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Text Analysis

Text analysis is the automated process of understanding and sorting unstructured text
data with AI-powered machine learning to mine for valuable insights.

Unstructured data (images, audio, video, and mostly text) differs from structured data
(whole numbers, statistics, spreadsheets, and databases), in that it doesn’t have a set
format or organization. It must first be organized, so that it may be analyzed with
machine learning techniques. That’s where text analysis tools come in.

Using word cloud generators to create a word cloud, for example, is a basic text analysis
technique used to detect keyword frequency and extract phrases that often go together.

However, to carry out a more advanced analysis of your text data (from social media data,
surveys, news reports, online reviews, and more), you’ll need to use a number of machine
learning text analysis techniques in concert.

MonkeyLearn is a powerful SaaS platform with dozens of easy-to-use, automated text

analysis tools that can help you get the most out of your data. Read on to learn how to do
text analysis, why it’s important, and some of the best text analysis applications and

What Is Text Analysis?

Text analysis is a machine learning technique that allows companies to automatically
extract and classify text data, such as tweets, emails, support tickets, product reviews, and
survey responses.

Text analysis applications are vast: you can extract specific information, like keywords,
names, or company information from thousands of emails, or categorize survey responses
by sentiment and topic.

Manually organizing and reading huge amounts of text data just doesn’t make sense these
days – it’s expensive, time-consuming, and much less accurate than properly trained
machine models. ust imagine if Walmart's employees had to manually process the one-
million customer transactions they receive every day.

To really understand how automated text analysis works, you need to understand the
basics of machine learning. Let's start with this definition from Machine Learning by Tom

"A computer program is said to learn to perform a task T from experience E".

In other words, if we want text analysis software to perform desired tasks, we need to
teach machine learning algorithms how to analyze, understand and derive meaning from
text. But how? The simple answer is by tagging examples of text. Once a machine has
enough examples of tagged text to work with, algorithms are able to start differentiating
and making associations between pieces of text, and make predictions by themselves.

It's very similar to the way humans learn how to differentiate between topics, objects, and
emotions. Let's say we have urgent and low priority issues to deal with. We don't
instinctively know the difference between them – we learn gradually by associating
urgency with certain expressions.

For example, when we want to identify urgent issues, we'd look out for expressions like
'please help me ASAP!' or 'urgent: can't enter the platform, the system is DOWN!!'. On
the other hand, to identify low priority issues, we'd search for more positive expressions
like 'thanks for the help! Really appreciate it' or 'the new feature works like a dream'.

Let's explore some definitions that are closely linked to text analysis.

The Meaning of “Text Analysis” vs. “Text Mining” vs. “Text Analytics”
Firstly, let's dispel the myth that text mining and text analysis are two different processes.
The terms are often used interchangeably to explain the same process of obtaining data
through statistical pattern learning. To avoid any confusion here, let's stick to text

So, text analytics vs. text analysis: what's the difference?

Text analysis delivers qualitative results and text analytics delivers quantitative results. If
a machine performs text analysis, it identifies important information within the text itself,
but if it performs text analytics, it reveals patterns across thousands of texts, resulting in
graphs, reports, tables etc.

Let's say a customer support manager wants to know the outcomes of each support ticket
handled by individual team members – was the result positive or negative? By analyzing
the text within each ticket, and subsequent exchanges, customer support managers can
see team members' individual ticket resolution rates.

However, it's likely that the manager also wants to create a graph that visualizes how
many tickets were tagged as solved. In this instance, they'd use text analytics.

Basically, the challenge in text analysis is decoding the ambiguity of human language,
while in text analytics it's detecting patterns and trends from the results.

Text Analysis Techniques

There are basic and more advanced text analysis techniques, each used for different
purposes. First, learn about the simpler text analysis techniques and examples of when
you might use each one.

Word Frequency

Word frequency is a text analysis technique that measures the most frequently occurring
words or concepts in a given text using the numerical statistic TF-IDF (term frequency-
inverse document frequency).

You might apply this technique to analyze the words or expressions customers use most
frequently in support conversations. For example, if the word 'delivery' appears most
often in a set of negative support tickets, this might suggest customers are unhappy with
your delivery service.

Collocation helps identify words that commonly co-occur. For example, in customer
reviews on a hotel booking website, the words 'air' and 'conditioning' are more likely to
co-occur rather than appear individually. Bigrams (two adjacent words e.g. 'air
conditioning' or 'customer support') and trigrams (three adjacent words e.g. 'out of office'
or 'to be continued') are the most common types of collocation you'll need to look out for.

Collocation can be helpful to identify hidden semantic structures and improve the
granularity of the insights by counting bigrams and trigrams as one word.

Concordance helps identify the context and instances of words or a set of words. For
example, the following is the concordance of the word “simple” in a set of app reviews:

In this case, the concordance of the word “simple” can give us a quick grasp of how
reviewers are using this word. It can also be used to decode the ambiguity of the human
language to a certain extent, by looking at how words are used in different contexts, as
well as being able to analyze more complex phrases.

Now that we've touched upon the basic techniques of text analysis, we'll introduce you to
the more advanced methods: text classification and text extraction.

Text Classification
Text classification is the process of assigning predefined tags or categories to unstructured
text. It's considered one of the most useful natural language processing techniques
because it's so versatile and can organize, structure, and categorize pretty much any form
of text to deliver meaningful data and solve problems. Natural language processing (NLP)
is a machine learning technique that allows computers to break down and understand text
much as a human would.

Below, we're going to focus on some of the most common text classification tasks, which
include sentiment analysis, topic modeling, language detection, and intent detection.

Sentiment Analysis

Customers freely leave their opinions about businesses and products in customer service
interactions, on surveys, and all over the internet. Sentiment analysis uses powerful
machine learning algorithms to automatically read and classify for opinion polarity
(positive, negative, neutral) and beyond, into the feelings and emotions of the writer, even
context and sarcasm.

For example, by using sentiment analysis companies are able to flag complaints or urgent
requests, so they can be dealt with immediately – even avert a PR crisis on social media.
Sentiment classifiers can assess brand reputation, carry out market research, and help
improve products with customer feedback.

Try out this pre-trained classifier. Just enter your own text to see how it works:

Test with your own text



For more accuracy, learn how to train your own custom classifier with your own data and
criteria in just five steps. Check out these use cases & applications to see how companies
and organizations are already using sentiment analysis.

Topic Analysis

Another common example of text classification is topic analysis (or topic modeling) that
automatically organizes text by subject or theme. For example:

“The app is really simple and easy to use”

If we are using topic categories, like Pricing, Customer Support, and Ease of Use, this
product feedback would be classified under Ease of Use.

Try out this pre-trained topic classifier for categorizing NPS responses for SaaS products.

Test with your own text


Ease of Use90.5%

Intent Detection

Text classifiers can also be used to detect the intent of a text. Intent detection or intent
classification is often used to automatically understand the reason behind customer
feedback. Is it a complaint? Or is a customer writing with the intent to purchase a
product? Machine learning can read chatbot conversations or emails and automatically
route them to the proper department or employee.

