Internship Report

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BELAGAVI -590018

An Internship Report On


Submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering

Submitted by


Under the guidance of

Prof. Shruthi K Reddy

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

The Oxford College of Engineering

Hosur Road, Bommanahalli, Bengaluru-560068


Hosur Road, Bommanahalli, Bengaluru – 560068

(Affiliated To Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Certified that the internship entitled “Fraud Protection Application” carried out by
Ayush Barai (1OX20CS025) bonafide student of The Oxford College of Engineering,
Bangalore in partial fulfillment for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Engineering in
Computer Science and Engineering of Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum
during the year 2023-2024. This is certified that all corrections / suggestions indicated for
internal assessment have been incorporated in the report deposited in the department
library. The internship report has been approved as it satisfies the academic
requirements in respect to the internship work.

Prof. Shruthi K Reddy Dr. E. Saravana Kumar Dr. N Kannan

Internship Guide Professor and H.O.D Principal, TOCE
Dept. of CSE

External Viva

Name of the Examiners Signature with Date

1._______________________ _______________________

2._______________________ _______________________
Hosur Road, Bommanahalli, Bengaluru – 560068
(Affiliated To Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Department Vision

To establish the department as a renowned center of excellence in the area of scientific

education, research with industrial guidance, and exploration of the latest advances in the
rapidly changing field of computer science.

Department Mission

1. To produce the best Computer Science Professionals with Intellectual Skills.

2. To provide a Vibrant Ambience that promotes Creativity, Technology Competent and

Innovations for the new era.

3. To pursue Professional Excellence with Ethical and Moral Values to sustain in the highly
demanding world.
Hosur Road, Bommanahalli, Bengaluru – 560068
(Affiliated To Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering


I, Ayush Barai (1OX20CS025), the student of 8th semester B.E, in the Department of Computer
Science and Engineering, The Oxford College of Engineering, Bengaluru declare that the
internship entitled “Fraud Protection Application” has been presented by me and submitted
in partial fulfillment of the course requirements for the award of degree in Bachelor of
Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering discipline of Visvesvaraya
Technological University, Belagavi during the academic year 2023-2024.


Place: Bengaluru


As a part of our B.E curriculum we were required to undergo internship training. I got placed
as Intern at Tech Mahindra as Student Trainee. At Tech Mahindra, I got an opportunity to get
trained for mobile app development using Android studio and Kotlin under the guidance of Mr.
Mohit Saxena, Vice President and Global Competency Head – ADMS and Testing Services.

This report begins with the introduction about the organization followed by the history, growth
and development, main services, organization structure and challenges. It also includes the
detailed structure of the department in which I worked.
The report also presents the tasks performed and their outcomes during internship at Tech
Mahindra which are listed below :
1. Research and Analysis: Researched OTP fraud, identified trends, and analyzed
2. Outcome: Developed a deep understanding of OTP fraud challenges.
3. Solution Design: Designed an anti-fraud application using Kotlin, AI, and Android Studio.
4. Outcome: Defined key features and implementation strategies.
5. Implementation: Developed call and message receivers to detect OTP messages during calls.
6. Outcome: Implemented core functionality for fraud detection.
7. Testing: Conducted thorough testing, identified and fixed bugs to ensure application
8. Outcome: Ensured the application met quality standards.
9. Documentation: Documented project progress, decisions, and testing results.
10. Outcome: Produced comprehensive documentation for stakeholders.
11. Future Enhancements: Explored future enhancements like blockchain integration and
biometric authentication.
12. Outcome: Provided recommendations for improving application effectiveness.

All these tasks have been completed successfully and results were according to the expectations.


An internship is a job of great enormity and it can’t be accomplished by an individual all by

them. Eventually, we are grateful to a number of individuals whose professional guidance,
assistance and encouragement have made it a pleasant endeavor to undertake this project.

It gives us great pleasure in expressing our deep sense of gratitude to our respected Founder
Chairman Late. Sri S. Narasa Raju, and to our respected Chairman Sri S.N.V.L Narasimha
Raju, for having provided us with great infrastructure and well furnished labs.

