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Al-Masirah Media Propaganda on the Coverage of Maritime Conflict Between Houthis

and Israel-American-Allies

Imam Pratomo
Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga


The maritime conflict between the Houthis and the Israeli-American-Allies in the Red Sea, Gulf of
Aden and Indian Ocean is not limited to the battlefield. The conflict involves psychological warfare
through news media affiliated with both sides using propaganda. This research aims to find facts about
propaganda carried out by Houthi-affiliated media, namely Al-Masirah media, to see how Al-
Masirah's propaganda war was carried out among the massive western media propaganda against the
Houthis. The method used in this research uses a qualitative descriptive method that analyzes the
phenomenon of propaganda by describing agenda setting, types of propaganda and propaganda
techniques in the news. The results showed that there were 6 agenda settings set by Al-Masirah media.
1) The Yemeni military operation as a form of solidarity with Gaza, 2) Yemen is growing rapidly in
military strength, 3) The prowess of the Yemeni Armed Forces recognized by the enemy, 4) The
failure of the enemy, 5) The blockade and Yemeni military attacks resulted in the economic decline of
the enemy, 6) The labeling of America, Britain and Israel as an evil trio. While the type of propaganda
used in the form of white propaganda amounted to 66.6% and black propaganda amounted to 33.3%.
This shows that Al-Masirah media still prioritizes news sources and clear news objectives. The
propaganda techniques used by Al-Masirah media from 6 agenda setting found are 3 testimonials, 1
plain folks, 1 card stacking and 1 name calling. The dominance of testimonial techniques shows that
the propaganda text comes from the words of other figures or media.
Keywords: propaganda, agenda setting, propaganda techniques

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Introduction have featured the maritime conflict between the

The Houthis have been blockading and Houthis and Israeli-American-allies in their

attacking Israeli-allied shipping entities in the headlines. However, often the news-making

Red Sea since November 19, 2023 as an act of process will be influenced by the different

solidarity with Gaza and vowed to continue cultural and political perspectives of each

their actions until Israeli aggression stops media and result in a more prominent framing

against Gaza.1 of events.5 It is also not uncommon for the

media to use propaganda in reporting conflicts
The U.S. responded on December 18, 2023 and wars. This is because media involvement in
by forming a group the Multinational Security international conflicts and crises is ideological.6
Initiative comprising the UK, Bahrain, Canada,
France, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, The western media propagandizes that the

Seychelles, and Spain for the purpose of Houthis are a rebel or terrorist group of Iranian

securing the Red Sea region.2 proxies and get weapons from them. Although
Iran has repeatedly denied its involvement in
January 12, 2024 aggressive US-UK the Red Sea conflict. Meanwhile, Houthi-
attacks on Houthi sites in the Yemeni region affiliated media outlet Al-Masirah uses the term
with airstrikes. This was done in an attempt to Yemeni Armed Forces (‫)القوات المسلحة اليمنية‬. This
stop the Houthi blockade and attacks on ships propaganda was carried out as an attempt to
in the Red Sea. neutralize that the blockade and maritime
attacks were in solidarity with the official
The actions of the Houthis and the
Yemeni government, not a group that coupled
American-allied response have escalated the
the government.
maritime conflict in the Red Sea region, which
has now extended to the Gulf of Aden and the Propaganda is defined by psychologist
Indian Ocean. This conflict has caused Leonard Dobb as a planned campaign with
obstruction to maritime navigation, which carefully thought-out messages and signals for
affects the stability of the world economy and the purpose of leading ordinary people to a
international trade. So, many media outlets
“‫ عمليات أم الرشراش وسفن ومدمرات أمريكية وبريطانية‬6 ‫ القوات المسلحة تستهدف بـ‬..‫إهداء لغزة‬,” Al Masirah, 26 Maret 2024.
Michael Callahan dan Haley Britzky, “Austin announces US-led security operation focusing on Red Sea, Gulf of Aden
after Houthi attacks on commercial shipping,” Cnn, Desember 2023.
Dan Sabbagh dan Julian Borger, “US and UK strike Houthi sites in Yemen in response to ‘unprecedented’ attacks,” The
Guardian, 12 Januari 2024.
Davide Montagner, “What will be the impact of the Red Sea attacks on the global economy?,” The Banker, 29 Januari
Oludele Akinloye Akinboade, Yunus Heske, dan Victor Sannyboy Molobi, “Russia-Ukraine War of 2022: A Descriptive
Content Analysis of War News Report Framing by America’s New York Post, China’s Global Times and South Africa’s The
Citizen,” Athens Journal of Mass Media and Communications 9, no. 4 (Oktober 2023): 230,
Hasmah Zanuddin dan Wesam Almahallawi, “Media Framing Approach of Israelis and Palestinian Conflict,” The
European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences, t.t., 683,
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planned conclusion.7 Propaganda in the news is United States Department of Justice to block
very important for the government and the websites related to Iranian disinformation
media during conflict or war situations to set activities. Among them are Iran's Al-Alam and
agenda setting.8 the Houthis' Al-Masirah.12

