Ward Et Al 2011 Pathology Methods For The Evaluation of Embryonic and Perinatal Developmental Defects and Lethality in

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Veterinary Pathology

49(1) 71-84
Pathology Methods for the Evaluation of ª The Author(s) 2012
Reprints and permission:
Embryonic and Perinatal Developmental DOI: 10.1177/0300985811429811
Defects and Lethality in Genetically
Engineered Mice

J. M. Ward1, S. A. Elmore2, and J. F. Foley2

The normal embryonic development of organs and other tissues in mice and all species is preprogrammed by genes. Inactivation of
a gene involved in any stage of normal embryonic development can have severe consequences leading to embryonic or postnatal
developmental defects and lethality. Pathology methods are reviewed for evaluating normal and abnormal placenta and embryo,
especially after E12.5. These methods include pathology protocols for necropsy and histopathology in addition to references that
will provide additional knowledge for embryo assessment including histology atlases and advanced embryo imaging techniques.

mouse embryo, embryonic lethality, placenta, histology atlas, imaging, phenotyping

Mice are often used in research to study functions of genes that Gene Expression
have been modified by various genetic engineering methods.
Genes are expressed in the various cells and tissues during
Complete or partial inactivation of a gene may lead to loss or
gestation, and expression patterns have been described
modification of gene function in cells and tissues during any
(http://www.emouseatlas.org/emage/home.php). Many genes
stage of gestation. The effects of gene modification can be ubi-
function in normal development, growth, and differentiation
quitous in the embryo or targeted to specific tissues or cells.
of the embryonic organs and tissues. To determine the cause
Modification of gene function by either spontaneous mutations
or genetic engineering can result in an embryonic or postnatal of embryonic death or to determine developmental defects
found in live or dead embryos or neonatal, perinatal, or postna-
lethality phenotype.46 The aim of this article is to provide basic
tal mice, it is crucial to first determine the cells and tissues
pathology evaluation procedures that will assist investigators in
expressing the gene in question. Several methods are available
determining possible causes of embryonic and postnatal mor-
to assess gene expression, including in situ hybridization,
tality. It should be noted, however, that the use of pathology
immunohistochemistry, Lac-Z/b-gal expression,2 and real-
and laboratory procedures described by us and other investiga-
time qualitative PCR (q-PCR).30,31 The effect of gene inactiva-
tors may still not allow one to determine the cause of embryo-
tion may be evident in the tissues normally expressing the
nic or postnatal mortality.
gene.14 Genes normally expressed at high levels during in utero
development may have profound effects on organogenesis and
Stages of Gestation differentiation. Secondary effects of gene mutations may also
be found. A good example is the Nkx2-1 gene, the inactivation
Mouse development occurs after fertilization of the egg. Devel- of which causes lack of normal lung development (lung bud
opment in embryonic days (E) may be identified as going branching is absent, which is the cause of death), absence of the
through 4 basic periods: include pre- and peri-implantation pituitary gland and thyroid, and an abnormal hypothalamus.
(E0-4.5), differentiation of the germ layers (E6-9), development Mice live through gestation but die at birth or postnatally.25
of the cardiovascular system and placenta (E9-12), and tissue and
organ differentiation (E12-19) (http://www.emouseatlas.org/
emap/ema/theiler_stages/house_mouse/book.html; http://www Global VetPathology, Montgomery Village, Maryland
.informatics.jax.org/greenbook).31,38,44,47 The morning that a Cellular & Molecular Pathology Branch, National Toxicology Program,
vaginal plug is found in mated females is generally defined as NIEHS, NIH, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
E0.5 of gestation.23 Embryonic growth is at a specified rate and Corresponding Author:
in stages, as defined by Theiler stage, head to rump length, and Jerrold M. Ward, Global VetPathology, Montgomery Village, MD 20886
somite pairs.23 Email:globalvetpathology@gmail.com
72 Veterinary Pathology 49(1)

