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Islam is the second largest religion in the world after christianity

There are around 1.5 billion muslims in the world. It is very unfortunate that there are

A lot of misconceptions about Islam, the media has always tells the bad side of islam,

It gives a lot of negative image to the Muslim people around the world. The reason I select this topic so I
can tell to my classmates the reality of how we are rather than being portrayed by the

Media and the alt- right.

Islam world means peace or surrender. It is very close to christianity and the Judaism the muslims belief
In jesus ( peace be upon him) Moses, Abraham,Adam, Mary prophet Muhammad

If any Muslim Does not belief in any of the prophet then he cannot remain a Muslim. If Muslim belief in
all those prophets than how can be the islam promote violence against non- Muslims

Because christianity follow jesus and Judaism beliefs Abraham. So how a true Muslims can will

Hurt those people who considered jesus the god. The holy book of God Qur an says if any one killed a
person not in retaliation of murder , or ( and) to spread mischief in the land it would be as if he killed all
mankind, and if anyone saved a life , it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind. Quran 5:32 .this
verse show that islam does not promote any violence if it does promote than the Qur an would not have
this verse. That's why I'm very proud of being a muslim

Because there is nothing against rational in my religion. There is nothing in contradict to intelligence in
our Shia islam an that's the meaning of the first narration in one of our most value books " when Allah,
God created intelligence the made it speak and then said to it , Come forward; it came forward. He then
said ; go back ; it went back . Then Allah said ;" I swear by my honor and glory that I have not created
any creatures more beloved to me than you . I will not perfect you in anyone except those whom I
loved .

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