This research will focus on Al-Masirah As explained in Hannah Potter's research

media propaganda in the coverage of the above that propaganda has the aim of setting
maritime conflict between the Houthis and the the agenda, this research will analyze how the
Israeli-American-Allied Forces. The reason for forms of agenda setting are set in Al-Masirah
choosing Al-Masirah media is to find out how media propaganda and describe how the types
the propaganda response to the coverage of of propaganda and propaganda techniques used.
maritime conflicts in the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden
Agenda setting is the process of mass
and Indian Ocean by Houthi-affiliated media
media presenting certain issues frequently and
among the dominance of Western media
prominently. So, that most people consider
propaganda which is quite massive in the
these issues more important than other issues.13
international media world.
According to McCombs, agenda setting is not
For the Houthis, psychological warfare has the result of a journalist's evil plan to control
been used by their enemies both regional and people's minds, but an unintentional by-product
international enemies. Therefore, the Houthis of the need to focus the news.14 This thinking
use the media as a counterweight to Saudi, departs from newspapers, magazines, radio and
American and Israeli propaganda.9 television which have limited space and time,
so only a small part of the news can be
Al-Masirah is a Houthi-owned media outlet
published. It is this editing process that is
operating from South Beirut and the director is
guided by agreed professional news values.
named Ibrahim Duleimi.10 The Iranian armed
network had a role in structuring Al-Masirah Propaganda in the agenda setting has
media which went on air in 2012 with technical several types based on its content and purpose
assistance from Hezbollah's Al-Manar media. 11 according to Jacques Ellul. First, white
These connections and affiliations have led the propaganda is propaganda that aims to
Safaa Saıd, “The propaganda in new media,"The Israeli propagandist discourse in digital media toward Arab public in the
Middle East"” (Turki, Institute of Social Sciences-Kocaeli University, 2020).
Aaron Hyzen dan Hilde Van den Bulck, “‘Putin’s War of Choice’: U.S. Propaganda and the Russia–Ukraine Invasion,”
MDPI Journalism and Media 5, no. 1 (2024): 236,
Hannah Porter, “A Battle of Hearts and Minds: The Growing Media Footprint of Yemen’s Houthis,” Gulf International
Forum, 1 Juni 2020,
Sami Moubayed, “Houthis’ visit to Beirut stirs division and controversy,” The Arab Weekly, 9 September 2018,
Eleonora Ardemagni, “Houthis and Iran: A War Time Alliance,” ISPI Italian Institute for International Political Studies,
22 Maret 2023,
“US blocks websites linked to Iranian disinformation including Press TV and Houthi’s Al-Masirah,” Arabs News, 22
Juni 2021,
Karin Wahl-Jorgensen dan Thomas Hanitzsch, The Handbook of Journalism Studies (New York: Routledge, 2009).
M. McCombs, Setting the agenda: The mass media and public opinion (Cambridge: Polity Press, 2004).
PAGE 4 | Al-Fathin Vol. x Edisi xx tahun
influence the public with known intentions and enemy targets, as well as the continuation of
goals. This propaganda uses news that includes the decision to prevent Israeli navigation or
sources so that it presents accurate information those heading to the occupied ports until the
even though it may have the aim of distorting Israeli aggression and siege on Gaza stop”
facts. Second, black propaganda is propaganda
The type of propaganda above is white
that hides its purpose, identity and source. So,
propaganda because the news text is produced
that people do not realize that something is
through a clear source, namely (‫القــوات المســلحة‬
trying to influence them and push them in a
‫ )اليمنية‬the Yemeni Armed Forces and includes a
certain direction. Sometimes this propaganda
clear goal of stopping Israeli aggression and the
uses other sources or other than real sources,
siege on Gaza. The propaganda technique used
false sources of authority and sometimes
is the plain folk technique. Propagandists or
spreads lies, falsification and deception.15
people who make propaganda try to convince
As propaganda develops, the Institute for their audience that the Yemeni Armed Forces
Propaganda Analysis (IPA) has recognized of 7 are part of Gazan society and their military
propaganda techniques that are popularly used. operations in solidarity with the Gaza
It is name calling, glittering generality, transfer, mujahideen. The conclusion is that Al-Masirah
