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Workshop 1.

2: Writing an Improvisation Plan

1. Describe the instrument/equipment that will be improvised:

2. Brief justification of the improvisation project:

3. In what science topic, learning competency, and year level will the improvised
instrument be used?

Science Topics

Learning Competencies:

Grade Level

4. Sketch the design of the improvised instrument/equipment in the space below. Please
consider the available materials and the checklist for evaluating the quality of improvised
science instruments/equipment provided in the next page.
5. The materials needed.

6. Estimated cost:

Criteria for evaluating the quality of improvised science instrument/equipment

Indicators Yes Partly No

The improvised science instrument/equipment…

1. addresses the learning objectives

2. correctly models/demonstrates the science concept

3. is functional

4. is durable

5. is sustainable

6. is visually appealing

7. is cost effective

8. is easy to use

9. is safe to use

10. is made from locally available materials

11. is age appropriate

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