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Jalan Rotan No. 34 Padang Ganting, 27282 e-mail : Telp. 0752 574986



PUKUL ( waktu ) : 07.30-08.45 WIB

Petunjuk Umum :
1. Berdoalah dahulu sebelum memulai pekerjaan !
2. Tuliskan terlebih dahulu Nama, Nomor Ujian Anda pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan !
3. Periksa dan bacalah soal dengan teliti sebelum Anda menjawabnya !
4. Dahulukan menjawab soal-soal yang dianggap mudah !
5. Periksa kembali lembar jawaban anda sebelum diserahkan pada pengawas !

Petunjuk Khusus
Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat dengan menghitamkan/menyilang salah satu huruf a, b, c, d dan e
yang kamu anggap paling benar pada lembar jawaban

d. Let’s
1. Emma : I’m bored e. Can I
Jacob : What do you want to do? 4. …………. like a glass of water?
Emma : I don’t know. What do you want a. Shall I
to do?
b. Would you
Jacob : ………. go outside. Maybe we
going to find something to do outside c. I think
a. I think d. Do you
b. You know e. So do I
c. I suggest that 5. ……… the washing, if you like
d. Let’s a. Would you
e. I don’t think b. Do I
2. Jason: Hi Liam, ………………….. go take a c. Can I
ride or something? d. I’ll do
a. Shall them e. Should I
b. Why don’t we 6. Josephine: Oh my god, It so hot
c. Are you Emma : Let me open the window
d. Do you The underlined sentence is express………
a. Giving opinion
e. Let’s
b. Suggestion
3. ………………. we go there. It’s said that the
c. Offering help
place is dangerous.
d. Asking opinion
a. I don’t think
e. Accept opinion
b. Would you
7. I’m afraid to go there. What …………. do
c. May I

Soal PAS Semester Ganjil B. I nggris Wajib Kelas XI (Paket A) TP 2021/2022 Page 1
a. Should I c. I want to go back to Padang
b. Can I d. It’s a good place for shopping
c. Did e. Padang is nice
d. Better 14. Beverly: I don’t think math is easy
e. Had better Grace : ……………………………
8. Situation: Sophia got headache Beverly: Because I have to work hard
What’s your suggestion to her………… learning it
a. You should get rest a. Why do you think so?
b. You should study harder b. It is easy
c. I think you should drink more c. Oh, let’s speak
d. Why don’t you go for a walk? d. I want to help
e. Get a bicycle and take an exercise e. So do I
9. Below are sentence of asking suggestion, 15. Roy :
except………. ……………………………………………………………
a. Let’s go on vacation Russell: I think I love it. It is one of the
best books I’ve ever read
b. I suggest that you should do it now
a. How about reading the book?
c. You had better go now
b. I feel reading a book is a good idea
d. You should bring your own book
c. Would you mind inviting me to the
e. Let me help you!
10. Situation: Leon lost his pen
d. Let’s go and find the book!
What will you do…………
e. So, what do you think about the book?
a. Offer him a pen
16. Brittany: In my opinion, Harry Potter is
b. Do nothing
the best fantasy movies
c. Ignore it
Theresa: I don’t agree with you
d. Just look at it
The underlines sentence express…………
e. Teasing him for losing a pen a. Aggreing with an opinion
11. Alan: Why isn’t he playing? b. Agreeing with suggestion
Juan: …………………………….. c. Disagreeing with an opinion
a. He is lazy
d. Disagreeing with suggestion
b. It is so
e. Giving opinion
c. He has no time
17. Frank : Based on my experience, physics
d. I think it’s because the game is over
is more difficult than chemistry
Juan : ………………………………..
e. Of course he is a. I couldn’t agree more
12. Isabella: Where do you work? b. Not exactly
Diana : In kindergarten c. I don’t know
Isabella: ……………..
d. It is easy
a. What for?
e. So do I
b. That must be interesting
18. X: Most people agree that this book is the
c. It is so
best out of all of the series
d. When?
Y: ………………………….
e. How?
a. It is so
13. Albert : We went to Bukittingi yesterday.
b. Guess what?
We spent our time shopping.
c. I don’t think so
Juan : So, what do you think about
d. How?
Albert : ………………………………………….. e. I know it
a. As long as you like it
b. Bukittinggi is not far from here