testimonial, plain folks, card stacking and is trying to make propaganda by normalizing
bandwagon.16 the military operations that have been carried
out by the Yemeni Armed Forces to Gaza
As for some of the agenda setting that is
which is being invaded by Israel.
repeatedly narrated by Al-Masirah media in the
news of the maritime conflict between the The phenomenon existence of propaganda
Houthis and the Israeli-American-Allied Forces in Al-Masirah media in reporting the maritime
are. conflict between the Houthis and the Israeli-
American-Allied forces is still unknown and
،‫وأهدت القوات المسلحة اليمنية عملياتهــا للمجاهــدين في غــزة‬
needs to be researched through the propaganda
‫ وكــذلك‬،‫مؤكدة استمرارها في ضرب كافــة األهــداف المعاديــة‬
theories described above.
‫استمرار قرار منع المالحة اإلسرائيلية أو المتجهة إلى المــوانئ‬
‫المحتلة حتى وقف العدوان ورفع الحصار عن غزة‬.17 Methods
This research is a descriptive qualitative
“The Yemeni Armed Forces dedicated their that collects data and information about existing
operations to the Mujahideen in Gaza, they phenomena according to the circumstances at the
emphasized that they will continue to attack all time the research was conducted.18 This research
Jacques Ellul, Propaganda The Formation of Men’s Attitudes, Translated from the French by Konrad Kellen and Jean
Lerner (New York: Vintage Books, 1973), hal. 15-16.
Alfred Mc Clung Lee dan Elizabeth Briant Lee, The fine art of propaganda: A study of father Coughlin’s speeches, 1 ed.
(New York: Hardcourt, Brace and Company, 1939), hal 22-25.
“‫ عمليــات أم الرشــراش وســفن ومــدمرات أمريكيــة وبريطانيــة‬6 ‫ القــوات المســلحة تســتهدف بـ‬..‫إهــداء لغــزة‬,” Al Masirah, 26 Maret 2024,
Suharsimi Arikunto, Manajemen Penelitian (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2006).
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looks at the phenomenon of Al-Masirah media agenda setting, propaganda types and
propaganda affiliated with the Houthis as a propaganda techniques.
sociocultural practice that influences the Agenda setting describes how Al-
production of information texts on the news of Masirah chooses a topical issue to be raised and
the maritime conflict between the Houthis and published regularly. The data was taken through
the Israeli-American-Allied Forces. observation and careful reading in the news of
This research data is in the form of the maritime conflict between the Houthis and
words, phrases and sentences from news texts the Israeli- American-Allied forces in the March
obtained from two sources. First is the primary and April 2024 editions.
source obtained from the news of the maritime The type of propaganda describes how
conflict between the Houthis and the Israeli- the type of propaganda Al-Masirah uses in
American- Allies in the Al-Masirah media site setting the agenda. This will illustrate how per March and April 2024. propaganda is made with soft or aggressive.
The second is secondary data in the form of Next is to describe propaganda
library materials related to research issues such techniques based on propaganda techniques that
as information, scientific journals, scientific have been recognized by the IPA. The first
articles, news, state and private archives. propaganda technique is name calling, which is
The object of research in this study is giving an idea a bad label in order to make the
divided into two, formal objects and material audience condemn and reject the idea without
objects. The formal object of this research is having to check the evidence. The second is
media propaganda, while the material object is glittering generality, which is associating
the coverage of the maritime conflict between something with a "good word" in order to make
the Houthis and the Israeli-American-Allied the audience accept and agree with something
forces in Al-Masirah media. without having to check the evidence. Third is
The method used in data collection uses transfer, which is bringing authority, sanction
the method of listening and recording. After the and something revered or respected to something
data is obtained from the Al-Masirah website, else such as leading to disapproval or rejection.
the data will be displayed based on agenda Fourth is testimonial, which is bringing the
setting or propaganda topics followed by words of someone who is respected or hated
analysis of propaganda types and propaganda stating that a certain idea, program, product or
techniques. person is good or bad. Fifth is plain folks, where
a speaker tries to convince the audience that an
Results and Discussion
Al-Masirah media propaganda analysis in idea is good, because he or she comes from that