Pituitary development is altered not because of gene inactiva- fixative, and after optimal fixation, trim the embryo sagittally,
tion in the tissue but rather is secondary to inactivation of the making 1 cut down the middle (midsagittal) and trimming 1
Nkx2-1 transcription factor gene, which controls regulation of remaining half sagittally into 2 pieces so that almost all tissues
other genes important for pituitary pouch formation and thus and organs can be found in the 3 long sections (except for small
pituitary development.45 anatomical regions in the brain). Midsagittal sections alone
make for good tissue scanning sections for most, but obviously
not for all major organs (Fig. 15). The use of specific types of
Necropsy Methods sections (frontal, sagittal, or transverse) is crucial for compar-
The dam is euthanatized by carbon dioxide, the abdominal cav- ison, and the optimal type of sectioning can be organ specific.
ity is opened, and the uterus and ovaries are removed intact.5,40 For example, a sagittal section of the embryo is excellent for an
For embryos over E15, euthanasia may be induced by the injec- overall view of many organs, but the most useful section for the
tion of chemical anesthetics, induction of hyperthermia, or evaluation of the brain is coronal (frontal). Transverse sections
other methods specified by institutional policy, procedures, are optimal for the evaluation of the spinal cord. With the use of
or guidelines. The uterus is spread out, and the location and a stereomicroscope, individual tissues of the larger later gesta-
sizes of placental sites (Fig. 1) are recorded on a uterus/ tion embryos can be carefully dissected out of the body,
embryo necropsy sheet as previously described.49 Extraem- trimmed, and embedded. The intact placenta is fixed in forma-
bryonic membranes (amnion, yolk sac, chorion, allantois) lin (48 hours), not Bouin’s, with or without the uterus attached.
from each embryo are examined for viability (blood present Bouin’s is not used to fix the placenta because it alters the
in the yolk sac vessels) and then removed and detached from appearance of erythrocytes (Figs. 16–21). After fixation, the
its placenta (Fig. 2). placenta is bisected adjacent to the umbilical vessels. Both
A gross evaluation of the embryo and placenta is then per- halves are embedded face down within 1 paraffin block.
formed. The rump to head length is recorded, as are any other
gross findings. The placenta is examined to determine whether
Histological Characteristics of the Normal
it appears grossly normal or abnormal. Depending on gesta-
tional age, the yolk sac, an appendage, the tail, or the entire
Mouse Placenta
embryo may be collected for genotyping. Any portion of the The mouse placenta can be described as discoid and hemotri-
embryo not needed for histological examination may be used. chorial and has been compared to the discoid hemochorial pla-
Mouse embryonic death may occur spontaneously27 or may centa of humans and monkeys (http://placentation.ucsd.edu/).16
be induced by genetic engineering. Thus, any grossly abnormal The placenta, composed of both embryonic and maternal tis-
embryo found may not only be an induced mutant. Examples of sues, plays an important role in embryonic development and
abnormalities and progressive gross changes leading to growth. The structure of the placenta allows nutrients to travel
embryonic death are shown in Figs. 3–8. Growth retardation, to the embryo via maternal blood and the trophoblast–embryo-
growth arrest, or delayed development are reported, but we see nic blood interaction. The development of the mouse placenta
embryonic lethality represented as early embryonic death has been well described.6–8,21,28,34,39,47,49,50 Pregnancy dating
(focal or diffuse degenerative and necrotizing lesions. in the rat placenta is similar to that in mice.9 By maturity of
the placenta at E12, all structures are present (Figs. 11–13,
16–21) including the labyrinth with labyrinth trophoblasts and
Histopathology Methods embryonic blood vessels lined by embryonic endothelium
For evaluation of placenta and embryo histopathological char- (Figs. 16–18). Vascular spaces are lined by embryonic labyr-
acteristics, the placenta should be separated from the embryo. inth trophoblasts, contain mature maternal erythrocytes, and
Embryos at most gestational stages are best fixed in Bouin’s are also present in the spongiotrophoblast and giant cell tro-
fixative.5,40 Embryo fixation is dependent upon gestational phoblast zones and decidua. The decidua, which is 100%
age: embryos less than E12 are fixed for 4 hours, E12.5– maternal, is composed of blood vessels and macrophage-
E16.5 for 24 hours, and greater than E16.5 for 24–48 hours. like cells expressing macrophage antigens. The metrial gland
If in situ hybridization, immunohistochemistry, or molecular can be seen in the outer portion of the decidua.47 If suboptimal
studies are to be done, 4% paraformaldehyde is the fixative sections are prepared of the placenta, one may see mostly
of choice. Optimal embryo fixation and embedding protocols decidua (Fig. 9). Normal age-related placental histological
have been previously published.5,23,24,40 The entire uterus can characteristics in wild-type embryos should be compared with
also be sectioned for overviews of uterus, placenta, and embryo those of the genetically engineered mouse when assessing
(Figs. 9, 10). Dissection of all components (placenta, extraem- mechanisms of embryonic death and possible abnormal pla-
bryonic membranes, and embryo) usually results in the ability cental development.
to perform more extensive examinations (Figs. 11–15). At Many genes are expressed in the placenta, including many
embedding, embryos are oriented in the coronal (frontal), trans- involved in adult carcinogenesis.11,12,14,17,36,43 Inactivation of
verse, or sagittal plane. One tissue screening method for a number of genes that play a role in cancer development have
embryos older than E14 is as follows: at the time of necropsy, also have been reported to result in embryonic mortality, espe-
open the abdomen to allow better penetration of the Bouin’s cially involving the placenta.48 Thus, how a gene functions in
Ward et al 73