Soal PAS Semester Ganjil B. I nggris Wajib Kelas XI (Paket A) TP 2021/2022 Page 2
19. Olivia: I’ve just found this in the street. Do d. 3112 west river road
you think I should take it to the police e. Memphis location
station? 24. Invitation statement in the text is………….
Joyce: ………………………………. a. The pampered princess
a. It’s your turn b. Please join us
b. It touches you c. Salon & Day Spa
c. I don’t think I will d. 3112 west river road
d. I know it e. Memphis location
e. It’s up to you 25. RSVP means…………….
20. A: What do you think about the film? a. Make sure you come
B: I think I like it b. Please responds
From the dialogue above, A is ………….. c. I want you to come
a. Inquiring for an opinion
d. Don’t forget
b. Asking for help
e. Do not need to responds
c. Requesting for attention
d. Giving an item This conversation is for number 26-28
e. Giving opinion Peter : We’ll throw a small party. Can you
join us?
This text is for number 21-24 Mr. Smith : I would love to Peter, but I might be
flying to Colorado on Sunday.
Peter : Well, we’ll miss you if you can’t make
it, but I understand.
26. Based on the conversation above, which is
OF OUR FIRST MEMPHIS LOCATION statement is true………
The Pampered Princess a. Mr. Smith declines Peter’s invitation
SALON & DAY SPA b. Peter will go to Colorado
SATURDAY, AUGUST 15TH 2022 c. Mr. Smith will go to Colorado on
d. Peter are disappointed to Mr. Smith
MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN declining to come
21. The type of the invitation above is e. Mr. Smith is happy not to attend the
……………. party
a. Birthday Party 27. The underline sentence expresses………….
b. Graduation Party a. Inviting someone
c. Marriage Party b. Asking for help
d. Ceremonial New house party c. Asking opinion
e. Grand opening d. Giving suggestions
22. The purpose of the invitation text above is e. Giving help
…………… 28. What kind of invitation is this………………..
a. To invite people to join the party a. Grand opening
b. To tell an good relationship b. Farewell
c. To describe a certain party c. Party
d. To share the happiness d. Married
e. To persuade people to have marriage e. Dinner
23. The location of the grand opening is in This conversation is for number 29-30
the………. Joko : Would you like to come over for dinner
a. The pampered princess tonight?
b. In the afternoon Yenny : Thank you! I’d love to. Would you like
me to bring something?
c. Salon & Day Spa
Joko : No, nothing, just come.

Soal PAS Semester Ganjil B. I nggris Wajib Kelas XI (Paket A) TP 2021/2022 Page 3
Yenny : Got it. What time? 33. What is the social function of this
Joko : At 7.00 pm text………….
Yenny : Very well. I’ll see you then. a. To persuade the reader that
something is in the case
29. The closure of this invitation is……..
a. At 7.00 pm b. To describe something
b. I’ll see you then c. To tell the reader about the past
c. Would you like to come over for events
dinner tonight? d. To amuse the reader
d. No, nothing. Just come e. To inform the readers
e. Very well 34. How many arguments are in the
30. What time is the party………
a. At 7.00 pm
b. I’ll see you then a. 2
c. Would you like to come over for b. 3
dinner tonight? c. 4
d. No, nothing. Just come d. 5
e. Very well e. 6
This text is for number 31-37 35. What do we call the last paragraph of
Cars Should Be Banned In the City
Analytical exposition
(1)Cars should be banned in the city. As we all
know, cars create pollution, and cause a lot of a. Argument
road deaths and other accidents. b. Thesis
(2)Firstly, cars, as we all know, contribute to c. Reiteration
most of the pollution in the world. Cars emit a d. Introduction
deadly gas that causes illnesses such as e. Recount
bronchitis, lung cancer, and ‘triggers’ off asthma. 36. In analytical exposition text, it mostly
Some of these illnesses are so bad that people can
die from them.
(3)Secondly, the city is very busy. Pedestrians a. Simple present tense
wander everywhere and cars commonly hit b. Simple past tense
pedestrians in the city, which causes them to die. c. Present perfect tense
Cars today are our roads biggest killers. d. Present continuous tense
(4)Thirdly, cars are very noisy. If you live in the e. Future tense
city, you may find it hard to sleep at night, or 37. From the text, we know that………….
concentrate on your homework, and especially
a. Cars should not be banned
talk to someone
b. Cars create pollution, and cause a lot
(5)In conclusion, cars should be banned from the of road deaths and other accidents.
city for the reasons listed c. Cars are not biggest killers
d. Cars are not noisy
31. What kind of text is this……………. e. Cars doesn’t create pollution
a. Explanation
b. Narrative This text is for number 38-40
c. Procedure The Importance of Having Breakfast
d. Analytical exposition (1)In a busy morning, people tend
e. Information report to skip their breakfast. Actually, there are
32. The “Thesis” of this text is in many benefits of having breakfast. Here
paragraph……………. are two reasons why it is important.
a. 1 (2)Having breakfast helps us feel
b. 2 more focused for the coming day. When
c. 3 we study at school and didn’t have
breakfast before, we will more likely to
d. 4
not focus during the lesson. There’s
e. 5 nothing worse than being constantly

Soal PAS Semester Ganjil B. I nggris Wajib Kelas XI (Paket A) TP 2021/2022 Page 4
aware that you are hungry and counting
the minutes until lunchtime. Having
breakfast in the morning not only fuels us
until lunchtime but actually gives our
brains the essential energy to function
and focus better on tasks, so we can GOOD LUCK
concentrate more.
(3)Having breakfast will also
control our appetite. If we don’t eat
breakfast, we are much more likely to end
up snacking throughout the morning,
which could pile up the unhealthy
calories. Stay away from overly-refined
snacks with added sugar, so if you do feel
like snacking, have some slices of fruits.
(4)The two reasons above, to help
us feel more focused and to control our
appetite are only some of many reasons
out there on why having breakfast is
important. There are indeed many other
benefits of having breakfast.

38. The writer’s purpose in writing the text

above is to………….
a. describe what healthy breakfast is
b. explain the importance of having
c. announce some benefits of having
d. convince the readers that having
breakfast is essential
e. give information to the readers not to
skip breakfast
39. How many arguments are in the
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
40. “In a busy morning, people tend to skip
their breakfast” The synonym of “skip”
a. Pass over
b. Stay
c. Meet
d. Take on
e. Face

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