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Question 1: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on

your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each
of the numbered blanks.
In addition to the challenge to be excellent, American schools have been
facing novel problems. They must (1) ______ with an influx of immigrant
children, many of whom speak little or no English. They must respond to
demands (2) ______ the curriculum reflect the various cultures of all children.
Schools must make sure that students develop (3) ______ skills for the job
market, and they must consider the needs of nontraditional students, such as
teenage mothers. Schools are (4) ______these problems in ways that reflect
the diversity of the US educational system. They are hiring or training large
numbers of teachers of English (5) ______ a second language and, in some
countries, setting up bilingual schools. They are opening (6) ______ the
traditional European-centered curriculum to embrace material from American,
Asian, and other cultures. Schools are also teaching cognitive skills to the (7)
______40 percent of American students who do not go on to higher education.
In the (8) ______ of a recent report by the Commission on Achieving Necessary
Skills, - A strong back, the willingness to work, and a high school diploma were
once all that was necessary to (9) ______ a start in America. They are no
longer. A well-developed mind, a continued willingness to learn and the ability
to put knowledge to work are the new keys (10) ______ the future of our
young people, the success of our business, and the economic well-being of the
(Extracted from Info USA-CD Version)
1. A. do B. stay C. fight D. cope
2. A. that B. who C. whether D. what
3. A. base B. basis C. basic D. basics
4. A. addressing B. delivering C. distributing D. discharging
5. A. as B. from C. with D. like
6. A. on B. into C. for D. up
7. A. slightly B. mostly C. fairly D. nearly
8. A. minds B. directions C. words D. ways
9. A. make B. take C. get D. bring
10. A. to B. at C. in D. for

Question 2: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on

your answer sheet to indicate the best answer for each question.
Although great natural barriers hindered east-west development in
Canada, this circumstance was mitigated by the mighty river and lake systems
that provided avenues for the fur trader, missionary, soldier, and settler.
Canada's rivers and lakes allowed and, indeed, invited venturesome pioneers
to explore the interior of the continent and in spite of natural barriers, to tap
its great wealth. The rivers and lakes were essential to the great fur empire;
people in canoes brought furs from the farthest extremity of the Canadian
Shield to Montreal for exportation to Europe. The first settlements spread
along the rivers, since only the rivers provided transportation and
communication. Militarily, rivers and lakes were of prime importance; whoever
controlled the St. Lawrence and its entrance also controlled Canada.
11. What is the main subject of the passage?
(A) The barriers to east-west communication in Canada
(B) The role of rivers and lakes in Canadian development
(C) The adventures of Canadian settlers
(D) The development of the Canadian fur empire
12. Which would be an example of the type of barrier the author refers to in
line 1?
(A) A military fort (B) An ancient feud
(C) A political border (D) A mountain range
13. According to the passage, rivers and lakes were important in the fur trade
(A) habitats for fur-bearing animals (B) sources of water
(C) transportation routes (D) natural fortifications
14. In line 6, the word "extremity" means
(A) a limb of the body (B) a severe measure
(C) the greatest degree (D) the most distant part
15. According to the passage, what pattern of expansion did the first
settlements follow?
(A) They moved directly from east to west.
(B) They advanced along the Canadian Shield.
(C) They followed the course of the rivers.
(D) They spread around the perimeter of lakes.
16. The author uses the example of the St. Lawrence mainly to illustrate the
role of rivers and lakes in
(A) urban settlement (B) economic development
(C) agricultural research (D) military control
17. In the passage, the author pays LEAST attention to the work of
(A) traders (B) missionaries
(C) soldiers (D) settlers

Question 3: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on

your answer sheet to indicate the best answer for each question.
Stars have been significant features in the design of many United States
coins and their number has varied from one to forty-eight stars. Most of the
coins issued from about 1799 to the early years of the twentieth century bore
thirteen stars representing the thirteen original colonies.
Curiously enough, the first American silver coins, issued in, 1794, had
fifteen stars because by that time Vermont and Kentucky had joined the Union.
At that time it was apparently the intention of mint officials to add a star for
each new state. Following the admission of Tennessee in 1796, for example,
some varieties of half dimes, dimes, and half-dollars were produced with
sixteen stars.
As more states were admitted to the Union, however, it quickly became
apparent that this scheme would not prove practical and the coins from 1798
on were issued with only thirteen stars-one for each of the original colonies.
Due to an error at the mint, one variety of the 1828 half cent was issued with
only twelve stars. There is also a variety of the large cent with only 12 stars,
but this is the result of a die break and is not a true error.
18. What is the main topic of the passage?
(A) The teaching of astronomy in state universities
(B) Stars on American coins
(C) Colonial stamps and coins
(D) The star as national symbol of the United States
19. The word "their" in line 2 refers to
(A) stars (B) features (C) coins (D) colonies
20. The word "bore" in line 3 is closest in meaning to which of the following?
(A) Carried (B) Drilled (C) Cost (D)
21. The expression “Curiously enough” is used in line 5 because the author
finds it strange that
(A) silver coins with fifteen stars appeared before coins with thirteen
(B) Vermont and Kentucky joined the Union in 1794
(C) no silver coins were issue until 1794
(D) Tennessee was the first state to use half dimes
22. Which of the following can be inferred about the order in which Kentucky,
Tennessee, and Vermont joined the Union?
(A) Vermont and Kentucky joined at the same time.
(A) Kentucky joined before Tennessee and Vermont.
(C) Tennessee joined after Vermont and Kentucky.
(D) Vermont joined after Tennessee and Kentucky.
23. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the denomination of an
American coin?
(A) Half cent (B) Half nickel (C) Half dime (D) Half-
24. Why was a coin produced in 1828 with only twelve stars?
(A) There were twelve states at the time. (B) There was a change in design
(C) Tennessee had left the Union. (D) The mint made a mistake.

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