Figure 1. Mouse uteri at E12, E10, and E10 showing 1, 2, and 7 abnormal implantation (placental) sites. Figure 2. E12 embryo showing normal
embryo, its umbilical vessels connected to the labyrinth of the placenta (red discoid area). Note pigmented retina. Figure 3. E13 showing nor-
mal sized embryo with massive hemorrhages due to platelet defects. Note no blood in the yolk sac blood vessels. The placenta is seen at the
bottom. Figure 4. E12–E13 Dead embryo due to lack of normal erythropoiesis in yolk sac. Note no blood in yolk sac. Figure 5. E12–E13.
Early lethality. Light from below; embryo on left is normal, embryo on right side is dying. Note smaller size of the embryo and loss of
normal color and tissue structures. Figure 6. E14 showing smaller embryo that had focal necrosis of various tissues histologically . Note
some small hemorrhages. Figure 7. Viable embryo, yolk sac, and placenta on right side and adjacent end-stage necrotic embryo on left.
Figure 8. Exencephaly in a newborn mouse.

the embryo and placenta may differ greatly than those in adult embryo.39,49 Without vital nutrients, embryonic tissues
mice. Immunohistochemistry studies and in situ hybridization develop degenerative and necrotizing lesions, leading to
can reveal cells and tissues expressing such genes (http:// embryonic death.
www.brain-map.org/; http://genex.hgu.mrc.ac.uk/). Inactiva- The embryo can be aged, somewhat, by the appearance of
tion of some genes can cause abnormal development and erythrocytes and their precursors in the embryonic vessels of
growth of the placenta and its membranes, leading to placen- the placenta (Figs. 16–21) and yolk sac. These findings may
tal failure as an organ providing nutrition and oxygen to the be related to the mouse strain. Immature erythroblast-like cells
74 Veterinary Pathology 49(1)

