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lqe'jg ljZjljBfno jflif{s

lbj; k|sfzg – @)*)

k|sfzg ;ldlt

k|f=8f= lzjnfn e';fn ;+of]hs

lzIffWoIf, lqe'jg ljZjljBfno

k|f=8f= w|'js'df/ uf}td ;b:o

sfo{sf/L lgb]{zs, of]hgf lgb]{zgfno

k|f=8f= hLjnfn ;fksf]6f ;b:o

ljefuLo k|d'v, cª\u|]hL s]Gb|Lo ljefu

k|f=8f= an/fd k|;fO{ ;b:o

ljefuLo k|d'v, efifflj1fg s]Gb|Lo ljefu

k|f=8f= vu]Gb|k|;fb n'O6]n ;b:o

ljefuLo k|d'v, g]kfnL s]Gb|Lo ljefu

of]u]Gb|k|;fb bfxfn
k|d'v, ;"rgf tyf hg;Dks{ dxfzfvf ;b:o;lrj

@)*) c;f/ !@ ut] dª\unaf/

@& h'g @)@#
ælqljaf6 ldlt @)@$ ;fn b]lv x/]s jif{ lqlj lbj;sf -cfiff9 z'Sn
gjdL_ lbg k|sfzg x'b} cfPsf] lqlj jflif{s lbj; ljz]iffª\s–-jif{ /
cª\s pNn]v x'b} cfPsf]_ k|sfzg, jif{ @)&( b]lv lqlj jflif{s lbj;
k|sfzgsf gfdaf6 k|sflztÆ
n]vssf] gfd ljifo k[i7
r]t/fh e§ lqljdf Ifdtf clej[l4 s]Gb|sf] cfjZostf !

e"kk|;fb wdnf lqljdf lzIf0f l;sfOsf] jt{dfg cj:yf / ;'wf/sf] ;Defjgf &

/fh]Gb| vgfn Gofofnosf b[li6df lqe'jg ljZjljBfno !%

/fdk|;fb ;'j]bL jt{dfg ;dodf ;"rgf / ;~rf/sf] cj:yf / sIffsf]7fdf @$

o;sf] k|of]u

?kf >]i7 k|ljlwd}qL cfly{s Joj:yfkg / cfly{s cg'zf;g #@

ljgf]b hf]zL lqljdf ljBdfg s/f/ lzIfsx?sf] ;d:ofsf] k|s[lt, $&

lg?k0f / sfg'gL kIfsf] ljj]rgf

ljlgn cof{n lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf] ljut @% jif{df ePsf cg';Gwfg %*

tyf k|sfzgx?sf] cWoog / ljZn]if0f

Manoj Karna A Media Trial on Tribhuvan University’s Examination ^*

Process in Recent Years

Pralhad Adhikari Mentoring a New Researcher: A Teacher’s Learning &&

Sunil Rawal The Impact of Information Technology in Higher Education: (@

A Sociological Analysis

Sushmita Acharya Status of Employees’ Enablement: A case of !)#

Tribhuvan University
lqljdf Ifdtf clej[l4 s]Gb|sf]
k|f=8f= r]t/fh e§*

ljZjljBfnosf] z}lIfs Pjd\ k|zf;lgs pGgogdf k|fWofks / sd{rf/L ju{sf] dxŒjk"0f{ e"ldsf /xG5 .
pQm b'j} ju{sf] Ifdtf clej[l4sf lglDt ljZjljBfnon] ;do;dodf k'gtf{huL tflnd cled'vLs/0f
tflnd, uf]i7L / k|lzIf0fsf] cfof]hgf ul//xg' cfjZos x'G5 . ljZjsf s}of}F ljZjljBfnox?n] o:tf
ls|ofsnfkx?nfO{ lgs} dxŒj lbb} cfPsfn] ltgsf] z}lIfs u'0f:t/df lg/Gt/ clej[l4 x'b} cfPsf]
kfOG5 . t;y{ lqe'jg ljZjljBfnon] klg tflnd, uf]i7L, kf7\os|d lgdf{0f / kl/dfh{g h:tf sfo{nfO{
lg/Gt/tf lbg Pp6f 5'§} lgsfosf] :yfkgf ug'{ cfjZos b]lvG5 . h;n] ubf{ z}lIfs :t/f]Ggltsf]
uGtJo dfu{ ;xh / k|efjsf/L xf];\ eGg] n]vsf] ;f/ /x]sf] 5 .
zAbs'~hLM cled'vLs/0f, sfo{zfnf, tflnds]Gb|, k'gtf{huL, Ifdtf clej[l4 .
lqe'jg ljZjljBfno ;g\ !(%( df :yfkgf ePsf] g]kfnsf] ;a}eGbf h]7f] / ul/dfdo Oltxf; af]ss ] f]
ljZjljBfno xf] . :yfkgfsfnb]lv g} pRr lzIffdf cu|0fL e"ldsf v]ns ] f] o; ljZjljBfnodf xfn ^@
cf+lus SofDk;, %@( ;fd'bflos SofDk; / %$( lghL SofDk;x /x]sf 5g . lqlj leq $@ j6f s]Gb|Lo
ljefux?, kfFr j6f cWoog ;+:yfg, rf/j6f ;ª\sfo / rf/ j6f cg';Gwfg s]Gb|sf ;fy} To; dftxtsf
cf+lus tyf ;DaGwg k|fKt SofDk;x?af6 ;]di] 6/ jflif{s k|0ffnL cg'?k k7gkf7g tyf cg';Gwfgsf
sfo{x? ;~rfngdf 5g\ . lqljaf6 k|sflzt l6=o=' 6'8] @)&( sf cg';f/ sl/a $ nfv ljBfyL{x? egf{
eO{ cWoog/t ul//fv]sf 5g\ . pQm hgzlQmnfO{ cWofkg u/fpg sl/a &(^^ k|fWofksx? tyf &@#)
sd{rf/Lx? lqljsf] b}lgs k|zf;lgs sfo{df ;+nUg 5g\ . -l6o' 6'8,] @)@!–@)@@, k[= !_
lqljsf] ljut / jt{dfg cj:yf
lqljsf] :yfkgfsfnb]lv cfh;Ddsf] cj:yfnfO{ x]bf{ :t/Lo k7gkf7g, s|lds ?kdf :t/Lo cg';Gwfgdf
k|ult, b}lgs k|zf;gdf s|lds ;'wf/ xF'b} cfPsf] 5 . t;y{ lqljn] b]zsf] nflu rflxg] bIf hgzlQm
pTkfbgdf v]n]sf] e"ldsf dxTjk"0f{ 5 t/ Tof] pTkflbt bIf hgzlQmsf] ;xL Joj:yfkg x'g g;Sbf
/fi6«n] 7"nf] Ifltsf] ;fdgf ug'{ kl//x]sf] 5 . of] Ifltsf] Go"gLs/0f ug{ g]kfn ;/sf/ / lqlj aLr
;xsfo{ x'g' cfjZos b]lvG5 . lgZro klg lqljaf6 pTkflbt hgzlQm cfh b]zsf] ljleGg tx /
tKsfdf /x]/ /fi6« lgdf{0fdf cxd\ e"ldsf v]ln/x]sf] 5 . cGt/f{li6«o ahf/ h:t} ljZjel/sf k|l;4
ljZjljBfnox?, pRr cg';Gwfg ;+:yfx?, cGt/f{li6«o ;dflhs ;ª\3;+:yfx?, Jofkfl/s k|lti7fg,

* k|fWofks, ul0ft s]Gb|Lo ljefu, sLlt{k'/

cGt/f{li6«o >d ahf/sf ;fy} ljb]zl:yt s'6lglts lgof]ux?df ;d]t pQm hgzlQmn] pNn]vgLo
of]ubfg u/]sf] kfOG5 . cfhsf] ablnbf] @! cf}+ ztfAbLsf] pRr lzIff cg';Gwfgd'vL, /f]huf/d'vL,
;dfh kl/jt{gd'vL tyf lj1fg k|ljlwd'vL x'g' kg]d{ f ;do ;fk]If k|ult x'g g;Sg' lqljsf] nflu r'gf}lt
klg xf] . ctM oL dflysf a'Fbfx?sf] cf}lrTo lqljsf] pRr lzIffsf] k|ltkmnsf] ?kdf :yflkt u/]/
/fli6«o / cGt/fli6«o ahf/df k|lt:kwf{Tds agfpg ;s] aNn of] lzIff /fi6« lgdf0f{sf] nflu sf];]9'ª\uf
;fljt x'g ;S5 . t;y{ lqljsf] pRr lzIffsf] lg/Gt/sf] ofqfdf lbg b'u'gf / /ft rf}u'gf ljsf;sf]
nflu æcWoog, cWofkg, cg';Gwfg / tflndæ df ljz]if hf]8 lbg ;Sof] eg] PSsfO;f} ztfAbLsf]
lzIff ;dfhk|]dL, /fi6«k|]dL / cGt/f{li6«o ahf/df k|lt:kwL{ x'g ;S5 . lqljsf ljleGg cWoog ;+:yfg
/ ;ª\sfo leq :t/Lo cWofkg, tflnd tyf cg';Gwfg eO/fv]sf eP klg oltdf dfq ;Gtf]if dfg]/
k'Ub}g . lqljdf ;g\ @)!% af6 bf];|f] pRr lzIff kl/of]hgf nfu' e};s]sf] 5 . pQm kl/of]hgfdf tflnd
tyf cg';Gwfgdf s]xL /sd 5'6\ofOPsf] klg 5 . o;} cGt{ut ljleGg cWoog ;+:yfg / ;+sfon]
Ifdtf clea[l4 tflnd tyf uf]i7Lsf] cfof]hgf ul//fv]sf 5g\ t/ Tof] tflndx?sf] ;fGb{lestf b/f]
?kdf k'li6 x'g ;s]sf] 5}g . lqljsf] jflif{s sfo{tflnsf leq Ifdtf clej[l4 sfo{qmd ;d]l6Psf] 5 .
tb cg?k lqljn] gLlt tyf sfo{qmd lqlj ;efaf6 kf; ul/;s]sf] jf ug]{ s|ddf x'g ;S5 . lqljsf
pks'nkltHo"n] ljleGg sfo{qmddf pQm ljifonfO{ k|fyldstfdf /fv]/ sfo{ yfngL ug]{ ljrf/ JoQm
ug'{ ePsf] 5 . ljZjljBfnosf cGo kbflwsf/Lx?sf] klg pQm ljifodf ;dfg wf/0ff /x]sf] kfOG5 .
tyflk, pRr lzIffsf] u'0f:t/ ;'wf/sf] k|fyldstfleq k|fWofks / sd{rf/Lsf] k]zfut Ifdtf clej[l4
ug{ pTs[i6 s]Gb|sf] cfjZostf af]w gx'g' b'Mvb s'/f] xf] . o; s]Gb|sf] cfjZostf af]w ePkl5 gLlt
lgdf{0f ul/G5 . s]Gb| ;+rfngsf] sfo{ljlw tof/ x'G5 . cfzftLt / kl/0ffdd'vL pknlAw xfl;n ug{sf]
nflu sfo{bn dfkm{t a[xt\ cGt/ls|of u/L k|ltj]bg k|:t't ul/G5 . o; s]Gb|af6 k|ToIf nfeflGjt x'g]
k|fWofks / sd{rf/LnfO{ lghsf] a9'jf;Fu s;/L hf]8\g] jf tflnddf cof]Uo x'g] k|fWofks / sd{rf/LnfO{
sfo{ljlwdf a9'jf k|ls|ofdf efu lng bl08t ug]{ / k'gM tflnddf of]Uo k|dfl0ft ePdf a9'jfsf] cj;/
lbg] cflb x'g ;S5 . cyf{t\ lglZrt s|]l86sf] Ifdtf clej[l4 tflnddf ;kmntf xfl;n ug]{ k|fWofks
/ sd{rf/Ln] ;]jf cfof]udf tf]lsPsf] cª\s kfpg] Joj:yf ul/of]] eg] lghx?sf] k]zfut Ifdtf clej[l4
x'g hfG5 . o;n] ubf{ lghx?sf] k7gkf7g, tflnd, cg';Gwfg cflbdf dg}b]lvsf] ?lr hfU5 .
b08xLgtfsf] l:ylt l;h{gf geO{ k]zfk|lt pRr ;Ddfgsf] efj k}bf x'G5 . sIffsf]7fdf uP/ k9fpg
grfxg] k|fWofksx? / cfkm\gf] sfo{sIfdf dg gnufP/ sfd ug]{ sd{rf/Lx? klg :jt:km"t{ ?kdf
cfkm\gf] Ifdtf clej[l4 ug{ nfnflot x'G5g\ / o:tf k|sf/sf tfnLd jf uf]i7Lx?df ;xefuL x'G5g\ .
o:tf] k|sf/sf] Joj:yfn] pNn]Vo?kdf k|fWofksLo / k|zf;lgs If]qdf ;'wf/ x'G5 . ljZjljBfno
;]jf cjlw;Dd cfkm"n] ug'{kg]{ lhDd]jf/Lsf] af]w x'G5 . cg';Gwfg ug'{k5{ eGg] s'/fsf] dx;'; x'G5 .
Ifdtf clej[l4 gul/sg a9'jf klg x'g ;Sb}g eGg] dgdf eo x'G5 / ;'wf/sf] nflu cfkm\gf] Ifdtf
clej[l4 ug{ afWo klg x'G5 .
oltsf jif{;Dd ljZjljBfno :jo+n] eGbf klg lzIff, lj1fg tyf k|ljlw dGqfno jf ljZjljBfno cg'bfg
cfof]u (UGC) n] o:tf] s]Gb|sf] cfjZostf dx;'; ug{ g;Sg' cfZr{osf] ljifo xf] . h;n] :t/Lo
kl/0ffdd'vL lzIffsf] sNkgf u5{, /fi6«nfO{ rflxg] cg';Gwfgsf] sNkgf u5{ / ljZjljBfnox?nfO{ ;do
;dodf lbzf lgb]{z u5{ . s] of] p:fsf] sfo{ If]qleq kb}g / ? s] ljZjljBfno cg'bfg cfof]un]
o; ljifodf lg0f{o lng l9nf] u/]sf] t x}g ? ha;Dd k|fWofkssf] k|fl1s Ifdtf / sd{rf/Lsf] ;do
;fk]If k|zf;lgs Ifdtf clej[l4 xF'b}g, k/LIff k|0ffnLdf ;'wf/ ul/b}g, kf7\os|d lgdf{0f / kl/dfh{g
tflnd lbOFb}g, :t/Lo cg';Gwfgsf] jftfj/0f tof/ ug{ k|fWofksx?nfO{ afWosf/L cj:yf l;h{gf ug{
;lsb}g eg]] pRr lzIff s;/L /f]huf/d'vL tyf ljZjahf/df k|lt:kwL{ aGg ;Snf ?
k|fWofksx?sf] sfo{Ifdtf ;'wf/
k|fWofksx?n] ljZjljBfnosf] z}lIfs sfo{s|dsf] ljsf;sf] ultnfO{ b"|t ?kdf clw a9fpg] sfo{ ub{5 .
cWofkg / cg';Gwfgsf] dfWodaf6 cfkm\gf] dft[;:+ yfsf] cGt/f{li6«o ahf/df ;d]t ul/df a9fpgdf d4t
k'¥ofpF5 . t;y{ k|To]s ljZjljBfnon] k|fWofksx? ljZjljBfno ;]jfdf sfo{/t /xFbf;Dd cfjZos
kg]{ ljifoj:t' ;DalGw1fgsf] oyf]lrt dfkg ug{ ;Sg] k4ltsf] ljsfz ug'{ kb{5 . ljifout 1fgsf]
ux/fOdf hfGgsf] nflu cg';Gwfgsf] 1fgsf ;fy} cg';Gwfg sfo{ u/]sf] x'g'k5{ . o:tf] hgzlQmn] dfq
:t/Lo k7g–kf7g u/L ljBfyL{sf] 1fgsf] :t/j[l4df ;xof]u k'¥ofpg ;Sb5 . k|fWofksx?nfO{ ;do
;fk]If ?kdf cled'vLs/0f tflnd, k'gtf{huL tflnd, sfo{zfnf uf]i7L tyf 5f]6f] ;dosf tflnd dfkm{t
ljifoj:t'sf] gjLgtd 1fg / ljsf;, cg';Gwfg ljlwsf] 1fg / cWofkg k4ltsf] 1fg lbOFb}g; Tof]
hgzlQm k"0f{?kdf bIf tyf tflnd k|fKt dflgFb}g . lqljn] cfkm\gf] pknAw cfly{s >f]tsf] bfo/fleq
/x]/ o:tf sfo{qmd ul//fv]sf] 5 t/ pQm tflndx? kl/0ffdd'vL aGg ;s]sf 5}gg\ . kl/0ffdd'vL
agfpg g;lsPdf To:tf tflndsf] cf}lrTo dfq JolQmsf] JolQmut ljsf;sf] nflu SofK;'nsf] sfd
u5{, ;+:yf k|ToIf ?kdf nfeflGjt x'g ;Sb}g . ljZjljBfnodf sfo{/t w]/} h;f] bIf k|fWofksx?
wdfwd ;]jf lgj[Q xF'b}5g\ . bf];|f] txsf k|fWofksx? bIf eP tfklg oy]i6 tflnd k|fKt 5}gg\ t/ klg
ljZjljBfno ;]jfdf k|j]z ul//x]sf o'jf k|fWofksx?nfO{ ;do cg'?ksf] tflnd lbP/ bIf agfpg]
sfd bf];|f] txsf k|fWofksx?sf] sfFwdf lhDd]jf/L cfPsf] 5 . Tof] lhDd]jf/LnfO{ ;kmntf k"j{s ;DkGg
ug{ lqljn] l56f] gLltlgdf{0f u/L nfu' ug'{ kb{5 . lqlj ;]jf cfof]un] @)&@ ;fndf em08} !^)) hgf
pk–k|fWofkssf] lj1fkg u/]/ :yfoL k|ls|of ;d]t k'/f ul/;]s]sf] cj:yfdf tL pk–k|fWofksx?nfO{
Ifdtf clej[l4 sfo{qmd dfkm{t pko'{Qm tflnd lbg' clt cfjZos b]lvG5 .
sd{rf/Lsf] Ifdtf ;'wf/
lqljsf s}of}F bIf / cg'ejL sd{rf/Lx? clgjfo{ cjsfz e}/x]sf 5g\ . gofF k':tf ljZjljBfno ;]jfdf
k|j]z ub{}5g\ . s}of}F ljwfdf o'jfk':tf bIf klg 5g\ eg] s}of}F ljifodf cg'ejsf] Go"gtf klg b]lvG5 .
ljZjljBfnosf] ul/df k|zf;lgs r':t, b'?:t tyf kf/blz{tfdf lge{/ ub{5 . ljZjljBfnodf sfo{/t
jf ;f];Fu k|ToIf ;/f]sf/ /fVg] ;]jfu|fxLnfO{ l56f]–5l/tf] ;]jf k|bfg ug'{ k|zf;lgs sfo{ dfkm{t pRrtd
;'wf/ ePsf] cg'e"lt lbg', k|To]s tx / tKsfdf k|zf;lgs clen]vLs/0faf6 ljZjljBfnon] cfkm\gf]
ljsf; ePsf] 7fGg' kb{5 . Psflt/ bIf tyf cg'ejL sd{rf/L ;]jf lgj[Q x'g] / csf]{lt/ bf];|f] txsf
sd{rf/LnfO{ k|zf;lgs tflnd glbg] xf] eg] s}of}FnfO{ l6Kk0fL p7fpg, efiffut ;d:ofsf] sf/0fn] kq
tof/ kfg{, dfOGo"6 n]Vg ufx|f] gknf{ eGg ;lsFb}g . sfo{/t sltko sd{rf/L clxn] klg ;"rgf k|ljlw
ldtJooL 5}gg\ . ePsfx? dWo] sltkodf efiffut ;d:of b]lvG5 . clxn] klg sfof{no ;dodf
af]nrfnLsf] efiffdf, cg'zf;gsf] ;Gb{edf tyf sfd ug]{ z}nLdf lzi6tf k|b{zg ePsf] b]lvFb}g .
t;y{ o:tf k|sf/sf sldsdhf]/Lx?nfO{ r':t, b'?:t tyf ;an k|zf;gsf] 1fg dfkm{t ljsf; ug{
;lsG5 . oL ;Dk"0f{ ljifodf Ifdtf clej[l4 ug'{ ljZjljBfno k|zf;gsf] k|d'v bfloTj x'G5 .

