Current Electricity

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1. Define an electric current. [1]

2. Differentiate between ‘Electron flow (electron current)’ and ‘Conventional current’.


3. Explain with the aid of a diagram, how a Metallic object conducts an electric current

4. Differentiate between a Conductor and an Insulator. [2]

5. List 3 materials/substances that are Conductors.[3]

6. List 3 materials/substances that are Insulators.[3]

7. State what is ‘an Electrolyte’ and give 3 examples of substances that are electrolytes.

8. Briefly explain how an ‘electrolyte’ conducts an electric current – (i.e.


9. Copy and complete the items 9a and 9b) equations below which relate the current (I),
the time taken (t) and the quantity of Charge (Q) that flows through a conductor.

i) ---------------------------- = Current × ----------------------- [1]

ii) ----------------------------- = I × ----------- [1].

10. State the S.I. unit for each of the physical quantities named in item 9 [3]

11. State the definitions for the S.I. unit of ;

i) Quantity of Charge [1] ii) Current [1]

12. Draw the symbol for EACH of the listed electric devices/components;

A filament lamp, A battery, A transformer, A fixed resistor, a switch, An a.c. supply,

A variable resistor, Joined wires, Cross-wires not joined. [9]

13. Briefly state what is a; i) Closed - circuit ii) Open - circuit iii) Short - circuit [3]

14. Use the list of electric devices/components below, to Draw the following;
i) A Simple d. c. series circuit [3] ii) A Simple d. c. parallel circuit. [3]

List of devices:- A switch, a cell, connecting wires, 2 filament lamps

15. Calculate the quantity of charge Q in EACH of the items below 15i) to 15vi):

i) Find the quantity of charge that flows round a circuit for 20s when a
current of 5A flows through the circuit. [2]

ii) Evaluate Q, when I = 0.25 A and t = 30minutes. [2]

iii) Determine the amount of charge Q, that flowed round a circuit in 15ms
when a current of 1000µA flows.[2]

iv) Calculate the charge supplied to a circuit by a cell, in 0.5hours when a

0.34 mA flows through it.[2]

v) Find the amount of charge that flows round a circuit as a result of a battery
supplying 2 A current for 14 minutes.[2]

vi) Evaluate the magnitude of the charge, a battery circulates for 500s round a
circuit if the current is 200A.[2]

16. For how long must a current of 0.16A flow in a circuit for the quantity of charge in it
be 300C. [2]

17. What is the magnitude of the current in a circuit for which 6000 mC of charge flows
for 12s.[2]

18. Find the value for Q when I = 40 mA flows for 1.6 hours round a circuit.[2]

19. With aid of a diagram of a simple d.c. SERIES circuit, Explain briefly how

a) An ammeter is connected in a circuit to record its current.[3]

b) A voltmeter is connected in a circuit to record its voltage.[3]

20. Differentiate between Alternating current and a Direct current. [2]

21. State Kirchoffs 1st Law [1]

22. Using Gustav Kirchoffs 1st Law(Current law), Copy and determine the magnitude and
direction of the current recorded by the ammeter O in the length of wire JX.
2A 5A
a) b) 4A J X


4A J J
c) d) 3A


e) f) 3A

23. With the aid of a diagram of a simple d.c. circuit explain how;

a) An Ammeter is connected in a circuit to record its current. [3]

b) A Voltmeter is connected in a circuit to record its voltage [3]

24. A 12 V battery circulated 500 C round a circuit how much electrical energy did the
battery supply.[2]

25. If 660 J of work was done by a battery in moving 110 C of charge through a lamp,
what was the voltage across the lamp? [2]

26. 1200 C flowing through a heater converted 14.40 kJ of electrical energy into heat.
If the current was 0.48 A. Calculate the:

a) time for which the heater was switched on.[2]

b) Voltage across the heater.[2]

27. What is the potential difference p. d. or voltage required to produce a current of 2.5 A
through a conductor of resistance of 12.5 Ω ? [2]

28. The mains voltage of 240 V supplies a current of 12.0 A to an electric kettle’s
heating element as the current flows through it, find the heating elements electrical
resistance? [2]

29. The resistance of each of the four sidelights on a car is 9.6 Ω and the resistance of
each of the two headlights is 3.0 Ω. Calculate, the current supplied by the battery when
all these lights which are connected in parallel are switched on, if the battery voltage is
12 V.

30. The Dia. [Z] below shows FOUR Combinations of resistors. Find the total or
Equivalent resistance for EACH combination (a) – (d).