(Figs. 16, 17) are seen in early placental development, whereas loss of a normal heartbeat or abnormal appearances or loss of
erythrocyte maturation occurs over the next 3 days (E11–E14) blood vessels or erythrocytes within the visible blood vessels.
and a population of mostly metarubricytes is observed (Figs. Focal hemorrhages may appear, and large areas of hemorrhage
18, 19). Histologically, by day 15, most embryonic erythro- are often indicative of megakaryocyte or platelet defects
cytes have extruded their nuclear material (Figs. 19, 20). (Fig. 3), almost always after E13. As more severe gross
Degenerative changes commonly develop in the maternal changes develop, there is loss of normal embryo structure as
decidua and placental trophoblasts (Fig. 21) as the placenta it becomes more amorphous in nature (Figs. 4–6). Eventually,
ages, including atrophy, vacuolation, hydropic change, and the embryo dies. Over time, the embryo is gradually reduced in
necrosis. Degenerative changes in wild-type and mutant pla- size and becomes a discolored, amorphous structure, unrecog-
centas must be compared to determine whether there is an nizable as an embryo (Fig. 7).
increase of these changes or even appearance of degenerative
changes not normally seen, including hyperplasia, dysplasia,
and multinucleated giant cells.49 Evaluation of the Placenta
The development of the placenta, which is complete by E12.5,
Causes and Evaluation of Embryonic may fail because of a variety of developmental membrane
Mortality After E12.5 defects (eg, failure of allantois to fuse to the chorion, yolk sac
failure, mesodermal/endodermal defects, lack of normal ery-
Genetic engineering has produced many mouse developmental
thropoiesis in the yolk sac, placental defects in vasculogenesis,
defects resulting in embryonic lethality and postnatal mortality.
trophoblast formation, and decidua formation).35,43,49 The dam
Information for many of the embryonic lethal mutants can be
is often heterozygous or homozygous null for a gene, and thus
found at the Jackson Laboratory Mouse Genome Informatics
the expression of the gene in the decidua may be altered, pos-
Web site (http://www.informatics.jax.org) under Phenotypes
sibly affecting decidua and placental development.15
& Disease Models. In an accompanying article, the authors dis-
If the placenta fails to develop normally, the consequences
cuss evaluation of embryonic lethality prior to E12.5.30 We will
are disruption of nutrition and oxygen to the developing
review embryonic lethality as it applies to placental lesions
embryo. Embryonic growth is restricted. Lack of normal
prior to E12.5, embryonic lesions after E12.5, and after birth
growth and development leads to initiation of embryonic leth-
(due to abnormal in utero development).
ality often by E10 and commonly before E13. Histologically
in the embryo, one can see focal, multifocal, or diffuse necro-
Necropsy Strategy for Determining the sis of various cells and tissues. After embryonic death, the
Causes of Embryonic Lethality remaining tissue is resorbed but may leave residual lesions
at the placental site (Fig. 1). The structure of the labyrinth and
It has been estimated that perhaps 5%–15% of wild-type ferti-
other anatomical regions may be compromised, causing dis-
lized embryos may be embryonic lethal.6,27,32 Thus, not all
ruption of normal placental anatomy and, therefore, causing
dying or dead embryos are a result of induced genetic changes.
hemorrhage within the labyrinth.
If null mice are absent after birth, it is most likely that the null
mutation is embryonic lethal. To determine whether embryo-
nic lethality begins post implantation and to assess the histo-
pathogenesis of lethality, a strategy would be to begin
Phenotypes From E12 to Birth
collecting litters at E16. If null embryos are still absent and Gene inactivation causing initial developmental changes at
abnormal placentation sites can be seen, work backward and E9–E10 may also cause initial histological changes in the pla-
collect litters at 2-day gestation intervals (E14, E12, E10) to centa and embryo at that time. These progressive changes could
pinpoint the initial developmental abnormality leading to result ultimately in embryo death within a few days or over a
defects or lethality. period time (several days or longer). Thus, at E12, embryos
dead or dying from earlier developmental alterations can be
observed as smaller placental sites in the uterus (Fig. 1).
Gross Abnormalities of the Uterus, Placenta,
Embryos with initial changes after E12 may survive the entire
and Embryo gestation period or die after E12 but prior to birth. Common
Initial evidence of embryonic mortality is a decrease in size and causes of embryonic death after E12 include heart defects
change in color of the normal placental site in the uterus involving failure of the cardiac conduction system and septa-
(Fig. 1). As the embryo dies, the placenta also undergoes tion40 and hematopoietic defects involving erythroid and
degenerative and eventually necrotizing lesions. The number megakaryocyte differentiation.20 The majority of dying or
of abnormal placental (implantation) sites that develop during dead embryos found after E12 have defects that have started
gestation depends on the cause and the nature of the defect dur- prior to E12. However, developmental defects initiated in any
ing normal development of the placenta or embryo. If vascular stage of gestation for brain, kidney, liver, and lung may allow
abnormalities develop in the placenta, hemorrhagic lesions the embryo to survive in utero but could result in neonatal or
may be seen (Fig. 14).18 Initial embryonic changes may include postnatal mortality.
Ward et al 75

Figure 9. The pregnant mouse uterus at E11–E12 showing the various sections of placentas (P) and embryos. The decidua (D) is prominent in
some sections. Hematoxylin and eosin (HE) staining. Figure 10. The pregnant uterus at E14 showing larger placentas (P) and embryos. Note
the very thin uterine wall. HE. Figure 11. E14 embryo and placenta. Note the thin uterine wall and well-developed organs. HE. Figure 12.
E12.5 placenta showing the well-developed mature labyrinth and decidua. HE. Figure 13. The E12.5 placenta showing the various anatomical
zones. HE. Figure 14. E11–E12 placenta and dead embryo from a knockout mouse with abnormal placental vasculogenesis causing disrupted
normal growth of the labyrinth. HE.
76 Veterinary Pathology 49(1)

Figure 15. Mid-sagittal sections of the mouse embryo at different stages of gestation showing general organ development. Not to actual embryo
size. Hematoxylin and eosin (HE) staining.