pTs[i6 s]Gb|sf] cfjZostf, cf}lrTo / cGt/fli6«o kl/j]z
k|fWofks tyf sd{rf/L s'g} klg z}lIfs ;+:yfsf d]?b08 x'g\ . k|fWofks tyf sd{rf/Lsf] Ifdtfsf]
ljsf;;Fu} ljZjljBfonsf] pGglt tyf k|ult ;d]t ufFl;Psf] x'G5 . :t/Lo 9ª\uaf6 x'g] k7gkf7g
tyf cg';Gwfg hltsf] dxŒjk"0f{ 5 pRr lzIffnfO{ ljZjahf/df k|lt:kwL{ agfpg dfu u/]sf] kf7\os|d
lgdf{0f tyf ;do ;fk]If kl/dfh{g u/L ;kmn tl/sfn] sfof{Gjog ug{ ;Sg' Tolts} dxŒjk"0f{ 5 .
t;y{ oL ;a} lsl;dsf ;'wf/ ug{ ljZjljBfnodf Pp6f ;'ljwf ;DkGg s]Gb|sf] cfjZostf b]lvG5 .
l5d]sL /fi6« ef/tsf] lbNnL ljZjljBfno kl/;/ d} "Centre for Professional Developmernt in Higher
Education (CPDHE)" :yfkgf ul/Psf] 5 . ef/tsf] dfgj ;+;fwg tyf tslgsL dGqfnon] Human
Resource Development Centre (UGC-HRDC) / RCC :yfkgf ul/ b]zel/sf z}lIfs ;+:yfsf k|fWofks
tyf sd{rf/Lsf] Ifdtf clej[l4 sfo{qmd ul//x]sf] x'G5 . o; s]Gb|n] jif{el/ g} ljleGg ljwfdf sfo{sd| x?
;~rfng ul//x]sf] kfOG5 . n]vs :jon] s]xL jif{ clw g]kfnsf] tkm{af6 ;ft lbgsf] k'gtf{huL tflnddf
efu lng] cj;/ k|fKt u/]sf] 5 . o:tf sfo{qmd ljZjsf z}lIfs ;+3 ;+:yfx?n] cfjZostf cg';f/
cfof]hgf ul//fv]sf] kfOG5 .
o;}u/L l;+w xfo/ Oh's; ] g sld;g, kfls:tfgn] cfkm\gf] dftxtsf z}lIfs ;+:yfx?nfO{ p;sf] pQ/f]Q/
k|ultsf] dfkgsf] ;"rsfª\ssf] ?kdf æ;fdflhs cfly{s ljsf;sfæ ;fy} pRrlzIffsf] :t/Lo u'0f:t/ dfly
psf:gdf sfd ul//x]sf] x'G5 . cna6f{ ljZjljBfnon] cna6f{ Sofkfl;6L lalN8ª (UCB) sf] gfdaf6
/fli6«o / cGt{/f{li6«o ;+3 ;+:yfx?;Fu ;xsfo{ u/L tflnd tyf ljleGg uf]i7Lx?sf] cfof]hgf ub{5 .
o'/f]lkog sld;g -O/f;d; d'G8;_ n] pRr lzIffdf Ifdtf clej[l4 ug{sf] nflu ;fem]bf/ /fi6«sf z}lIfs
;+:yfx?af6 JolQmut ?kdf ljBfyL{, sd{rf/L, k|fWofksnfO{ cfdGq0f cyjf 5gf]6 u/]/ kf7\os|d lgdf{0f,
pRrlzIffdf ;'zf;g / Joj:yfkgsf] cfw'lgsLs/0f / gofF k4ltsf] ljsf;df tflnd pknAw u/fpF5 .
of] ;+:yfn] pRrlzIff / a[xt\ cfly{s tyf ;dflhs jftfj/0f larsf] ;DaGw lj:tf/df ;d]t cfkm\gf
ultljlw clw a9fO/x]sf] x'G5 .
' Olyof]lkofsf] lzIff dGqfnon] ljZjljBfno Ifdtf clej[l4 sfo{qmd (UCBP) sf] gfdaf6
ljleGg sfo{qmdx? ul//x]sf] 5 .
n] O/f;d; Nk; k|fh
Elia State University ] S] 6 dfkm{t ;fem]bf/ ;+3 ;+:yfx?;Fusf] ;xsfo{df g]b/Nof08,
:k]g, nf6leof, ch/a}hfg / o'sg]| sf ljZjljBfnodf Ifdtf clej[l4 sfo{qmd ;~rfng ub{5 . To;}u/L
ljZjsf pTs[i6 SofDk; tyf sn]hx?n] Ifdtf clej[l4 / l;kd"ns bIftf xfl;n ug{df sfo{qmdx?
ub{5g\ .
ljZjsf y'k}| ljZjljBfnox?df cfkm\gf k|fWofks sd{rf/Lsf] nflu ;dofg'sn " cfjZos kg]{ tflndx?sf]
cfof]hgf ul/Psf] x'G5 . ljZjsf Voflt k|fKt ljZjljBfnox? cS;kmf]8,{ SofDa|Lh, Soflnkmf]lg{of, as{ns
] f]
;fy} o'/f]k / Pl;ofsf y'k}| ljZjljBfnox?df o:tf s]Gb|x? :yfkgf ul/Psf 5g\ . s]Gb|x? gePsf
;+:yfn] 5'§} PsfO dfkm{t sfo{x? ul//x]sf] b]lvG5 h;n] jif]g{ L ljleGg ljwfdf tflnd ;~rfng u/]/
ljZjljBfnosf ;/f]sf/jfnfnfO{ bIf hgzlQmsf] ?kdf ljsf; u/]sf] kfOG5 . tbcg'?k o:tf s]Gb|n]
k|fWofks/sd{rf/Lx?sf] Ifdtf Pj+ bIftf clej[l4 x]t' g]kfndf klg lgDgp2]Zo k|flKtsf nflu Ps pTs[i6
s]Gb| :yfkgf ug{ clt cfjZos eO;s]sf] oyf{y dfly pNn]v ul/Psf b[i6fGtaf6 5n{Ë eO;s]sf] 5 .
cled'vLs/0f tflnd
d'Votof k|fWofksx?/sd{rf/LnfO{ plrt ;dodf gjLgtd lzIffsf] 1fg k|jfx ug{ ;+jfxssf] ?kdf
:yflkt u/L /fi6« lgdf{0fdf cxd\ e"ldsf lgjf{x ug{ pRr lzIffsf] zLif{s h:t} lnË, cNk;+Vos ;d'bfo,
g}lts d'2f tyf af}l4s rf]/L, jftfj/0f ;DaGwL,;]jf cjlw h:tf ljifodf cled'vLs/0f tflnd lbg
;lsG5 . To:t}u/L ;f]xL tflndleq cGt/ljifosf] 1fgsf] ljsf;, cg';Gwfg ljlw, efiffut bIftf /
;"rgf k|ljlw, h:tf ljleGg ljifosf] ljifout 1fg tyf To;;Fu ;DalGwt gjLgtd 1fgsf] ljsf;,
kf7\os|d lgdf{0f, kl/dfh{g / ;Id lzIf0f k4ltnfO{ klg lng l;sG5 .
k'gtf{huL tflnd
klxnf] r/0fsf] tflnd k|fKt u/]sf k|fWofksx? dfq of] tflnddf ;xeflu x'g kfpF5g\ . of] tflnd k|foM
s'g} klg ljifosf] pRrtd ljsf;;Fu ;DalGwt x'G5 . of] tflnddf vf;u/L k|fWofksx?nfO{ ;DalGwt
ljifoj:t'sf] 1fgsf] ljsf; / cGt/ljifodf s] s;/L eP/ gjLgtd ljsf; ePsf] 5 To;sf] af/]df
oyf]lrt hfgsf/L u/fpg' klg xf] . k|foM u/L k|fWofksx?nfO{ jt{dfg cj:yfdf pRr lzIffdf cfpg;Sg]
r'gf}tLsf] ;fdgf ug{ / cg';Gwfg ljlwdf bIf agfP/ cWoog cWoofkgsf nflu of]Uo agfpg' klg xf] .
k'gtf{huL tflndn] k|fWofks/sd{rf/Lsf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg ubf{ x'g] sdL sdhf]/L Go"gLs/0f ug]{, nuftf/
l;sfOdf Wofg cfs{if0f u/fpg], pTs[i6tfsf] nflu xf};nf k|bfg ug]{, 1fg tyf l;kdf ;dfgtf Nofpg],
sfo{If]qdf ;'l/Ift x'g] jftfj/0f lgdf{0f, cfTd ljZjf;df j[l4ug]{, ;DalGwt If]qdf eP u/]sf gjLgtd
ljsf; pTkfbg ;DaGwL hfgsf/L tyf af]wsf] j[l4, ahf/ Joj;fosf] k|j[lQsf] ;DaGwL hfgsf/L,
l;sfOdf g}lts zlQm, ;DaGwL hfgsf/L / cfwf/e"t kf7\os|dx? cflb /x]sf] x'G5g\ .
o:tf] sfo{zfnf k|fWofks tyf sd{rf/Lx?sf] ljifo;Fu ;DalGwt u/fO{ sDtLdf Ps xKtfsf] nflu
cfof]hgf ug{ ;lsG5 . ;fy–;fy} sfo{zfnfx? n}lËs cWoog, efiff, ;flxTo Pj+ ;+:s[lt / l;sfOdf
g}lts zlQm cflb d'Vo ljifox?df ;~rfng ug{ ;lsG5 . sfo{zfnfdf cfwf/e"t kf7\os|d cflbdf
sfo{qmd s]lGb|t /xL ;~rfng ug{ ;lsG5 .
5f]6f] calwsf] tflnd
of] tflnd cg';Gwfg ljlw / To;;Fu ;DalGwt ljifodf 1fg k|]lift ug{ / cGo ;/f]sf/sf ljifodf
;d]t bIf agfpg tLg b]lv 5 lbg ;Dd tflndsf] cfof]hgf ug{ ;lsG5 . vf;u/L o; tflnddf
æ/fi6« lgdf{0fæ df cxd\ e"ldsf v]Ng] ljifoj:t'df cfwfl/t /x]/ tflndsf] cfof]hgf ug{ ;lsG5 .
Ifdtf clej[l4 sfo{qmdsf d'Vo ljifox?
pRr lzIffsf] If]qdf Ifdtf clej[l4 kl/of]hgfn] lgDglnlvt ls|ofsnfk ug]{ u/fpg] sfo{ ub{5 .
• kf7\os|d, ljifo, l;sfO ;fdu|L / pks/0f .
• lzIff tyf l;sfO k4lt / z}lIfs kxF'r .
• Jofjxfl/s k|lzIf0fsf] gofF 9fFrf / Joj;fo tyf pBf]uwGbfsf] hLjGt cWoog .
• ljZjljBfno pBd, lgud / Joj;fo kl/rfng .
• l;sfOsf] gofF 9fFrf / l;sfO k|bfg .
• k|ToIf -er'{cn_ ultlzntf / v'Nnf z}lIfs ;fwg .
• dfu{bz{g, k/fdz{ / cg'lzIf0f k4lt / pks/0f .
• z}lIfs / k|zfzsLo sd{rf/Lsf] k]zfut / Joj;flos ljsf;sf nflu pks/0f / k4lt .
• sfo{qmd / ;+:yfut :t/df :t/Lo cZjf;g .
• goFf zf;g, Joj:yfkg k|0ffnL / 9fFrf
• cfw'lgs ljZjljBfno ;]jf h:t} ljQLo Joj:yfkg, cGt/f{li6«o ;DaGw, ljBfyL{ k/fdz{ tyf dfu{bz{g,
z}lIfs dfldnfx? / cg';Gwfg tyf vf]h .
• pRr z}lIfs ;+:yfsf] cGt/f{li6«os/0fsf] nflu ;kmntf / cg';Gwfg, j}1flgs tyf k|fljlws If]qdf
gjLgtfdf k|efjsf/L ;~hfn .
• ;]jf ;'ljwf ;DaGwL oy]i6 1fg .
• sd{rf/L k|lzIf0f cflb .
dfly pNn]lvt If]qx?sf cltl/Qm k|fWofksx?sf] k]zfut ljsf; tyf z}lIfs u'0f:t/df pGglt,
k|efjsf/L cWoog tyf cg';Gwfgdf u'0ffTds clej[l4, ljlzli6s[t k|of]udf cfPsf] gjLgtd l;sfO
k4ltsf] nflu sfo{zfnf tyf uf]i7L, kf7\os|d lgdf{0f tyf kl/dfh{gsf] ;fy} kf7\os|d k|efjsf/L ?kdf
nfu' ug]{ ;DaGwdf tflnd lbg ;lsG5 .
ctM dfly j0f{g ul/Psf rf/ txsf sfo{qmdx? ;~rfng u/L ;xefuL k|fWofks tyf sd{rf/Laf6
l;s]sf] 1fg tyf gjLgtd k|fWofkgsf k4ltx?df yk ;'emfjx? ;d]t ;d]6L tflnd s]Gb|nfO{ k|efjsf/L
agfpg ;s]sf] v08df ;/f]sf/jfnfsf] Ifdtf clej[l4df 7"nf] dbt k'Ug] b]lvG5 .
o:tfvfn] tflndx? ;~rfng ubf{ ;/f]sf/jfnfn] gjLgtd 1fg k|fKt ub{5 / ljifoj:t'sf] ux/fO{df
hfg ;Sb5 . cg';Gwfgsf ljlwx?;Fu k"0f{ kl/lrt eO{ / /fi6«nfO{ rflxg] cg';Gwfg k|lt nugzLntf
a9\5 . t;y{ o;/L l;s]sf] 1fgnfO{ cWoog, cWofkg tyf cg';Gwfgdf nufpg ;s] lzIffsf] u'0f:t/
dfly psf:gdf dxŒjk"0f{ 6]jf k'Ug'sf ;fy} /fi6«lgdf{0fsf nflu rflxg] bIf hgzlQm tof/ x'g] b]lvG5 .
o;/L ;~rfng ul/Psf tflndx?sf] l;sfOsf] lglZrt dfkb08 tof/ u/L ;/f]sf/jfnfsf] k]zfut
pGglt k|ult;Fu hf]8\g ;s] cem l;sfO{ a9L k|efjsf/L x'g ;Sg] b]lvG5 .
;Gbe{ ;fdu|L;"rL
l6o' 6'8], @)@!–@)@@ .
lqlj -@)&&_ lqe'jg ljZjljBfno ^! cf}+ jflif{s lbj; ljz]iffª\s–@)&& .
lqlj -@)&*_ lqe'jg ljZjljBfno ^@ cf}+ jflif{s lbj; ljz]iffª\s–@)&* .
https:/www.capacity building in
UGC (2018) Annual Report 2018/19, Bhaktapur: University Grants Commission.
University Grants Commission, Nepal (2019) Education Management Information System:
Report on Higher Education 2018/19.