We take this opportunity to express our profound gratitude to our respected Principal Dr. N
Kannan for his support.

We are grateful to the Head of the Department Dr. E. Saravana Kumar, for his unfailing
encouragement and suggestion given to us in the course of our project work.

Guidance and deadlines play a very important role in successful completion of the project on
time. We also convey our gratitude to our internal project guide Prof. Shruthi K Reddy,
Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, for having constantly guided and monitored the
development of the project.

Finally, a note of thanks to the Department of Computer Science Engineering, both teaching
and non-teaching staff for their co-operation extended to us.

We thank our parents for their constant support and encouragement. Last, but not the least, we
would like to thank our peers and friends.



Executive Summary i
Acknowledgement ii
Table of Contents iii
List of Figures iv
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Overview 1
1.2 History 1
1.3 Vision 2
1.4 Mission 2
2 About the Department 3
2.1 Services 3
2.2 Core Strengths 6
3 Tasks Performed 7
3.1 Problem Definition 7
3.2 Objectives 7
3.3 Requirements 8
3.3.1 Hardware Requirements 8
3.3.2 Software Requirements 8
3.4 Setting up Android Studio 8
3.5 Project implementation and Development 9
3.6 Workflow of Fraud Protection Application 9
3.7 Testing For Error 9
3.8 Evaluation 9
4 Reflection Notes 14
4.1 Technical Outcomes 14
4.2 Soft Skill Outcomes 14
5 Conclusion 16
5.1 Conclusion 16
7 References 17
8 Certificate of Internship 18


Flow Chart 9
Login Screen 10
Home Screen 11
Certificate of Internship 18

Tech Mahindra 2023-24



1.1 Overview

Tech Mahindra is a leading global provider of IT, consulting, and business process services, catering to
various industries such as telecommunications, healthcare, banking, and manufacturing. Established in
1986, the company has evolved into a powerhouse in the technology sector, with a strong focus on
innovation, digital transformation, and customer-centric solutions.

During my internship at Tech Mahindra, I had the privilege to work on Fraud Protection System. Under
the guidance of experienced mentors and alongside talented colleagues, I gained valuable insights into
industry best practices, cutting-edge technologies, and the intricacies of project delivery.

1.2 History

Tech Mahindra traces its roots back to 1986, when it was founded as a joint venture between Mahindra
& Mahindra Limited and British Telecom. Originally known as Mahindra British Telecom Limited
(MBT), the company began its journey as a provider of telecom solutions and services.

Over the years, Tech Mahindra has undergone significant expansion and diversification, both organically
and through strategic acquisitions.

Today, Tech Mahindra boasts a global presence, with operations spanning across countries and a diverse
workforce of over 152,000 employees. With a commitment to innovation, excellence, and sustainability,
Tech Mahindra continues to drive digital transformation and create value for its clients, partners, and
stakeholders worldwide.

1.3 Vision
To become the global leader in digital transformation, driving unparalleled innovation and fostering
sustainable growth for businesses and communities worldwide. We envision a future where technology
transcends boundaries, connecting people, organizations, and societies in ways that empower
individuals, drive economic progress, and enhance quality of life.

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1.4 Mission
At Tech Mahindra, our mission is to harness the power of technology to transform industries,
revolutionize customer experiences, and shape the future of society. We are dedicated to delivering
exceptional value to our clients by providing end-to-end digital solutions and services that are tailored
to their unique needs and challenges.

We strive to cultivate a culture of innovation, collaboration, and inclusivity, where every member of our
diverse team is empowered to unleash their full potential. Our commitment to excellence is unwavering,
as we continuously push the boundaries of possibility to drive positive change and create sustainable
outcomes for our clients, partners, and communities.

Through our relentless pursuit of excellence, ethical business practices, and social responsibility, we aim
to be a trusted partner and a force for good in the digital age. Together, we will shape a future where
technology serves as a catalyst for progress, prosperity, and a more connected world.