Phenotypes in the Perinatal Period and rhythm. In this case, the investigators knew the anatomical
Beyond brain location of Ndn gene expression before they created their
mutant mice, which aided significantly in their ability to iden-
Mice may survive the gestation period with an organ or system tify the cause of death.
developmental defect, especially defects of the skin, skeleton,
lungs, kidneys, liver, and central nervous, immune, endocrine,
and reproductive systems. Defects involving the placenta, ery-
Resources for the Evaluation of Mouse
throid, or platelet development and the heart often result in
intrauterine mortality. Defects initiated in utero may be lethal Embryo Organ Development
at some age postnatally, such as cystic kidneys,1,19 or mice may With the rapidly expanding use of genetically engineered mice in
be viable with nonlethal lesions such as loss of 1 kidney or biomedical research and the widespread development of mouse
reproductive failure. Death, secondary to these defects, can models to study the pathogenesis of human diseases, additional
occur quickly at the time of birth, such as when lack of normal and improved histology atlases are required to evaluate embryo-
lungs or brain dramatically impairs normal postnatal viability. nic malformations and lethality. Pathologists and biomedical
When postnatal mortality occurs, investigators can return to the researchers have historically relied on atlases for illustrations and
embryo and neonate to study the histopathogenesis of the post- descriptions of normal structures relevant to the most important
natal lethal lesions and determine the developmental defect that developmental events in the embryonic mouse.5,40,23,24,47 Other
led to death. Developmental defects, however, may also be useful resources include an online tutorial of normal mammalian
compatible with life, with or without clinical consequences. development using scanning electron micrographs (http://
In humans, these include cleft lip and palate, neural tube www.med.unc.edu/embryo_images/), a high-resolution magnetic
defects, ciliopathies, polycystic kidney disease, laminopathies, resonance histology atlas of the embryonic and neonatal mouse,33
deafness, and the muscular dystrophies. Some mouse models and the Edinburgh 3D mouse embryo anatomy atlas (http://
exist for these human conditions. www.emouseatlas.org/emap/home.html).
There are numerous reports of mouse mutants that breathe The complexity of organ development underlies the need for
briefly at birth and subsequently die. For some of these such resources. For example, the developing heart undergoes a
mutants, the cause of respiratory insufficiency is unknown. In complicated 3-dimensional structural change when the heart
our experience with these cases, lung histological status is usu- tube loops to the right during embryonic days 8.5–10.5 and the
ally normal or only slightly deviant from normal. Death may be venous pole subsequently moves cranially and dorsally.40
related to the breathing mechanism, rather than a defect in lung Concomitant with the rightward looping, lengthening heart
anatomical, histological, or physiological characteristics. tube and further ballooning of the future chambers take place.
Research of the breathing mechanism is a specialty involving Additional structural changes occur until the final cardiac
knowledge of respiratory physiological characteristics and ner- architecture is achieved. Although the liver doesn’t undergo
vous system gene expression patterns. An excellent example of such complicated architectural changes, there are changes
neonatal respiratory insufficiency was reported in necdin (Ndn) at the cellular level, which can best be illustrated with high-
null mice.37 Absence of the gene normally expressed during magnification images.5 Embryonic liver venous drainage
neuronal development resulted in disruption of pre-Bötzinger and embryonic hematopoiesis are also important factors to
complex, which is essential for the generation of respiratory consider.
Ward et al 77