Try out this email intent classifier. We've used the tags Interested, Not Interested,
Unsubscribe, Wrong Person, Email Bounce, and Autoresponder to train this classifier:

Test with your own text



Text Extraction
Text extraction is another widely used text analysis technique that extracts pieces of data
that already exist within any given text. You can extract things like keywords, prices,
company names, and product specifications from news reports, product reviews, and

You can automatically populate spreadsheets with this data or perform extraction in
concert with other text analysis techniques to categorize and extract data at the same

Keyword Extraction

Keywords are the most used and most relevant terms within a text, words and phrases
that summarize the contents of text. Keyword extraction can be used to index data to be
searched and to generate word clouds (a visual representation of text data).

Try out this pre-trained keyword extractor to see how it works:

Test with your own text



KEYWORDelon musk

KEYWORDsecond image


KEYWORDbody look

KEYWORDnew design



Or learn how to train your own custom extractor to your particular needs and criteria.

Entity Recognition

A named entity recognition (NER) extractor finds entities, which can be people,
companies, or locations and exist within text data. Results are shown labeled with the
corresponding entity label, like in this pre-trained person extractor:

Test with your own text



Word Sense Disambiguation

It's very common for a word to have more than one meaning, which is why word sense
disambiguation is a major challenge of natural language processing. Take the word 'light'
for example. Is the text referring to weight, color, or an electrical appliance? Smart text
analysis with word sense disambiguation can differentiate words that have more than one
meaning, but only after training models to do so.


Text clusters are able to understand and group vast quantities of unstructured data.
Although less accurate than classification algorithms, clustering algorithms are faster to
implement, because you don't need to tag examples to train models. That means these
smart algorithms mine information and make predictions without the use of training
data, otherwise known as unsupervised machine learning.

Google is a great example of how clustering works. When you search for a term on Google,
have you ever wondered how it takes just seconds to pull up relevant results? Google's
algorithm breaks down unstructured data from web pages and groups pages into clusters
around a set of similar words or n-grams (all possible combinations of adjacent words or
letters in a text). So, the pages from the cluster that contain a higher count of words or n-
grams relevant to the search query will appear first within the results.

Why is Text Analysis Important?

Text analysis can stretch it's AI wings across a range of texts depending on the results you
desire. It can be applied to:

Whole documents: obtains information from a complete document or paragraph:

e.g., the overall sentiment of a customer review.
Single sentences: obtains information from specific sentences: e.g., more detailed
sentiments of every sentence of a customer review.
Sub-sentences: obtains information from sub-expressions within a sentence: e.g.,
the underlying sentiments of every opinion unit of a customer review.

When you put machines to work on organizing and analyzing your text data, the insights
and benefits are huge.

Let's take a look at some of the advantages for businesses below:


Text analysis tools allow businesses to structure vast quantities of information, like
emails, chats, social media, support tickets, documents, and so on, in seconds rather than
days, so you can redirect extra resources to more important business tasks.

Real-time Analysis

Businesses are inundated with information and customer comments can appear anywhere
on the web these days, but it can be difficult to keep an eye on it all. Text analysis is a
game-changer when it comes to detecting urgent matters, wherever they may appear,
24/7 and in real time. By training these models to detect expressions and sentiments that
imply negativity or urgency, businesses can automatically flag tweets, reviews, videos,
tickets, and the like, and take action sooner rather than later.

Consistent Criteria

Humans make errors. Fact. And the more tedious and time-consuming a task is, the more
errors they make. By training text analysis models to your needs and criteria, algorithms
are able to analyze, understand, and sort through data much more accurately than
humans ever could.

How Does Text Analysis Work?

Machine learning makes it possible to process huge amounts of unstructured text data
quickly and easily. But what's the best way to get started with text analysis?

There is an ongoing Build vs. Buy Debate when it comes to text analysis applications:
build your own tool with open-source software, or use a SaaS text analysis tool?

Building your own software from scratch can be effective and rewarding if you have years
of data science and engineering experience, but it’s time-consuming and can cost in the
hundreds of thousands of dollars.

SaaS tools, on the other hand, are a great way to dive right in. They can be
straightforward, easy to use, and just as powerful as building your own model from
scratch. MonkeyLearn is a SaaS text analysis platform with dozens of pre-trained models.
Or you can customize your own, often in only a few steps for results that are just as
accurate. All with no coding experience necessary.

Let’s take a look at how text analysis works step-by-step.

Data Gathering

Let's imagine we work for Slack and want to analyze online reviews to better understand
what our customers like and dislike about our platform. We can start out by gathering
reviews from sites like Capterra and G2Crowd.We’ll use this data as training samples to
build our machine learning classification and extraction models.

Sources for data gathering can either be internal or external:

Internal Data

This is the data you generate every day, from emails and chats, to surveys, customer
queries, and customer support tickets.

You just need to export it from your software or platform as a CSV or Excel file, or connect
an API to retrieve it directly.

Some examples of internal data:

Customer Service Software: the software you use to communicate with

customers, manage user queries and deal with customer support issues: Zendesk,
Freshdesk, and Help Scout are a few examples.

CRM: software that keeps track of all the interactions with clients or potential
clients. It can involve different areas, from customer support to sales and marketing.
Hubspot, Salesforce, and Pipedrive are examples of CRMs.

Chat: apps that communicate with the members of your team or your customers,
like Slack, Hipchat, Intercom, and Drift.

Email: the king of business communication, emails are still the most popular tool
to manage conversations with customers and team members.

Surveys: generally used to gather customer service feedback, product feedback, or

to conduct market research, like Typeform, Google Forms, and SurveyMonkey.

NPS (Net Promoter Score): one of the most popular metrics for customer
experience in the world. Many companies use NPS tracking software to collect and
analyze feedback from their customers. A few examples are Delighted,
and Satismeter.

Databases: a database is a collection of information. By using a database

management system, a company can store, manage and analyze all sorts of data.
Examples of databases include Postgres, MongoDB, and MySQL.

Product Analytics: the feedback and information about interactions of a customer

with your product or service. It's useful to understand the customer's journey and
make data-driven decisions. ProductBoard and UserVoice are two tools you can use
to process product analytics.

External Data

This is text data about your brand or products from all over the web. You can use web
scraping tools, APIs, and open datasets to collect external data from social media, news
reports, online reviews, forums, and more, and analyze it with machine learning models.

Web Scraping Tools:

Visual Web Scraping Tools: you can build your own web scraper even with no
coding experience, with tools like., Portia, and ParseHub.e.

Web Scraping Frameworks: seasoned coders can benefit from tools, like Scrapy
in Python and Wombat in Ruby, to create custom scrapers.

Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, for example, have their own APIs and allow you to
extract data from their platforms. Major media outlets like the New York Times or The
Guardian also have their own APIs and you can use them to search their archive or gather
users' comments, among other things.

SaaS tools, like MonkeyLearn offer integrations with the tools you already use. You can
connect directly to Twitter, Google Sheets, Gmail, Zendesk, SurveyMonkey, Rapidminer,
and more. And perform text analysis on Excel data by uploading a file.