lqljdf lzIf0f l;sfOsf] jt{dfg cj:yf / ;'wf/sf]
k|f=8f= e"kk|;fb wdnf*

dfgj ;Eotfsf] ;'?b]lv g} cgf}krfl/s lzIff ;dfhsf] cleGg cª\u x'Fb} cfPsf] lyof] t/ ;doqmddf
cf}krfl/s lzIff lbg] lzIf0f ;+:yfx?sf] :yfkgf / ;~rfng x'g yfn]kl5 lzIffsf] b|'t ultdf ljsf;
x'Fb} uof] . Jojl:yt kf7\oqmd / kf7\ok':tssf] dfWodaf6 lzIff lbO/x]sf] ;Gbe{df ljZjljBfno
:t/Lo lzIffsf] e"ldsf pNn]vgLo eof] . cGoqh:t} g]kfndf klg pRr z}lIfs ;+:yfsf] ?kdf lqe'jg
ljZjljBfnosf] :yfkgf / ;~rfng ePsf] xf] . :yfkgfsfnb]lv g} o;n] b]znfO{ cfjZos kg{]
pRr z}lIfs hgzlQmsf] pTkfbg ub{} cfPsf] 5 . of] hgzlQmn] b]z ljsf;sf laleGg cfofdx?df
dxTjk"0f{ of]ubfg klg ub{} cfPsf] 5 . o;n] ck]lIft ?kdf u'0f:t/Lo hgzlQmsf] pTkfbg ug{
;s]sf] b]lv+b}g . o; n]vdf lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf] lzIf0f l;sfOsf] jt{dfg cj:yf / ;'wf/sf]
;Defjfgf af/] rr{f ul/Psf] 5 . o;df k/Dk/fut lzIf0f l;sfOdf cfwfl/t lzIf0f ;+:yfsf] ?kdf
/x]sf] of] ljZjljBfnon] ablnFbf] ljZj kl/j]zdf ljBfyL{x?sf] z}lIfs cfjZostf ;Gtf]ifhgs ?kdf
k"/f ug{ g;s]sf] ;Gbe{df u'0f:t/Lo lzIffsf nflu cg';Gwfgd"ns lzIf0f l;sfOsf] cfjZostfnfO{
cf}+NofP/ ;'wfg{ ;lsg] cfwf/ k|:t't ul/Psf] 5 .
zAbs'~hL M cg';Gwfg, u'?s'n lzIff, kf7\oqmd, ljZjljBfno, lzIff k|0ffnL .
k|frLg sfndf klg lzIff lng] lbg] k|rng lyof] t/ Jojl:yt kf7\oqmd lyPg . lzIf0f ljlw klg
cgf}krfl/s lyof] . blIf0f Pl;ofdf k|rlnt u'?s'n lzIff k|0ffnLdf ljBfyL{x? lzIfs;Fu} a;]/ l;Sg]
ub{y]. af}4, ox'bL–O;fO{ / O:nfd ;+:s[ltx?df wd{ k|rf/sx?n] cfkm\gf r]nfx?nfO{ d7, luh{f3/,
/ dl:hbx?df l;sfpg] uy{] . lzIffsf] o; k|0ffnLdf lglZrt kf7\oqmddf cfwfl/t eP/ n]lvPsf
cf}krfl/s kf7\ok':tsx? lyPgg\ . ToxfF tna eQf kfpg] u/L /fHon] lgo'Qm u/]sf lzIfsx?
klg lyPgg\ . t/ To;a]nfsf] z}lIfs cj:yf eg] ;Gtf]ifhgs lyof] . ltg} ;+:yfsf] lg/Gt/tfsf]
?kdf cfh;Dd klg cgf}krfl/s ;+:yfx? 1fgsf] k|;f/0fdf ;+nUg /x]s} 5g\ . kl/jf/, ;djoL
;fyL;ª\ut, ;d'bfo, wd{, ;+:s[lt, /fhgLlt, ;/sf/, / ;du| ;dfhaf6 dflg;n] lzIff lnO/x]sf
x'G5g\ . o:tf ;+:yfx? cgf}krfl/s kf7zfnf x'g\ . logn] k|bfg ug{] lzIffn] hLjgsf w]/} kIfx?nfO{
lgb{]lzt klg ub{} cfPsf] 5 .
oL cgf}krfl/s ;+:yfx?dWo] ;/sf/ ;~rfng ug{] zf;sju{n] lbg] j}rfl/s lzIff ;aeGbf zlQmzfnL
x'G5 . o; j}rfl/s lzIffsf] dfWodaf6 zfl;t ju{sf] ;dy{g lnP/ g} zf;s ju{n] zf;g ;~rfng
* k|fWofks, lqe'jg ljZjljBfno

ug{ ;kmn e}/x]sf] x'G5 . n'O cNy';/ -1970_ sf cg';f/ x/]s /fHon] hgtfsf] ;xh ;xdltdf
cfkm\gf] ;Qf l6sfpg lzIffnfO{ cf}hf/ agfpF5 . ;/sf/L k|0ffnLnfO{ alnof] kfg{] vfnsf] kf7\oqmd
/ kf7\ok':ts agfpF5 / To;sf dfWodaf6 lbOg] lzIff dfkm{t cfkm\gf] zf;g ;Qf l6sfpF5 .
pbfx/0fsf nflu g]kfndf k~rfot Jo:j:yf l6sfpg ;f]xL cg';f/sf] kf7\oqmd tof/ ul/Psf] lyof] .
o; k|sf/sf] lzIff /fi6« / hgtfsf] nflu emg\ a9L vt/gfs x'g;S5 .
cgf}krfl/s lzIff dfqn] a9\bf] cfaZostf k"/f ug{ g;Sg] ePsf]n] qmdzM cf}krfl/s lzIff lbg]
lzIf0f ;+:yfx? v'Ng yfn] . cfw'lgs ;dodf t o:tf cf}krfl/s lzIf0f ;+:yfsf] af9L g} cfof] .
xfn ljZje/ g} nfvf}Fsf] ;ª\Vofdf /x]sf lzIf0f ;+:yfx?n] cf}krfl/s lzIff lbO/x]sf] cj:yf 5 .
o:tf] z}lIfs k|0ffnLn] 7"nf] kl/jt{g NofPsf] 5 / cem} klg ;+;f/sf] nueu x/]s s'gfsf] z}lIfs
d'Vowf/f cf}krfl/s lzIff xf] . o;afx]s k|ljlwsf] tLj| ljsf; / b|'t ;~rf/ k|0ffnLsf] sf/0fn] ub{f
1fg k|;f/ z}lIfs ;+:yfx?df dfq ;Lldt /x]sf] 5}g . gofF ;~rf/ k|ljlwn] 1fgsf] kx'FrnfO{ ;xh
agfPsfn] lzIffsf] bfo/f klg a9]sf] 5 . cfh xfdL 8]:sd} a;]/ klg ;~rf/sf cGo dfWodx?
k|of]u u/]/ a|Xdf08sf] af/]df w]/} s'/f hfGg ;S5f}+ .
cf}krfl/s lzIff klg q'l6k"0f{ x'g;S5 . q'l6k"0f{ kf7\oqmd / k|jrg lzIf0f ljlwdfkm{Tf x'g] k7gkf7gn]
ljBfyL{x?nfO{ s]jn lgliqmo >f]tf agfpF5 . o;n] pgLx?nfO{ sIffsf]7fdf lzIfsx?n] eg]sf] s'/f
dfq ;Dem]/ k/LIff lbg] agfpF5 . ltgLx?n] lzIfssf ljrf/ grkfOsg lgN5g\ / lzIfsn] eg]sf]
s'/f j}w 5 jf 5}g, jf:tljstfdf cfwfl/t 5 jf 5}g, ;xL / ljZj;gLo 5 jf 5}g eGg] s'/f
5'6\ofpg ;Sb}gg\ . o:tf] lzIf0f vt/gfs x'g ;S5 lsgeg] o;dfkm{t lzIfsn] ljBfyL{x?nfO{
e|fds hfgsf/L klg lbg ;S5 . sIffsf]7fdf ljBfyL{n] k/LIffdf pQL0f{ eP/ pkflw k|fKt ug{sf nflu
dfq lzIfssf] s'/f ;'G5 eg] o:tf] lzIf0f l;sfO cy{xLg x'G5 . ljBfyL{n] klg lzIfssf] e|fds
lgb{]zgnfO{ cfkm\gf] hLjgdf cIf/zM nfu' u/\of] eg] p;sf nflu cem a9L vt/gfs x'g ;S5 .
o; cy{df cf}krfl/s lzIffn] klg ljBfyL{sf] JolQmut hLjg / cGttM ;du| ;dfhsf nflu pkof]uL
x'g] jfl~5t glthf Nofpg ;Sb}g .
cf}krfl/s lzIff k|0ffnLsf] csf]{ uDeL/ sdhf]/L s] xf] eg] o;n] ljBfyL{x?nfO{ cfnf]rgfTds
b[li6sf]0f ljsf; ug{af6 /f]S5 . o:tf] ljBfyL{ s'g} lgisif{df k'Ug' cl3 km/s b[li6sf]0faf6 j:t'
/ 36gfx?nfO{ x]g{ g;Sg] x'G5. s'g} klg 1fg cg';Gwfgaf6 k|dfl0ft ePkl5 dfq ljZj;gLo x'g
;S5. ljBfyL{n] hlt w]/} vf]hL u5{ plt /fd|f] lzlIft aGg;S5 / /fi6«sf] nflu Tolt g} of]ubfg
lbg;S5 .
cf}krfl/s lzIffsf sltko sdL sdhf]/Lsf afah'b lzIf0f ;+:yfx? ;~rfng eO/x]s} 5g\ .
pRrf lzIffsf] If]qdf ljZjljBfno lzIffsf] ljsf; lg/Gt/ ?kdf e}/x]sf] 5 . x/]s /fi6«n] pRr
lzIff ;~rfng cfkm\gf] b]zsf] kl/l:ylt cg';f/ ul//x]sf] x'G5 . ljsl;t b]zsf ljZjljBfnox?
cNkljsl;t b]zsf ljZjljBfno eGbf pGgt :t/sf x'G5g\ . ltgn] a]nfa]nfdf cfkm\gf] b]zsf]
cfjZostf cg';f/ kf7oqmd / lzIf0f ljlw kl/dfh{g ul//x]sf x'G5g\ . pgLx?sf] z}lIfs :t/
pGgt ePs} sf/0fn] b]zsf] ;du| ljsf; klg pNn]vgLo /x]sf] x'G5 . xfdLx? af/Daf/ eGg] u5}{fF

