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1 Warm up

In pairs, discuss the following questions.

1. How often do you meet new people? Do you meet them in business or social situations?
2. Is it easier to make friends as a child or an adult? Why?
3. Look at the pictures and imagine what the people might be asking each other in these situations.

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2 Language point: phrasal verbs

Part A: Match the phrasal verbs to their definitions .

1. bring (somebody) up a. have a good relationship with somebody

2. grow up b. care for a child until it is an adult

3. be into (something) c. start to do/practice something (a new hobby or activity)

4. get along with (somebody) d. be interested and involved with something

5. take (something) up e. start becoming involved in a particular type of work

6. go into (something) f. gradually become an adult

Some phrasal verbs are separable, meaning that the object may appear in different places.

1. Which two phrasal verbs on the list are separable (the object may appear in different places in the

2. Do the rules on position change depending on if a noun or pronoun is used?

Part B: Choose a phrasal verb from Part A to complete each question. Remember you may have to
change the verb form.

1. Where were you ?

2. Did you in a large family?

3. all your colleagues/roommates?

4. What kind of movies ?

5. What line of work did you decide to after you finished school/university?

6. Have you any new sports or hobbies recently?

In pairs, ask and answer the questions.

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3 Listening for general idea

You are going to listen to a conversation between two people who are meeting for the first time.

1. In what city does the conversation take place?

2. Are the people originally from this city?

3. Are they working or studying?

4 Listening for detail

Listen to the dialogue again and decide if the statements are true, false or not given. Try to note
reasons for your answers.

Emma White

1. She is the manager of a TV studio.

2. She has a good relationship with the people she works with.

3. She has practiced yoga for a long time.

4. She plans to visit around ten European countries.

Mark Peters

1. Mark would like to work in London in the future.

2. Mark has been in London for almost two years.

3. Mark doesn’t find London very interesting.

4. Mark is very into music.

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5 Questions for getting to know someone

Part A: Look at the following questions from the dialogue. Underline the questions which are not in
the present simple tense. Name the tenses used in these questions. With your partner, discuss why
these tenses are used.

1. Are you from the States?

2. Whereabouts do you come from in the States?
3. Have you ever been there?
4. Did you grow up in London?
5. What exactly are you doing in London?
6. How long are you here for?
7. What line of work are you in?
8. How long have you been working/studying in London?
9. How do you like the city?
10. What’s the weather like in San Diego at this time of year?
11. What do you like doing in your spare time?
12. What kind of music are you into?

Now put the questions into the correct categories below:

1. Home country/town:

2. Current place of stay:

3. Work or study:

4. Leisure:

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Part B: Complete the following mini dialogues with structures from the questions from Part A. Two
are not needed.

A: in China?

B: I was brought up in Shanghai but I studied in Beijing.

A: to Italy?

B: Yes, many times. I love it.

A: as a lawyer?

B: Almost three years.

A: ?

B: I particularly like jazz.

A: in Barcelona at this time of year?

B: It’s still warm and sunny.

A: ?

B: I’m a manager for a small consultancy firm.

A: ?

B: I’m leaving next month, unfortunately.

A: Australia?

B: Yes, I am. I was born and brought up in Sydney.

A: in Japan?

B: Well, I’m here for a business conference, but I hope to do some sightseeing when it’s finished.
A: in Canada?

B: No, I didn’t. I moved here to go to university when I was 18.

Now, using the following structures, think of more questions you could ask when getting to know

1. Have you ever ?

2. Did you in (name of city)?

3. How long have you been ?

4. How do you like ?

5. What’s / What are the like in (name of city)?

6. What kind of are you into?

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6 Showing interest (optional task)

When you’re meeting new people, it’s important to show interest in what they say. Decide if these
expressions are used to react to positive information, negative information, or both.

Oh really? / That’s great / I’m sorry to hear that / Oh dear / OK. / You’re joking / That’s so
cool / Poor thing / That’s a shame / I see. / Sounds (really) interesting / Well done

Reacting to positive Reacting to positive OR Reacting to negative

information negative information information

How does your tone change when you are reacting to different kinds of information?

Now practice the following dialogues. Make sure your tone is appropriate.

A: I’m studying architecture in London.


A: I’m traveling in South America next year.


A: I’m afraid I’m really not enjoying my university course.


A: The weather is usually terrible at this time of year.


Now practice the dialogues again using different expressions to show interest.

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7 Practice

You are going to practice getting to know your classmates. Note down some questions to find out
about their:

1. Home country/town: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. Current place of stay: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3. Work or study: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4. Leisure activities: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Find out as much as you can about two of your classmates in two minutes. Remember to show interest
in what they are saying.

8 Optional extension: tense review

You are going to read some extracts from three interviews with people visiting London. Match each
sentence in bold to its description, then write the name of the tense.

a. A change over time –

b. A finished event in the past –

c. A present situation –

d. A future plan –

e. A future time clause –

f. A developing or unfinished action –

g. A recent action –

h. A habit –

i. Temporary repeated action –


(1) I work for a major British charity. I went into charity work because I wanted to make a
difference to people’s lives. I’ve done a lot of studying: I first graduated from university in
2010 and (2) two years later I did a course in education. I find it quite difficult to chat to
people and make friends. I was very shy when I was younger, and although (3) I’ve become
more confident, I still sometimes don’t know what to ask people when I meet them for the
first time.

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I’m currently doing a degree in education and work part time as a shop assistant . I was actually
born in India, but my parents brought me up in Scotland. They moved to the UK when I was
very young. I’ve never been very into sports, but (4) I’ve recently taken up swimming as I think
it’s a great way to keep fit. In fact, (5) I’m going swimming later today. I grew up speaking two
languages and know people from lots of different backgrounds. (6) I meet new people every
day in my line of work. I would say I get along well with most people.