the coverage of the maritime conflict between society. Sixth is card stacking, which is the

the Houthis and the Israeli-American-Allied selection and use of false facts or logical or

forces was carried out by observing 3 aspects, illogical statements to give the best or worst
possible outcome to an idea, program, person or
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product. Seventh is the bandwagon, which is the .‫غزة‬
"everyone or at least we all do”. The
“The Yemeni Armed Forces dedicated their
propagandist tries to convince the audience that
operations to the Mujahideen in Gaza, they
all members of a particular group accept his
emphasized that they will continue to attack
program and that the audience should follow the
all enemy targets, as well as the continuation
of the decision to prevent Israeli navigation
The following are the findings of Al-
or those heading to occupied ports until
Masirah's agenda setting and its description.
Israeli aggression and the siege on Gaza
cease.” (paragraph 7)
1) Yemen military operation in solidarity
with Gaza The type of propaganda above is white
Al-Masirah media made propaganda propaganda. The news text is produced
with an agenda setting that stated the military through a clear source from (‫القــوات المســلحة‬
operations carried out by the Yemeni Armed ‫ )اليمنية‬the Yemeni Armed Forces and includes
Forces were in support and solidarity with a clear goal of stopping Israeli aggression and
Gaza which was experiencing military the siege on Gaza.
aggression by Israel. This narrative is often The propaganda technique used is the
found in almost every news coverage of the plain folks technique. Propagandists or people
Yemeni Armed Forces' military operations. who make propaganda, it is Al-Masirah, try to
The data obtained related to the repetition of convince their audience that the Yemeni
the agenda setting narrative above amounted Armed Forces are part of the people of Gaza
to 6 news reports. The following is who are oppressed by Israeli military
one of the agenda setting narratives contained aggression and their military operations are
in the Al-Masirah media coverage. dedicated or as a form of solidarity with the
،‫وأهدت القوات المسلحة اليمنية عملياتها للمجاهدين في غزة‬ Gaza mujahideen. Thus creating an
‫ وكــذلك‬،‫مؤكدة استمرارها في ضرب كافة األهداف المعادية‬ atmosphere that Yemen is part of the people
‫اســتمرار قــرار منــع المالحــة اإلســرائيلية أو المتجهــة إلى‬ of Gaza.
‫المــوانئ المحتلــة حــتى وقــف العــدوان ورفــع الحصــار عن‬
2) Yemen is rapidly growing in military
Alfred Mc Clung Lee dan Elizabeth Briant Lee, The fine art of propaganda: A study of father Coughlin’s speeches, 1 ed.
(New York: Hardcourt, Brace and Company, 1939), hal 23-24.
“ ‫ سفن صهيونية وأمريكية في البحر األحمر والمحيط الهندي‬5 ‫اليمن يحظر المالحة اإلسرائيلية عبر المحيط الهندي ويستهدف‬,” Al Masirah, 15 Maret
“‫ ســـفن بريطانيـــة وصـــهيونية‬3 ‫ عمليـــات عســـكرية ضـــد فرقاطـــات أمريكيـــة و‬5 ‫القـــوات المســـلحة تنفـــذ‬,” Al Masirah, 7 April 2024,
