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Idiographic and stylistic synonyms in the following pairs of words:

● Bold, valiant: Idiographic synonym: bold; stylistic synonym: valiant.

● Firm, hard: Idiographic synonym: hard; stylistic synonym: firm.
● Think, deem: Idiographic synonym: think; stylistic synonym: deem.
● Clothes, attire: Idiographic synonym: clothes; stylistic synonym: attire.
● First-rate, ace: Idiographic synonym: first-rate; stylistic synonym: ace.
● Revise, recapitulate: Idiographic synonym: revise; stylistic synonym:
● Vanish, perish: Idiographic synonym: vanish; stylistic synonym: perish.
● Wrong, faulty: Idiographic synonym: wrong; stylistic synonym: faulty.
● Inadequate, not up to scratch: Idiographic synonym: inadequate; stylistic
synonym: not up to scratch.
● Chuckle, giggle: Idiographic synonym: chuckle; stylistic synonym: giggle.
● Extract, deracinate: Idiographic synonym: extract; stylistic synonym:
● Achievement, accomplishment: Idiographic synonym: achievement;
stylistic synonym: accomplishment.
● Explosive, eruptive: Idiographic synonym: explosive; stylistic synonym:
● Latest, with-it: Idiographic synonym: latest; stylistic synonym: with-it.
● Laugh, be in stitches: Idiographic synonym: laugh; stylistic synonym: be
in stitches.
● Narcotic, downer: Idiographic synonym: narcotic; stylistic synonym:
● Opinion, viewpoint: Idiographic synonym: opinion; stylistic synonym:
● Generous, lavish: Idiographic synonym: generous; stylistic synonym:
● To love, to canoodle: Idiographic synonym: to love; stylistic synonym: to
● Merciless, harsh: Idiographic synonym: merciless; stylistic synonym:
● Confusing, misleading: Idiographic synonym: confusing; stylistic
synonym: misleading.
● Monastery, abbey: Idiographic synonym: monastery; stylistic synonym:
● Notability, celeb(rity): Idiographic synonym: notability; stylistic
synonym: celeb(rity).
● Unbiased, bias-free: Idiographic synonym: unbiased; stylistic synonym:
● Exhausting, tiring: Idiographic synonym: exhausting; stylistic synonym:
● Inventor, creator: Idiographic synonym: inventor; stylistic synonym:
● Inoffensive, harmless: Idiographic synonym: inoffensive; stylistic
synonym: harmless.
● Infinite, boundless: Idiographic synonym: infinite; stylistic synonym:
● Infatuation, calf love: Idiographic synonym: infatuation; stylistic
synonym: calf love.
● Rudeness, disrespect: Idiographic synonym: rudeness; stylistic synonym:

Ukrainian pairs of words:

● Сміливий, відважний: Idiographic synonym: сміливий; stylistic

synonym: відважний.
● Анемія, недокрів’я: Idiographic synonym: анемія; stylistic synonym:
● Небосхил, виднокруг: Idiographic synonym: небосхил; stylistic
synonym: виднокруг.
● Хуртовина, завірюха: Idiographic synonym: хуртовина; stylistic
synonym: завірюха.
● Бешкетник, урвиголова: Idiographic synonym: бешкетник; stylistic
synonym: урвиголова.
● Мовознавство, лінгвістика: Idiographic synonym: мовознавство;
stylistic synonym: лінгвістика.

Classification of homonyms:
Present – absent - heteronyms. Words that are spelled the same but pronounced
differently and have different meanings.

Present – to present - homophones. Words that are pronounced the same but
spelled differently and have different meanings.

Like, to like – to dislike – dislike - homographs. Words that are spelled the
same and pronounced the same but have different meanings.

Sympathy – antipathy - enantiosemes. Words that are related in meaning and

opposite in meaning.

Progress – to progress, regress – to regress - homographs. Words that are

spelled the same and pronounced the same but have different meanings.

Success – failure, successful – unsuccessful - enantiosemes. Words that are

related in meaning and opposite in meaning.

Left – left/to leave/, right adj. – right n. - homophones. Words that are
pronounced the same but spelled differently and have different meanings.

