Universal Human Values Project-1

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NAME: P. Yeswanth
REG.NO: 42140709
let’s delve deeper into the causes of terrorism in India:
⮚ Separatist Tendencies: Some regions in India have long-
standing conflicts and separatist tendencies, such as Jammu
and Kashmir, Punjab, and Assam. These regions have
witnessed numerous terror attacks from Islamic groups, Sikh
separatists, and secessionist groups.
⮚ Religious Radicalism: Religious extremism has led to the rise
of groups like Al Qaeda. These groups are driven by religious
ideologies and often view violence as a sacramental or divine
⮚ Socioeconomic Disparities: Socioeconomic factors such as
lack of political freedom, lack of access to education, and
poverty can make individuals more susceptible to recruitment
by terrorist groups. Individuals who experience different types
of deprivation are more likely to turn to terrorism or are more
open to being recruited by groups that use terrorist tactics.
⮚ Political Causes: Insurgency and guerrilla warfare, a type of
organized conflict, were the contexts in which terrorism was
first theorized. Non-state armies or organizations committing
political violence often resort to terrorism because they oppose
the current social structure and wish to change it.
⮚ External Influences: Reports have implicated and alleged
that terrorism in India is sponsored by neighboring countries.
This external influence significantly contributes to the rise of
terrorism in India.
⮚ Weak Governance and Security: Occasionally, weak
leadership and security apparatus can contribute to the rise of
terrorism. As of 2013, 205 of the country’s 608 districts were
affected by terrorist activity. It’s important to note that these
factors often interact in complex ways, and addressing
terrorism requires a comprehensive approach that tackles
these root causes. This includes promoting social cohesion,
enhancing security, and encouraging regional cooperation.
In this meaningful activity, We made a visit to a local school as
part of a special outreach program. This wasn’t just any
ordinary visit, it was a day filled with interactions, shared
experiences, and mutual learning. I spent quality time with the
students, actively participating in various activities that were
both fun and educational. I also had the opportunity to share
my own life stories and experiences, providing the students
with a broader perspective of the world. But more importantly. I
listened to their stories, their dreams, their fears, and their
aspirations. It was a unique opportunity to learn more about
these important values in a practical setting. The experience
served as a powerful reminder of how each one of us, in our
own little ways, can contribute to our community and schools,
making a difference one step at a time.


In the activity that truly embodied the spirit of Universal Human

Values (UHV), I found myself playing the role of a caregiver to
an injured stray cat that had unexpectedly shown up at your
doorstep. I immediately took the initiative to ensure the
wellbeing of this little creature. I arranged for its medical
treatment by taking it to a vet, a step that not only provided the
necessary medical attention to the cat but also demonstrated
my deep sense of responsibility. In addition to medical care, I
provided the cat with food and a safer environment to aid its
recuperation, a simple act of kindness that goes a long way in
showing compassion and love towards a helpless being. I kept
a close watch on the cat, observing its behavior and health
improvements. I considered giving the cat a forever home by
thinking of adopting it. This activity was not just about helping
an animal in distress, but it was also about experiencing the joy
and satisfaction that comes from showing kindness and taking
care of it. It was about understanding that every small act
counts and that we all have the capacity to make a difference in
our own little ways.

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