Figure 16. E9.5 mouse placental labyrinth. The embryonic endothelial cells (arrows) line embryonic blood vessels containing nucleated
erythrocyte precursors. Labyrinth trophoblasts (the cells with the largest nuclei) can be seen lining blood spaces containing maternal blood
(M) with mature erythrocytes. Hematoxylin and eosin (HE) staining. Figure 17. E10.5 labyrinth with some maturation of the erythrocyte pre-
cursors in embryonic blood vessels lined by embryonic endothelium (arrows). E, embryonic blood vessels; M, maternal blood spaces, LTB, labyr-
inth trophoblasts. HE. Figure 18. E12.5 labyrinth showing many metarubricytes in embryonic blood vessels (E). HE. Figure 19. E14.5 labyrinth
with few nucleated erythrocyte precursors evident. HE. Figure 20. E16.5 labyrinth showing that all embryonic erythrocytes are mature.
Trophoblasts are atrophic with little cytoplasm. HE. Figure 21. E17.5 labyrinth is atrophic, showing trophoblast atrophy and more prominent
vascular spaces containing mature erythrocytes. Embryonic endothelium (arrows) lining embryonic vessels can be seen. HE.
78 Veterinary Pathology 49(1)

Figure 22. Representative images of the E14.5 mouse heart. Upper left image: Schematic illustration of the E14.5 heart from a ventral view
demonstrating the estimated plane corresponding to the site of the hematoxylin and eosin (HE)–stained sagittal section (D). Lower right image:
Schematic illustration of the left lateral view demonstrates the heart of the E14.5 mouse, and it is used here to show the estimated planes cor-
responding to the sites of HE-stained E14.5 transverse (B) and frontal (C) sections. Figures 23–25. HE-stained sections of an E14.5 mouse
heart showing most major structures. Figure 23. Frontal section. Figure 24. Transverse section. Figure 25. Sagittal section. The asterisk in Figure
25 demonstrates the fibrous raphe at the site of fusion of the conal outflow tract ridges in the wall between the pulmonary and aortic roots.
Reprinted with permission from Sage Publications (Savolainen et al,40 Toxicologic Pathology, Vol. 37, No. 4, 2009). Ao, aortic trunk; AVL, aortic
valve leaflet; AVS, atrioventricular septum; CT, cushion tissue; DAo, descending aorta; E, esophagus; IVC, inferior vena cava; IVS, interventricular
septum; LA, left atrium; LV, left ventricle; LSV, left superior vena cava; MB, main bronchus; PR, pulmonary root (infundibulum); PVL, pulmonary
valve leaflet; RA, right atrium; RAVC, right anterior cardinal vein. RV, right ventricle; SP, septum primun; SS, septum secundum; SSp, septum
spurium; TVL, tricuspid valve leaflet; VS, vestibular spine; VV, venous valve.
Ward et al 79

Figure 26. A transverse section through the developing heart at E13.5 demonstrates the newly formed conal septum (arrow) separating the 2
ventricular outlets, pulmonary trunk, and aorta. Figure 27. A higher magnification of this region demonstrates foci of apoptotic cell debris
(arrows) in the cushion tissue surrounding the newly formed conal septum. A mitotic cell (arrowhead) is also present. Reprinted with permis-
sion from Sage Publications (Savolainen et al,40 Toxicologic Pathology, Vol. 37, No. 4, 2009). Ao, aortic trunk; CT, cushion tissue; DAo, descending
aorta; E, esophagus; LA, left atrium; LSV, left superior vena cava; MB, main bronchus; PA, pulmonary artery; PT, pulmonary trunk; RA, right
atrium; RSV, right superior vena cava. RV, right ventricle.