cd]l/sf, ci6«]lnof, rLg, ef/t, / o'/f]k]nL /fi6«sf] lzIff pGgt :t/sf] 5 . To;}n] xfdL cfkm}+
klg ToxfFsf ljZjljBfnox?df cWoog ug{ ?rfpF5f}+ . cfkm\gf] 3/–v]t;d]t a]r]/ eP klg nfvf}F
?k}ofF vr{]/ xfd|f ;GtfgnfO{ pRrlzIff cfh{gsf nflu ljb]z k7fpF5f}+ . cflv/ xfdL lsg ljb]zL
lzIfflt/ cfslif{t x'G5f}+ / :jb]zL lzIffnfO{ pk]Iff u5}F< em§ x]b{f ;/n h:tf] b]lvP klg of] k|Zg
cln hl6n 5 .
ljsl;t b]zsf] lzIf0f l;sfOsf] bfFhf]df t];|f] ljZjsf d'n'sx?sf] lzIf0f l;sfO cem} klg k/Dk/fut
/x]sf] 5 . clwsf+z ljZj ljBfnox?df lzIfsn] sIff sf]7fdf k|jrg lbg], ljBfyL{n] ;'g]/ ofb
ug{], ltg} ofb u/]sf s'/fsf cfwf/df k/LIffdf ;f]lwPsf k|Zgsf] pQ/ n]Vg], Go"gtd cª\s NofP/
ptL0f{ x'g] l:ylt ljBdfg 5 . o;f] u/]/ pRr ckflw u|x0f u/] tfklg To:tf] z}lIfs hgzlQm ljZj
/f]huf/L ahf/df sdhf]/ b]lvg] ePsf]n] cfkm\g} b]zsf] lzIf0f l;sfOsf k|lt xfdL pbf;Lg ePsf xf}F .
otfsf s]xL jif{x?df lzlIft JolQmx?n] ljZjJofkL ahf/df /f]huf/L vf]H5Gf\ t/ s]jn ;}4flGts
1fgsf] ljz]iftfn] o'Qm pRr txsf] pkflw k|bfg ul/g] x'gfn] pgLx?df Jofjxfl/s ;Lksf] sdL
x'G5 . ;/sf/L lj1x?sf] ljrf/df o;sf] sf/0f ljBfyL{x?nfO{ ck|fljlws lzIff dfq lbg' xf] .
pgLx? eG5Gf\ xfdLn] Jofj;flos / k|fljlws ljZjljBfnox? vf]Ng cfjZos 5 . n'lDagL k|fljlws
ljZjljBfno eP h:t} . of] dfq k"0f{ ?kdf ;To xf]Og . d'Vo ;d:of ck|fljlws lzIff xf]Og, a?
k/Dk/fut lzIf0f l;sfO xf] . xfd|f] lzIf0f l;sfOdf s]xL cfwf/e"t sdL sdhf]/Lx? 5g\ . To;}n]
xfdL k5fl8 k/]sf 5f}+ eGg] s'/f a'em\g' cfjZos 5 .
lzIf0f l;sfO
lzIffsf] u'0f:t/ ;'wf/ ug{ k|of]u ul/g] ljleGg lzIf0f ljlwx?sf] af/]df w]/} k':ts / n]vx?
n]lvPsf 5g\ . s]xL n]vgx? JofVofg ljlwx?df s]lGb|t 5g\ eg] cGo n]vgx?n] ;]ldgf/ tyf
sfo{zfnf uf]i7L dfkm{Tf ;xeflutfd"ns lzIf0f l;sfOsf] cjwf/0ff k|:t't u/]sf 5Gf\ . oL n]vgx?
lzIfsx?nfO{ of] jf Tof] tl/sfn] l;sfpg' k5{ eg]/ dfu{ lgb{]z ug{ dfq n]lvPsf x'g\ . c? w]/}
lzIffljb\x?n] sIffsf]7fdf k9fpg] k|efjsf/L ljlwx? klg k|:t't u/]sf 5Gf\ . a]Ghfldg :6fnsd
-1931_, ;/fx af]g/ (1999), hf]8L jfn\6;{ (2006), h];g sf/k]G6/ (2006), / lk6/ j]:6j'8 (2088)
n] cfkm\gf n]vx?df lzIf0f l;sfO;Fu ;DalGwt ;d:ofx?sf] ;dfwfg lb+b} pQd lzIf0fsf] nflu
;'emfjx? k|:tfj u/]sf 5g\ . ljleGg ;Gbe{df pgLx?n] lzIf0f ljlwsf] af/]df s'/f ub{f lzIfsn]
cfkm"nfO{ sIffsf]7fsf] lzIf0fdf dfq ;Lldt /fVg' x'Fbg} eg]/ ;ª\st] u/]sf 5g\ . pgLx?n] k/Dk/fut
lzIf0fdf ljleGg r'gf}tLx? /x]sf] s'/f klg ;ª\s]t u/]sf 5Gf\ .
lzIf0f l;sfOsf r'gf}tLx?sf] af/]df l/r8\;{ P/]G8\; (2012) eG5Gf\–PSsfO;f}+ ztfAbLsf] dWo;Dddf
lzIf0f ;+:yfx? s:tf] xf]nfGf eGg] xfdLnfO{ clxn] yfxf 5}g . tyflk eljioljb\x?n] xfnsf] kl/sNkgf
/ cEof;sf] ?kdf /x]sf] k'/fgf] z}nLsf] cf}krfl/s lzIff cfw'lgs oftfoft k|0ffnLdf plxn]sf] 3f]8f
/ aUuL rnfP h:t} x'g ;S5 eGg] ts{ u/]sf 5Gf\ . o;n] ablnFbf] kl/j]zdf sIffsf]7fdf l;ldt
lzIf0f l;sfOn] dfq ck]lIft z}lIfs pknlAw xfl;n ug{ ;ls+b}g eGg] ;ª\s]t u5{ .
lx+hf] cfh ljZje/ g} cgluGtL ljZjljBfnox? v'n]sf 5Gf\ . xhf/f}+ lzIfs / nfvf}+ ljBfyL{{ lzIf0f
l;sfO lqmofsnfkdf ;+nUg 5Gf\ . lzIf0f ljlwsf af/]df klg w]/} k':ts / n]vx? n]lvPsf 5Gf\ .
clwsf+z lzIfsx?nfO{ tflnd lbOPsf] 5 . /fHon] lzIffdf 7"nf] /sd vr{ u/]sf] 5 . cleefjsx?n]
cfkm\gf 5f]/f5f]/LnfO{ /fd|f] lzIff kfpg] cfzfdf lghL ljBfnox?df w]/} /sd vr{ u5{Gf\ . nfvf}F
s/f]8f}+ /sd vr{ u/]/ ljb]z klg k7fpF5Gf\ . o;n] lzIffsf] dxŒjk"0f{ af/]df klxn]sf] eGbf r]tgf
a9]sf] 5 eGg] b]vfpF5 .
lqe'jg ljZjljBfno
cGoq h:t} g]kfndf klg pRrlzIff k|bfg ug{] x]t'n] lj=;+= @)!^ ;fndf lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf]
:yfkgf eof] . o; b]zsf] pRrlzIffsf] nueu c;L k|ltzt ef/ cf]u6]sf] lqe'jg ljZjljBfnon]
;'?sf jif{x?df pRrlzIffdf zt k|ltzt of]ubfg ub{Yof] . of] ljZjljBfno g]kfnsf] Ps dfq pRr
z}lIfs ;+:yf x'g'sf] gftfn] :jefljs ?kdf b]zsf] z}lIfs d]?b08 lyof] . o;df ;+nUg lzIfs
sd{rf/Lx? ;+:yfk|lt akmfbf/ lyP . sltko lzIfsn] t lghfdlt ;]jfsf ;/sf/L clws[t kb 5f]8]/
ljZjljBfnosf] lzIfs x'g /f]h]sf lyP . o; ;+:yfsf k|lt hgtfsf] k"/f e/f];f lyof] . To;}n] b'u{d
If]qsf ;d]t cleefjsx?n] cfkmgf ;GtfgnfO{ oxL ljZjljBfnodf lzIff xfl;n ug{ k7fpFy] . oxfFaf6
:gfts tx jf :gftsf]Q/ tx ptL0f{ x'g' lghx?sf] lgldQ uf}/jsf] ljifo x'GYof] . ljBfjfl/lw tx
kf/ ug{' t emGf pkNnf] txsf] pknlAw x'Fb} xf] . sltkon] oxL ljZjljBfnod} /f]huf/Lsf] cj;/
kfpFy] eg] c? w]/} :gftsx? lghfdlt ;]jf / lghL If]qsf sfddf ;+nUg x'Gy] .
;+;f/el/ w]/} z}lIfs ;+:yfx? cf}krfl/s lzIf0f l;sfOdf ;+nUg 5Gf\ . of] ljZjljBfno d'Vo ?kdf
lzIf0f ljZjljBfnosf ?kdf ePsf] lyof] . o; ljZjljBfnodf xfn kfFr cf]6f cWoog ;+:yfg /
rf/cf]6f ;ª\sfo cGtu{t ljleGg z}lIfs ljefux? /x]sf 5Gf\ . o; ljZjljBfnon] bLlIft u/]sf]
hgzlQmn] cfh;Dd klg k|zf;g, Joj;fo / ljsf;sf ljleGg sfo{df ;+nUg eP/ dxŒjk"0f{ of]ubfg
k'¥ofO/x]sf] 5 . nfvf}F ljBfyL{x? k|To]s jif{ ljleGg txdf ljleGg cWoog ;+:yfg / ;ª\sfox?af6
pkflw k|fKt ub{5Gf\ . cGo cWoog ;+:yfg / ;ª\sfosf cltl/Qm lqe'jg ljZjljBfno cGtu{t
lzIff ljifo s]lGb|t 5'§} ;ª\sfo klg 5 h;n] lzIffnfO{ a]Un} cg'zf;gsf] ?kdf ;~rfng ub{5.
;fdflhs lj1fg / k|fs[lts lj1fgsf d'Vo ljifox? afx]s o; ;ª\sfon] lzIf0f ljlwx?df ljz]if
kf7\oqmdx? klg agfPsf] 5, h;n] ;DalGwt ljifox?nfO{ /fd|f];Fu a'em\g d2t ub{5. To;}n] of]
ljZjljBfno d"ntM Ps lzIf0f ljZjljBfno xf] . o;n] lzIf0f l;sfOnfO{ pTs[i6 agfpg] nIo
/fv]sf] 5 . g]kfnsf cGo ljZjljBfnox?sf] klg k|fylds sfo{ lzIf0f l;sfO g} /lxcfPsf] 5 .
rfln;sf] bzssf] ;'?;Dd o:t} cj:yf /x]sf]df To; bzssf clGtd jif{x?df ax'ljZjljBfnosf]
cjwf/0ff ljsl;t eP/ cfof] . ljljw ljifo / If]qut ?kdf w]/} ljZjljBfnox? v'n\b} uP . tL
ljZjljBfnfox?n] lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf] s]xL ef/ 36fP klg lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf] efudf kg{]
7"nf] z}lIfs ef/ cem} sfod 5 .
olt 7"nf] z}lIfs ef/ af]s]sf] lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf] kf7\oqmd / lzIf0f l;sfOsf] ljlw eg] ;do
/ kl/l:ylt cg';f/ ;fdfGo ;'wf/ eP tfklg cfwf/e"t ?kdf :yfkgfsfnsf jif{x?df h:tf] lyof]
nueu To:t} ?kdf /x]sf] 5 . oxfF lzIf0f ljlw 5 / l;sfO pknlAw klg cNkljsl;t b]zsf
ljZjljBfnox?sf] h:tf] 5 .
eGgsf nflu cWoog ;+:yfg cGtu{tsf ljifosf] lzIf0f l;sfO a9L k|of]ufTds x'g] ePsfn] k|efjsf/L
5 elgG5 t/ To;nfO{ ;ª\sfo cGtu{tsf ljifox?sf] lzIf0f l;sfO;Fu t'ngf u/]/ o;f] elgPsf]
xf] . To;f] gu/]/ cWoog ;+:yfg cGtu{tsf ljifox? ljsl;t b]zsf ljZjljBfnosf To:t} k|s[ltsf
ljifox?sf] ;fk]Iftfdf d"Nofª\sg ul/g' kg{] xf] . of] ;To xf] ls o; ljZjljBfnosf ;ª\sfo
cGtu{tsf] lzIf0f l;sfO k|lqmof k|jrg ljlwdf dfq lge{/ x'g] ePsfn] o;sf] pknlAw t'ngfTds
?kdf sdhf]/ 5 . h] xf];\ lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf] cf};t lzIf0f l;sfO ;f/e"t ?kdf g} pGgt
:t/sf ljZjljBfnosf] lzIf0f l;sfO eGbf lgZro g} km/s 5 . o;f] x'g' ;Gtf]ifhgs ePsf] dfGg
;ls+b}g . ljZjljBfno eg]sf s'g} klg ;dfhsf dfgs x'Gf\ eGg] s'/f xfdLn] la;{g' x'Fb}g . o;
cy{df lqe'jg ljZjljBfno klg t];|f] ljZjsf cGo ljZjljBfnoeGbf cfwf/e"t ?kdf km/s 5}g .
cfsf/df w]/} 7"nf] eP klg lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf] lzIf0f l;sfOnfO{ ;'wf/ ug{ ;lsg] k|z:t
;Defjgfx? 5Gf\ . o;sf lglDt ef}lts k"j{fwf/, kf7\oqmdsf] ;d;fdlos kl/dfh{g, bIf / k|lta4
lzIfs, cBfjlws kf7\oqmd, j}1flgs d"Nofª\sg k4lt, b08 / k'/:sf/sf] ;d'lrt k|of]u, lzIfs
/ ljBfyL{nfO{ cfly{s Pjd\ cGo ;'ljwf nufot cglulGt ;t{x? 5Gf\ . t/ ;a}eGbf dxŒjk"0f{ ;t{
s] xf] eg] of] ljZjljBfno bnut /fhgLlts x:tIf]kaf6 k"0f{?kn] d'Qm x'g'k5{ . To;afx]s of]
ljZjljBfnodf l9nf] gu/Lsg cg';Gwfgd"ns lzIf0f l;sfO k|lqmofnfO{ k|>o lbg' g} kg{] x'G5 .
sltko sdhf]/Lsf afah'b klg lqe'jg ljZjljBfno ljZjsf pTs[i6 ljZjljBfnox?dWo] *)! b]lv
!))) ;Ddsf] ;d"xdf kg{] ljZjljBfnosf] >]0fLdf /x]sf] 5 eg] Pl;ofsf pTs[i6 ljZjljBfnox?df
@)! b]lv @%) sf] aLrdf k/]sf] 5 . of] pknlAw lqe'jg ljZjljBfnon] xfn}sf jif{x?df pRrlzIffsf]
Ps cTofjZos sfdsf] ?kdf cg';Gwfgdf ;+nUg x'g'sf] sf/0fn] k|fKt ePsf] xf] . o;n] s] k'li6
u5{ eg] lqe'jg ljZjljBfnodf cg';Gwfg ultljlw a9fOof] eg] o;sf] z}lIfs:t/ dfly p7\g] k|r'/
;Defjgf 5 .
cg';Gwfgd"ns lzIf0f l;sfO
g]kfndf klg pRrlzIff ;'wf/sf lglDt w]/} k6s w]/} cf]6f ;'emfj cfof]ux? ag] . ;'emfjx? /fd|f eP
klg ltgsf ;'emfjx? pNn]vgLo ?kdf sfo{fGjog ePgGf\ . kmn:j?k lqe'jg ljZjljBfno nufot
nueu ;a} pRr lzIf0f ;+:yfx?n] k/Dk/fut ?kdf g} lzIff k|jfx ul//x]sf 5Gf\ . ltgLx?n] lbg]
lzIffdf cg';Gwfgsf] cfofd cem} klg sdhf]/ b]lvG5 .
ablnPsf] ;Gbe{df ljBfyL{x?sf] a9\bf] cfjZostfnfO{ k"/f ug{ k/Dk/fut lzIf0f l;sfO dfq ko{fKt
5}g . xfdL b|"t ?kdf kl/jt{g ePsf] ;+;f/df a:g] dflg; ePsfn] k|jrg ljlwaf6 lzIfsx?åf/f
ljBfyL{x?nfO{ x:tfGt/0f x'g] 1fg cko{fKt 5 . xfdLn] z}lIfs ;+:yfx? dfkm{t a|Xdf08sf] af/]df
w]/} s'/fx? yfxf kfPsf 5f}+ . t/ cg';Gwfgaf6 cem} w]/} s'/f hfGg afFsL 5 . k|jrg ljlwaf6 lbg]
k/Dk/fut lzIf0f dfq 1fg k|;f/0fsf] k"0f{ dfWod x'g ;Sb}g . s]jn k|jrg ljlwaf6 x'g] lzIf0f
l;sfOn] ljZjJofkL ahf/df k|lt:kw{f ug{ rfxg] ljBfyL{sf cfjZostf klg k"/f ug{ ;Sb}g .
elh{lgof l/r8{;g (2003) n] k/Dk/fut ?kdf rnL cfPsf] k|jrg lzIf0f ljlwsf] ;§f ;+/rgfjfbL
lzIf0fsf] cfjZostfnfO{ hf]8lb+b} sIffsf]7fdf cWoog ug{] ljBfyL{x?nfO{ ;+/rgfjfbL lzIffzf:qdf
;+nUg x'g]df yk cg';Gwfg s]lGb|t ul/g' kb{5 eg]sf 5g\ . h]= dfO/g ofl6\sg (1992) n] klg
ljZjljBfnox?df Jofjxfl/s 1fg s;/L pTkfbg / k|rf/ ul/G5 eGg] af/]df JofVof u/]/ j}1flgs
?kdf ;~rflnt z}lIfs cg';Gwfgsf] dxŒjnfO{ k|sfz kf/]sf 5Gf\ . of] egfOn] Jofjxfl/s /
k|of]ufTds cg';Gwfgn] dfq z}lIfs ;d:ofsf] ;dfwfg ug{ ;S5 eGg] ;ª\s]t u5{ . o;n] lzIf0f
l;sfOdf cg';Gwfgsf] cfofd yKg' cfjZos 5 eGg] klg b]vfpF5 .
w]/} dflg;x?n] cg';Gwfg eg]sf] k':tsfnodf v}/f] bfx|L ePsf] k|fWofks jf dfOqmf]:sf]kdf ;"Id
s'/f x]g{ jf 6]ln:sf]kaf6 6f9fsf rLhx? x]g{ tNnLg j}1flgssf] Ps ljz]if Joj;fo xf] eg]/ ;f]Rg
;S5Gf\ . cg';GwfgnfO{ o;sf] k/Dk/fut cy{df ;Lldt g/fv]/ Jofks ?kdf a'em\g cfjZos 5 .
ljZjljBfnodf ljz]if ljifodf kLPr8L ug{ dfq cg';Gwfg ul/G5 eGg] ;f]rfO klg e|fds xf] lsgeg]
Jofjxfl/s hLjgsf] s'g} ;d:ofsf] ;dfwfg vf]Hg klg cg';Gwfg ul/G5 . a"y / cGo (2008) n]
xfdLn] ;d:of ;dfwfg ug{] k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbgsf] nflu hfgsf/L ;+ng ug{' klg cg';Gwfg xf] eg]sf
5Gf\ . o; cy{df cg';Gwfg eg]sf] hl6n k|Zgsf] pQ/ vf]Hg afx]s s'g} k|ltli7t JolQmsf] hGd
ldlt kQf nufpg] h:tf ;fdfGo s'/fx? klg Nofk6k sDKo'6/df u'un ;r{ u/]/ cg';Gwfg ug{
;lsG5 . of] sfd ;/n eP klg cg';Gwfgsf] Ps ?k xf] . To;}u/L Ps clzlIft ls;fgn] cGo
ls;fgx?n] cfkm\gf] v]tLdf s] ul//x]sf 5Gf\ eg]/ x]b{f pQd v]tLdf cfO kg{] ;d:ofsf] ;dfwfg
kfpg ;S5Gf\ . o;/L xfdL b}lgs hLjgsf ljljw ;d:ofx? ;dfwfg ug{ x/]s lbg / htftt} o;
k|sf/sf] cg';Gwfg u5{f}+ . To:tf] ;fdfGo cg';Gwfg klg lzIf0f l;sfO g} xf] . o;sf/0fn] ljifo
lj1 / z}lIfs If]q;Fu cfj4 JolQmx?n] lzIffsf] u'0f:t/ clej[l4 ug{ cg';Gwfgsf] cfofddf hf]8
lbG5Gf\ .
cfhsf] cfjZostf cg';Gwfgd"ns lzIf0f l;sfO xf] . k/Dk/fut lzIf0fsf] ljk/Lt, cg';Gwfg
dfkm{t lzIf0fsf] j}slNks tl/sf 1fg k|flKtsf] nflu Jojxfl/s pkfo xf]. o; b[li6sf]0fdf ;/n
k|Zgx?sf] hjfkm vf]Hg / uDeL/ ;d:ofx?sf] ;dfwfg vf]Hg Jojl:yt cg';Gwfg ul/G5 .
cg';Gwfgsf tL lgisif{x? lgikIf / ;Tosf] glhs x'g ;S5g\ . Jojl:yt cg';Gwfgdf cfwfl/t 1fg
Jofjxfl/s hLjgdf a9L pkof]uL x'g ;S5 . hf]g qm];j]n !(($ sf] ljrf/df cg';Gwfg dxŒjk"0f{
5 lsgeg] of] Ps ;3g cWoog xf] . cg';Gwfg k|lqmof lj:t[t k"j{sfo{ ;dLIff dfkm{t ;xsdL{x?
/ cg';Gwfgst{fx?sf] ;'emfj Jofjxfl/s cg'ejx? dfkm{t ljsl;t x'G5 . o; k|sf/sf] cg';Gwfg
dfkm{t k|fKt 1fg ljBfyL{x?sf nflu a9L e/kbf]{ x'G5 .
xfdL x/]s lbg jf x/]s If0f cg';Gwfg ul//x]sf x'G5f}+ . pbfx/0fsf nflu xfdLn] Ps k|fylds
ljBfnosf ljBfyL{nfO{ Onfsfdf km'n\g] !) df};dL km"nx?sf] gfd km]nf kfg{ u[xsfo{ lbof}+ eg] ltgLx?
sxfF 5Gf\ eg]/ x]g{ aflx/ hfg ;S5Gf\ . To;}u/L xfO{ :s"nsf ljBfyL{n] cfkm\gf lzIfsx?nfO{ ;f]Wg'sf]
;§f o;af/] hfgsf/ JolQmx?;Fu cGt/lqmof u/]/ z}lIfs ;d:ofsf] ;dfwfg kfpg ;S5Gf\ . o;n]
xfdLnfO{ k':tsfno, k|of]uzfnf, If]q jf 7"nf] ;dfhdf lj:tfl/t cg';Gwfg ug{ hl6n ;d:ofsf]
cfjZostf kb{}g eGg] ;ª\s]t u5{ . æd]/f] Pp6f df]hf sxfF x/fof]<æ d]/f] l5d]sL sxfF a;fOF ;/]sf]
5<æ eGg] h:tf dfd'nL k|Zgb]lv lnP/ o; u|xdf olt w]/} leGg ;+:s[ltx? s;/L ljsl;t ePsf
5g\<æ eGg] h:tf uDeL/ k|Zgsf] pQ/ vf]Hg' klg cg';Gwfg g} xf] . o;/L ;/ntd ;d:ofx? klg
cg';Gwfgaf6 ;dfwfg ug{ ;lsG5 .
c;n lzIfsx?n] ljBfyL{x?nfO{ dfq lgb{]zg lbg'sf] ;§f cg';Gwfg ;d:ofx? k|bfg ug{'kb{5

