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Backend Developer Trainee, Java spring boot developer NAGRAVISION, Bangalore

(Apr,2023- Currently working)
• Developed and maintained microservices for the Open TV Platform (OPF), specializing in (User-Recording) module.
• Resolved multiple Jira issues and contributed to the stability and functionality of CDVR.
• Implemented the "Download2go" feature, enabling users to download content for offline viewing.
• Actively participated in company hackathon,collaborating on a Quantum Key & Data Transmission project.
Java Springboot docker maven nginx RestApi

Backend Developer Intern, Ruby on rails developer EXDERA, Bangalore

(Sept, 2021 – Mar, 2023)
As a backend developer at Exdera, I had the opportunity to work on 4 live projects for US-based clients

• Developed features and functionalities for Ruby on Rails backend applications.

• Successfully migrated a project from Rails 6 to Rails 7, improving compatibility and performance.
• Utilized PostgreSQL for efficient database management, including implementing joins for seamless data retrieval.
• Upgraded admin dashboards with Active Admin, enhancing the user experience for administrators.
• Implemented batch actions for efficient updating of multiple records simultaneously.
• Integrated Sidekiq for faster background task execution, such as sending emails with Action Mailer.
• Incorporated Twilio Text Messenger for real-time mobile notifications and updates.
• Developed frontend functionalities using JavaScript, AJAX, and jQuery.
• Implemented role-based authorization using the Cancancan gem.
• Created APIs in Ruby on Rails for sorting and filtering data.
• Implemented enhanced authentication with OTP verification using the Authy gem.
• Overall, I successfully completed multiple live projects, utilizing a range of technologies such as Ruby on Rails,
JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery, Postman API, PostgreSQL, and various gems. These projects are currently in production and
have a significant user base.
Ruby on rails JavaScript Ajax PostgreSQL RestApi

Bangalore, India Mvj College of Engineering(B.E) Aug, 2020 – Jun, 2023

● Major: B.E in Computer Science and Engineering, CGPA: 8.36/10

● Relevant subjects: Algorithms & Data Structures, Machine learning, Operating System, DBMS, Networks, Web.

West Bengal, India Kanyapur Polytechnic(Diploma) Aug, 2017 – Jun, 2020

● Major: Diploma in Computer Science and Technology, CGPA: 8/10

● Relevant subjects: Data Structures, OOP, Operating Systems, DBMS, Networks, Web Development.

● Solved 300+ question on leetcode(DataStructure) Profile Link: leetcode
● 4 Star Coder in codechef with 1823 rating and 19075 global rank Profile Link: faizan10933
● 5 star coder in python(Hacker Rank) Profile Link: hackerrank
● 4 star coder in Problem Solving(Hacker Rank) Profile Link: faizan10933
● Secure rank of top 25 among 1500 teams in Cmrtc x codechef(HackforET) hackathon Link: certificate


● Languages: Python, Ruby, JavaScript, Java
● Web: Django, Ruby on rails, Nodejs, JavaScript, Rest Api, Spring Boot, docker
● Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, redis
● Tools: Git & GitHub, Postman, VS Code, heroku

Quantum Key-Aes Data Transmit - Source Code
• QKD-based secure video data transfer with 1-second key rotation, chunking, and encryption for quantum-secure
communication between nodes.
• Rust Python Aes128 Tcp/udp Quantum

Amazon 2.0 (eCommerce) ( Live Link -- Source Code )

● This is an ecommerce website, with various features like ordering,payment,tracking order and searching etc
● Django JavaScript Bootstrap sqlite

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