Knowledge of how the organ was sectioned (frontal, Modalities for Imaging the Mouse Embryo in
sagittal, or transverse) is crucial for comparison and the optimal 3D: High-Resolution Anatomical and Anato-
type of sectioning can be organ specific. For the heart and hepa-
mical Pathological Methods, Low-Resolution
tobiliary system, frontal, transverse, and sagittal views at each
stage of development may be useful (Figs. 22–25). Providing Histological and Histopathological Methods
all 3 views can be helpful when there are structures that can Besides the availability of enhanced histology atlases for eval-
be seen in one view but not in another view. When appropriate, uating mice, one can also use advanced imaging techniques to
high-magnification images can illustrate important cellular assist with the traditional histological methods of the embryo
detail such as apoptosis in the outflow tract cushions of the assessment. Using conventional histological methods to iden-
heart (Figs. 26,27) and hematopoietic cells, hepatoblasts, and tify and characterize possible developmental defects is labor
erythrocyte morphological changes in the liver.5,40 Special intensive and time consuming. High-throughput 3D imaging
stains can be used to illustrate specific cellular and tissue methods improve screening embryos for possible developmental
morphology such as macrophages within erythroblastic islands phenotypes. Imaging is basically a high-resolution anatomical
and the presence of granulocyte progenitors in the developing and anatomical pathological method but a low-resolution histo-
liver.5 logical method. Technological advances in the 2 primary meth-
The overall goal for histology atlases and online resources is ods of nondestructive, noninvasive imaging—micro–magnetic
to provide tools that pathologists and biomedical scientists can resonance imaging (mMRI) and micro–computed tomography
use for proper evaluation of developing mouse organs. Critical (mCT)—allow the imaging of small specimens such as mouse
to the phenotypical evaluation of any embryo organ system is embryos (Fig. 28). Other optical modalities of high-throughput
a thorough knowledge of early mouse development, main imaging, such as episcopic fluorescence imaging capturing
developmental events, normal histological characteristics, all (EFIC) and optical projection tomography (OPT), have been
features unique to that organ system, major abnormalities developed to examine mouse embryos in 3D. These imaging
seen at each embryonic stage, and important early postnatal methods are discussed below as they apply to mouse embryo
developmental events. phenotyping.
80 Veterinary Pathology 49(1)

Figure 28. Representative images for methods of imaging mouse embryos in 3 dimensions. (a-c) mMRI of an E17.5 mouse embryo at 19.5-mm
isotropic resolution. Isosurface, coronal, and transverse rendered images. (d) 3D rendering of a mCT scan (10-mm resolution) of the skeletal
system from an E18.5 mouse embryo. Dorsal view of a wild-type mouse versus a transgenic littermate overexpressing human COX-2. (e-l)
3D rendering from a mCT scan of an E11.5 mouse embryo. (E, F) Isosurface renderings of a mCT-scanned embryo. (g-l) Comparison of
hematoxylin and eosin (HE) and computed tomography sections of an E11.5 mouse embryo scanned at 8 mm. (m) High-resolution episcopic
Ward et al 81

Micro–Magnetic Resonance Imaging mCT is used extensively for imaging mineralized tissue,
since the radio opacity of mineralized bone makes it easy to
mMRI is a nondestructive imaging modality that provides
detect (Fig. 28d). Skeletal analysis can be accomplished at a
accurate geometric representation of mouse anatomy and
lower resolution of 38 mm, thus decreasing scan time, compu-
can also be used when phenotyping the mouse embryo
tational power, and expense.29 For bone metrics, mCT also
allows for the generation of accurate data such as bone volume
in-vivo-microscopy-civm-high-resolution-mri-images). Mag-
and average bone mineral density, which is not possible in
netic resonance imaging is based on the alignment of hydrogen
conventional-stained embryos.
atoms of the specimen within a strong magnetic field, subject-
Widespread use of mCT for nonmineralized tissues has been
ing them to pulses of radio waves and then detecting the 3D
restricted by the low X-ray contrast of soft tissues; however,
distribution of further radio waves that are emitted as a
recent advances in contrast agents and instrumentation with
response to the excitation.42 High-contrast images can be
increased x-ray strength are changing this limitation.26 In com-
obtained of soft tissue structures at about 25 mm resolution
parison with mMRI, mCT offers higher resolution of soft tissue
in the mouse (Fig. 28a-c). Since the first studies using mMRI,
scans, 6–10 mm versus 25 mm (Fig. 28e, f, j-l). Histology
it has emerged as a technique to facilitate high-throughput
equivalents of Fig. 28j-l are also shown (Fig. 28g-i). Scanning
phenotyping of genetically engineered mice and ENU muta-
time is rapid for mCT, 2 hours versus 9–14 hours.22 Since scan-
genesis screens and to investigate development effects second-
ning time is decreased, costs associated with mCT are also
ary to teratogens and the environment.41 As a preferred
reduced. As for mMRI, instruments for mCT are expensive,
instrument for studying soft tissue structures, mMRI has been
typically are housed at large medical/research centers, and
most powerful in the rapid identification of cardiac malforma-
require a skilled technician for instrument operation and soft-
tions such as atrial and ventricular septal wall defects, outflow
ware rendering of 3D images.
tract malformations, and aortic arch remodeling defects.3,4,41
Advances in instrumentation, such as stronger magnets, and
replacement of complicated methods of sample preparation Episcopic Fluorescence Image Capturing
by simple immersion staining techniques have allowed for
EFIC is a histological method that provides accurately aligned,
enhanced visualization of soft tissues and, more recently, miner-
high-resolution (2 mm) digital images that can be examined
alized tissue.13 Disadvantages of using mMRI include increased
through computer animations of stacked images, surface ren-
costs attributable to complex instrumentation typically housed at
dering, or volume rendering procedures. Embryos E10.5 or
large medical/research centers and scan time. Low image resolu-
later are routinely processed according to gestational age and
tion is another drawback. At 25-mm resolution, mMRI is not
blocked in paraffin. Since the tissue has the intrinsic property
capable of differentiating cells and some tissues.
of autofluorescence, episcopic fluorescence microscopy is used
during sectioning to capture digital images of the freshly cut
block surface.52 Because the block surface rather than individ-
Micro–Computed Tomography ual cut sections is imaged, precise alignment of the specimen is
Traditional methods for examining the skeletal system of the obtainable. In addition, tissue distortions produced by routine
mouse embryo involve a dual-stain procedure for the detection histological sectioning and staining are avoided, since digital
of cartilage (alcian blue) and bone (alizarin red). Limitations of images are acquired prior to sectioning and no special staining
this conventional embryo skeletal staining method consist of is required of the specimen. Embryos less than E10.5 are not
time-consuming and laborious specimen preparation, tissue optimal for EFIC given that there is little tissue to for autofluor-
integrity loss, and fragile samples, which are difficult to image escence. Stacked images can be looped with QuickTime or the
since they easily fragment when handled. mCT is a nondestruc- public domain software Image J. Although it is not possible to
tive tomographic imaging method that circumvents many of discern specific cellular structure and only the largest intercel-
these problematic issues. Mathematical models create a 3D lular spaces can be identified, recent developments in this field
reconstruction of internal organs, vessels, and bone from a have allowed for the 3D visualization of molecular markers
large series of 2D X-ray data taken around a single axis of rota- such as GFP and LacZ in the embryo. In high-resolution epi-
tion from a series of digital images.26 scopic microscopy (HREM), embryos are embedded in a resin