h;n] pgLx?nfO{ ;fdfGo ?kdf jf k|fljlws lzIff k|0ffnLdf k|Zgx?sf] hjfkm cfkm}+ vf]Hg k|f]T;flxt
ub{5 . xfdLn] cg';Gwfgaf6 ;ª\sng ug{] hfgsf/Lsf] k|sf/ jf:tljs hLjgsf] kl/l:yltdf xfdLn]
;a}eGbf w]/} hfgsf/ lzIfsx?af6 k|fKt u/]sf] 1fg eGbf a9L Jofjxfl/s / ;lhn} nfu' x'g] vfNsf]
x'G5 . xfdLn] sIffsf]7fdf klg Jojl:yt 9+un] cg';Gwfg k4lt nfu' ug{'k5{ . qm];j]n -1994_ sf]
ljrf/df cg';Gwfgn] hLjg / hut\sf af/]df ;a} eGbf hl6n k|Zgx?sf] hjfkm lbg ;S5 .
u'0f:t/Lo lzIffsf] nflu cg';Gwfg Ps clgjfo{ cfjZostf eGg] ;j{q dx;"; ul/Psf] 5 . s]xL jif{
otf ljZjljBfnox?sf] z}lIfs :t/ lgw{f/0f ug{] Ph]G;Lx?sf] klg ljsf; ePsf] 5 . xfn 6fOD;
xfOc/ Ph's]zg nufotsf Ph]G;Lx?n] ljZjljBfnosf] lzIf0f pTs[i6tf, cg';Gwfg pTs[i6tf, /
cGo dfkb08x?sf cfwf/df ljZjljBfnox?sf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg d"Nofª\sg ub{5Gf\ . oL Ph]G;Lx?n]
agfPsf ;a} dfkb08x?dWo] cg';Gwfg d'Vo xf] . o;n] ljZje/sf ;of}+ ljZjljBfnox?nfO{ ltgLx?sf]
sfo{;Dkfbg d"Nofª\sg ub{f cg';Gwfg / k|sfzgnfO{ s]Gb|df /fv]/ x]g{] u/]sf]5 .
cWoog cg';GwfgnfO{ Jofjxfl/s b[li6sf]0fsf ?kdf x]g{] xf] eg] cgf}krfl/s ?kdf lzIff lbg] lzIf0f
;+:yf klg s'g} g s'g} ?kdf 1fgsf] k'li6 ug{ cg';Gwfg ljlw ckgfpg afWo 5Gf\ . Ps hfgsf/
JolQmåf/f k|bfg ul/Psf] 1fgdf dfq e/ kg{' vt/gfs x'G5 . Ps JolQmnfO{ yfxf ePsf] cf+lzs
hfgsf/L Jojl:yt cg';Gwfg dfkm{t k|dfl0ft ug{ cfjZos 5 . t;y{ b|'t ?kdf kl/jt{g eO/x]sf]
cfhsf] ljZjdf u'0f:t/Lo lzIffsf] nflu cg';Gwfgsf] dfWodaf6 ul/g] lzIf0f l;sfO Jofjxfl/s
x'g ;S5 . lgw{fl/t nIo k|flKtsf nflu cg';GwfgnfO{ Jofjxfl/s dfWodsf ?kdf lnO{ pRrlzIff
;+:yfx?n] o;nfO{ k|fyldstfdf /fv]/ cg';Gwfgdfkm{t lzIf0f ug{] gLlt tTsfn th{'df ug{'k5{ .
u'0f:t/Lo lzIffsf] nflu of] Ps ckl/xfo{ dfWod x'g] ePsfn] o;n] /fi6« / ;dfhsf] pGgltdf
of]ubfg k'¥ofpg ;S5 .
k|jrgdf cfwfl/t lzIf0fsf] dfWodaf6 1fgj[l4df pNn]vgLo pknlAw x'g] eP klg lbuf] ljsf; /
;fdflhs kl/jt{gsf nflu Jofks cg';Gwfgdf cfwfl/t lzIff cfjZos 5 . To;}n] pRr lzIffsf
;+:yfx?n] sIffsf]7fdf ul/g] k7gkf7gsf ;fy} cg';GwfgfTds lqmofsnfkdfkm{t lzIffsf] u'0f:t/
;'wf/ ug{ s8f d]xgt ug{' cfjZos 5 .
pRr lzIff ;+:yfx?n] cfkm\gf] kf7\oqmd / lzIf0fdf cg';Gwfgdf cfwfl/t lqmofsnfkx? ;dfj]z
u/]sf 5Gf\ . w]/} /fi6«sf ;/sf/x?n] s]xL cg';Gwfg s]Gb|x? :yfkgf u/L ltgsf] k|efjsf/L
;~rfngsf nflu ah]6 ljlgof]hg klg u/]sf 5Gf\ . of] kl/j]zdf g]kfndf klg cg';Gwfgd"ns
lzIf0fljlw ckgfpg' kb{5 .
cGoq h:t} g]kfndf klg lzIffdf pNn]vgLo k|ult ePsf] 5 h;n] nf]stflGqs u0ftGqsf] :yfkgf;Fu}
ljsf; / ;fdflhs kl/jt{gdf 7"nf] of]ubfg u/]sf] 5 . lzIffn] ;'zf;g / ljsf;sf nflu r]tgf
clej[l4 ug{ d2t u/]sf] 5 . t/ d'n'snfO{ ;d[4 / hgtfnfO{ ;'vL agfpg cem} nfdf] ofqf to
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;Gbe{ ;fdu|L;"rL
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Gofofnosf b[li6df lqe'jg ljZjljBfno
/fh]Gb| vgfn*

lqe'jg ljZjljBfn b]zsf] ;a}eGbf 7"nf] / k'/fgf] ljZjljBfno xf] . g]kfndf pRr lzIffsf] yfngL
ePsf] w]/} nfdf] Oltxf; 5}g . ljz]iftM @))& ;fnsf] kl/jt{gkl5 dfq g]kfndf pRr lzIffn] ult
lnPsf] xf] eGbf s'g} km/s gknf{ . x'gt g]kfndf !(&% ;fnd} lqrGb| sn]h :yfkgf eO;s]sf] lyof] .
!(&% df :yfkgf eP tfklg !(&^ b]lv cfO=P= ;~rfng ul/Psf] lyof] eg] kl5 lj1fg ljifo klg
k9fpg yflnPsf] Oltxf;af6 b]lvG5 . lqrGb| sn]hdf !(*! ;fnb]lv la=P= klg ;~rfng ul/Psf]
lyof] . g]kfndf ljZjljBfnosf] :yfkgfsf nflu @))% df klxnf] k|of; ePsf] lyof] . k|fOldlg:6/
df]xg zd;]/n] pRr lzIffsf] k7gkf7g tyf cg';Gwfgsf nflu ljZjljBfno :yfkgf ug]{ k|of;cg'?k
ljZjljBfno of]hgf ;ef u7g u/]sf] kfOG5 . g]kfndf @))& ;fnsf] /fhg}lts kl/jt{gkl5 z}lIfs
nx/ rn]sf] lyof] . ljleGg :yfgdf :s'n :yfkgf ug]{ sfo{x? ePsf] kfOG5 . /fhg}lts kl/jt{gsf
sf/0f >L % lqe'jgn] ljZjljBfno :yfkgfsf nflu s]xL kxnx? u/]sf] kfOG5 . /fhf lqe'jgsf]
d[To'kl5 /fgLx? sflGt/fHonIdL / O{Zj/L/fHonIdLaf6 @)!@ ;fndf lqe'jg ljZjljBfno ;efsf]
3f]if0ff ul/Psf] lyof] . ljleGg ;dodf ljleGg lsl;dsf k|of;x? eP tfklg lqe'jg ljZjljBfnon]
d"t{ ?k cyf{t\ lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf] :yfkgf ælqe'jg ljZjljBfno P]g, @)!^Æ hf/L ePkl5 lnPsf]
lyof] . lqe'jg ljZjljBfn P]g, @)!^ sf] ldlt @)!^÷@÷!# df nfndf]x/ ;b/ eO{ ldlt @)!^÷@÷@%
df g]kfn uh]6df k|sflzt ul/Psf] lyof] . pQm P]g hf/L ePkl5 dfq g]kfndf ljZjljBfno :yfkgfsf]
sfo{n] k"0f{tf k|fKt u/]sf] kfOG5 .
lqe'jg ljZjljBfno P]g, @)!^ sf] k|:tfjgfdf æg]kfnsf hgtfnfO{ pRr lzIff k|bfg ug{, /fi6«sf]
;f+:s[lts k/Dk/fsf] ;+/If0f / ljsf; ug{, snf Pj+ lj1fgdf / c? Joj;flos If]qdf 1fg / cg';Gwfgsf]
j[l4 ug{ / rl/q lgdf{0f ug{, g]kfndf lzIff k|bfg ug]{ / ;DaGwg /fVg] Ps ljZjljBfnosf] :yfkgf /
u7g ug{' jf~5gLo ePsf], >L % d'df a8fdxf/fgL sflGt/fHonIdLb]jL / >L % sfG5L d'df a8fdxf/fgL
O{Zj/L/fHonIdLb]jLaf6 ljZjljBfno :yfkgfsf] k|f/lDes sfo{x?;d]t ;Dkfbg ug{ nufOaS;]sf] /
ljZjljBfnosf] gfd lqe'jg ljZjljBfno /fVg] pTs[i6 clenfiff /flvaS;]sf] / g]kfnsf hgtfnfO{
lzIffsf] lgldQ kof{Kt ;'ljwf k|bfg ul/aS;g] lbJo clenfiffo'Qm cfw'lgs k|hftflGqs g]kfnsf] ;+:yfks
:juL{o >L % lqe'jg jL/ ljqmd zfxb]jsf k'0o / :yfoL :df/ssf] ?kdf of] ljZjljBfno /xg' plrt
b]lvPsf]n] >L % dxf/fhlw/fhaf6 dGqL kl/ifb\sf] ;Nnfxcg';f/ of] P]g agfO{ hf/L ul/aS;]sf]5Æ
eGg] pNn]v ePaf6 g} o;sf] :yfkgf / p2]Zo s] sfo{sf nflu ePsf] xf] eGg] k|i6 x'G5 . pQm