R1= 6 Ω R2= 1Ω R3= 3Ω


b) R1= 8Ω c) R1= 3Ω

R2= 24Ω R2= 6Ω

R1= 12Ω

R2= 6Ω

R3= 4Ω

31. One 4 Ω and Two 2 Ω are available. All three are to be connected together in two
different arrangements such that the total (resultant) resistance is:

c) less than 2 Ω. ( R ˂ 2Ω )

d) more than 4 Ω but less 8 Ω. ( 4Ω ˂ R ˂ 8Ω )

e) Draw a diagram of EACH arrangement and calculate the total (resultant)

resistance in EACH case. [4]
32. The Dia. [Q] below shows TWO combinations of resistors in a mixture of series and
parallel connections. Calculate the equivalent resistance of EACH combination. [4]

DIA. [Q]

R2= 3Ω R1= 6Ω R2= 4Ω

a) R1= 3Ω b)
R3= 6Ω R3= 30Ω

DIA. [W]


33. The Dia. [W] above shows how THREE resistors P, Q and R are connected together.
If one resistor has a resistance of 2 Ω, another has a resistance of 3 Ω and the third has a
resistance of 4 Ω, find which resistor should have which resistance for the combination to

f) the minimum resistance [1]

g) the maximum resistance [1]

34. A current of 2.4 A flows through a resistor of 2.0 Ω resistance. If the battery in the
circuit has a voltage of 12 V, what other resistance is there in the circuit. [2]

35. Calculate the total resistance RT for each of the circuits/networks below;
DIA. [T]

a) R2= 3Ω b) R1= 4Ω R2= 4Ω

R1= 6Ω
R3= 3Ω R3= 6Ω

R2= 3Ω R1= 5Ω R2= 10Ω

c) R1= 3Ω d)
R3= 6Ω R3= 5Ω

DIA. [U]

R1= 3Ω R1= 7Ω

a) b)
R2= 6Ω R4= 4Ω R2= 7Ω

R3= 5Ω R3= 7Ω

R2= 10Ω R1= 4Ω R2= 5Ω

c) d)
R1= 5Ω R3= 7Ω R3= 6Ω

R4= 4Ω R4= 4Ω R5= 5Ω

DIA. [V]
R1= 6Ω R4= 7Ω

R2= 6Ω R5= 7Ω

R3= 6Ω R6= 7 Ω

R1= 3Ω R5= 4Ω

R2= 6Ω R4= 4Ω R6= 5Ω R8= 3Ω

R3= 5Ω R7= 6Ω

R2= 10Ω R1= 5Ω R2= 4Ω

c) d)
R1= 5Ω R3= 7Ω R3= 6Ω R4= 3Ω

R4= 4Ω R5= 4Ω R6= 5Ω

R1= 3Ω R2= 5Ω R5= 3Ω R6= 5Ω


R3= 3Ω R4= 5Ω R7= 3Ω R8= 5Ω

36. If a 15V battery supply is connected to each of the circuit/networks below,

Calculate :
a) the total resistance RT within the circuit.
b) the current I0 flowing through the entire circuit.
c) the currents flowing through each of the resistors.
DIA. [T]

a) R2= 3Ω b) R1= 4Ω R2= 4Ω

R1= 6Ω
R3= 3Ω R3= 6Ω

R2= 3Ω R1= 5Ω R2= 10Ω

c) R1= 3Ω d)
R3= 6Ω R3= 5Ω

DIA. [U]

R1= 3Ω R1= 7Ω

a) b)
R2= 6Ω R4= 4Ω R2= 7Ω

R3= 5Ω R3= 7Ω

R2= 10Ω R1= 4Ω R2= 5Ω

c) d)
R1= 5Ω R3= 7Ω R3= 6Ω

R4= 4Ω R4= 4Ω R5= 5Ω

DIA. [V]
R1= 6Ω R4= 7Ω

R2= 6Ω R5= 7Ω

R3= 6Ω R6= 7 Ω

R1= 3Ω R5= 4Ω

R2= 6Ω R4= 4Ω R6= 5Ω R8= 3Ω

R3= 5Ω R7= 6Ω

R2= 10Ω R1= 5Ω R2= 4Ω

c) d)
R1= 5Ω R3= 7Ω R3= 6Ω R4= 3Ω

R4= 4Ω R5= 4Ω R6= 5Ω

R1= 3Ω R2= 5Ω R5= 3Ω R6= 5Ω


R3= 3Ω R4= 5Ω R7= 3Ω R8= 5Ω

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