Data Preparation
In order to automatically analyze text with machine learning, you’ll need to organize your
data. Most of this is done automatically, and you won't even notice it's happening.
However, it's important to understand that automatic text analysis makes use of a number
of natural language processing techniques (NLP) like the below.

Tokenization, Part-of-speech Tagging, and Parsing

Tokenization is the process of breaking up a string of characters into semantically
meaningful parts that can be analyzed (e.g., words), while discarding meaningless chunks
(e.g. whitespaces).

The examples below show two different ways in which one could tokenize the string
'Analyzing text is not that hard'.

(Incorrect): Analyzing text is not that hard. = [“Analyz”, “ing text”, “is n”, “ot that”,

(Correct): Analyzing text is not that hard. = [“Analyzing”, “text”, “is”, “not”, “that”, “hard”,

Once the tokens have been recognized, it's time to categorize them. Part-of-speech
tagging refers to the process of assigning a grammatical category, such as noun, verb, etc.
to the tokens that have been detected.

Here are the PoS tags of the tokens from the sentence above:

“Analyzing”: VERB, “text”: NOUN, “is”: VERB, “not”: ADV, “that”: ADV, “hard”: ADJ, “.”:

With all the categorized tokens and a language model (i.e. a grammar), the system can
now create more complex representations of the texts it will analyze. This process is
known as parsing. In other words, parsing refers to the process of determining the
syntactic structure of a text. To do this, the parsing algorithm makes use of a grammar of
the language the text has been written in. Different representations will result from the
parsing of the same text with different grammars.

The examples below show the dependency and constituency representations of the
sentence 'Analyzing text is not that hard'.

Dependency Parsing
Dependency grammars can be defined as grammars that establish directed relations
between the words of sentences. Dependency parsing is the process of using a
dependency grammar to determine the syntactic structure of a sentence:

Constituency Parsing

Constituency phrase structure grammars model syntactic structures by making use of
abstract nodes associated to words and other abstract categories (depending on the type
of grammar) and undirected relations between them. Constituency parsing refers to the
process of using a constituency grammar to determine the syntactic structure of a

As you can see in the images above, the output of the parsing algorithms contains a great
deal of information which can help you understand the syntactic (and some of the
semantic) complexity of the text you intend to analyze.

Depending on the problem at hand, you might want to try different parsing strategies and
techniques. However, at present, dependency parsing seems to outperform other

Lemmatization and Stemming

Stemming and lemmatization both refer to the process of removing all of the affixes (i.e.
suffixes, prefixes, etc.) attached to a word in order to keep its lexical base, also known as
root or stem or its dictionary form or lemma. The main difference between these two
processes is that stemming is usually based on rules that trim word beginnings and
endings (and sometimes lead to somewhat weird results), whereas lemmatization makes
use of dictionaries and a much more complex morphological analysis.

The table below shows the output of NLTK's Snowball Stemmer and Spacy's lemmatizer
for the tokens in the sentence 'Analyzing text is not that hard'. The differences in the
output have been boldfaced:

Stopword Removal

To provide a more accurate automated analysis of the text, we need to remove the words
that provide very little semantic information or no meaning at all. These words are also
known as stopwords: a, and, or, the, etc.

There are many different lists of stopwords for every language. However, it's important to
understand that you might need to add words to or remove words from those lists
depending on the texts you want to analyze and the analyses you would like to perform.

You might want to do some kind of lexical analysis of the domain your texts come from in
order to determine the words that should be added to the stopwords list.

Text Data Analysis

Now that you’ve learned how to mine unstructured text data and the basics of data
preparation, how do you analyze all of this text?

Well, the analysis of unstructured text is not straightforward. There are countless text
analysis methods, but two of the main techniques are text classification and text

Text Classification

Text classification (also known as text categorization or text tagging) refers to the
process of assigning tags to texts based on its content.

In the past, text classification was done manually, which was time-consuming, inefficient,
and inaccurate. But automated machine learning text analysis models often work in just
seconds with unsurpassed accuracy.

The most popular text classification tasks include sentiment analysis (i.e. detecting when
a text says something positive or negative about a given topic), topic detection (i.e.
determining what topics a text talks about), and intent detection (i.e. detecting the
purpose or underlying intent of the text), among others, but there are a great many more
applications you might be interested in.

Rule-based Systems
In text classification, a rule is essentially a human-made association between a linguistic
pattern that can be found in a text and a tag. Rules usually consist of references to
morphological, lexical, or syntactic patterns, but they can also contain references to other
components of language, such as semantics or phonology.

Here's an example of a simple rule for classifying product descriptions according to the
type of product described in the text:

(HDD|RAM|SSD|Memory) → Hardware

In this case, the system will assign the Hardware tag to those texts that contain the words
HDD, RAM, SSD, or Memory.

The most obvious advantage of rule-based systems is that they are easily understandable
by humans. However, creating complex rule-based systems takes a lot of time and a good
deal of knowledge of both linguistics and the topics being dealt with in the texts the
system is supposed to analyze.

On top of that, rule-based systems are difficult to scale and maintain because adding new
rules or modifying the existing ones requires a lot of analysis and testing of the impact of
these changes on the results of the predictions.

Machine Learning-based Systems

Machine learning-based systems can make predictions based on what they learn from
past observations. These systems need to be fed multiple examples of texts and the
expected predictions (tags) for each. This is called training data. The more consistent and
accurate your training data, the better ultimate predictions will be.

When you train a machine learning-based classifier, training data has to be transformed
into something a machine can understand, that is, vectors (i.e. lists of numbers which
encode information). By using vectors, the system can extract relevant features (pieces of
information) which will help it learn from the existing data and make predictions about
the texts to come.

There are a number of ways to do this, but one of the most frequently used is called bag of
words vectorization. You can learn more about vectorization here.

Once the texts have been transformed into vectors, they are fed into a machine learning
algorithm together with their expected output to create a classification model that can
choose what features best represent the texts and make predictions about unseen texts:

The trained model will transform unseen text into a vector, extract its relevant features,
and make a prediction:

Machine Learning Algorithms

There are many machine learning algorithms used in text classification. The most
frequently used are the Naive Bayes (NB) family of algorithms, Support Vector Machines
(SVM), and deep learning algorithms.

The Naive Bayes family of algorithms is based on Bayes's Theorem and the conditional
probabilities of occurrence of the words of a sample text within the words of a set of texts
that belong to a given tag. Vectors that represent texts encode information about how
likely it is for the words in the text to occur in the texts of a given tag. With this
information, the probability of a text's belonging to any given tag in the model can be
computed. Once all of the probabilities have been computed for an input text, the
classification model will return the tag with the highest probability as the output for that

One of the main advantages of this algorithm is that results can be quite good even if
there’s not much training data.

Support Vector Machines (SVM) is an algorithm that can divide a vector space of tagged
texts into two subspaces: one space that contains most of the vectors that belong to a
given tag and another subspace that contains most of the vectors that do not belong to
that one tag.

Classification models that use SVM at their core will transform texts into vectors and will
determine what side of the boundary that divides the vector space for a given tag those
vectors belong to. Based on where they land, the model will know if they belong to a given
tag or not.

