Sankalp Phaseiv El 8 Lecture-8

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Page 1 of 5 CPP - SANKALP_EL–8-PH-V

Level-I 
1. (i) If you know E at a given point, can you calculate V at that point? If not, what further information do you
(ii) If E equals zero at a given point, must V equal zero for that point?

2. The electric field in a region of space has the components Ey = Ez = 0 and Ex = (4.00 N/C)x. Point A is on the
y-axis at y = 3.0 m and point B is on the x-axis at x = 4.0 m. What is the potential difference VB  VA?

3.  
Electric field in a region is given by E  2 ˆi  3 ˆj  4 kˆ V/m. Find the potential difference between points (0, 0,
0) and (1, 2, 3).

4. Potential in the x-y plane is given as V = 5(x2 + xy) volts. Find the electric field at the point having coordinates
(1, –2, 0).

5. In which of the following states is the potential energy of an electric dipole maximum
(A) -q +q (B) +q (C) +q (D) +q q

-q q

6. Three charges Q, +q and +q are placed at the vertices of a right-

angled isosceles triangle as shown. the net electrostatic energy of
the configuration is zero if Q is equal to
-q - 2q
(A) (B)
1+ 2 2+ 2
(C) - 2q (D) +q

7. Given figure shows the lines of constant potential in a region in which an 10V
electric field is present. The values of potentials are as written. At which 30V
of the points A, B and C is the magnitude of the electric field greatest? 50V A

8. Some equi-potential surfaces are

30 cm
shown in figures (1) and (2). What 10V 20 V 30 V 20 cm
can you say about the magnitude and y
direction of the electric field? 0
10 cm
10 20 30 40 x
(cm) 60 V

30 V
Figure 1 Figure 2
20 V

9. A point charge +q and mass 10 gm experiences a force of 100 N at a point at a distance 20 cm from a long
infinite uniformly charged wire. If it is released find its speed with it is at a distance 40 cm from wire.

10. Eight point charges with charge +q on each of them is brought together to form a system with each charge
placed at the vertices of a cube of each side ‘a’. Find the minimum work required to do so in assembling the
charges from infinity to form the system.
1. Two points A and B are at distances of ‘a’ and ‘b’ respectively from an infinite conducting plate having charge
density . Find the work done in moving charge Q from A to B.

2. A point charge Q is placed at the centre of uniformly volume charged solid sphere of radius R having total
charge Q. Find the total electrostatic energy of this system (ignore self energy of the point charge).

FIITJEE Ltd., ICES House, Sarvapriya Vihar (Near Hauz Khas Bus Terminal), New Delhi - 16, Ph : 6515949 , 6865182, 6854102, Fax : 6513942
Page 2 of 5 CPP - SANKALP_EL–8-PH-V

3. A non conducting rod AB of length 3R , uniformly distributed charge of linear Q

charge density  and a non-conducting ring of uniformly distributed charge Q,
are placed as shown in the figure. Point A is the centre of ring and line AB is the
axis of the ring, perpendicular to plane of ring. Calculate the electrostatic 
interaction energy between ring and rod. R 3R

4. A point charge q is placed at the centre of hollow conducting sphere of inner radius R and outer radius 2R.
Work done required to slowly remove the point charge from centre to infinity (through a small orifice) is
1 Q2
find n.
n 4 0R

5. A dipole consists of a light rod of length , having two point charges +q and -q +q B
of same mass m joined at ends A and B of the rod. A uniform electric field E is +q
present in the region and perpendicular to the length of the rod. The rod is
released from rest. Find the angular velocity of the rod, when it becomes
parallel to the electric field for the first time. A q q

6. Two fixed insulating rings A and B carry charges with uniform linear charge + 
density + and , respectively, as shown in the adjacent figure. The planes A +++ 
  B
of the rings are parallel to each other and their axes are coinciding. A particle ++ ++ 
 R 
+ R + 
+ +
of charge “q” and mass “m” is released with zero velocity from centre P of the + P +
+  
++ +  Q 
positively charged ring. Find the kinetic energy of the particle when it reaches +++ 
centre Q of the negatively charged ring.

7. Three infinite plane have a uniform surface charge distribution  on its y B C

surface. All charges are fixed. On each of the three infinite planes, parallel A
+ +
+ + +
to the y-z plane placed at x =  a, x = 0 and x = a, there is a uniform + + + + +
+ +
+ + +
surface charge of the same density, . The potential difference between A + + +
+ + x
and C. ++ +  +
+  +
 +

8. Electrical potential in an electric field is given by V = K/r (K being constant). If the position

vector r  2iˆ  3jˆ  6kˆ , Calculate the electric field.

9. A uniform electric field exists in straight line in a certain region. The potentials at Y
different points in the region are as shown in the figure. Find the magnitude and the
direction of electric field in the region. A 5V (0, 1)
5V (1, 0)

3V (0, -1)

10. The electric field strength depends only on the x and y coordinates according to the law
a(xiˆ  yj)
E = 2 2
, where a is a constant. î and ĵ are unit vectors of the x and y axes. Find the potential
x y
difference between x = 1 and x = 5.

11. Two tiny spheres, each of mass M and having charges +q and q, are connected by a massless rod of length L.

They are placed in a uniform electric field at an angle  with E (  0). Calculate the minimum time in which the

system aligns itself parallel to E .

