Cri323 2ND Exm RVWR

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1.A group of person who is in a meeting for the purpose of committing a crime of robbery is liable

C.Illegal Association

2. A in resistance to a body search laid hands upon a police officer, no apparent legal basis for the
search was Given, what crime was committed by A?

B.Direct assault

3. A is living within the estero and classified as danger. Zone by the Clty, the Mayor ordered & to
vacate the Change Refuses to vacate. Hence, to Mayor decided to destroy the house of And to
compel his Premises His residence What crime waS committed by the Mayor?

D.No, crime is committed

4. A person who incite others through speech and the like, purposely, to take arms against the
government is Liable of

A. inciting to Rebellion

5.A person who organized a meeting for the sole purpose of inciting the audience to commit the
crime of rebellion Is guilty of;

D. Illegal Assembly

6.A Philippine coin not anymore in circulation was used by Tito and his friends while playing
cara_y cruz (hantak), during the game some of the metal of the coin diminished- What crime were
committed by Tito and his Friends?

D. No Crime is committed

7.A policeman who arrest a person who was caught in the act of punching another slightly injuring
the offended Party must. Deliver the detained person to proper judicial authorities within how
many hours?

A.12 hours

8.A signature of a Dead President was forged by Y and used by X ? Was Forgery committed?

D. Yes, because as long as there is intent to forge

9.A U.S.coin was used by Tito and his friends while playing cara y cruz (hantak), during the game
some of the Metal of the coin diminished. What crime was committed by Tito and his friends?

D.No crime is committed

10. Cathy offered a diamond ring to John a certified public accountant under employ of the
Bureau of Internal Revenue in exchange for lower tax. She is liable for;

A.Direct bribery

11. During a town fiesta in honor .of St. John. A singing contest was held in the wake hours of the
night, because Of the noise; PSSgt Polpol awakened in his sleep, decided to stopped the contest
by.threatening to arrest the Organizer if they continue the same, hence the contest was dissolve-
What crime was committed by PSSgt Polpol?
b. Interruption to religious worship

12. Eddie remarked that the Pope was satan and that those who believed him are demons is liable

B.Offending religious feelings

13. If the purpose of the rebels is to deprive the judiciary of their power and functions the
crime committed is:


14. In a movie house, X jokingly shouted “fire”. But the people did not even bothered listen to his
warning, nor Frightened by warning they are usy watching the movie. What crime was committed
by X?

D.No crime at all

15. In Bulacan, Rey Villanueva with the intention to perform a religious ceremony, was
prevented by the police Officers by.making actual threats from going to church, as a result the
ceremony was not celebrated, the Policemen are liable for:

A. Interruption of religious worship

16. In Disloyalty of public officer or employees, the crime can only be committed by:

A. Officer of the government

17. In Disloyalty of public officer or employees, the crime is committed only if one. Fails to resist
the In all means of their power.


18, In making and importing and uttering false coins under Art. 163 of the RPC, what do you mean
by Uttering?

C.To pass or to give away false coins

19. In Sedition, armed is not necessary as long as the public uprising is


20. In the above situation, the audience who were merely present in the said meeting is

C.liable of Illegal assembly

21. In the situation above, the audience who decided to take arms against the government by
reason of the

Incitement is liable of:

A. Rebellion

22. It means confinement or restraint upon persons.

B Detention
23. Mere silence regarding the presence of rebels despite knowledge thereof by the accused , the
latter is guilty

d. No crime at all.
24. Mr. X a government prosecutor accepted a Rolex watch as a birthday gift from Mr.
T a person accused with homicide; Mr. X is liable for:
B.Indirect bribery
25. Nanette wrote Ricky, S name on the back of the treasury note payable to the latter,
as if Ricky has endorsed the check to her, then presented it for payment, what crine
was committed?
26. One of the essential element in the crime of sedition is the presence of
A. Armed men