The most important advantage of using SVM is that results are usually better than those
obtained with Naive Bayes. However, more computational resources are needed for SVM.

Deep Learning is a set of algorithms and techniques that use “artificial neural networks”
to process data much as the human brain does. These algorithms use huge amounts of
training data (millions of examples) to generate semantically rich representations of texts
which can then be fed into machine learning-based models of different kinds that will
make much more accurate predictions than traditional machine learning models:

Hybrid Systems
Hybrid systems usually contain machine learning-based systems at their cores and rule-
based systems to improve the predictions


Classifier performance is usually evaluated through standard metrics used in the machine
learning field: accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score. Understanding what they mean
will give you a clearer idea of how good your classifiers are at analyzing your texts.

It is also important to understand that evaluation can be performed over a fixed testing
set (i.e. a set of texts for which we know the expected output tags) or by using cross-
validation (i.e. a method that splits your training data into different folds so that you can
use some subsets of your data for training purposes and some for testing purposes, see

Accuracy, Precision, Recall, and F1 score

Accuracy is the number of correct predictions the classifier has made divided by the total
number of predictions. In general, accuracy alone is not a good indicator of performance.
For example, when categories are imbalanced, that is, when there is one category that
contains many more examples than all of the others, predicting all texts as belonging to
that category will return high accuracy levels. This is known as the accuracy paradox. To
get a better idea of the performance of a classifier, you might want to consider precision
and recall instead.

Precision states how many texts were predicted correctly out of the ones that were
predicted as belonging to a given tag. In other words, precision takes the number of texts
that were correctly predicted as positive for a given tag and divides it by the number of
texts that were predicted (correctly and incorrectly) as belonging to the tag.

We have to bear in mind that precision only gives information about the cases where the
classifier predicts that the text belongs to a given tag. This might be particularly
important, for example, if you would like to generate automated responses for user
messages. In this case, before you send an automated response you want to know for sure
you will be sending the right response, right? In other words, if your classifier says the
user message belongs to a certain type of message, you would like the classifier to make
the right guess. This means you would like a high precision for that type of message.

Recall states how many texts were predicted correctly out of the ones that should have
been predicted as belonging to a given tag. In other words, recall takes the number of
texts that were correctly predicted as positive for a given tag and divides it by the number
of texts that were either predicted correctly as belonging to the tag or that were incorrectly
predicted as not belonging to the tag.

Recall might prove useful when routing support tickets to the appropriate team, for
example. It might be desired for an automated system to detect as many tickets as
possible for a critical tag (for example tickets about 'Outrages / Downtime') at the
expense of making some incorrect predictions along the way. In this case, making a
prediction will help perform the initial routing and solve most of these critical issues
ASAP. If the prediction is incorrect, the ticket will get rerouted by a member of the team.
When processing thousands of tickets per week, high recall (with good levels of precision
as well, of course) can save support teams a good deal of time and enable them to solve
critical issues faster.

The F1 score is the harmonic means of precision and recall. It tells you how well your
classifier performs if equal importance is given to precision and recall. In general, F1 score
is a much better indicator of classifier performance than accuracy is.

Cross-validation is quite frequently used to evaluate the performance of text classifiers.
The method is simple. First of all, the training dataset is randomly split into a number of
equal-length subsets (e.g. 4 subsets with 25% of the original data each). Then, all the
subsets except for one are used to train a classifier (in this case, 3 subsets with 75% of the
original data) and this classifier is used to predict the texts in the remaining subset. Next,
all the performance metrics are computed (i.e. accuracy, precision, recall, F1, etc.).
Finally, the process is repeated with a new testing fold until all the folds have been used
for testing purposes.

Once all folds have been used, the average performance metrics are computed and the
evaluation process is finished.

Text Extraction

Text Extraction refers to the process of recognizing structured pieces of information from
unstructured text. For example, it can be useful to automatically detect the most relevant
keywords from a piece of text, identify names of companies in a news article, detect
lessors and lessees in a financial contract, or identify prices on product descriptions.

Regular Expressions
Regular Expressions (a.k.a. regexes) work as the equivalent of the rules defined in
classification tasks. In this case, a regular expression defines a pattern of characters that
will be associated with a tag.

For example, the pattern below will detect most email addresses in a text if they preceded
and followed by spaces:


By detecting this match in texts and assigning it the email tag, we can create a
rudimentary email address extractor.

There are obvious pros and cons of this approach. On the plus side, you can create text
extractors quickly and the results obtained can be good, provided you can find the right
patterns for the type of information you would like to detect. On the minus side, regular
expressions can get extremely complex and might be really difficult to maintain and scale,
particularly when many expressions are needed in order to extract the desired patterns.

Conditional Random Fields

Conditional Random Fields (CRF) is a statistical approach often used in machine-
learning-based text extraction. This approach learns the patterns to be extracted by
weighing a set of features of the sequences of words that appear in a text. Through the use

of CRFs, we can add multiple variables which depend on each other to the patterns we use
to detect information in texts, such as syntactic or semantic information.

This usually generates much richer and complex patterns than using regular expressions
and can potentially encode much more information. However, more computational
resources are needed in order to implement it since all the features have to be calculated
for all the sequences to be considered and all of the weights assigned to those features
have to be learned before determining whether a sequence should belong to a tag or not.

One of the main advantages of the CRF approach is its generalization capacity. Once an
extractor has been trained using the CRF approach over texts of a specific domain, it will
have the ability to generalize what it has learned to other domains reasonably well.

Extractors are sometimes evaluated by calculating the same standard performance
metrics we have explained above for text classification, namely, accuracy, precision,
recall, and F1 score. However, these metrics do not account for partial matches of
patterns. In order for an extracted segment to be a true positive for a tag, it has to be a
perfect match with the segment that was supposed to be extracted.

Consider the following example:

'Your flight will depart on January 14, 2020 at 03:30 PM from SFO'

If we created a date extractor, we would expect it to return January 14, 2020 as a date
from the text above, right? So, if the output of the extractor were January 14, 2020, we
would count it as a true positive for the tag DATE.

But, what if the output of the extractor were January 14? Would you say the extraction
was bad? Would you say it was a false positive for the tag DATE? To capture partial
matches like this one, some other performance metrics can be used to evaluate the
performance of extractors. One example of this is the ROUGE family of metrics.

ROUGE (Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation) is a family of metrics used

in the fields of machine translation and automatic summarization that can also be used to
assess the performance of text extractors. These metrics basically compute the lengths
and number of sequences that overlap between the source text (in this case, our original
text) and the translated or summarized text (in this case, our extraction).

Depending on the length of the units whose overlap you would like to compare, you can
define ROUGE-n metrics (for units of length n) or you can define the ROUGE-LCS or
ROUGE-L metric if you intend to compare the longest common sequence (LCS).

Text Data Visualization

Now you know a variety of text analysis methods to break down your data, but what do
you do with the results? Business intelligence (BI) and data visualization tools make it
easy to understand your results in striking dashboards, to spot patterns, trends, and

immediately actionable insights in broad stokes or minute detail.

