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The Islamic School Rising with World Class Education

Name : _____ Flp Mocks Total Marks :60 Class : 10th Sub: Phy
Q.1: Four possible answers are given for the following questions. (1X12=12)

1. Energy can be transferred from one place to another by

(a) matter (b) waves (c) both of them (d) none of these

2. If the mass of the bob of the pendulum is increased by a factor of 3, the period
of pendulum’s motion will
(a) remain same (b) decreased by a factor of 4 (c) decreased by a factor of 2
(d) increased by a factor of 2

3. Sound energy per unit area per second is

(a) frequency (b) pitch (c) loudness (d) intensity
4. The ratio of height of an image to an object is called
(a) Mirage (b) magnification
(c) Imagination (d) Mirror
5. If outer curved surface of mirror is reflecting then it is called :
(a) concave (b) convex (c) spherical mirror (d) plane mirror

6. An object gains excess negative charge after being rubbed against another
object which is
(a) neutral (b) positively charge (c) negatively charge (d) all

7. Similar charges always

(a) repel (b) attract (c) no effect (d) none of these

8. To measure current which devise is used

(a) Galvanometer (b) ammeter (c) voltmeter (d) none

9. The turn ratio of a transformer is 10, it means

(a) Is = 10Ip (b) Ns= Np/10 (c) Vs= Vp/10 (d) Ns= 10 Np

10. Index of refraction of ice is

(a) 1.33 (b) 1.36 (c) 1.31 (d) 1.00

11. Similar charges always

(a) repel (b) attract (c) no effect (d) none of these

12. Capacitance is defined as

(a) QV (b) VC (c) Q/V (d) V/Q
The Islamic School Rising with World Class Education
Name : _____ Flp Mocks Total Marks :60 Class : 10th Sub: Phy

Q.2: Write short answers of the following. (5x2=10)

1) Define refraction of waves?

2) Define quality of sound
3) What is the difference between convex and concave mirror?
4) What is stethoscope?
5) State Hook’s Law.
6) What is the difference between regular reflection and irregular reflection?
7) Define Snell’s Law. Write down its formula.
8) Define electric field intensity and write down its units.
Q.3: Write short answers of the following. (5x2=10)

1) What is the difference between capacitor and dielectric?

2) How emf of a battery is measured?
3) State Joule’s Law. Write down its formula.
4) Write down two advantages of parallel circuit over series circuit.
5) Define mutual induction
6) Define electric potential.
7) What is meant by intensity of magnetic field?
8) Prove that P=I2R.
Q.4: Write short answers of the following. (5x2=10)

1) Define electronics
2) Define penetrating power.
3) Define electromagnetic induction.
4) Write two characteristics of beta radiations.
5) State the rule by which the direction magnetic field in a current carrying coil can be
The Islamic School Rising with World Class Education
Name : _____ Flp Mocks Total Marks :60 Class : 10th Sub: Phy
6) What is meant by DAC?
7) Define Ohm.
8) What is the function of voltmeter and ammeter?
SECTION II (9x2=18)

Attempt any two questions.

Q.5 (a) Define simple harmonic motion and prove that motion of simple pendulum is simple
harmonic motion

(b). A simple pendulum complete one vibration in two seconds. Calculate its length when

Q.6. (a) What is specific resistance and prove that R= ρ L/A(4)

(b)Two capacitors of capacitance 12µF and 6µF are connected in series with 12V battery.
Find the equivalent resistance of the combination. Find the charge and the potential difference
across each capacitor.

Q.7. (a) Write a note on components of computer-based information system.

(b) Carbon has a half life of 5730 years. How long will it take for the quantity of carbon to
drop to 1/8 of initial quantity.

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