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242 WtG CBSE Champion

Physics Clas 12
88. Draw a labelled ray diagram of an astronomical 93. (i) Draw a ray diagram for the formation. of
telescope in the near point adjustment position. of an object by an astronomical imagein
Agiant refracting telescope at an observatory has an
objective lens of focal length 15 mand an eyepiece of
normal adjustment.Obtain the
magnifying power.
expressionifor its
focal length 1.0 cm. If this telescope is used to view (ii) The magnifying power of an
the Moon, find the diameter of the image of the Moon
formed by the objective lens. The diameter of the
telescope in normal adjustment is 2.9 astronomical
and .
obiective and the eyepiece are separated
Moon is 3.48 x 10 m, and the radius of lunar orbit is distance of 150 cm. Find thefocal
3.8 x 10 m. (Delhi 2019) Ev two lenses. lengths the

89. Draw a ray diagram to show the image formation of 94. An astronomical telescope has an objective
a distant object by a refracting telescope. Write the focal length 20 mand eyepiece of focal length 1em of
expression for its angular magnification in terms (a) Find the angular magnification of the telescone
of the focal lengths of the lenses used. State the
important considerations required to achieve large (b) If the telescope is used to view the
resolution and their consequent limitations. find the diameter of the image formedMoon,b
the objective lens. Given the diameter of th
(AI2019) Ev Moon is 3.5 x 10°m and radius of lunar orbit i
90. (a) Draw a ray diagram depicting the formation of 3.8 x 10 m.
the image by an astronomical telescope in normal (2/5, 2020)
95. Explain two advantages ofareflecting telescope nuee
a refracting telescope.
(b) You are given the following three lenses. Which (1/5, 2018)U
two lenses will you use as an eyepiece and
as an objective to construct an astronomical
96. Draw alabelled ray iagram to obtain the real i
formed by an astronomical telescope in normal
telescope? Give reason. adjustment position. Define its magnifying power.
Lenses Power(D) Aperture (cm) You are given three lenses of power 0.5 D
L1 3 8
4D and 10 Dto design a telescope.
(i) Which lenses should be use as
L2 objective and
1 eyepiece? Justify your answer.
L3 10 (ii) Why is the aperture of the objective
1 preferred to
be large? (AI2016) E
(AI 2017) An 97. (a) Draw a
91. Which two of the following lenses L, L, labelled schematic ray diagram of
you select as objective and eyepiece for and L3 will astronomical telescope in normal adjustment.
best possible (i) telescope (ii) constructing (b) Which two aberrations do objectives of
reason to support your answer. microscope? Give telescope suffer from? How are these overcome
in reflecting telescope?
Lens Power (P) Aperture (A) (Foreign 2016)
L1 6D 1cm
98. Draw a ray diagram showing the image formation
of adistant object by a refracting
3D 8cm its magnifying power and write thetelescope. Detine
two important
La 10D 1 cm factors considered to increase the magnifying powe.
Describe briefly the two main limitations and explain
(Delhi 2015C) how far these can be minimized in a reflecting
LA (5 marks) telescope. (Foreign 2015)
92. (i) Draw a ray diagram to 99. (a) Draw a labelled ray diagram of an astronomiio
show how the final telescope to show the image formation of a
image formed at infinity in an
refracting telescope. Obtain an expression for its
distant object. Write the main considerations
magnifying power. required in selecting the objective and eyepiece
(ii) Two thin lenses LË and Lz LË lenses in order to have large magnifying powe
lens of focal length 24 cm and L, a a convex and high resolution of the telescope.
concave (b) ACompound microscope has an objective of
lens of focal length 18 cm are placed
at a separation of 45 cm. A 1 cm tall coaxially focal length 1.25 cm and eyepiece offfocallength
object is 5cm. A small object is kept at 2.5 cm from
placed in front of the lens Ly at adistance of
36 cm. Find the location and height of the image formed is atinfinity,
objective. If the final image
find the distance between the objective an
formed by the combination.
(2023) eyepiece. (Foreign2014)C

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