“‫ عمليــات أم الرشــراش وســفن ومــدمرات أمريكيــة وبريطانيــة‬6 ‫ القــوات المســلحة تســتهدف بـ‬..‫إهــداء لغــزة‬,” Al Masirah, 26 Maret 2024,
“‫القــوات المســلحة تســتهدف ســفينة أمريكيــة في البحــر األحمــر وتضــرب أهــدافا صــهيونية في أم الرشــراش‬,” Al Masirah, 19 Maret 2024,
“‫أنباء عن إصابة سفينة جديدة للعدو في البحر األحمر‬,” Al Masirah, 11 Maret 2024,
“‫القـــوات المســـلحة تســـتهدف ســـفينة ومـــدمرات أمريكيـــة بالصـــواريخ وعشـــرات الطـــائرات المســـيرة‬,” Al Masirah, 9 Maret 2024,
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power Yemen is experiencing rapid development of
Al-Masirah media made propaganda military power. While the source is attributed
with an agenda setting that stated Yemen's to Brigadier General Abdullah bin Amer
military power was developing very rapidly. The propaganda technique used is the
There are 2 news reports found related to the testimonial technique. Propagandists try to
agenda setting.2728 One of them is as follows. convince their audience by presenting the
‫وفي هذا الشأن يؤكد نائب مـدير دائـرة التوجيـه المعنـوي في‬ words of Brigadier General Abdullah bin
‫وزارة الدفاع في حكومة اإلنقاذ العميــد عبــد هللا بن عــامر أن‬ Amer. The words are in the form of
‫«الُم سّيرات اليمنية وصلت إلى طرق ومسارات المالحــة في‬ testimonials that link the success of Yemeni
‫ من‬،‫المحيط الهنــدي أكــثر من مــرة خالل األســابيع الماضــية‬ drones flying undetected by enemy warships,
‫ وهــو مــا‬،»‫دون أن تتمّك ن المدّم رات والبــوارج من رصــدها‬ with the sophistication of the Yemeni
‫يعني أن اليمن قد وصل إلى مستوى متطور من الصناعة في‬ military.
‫ وهي قفـــزات تـــذهل األعـــداء وتربـــك كـــل‬،‫هـــذا المجـــال‬
‫مخططاتهم‬ 3) The prowess of the Yemeni Armed Forces
recognized by the enemy
“In this regard, Brigadier General Abdullah Al-Masirah media made propaganda
bin Amer, deputy director of the Moral with an agenda setting that stated the prowess
Guidance Department in the Ministry of of the Yemeni Armed Forces had been
Defense in the Salvation Government, recognized by the enemy. There are 2 news
confirms that “Yemeni drones have reached reports found related to the agenda setting. 3031
the routes and navigation paths in the Indian One of them is as follows.
Ocean more than once during the past weeks, ‫ونشرت هيئة اإلذاعة البريطانية "بي بي سي" تقريرًا أعدتــه‬
without destroyers and warships being able ‫من على متن المدمرة "دايمونـد" الـتي أرسـلتها بريطانيـا في‬
to detect them,” which means that Yemen has ‫إطار محاولة حماية السـفن المرتبطـة بالعـدو اإلسـرائيلي في‬
reached an advanced level of industry in this .‫البحر األحمر وباب المندب‬
field, leaps that stun the enemies and confuse ‫ قولــه إن‬،‫ بيت إيفــانز‬،‫ونقــل التقريــر عن قبطــان المــدمرة‬
all their plans.” (paragraph 10) ."‫اليمنيين "يستخدمون اآلن أسلحة أكثر تقدما وفتكا‬
The type of propaganda above is white “The BBC published a report from the
propaganda. The news text is produced with a “Diamond” destroyer, which was sent by
clear purpose and source. The purpose of this Britain as part of an attempt to protect ships
propaganda is to provide information that linked to the Israeli enemy in the Red Sea and

