movements in Sleep
Co-existing mood problems contribute to daytime Restless Legs Syndrome (Willis-Ekbom Disease) is
dysfunction and affect night sleep. In fact, depression associated with urge to move the legs due to unpleasant

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and uncomfortable sensations. These sensations begin mechanism preventing dream enactment during REM.
or worsen during periods of rest or inactivity and are However, conditions resulting in disruption of this
partially or totally relieved by movement. The symptoms protective mechanism can lead to physical enactment
occur mainly in the evening or nighttime. Sometimes, of dream content during REM26. This phenomenon is
symptoms may involve arms and very rarely, the whole called REM Sleep Behavior Disorder (RBD) 27.
body. RLS can result in significant distress to the Parkinson disease is very strongly associated with
patients. It can interfere with sleep onset and cause RBD. In fact, RBD can predate the initial motor
insomnia. Daytime fatigue and sleepiness are common symptoms by years28 and is one of the best known
associated complaints with restless leg syndrome. biomarkers for PD. RBD is present in 25-50% of
Prevalence of RLS is estimated to be 5-10% of adult PD patients and is even more frequent in multiple
population in North America. It is twice as prevalent in system atrophy and Lewy body dementia29,30. Forty
women as in men. Prevalence increases with age. Iron percent of the patients with idiopathic RBD develop a
deficiency, certain medications (sedating antihistamines, parkinsonian syndrome within a decade, and two-thirds
centrally-acting dopamine blockers, and most
within two decades31-33. Mild cognitive impairment34
antidepressants), pregnancy, chronic renal failure, and
and dysautonomia35 were seen in these patients with
prolonged immobility are associated with increased risk
idiopathic RBD.
of RLS. There is a strong familial association especially
with early onset RLS. As PD advances, higher amount of phasic muscle
Multiple studies show higher RLS prevalence in PD activity is found in both REM and NREM sleep36.
patients than in general population24. RLS profile of PD Patients experiencing RBD may have mild, low
patients, however, is different from general population. amplitude limb movements that are often overlooked.
RLS in PD tends to start relatively late, tends to be Some patients have vocalizations. These movements
milder with most patients having no family history of can be significant and violent with apparent goal
RLS25. The overall impact of RLS on PD patients seems directed behaviors that can cause injury with
modest in terms of day time sleepiness and quality of lacerations, ecchymosis and, even death37. Curiously,
life24. the motor activity in RBD appears smoother, faster and
RLS responds to dopaminergic medications stronger than the patient’s day time motor activity38.
especially agonists (pramipexole, ropinirole, Patients may report falling from their beds during the
rotigotine), already used for treatment of PD. Other night. Their bed partners may sometimes be able to
medications like gabapentin enacarbil can help understand the dream content based on the patient’s
especially in patients with coexisting neuropathy. behavior. Some episodes result in arousal from sleep.
Opioidergic medications are a second line therapy in Usually, RBD episodes do not cause significant sleep
refractory RLS cases. disruption.
Periodic limb movements are repetitive, Management includes careful history from the
stereotyped, usually lower extremity movements in patient and the spouse. The first step is to make the
sleep, and may cause sleep disruption with daytime sleeping environment safe – e.g., putting soft pads
symptoms. Symptoms associated with periodic leg
around the bed to minimize the impact of falls, using
movement disorder may result from sleep fragmentation
pillows, keeping distance from the bed partner, and
like daytime fatigue, daytime sleepiness, lack of energy
etc. Periodic leg movements in sleep can also disrupt removing sharp and potentially injurious objects. Most
the sleep of the bed partner. They are commonly common medications used in the treatment of RBD are
associated with restless legs syndrome. Melatonin and Clonazepam. They should be started at
low doses and increased if the RBD behaviors continue.
REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Morning grogginess and day time somnolence are
REM sleep is characterized by rapid eye movements common side effects (especially with clonazepam) and
and skeletal muscle atonia. Respiration is diaphragm– should be part of patient counselling. Refractory cases
based during REM sleep. Dreaming during REM sleep may require combination of both medications. Of note,
tends to be vivid and detailed, compared to vague presence of medications like Tricyclic antidepressants
content of Non-REM (NREM) sleep. Muscle atonia and Selective Serotonin Reuptake inhibitors can
is mediated by brainstem centers, pedunculopontine increase the likelihood of causing RBD episodes.
nucleus and locus ceruleus, and serves as a protective Discontinuation of these medications should be

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(like acetyl choline, dopamine,