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2.1 Services
The Services department at Tech Mahindra plays a pivotal role in delivering a wide range of solutions
and offerings to clients across various industries. As a key pillar of the organization, the Services
department is dedicated to providing exceptional service quality, innovation, and value to clients, driving
their digital transformation journey.

1. Solution Delivery: The Services department is responsible for delivering end-to-end solutions to
clients, encompassing consulting, design, implementation, and support services. This includes
customizing solutions to meet the specific needs and objectives of each client, ensuring seamless
integration and optimal performance.
2. Client Engagement: The department actively engages with clients to understand their business
requirements, challenges, and goals. Through close collaboration and communication, the Services
team builds strong relationships with clients, becoming trusted advisors and strategic partners in their
digital transformation initiatives.
3. Service Excellence: Service quality and excellence are paramount in the Services department. Team
members are committed to delivering superior outcomes and exceeding client expectations through
best-in-class practices, processes, and methodologies. Continuous improvement and innovation are
ingrained in the department's culture to ensure ongoing service excellence.
4. Technology Expertise: The Services team comprises skilled professionals with expertise in a diverse
range of technologies, platforms, and domains. Whether its cloud computing, data analytics,
cybersecurity, or emerging technologies like AI and IoT, the department leverages its deep technical
knowledge to deliver innovative solutions that drive business value for clients.
5. Project Management: Effective project management is essential for successful service delivery. The
Services department employs robust project management practices to ensure projects are delivered on
time, within budget, and according to client specifications. This includes proactive risk management,
resource allocation, and stakeholder communication throughout the project lifecycle.

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2.2 Core Strengths

1. Expertise in Diverse Technologies: The Services department boasts a team of highly skilled
professionals with expertise in a wide range of technologies, including cloud computing, data analytics,
artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, IoT, and more. This diverse technical knowledge enables the
department to offer comprehensive solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of clients across various

2. Client-Centric Approach: The Services team is committed to understanding and addressing the
specific requirements, challenges, and goals of each client. By taking a client-centric approach, the
department builds strong relationships, fosters trust, and delivers solutions that align closely with client
expectations, driving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

3. Agile Methodologies: Agile methodologies are integral to the way the Services department operates.
By embracing agile principles and practices, such as iterative development, frequent collaboration, and
continuous feedback, the department is able to adapt quickly to changing client needs, accelerate project
delivery, and maintain a high level of responsiveness throughout the project lifecycle.

4. Innovation and Creativity: Innovation is at the heart of everything the Services department does.
Team members are encouraged to think creatively, explore new ideas, and leverage emerging
technologies to solve complex problems and deliver cutting-edge solutions. This culture of innovation
drives continuous improvement, drives business value, and positions Tech Mahindra as a leader in the

5. Robust Project Management: Effective project management is a key strength of the Services
department. With robust project management practices in place, including detailed planning, proactive
risk management, and clear communication, the department ensures that projects are delivered on time,
within budget, and to the highest quality standards.

6. Collaborative Culture: Collaboration and teamwork are fundamental to the success of the Services
department. Team members work closely together, leveraging their collective expertise and diverse
perspectives to overcome challenges, share knowledge, and deliver superior outcomes for clients.

7. Continuous Learning and Development: The Services department places a strong emphasis on
continuous learning and development. Through access to training programs, certifications, and learning
resources, team members have the opportunity to enhance their skills, stay abreast of industry trends,
and remain at the forefront of technology innovation.

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3.1 Problem Definition

OTP Fraud: One of the major problems with fraudulent transactions is the occurrence
of OTP fraud. OTP fraud happens when a person receives a spam call or message asking
for an OTP, which the fraudster then uses to complete a fraudulent transaction. The
problem is to detect and prevent these fraudulent transactions in real-time.