“26 ”,‫ عمليات أم الرشراش وسفن ومدمرات أمريكية وبريطانية‬6 ‫ القوات المسلحة تستهدف بـ‬..‫ إهداء لغزة‬Maret 2024.
“‫ قدرات تتجاوز المستحيل‬..‫الطيران المسير للقوات المسلحة اليمنية‬,” Al Masirah, 24 Maret 2024,
“‫ القوة الصاروخية اليمنية تتجاوز دفاعات العدو‬..‫تطورات متسارعة في اإلنتاج‬,” Al Masirah, 23 Maret 2024,
“‫ قدرات تتجاوز المستحيل‬..‫الطيران المسير للقوات المسلحة اليمنية‬,” Al Masirah, 24 Maret 2024,
“‫ اليمــــنيون يســــتخدمون اآلن أســــلحة أكــــثر تقــــدمًا وفتكــــًا‬:’‫قائــــد المــــدمرة البريطانيــــة ‘دايمونــــد‬,” Al Masirah, 26 Maret 2024,
“‫ اليمن يشكل التحدي األكبر للبحرية األمريكية‬:‫قائد أربع مدمرات أمريكية‬,” Al Masirah, 19 Maret 2024,
“‫ اليمــــنيون يســــتخدمون اآلن أســــلحة أكــــثر تقــــدمًا وفتكــــًا‬:’‫قائــــد المــــدمرة البريطانيــــة ‘دايمونــــد‬,” Al Masirah, 26 Maret 2024,
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Bab al-Mandab.” (paragraph 2) ‫ أوضــح تقريــر "نيوزويــك" أنــه‬،‫الهجمــات اليمنيــة البحريــة‬
“The report quoted the destroyer's captain, ‫ وال عــدة جـوالت‬،‫ لم يتمكن حـتى هــذا التحـالف‬،‫"حتى اآلن‬
Pete Evans, as saying that the Yemenis are ‫من الغارات الجوية المشتركة بين الواليات المتحدة والمملكة‬
“now using more advanced and deadly ‫ من‬،‫المتحــدة على المواقــع العســكرية ألنصــار هللا في اليمن‬
weapons” (paragraph 3) ‫ردع موجــة الهجمــات المســتمرة في البحــر األحمــر وخليج‬
The type of propaganda above is white "‫عدن‬
propaganda. The news text is produced
through clear objectives and sources. The “Regarding the coalition formed by the
purpose of this propaganda is to provide United States to counter Yemen's maritime
information that the prowess of the Yemeni attacks, “the Newsweek” report explained
Armed Forces has been recognized by the that “so far, neither this coalition, nor
enemy, namely the UK. Meanwhile, the several rounds of joint US-UK airstrikes on
source is taken from a quote from the British Ansar Allah military positions in Yemen, have
media BBC news and a quote from the been able to deter the ongoing wave of
destroyer captain Pete Evans. attacks in the Red Sea and the Gulf of
The propaganda technique used is the Aden”.” (paragraph 8)
testimonial technique. Propagandists try to The type of propaganda above is white
convince their audience by presenting news propaganda. The news text is produced with a
sourced from the British media, namely the clear purpose and source. The purpose of this
BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) propaganda is to provide information that the
media and the testimony of the destroyer enemy failed to deal with Yemen. Meanwhile,
captain, Pete Evans who states that (Yemen) the source is taken from Newsweek. Media
is now using more sophisticated and deadly originating from Newyork United States.
weapons. The propaganda technique used is the
testimonial technique. Propagandists try to
4) Enemy failure convince their audience by presenting news
Al-Masirah media made propaganda sourced from the Newsweek American media
with an agenda setting that stated the enemy and testimonials stating that the coalition and
had failed against Yemen. There are 5 news American-British forces' attacks were
reports found related to the agenda unsuccessful.
setting.3334353637 One of them is as follows.
‫وبخصوص التحالف الذي شكلته الواليات المتحــدة لمواجهــة‬ 5) Yemen's military blockade and attacks