I’m originally from the USA, but now I live in Spain where (7) I’m bringing up my two children.
My older child is with me today. He wants to be an English teacher (8) when he grows up!
Since I arrived, (9)I’ve been visiting as many famous places as I can and taking lots of photos
as I’m very into photography. Making friends is easy. Just smile and show interest in what the
other person is saying!

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3. Listening for general idea

Emma: So, Mark, I detect an American accent. Are you from the States?

Mark: Yes, that’s right. Have you ever been there?

Emma: No, but I’ve always wanted to go. Whereabouts do you come from in the States?

Mark: Well, I was born and brought up in San Diego. How about you? Did you grow up in

Emma: No, actually, I come from Brighton originally.

Mark: What exactly are you doing in London?

Emma: I work as an assistant for a television studio. It’s pretty cool because I get to meet a lot
of interesting people. I also get on really well with my colleagues, and I’ve made a lot of

Mark: Sounds interesting. How long are you here for?

Emma: I’m here until the summer. Then I intend to go backpacking around Europe.

Mark: Great.

Emma: How about you? What line of work are you in?

Mark: Actually, I’m a student. I’m doing a Master’s degree in architecture. I hope to work for an
architectural firm in London when I graduate.

Emma: Oh, that’s interesting. I imagine you must be a very creative person.

Mark: Well, I try to be.

Emma: How long have you been studying in London?

Mark: About a year, though it seems much longer.

Emma: How do you like the city?

Mark: I love it. There’s such a variety of things to see and do. I’m not too keen on the weather,

Emma: Yes, it’s been a pretty wet summer this year. Even by London standards. What’s the
weather like in San Diego at this time of year?

Mark: Oh, it’s pretty sunny right now. So, what do you like doing in your spare time?

Emma: Well, recently, I’ve taken up yoga, so I’ve been spending quite a bit of time practicing it.
Apart from that, I enjoy reading, going out and visiting museums and occasionally going
to concerts.

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Mark: Oh, really? What kind of music are you into?

Emma: Mainly rock. Though I listen to jazz and classical sometimes.

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1. Warm up

5 mins
Encourage general discussion about meeting new people and making friends, while avoiding questions which are
too personal such as "How many friends do you have?". Elicit questions for the pictures to get an idea of students’
understanding of the structures used in different questions.

2. Language point: phrasal verbs

10 mins
Part A
Monitor carefully and ensure that the phrasal verbs are being used in the correct verb form. Ensure students
understand the rules for using nouns and pronouns with separable phrasal verbs. For example:
I brought up my son in the USA. OR I brought my son up in the USA.
I brought him up in the USA. BUT NOT I brought up him in the USA.

1. → b. 2. → f. 3. → d. 4. → a. 5. → c. 6. → e.

1. bring up and take up

2. yes, separable phrasal verbs must be separated when a personal pronoun is used
Part B

1. brought up 2. grow up 3. Do you get along with

4. are you into 5. go into 6. taken up

3. Listening for general idea

3 mins
Pair check, then whole class feedback

1. London
2. No - Emma is from Brighton (another English city) and Mark is from San Diego (in the USA)
3. Emma is working and Mark is studying.

4. Listening for detail

Emma White

1. False I work as an assistant for a television studio.

2. True I also get on really well with my colleagues
3. False Well, recently, I’ve taken up yoga
4. Not given (but we know she plans to go backpacking around Europe)
Mark Peters

1. True I hope to work for an architectural firm in London when I graduate

2. False (I’ve been studying here for) about a year, though it seems much longer.
3. False I love it there’s a great variety of things to do and see

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4. Not given (he asks Emma about music)

5. Questions for getting to know someone

15 mins.
Encourage students to explain the use of the different tenses

Part A
3. Have you ever been there? Present perfect – used with "ever" to ask about a past life experience
4. Did you grow up in London? Past simple – referring to a finished time period (childhood). The people are now
5. What exactly are you doing in London? Present continuous – referring to a temporary situation or an unfinished
8. How long have you been working/studying in London? Present perfect continuous – used with "how long" to
ask about the duration of a situation.

Answers to the categories:

1. 1,2,3,4,10 2. 5,6,9
3. 7,8 4. 11,12

Part B

1. Whereabouts do you come from 2. Have you ever been

3. How long have you been working 4. What kind of music are you into
5. What’s the weather like 6. What line of work are you in
7. How long are you here for 8. Are you from
9. What exactly are you doing 10. Did you grow up

Possible structures

1. tried Japanese food 2. go to school

3. staying here 4. the hotel
5. people 6. movies

6. Showing interest (optional task)

5 mins
This stage allows students to practice reacting to information in an appropriate way. Elicit examples of an appropriate
tone to use when reacting to positive, negative and neutral information.
Answers to the table:
Reacting to positive information→That’s great; Sounds (really) interesting; That’s so cool; Well done
Reacting to positive OR negative information→ Oh really?; OK.; I see.; You’re joking
Reacting to negative information→ Oh dear; Poor thing; I’m sorry to hear that; That’s a shame
Answers to the dialogues:

1. That’s great! 2. Oh really? 3. I’m sorry to hear that. 4. Oh really?

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7. Practice

10 mins
Encourage students to speak to as many different classmates as possible and use different structures and vocabulary
presented earlier in the lesson.

8. Optional extension: tense review

10 mins

a. 3 – present perfect b. 2 – past simple c. 1 – present simple

d. 5 – present continuous e. 8 – present simple f. 7 – present continuous
g. 4 – present perfect h. 6 – present simple i. 9 – present perfect continuous

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