Data visualization boosts the value of your text mining results by transforming complex
concepts into compelling and easily-to-understand visualsIt's all about high-quality
insights that lead to smart, data-driven business decisions!

MonkeyLearn Studio

MonkeyLearn Studio is an all-in-one data gathering, analysis, and visualization tool. Deep
learning machine learning techniques allow you to choose the text analyses you need
(keyword extraction, sentiment analysis, aspect classification, and on and on) and chain
them together to work simultaneously.

You’ll see the importance of text analytics right away. Simply upload your data and
visualize the results for powerful insights. It all works together in a single interface, so you
no longer have to upload and download between applications.

Take a look at the MonkeyLearn Studio dashboard below, where we ran aspect-based
sentiment analysis on customer reviews of Zoom. The reviews are first organized by
“aspect” or category (Usability, Support, Reliability, etc.), then each category is sentiment
analyzed to show opinion polarity.

You can see that individual reviews are organized by date and time, so you can follow
aspects and sentiments as they change over time. Imagine this analysis used on thousands
of your brand’s mentions on social media, in product reviews, or on your customer
support tickets.

You can play around with the MonkeyLearn Studio public dashboard now to see just how
easy it is to use. Search by individual sentiment, date, category, etc. The best thing about
MonkeyLearn Studio is you can add or remove analyses, add new data, and change
visualizations right in the dashboard.

Google Data Studio

Google's free visualization tool allows you to create interactive reports using a wide variety
of data. Once you've imported your data you can use different tools to design your report
and turn your data into an impressive visual story. Share the results with individuals or
teams, publish them on the web, or embed them on your website.


Looker is a business data analytics platform designed to direct meaningful data to anyone
within a company. The idea is to allow teams to have a bigger picture about what's
happening in their company.

You can connect to different databases and automatically create data models, which can
be fully customized to meet specific needs. Take a look here to get started.


Tableau is a business intelligence and data visualization tool with an intuitive, user-
friendly approach (no technical skills required). Tableau allows organizations to work
with almost any existing data source and provides powerful visualization options with
more advanced tools for developers.

There's a trial version available for anyone wanting to give it a go. Check out this video to
learn how to get started with Tableau.

Text Analysis Examples in Business

Did you know that 80% of business data is text? Text is present in every major business
process, from support tickets, to product feedback, and online customer interactions.
Automated, real time text analysis can help you get a handle on all that data with a broad
range of business applications and use cases. Maximize efficiency and reduce repetitive

tasks that often have a high turnover impact. Better understand customer insights without
having to sort through millions of social media posts, online reviews, and survey

If you work in customer experience, product, marketing, or sales, there are a number of
text analysis applications to automate processes and get real world insights. And best of
all you don’t need any data science or engineering experience to do it.

Social Media Monitoring

Let's say you work for Uber and you want to know what users are saying about the brand.
You've read some positive and negative feedback on Twitter and Facebook. But 500
million tweets are sent each day, and Uber has thousands of mentions on social media
every month. Can you imagine analyzing all of them manually?

This is where sentiment analysis comes in to analyze the opinion of a given text. By
analyzing your social media mentions with a sentiment analysis model, you can
automatically categorize them into Positive, Neutral or Negative. Then run them through
a topic analyzer to understand the subject of each text. By running aspect-based
sentiment analysis, you can automatically pinpoint the reasons behind positive or
negative mentions and get insights such as:

The top complaint about Uber on social media?

The success rate of Uber's customer service - are people happy or are annoyed with
What Uber users like about the service when they mention Uber in a positive way?

Now, let's say you've just added a new service to Uber. For example, Uber Eats. It's a
crucial moment, and your company wants to know what people are saying about Uber
Eats so that you can fix any glitches as soon as possible, and polish the best features. You
can also use aspect-based sentiment analysis on your Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
profiles for any Uber Eats mentions and discover things such as:

Are people happy with Uber Eats so far?

What is the most urgent issue to fix?
How can we incorporate positive stories into our marketing and PR

Not only can you use text analysis to keep tabs on your brand's social media mentions, but
you can also use it to monitor your competitors' mentions as well. Is a client complaining
about a competitor's service? That gives you a chance to attract potential customers and
show them how much better your brand is.

Brand Monitoring
Follow comments about your brand in real time wherever they may appear (social media,
forums, blogs, review sites, etc.). You’ll know when something negative arises right away
and be able to use positive comments to your advantage.

The power of negative reviews is quite strong: 40% of consumers are put off from buying
if a business has negative reviews. An angry customer complaining about poor customer
service can spread like wildfire within minutes: a friend shares it, then another, then
another… And before you know it, the negative comments have gone viral.

Understand how your brand reputation evolves over time.

Compare your brand reputation to your competitor's.
Identify which aspects are damaging your reputation.
Pinpoint which elements are boosting your brand reputation on online media.
Identify potential PR crises so you can deal with them ASAP.
Tune into data from a specific moment, like the day of a new product launch or IPO
filing. Just run a sentiment analysis on social media and press mentions on that day,
to find out what people said about your brand.
Repost positive mentions of your brand to get the word out.

Customer Service

Despite many people's fears and expectations, text analysis doesn't mean that customer
service will be entirely machine-powered. It just means that businesses can streamline
processes so that teams can spend more time solving problems that require human
interaction. That way businesses will be able to increase retention, given that 89 percent
of customers change brands because of poor customer service. But, how can text analysis
assist your company's customer service?

Ticket Tagging

Let machines do the work for you. Text analysis automatically identifies topics, and tags
each ticket. Here's how it works:

The model analyzes the language and expressions a customer language, for example,
“I didn't get the right order.”
Then, it compares it to other similar conversations.
Finally, it finds a match and tags the ticket automatically. In this case, it could be
under a Shipping Problems tag.

This happens automatically, whenever a new ticket comes in, freeing customer agents to
focus on more important tasks.

Ticket Routing & Triage: Find the Right Person for the Job

Machine learning can read a ticket for subject or urgency, and automatically route it to the
appropriate department or employee .

For example, for a SaaS company that receives a customer ticket asking for a refund, the
text mining system will identify which team usually handles billing issues and send the
ticket to them. If a ticket says something like “How can I integrate your API with
python?”, it would go straight to the team in charge of helping with Integrations.

Ticket Analytics: Learn More From Your Customers

What is commonly assessed to determine the performance of a customer service team?
Common KPIs are first response time, average time to resolution (i.e. how long it takes
your team to resolve issues), and customer satisfaction (CSAT). And, let's face it, overall
client satisfaction has a lot to do with the first two metrics.

But how do we get actual CSAT insights from customer conversations? How can we
identify if a customer is happy with the way an issue was solved? Or if they have expressed
frustration with the handling of the issue?

In this situation, aspect-based sentiment analysis could be used. This type of text analysis
delves into the feelings and topics behind the words on different support channels, such
as support tickets, chat conversations, emails, and CSAT surveys. A text analysis model
can understand words or expressions to define the support interaction as Positive,
Negative, or Neutral, understand what was mentioned (e.g. Service or UI/UX), and even
determine the sentiments behind the words (e.g. Sadness, Anger, etc.).