* ;xfos sfg'gL ;Nnfxsf/, k|d'v sfg'gL ;Nnfxsf/sf] sfof{no, sLlt{k'/

P]gsf] bkmf ! df o; P]gsf] gfd lqe'jg ljZjljBfno P]g, @)!^ /x]sf] 5 egL Joj:yf ul/of] .
lqe'jg ljZjljBfn P]g, @)!^ sf] bkmf # df ljZjljBfno :yfkgf / u7gsf] Joj:yf ul/Psf] lyof] .
bkmf # -!_ df lqe'jg ljZjljBfno gfdsf] Ps ljZjljBfno :yfkgf ul/g]5 . ljZjljBfnosf] u7g
lgDglnlvt cg';f/ x'g]5 -s_ Ps rfG;]n/, -v_ Ps k|f]rfG;]n/, -u_ Ps EjfO; rfG;]n/, -3_
l;g]6sf ;b:ox? / -ª_ l;lG8s]6sf ;b:ox? bkmf #-@_ df ljZjljBfno cljl5Gg pQ/flwsf/jfnf
Ps :jfzfl;t / ;ª\ul7t ;+:yf x'g]5 / ;f] ;+:yfsf] ;a} sfdsf] lgldQ cfkm\gf] Pp6f 5'§} 5fk
x'g]5 . ljZjljBfnon] cfkm\gf] gfdaf6 gfn]; ph'/ ug{ lgh pk/ klg ;f]xL gfdaf6 gfn]; ph'/
nfUg ;Sg]5 . bkmf # -#_ df ljZjljBfnon] rn crn ;DklQ k|fKt ug{, /fVg, To;/L k|fKt u/]sf]
jf /fv]sf] ;DklQnfO{ lwtf] aGwsL /fVg, a]rljvg ug{ jf gfd;f/L ug{ 7]Ssf lnglbg / of] P]gsf]
p2]Zo k"lt{sf nflu cfjZos ePsf c? ;a} sfd ug{ u/fpg ;Sg]5 eGg] Joj:yf ul/Psf] lyof] .
pQm P]g bkmf $ df ljZjljBfnosf] sfd st{Jo / clwsf/sf ;DaGwdf Joj:yf ul/Psf] lyof] eg]
bkmf * df ljZjljBfnosf kbflwsf/Lx?sf] Joj:yf lyof] . P]gsf] bkmf @& df kl/lgod agfpg],
;+zf]wg ug]{ / vf/]h ug]{ Joj:yf ul/Psf] lyof] . bkmf @& -v_ df o; kl5sf pkbkmfx?df tf]lsP
cg';f/ l;g]6n] kl/lgodx? agfpg ;+zf]wg ug{ jf vf/]h ug{ ;Sg]5 eGg] Joj:yf ul/Psf] lyof] .
bkmf @( df ljlgodM– bkmf !^ sf] v08 -u_, -3_, -ª_ / -r_ df n]lvPsf ljZjljBfnosf] s'g}
clwsf/L ju{ / ljZjljBfnosf c? jf8{n] cfkm\gf]] sfdl;t ;DalGwt s'/fx?df of] P]g jf kl/lgod
Pj+ clwlgodsf] clwgdf /xL ljlgodx? agfpg ;Sg]5 . tL ljlgoddf l;lG8s]6sf] :jLs[lt lng'
kb{5 eGg] Joj:yf /fvL lgod ljlgod ljZjljBfnon] g} agfO{ nfu' ug{;Sg] Joj:yf /fv]sf] b]lvG5 .
pQm P]gdf ;DaGwg /fVg] / dfGotf k|bfg ug{] Joj:yf bkmf #$ df ul/Psf] lyof] . pQm P]gdf ePsf
Joj:yfx?nfO{ x]g]{ xf] eg] ljZjljBfno Ps :jzfl;t ;+:yfsf] ?kdf /x]sf], ljZjljBfnonfO{ cfjZos
kg{] lgod ljlgod ljZjljBfnon] g} lgdf{0f ug{], ;DklQ /fVg], a]Rg] ;DaGwg lbg] vf/]h ug{] k]G;g
OG:of]/]G; / k|lj8]G6 kmG8;DaGwL Joj:yfnufot bkmf %@ df arfp;DaGwL Joj:yf u/L ljZjljBfno
jf To;sf] s'g} clwsf/L ju{ jf kbflwsf/Ln] c;n lgotn] u/]sf] sfd jf lgsfn]sf] cfb]z clGtd
x'g]5 / lghx?n] of] P]g kl/lgod clwlgod / ljlgodx? cg';f/ egL ;DemL u/]sf] s'g} sfd sfo{sf
;DaGwdf lghx? pk/ Ifltk"lt{sf lgldQ s'g} cbfntdf ph'/ nfUg] 5}g eGg] Joj:yf ;d]t u/L ;Dk"0f{
kbflwsf/Lx?nfO{ :jtGq / lgikIf sfo{ ug{sf nflu clek|]l/t u/]sf] b]lvG5 .
lqe'jg ljZjljBfno P]g, @)!^ nfO{ vf/]h ub}{ ldlt @)@*÷^÷^ df lqe'jg ljZjljBfno P]g, @)@*
hf/L u/L ldlt @)@*÷!!÷@^ ut] b]lv nfu' u/L ldlt @)@*÷!!÷@^ df /fhkqdf k|sflzt ul/Psf]
lyof] . lqlj P]g @)@* lq=lj P]g, @)!^ nfO{ vf/]h ub}{ s]xL kl/dflh{t ?kdf nfu" ePsf] lyof] .
P]gsf] bkmf # df lqe'jg ljZjljBfno sfod /xg] -!_ lqe'jg ljZjljBfno P]g, @)!^ cGtu{t
:yflkt lqe'jg ljZjljBfno o;} P]g cGtu{t :yflkt ePsf] dfgL sfo{d} /xg]5 eg] Joj:yf ul/Psf]
lyof] . lqlj P]g @)@* df ljZjljBfno ;ef, ;ª\u7g, ljZjljBfnosf sfd st{Jo / clwsf/
cWoog ;+:yfg / cg';Gwfg s]Gb|x?, kbflwsf/Lx?, ljZjljBfno ;]jf cfof]u, lgod, ljlgod agfpg]
clwsf/nufotsf Joj:yfx? ul/Psf] lyof] . lqe'jg ljZjljBfno P]g, @)@* nfO{ vf/]h u/L lqe'jg
ljZjljBfno P]g, @)$( ldlt @)$(÷)(÷@@ b]lv hf/L eO{ nfu' ePsf] 5 . lqe'jg ljZjljBfno P]g,
@)$( sf] k|:tfjgffdf g]kfnsf] ;jf{ËL0f ljsf;sf nflu cfjZos hgzlQm tof/ ug{, :t/o'Qm pRr

lzIff k|bfg ug{, ljljw kIfdf cg';Gwfg ug{ /fli6«o ;+:s[lt / k/Dk/fsf] ;+/If0f / ljsf; ug{, snf,
lj1fg, k|ljlw tyf Jofj;flos If]qsf] 1fg / cg';GwfgnfO{ Jofks Pj+ Jofjxfl/s / ;do;fk]If
agfpg] qmddf ;+jt\ @)!^ ;fndf :yfkgf ePsf] lqe'jg ljZjljBfnonfO{ a9L ;Ifd agfpg jf~5gLo
ePsf]n] eGg] pNn]v u/L ljZjljBfnosf] :yfkgfsf] p2]Zosf af/]df k|:6 kf/]sf] 5 . P]gsf] bkmf $
df ljZjljBfno cljl5Gg pQ/flwsf/jfnf Ps :jzfl;t / ;ª\ul7t ;+:yf x'g]5 eGg] Joj:yf ul/
ljZjljBfnosf] lgikIftfsf] Joj:yf u/]sf] 5 .
k|:t't n]vdf lqe'jg ljZjljBfno P]g, @)!^, lqlj P]g, @)@* lqlj P]g, @)$( ;d]tsf P]gx? /
;f]cGtu{t hf/L ePsf] kl/lgod clwlgod, lgod, ljlgodx?adf]lhd eP u/]sf sfd sf/afxLsf
;DaGwdf p7]sf ljjfbx?, cbfntdf btf{ ePsf d'2fx?sf ;DaGwdf >L ;jf]{Rr cbfntaf6 lqe'jg
ljZjljBfnosf ;Dawdf ePsf km};nfx? ;DaGwdf s]lx k|ltlglw d'2fx?sf] af/]df pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 .
;Ddflgt ;jf]{Rr cbfntaf6 ePsf lg0f{ox?nfO{ cfwf/ dfg]/ ltgLx?sf] s]xL ljj]rgf ul/Psf] 5 .
>L ;jf]{Rr cbfntaf6 ePsf lg0f{ox?
k|f=8f= dg/fh sf]nfIfklt
lqe'jg ljZjljBfno sLlt{k'/ ;d]t
d'2fM– pTk|]if0f -)&#–wo–)#^$_
b]zdf z}lIfs u'0f:t/ sfod /fVg cfjZostf cg';f/sf] hgzlQm pTkfbg u/L lbuf] ljsf;sf] dfu{df
lx8fpgsf nflu bIf k|ljlws hgzlQmsf] cfjZostf kg]{ / ;dosf] ablnFbf] dfu k"/f ug{ k|fljlws
ljZjljBfnox?sf] cfjZostf kg]{ ePsfn] ;f]xLcg'?k ljifout If]qsf ljZjljBfnox?sf] :yfkgf ug{nfO{
;sf/fTds ?kdf g} lng'kg]{ x'G5 t/ gofF Joj:yf ubf{ ePsf k'/fgf ;+/rgf tyf z}lIfs ;+:yfx?
tyf ToxfF /x]sf ljBfyL{ tyf sd{rf/LnfO{ gsf/fTds c;/ kg]{u/L e/;s s'g} sfo{x? ug{'x'Fb}g,
eP;Dd ljsNk vf]lhg'k5{ . lqe'jg ljZjljBfno b]z ljb]zdf Voflt sdfPsf] b]zsf] cu|0fL z}lIfs
;+:yf ePsf]df b'O{ dt /xg ;Sb}g . olb /fHonfO{ csf]{ jg tyf s[lif ljZjljBfnosf] cfjZostf
dx;'; ePsf] eP csf]{ :yfgdf ;fwg ;|f]tsf] Joj:yf u/L csf]{ pko'Qm :yfgdf s[lif tyf jg
ljZjljBfno u7g ug{ g;Sg] cj:yf klg b]lvFbg} . lgj]bg lhls/df s[lif tyf jglj1fg ljZjljBfno
P]g, @)^& sf] bkmf # -@_ Joj:yf æof] P]g k|f/De x'Fbfsf avt g]kfn ;/sf/af6 cg'bfg k|fKt u/L
lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf] cflËs SofDk;sf] ?kdf /x]sf] lrtjg lhNnfl:yt s[lif tyf kz' lj1fg
cWoog ;+:yfg, /fdk'/ s[lif SofDk; / dsjfgk'/ lhNnfdf ;~rflnt x]6f}+8f jg SofDk;, x]6f}+8fnfO{
;+o'Qm ?kdf ;dfj]z u/L s[lif tyf kz'lj1fg cWoog ;+:yfg / /fdk'/ s[lif SofDk; kl/;/df of]
ljZjljBfnosf] :yfkgf ul/g]5Æ pNn]v ePaf6 lqe'jg ljZjljBfnon] /fdk'/ s[lif SofDk; lrtjg /
x]6f}+8f jg SofDk;df dsjfgk'/ :jtM s[lif tyf jg ljZjljBfnosf] ;DklQ ePsf] eGg] lhls/ lnPsf]
kfOG5 . ljZjljBfnox? sfg'gåf/f lgld{t JolQm g} x'g\ . logLx?n] cGo k|s[ltsf JolQm;/x ;DklQsf]
pkof]u / pkef]u ug{ ;S5g\ . ;DklQsf] k|flKt pkof]u / pkef]u ug{ kfpg] u/L sfg'gåf/f JolQmTj

