Task 7 Kera

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Task 7

Plotting the dependency (qo max) and (qg max) versus Skin factor
regarding given data from ex5 and ex6.
Theoretical foundation:
Skin-factor is a hydrodynamical parameter, characterizing an additional
filtration resistance of fluid flow in near wellbore zone, which leads to the
production drawdown in compare with perfect well.
The main reasons of skin-factor appearance are:
1. Hydrodynamical imperfection of reservoir opening;
2. Pollution (clogging) of the near wellbore zone;
3. Other non-linear effects (turbulent flow, degasation, compression of the
rock structure, etc.)
St =S+ Sd + S pp+ S p +S turb + S o+ S s where,

St – total value of skin-factor;

S – skin-factor;
Spp – skin-factor due to the partial penetration of well in reservoir;
Sd – skin-factor due to the formation damage;
Sturb – skin-factor due to the tubulent flow;
Sp – skin-factor due to the pipe perforation;
All mentioned skin-factors (besides St) are positive “+” and affects
negatively on production rate
So – skin-factor due to the well inclination;
Ss – skin-factor due to the flow stimulation
Last two skin-factors have negative sign and have a positive effect on well
from the production point of view.
Consequence of calculations:

ko = 30 mD d w = 0.311 m, i.e rw = 0.156m

µo = 0.8 cP T r = 93.3 °C
h = 22 m A = 160 acre (1 acre = 4046 m 2)
Bo = 1.2 m3/st m3 St = -5; -1; 0; 1; 5; 11; 50
Pe = Pr = 206.7 bar
To determine the production rate of the oil well and find its dependency
from the hydrodynamical bottomhole pressure using the following formula:
53 , 6 ×10 × k o ×h ×(Pr−P wf )
q o=
μ o × B o ×( ln e −0.75+ S t )

Where St is the losses on the skin-factor.

To simplify the calculation process let’s denote as C2 the expression shown
53 , 6 ×10 × k o × h
C 2= =…
μo× Bo

C 2 × ( Pr−P wf )
q o= =…
(ln ⁡ −0.75+S t )

After that, we substituting the values of S t, i.e -5; -1; 0; 1; 5; 11; 50 into the
formula and obtaining the production rates for different skin-factors:
q o =for S t =−5

q o =for St =50

(qo max)=2018,94 (qg max)=2400,87 (qo min)=78,64 (qg min)=93,16

According to task 5 and task 6 results we have table

s qoil qgas
-5 0.034219959 0.040529817
-1 0.012234279 0.014490172
0 0.010541156 0.012484852
1 0.009259691 0.010967096
5 0.006230149 0.007378933
11 0.004179168 0.00494977
50 0.001331023 0.001576452

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