“‫ اليمنيون يصنعون التأريخ وعملياتهم البحرية ‘غير عادية‬:‫تقرير أمريكي‬,’” Al Masirah, 20 April 2024,
“‫ كابوس األعداء في البحر األحمر‬..‫الصواريخ البحرية والمجنحة‬,” Al Masirah, 21 April 2024,
“‫السياســي األعلى يشــيد بالقــدرات العســكرية المتطــورة للقــوات المســلحة والعمليــات المســاندة لفلســطين‬,” Al Masirah, 22 Maret 2024,
“‫ قدرات يمنية تتجاوز دفاعات العدو‬..‫الهجوُم الكاسُح على المدّم ـرات األمريكية‬,” Al Masirah, 11 Maret 2024,
“‫ واشنطن وقعت في فخ من تصميمها في اليمن‬:‫ضابط أمريكي سابق‬,” Al Masirah, 13 Maret 2024,
“‫ اليمنيون يصنعون التأريخ وعملياتهم البحرية ‘غير عادية‬:‫تقرير أمريكي‬,’” Al Masirah, 20 April 2024,
JUDUL ARTIKEL (Arial Narrow 10) ..... |
have led to a decline in the enemy's blockade must have been detrimental to the
economy enemy, the accuracy of the data presented is
Al-Masirah media made propaganda questionable.
with an agenda setting that stated the enemy's The propaganda technique used is the
economy had decreased due to the blockade card stacking technique. Propagandists try to
and attacks by the Yemeni Armed Forces. convince their audience that Israel is
There are 3 news reports found related to the collapsing economically by using data on
agenda setting.394041 One of them is as follows. Israel's maritime trade. The data is presented
‫وتعكس هذه المعادلة مستوى اإلســناد اليمــني لغــزة منــذ بــدء‬ to convince the audience that the blockade
‫عملية طوفان األقصـى والـتي من شـأنها سـتعجل من انهيــار‬ and military attack on Yemen have led to a
‫ حيث تســتحوذ التجــارة البحريــة على‬،‫االقتصــاد الصــهيوني‬ decline in Israel's economy.
‫ من تجارتهــا‬%98 ‫ ويمــر نحــو‬،‫ من واردات إسرائيل‬%70
‫ وتســهم التجــارة‬،‫الخارجية عبر البحريين األحمر والمتوسط‬ 6) The evil trio (America, UK and Israel)
‫ في اقتصـــاد الكيـــان‬%34.6 ‫عـــبر البحـــر األحمـــر بنحـــو‬ Al-Masirah media has created agenda
.‫الصهيوني؛ لذلك تضرر هذا االقتصاد بشكل كبير‬ setting propaganda that demonizes the enemy
coalition of the Yemeni Armed Forces with
“This equation reflects the level of Yemeni ugly nicknames. The ugly nickname of the
support for Gaza since the start of Operation enemy coalition is‫ثالثي الشـــر أمريكـــا وبريطانيـــا‬
Al-Aqsa Flood, which will accelerate the ‫ وإسرائيل‬The Evil Trio (America, Britain and
collapse of the Zionist economy, as maritime Israel). There are 3 ugly nicknames above that
trade accounts for 70% of Israel's imports, are embedded in the news of the maritime
and about 98% of its foreign trade passes conflict between the Houthis and Israel-
through the Red and Mediterranean Seas, America-Allies.434445 One of them is as
and trade through the Red Sea contributes follows.
about 34.6% to the economy of the Zionist ‫بالتأكيد فإن هذا اإلعالن يعني الــدخول في مرحلــة تصــعيدية‬
entity; therefore, this economy has been ‫ فالمعركــة‬،‫جديدة مع ثالثي الشر أمريكا وبريطانيا وإسرائيل‬
greatly affected” (paragraph 2) ‫ وإنمــا‬،‫اآلن لم تعد منحصرة في البحر األحمر أو خليج عدن‬
The type of propaganda above is black ‫ ولتضــع حــدًا لمــرور‬،‫توسعت لتشمل المحيط الهندي الواسع‬
propaganda. The news texts are produced .‫السفن الصهيونية من طريق رأس الرجاء الصالح‬
with unknown sources. Although the “Certainly, this announcement means