27. PCpl Cruz lied before the judge during a searching question hearing as to the
existence of Probable cause for the issuance of search warrant to conduct a search.
what crime was committed by the PCpl Cruz?
d.Perjury and Search warrant maliciously obtained
28. PCpl Ponce inflicted physical injuries on a detainee to obtain relavant information
in the commission of the crime. he may be guilty of:
29. Ping a senator punch Joe a Congressman, the latter filed criminal charges against
Ping for Physical Injuries, Ping was arrested by General Berroya while going to
congress for a special session, what crime was committed by the arresting officer?
B.Violation of parliamentary immunity
30. PLt. Boy Habagat who refrains from.arresting Anjo for committing murder in
exhangefor 88,000 pesos is guilty of:
C.Qualified bribery
31. PMSgt Antazo entered the dwelling of Ms. Recto against the latter's will to search
the unlicensed firearms is liable for:
A. Violation of domicile
32. Pres. Marcos diverted funds allocated for the construction of a national highway
to serve as cash incentives for public school teachers during elections, may be guilty
D.Illegal use of public property
33. Refers to a person directly vested with jurisdiction.
A. Person in authority

35. Refers to the obligation of obedience and fidelity which a person owe the
government under which he live, or in return for protection he receive.
B. Allegiance

36. Sgt. Cruz and his men was ordered by Gen. Honasan to secure the military camp
because there are groups of military men who is part of Military insurgency which
going to take over the camp by force. However, without the knowledge of Sgt. Cruz
and his men, Gen. Honasan is the leader of the military insurgency and the military
men whose going to attack.the camp is the legitimate government forces. what crime
were committed by Sgt. Cruz and his men, if they killed the military men who tried to
enter camp based on an order Gen. Honasan?
D.No crime is committed.
37. What if in the case above + deliver the money forged to Y, and Y uses the same in
payment, of obligation. What crime was committed by X?
C. Uttering forge notes and documents
38. What if in the case above, because of the sympathies of Z to the rebellion, he
personally tried to talked and convince his neighbor to join the rebellion. What crime
was committed by Z?
C. Inciting to rebellion
39. What if in the case above, what was the liability of Y if he does not know that he
uses forge money in payment of an obligation?
D. No crime is committed
40. What if in the case above, what was the liability of Y if he knew that he uses forges
money in payment of an obligation?
A. Illegal possession and use of false treasury

41. X alters the number in the check to make it appear that from 1000 to 10,000 by
adding another."0" at the end of the 1000 figure in the check. What crime was
committed by X?
A. Forgery of bank notes
42. X copy all the entry in a check in another paper and make it appear that the
appearance of the new paperied is check. What crime was committed by X?
A. Forgery of bank notes

43. X forged the signature of the President in his appointment to make it appear that
he is legally appointed- What crime was committed by X?
C,Forging the signature and stamp
44. X forges 1000 Philippine money. What crime is committed by X?

B.Forging treasury and bank notes

45. X helped his lover escaped in conspiracy with Jallguard Z by giving 2 money to
facilitate the Y's escape. Y is serving is conviction for Life Imprisonment. What crime
was committed by X?
B.Delivering prisoners from jail
46. X, a known rebel went to a meeting and delivered a speech to motivate the audience to join
him in his fight to Overthrow the government by taking arms. What crime was committed by X if

A. Rebellion

47. X, a lawyer changes the date of a document he notarized to make it appear that the document
was notarized when The contracting parties to the document are still alive. X was liable of what

D.Falsification by public officer

48. x, a police officer legally obtained a search warrant to search the house of Y for drugs. During
the searched Found items previously subject of robbery wherein Y is also a suspect. X took the
same together with the x Drugs. What crime if any, was committed by X in taking the robbed

B. Abuse in the service of the searched warrant

49. Forge the signature of the President and X used the said signature in his appointment. What
crime was Committed. By X?

B.Using forge signature

50. 2, a resident of Barrio Pula, a barrio infested by rebels. Z out of pity to some of the rebels
intentionally Gave food and shelter to the rebels. What crime was committed by Z, in helping the

D.No crime is committed

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