Lack of Security Awareness: Many people are not aware of the security risks
associated with sharing their OTPs. They may not know how to recognize a spam call
or message, or they may not understand the consequences of sharing their OTPs. The
problem is to educate people about the importance of protecting their OTPs and
providing them with tools to stay safe

Inadequate Security Measures: Some financial institutions and payment gateways

may not have adequate security measures in place to prevent OTP fraud. The problem
is to ensure that all financial institutions and payment gateways have robust security
measures in place to prevent OTP fraud.

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3.2 Objectives
1. Detect and Prevent OTP Fraud:

Develop a system capable of detecting instances of OTP fraud where users are deceived into sharing
their OTPs. Implement mechanisms to prevent fraudulent transactions by automatically terminating calls
if suspicious activity is detected.

2. Enhance User Security Awareness:

Educate users about the importance of safeguarding their OTPs and the risks associated with sharing
them. Provide users with tools and resources to recognize and avoid fraudulent calls and messages.

3. Implement Automated Detection Mechanisms:

Develop algorithms and functionalities to automatically detect OTP messages received during phone
calls. Utilize AI and machine learning to analyze call and message patterns and identify potential
instances of fraud.

4. Ensure User Privacy and Data Security:

Implement robust security measures to protect user data and privacy. Ensure compliance with data
protection regulations and standards to safeguard user information.

5. Enable Seamless Integration with Existing Systems:

Design the application to seamlessly integrate with existing smartphone systems and applications.
Ensure compatibility with various smartphone models and operating systems for widespread adoption.

6. Facilitate User Reporting and Feedback:

Enable users to report suspicious calls and messages to relevant authorities and organizations. Provide
mechanisms for users to provide feedback and suggestions for improving the application's effectiveness.

7. Continuously Enhance Application Features:

Regularly update and enhance the application with new features and functionalities. Incorporate user
feedback and emerging technologies to improve the application's effectiveness in combating OTP fraud.

8. Research and Development:

Conduct ongoing research and development to stay abreast of emerging technologies and fraud
prevention techniques. Explore potential future enhancements, such as biometric authentication,
blockchain integration, and AI-driven fraud detection algorithms.

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3.3 Requirements
3.3.1 Hardware requirements
 Processor i5 and above
 Ram 8GB and above

3.3.2 Software requirements

 Visual Studio Code
 Android Studio
 XCode

3.4 Setting up Android Studio

1. Download and Install Android Studio:

Go to the official Android Studio website:

Click on the "Download Android Studio" button.
Follow the on-screen instructions to download the installer for your operating system (Windows, macOS,
or Linux).
Once the download is complete, run the installer and follow the installation wizard to install Android
Studio on your computer.

2. Install the Android SDK:

During the installation process, Android Studio will prompt you to install the Android SDK (Software
Development Kit).
Make sure to select the components you want to install, including the Android SDK, Android Virtual
Device (AVD) emulator, and any additional SDK tools.
The SDK Manager will download and install the selected components.

3. Configure Android Studio:

Once Android Studio is installed, launch the application. You'll be greeted with the "Welcome to
Android Studio" screen. Click on the "Start a new Android Studio project" option to begin. Follow the
setup wizard to configure your project, including selecting the project template, target device, and
programming language (Java or Kotlin).

After configuring your project settings, Android Studio will create a new project and open the project

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4. Set up Virtual Device (AVD):

To test your Android applications, you'll need to set up a Virtual Device using the Android Virtual
Device (AVD) Manager.
Go to "Tools" > "AVD Manager" in the Android Studio menu.
Click on the "Create Virtual Device" button.
Choose a device definition (e.g., Pixel 4), select a system image (e.g., Android 11), and configure any
additional settings.
Click "Finish" to create the Virtual Device.

5. Start Developing:

With Android Studio set up and your Virtual Device configured, you're ready to start developing Android
Create a new project or open an existing one to begin coding.
Android Studio provides a powerful Integrated Development Environment (IDE) with features like code
editor, layout editor, debugging tools, and more to streamline the development process.

3.5 Project implementation and Development

After going through all the solution for the problem of fraud transaction and fraud calls
the best way to protect is by disconnecting call automatically if phone detects any
messages which contain OTPS and with that many other implementations can also be
done. This project contains the initial stage of the application which will disconnect the
call if it receives any incoming messages.