“‫ عمليــات اليمن في المحيــط الهنــدي ستضــاعف الخســائر االقتصــادية ‘إلســرائيل‬...‫خبراء ومحللون اقتصاديون‬,’” Al Masirah, 24 Maret 2024,
“‫صندوق النقد دولي يؤكد تأثير العمليات اليمنية على اقتصاد العدو اإلسرائيلي‬,” Al Masirah, 12 Maret 2024,
“‫ الطـــرُق الرئيســـيُة والبديلـــة مغلقـــة‬:‫الحصـــاُر اليمـــني على الصـــهاينة يمتـــُّد إلى المحيـــط الهنـــدي‬,” Al Masirah, 17 Maret 2024,
“‫ عمليــات اليمن في المحيــط الهنــدي ستضــاعف الخســائر االقتصــادية ‘إلســرائيل‬...‫خبراء ومحللون اقتصاديون‬,’” Al Masirah, 24 Maret 2024,
“‫ المحيط الهندي خط أحمر‬..‫مأزق جديد للسفن اإلسرائيلية‬,” Al Masirah, 15 Maret 2024,
“‫ استراتيجية الهجوم الكبير لسحق القوات األمريكية‬..‫مرحلة جديدة من المواجهة‬,” Al Masirah, 9 Maret 2024,
“‫ عمليات اليمن البحرية تصل المحيط الهندي‬..‫مسار تصاعدي‬,” Al Masirah, 15 Maret 2024,
“‫ المحيط الهندي خط أحمر‬..‫مأزق جديد للسفن اإلسرائيلية‬,” Al Masirah, 15 Maret 2024,
PAGE 4 | Al-Fathin Vol. x Edisi xx tahun
entering a new escalation phase with the trio media from the 6 agenda settings found are 4
of evil America, Britain and Israel, as the white propaganda and 2 black propaganda. In
battle is now no longer limited to the Red Sea percentage terms, the use of white
or the Gulf of Aden, but has expanded to propaganda amounted to 66.6% and black
include the vast Indian Ocean, and to put an propaganda amounted to 33.3%. This shows
end to the passage of Zionist ships through that the coverage of the maritime conflict
the Cape of Good Hope route.” (paragraf 1) between the Houthis and the Israeli-
The type of propaganda of the ugly American-Allies in Al- Masirah media still
nickname above is black propaganda. The prioritizes the use of news sources and clear
text produced by Al-Masirah above has no news objectives.
clear source and contains incitement. It puts 3. The propaganda techniques used by Al-
the three puntries of America, Britain and Masirah media from 6 agenda setting found
Israel in a group called ‫ الشر ثالثي‬or the evil are 3 testimonials, 1 plain folks, 1 card
trio. stacking and 1 name calling. The dominance
The propaganda technique used is name of testimonial techniques shows that the
calling. Propagandists try to use a bad label propaganda text of the news of the maritime
against their enemy, namely ‫ الشر ثالثي‬or the conflict between the Houthis and the Israeli-
evil trio. This is done to influence the American-Allies in Al-Masirah media comes
audience to hate them too. from the words of other figures or media.

Conclusion Daftar Pustaka

Akinboade, Oludele Akinloye, Yunus Heske,
Based on the propaganda analysis that
dan Victor Sannyboy Molobi. “Russia-
has been carried out, Al-Masirah media Ukraine War of 2022: A Descriptive
Content Analysis of War News Report
propaganda has been found which can be
Framing by America’s New York Post,
concluded as follows: China’s Global Times and South Africa’s
The Citizen.” Athens Journal of Mass
1. There are 6 agenda settings set by Al-Masirah
Media and Communications 9, no. 4
media, namely the Yemeni military operation (Oktober 2023): 230.
as a form of Gaza solidarity, Yemen is
Al Masirah. “ ‫أنباء عن إصابة سفينة جديدة للعدو في البحر‬
growing rapidly in military strength, the 11 ”.‫ األحمر‬Maret 2024.
prowess of the Yemeni Armed Forces
Al Masirah. “‫ عمليات‬6 ‫ القوات المسلحة تستهدف بـ‬..‫إهداء لغزة‬
recognized by the enemy, the failure of the 26 ”.‫أم الرشراش وسفن ومدمرات أمريكية وبريطانية‬
Maret 2024.
enemy, the blockade and Yemeni military
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17 ”.‫ الطرُق الرئيسيُة والبديلة مغلقة‬:‫ الهندي‬Maret
enemy and the evil trio (America, Britain and
Al Masirah. “ ‫السياسي األعلى يشيد بالقدرات العسكرية‬
2. The types of propaganda used by Al-Masirah
”.‫المتطورة للقوات المسلحة والعمليات المساندة لفلسطين‬
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