Urgency Detection: Prioritize Urgent Tickets

“Where do I start?” is a question most customer service representatives often ask

themselves. Urgency is definitely a good starting point, but how do we define the level of
urgency without wasting valuable time deliberating?

A text mining model can define the urgency level of a customer ticket and tag it
accordingly. Support tickets with words and expressions that denote urgency, such as 'as
soon as possible' or 'right away', are duly tagged as Priority.

To see how text analysis works to detect urgency, check out this MonkeyLearn urgency
detection demo model.

Voice of Customer (VoC) & Customer Feedback

Once you get a customer, retention is key, since acquiring new clients is five to 25 times
more expensive than retaining the ones you already have. That's why paying close
attention to the voice of the customer can give your company a clear picture of the level of
client satisfaction and, consequently, of client retention. Also, it can give you actionable
insights to prioritize the product roadmap from a customer's perspective.

Analyzing NPS Responses

Maybe your brand already has a customer satisfaction survey in place, the most common
one being the Net Promoter Score (NPS). This survey asks the question, 'How likely is it
that you would recommend [brand] to a friend or colleague?'. The answer is a score from
0-10 and the result is divided into three groups: the promoters, the passives, and the

But here comes the tricky part: there's an open-ended follow-up question at the end 'Why
did you choose X score?' The answer can provide your company with invaluable insights.
Without the text, you're left guessing what went wrong. And, now, with text analysis, you

no longer have to read through these open-ended responses manually.

You can do what did: extract the main keywords of your customers' feedback
to understand what's being praised or criticized about your product. Is the keyword
'Product' mentioned mostly by promoters or detractors? With this info, you'll be able to
use your time to get the most out of NPS responses and start taking action.

Another option is following in Retently's footsteps using text analysis to classify your
feedback into different topics, such as Customer Support, Product Design, and Product
Features, then analyze each tag with sentiment analysis to see how positively or
negatively clients feel about each topic. Now they know they're on the right track with
product design, but still have to work on product features.

Analyzing Customer Surveys

Does your company have another customer survey system? If it's a scoring system or
closed-ended questions, it'll be a piece of cake to analyze the responses: just crunch the

However, if you have an open-text survey, whether it's provided via email or it's an online
form, you can stop manually tagging every single response by letting text analysis do the
job for you. Besides saving time, you can also have consistent tagging criteria without
errors, 24/7.

Business Intelligence
Data analysis is at the core of every business intelligence operation. Now, what can a
company do to understand, for instance, sales trends and performance over time? With
numeric data, a BI team can identify what's happening (such as sales of X are decreasing)
– but not why. Numbers are easy to analyze, but they are also somewhat limited. Text
data, on the other hand, is the most widespread format of business information and can
provide your organization with valuable insight into your operations. Text analysis with
machine learning can automatically analyze this data for immediate insights.

For example, you can run keyword extraction and sentiment analysis on your social media
mentions to understand what people are complaining about regarding your brand.

You can also run aspect-based sentiment analysis on customer reviews that mention poor
customer experiences. After all, 67% of consumers list bad customer experience as one of
the primary reasons for churning. Maybe it's bad support, a faulty feature, unexpected
downtime, or a sudden price change. Analyzing customer feedback can shed a light on the
details, and the team can take action accordingly.

And what about your competitors? What are their reviews saying? Run them through your
text analysis model and see what they're doing right and wrong and improve your own

Sales and Marketing

Prospecting is the most difficult part of the sales process. And it's getting harder and
harder. The sales team always want to close deals, which requires making the sales
process more efficient. But 27% of sales agents are spending over an hour a day on data
entry work instead of selling, meaning critical time is lost to administrative work and not
closing deals.

Text analysis takes the heavy lifting out of manual sales tasks, including:

Updating the deal status as 'Not interested' in your CRM.

Qualifying your leads based on company descriptions.
Identifying leads on social media that express buying intent.

GlassDollar, a company that links founders to potential investors, is using text analysis to
find the best quality matches. How? They use text analysis to classify companies using
their company descriptions. The results? They saved themselves days of manual work,
and predictions were 90% accurate after training a text classification model. You can
learn more about their experience with MonkeyLearn here.

Not only can text analysis automate manual and tedious tasks, but it can also improve
your analytics to make the sales and marketing funnels more efficient. For example, you
can automatically analyze the responses from your sales emails and conversations to
understand, let's say, a drop in sales:

What are the blocks to completing a deal?

What sparks a customer's interest?
What are customer concerns?

Now, Imagine that your sales team's goal is to target a new segment for your SaaS: people
over 40. The first impression is that they don't like the product, but why? Just filter
through that age group's sales conversations and run them on your text analysis model.
Sales teams could make better decisions using in-depth text analysis on customer

Finally, you can use machine learning and text analysis to provide a better experience
overall within your sales process. For example, Drift, a marketing conversational
platform, integrated MonkeyLearn API to allow recipients to automatically opt out of
sales emails based on how they reply.

It's time to boost sales and stop wasting valuable time with leads that don't go anywhere.
Xeneta, a sea freight company, developed a machine learning algorithm and trained it to
identify which companies were potential customers, based on the company descriptions
gathered through FullContact (a SaaS company that has descriptions of millions of

You can do the same or target users that visit your website to:

Get information about where potential customers work using a service like Clearbit
and classify the company according to its type of business to see if it's a possible
Extract information to easily learn the user's job position, the company they work
for, its type of business and other relevant information.
Hone in on the most qualified leads and save time actually looking for them: sales
reps will receive the information automatically and start targeting the potential
customers right away.

Product Analytics

Let's imagine your startup has an app on the Google Play store. You're receiving some
unusually negative comments. What's going on?

You can find out what’s happening in just minute by using a text analysis model that
groups reviews into different tags like Ease of Use and Integrations. Then run them
through a sentiment analysis model to find out whether customers are talking about
products positively or negatively. Finally, graphs and reports can be created to visualize
and prioritize product problems with MonkeyLearn Studio.

We did this with reviews for Slack from the product review site Capterra and got some
pretty interesting insights. Here's how:

We analyzed reviews with aspect-based sentiment analysis and categorized them

into main topics and sentiment.

We extracted keywords with the keyword extractor to get some insights into why
reviews that are tagged under 'Performance-Quality-Reliability' tend to be negative.

Text Analysis Resources

There are a number of valuable resources out there to help you get started with all that
text analysis has to offer.

Text Analysis APIs

You can use open-source libraries or SaaS APIs to build a text analysis solution that fits
your needs. It’s all part of the Build vs. Buy Debate: open-source libraries require a lot of
time and technical know-how, while SaaS tools can often be put to work right away and
require little to no coding experience.

Open Source Libraries

Python is the most widely-used language in scientific computing, period. Tools like
NumPy and SciPy have established it as a fast, dynamic language that calls C and Fortran
libraries where performance is needed.

These things, combined with a thriving community and a diverse set of libraries to
implement natural language processing (NLP) models has made Python one of the most
preferred programming languages for doing text analysis.

NLTK, the Natural Language Toolkit, is a best-of-class library for text analysis tasks.
NLTK is used in many university courses, so there's plenty of code written with it and no
shortage of users familiar with both the library and the theory of NLP who can help
answer your questions.