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3.6 Workflow of Fraud Protection Application

 Flow Chart

 Design

This application design is at first stage which the design element is as simple as possible
which contain section 2 section.

First, the top section it displays the recent message and if it contains OTP then shows the
OTP in different text view.

Second, the other section contains a Recycle view which displays all data from the
database of the OTP received while individual is in active call and due to which call got

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 Login Screen

 Home Screen

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3.7 Testing For Error

Testing of the application contains –
a. Message broadcast receiver Testing
b. Call broadcast receiver Testing
c. Check in the caller contact is saved in contact or not
d. Checking for OTP received messages while in active call
e. Storing messages due to each hefty card active call got canceled

3.8 Evaluation
Simple code of call broadcast receiver:
package com.example.fps_final;

import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.telephony.TelephonyManager;
import android.util.Log;

public class callReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {

public void onReceive(Context arg0, Intent arg1) {


String state = arg1.getStringExtra(TelephonyManager.EXTRA_STATE);

Intent local = new Intent(arg0, MainActivity.class);
Log.d("TAG", "Inside Extra state off hook");
String number = arg1.getStringExtra(TelephonyManager.EXTRA_INCOMING_NUMBER);
if(number != null){
Log.e("TAG", "outgoing number : " + number);

else if (state.equals(TelephonyManager.EXTRA_STATE_RINGING)){
String number = arg1.getStringExtra(TelephonyManager.EXTRA_INCOMING_NUMBER);
if(number != null){
Log.e("TAG", "incoming number : " + number);
else if(state.equals(TelephonyManager.EXTRA_STATE_IDLE)){

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Log.d("TAG", "Inside EXTRA_STATE_IDLE");

String number = arg1.getStringExtra(TelephonyManager.EXTRA_INCOMING_NUMBER);
if(number != null){
Log.e("TAG", "IDLE number : " + number);

simple code for call detection and message receiver:

val br = object : BroadcastReceiver() {
override fun onReceive(p0: Context?, p1: Intent?) {
println("Messaged Recived")
val tm = getSystemService(TELECOM_SERVICE) as TelecomManager
GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
for (sms in Telephony.Sms.Intents.getMessagesFromIntent(p1)) {
val otppatter = Pattern.compile("(|^)\\d{6}")
val matcher = otppatter.matcher(sms.messageBody)
val msgbody = sms.messageBody
val senderID = sms.originatingAddress
val calendar: Calendar = Calendar.getInstance()
calendar.timeInMillis = sms.timestampMillis
val date: Date = calendar.time
Log.d("Phone", "MSG recived from $senderID and time is $date")

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Log.d("Database ", "Successfully Inserted and msg from MainActivity")
runOnUiThread {
if (matcher.find()) {
if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(
) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED
if (tm.isInCall) {
println("TRUE Call Active")
val intent = intent
val number = intent.getStringExtra("number")

if (number != null) {
val contact = exist(this@MainActivity, number)
if (!contact) {
@Suppress("DEPRECATION") val success = tm.endCall()
println("Call Ended")
// success == true if call was terminated.

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4.1 Technical Outcomes

Automated OTP Detection: Implement a mechanism to automatically detect OTP messages received
by the user during phone calls.

Call Termination Functionality: Develop functionality to automatically terminate calls if certain

conditions are not met, such as detecting an OTP message during the call.

Integration with Android Platform: Ensure seamless integration with the Android operating system,
utilizing Android Studio for development and testing.

Utilization of Kotlin: Leverage the Kotlin programming language for its rich APIs, open-source nature,
and robustness to implement various functionalities of the application.

Application of AI: Utilize artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to automate event triggers and actions
based on predefined conditions, enhancing the application's efficiency and effectiveness.

Database Implementation: Create a database to store information about scammer contacts, user
reviews, and other relevant data, potentially utilizing blockchain technology for enhanced security and

User Interface Design: Design a user-friendly interface with sections for displaying recent messages,
OTPs, and scammer contact information, ensuring ease of use and accessibility for users.