Inflexible – flexible - antonyms. Words that are opposite in meaning.

Unsafe – safe adj. – safe n. - homophones. Words that are pronounced the same
but spelled differently and have different meanings.

Fair n. – fair adj. unfair, foul - homophones, antonyms. Words that are
pronounced the same but spelled differently and have different meanings.

Piece – peace - homophones. Words that are pronounced the same but spelled
differently and have different meanings.

Dark-haired – fair-haired - homographs. Words that are spelled the same and
pronounced the same but have different meanings.

A row – a row /rou/ – /rau/ - homophones. Words that are pronounced the same
but spelled differently and have different meanings.
Superiority – inferiority - enantiosemes. Words that are related in meaning and
opposite in meaning.

Different – similar, indifferent, alike, difference – similarity ** - antonyms,

related in meaning. Words that are opposite in meaning or related in meaning.

Meaningful– meaningless - antonyms. Words that are opposite in meaning.

After prep. – before –before adv., before conj. - homophones. Words that are
pronounced the same but spelled differently and have different meanings.

To gossip– a gossip - homophones. Words that are pronounced the same but
spelled differently and have different meanings.

Shapeless - shapy - antonyms. Words that are opposite in meaning.

Bright – dim, dull, sad - antonyms. Words that are opposite in meaning.

To fasten – to unfasten - antonyms. Words that are opposite in meaning.

Something – nothing - antonyms. Words that are opposite in meaning.

Eldest – oldest –youngest - antonyms. Words that are opposite in meaning.

Unaccustomed – accustomed - antonyms. Words that are opposite in meaning.

To exclude – to include - antonyms. Words that are opposite in meaning.

To conceal – to reveal - antonyms. Words that are opposite in meaning.

Too – too – two - homophones. Words that are pronounced the same but spelled
differently and have different meanings.

Somewhere – nowhere - antonyms. Words that are opposite in meaning.

English Ukrainian
action дія
actual актуальний/дійсний
affair справа, інцидент
aspirant кандидат
baton жезл, дубинка
billet заготовка
cabinet кабінет
camera фотоапарат
complexion колір обличчя
cross хрест, перехрестя
diversion відволікання, розвага
mode спосіб, режим
novel роман
obligation зобов'язання
replica копія, репліка
scholar вчений, учений
major основний
data дані/відомості
servant слуга
trainers кросівки
physic фізика
capital капітал, столиця
magazine журнал
fabric тканина
intelligence інтелект, розвідка
prospect перспектива, вид на місто
compositor композитор
accurate точний
rapport зв'язок, взаємодія
note примітка
decay занепад, руйнування
study навчання
politics політика, політика
cereal злакова культура
objective ціль
storm буря
genie джин
mascara туш для вій
topic тема, предмет
modal модальний
palate небо
regiment полк
bizarre дивний, екстравагантний
censure цензура, критика
terrier тер'єр

English words Derivational antonym Semantic antonym

power weakness impotence
important unimportant insignificant
respect disrespect contempt
honorable dishonorable shameful
distinct indistinct obscure
rich poor impoverished
join separate disjoin
establish disestablish demolish
organize disorganize chaotic
limited unlimited infinite
used unused new
cloudy clear sunny
polite impolite rude
active inactive passive
creative uncreative dull
attentive inattentive careless
persuade dissuade dissuade
favourable unfavourable adverse
practical impractical unrealistic
concerned unconcerned indifferent
cover uncover reveal
advantage disadvantage drawback

Ukrainian words Derivational antonym Semantic antonym

спокійний неспокійний тревожний
оцінювати неоцінювати знецінювати
бруднити чистити мити
чесний нечесний непорядний
повага неповага зневагу
аристократичний демократичний простий
здоров’я хвороба недуг
офіційний неофіційний неформальний
покора бунт повстання
помилковий правильний вірний
поінформований непоінформований неосвічений
безпечний небезпечний шкідливий
відчинений зачинений закритий
скасований нескасований чинний
відмінно погано недобре
зіпсований незіпсований цілий

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