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Jeztine Riz C.

De Guzman Arts 1
Interpreting Through Formal Means

Leonardo Da Vinci's Mona Lisa is undoubtedly one of the most famous paintings created and has been
reinterpreted numerous times. One reinterpretation that stuck out to me is the work of Sanghyuk Moon on
Behance. Mona Lisa, still the subject of this poster, is turned abstract into a pixelated version as a modern take
on the iconic painting. What I found uniquely interesting about it is how abstract it has become yet still very
recognizable like the original piece by utilizing the colors of forest green, burnt umber, raw sienna with hints of
navy blue. Given the limitations of pixel art because of geometric shapes, the artist still succeeded in giving the
piece its unique identity while keeping the original idea. Triangles of subtle changes in color values also created
the texture for the poster and added to the abstraction. Every color in every pixel/shape connected the whole
piece together, and it's as if he broke it down into basic pieces and made it simpler, yet unrecognizably

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