SpaCy is an industrial-strength statistical NLP library. Aside from the usual features, it
adds deep learning integration and convolutional neural network models for multiple

Unlike NLTK, which is a research library, SpaCy aims to be a battle-tested, production-

grade library for text analysis.

Scikit-learn is a complete and mature machine learning toolkit for Python built on top of
NumPy, SciPy, and matplotlib, which gives it stellar performance and flexibility for
building text analysis models.

Developed by Google, TensorFlow is by far the most widely used library for distributed
deep learning. Looking at this graph we can see that TensorFlow is ahead of the

PyTorch is a deep learning platform built by Facebook and aimed specifically at deep
learning. PyTorch is a Python-centric library, which allows you to define much of your
neural network architecture in terms of Python code, and only internally deals with lower-
level high-performance code.

Keras is a widely-used deep learning library written in Python. It's designed to enable
rapid iteration and experimentation with deep neural networks, and as a Python library,
it's uniquely user-friendly.

An important feature of Keras is that it provides what is essentially an abstract interface

to deep neural networks. The actual networks can run on top of Tensorflow, Theano, or
other backends. This backend independence makes Keras an attractive option in terms of
its long-term viability.

The permissive MIT license makes it attractive to businesses looking to develop

proprietary models.

R is the pre-eminent language for any statistical task. Its collection of libraries (13,711 at
the time of writing on CRAN far surpasses any other programming language capabilities
for statistical computing and is larger than many other ecosystems. In short, if you choose
to use R for anything statistics-related, you won't find yourself in a situation where you
have to reinvent the wheel, let alone the whole stack.


caret is an R package designed to build complete machine learning pipelines, with tools
for everything from data ingestion and preprocessing, feature selection, and tuning your
model automatically.

The Machine Learning in R project (mlr for short) provides a complete machine learning
toolkit for the R programming language that's frequently used for text analysis.

Java needs no introduction. The language boasts an impressive ecosystem that stretches
beyond Java itself and includes the libraries of other The JVM languages such as The
Scala and Clojure. Beyond that, the JVM is battle-tested and has had thousands of person-
years of development and performance tuning, so Java is likely to give you best-of-class
performance for all your text analysis NLP work.

Stanford's CoreNLP project provides a battle-tested, actively maintained NLP toolkit.
While it's written in Java, it has APIs for all major languages, including Python, R, and

The Apache OpenNLP project is another machine learning toolkit for NLP. It can be used
from any language on the JVM platform.

Weka is a GPL-licensed Java library for machine learning, developed at the University of
Waikato in New Zealand. In addition to a comprehensive collection of machine learning
APIs, Weka has a graphical user interface called the Explorer, which allows users to
interactively develop and study their models.

Weka supports extracting data from SQL databases directly, as well as deep learning
through the deeplearning4j framework.


Using a SaaS API for text analysis has a lot of advantages:

No setup:

Most SaaS tools are simple plug-and-play solutions with no libraries to install and no new

No code:

SaaS APIs provide ready to use solutions. You give them data and they return the analysis.
Every other concern – performance, scalability, logging, architecture, tools, etc. – is
offloaded to the party responsible for maintaining the API.

You often just need to write a few lines of code to call the API and get the results back.

Easy Integration:

SaaS APIs usually provide ready-made integrations with tools you may already use, like
Zapier or Google Sheets. This will allow you to build a truly no-code solution

Some of the most well-known SaaS solutions and APIs for text analysis include:

Training Datasets

If you talk to any data science professional, they'll tell you that the true bottleneck to
building better models is not new and better algorithms, but more data.

Indeed, in machine learning data is king: a simple model, given tons of data, is likely to
outperform one that uses every trick in the book to turn every bit of training data into a
meaningful response.

So, here are some high-quality datasets you can use to get started:

Topic Classification

Reuters news dataset: one the most popular datasets for text classification; it has
thousands of articles from Reuters tagged with 135 categories according to their
topics, such as Politics, Economics, Sports, and Business.

20 Newsgroups: a very well-known dataset that has more than 20k documents
across 20 different topics.

Sentiment Analysis

Product reviews: a dataset with millions of customer reviews from products on


Twitter airline sentiment on Kaggle: another widely used dataset for getting started
with sentiment analysis. It contains more than 15k tweets about airlines (tagged as
positive, neutral, or negative).

First GOP Debate Twitter Sentiment: another useful dataset with more than 14,000
labeled tweets (positive, neutral, and negative) from the first GOP debate in 2016.

Other Popular Datasets

Spambase: this dataset contains 4,601 emails tagged as spam and not spam.

SMS Spam Collection: another dataset for spam detection. It has more than 5k SMS
messages tagged as spam and not spam.

Hate speech and offensive language: a dataset with more than 24k tagged tweets
grouped into three tags: clean, hate speech, and offensive language.

Finding high-volume and high-quality training datasets are the most important part of
text analysis, more important than the choice of the programming language or tools for
creating the models. Remember, the best-architected machine-learning pipeline is
worthless if its models are backed by unsound data.

Text Analysis Tutorials

The best way to learn is by doing.

First, we'll go through programming-language-specific tutorials using open-source tools

for text analysis. These will help you deepen your understanding of the available tools for
your platform of choice.

Then, we'll take a step-by-step tutorial of MonkeyLearn so you can get started with text
analysis right away.

Tutorials Using Open Source Libraries

In this section, we'll look at various tutorials for text analysis in the main programming
languages for machine learning that we listed above.

The official NLTK book is a complete resource that teaches you NLTK from beginning to
end. In addition, the reference documentation is a useful resource to consult during

Other useful tutorials include:

WordNet with NLTK: Finding Synonyms for words in Python: this tutorial shows
you how to build a thesaurus using Python and WordNet.

Tokenizing Words and Sentences with NLTK: this tutorial shows you how to use
NLTK's language models to tokenize words and sentences.

spaCy 101: Everything you need to know: part of the official documentation, this tutorial
shows you everything you need to know to get started using SpaCy.

This tutorial shows you how to build a WordNet pipeline with SpaCy.

Furthermore, there's the official API documentation, which explains the architecture and
API of SpaCy.

If you prefer long-form text, there are a number of books about or featuring SpaCy:

The official scikit-learn documentation contains a number of tutorials on the basic usage
of scikit-learn, building pipelines, and evaluating estimators.

Scikit-learn Tutorial: Machine Learning in Python shows you how to use scikit-learn and
Pandas to explore a dataset, visualize it, and train a model.

For readers who prefer books, there are a couple of choices:

Our very own Raúl Garreta wrote this book: Learning scikit-learn: Machine
Learning in Python.

Additionally, the book Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and

TensorFlow introduces the use of scikit-learn in a deep learning context.

The official Keras website has extensive API as well as tutorial documentation. For
readers who prefer long-form text, the Deep Learning with Keras book is the go-to
resource. The book uses real-world examples to give you a strong grasp of Keras.

Other tutorials:

Practical Text Classification With Python and Keras: this tutorial implements a
sentiment analysis model using Keras, and teaches you how to train, evaluate, and
improve that model.

