PRACTICE 3 WEEK 6 Writing An Introduction

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Instruction: Write a complete introduction for your essay. You may start your introduction
paragraph by writing an effective hook, providing context/background information, and crafting
a thesis statement. You may use the given points to construct your thesis statement. A
reminder, your introduction SHOULD NOT exceed 100 words.

Title: The Impacts of Gen Z on Consumer Trends

STEP 1: You may start with writing:

• Hook sentence : Gen Z is causing a seismic shift in consumer trends that

is redefining entire industries and the very idea of
consumption. These shifts range from TikTok challenges
to sustainability movements.

• Background : Born approximately between the mid-1990s and the

information early 2010s, Gen Z is the first generation that can truly
be considered digital natives, having grown up
surrounded by social media and technology. The distinct
traits of this group, such as their propensity for
personalization, social consciousness, and tech-
savvyness, are changing consumer trends globally. To
remain relevant in today's dynamic market, businesses
must comprehend how Gen Z interacts with brands and

• Thesis statement : The values of social consciousness and personalization

instilled in Gen Z through their digital upbringing are
radically altering consumer trends, impacting various
industries, and increasing the desire for sustainable,
genuine, and customized goods and experiences.

STEP 2: Once you have completed this, you can start writing a complete introduction. DO

Title: The Impacts of Gen Z on Consumer Trends

Born between the middle of the 1990s and the beginning of the 2010s, Gen Z is changing
industries, norms of consumption, and consumer trends. They are the first generation of true
digital natives, having grown up with social media and technology at their fingertips. Their
influence can be seen in everything from sustainability movements to viral TikTok challenges.
Global shifts in consumer behavior are being driven by the distinctive characteristics of
Generation Z, which include a preference for personalization, social consciousness, and
digital fluency. Businesses must comprehend how consumers interact with brands and
products in order to successfully navigate the ever-changing market of today. Their values,
which have been influenced by their upbringing on the internet, highlight the growing need for
real, sustainable, and personalized products and experiences.
(128 words)

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