serotonin, and norepinephrine) that
increase alertness. Reduction in some
of the same neurotransmitters is also
implicated in mood disorders seen in
PD. Recently, it has been found that
PD is associated with loss of orexin
producing neurons42,43 – same neurons
that are lost in narcolepsy. These
neurons play a critical role in alertness
and wakefulness.
In addition, medications to
treat PD may also contribute to the
EDS. Dopamine agonists (DA) have a
greater tendency to cause sleepiness
Figure 1
than Levodopa formulations. This
Increased EMG activity in the chin and the leg leads suggestive of RBD in a effect is dose dependent but it is
patient with Parkinson disease. not uncommon to see intolerable
sleepiness in some patients even with
considered, especially if there is a temporal correlation low doses. Though these medications are used for addressing
between the initiation of medication and the onset of the cardinal symptoms of PD, they may also be started to
RBD. Unlike most other motor problems of Parkinson treat RLS in this patient population. DAs may cause sleep
disease, RBD does not respond to dopaminergic therapy. See attacks, which are episodes of sudden onset of irresistible
Figure 1. sleep out of a relative alert state. These can be dangerous
and potentially result in accidents and injuries, and should
Nocturnal Limb Dystonia always be inquired in PD patients on dopaminergic therapy.
Limb dystonia may occur in the affected limb during They were first reported in eight patients taking non-ergot
the night as off phenomenon and can be painful. Painful dopamine agonists at high doses44. Sleepiness in PD has
extension of the great toe called ‘Striatal toe’ is an ‘off been found to increase with the duration of dopaminergic
phenomenon’ and happens as the concentration of Levodopa therapy40.
declines during the night. It can cause early morning Though sleep attacks are less likely with Levodopa
awakenings. Addition of long-acting Levodopa/ Carbidopa formulations45, they may happen. Amantadine, another
formulation or a dopamine agonist (which typically tends to medication used in managing Parkinson disease, may be
have a longer effect than Levodopa formulations) can help. associated with sleepiness. Amantadine has both anti-NMDA
and anti-cholinergic properties along with dopaminergic
Excessive Daytime Sleepiness activity. Antagonism of acetyl-choline appears to be the
Excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) is a common main reason for increased sleepiness caused by amantadine.
problem in PD patients. Up to one-third of the patients Tolerance to amantadine gradually decreases as people get
can have disabling sleepiness39. The incidence of excessive older.
sleepiness increases as the disease advances40 and can have Another reason for daytime sleepiness is nocturnal sleep
a significant impact on the quality of life measures in PD fragmentation causing chronic sleep deprivation. Insomnia
patients. Early recognition and appropriate management is may also contribute to daytime sleepiness and fatigue. Some
very important. See Figure 2. patients may also have irregular sleep-wake routine causing
There are multiple potential reasons for increased sleepiness during the day and insomnia at night.
sleepiness in Parkinson disease. Based on the analysis of the Clinicians should have a high index of suspicion for
PSG data, Arnulf et al. suggested sleepiness as an integral EDS. Addressing the EDS can sometimes be challenging.
part of neurodegeneration in PD41. Neurodegenerative The dopaminergic medications that are helping the
disorders in general tend to have EDS as a common patient in alleviating the motor symptoms may be causing
feature. This is thought to be due to involvement of alerting sleepiness. It is important to establish the temporal
mechanisms and reduction in the levels of neurotransmitters relationship between increased sleepiness and the initiation

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of medication before the Figure 2 causing sleep onset insomnia,

It is important to establish the temporal relationship between
medication changes are increased sleepiness and the initiation of medication before the medications may have to be
planned. Younger patients medication changes are planned. used to address the symptoms
tend to tolerate DAs during sleep wake transition.
better than older patients. Sometimes, patients may also
When DAs are intolerable, degeneration due
to the disease
experience bothersome tremor
levodopa formulations when they get up in the middle
should be introduced for of the night. A long acting
symptomatic treatment of dopaminergic agent may help
PD symptoms. Sometimes, to address this issue. In some
tremors may not respond Sleepiness patients, the tremor improves
to dopaminergic therapy Medical in Medications
during the morning hours
and require anti-cholinergic comorbidities
Parkinson suggesting a beneficial effect of
agents. Sleepiness from disease sleep on tremor.
anti-cholinergics may Similar to tremor, other
limit their use and in fact, features of PD like rigidity
centrally-acting anti- and bradykinesia can cause
cholinergics are usually Other associated discomfort to the patients
sleep disorders
intolerable when used in causing sleep
and sleep initiation problems.
adult patients making their privation
Other motor abnormalities
use very rare (the exception described in PD patients
is amantadine which is include increased muscle
commonly used). At times, tone, simple and complex
patients can’t tolerate any of the symptomatic treatments movements, repeated blinking, blepharospasm at the onset
due to disabling sleepiness, and DBS can be explored as an of REM sleep, and prolonged tonic contractions of limb
option in this select group. Appropriate patient selection for muscles during NREM sleep48.
DBS is beyond the scope of this paper.
Dreaming in Parkinson Disease
Other Miscellaneous Sleep-Related Issues Parkinson disease patients on dopaminergic therapy
Sweating in Parkinson Disease report higher prevalence of dreams that are intense,
Thermoregulary and sweating disturbances are well unpleasant, frightening, and recurrent as compared to
recognized in PD patients. The disturbances in sweating controls. Nightmares and nocturnal vocalizations are
can be both hypo- and hyperhidrosis, and are related to reported and increased with treatment. Patients who
the spectrum of dysautonomia seen in this disease. Up to
experience altered dreams frequently hallucinate and vice
two-thirds of the patients with PD report a problem with
versa9,49. It has been suggested that a kindling mechanism
sweating and this can have a considerable impact on the
quality of life in PD patients. This may trouble the patients consisting of progressive mesolimbic dopamine receptor
at night causing discomfort and arousals from sleep. Both hypersensitivity might be the reason for this strong
central and peripheral mechanisms are thought to be association50.
Tremor and Other Motor Symptoms Patients with PD can have a range of sleep disorders.
of Parkinson Disease in Sleep They may be a feature of the disease process, result
The resting tremor of PD usually ceases with the
of other motor and non-motor symptoms, related to
onset of stage I sleep. Even when it persists, the amplitude
of the tremor is typically reduced in sleep by up to 50%, medications, or represent a primary sleep disorder.
compared to waking level47. However, it may result in sleep They can affect not just the quality of sleep but also the
onset insomnia in some people. Unlike essential tremor quality of life in patients with PD. Their recognition and
which is predominantly an action tremor, PD tremor is appropriate treatment can play a vital role in the overall
predominantly at rest. If the tremor is bothering the patient management and functioning of patients with PD.

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