Text Classification in Keras: this article builds a simple text classifier on the Reuters
news dataset. It classifies the text of an article into a number of categories such as
sports, entertainment, and technology.

TensorFlow Tutorial For Beginners introduces the mathematics behind TensorFlow and
includes code examples that run in the browser, ideal for exploration and learning. The
goal of the tutorial is to classify street signs.

The book Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow helps you build
an intuitive understanding of machine learning using TensorFlow and scikit-learn.

Finally, there's the official Get Started with TensorFlow guide.

The official Get Started Guide from PyTorch shows you the basics of PyTorch. If you're
interested in something more practical, check out this chatbot tutorial; it shows you how
to build a chatbot using PyTorch.

The Deep Learning for NLP with PyTorch tutorial is a gentle introduction to the ideas
behind deep learning and how they are applied in PyTorch.

Finally, the official API reference explains the functioning of each individual component.


A Short Introduction to the Caret Package shows you how to train and visualize a simple
model. A Practical Guide to Machine Learning in R shows you how to prepare data, build
and train a model, and evaluate its results. Finally, you have the official documentation
which is super useful to get started with Caret.

For those who prefer long-form text, on arXiv we can find an extensive mlr tutorial paper.
This is closer to a book than a paper and has extensive and thorough code samples for
using mlr. There's also the official mlr cheatsheet, a handy resource to have when

If interested in learning about CoreNLP, you should check out's
tutorial which explains how to quickly get started and perform a number of simple NLP
tasks from the command line. Moreover, this CloudAcademy tutorial shows you how to
use CoreNLP and visualize its results. You can also check out this tutorial specifically
about sentiment analysis with CoreNLP. Finally, there's this tutorial on using CoreNLP
with Python that is useful to get started with this framework.

First things first: the official Apache OpenNLP Manual should be the starting point. The
book Taming Text was written by an OpenNLP developer and uses the framework to show
the reader how to implement text analysis. Moreover, this tutorial takes you on a
complete tour of OpenNLP, including tokenization, part of speech tagging, parsing
sentences, and chunking.

The Weka library has an official book Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and
Techniques that comes handy for getting your feet wet with Weka.

If you prefer videos to text, there are also a number of MOOCs using Weka:

Data Mining with Weka: this is an introductory course to Weka.

More Data Mining with Weka: this course involves larger datasets and a more
complete text analysis workflow.

Advanced Data Mining with Weka: this course focuses on packages that extend
Weka's functionality.

The Text Mining in WEKA Cookbook provides text-mining-specific instructions for

using Weka.

How to Run Your First Classifier in Weka: shows you how to install Weka, run it,
run a classifier on a sample dataset, and visualize its results.

Practical Text Analysis Tutorial With MonkeyLearn

Let's imagine your customer support productivity is dropping: manually classifying topics
and sending each ticket to the appropriate department is making their job very difficult.

You’re ready for a machine learning solution, but your dev team just doesn't have the time
or experience and you don't want to hire new staff.

The good news is that MonkeyLearn offers a simple and easy-to-use platform to build
your own text analysis models, with no code or machine learning experience.

Follow the step-by-step tutorials below for text classification and extraction to learn how
to get started with machine learning text analysis in just a few minutes. It’s painless and

Create Your Own Custom Text Classifier

1. Create a new model

First, go to your dashboard and click on 'Create a Model', then select 'Classifier':

2. Now choose 'Topic Classification'

3. Upload your data for training the classifier

The first thing your new model needs is data. You can import data from CSV or Excel files,
or from Twitter, Gmail, Zendesk, Freshdesk, and more:

Once you've uploaded your data, you'll start training your model.

4. Define tags

The next step is to determine the tags you want your text classifier to use when sorting

5. Start training your model by tagging examples

Now tag the text to your criteria.

Training your model is super easy. Just assign the appropriate tag to each piece of text,
like in the example below:

If you start noticing that some examples are already tagged, that's machine learning
getting the job done! Remember that these are the model's first steps with your data, so it
may make some mistakes along the way. Just retag if something's off and you'll see more
accurate results in no time. The more data you tag, the more accurate the model will

6. Test your classifier

The last step is to test your text classifier. Once you have finished tagging the initial set of
examples, head over to the 'Run' tab and enter some new text to see how it performs:

If you still see mistakes, you can return to the 'Build' tab for further training.

Put Your New Text Classifier To Work

Now that your new topic classifier is up and running, all you need to do is upload new
data and let the model do its thing. With MonkeyLearn you can simply upload more CSV
and Excel files to analyze new data or use one of our integrations:

If you know how to code, you can also use MonkeyLearn's API to run your model using
Python, Ruby, PHP, Javascript, or Java:

Once your data is analyzed you can see it all in striking visual detail with MonkeyLearn

Create Your Own Text Extractor

So now onto text extraction. Let's say that the results from your latest customer
satisfaction survey have just arrived and you need to find a way of sifting through open
answers to replace time-wasting manual procedures. These answers contain important

information about how customers view your service. Your aim is to extract the most
relevant keywords from these answers and gain some useful insights.

Combine this with sentiment analysis,and you'll also know how they feel towards those
topics: positively, negatively or neutrally.

1. Create a new extractor

Sign in to MonkeyLearn and go to your dashboard, click on 'Create a model' and then

2. Select how you want to feed the model data

Now you can upload data from platforms like Twitter or Gmail, or customer support
services like Front, Zendesk and Freshdesk, as well as RSS and either CSV or Excel files.

3. Create tags for your model to extract

You need a minimum of two tags to start training your text extraction model, but you can
always add more along the way, if you feel that there's important data missing:

In this example above, we are choosing tags that will give us insights into how customers
view three important aspects of our service. We've extracted data from our latest
satisfaction survey using the tags Support, UX/UI, and Pricing.

4. Train your new text extractor

Once you've told your extractor what tags to look out for, it's time for you to manually tag
some examples by highlighting words and expressions related to them. After just a little
training, you'll start to notice that the extractor begins predicting tags based on your

You can go back to the 'Build' tab and continue training your model, if it’s not predicting

Put Your New Text Extractor To Work

What's next? You're ready to use your new text extraction model. You can feed it new data
by uploading new CSV and Excel files, or using one of MonkeyLearn's integrations:

As we mentioned earlier, MonkeyLearn also allows you to integrate your extractor with its
API, using Python, Ruby, PHP, Javascript, or Java:

Text analysis is no longer an exclusive, technobabble topic for software engineers with
machine learning experience. It has become a powerful tool that helps businesses across
every industry gain useful, actionable insights from their text data. Saving time,
automating tasks and increasing productivity has never been easier, allowing businesses
to offload cumbersome tasks and help their teams provide a better service for their

If you would like to give text analysis a go, visit MonkeyLearn and begin training your
very own text classifiers and extractors – no coding needed thanks to our user-friendly
interface and integrations.

And take a look at the MonkeyLearn Studio public dashboard to see what data
visualization can do to see your results in broad strokes or super minute detail.

Reach out to our team if you have any doubts or questions about text analysis and
machine learning, and we'll help you get started!


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