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Research Group in Applied Linguistics

and the Teaching of Languages

University Moulay Ismail
Meknes, Morocco

Current Issues in
Environmental Discourse


Mohamed LAROUZ
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference
Organized by the Research Group of Applied Linguistics and
the Teaching of Languages

Current Issues in
Environmental Discourse


Mohamed LAROUZ

Mohammed LAROUZ
Head of the Department of
English Studies
Moulay Ismail University
Meknes, Morocco

Faculty of Humanities,
English Department
Master Ptrogram Coordinator of
Applied Language Studies
Moulay Ismail University
Meknes, Morocco

Researcher in Ecolinguistics

University Teacher in the
Department of English Studies
Moulay Ismail University
Meknes, Morocco
Current Issues in Environmental Discourse

Depot Legal: 2021MO1182

ISBN: 978-9920-620-02-4
EdiIted by :

Mohamed LAROUZ

Copyright © 2021 School of Arts and Humanities, Meknes

About the Editors
Dr. Mohamed LAROUZ (PhD. In Applied Linguistics, Fes University, 2004) is Head of the
Department of English studies at Moulay Ismail university of Meknes in Morocco, where
he has worked since 2005. In his department, he also directs the PhD Program in Applied
Linguistics and chairs the Research Group on Applied Linguistics & Language
Development (ALLD). Dr. Larouz also holds an MA in Applied Linguistics from Essex
University (1996) and has been a Fulbright Scholar to the USA twice (2002 and 2005), in
addition to having worked as a secondary school teacher in Morocco for more than
fifteen years. He was President of the Moroccan Association of Teachers of English, local
branch (2016-2020) and is an expert and evaluator for the National Agency for Evaluation
and Quality Assurance (ANEAQ) and the National Center for Scientific and Technical
Research (CNRST) in the Ministry of Higher Education of Morocco. He investigates applied
linguistics questions in Morocco and has also research interests in the fields of TEFL,
discourse analysis, sociolinguistics, ecolinguistics, research methodology, and

Dr. Smail KEROUAD got his Doctorate degree in “Applied Linguistics” from Sidi
Mohammed Ben Abdellah University, Fes, Morocco in 2002. At present, he is a full
Professor at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities in Meknes, Morocco. His research
interests, in which he published a number of articles and supervised M.A and Doctorate
theses, are primarily in the areas of interlanguage pragmatics, culture teaching, learner
autonomy, ICT, and language planning. He is also the coordinator of the Master Program
entitled: “Applied Language Studies” which opened at the Faculty of Arts and
Humanities in 2017, and the coordinator of the “Applied Language Studies and Culture”
research group.

Dr. Mohamed MLILESS holds a PhD in Applied Linguistics. He published three

books on legal and environmental discourse. The many scientific articles he
authored and coauthored focused on social and environmental issues. Dr.
MLILESS is a member of the International Ecolinguistics Association (IEA), a
member of the London Journals Press, and a member of Acta Scientific Open
International Library, India. Last but not least, Dr. MLILESS is a review board
member of many journals including the Journal of Education Teaching and Social
Studies (JETSS), the Journal of Sustainability in Environment, International Journal
of Sociology and Anthropology (IJSA), International Journal of English and
Literature (IJEL), African Journal of Political Science and International Relations
(AJPSIR), Journal of Language and Literature (JOLL).

Dr. Hicham LAABIDI is an assistant professor in the Department of English

Studies at the school of Arts and Humanities, Moulay Ismail University, Meknés,
Morocco. He worked as a teacher-trainer in Teachers’ Training Centre (CRMEF),
Meknés before joining the university. He participated in different national and
international conferences. He published several articles in various international
journals. Textbook evaluation, ICT integration in education and professional
development are his major research areas.
Contents .......................................................................................................................... x

An Ecolinguistic and Semiotic Analyses of Environmental Units in Moroccan

English Secondary Textbooks............................................................................................. 1
Mohammed LAROUZ , Mounya M’RABTI, & Zineb BIRROU

Towards a New Understanding of Ecological Issues

The Case of Public Discourse on Banning Plastic Bags in
Morocco...................................................................................................................................... 28
Fouad AKKI, Younes KHADIRA, & El-Mahdi EL-MADANI

Environmental Education and Environmental Humanities

Bridging the Gap between Teaching and Research...................................................... 40

Mohamed MLILESS, Smail KEROUAD, & Mohammed YACHOULTI

Factors Influencing Attitudes towards the

Environment............................................................................................................................... 65
Hicham LAABIDI, Youssouf LAABIDI, & Fatima LAROUZ

Environmental Education in Life and Earth Sciences

Textbooks: An Eco-linguistic Perspective......................................................................... 78
Widad INFI , Mohammed LAROUZ, & Zaineb SAADLAH

Affect, Environment, and Discourse in William Faulkner’s

Go Down, Moses........................................................................................................................... 98

Environmental Ethics in Jean Giono’s

‘The Man Who Planted Trees’.................................................................................................. 113
Mohamed LOUZA

Animal Ethics or Human Ethics?

Exploring J. M. Coetzee’s ‘The Lives of Animals’............................................................... 131
Abdelillah JABRI

Curreent Issues in Environmental Discourse X

Ecological Feminism for a Better Planet ......................................................................... 139
Fatima-Zohra BOUTAHR

Mapping Posthuman Future: The ‘Stories We Live By’ and the

Discourse of Apocalypse in Margaret Atwood’s Trilogy............................................... 149

171 ............................................................ ‫اﻟﺒﻴﺌﺔ ﻣﻦ ﺧﻼل اﻟﺨﻄﺎب اﻟﺸﺮﻋﻲ‬

‫ﻋﺒﺪ ﷲ ﻃﺎﻫﻴﺮي‬

‫ﻣﻈﺎﻫﺮ ﺗﻠﻮث اﻟﻤﺎء‬

186 ................................................................. ‫دراﺳﺔ ﻓﻲ اﻟﻨﻮازل اﻟﻔﻘﻬﻴﺔ اﻟﻤﺎﻟﻜﻴﺔ‬
‫ﻣﺼﻄﻔﻰ اﻟﺒﻌﺰاوي‬

Current Issues in Environmental Discourse XI

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