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Rust Backend vs.

Go Backend in Web
Rust and Go are two of the industry’s biggest successes when it comes to developing
modern programming languages. Both languages compete in terms of backend web
development, and it’s a fierce competition. Golang and Rust are new languages, have
growing communities, and are fast and efficient. When it comes to microservice
architectures, frameworks, and apps, Rust and Go are household names on the backend.

Rich Standard Libraries
Rust and Go share many traits, especially when it comes to web development. They both
have rich standard libraries, though Go tends to have more internet-focused protocols
such as HTTP supported of out the box.

Both languages are open-source, meaning no company will be yanking the source code
out from under us anytime soon, though it is worth noting that Google drives the
development of Go, while Rust is more of a community project. There are pros and cons
of company support. Go benefits from the resources and PR of a major tech company,
while Rust will never have the risk of Google-specific agendas being pushed on the

Relatively New Languages

Go and Rust are both new languages, which means they don’t come with the legacy and
backward-compatibility baggage that you find with languages like Java and Javascript.

Rust v1 released: May 15, 2015

Go v1 released: March 28, 2012

Performance metrics generally put Rust squarely ahead of Go, but not by a lot. The Rust
compiler and language design allow developers to easily take advantage of optimizations
that achieve speeds comparable to the likes of C. On the other hand, Go trades a small
amount of speed for simplicity and elegant syntax.


Memory Management
Both languages claim the title of “memory-safe” but take different approaches to achieve
it. Rust catches memory errors at compile-time while Go uses a garbage collector at

Rust makes use of compile-time ownership strategy through zero-cost abstractions. If a

Rust program is not memory safe, it will fail to compile. To anyone who frequently deals
with memory errors in C languages, this is recognized as an amazing feature. Instead of
clever compiler optimizations, the Go compiler adds a small runtime to the completed
executable that manages the allocation and release of memory.

While both approaches have their pros and cons, generally speaking Rust’s compiler
optimizations result in more performant programs. Alternatively, Go’s application code is
cleaner because memory management is fully handled by the runtime.


Development Speed
There are times during the development of a web application that development speed is
more important than app speed. Python is a great example, it is one of the slowest
languages but has some of the cleanest syntax. While Go is generally faster and uses
less memory than languages like Java, C#, JavaScript, Python, and Ruby, it makes a
performance trade-off to allow for fast and simple development.

It’s also worth noting that Go and Rust are both growing in popularity. If you want to read
more on that, take a look this related article, “Rust vs Go - Which is More Popular?”.

Code Comparison
Now that we’ve compared and contrasted Rust and Go conceptually, let’s take a look at
what a simple HTTP server would look like in both languages.

Rust HTTP Backend Server Example

// example taken from

use std::net::{TcpStream, TcpListener};

use std::io::{Read, Write};
use std::thread;

fn handle_read(mut stream: &TcpStream) {

let mut buf = [0u8 ;4096];
match buf) {
Ok(_) => {
let req_str = String::from_utf8_lossy(&buf);
println!("{}", req_str);
Err(e) => println!("Unable to read stream: {}", e),

fn handle_write(mut stream: TcpStream) {

let response = b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html;
charset=UTF-8\r\n\r\n<html><body>Hello world</body></html>\r\n";
match stream.write(response) {
Ok(_) => println!("Response sent"),
Err(e) => println!("Failed sending response: {}", e),

fn handle_client(stream: TcpStream) {

fn main() {
let listener = TcpListener::bind("").unwrap();
println!("Listening for connections on port {}", 8080);

for stream in listener.incoming() {

match stream {
Ok(stream) => {
thread::spawn(|| {
Err(e) => {
println!("Unable to connect: {}", e);

As you’ll notice in the code above, we can spin up a fairly simple HTTP server without
anything more than the standard library, though we have to implement some of the HTTP
protocol ourselves. Notice that we include the HTTP/1.1 200 OK response directly in the
data stream we are responding with. This isn’t to say there aren’t other crates that would
make our lives easier, but out-of-the-box Rust forces us to do more of the heavy lifting

If you take a look at the standard HTTP create, you’ll see that it’s an intentional choice not
to standardize an implementation.

You will notably not find an implementation of sending requests or spinning up a server
in this crate. It’s intended that this crate is the “standard library” for HTTP clients and
servers without dictating any particular implementation. Note that this crate is still early
on in its lifecycle so the support libraries that integrate with the http crate are a work
in progress! Stay tuned and we’ll be sure to highlight crates here in the future.

http - Rust

Golang HTTP Backend Server Example

package main

import (

func hello(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {

type response struct {
Message string `json:"message"`
resp := response{
Message: "hello world",
respBytes, _ := json.Marshal(resp)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")

func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/hello", hello)
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)

With Go, on the other hand, it’s extremely easy to spin up a production web server, we
even get support for JSON, headers, and status codes right from the standard library.

Concurrency is a necessity in backend applications. Some languages run in single-
threaded environments which means they use some clever tricks to simulate concurrency
without achieving true parallelism. Both Rust and Go have elegant solutions to build fully
parallel applications, but Go takes the cake again in terms of simplicity, with
the go keyword being the only syntax necessary to spin up a new thread:

go someFunc()

The Winner
As usual, there is no outright winner, the results are more nuanced than that.
Rust is Favored For…

Computation Speed
Memory usage
Fine-tuning and control over the final executable

Go is Favored For…

Simple syntax
Developer speed
Concurrency mechanisms

One mark of a successful computer scientist, even a self-taught one, is being able to
choose good tools for a given project. It doesn’t mean you need to be an expert with every
language, database, technology, and framework under the sun, but it does mean you
need to be familiar with enough of them to make informed decisions. Being capable to
make those decisions will set you apart and give you more opportunities to advance
your programming career.

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