k|bfg ul/Psf] ;+:yfsf] ;DklQnfO{ sfg'gadf]lhd g} xs x:tfGt/0f ug{ ;lsg] x'G5 . s[lif tyf jg
lj1fg ljZjljBfno P]g, @)^& df pQm ljZjljBfno /fdk'/ s[lif SofDk; / x]6f+}8f jg SofDk;df
:yfkgf ug]{ eGg] pNn]v ePsf] b]lvP klg ;f] ;DklQ s]s;/L s[lif tyf jglj1fg ljZjljBfnosf]
x'g] tyf cl:tTjdf /x]sf] lzIf0f ;+:yfsf] x}l;ot s] x'g] eGg] pNn]v gePsf] cj:yfdf ;DklQsf]
:jfldTj x:tfgfGt/0fsf] s'g} klg j}wflgs k|lqmof ;'? g} gu/L pQm ;DklQx? :jtM cfkm\gf] gfddf
cfPsf] eGg] cfkm"v';L JofVof u/L cltqmd0fsf] z}nLdf ha/h:tL sAhf u/]sf] h:tf] b]lvg] / lzIfs
sd{rf/L Pj+ ljBfyL{x? klg tgfj ;[hgf x'g]u/L lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf] gfddf /x]sf] ef}lts ;+/rgfdf
s[lif tyf jglj1fg ljZjljBfnosf] gfddf k7gkf7g ;'? ug]{sf ljZjljBfnoh:tf] k|fl1s ;+:yfn]
u/]sf] ckl/kSj sfo{ egL dfGg'kg]{ b]lvof] .
k|:t't d'2fdf s[lif tyf jg ljZjljBfnosf /lh:6«f/ dg/fh sf]nfIfkltn] s[lif tyf jg ljZjljBfno
P]g lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf] lrtjgsf] /fdk'/ / dsjfgk'/sf] x]6f}+8fdf /x]sf] x]6f+}8f SofDk;sf] hUuf
s[lif ljZjljBfnosf] ePsf] / pQm :yfgdf lqljn] egf{nufot cGo sfo{ ug{ nfu]sf]n] /f]sL kfpg
;jf]{Rr cbfntdf d'2f btf{ u/]sf]df >L ;jf]{Rr cbfntaf6 gofF ljZjljBfno :yfkgf x'g' /fd|f] xf] t/
k'/fgf] ljZjljBfnodf /x]sf ljBfyL{, sd{rf/Lx?nufot cy{ Joj:yfx?sf] pko'Qm Joj:yfkg cyjf
j}slNks Joj:yf gu/L P]gdf Joj:yf /fv]/ dfq x'Fb}g eGg] JofVof ub}{ lqe'jg ljZjljBfno, s[lif
ljZjljBfno / g]kfn ;/sf/sf gfddf # a'Fb] lgb]{zg ;d]t hf/L ePsf] 5 .
8f= ljhol;+x l;hfklt
lqe'jg ljZjljBfno, sLlt{k'/ ;d]t
d'2fM pTk|]if0f k/dfb]z -)&)–wo–)^%#_
lqe'jg ljZjljBfno ;]jf cfof]usf] ldlt @)^(.!!.@^ sf] lg0f{ofg';f/ a9'jf l;kmfl/; ePsf pDd]bjf/
x?nfO{ lqe'jg ljZjljBfno sfo{sf/L kl/ifb\n] ldlt @)^( . !@ . @* ut] b]lv nfu" x'g]u/L lgo'lQm
lbg] lg0f{o u/L lqlj, /lh:6«f/sf] sfof{non] ldlt @)&).!!.@( df lgo'lQm kq lbO{ lghx? kb
axfn;d]t eO;s]sf] b]lvG5 . lgo'lQm kfPsf pDd]bjf/x?n] lgo'lQmkq kfO{ kb axfn eO;s]kl5
oL lgj]bsn] lgo'lQmkq lbg /f]lskfpmF egL cGtl/d cfb]zsf] dfu u/L ldlt @)&).!!.#) df o;
cbfntdf lgj]bg bfo/ ug{ cfPsf] kfOG5 . lgo'lQm lbg] lg0f{o ug]{ lgsfo lqe'jg ljZjljBfno
sfo{sf/L kl/ifb\ tyf lgo'lQm lbg] kbflwsf/L lqe'jg ljZjljBfno /lh:6«f/nfO{ ljkIfL agfPsf] klg
b]lvPg . h'g lgo'lQm ab/sf] dfu ul/Psf] xf] ;f] lgo'lQm lbg] lgsfonfO{ ljkIfL gagfOPsf] x'Fbf ;f]
sf/0f ;d]taf6 l/6 lgj]bg cf}lrToxLg b]lvg cfPsf] 5 .
k|:t't d'2fdf 8f= ljhol;+x l;hfkltn] lqlj, ;]jf cfof]uaf6 sfg'g ljifosf] k|fWofks kbdf a9'jf
ul/Psf] ljifonfO{ cfwf/ lng' ePsf] lyof] . ;]jf cfof]un] sfg'g ljifosf] k|fWofks kbdf a9'jf ul/Psf
JolQmx?sf] eGbf cfkm\gf] gDa/ a9L cfpg] xF'bf cfkm"nfO{ a9'jf ul/kfpFm egL bfaL ug{'ePsf] lyof] .
;f] ;DaGwdf ;jf]{Rr cbfntaf6 lgo'lQm lbg] lgsfonfO{ g} ljkIfL gagfPsf] x'Fbf lgj]bgsf] cf}lrTo
b]lvPg egL lg0f{o ePsf] lyof] .
8f= sGx}ofk|;fb l;+x
lqe'jg ljZjljBfno sLlt{k'/ ;d]t
d'2fM– pTk|]if0f ;d]t -)^(–wo–!@$$_
lqe'jg ljZjljBfno ;ª\u7g tyf z}lIfs k|zf;g;DaGwL lgod, @)%) sf] lgod !*% -@_ n] lglb{i6
u/]adf]lhd lghnfO{ SofDk; k|d'v lgo'Qm ug{ l8gsf] l;kmfl/; cfjZos kg]{df ;f]adf]lhd l;kmfl/;
ePsf] b]lvFbg} . o:tf] cj:yfdf pQm sfg'gn] lglb{i6 u/]adf]lhd z}lIfs ljlzi6tf / jl/i7tf k|fKt u/]sf
JolQmx? dWo]af6 l8gsf] l;kmfl/;df SofDk; k|d'v lgo'Qm ug{' kg]{df pQm lgodn] tf]s]sf] cfwf/e"t
clgjfo{ k|lqmofsf] alv{nfk SofDk; k|d'v lgo'Qm ug]{ u/L lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf] ldlt @)&).@.! sf]
sfo{sf/L kl/ifb\af6 ePsf] lg0f{o / r=g+= @$^ sf] kq ;d]t sfg'g;Ddt gb]lvFbf pTk|]if0fsf] cfb]zåf/f
ab/ ul/lbPsf] 5 . ca lgj]bsn] lhls/ lnPsf] SofDk; k|d'v kbdf k|rlnt sfg'gsf] cwLgdf /xL
oyfzL3| lgo'lQm ug{' u/fpg' egL ljkIfL g+= !, @, #, $ / % sf] gfddf k/dfb]zsf] cfb]z;d]t hf/L
x'g] 7x5{ .
k|:t't d'2fdf lqe'jg ljZjljBfno sfo{sf/L kl/ifb\n] s[lif / kz'lj1fg cWoog ;+:yfg klSnxjf
SofDk;sf] SofDk; k|d'v kbd OGb|axfb'/ yfkfnfO{ lgo'Qm u/]sf]df 8f= sGx}ofk|;fb l;+xn] OGb|axfb'/
yfkfnfO{ SofDk; k|d'v lgo'Qm u/]sf] ldn]g jl/i7tfsf] cfwf/df jl/i7 x'F dnfO{ SofDk; k|d'v
lgo'lQm ul/kfpFm egL d'2f btf{ ug{ ePsf]df ;Ddflgt ;jf]{Rr cbfntaf6 lqlj ;ª\u7g tyf z}lIfs
k|zf;g;DjGwL lgod, @)%) n]+ lglb{i6 u/]sf] sfg'gL k|lqmof k"/f u/L SofDk; k|d'v lgo'Qm eGg] ug{'
egL cfb]z hf/L u/]sf] lyof] .
nfns'df/L kf]v/]n ;d]t
dGqL kl/ifb\ cWoIf k|wfgdGqL tyf dGqL kl/ifb\sf] sfof{no ;d]t
d'2fM pTk|]if0f÷k/dfb]z -)^(–ws–))^%_
/fHon] cfkm\gf gful/ssf] x/]s If]qdf ;dfg kx'Fr xf]; egL :yfgLo PjDf\ /fli6«o :t/sf x/]s
lgj{frgnfO{ cem a9L ;dfj]zL agfpg] gLltcg'?k g]kfnsf] cGtl/d ;+ljwfgdf g} ;dfg'kflts lgj{frg
k|0ffnLnfO{ ;}4flGts?kdf cjnDag ul/;s]sf] 5 . ;f]xL ;+j}wflgs bfloTj k"/f ug{ /fHosf lgsfosf]
?kdf /x]sf] lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf] pQm lqlj ;efn] ;f] lg0f{o u/]sf] b]lvg] . pQm ;+zf]lwt lgoddf
ePsf] Joj:yfsf] JofVof ub{f s'g} zAb ljz]ifnfO{ dfq x]/]/ x'Fb}g, ;f];Fu ;DalGwt ;du| sfg"gL Joj:yf
/ To:tf] sfg"gL Joj:yf ul/Fbfsf] kl/j]z tyf p2]ZonfO{ klg x]l/g' kb{5 . ;f] sfg"g s'g kl/j]zdf
n\ofOPsf] xf] / To;sf dfkm{Taf6 s] s:tf] p2]Zo xfl;n ug{ vf]lhPsf] xf] eGg] s'/fsf] vf]hL ug{' g}

sfg"g JofVofsf] p2]Zo x'g hfg] .
g]kfnsf] cGtl/d ;+ljwfgn] Joj:yf u/]sf] lzIff tyf ;+:s[lt;DaGwL xs ;+ljwfgk|bQ xs ePklg of]
cfkm}Fdf df}lns xs eg] xf]Og, lsgls /fHon] sfg"gdf Joj:yf u/]adf]lhd dfq To:tf] xs k|rng x'g
;Sg] x'Fbf of] xs P]gn] l;h{gf u/]sf] sfg"gL xs (Statutory Right) cGtu{t kg{ cfpg] . :j=lj=o"=
lgj{frgsf] dtbftf x'g' / pDd]bjf/ x'g' b'j} cj:yfsf] nflu Pp6} dfkb08 nfu" x'g'k5{ / Pp6} pd]/
x'g'kb{5 eGg] lgj]bg bfaL cfkm}Fdf cf}lrTok"0f{ x'g g;Sg] . sfg"gadf]lhd lgod agfpg tyf ;+zf]wg
ug{ kfpg] cflwsfl/s lgsfo lqe'jg ljZjljBfno ;efn] lqe'jg ljZjljBfno ;+u7g tyf z}lIfs
k|zf;g;DaGwL lgod, @)%) sf] lgod #$$(^), #$%(#), #$*, #$(, #%&(^) df u/]sf] ;+zf]wg
g]kfnsf] cGtl/d ;+ljwfg, @)^# sf] wf/f !@ / !# åf/f k|bQ df}lns xsdf cg'lrt aGb]h nufpg]
u/L lgod ;+zf]wg ePsf] /x]5 egL cy{ ug{ ldn\g] cj:yf ljBdfg gb]lvFbf lgj]bg dfuadf]lhdsf]
cfb]z hf/L u/L /xg' k/]g . t;y{ l/6 lgj]bg vf/]h x'g] .
k|:t't d'2fdf kb\dsGof ax'dv
' L SofDk; :jljo' ;efklt nfns'df/L kf]v/]n;d]tn] lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf]
@)^( r}q @# ut] a;]sf] ;efsf] a}7saf6 lqlj ;ª\u7g tyf z}lIfs k|zf;g;DaGwL lgod @)%) sf]
lgod #$%-$_ df :jtGq ljBfyL{ o'lgogsf] lgjf{rgdf sfo{;ldltdf pDd]bjf/L lbg rfxg] ljBfyL{sf]
pDd]bjf/L btf{ ug{] clGtd ldlt;Dddf @* jif{ ggf3]sf] x'g'kg{] nufPtsf ljifox?nfO{ ;+zf]wg tyf yk
u/]sfn] ;f] ;+zf]wg tyf ykn] lgj]bsx?sf] ;+j}wflgs xsclwsf/df cf3ft kf/]sfn] pQm lg0f{o ab/
u/L kfpg lgj]bg btf{ ug{' ePsf]df ;Ddflgt ;jf{]Rr cbfntaf6 lqe'jg ljZjljBfno P]gdf ;efn]
sfg'g agfpg kfpg] Joj:yf /x]sf]n] ;f] Joj:yfadf]lhd ;efn] agfPsf] sfg'gn] ljkIfLsf] df}lns
xsdf aGb]h nufpg] u/L ;+zf]wg ePsf] egL cy{ ug{ ldNb}g eGg] lg0f{o ePsf] lyof] .
lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf /lhi6«f/ eLd/fh clwsf/L
/fli6«o ;"rgf cfof]u
d'2f M pTk|]if0f k/dfb]z -)^^–wo–)#^(_
k|hftflGqs /fHo Joj:yfdf x/]s ;/sf/L sfd sf/jfxLsf] hgtfn] h:tfsf] t:t} Censor gu/L
yfxf kfpg] xs /fVb5Gf / yfxf kfPsf] x'g'k5{ . ;/sf/n] cfkm"n] u/]sf] sfd sf/jfxLsf] k|ltlqmof
(Feedback) hgtfaf6 cleJoQm ljrf/af6 g} yfxf kfpg] x'Fbf hgtf ;';"lrt x'g clt cfjZos x'G5 .
k|hftflGqs /fHo Joj:yfdf uf]Kotf (Secrecy), Exception / ;"rgf ;Dk|]if0f Rule x'g'k5{ . k|hftGq
v'nfkgdf cfwfl/t x'g] x'Fbf /fi6« lxt / ;fj{hlgs lxtsf] nflu uf]Kotf g/fvL gx'g] s]xL ljifoafx]s
cGo ljifo ;/sf/n] hgtfnfO{ ;';"lrt ug{\'kg{] . u'kr'k / uf]Ko /fVg gx'g] . cfkm\gf] pQ/k'l:tsfdf
k|fKt k|fKtfÍdf lrQ ga'em] Retotaling u/fpg ;Sg] xs lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf] cfkm\g} sfg"gn]
klg k|To]s kl/Iffy{LnfO{ k|bfg u/]sf] b]lvG5 . cfkm\gf] ljifodf ;"rgf dfUg] xs k|To]s gful/snfO{
g]kfnsf] cGtl/d ;+ljwfg, @)^# sf] wf/f @&(!) n] df}lns xs k|bfg u/]sf] 5 . ;"rgfsf] xs
;DaGwL P]g, @)^$ sf] bkmf #(#) sf] k|ltjlGwt ;"rLdf pQ/k'l:tsf ;dfj]z gePsf] / ;"rgfsf]
xs ;DaGwL P]g, @)^$ cg';f/ k|wfgdGqL tyf dlGqkl/ifb\sf] sfo{fnoåf/f hf/L ;"rgfsf] ju{Ls/0fdf
klg pQ/k'l:tsf gk/]sfn] ;+ljwfgsf] wf/f @& cGtu{t cfkm\gf] pQ/k'l:tsfsf] k|ltlnlk dfu ug{] /
pQ/k'l:tsfsf] k|ltlnlk kfpg] k|To]s kl/Iffy{Lsf] xs ePsf] x'Fbf lqe'jg ljZjljBfnon] tf]s]sf] zt{df
cfkm\gf] pQ/k'l:tsfsf] k|ltlnlk kfpg' kg{] .
k|:t't d'2fdf ljho cfof{n eGg] ljBfyL{n] @)^$ ;fndf lbPsf] lj=lj=P;= k|yd jif{sf] ljhg]z :6fl6l:6S;
/ c+u|]hL ljifosf] pQ/k'l:tsfsf] k|ltlnlk ldlt @)^^.@.#! df ;"rgf clwsf/L;Fu dfu u/]sf] /
@)^^.#.!^ df lqlj, k/LIff lgoGq0f sfo{fnosf] k|d'v;Fu klg pQm ;"rgf dfu ub{f s'g} hfgsf/L
glbPsf]n] dfuadf]lhd ;"rgf pknAw u/fO{ kfpmF egL /fli6«o ;"rgf cfof]u;dIf lbPsf] k'g/fj]bgdf
dfu u/]sf] pQ/k'l:tsfsf] k|ltlnlk kfpg] xsnfO{ ;'rgfsf] xs;DaGwL P]g, @)^$ sf] bkmf #(#) n]
/f]s gnufPsf] Pj+ ;"rgfsf] ju{Ls/0fdf ;d]t uf]Ko /fVg'kg{] ju{Ls/0f u/]sf] gb]lvbf pQ/k'l:tsfsf]
k|ltlnlk lbg'kg{] u/L cfof]uaf6 ePsf] ldlt @)^^.%.@( sf] lg0f{o ePsf]n] ;f] lg0f{opk/ lqe'jg
ljZjljBfno ;Ddflgt ;jf{]Rr cbfntdf pQm lg0f{o ab/ u/fpgsf nflu l/6 lgj]bg lnO{ uPsf]df
;Ddflgt ;jf{]Rr cbfntaf6 cfkm\gf] pQ/k'l:tsf] k|ltlnlk dfu ug{] / pQ/k'l:tsfsf] k|ltlnlk kfpg]
k|To]s k/LIffyL{sf] xs ePsf] x'Fbf lqe'jg ljZjljBfnon] tf]ss
] f] zt{df cfkm'gf] pQ/k'l:tsfsf] k|ltlnlk
ljBfyL{n] kfpg' k5{ egL lg0f{o ul/Psf] lyof] . ;f] lg0f{o ePkl5 pQ/k'l:tsfsf] k|ltlnlk lbg]
;DaGwL Joj:yf lqe'jg ljZjljBfno ;ª\u7g tyf z}lIfs k|zf;g ;DaGwL lgod, @)%) sf] kl/R5]b
^% sf] lgod @%@, @%#,@%$ lqlj ;efsf] ldlt @)&) efb| @$ ut] a;]sf] a}7sn] yk u/L ljBfyL{n]
pQ/k'l:tsfsf] k|ltlnlk lng] ;DaGwL Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 .
dfly plNnlvt d'2fx?df ;jf]{Rr cbfntaf6 ePsf lg0f{ox?sf] ;f/f+z dfq pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 .
ljZjljBfnoaf6 eP u/]sf] lg0f{ox?sf ;DaGwdf >L ;jf]{Rr cbfntn] sfg'gsf] kl/lwleq /xL
lg0f{ox? ug{'kg]{ s'/fsf] cfwf/x? k|bfg u/]sf] kfOG5 . lqe'jg ljZjljBfno P]g, @)!^ hf/L ePkl5
ljZjljBfnon] cfkm\gf] :jtGqtf lgikIftf sfod u/]sf] 5 t < eGg] k|d'v k|Zg cem} klg pl7/x]s}
5 . lqe'jg ljZjljBfno P]g, @)!^ df rfG;n/sf] ?kdf >L % dxf/fhlw/fh ljZjljBfnosf]
rfG;n/ x'g] / rfG;n/ kb cj}tlgs x'g] Joj:yf u/]sf] lyof] . rfG;n/ ljZjljBfnsf] k|d'v /
l;g]6sf] cWoIf x'g] Joj:yf ul/Psf] lyof] . pQm P]gdf P]g / kl/lgod Pj+ clwlgoddf afwflj/f]w
kg]{hlt ljZjljBfnosf h'g;'s} sfd sfo{nfO{ rfG;n/n] lnlvt cfb]zåf/f /2 ug{;Sg] t/ To:tf]
cfb]z lbg'eGbf cufl8 cfb]z lbg' gkg]{ sf/0f k]; ug{ ;DalGwt clwsf/LnfO{ k|bfg ul/g] Joj:yf
u/L s]xL xb;Dd ljZjljBfnonfO{ :jtGq /fVg vf]lhPsf] b]lvG5 . ljZjljBfno;Fu ;DalGwt h'g;'s}
ljifo klg hfFrj'em ug]{ u/fpg] clwsf/ rfG;n/nfO{ lbPsf] eP tfklg ;f] hfFra'em ug{ l;g]6sf
ljz]if1nfO{ k7fpg] / To:tf] hfFra'emsf] glthf l;g]6/ l;lG8s]6df k7fpg] Joj:yf;d]t /flvPsf]
lyof] . k|f] rfG;]n/ >L % sf] lzIff dGqL x'g] / efO; rfG;n/sf] kbdf lgo'lQ ug]{, efO; rfG;n/
ljZjljBfnosf]] k|dv' sfo{ sf/L Pj+ Ps]8l] ds kbflwsf/L x'g] Joj:yf /x]sf] lyof] . lqe'jg ljZjljBfno
P]g, @)@* n] ljZjljBfnosf] ;efsf] u7gdf s]xL kl/jt{g ub}{ s'nklt >L % dxf/fhlw/fh x'g] t/