12. A pendulum bob of mass m and charge +q is vertically suspended from a rigid support by resin thread of

length l. A horizontal electric field E acts on the bob. The bob is projected with a speed vo.
(a) Find the speed as a function of the angle θ made by the string with vertical.
(b) What is the maximum speed of the bob.
(c) Find the critical speed vo to move in a circular path.
FIITJEE Ltd., ICES House, Sarvapriya Vihar (Near Hauz Khas Bus Terminal), New Delhi - 16, Ph : 6515949 , 6865182, 6854102, Fax : 6513942
Page 3 of 5 CPP - SANKALP_EL–8-PH-V
13. Find the work done by external agent in carrying a particle of a charge 2C from B (1 m, 0, 1 m) to A(0.8 m, 0.6
m 1 m) in a non-uniform electric field E = (yiˆ  xjˆ  k)
ˆ N/m along the straight line path from B to A.

2 2
14. The electric potential is varying with x and y as V = 2 (x – y ). Plot the field line pattern for the given electric
potential expression.

15. Two positrons are placed at (a/2, a/2) and (a/2, a/2) respectively, while two protons are placed at (a/2, a/2)
and (a/2, a/2) respectively on an x-y plane. Initially the particles are held in these positions, but all four are
released at the same time. The particle can be considered as classical point masses moving in each other’s
electrostatic fields. Gravity can be neglected. Estimate the speeds of the particles in (view of proton is much
heavier than positron (2000 times) when they are a significantly large distance apart? [take 1/40 = 9  10
2 2 31 19
Nm /C , mpositron = 9  10 kg, electronic charge = 1.6  10 C and a = 1 cm)
(A) vpositron = 540 m/s, vproton = 5 m/s (B) vpositron = 340 m/s, vproton = 3 m/s
(C) vpositron = 840 m/s, vproton = 4 m/s (D) vpositron = 1020 m/s, vproton = 5 m/s

16. Two point charges are kept at a certain distance from one another.
The graph represents the variation of the potential along the straight
line connecting the two charges. At what point is the electric field
(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D) none of these.


A graph of the x-component of the electric field as a function of x in Ex(N/c)

a region of space is shown in the figure. The y and z-components 20
of the electric field are zero in this region. The electric potential at
the origin is 10 V.
2 x(m)
1 3 4 5 6 7 8
17. The electric potential at x = 2m is
(A) 10 V (B) 20 V 20
(C) 30 V (D) 40 V

18. The greatest positive value of electric potential for points of the x-axis for which 0  x  6 m is
(A) 10 V (B) 20 V
(C) 30 V (D) 40 V

FIITJEE Ltd., ICES House, Sarvapriya Vihar (Near Hauz Khas Bus Terminal), New Delhi - 16, Ph : 6515949 , 6865182, 6854102, Fax : 6513942
Page 4 of 5 CPP - SANKALP_EL–8-PH-V

Level-I 
1. (i) No, we need the information about nature of E even if we take reference at infinity.
(ii) No
2. 32V  
3. P.d. across the points =  E. r
V2 – V1 =  (2 î  3 ĵ  4k̂ ).( î  2 ĵ  3k̂ ) = 2  6 + 12 = 4 volts.
4. 5jˆ v / m
5. A
6. B
kQq kq2 kQq
6. New electrostatic energy + U=+ =0
a a a 2
kq æ Q ö 2q
Þ ç Q+q+ ÷ =0Þ Q=- .
a è 2ø 2+ 2
 dv
7. E   nˆ
The potential difference between any two consecutive lines is dV = V1 – V2 = 10 V
= constant
Hence, E will be maximum where the distance dr between the lines is minimum, i.e. at B where the lines are

8. Electric field is perpendicular to the equipotential surface and in the direction of decreasing potential.
Figure 1:
The electric field will be making an angle of 120° with x-axis.
(20  10)
Magnitude of electric field along x-axis = E cos 120° = 
(20  10)  10 2
1 10
E     E = 200 V/m
2 0.10
Figure 2:
Direction of electric field will be radially outward, rV = constant = 6 (Vm)
 Potential at any distance r from the center, V(r) =
dV 6
Hence, E =    2  V /m
dr r 
9. 20 10 ln 2
4kq 2  3 1 
10. 3   
6a 2 3

1. =
 
vA – vB = (b)  (a)
0 0
 W = Q(vA – vB) = (b  a)

3KQ 2
8 R

FIITJEE Ltd., ICES House, Sarvapriya Vihar (Near Hauz Khas Bus Terminal), New Delhi - 16, Ph : 6515949 , 6865182, 6854102, Fax : 6513942
Page 5 of 5 CPP - SANKALP_EL–8-PH-V
3.  n(2  3)
4 0
kQ Q
dU  VP(ring) dx  dx
2 2
R x
3R P
Q dx
40 
R2  x2
0 dx
Let x = R tan 
 dx = R sec  d
If x = 0   =0, and x = 3R
  = /3
4. 4

5. W  u
m 2 2
  q E
= 2
  1 
6. 1 q
0  2
7. zero

 2iˆ  3ˆj  6kˆ  K

9. 2 V/m., E  ˆi  ˆj

10. a ln(5) volt

11.  = pE sin 
  = (pE) (as   0, sin   )
 pE  2
  =    =  
 I 
As torque is proportional to '' and oppositely directed, therefore motion will be an S.H.M.
2 2 2
Here, p = qL and moment of inertia, I = M (L/2) + M (L/2) = ML /2

p +

12. ?
13. –0.96 J
14. ?

15. B
mproton >> mpositron
4e2 2e2 e2 1 2
    2. mpositron v positron
40 a 40 2a 40 2a 2
vpositron ~ 340 m/s
e2 1 2
 2. mproton v proton  vproton = 3 m/s
40 2a 2
16. C
17. C
18. D

FIITJEE Ltd., ICES House, Sarvapriya Vihar (Near Hauz Khas Bus Terminal), New Delhi - 16, Ph : 6515949 , 6865182, 6854102, Fax : 6513942

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