Testing and Error Handling: Conduct thorough testing of the application, including testing of message
and call broadcast receivers, checking for message content during active calls, and handling errors

Continuous Improvement and Updates: Commit to ongoing development and improvement of the
application, incorporating user feedback and emerging technologies to enhance its functionality and
effectiveness in preventing fraud transactions.

Compliance with Security Standards: Ensure compliance with relevant security standards and
regulations to protect user privacy and data security, implementing robust security measures to safeguard
sensitive information.

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4.2 Soft Skill Outcomes

Communication Skills: Effectively communicate project requirements, progress, and updates with
team members, stakeholders, and end-users.

Collaboration and Teamwork: Collaborate with team members from diverse backgrounds and skill
sets to achieve common project goals. Foster a positive and inclusive team environment where all
members feel valued and motivated to contribute their best.

Problem-solving Skills: Analyze complex problems and devise innovative solutions to address them,
leveraging critical thinking and creativity.

Time Management and Organization: Prioritize tasks and manage time effectively to meet project
deadlines and deliverables.

Adaptability and Flexibility: Adapt to changing project requirements, technologies, and priorities with
flexibility and resilience. Embrace new ideas, feedback, and perspectives to continuously improve and
evolve the project.

Leadership and Initiative: Take initiative to lead project tasks, coordinate team efforts, and drive
progress towards project milestones. Inspire and motivate team members by setting a positive example,
providing guidance, and fostering a collaborative spirit.

Client and Stakeholder Management: Build and maintain positive relationships with clients,
stakeholders, and end-users by demonstrating professionalism, responsiveness, and empathy. Listen
actively to client feedback, requirements, and concerns, and incorporate them into project planning and

Presentation and Public Speaking: Develop confidence and proficiency in presenting project updates,
findings, and outcomes to various audiences, including clients, management, and peers. Deliver clear,
concise, and engaging presentations that effectively communicate project objectives, progress, and

Conflict Resolution and Negotiation: Navigate conflicts and disagreements within the team or with
stakeholders diplomatically and constructively, seeking win-win solutions. Negotiate effectively to
resolve differences and reach consensus on project decisions, timelines, and deliverables.

Continuous Learning and Growth: Embrace opportunities for learning and skill development, both
within the project and through external resources and training programs.

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In conclusion, the project to develop an application for detecting and preventing OTP fraud is a crucial
endeavor aimed at addressing a significant issue in today's digital landscape. By leveraging technical
expertise, innovative solutions, and a focus on soft skills development, the project aims to achieve
multiple objectives.

The technical outcomes of the project include the implementation of automated OTP detection, call
termination functionality, integration with the Android platform, utilization of Kotlin programming
language, application of AI algorithms, database implementation, and rigorous testing procedures. These
outcomes are essential for creating a robust and effective solution that empowers users to protect
themselves against fraudulent activities.

In addition to technical outcomes, the project also emphasizes the development of soft skills among team
members. Communication, collaboration, problem-solving, time management, adaptability, leadership,
client management, presentation, conflict resolution, and continuous learning are among the key soft
skills targeted for enhancement. These skills are vital for fostering a positive team environment, driving
project success, and supporting the personal and professional growth of team members.

Overall, the project aims to deliver a comprehensive solution that not only addresses the immediate issue
of OTP fraud but also contributes to the broader goals of enhancing user security awareness, promoting
technological innovation, and fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement. With a
dedicated team, a clear vision, and a commitment to excellence, the project is poised to make a positive
impact in the fight against fraud and security threats in the digital age.

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1. Android Developers. (n.d.). Android Developer Documentation. Retrieved from
2. Kotlin. (n.d.). Kotlin Programming Language. Retrieved from
3. TechMahindra. (n.d.). Official Website. Retrieved from
4. Federal Trade Commission. (n.d.). Report Fraud. Retrieved from
5. (n.d.). Blockchain Technology. Retrieved from

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