Figure 28 (continued). microscopy (HREM) used to compile a series of 2-mm, 2D block surface images into a 3D image from an E15.5 mouse
embryo. (n-o) Fluorescence OPT imaging of multiple signals within an E10.5 mouse embryo with HNF3b antibody. (n) 3D rendering of an isosur-
face generated from the voxel reconstruction of the autofluorescent signal. (o) The isosurface has been rendered transparent, enabling the 3D
shapes of the antibody staining patterns to be observed within the embryo (blue, HNF3b expression; green, neurofilament). The high autofluor-
escence of blood in the heart has been rendered in red. Figures 28a–c courtesy of the Duke Center for In Vivo Microscopy, supported by NIH/
NCRR P41RR005959 and NCI U24 CA092656. Figures 28e–l reprinted according to the Creative Commons Attribution License; 2006. Johnson
et al. Virtual histology of transgenic mouse embryos for high-throughput phenotyping. PLoS Genet. 2006;2:e61. Figure 28m courtesy of Dr. T. J.
Mohun, supported by the Medical Research Council through the MRC National Institute for Medical Research. Figures 28n–o reprinted from
Sharpe J, Ahlgren U, Perry P, et al. Optical projection tomography as a tool for 3D microscopy and gene expression studies. Science.
2002;296:541-545. Reprinted with permission from AAAS.
82 Veterinary Pathology 49(1)

with added fluorescein dyes, which enhance the captured digital Declaration of Conflicting Interests
image (Fig. 28m).51,52 The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to
the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
Optical Projection Tomography
With regard to 3D imaging of the mouse embryo, Sharpe,42 the Funding
inventor of OPT, which is based on the ability of light to be
The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for
transmitted through the sample, describes the technique as fill- the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This work
ing the gap between confocal microscopy and mMRI. OPT is was supported, in part, by the Intramural Research Program of the
the optical equivalent of mCT, which scans and records a quan- National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Insti-
titative shadow of the object, whereas OPT uses image-forming tutes of Health.
optics to create a focused image on a CCD camera chip. Digital
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