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Primary School Students Must Learn Financial Literacy At School.

"Mom, can I pretty please buy the new PS5? It's only a thousand dollars?" Surely all parents have heard
this from their child before, begging you to buy a toy thinking it is very cheap. Well, this is the reason
why primary school students must learn financial literacy. Students must learn financial literacy so they
can learn to invest. Secondly, everything in this world is to money. Soon when you know how to manage
your money, you will live a less burdensome life. Here are my three reasons why primary school
students must learn financial literacy.

Some may argue that primary school students must learn financial literacy because they can learn to
invest, and that is true. In a survey of 100000 people who got rich investing, they had to learn about
money outside of school, as it was not a subject when the investors were in primary school. 95% of the
people who got rich investing said that it should be a subject. If you learn financial literacy, you will
know how to invest. When you learn to finance for the future, you can have it as a good hobby in your
free time. You can also make good money out of it. That is the first reason why primary school students
must learn financial literacy.

In addition, primary school students must learn financial literacy because everything in this world
directed to money. You may think the free samples from Ikea and Costco are free and that getting moss
is also free, but you are incorrect. I can show you that this is true because the free samples you get from
Ikea and Costco are no big surprise. Free samples cost money as the ingredients were not free. But what
about the moss? With the moss, it is not free unless you go to a swamp and obtain some yourself if you
are willing to. If your child does not know how to buy things, then your child will not be able to survive in
a world like this. That is my second reason why primary school students must learn financial literacy in
school when young.

To sum all the paragraphs up, primary school students must learn financial literacy because if you know
how to manage your hard-earned income, you will live a less stressful life, a survey of 100000 people
who can and cannot handle their money adequately. Over 95% of people who can manage their money
will live a less stressful life than those who cannot. Over 95% of people that can manage their money
will live a less stressful life than those who cannot. That happens because if you do not know how to
manage your money. When you get a thousand dollars, you might spend it all on partying. When you
must pay your bills, you will not be able to pay them back as you do not have the money saved to pay
your bills, mortgage or loan. If this continues, you might get evicted. Even worse, businesses will
eventually shut down the necessity in your home. That makes people feel problematic not being able to
pay back their bills when they are supposed to. The people who save do not worry about being evicted
or having their water supply cut because they can manage their money and not spend it all at once.
Therefore, primary school students must learn financial literacy because it is a necessity to do so they
can manage their money accurately and live a less backbreaking life.

Now that you have read the three arguments on why students must learn financial literacy, it is up to
you readers to decide if primary schools should or should not have financial literacy. I firmly believe that
primary schools must learn financial literacy. Firstly, if you know how to handle your money, you will live
a less stressful life. Secondly, everything in this world is mainly about money. Finally, you can learn to
invest. Therefore, primary school students should study financial literacy because of the three strong,
well-made, and wonderfully thought reasons above.

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