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Dùng some và any cho cả danh từ đếm được số nhiều và danh từ không đếm được.
Some: thường dùng trong câu khẳng định, mang nghĩa là 1 vài
Ví dụ:
1. I bought some books. (books là danh từ đếm được số nhiều)
2. I have some money. (money là danh từ không đếm được)

Any: thường dùng trong câu phủ định

Ví dụ:
1. I don’t have any books.
2. I don’t have any money.

Some và any đều có thể dùng trong câu hỏi.

Ví dụ:
1. Do you want to buy some books? OR Do you want to buy any books?
2. Do you want to buy some soap? OR Do you want to buy any soap?

A lot of và lots of có thể dùng với danh từ đếm được và danh từ không đếm được trong câu.
Ví dụ:
I have a lot of/lots of books.
I have a lot of/lots of money.

Many dùng với danh từ đếm được
I don’t have many books.

Much dùng với danh từ không đếm được

I don’t have much money.

Task 1: Complete the following sentences with some or any.

1. We need ___________ bananas.
2. You can't buy ___________ posters in this shop.
3. We haven't got ___________ oranges at the moment.
4. Peter has bought ___________ new books.
5. She always takes ___________ sugar with her coffee.
6. I have seen ___________ nice postcards in this souvenir shop.
7. There aren't ___________ folders in my bag.
8. I have ___________ magazines for you.
9. There are ___________ apples on the table.
10. Pam does not have ___________ pencils on her desk.
Task 2: Complete the following sentences with many or much.

1) We don't see _________ flowers in winter.

2) My daughter spends too _________ money.
3) There weren't _________ cars in the city yesterday.
4) Do you know _________ people in Spain?
5) Are there _________ different insect species?
6) She doesn't have _________ time to read.
7) There was so _________ noise that I couldn't sleep.
8) Are there _________ houses painted in blue?
9) If you have too _________ mistakes, you will not pass the test.
Task 1: Match the words or phrases with the suitable definitions.
1) physical features (n)
2) beauty (n)
3) attractive (a)
4) unattractive (a)
5) youth (n)
6) contestant (n)
7) last (v)
8) inner (a)
9) represent (v)
10) combination (n)
11) patience (n)

A. bên trong
B. đặc điểm về ngoại hình
C. đại diện cho
D. hấp dẫn
E. kéo dài
F. không hấp dẫn
G. người dự thi
H. sự kết hợp
I. tính kiên nhẫn
J. tuổi trẻ; sự trẻ
K. vẻ đẹp

Task 2: Complete the sentences with suitable words or phrases.

1) The artist used a ___________ of colors to paint a beautiful landscape.

2) In the talent show, each ___________ had the chance to show their special skills.
3) It's important to appreciate a person's ___________ qualities rather than just their outer
4) Despite finding the task challenging, Maria showed great ___________ as she worked
through the problem.
5) He wasted his ___________ in front of a computer screen.
6) Her ___________ such as her eyes and lips are really special.
7) Our classes ___________ 50 minutes.
8) The old library had an ___________ charm that attracted readers of all ages.
9) The spokesperson was chosen to ___________ the views and opinions of the entire

Task 3: Write a statement or two describing, in your opinion, the characteristics of an attractive
man and woman.
Example: An attractive woman has long hair and dark eyes.
Task 1: Find the following words or phrases from the passage and match them with
their definitions.

1) be at my wits' end
2) consider
3) surgery
4) option
5) effective
6) recover
7) dermatologist
8) look for
9) procedure
11) gain weight
A. bác sĩ chuyên khoa da liễu
B. cân nhắc
C. chế độ ăn uống
D. hiệu quả
E. hồi phục
F. lo tới mức không biết làm gì
G. lựa chọn
H. phẫu thuật
I. quy trình
J. tăng cân
K. thực tế
L. tìm kiếm

Task 2: Find and circle each underlined expression in the article. Then circle the
correct word or phrase to complete each statement.
1 If you say I think I'll pass, you mean (“No, thanks" / “That's a great idea").
2 If you are at your wits' end about something, you are (happy / unhappy) about it.
3 It takes time to recover means that you (will / won't) feel better immediately.
4 Something that is a piece of cake is (easy / difficult)

Task 3:
UNDERSTAND FROM CONTEXT: Find these procedures in the Reading and
write a definition for each one.
1 liposuction
2 hair restoration
3 a face-lift
4 a chemical peel
Writing Practice:
(Lưu ý: sinh viên tự viết bài, bài mẫu chỉ mang tính chất tham khảo. Các bài viết
copy hoàn toàn bài mẫu của cô hoặc các bài mẫu khác trên Google or Chat GPT
sẽ không được tính điểm)
Topic 1
Write an email to book a room at a hotel.
In your email:
ask about the availability of the rooms
say what room you want to book
say how many days you will book
say what kinds of service you want to book
Write 30 words or more.

Topic 2
Write an email to complain about a service at a hotel.
In your email:
say when you stayed at the hotel
say what problems you had with a service
say what you want the hotel to do
Write 30 words or more.

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