df};'kmn] rfx]df cGo s'g} JolQmnfO{ s'nklt kbdf dgf]lgt ug{;Sg], s'nklt ljZjljBfnosf] k|d'v
/ ;efsf] cWoIf x'g], ljZjljBfno;Fu ;Dalwt h'g;s} ljifo jf j:t'sf] lg/LIf0f jf hfFra'em ug]{
u/fpg] clwsf/ x'g], P]g / P]g cGtu{t ag]sf lgod jf ljlgod ljk/Ltsf] ljZjljBfnosf] h'g;'s}
sfo{nfO{ s'nkltn] lnlvt cfb]zåf/f /2 ug{;Sg]5 eGg] Joj:yf /fvL lqlj, P]g @)!^ df eGbf a9L
clwsf/ s'nkltnfO{ lqlj, P]g @)@* n] k|bfg u/]sf] 5 . pQm Joj:yfn] lqljsf] :jtGqtfnfO{ c+s'z
nufPsf] kfOG5 . To:t} ;xs'nklt >L % sf] lzIffdGqL x'g] / pks'nkltdf s'nkltn] lgo'lQm ug]{,
pks'nkltsf] kbfjlw $ jif{sf] x'g], pks'nklt k"/f ;do sfd ug]{ j}tlgs kbflwsf/L x'g], pks'nklt
ljZjljBfnosf] k|d'v k|zf;sLo tyf z}lIfs kbflwsf/L x'g] Joj:yf ul/Psf] lyof] . lqlj P]g, @)!^
/ lqlj P]g, @)@* nfO{ x]bf{ lq=lj P]g, @)@* n] lqlj P]g, @)!^ n] k|bfg u/]sf] ljZjljBfnosf]
:jtGqtfnfO{ c+s'z nufO{ s'nkltsf] clwsf/ a9L agfPsf] b]lvG5 .
@)$^ ;fnsf] cfGbf]ng kZrft k|hftGqsf] k"j{ k|flKtkl5 b]zdf /fhgLlts kl/jt{g eof] . pQm
/fhgLlts kl/jt{g kl5 lqe'jg ljZjljBfno P]g, @)@* nfO{ vf/]h u/L lqe'jg ljZjljBfno P]g,
@)$( hf/L eof] . lqlj P]g @)$( n] ljZjljBfnosf] ;ª\u7gsf] :j?k, kbflwsf/Lx? / ljZjljBfno
;ef;DaGwL Joj:yf u/L k|wfgdGqL s'nklt /xg] / ljZjljBfnosf] k|d'v / ;efsf] cWoIf x'g] Joj:yf
ul/of] . s'nkltn] ljZjljBfno;Fu ;DalGwt ljifo jf j:t'sf] lg/LIf0f ug{ / lgb]{zg lbg;Sg] Joj:yf
ul/of] . of] Joj:yfn] lq= lj= P]g @)!^ lqlj / lqlj P]g @)@* n] s'nkltnfO{ lbPsf] clwsf/
clwsf/df s6f}tL u¥of] . lzIff dGqLnfO{ ;xs'nklt /xg] Joj:yf u¥of] . pks'nklt ljZjljBfnosf]
k"/f ;do sfd ug]{ k|d'v kbflwsf/L x'g] Joj:yf u/]sf] 5 . ljZjljBfnosf] :yfkgfb]lv xfn ;Ddsf
P]gx?nfO{ cfwf/ dfGg] xf] eg] lqe'jg ljZjljBfno P]g, @)$( n] ljZjljBfnonfO{ a9L :jtGqtf
k|bfg u/]sf] 5 . pQm P]gn] :jtGqtf k|bfg u/] tfklg /fhg}lts sf/0fn] ubf{ ljZjljBfnodf lgo'lQm
x'g] kbflwsf/Lx?n] lgikIftf sfod ug{;Sg' ePsf] 5 5}g < ;a}nfO{ 3fdhlQ s} 5n{Ë ePsf] s'/f
xf] . Joj:yf h] h:tf];'s} cfP tfklg ljZjljBfnodf] lgo'lQm x'g] kbflwsf/Lx?n] cfkm"n] lgo'lQm
kfO;s]kl5 cfkm\gf] sfo{sfn;Dddf s]s:tf sfd ug]{ eGg] lj:t[t of]hgf k]; u/]sf] b]lvFb}g . lj:t[t
sfo{of]hgf geP;Dd ljZjljBfnonfO{ cu|ufdL ofqf k|bfg ug{ g;lsg] k|i6 5 . ljZjljBfnodf
lgo'Qm x'g] kbflwsf/Lx? h]h:tf] cj:yfn] lgo'Qm eP klg lgo'lQm ePkl5sf] sfo{df lgikIftf sfod
u/L lg0fo{ ug]{ xf] eg] ljZjljBfnosf] eljionfO{ ;'vb dfgL s]xL cfzf ug]{ 7fpF /xg ;Sb5 eg]
;f] x'g g;s]df ljZjljBfnosf] ult pxL g} xf] eGbf km/s gknf{ .
;Gbe{ ;fdu|L;"rL
sGx}ofk|;fb l;+x lj?4 lqe'jg ljZjljBfno sLlt{k'/ ;d]t d'2f M pTk|]if0f ;d]t -)^(–wo–!@$$_ .
uf]/vfkq, @)!@ ;fn r}q @) ut] ;f]daf/ .
9sfn, lzj, clen]vsf kfgfx?, @)@! .
lqe'jg ljZjljBfno P]g, @)!^ g]kfn uh]6 @)!^÷@÷@% .

lqlj, P]g @)!^, g]kfn P]g ;ª\u|x #, @)@!, >L % sf] ;/sf/ sfg'g tyf Gofo dGqfno .
lqlj, P]g @)@*, g]kfn P]g ;ª\u|x *, >L % sf] ;/sf/ sfg'g tyf Gofo dGqfno .
lqlj, P]g @)$( g]kfn P]g ;ª\u|x v08 !$, @)&* sfg'g lstfa Joj:yf ;ldlt .
lqlj, ;ª\u7g tyf z}lIfs k|zf;g;DaGwL lgod, @)%) lqe'jg ljZjljBfno .
lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf /lh:6«f/ eLd/fh clwsf/Llj?4 /fli6«o ;"rgf cfof]u, d'2f M pTk|]if0f k/dfb]z
-)^^–wo–)#^(_ .
k+u]gL, ej]Zj/, lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf] Oltxf; -@)!^–@)#(_ -efu !_ lqlj, sLlt{k'/ .
dg/fh sf]nfIfklt lj?4 lqe'jg ljZjljBfno sLlt{k'/;d]t d'2f M pTk|]if0f -)&#–wo–)#^$_ .
nfns'df/L kf]v/]n ;d]t lj?4 dGqL kl/ifb\ cWoIf k|wfgdGqL tyf dGqL kl/ifb\sf] sfof{no;d]t d'2f
M pTk|]if0f÷k/dfb]z -)^(–ws–))^%_ .
ljhol;+x l;hfklt lj?4 lqe'jg ljZjljBfno, sLlt{k/' ;d]t d'2f M pTk|i] f0f k/dfb]z -)&)–wo–)^%#_ .

jt{dfg ;dodf ;"rgf / ;~rf/sf]
cj:yf / sIffsf]7fdf o;sf] k|of]u
pkk|f= /fdk|;fb ;'j]bL*

k|:t't n]vsf] d'Vo p2]Zo ;"rgf / ;~rf/ k|lqmofsf] k|efjsfl/tf vf]hL u/L kf}/fl0fs / cfw'lgs
;~rf/ ljlwsf] t'ngf ug{' /x]sf] 5 . of] n]vdf u'0ffTds tYofª\ssf] låtLo ;|f]tsf ?kdf kf}/fl0fs
36gfsf] tYofª\s wfld{s u|Gyaf6 / cfw'lgs tYofª\s OG6/g]6 tyf ljleGg ;|f]taf6 lnP/ ltgnfO{
s]nfpg] k|of; ul/Psf] 5 . sIffsf]7fdf x'g] ;~rf/ k|lj|mofnfO{ ;Gbe{sf ?kdf lnP/ tof/ ul/Psf] of]
n]vdf kf}/fl0fs / cfw'lgs ;~rf/ k|lj|mofsf] t'ngf ul/Psf] 5 . unt ;fdfrf/n] ;dfhdf ckmjfx
km}nfpg] u5{ To;}n] o:tf s'/fdf ;r]tgf ckgfpg' kg{] s'/fnfO{ of] n]vn] phfu/ u/]sf] 5 . lzIfsn]
k|efjsf/L ;~rf/ k|ljlw / k|lj|mof k|of]u u/L ablnPsf] kl/l:yltdf ljBfyL{nfO{ er{'jn sIffdf k|of]u
ul/g] h'd, u'un ld6, l6d\;nufot cfw'lgs k|ljlw;+Fu kl/lrt u/fO{ cfkm"df klg ;Ifdtfsf] ljsf;
u/L cfkm"nfO{ gjk|jt{g;+Fu k'gtf{huL ug'{ kb{5 . sIffsf]7fsf] ;~rf/ k|lj|mofdf lzIfs klg hfthflt,
wd{,j0f{, lnª\uLo, If]qLo, wfld{s / /fhgLlts lje]b Nofpg] vfnsf s'/fx?df ;b}j ;r]t /xg' kb{5
eGg] of] n]vsf] lgisif{ /x]sf] 5 .
zAbs'~hL M cfw'lgs, pTkfbgd"ns, sIffsf]7f, h'd, l6D;, k|ljlw, ;~rf/ .
;~rf/ zAbsf] cª\u|]hL kof{ojfrL zAb communication xf], h'g Nofl6g efiffsf] communis af6
cfPsf] dflgG5 -sf]O/fnf, @)&), k[= @&_ . o;sf] cy{ x'G5 ;femf . To;}n] ;femf ?kdf ljrf/sf]
cfbfgk|bfg ug{] sfo{ ;~rf/ k|lj|mof xf] . ;~rf/ xfd|f] b}lgs hLjgdf clt cfjZos 5 eGg] s'/fdf
b'O{ dt 5}g . sIffsf]7fsf] lzIf0f k|efjsf/L ;~rf/df g} lge{/ /xG5 . h'g lzIfsn] :ki6 zAb
pRrf/0f ub{5, w}o{tfsf ;fy 1fgsf] jf ;"rgfsf] cg'e"lt u/]/ zAb pRrf/0f ub{5, pQm lzIfsn]
sIffsf]7fdf u/]sf] ;~rf/ ljBfyL{n] a'em\b5g\ / pQm lzIfssf] sIfflzIf0f /fd|f] dflgG5 . utjif{
ljZjJofkL ?kdf km}lnPsf] dxfdf/L sf]/fgfsf sf/0fn] sIffsf]7fx? nueu z"Gotfdf ;':tfO/x]sf
lyP . Tof] a]nfdf lbg/ft gofFgofF va/ cfO/xGy] tL vj/x?af6 ljBfyL{nfO{ ;'kl/lrt u/fpg]
bfloTj lzIfssf] g} lyof]] . clxn]sf] cj:yfdf lzIfs, cleefjsx?n] cfkm\gf gfgLx?nfO{ ;xL
;"rgf lbg' ;fGble{s s'/f xf] .
;DalGwt ;a}nfO{ s'g} s'/fs]f hfgsf/L lbg] sfd ;"rgf xf] / hfgsf/L lbgsf nflu k7fOPsf],
6fFl;Psf] jf k|sflzt ul/Psf] lnvtnfO{ klg ;"rgf elGfG5 -g]kfnL a[xb\ zAbsf]z, @)%), k[=!#^*_ .

* pkk|fWofks, z}=of]= tyf Joj:yfkg, k[YjLgf/fo0f SofDk;, kf]v/f

x/]s sfof{nodf cflwsfl/s ?kdf Pp6f ;"rgf lbg] JolQm tf]lsPsf] x'G5 . o;/L tf]lsPsf]
JolQmnfO{ ;"rgf clwsf/L elgG5 . ;"rgf k/fk"j{sfnb]lv ljleGg dfWodaf6 lbg] k|rng lyof] .
;"rgf glbP/ jf unt ;"rgfsf sf/0fn] 7"nf—7"nf o'å, åGå tgfj ePsf] xfdLn] dfgj Oltxf;b]lv
g} cg'ej ub}{ cfO/x]sf 5f}F . ;"rgf lng] / lbg] k|rng k/Dk/fb]lv cfkm\g} k|sf/sf] lyof] . s6'jfn
3f]sfpg], r/fnfO{ v'§fdf lr7L 6fF;]/ k7fpg], em\ofnL lk6\g], 3f]8fsf] sfF+wdf ;"rgf aFf+w]/ k7fpg]
/ dflg;sf xftxftdf lr7L lbP/ jf s'g} ;dfrf/nfO{ va/sf ?kdf k7fpg] k|rng /x]sf] lyof] .
Dfxfef/t o'4df sf}/j / kf08jaLr slxNo} klg ;dembf/L / d]nldnfk ePg o;sf] d'Vo sf/0f
s'GtLn] ;"rgf glbg' lyof] . Pslbg b'jf{;f 3'Db} s'GtLsf] 3/df hfg] qmddf s'GtLn] b'jf{;fsf]
v'a ;Ddfg ul/g\ clg b'j{f;f Clif v';L eP/, ltdLn] h;nfO{ cfkm\gf] leqL dgn] rfx]/ cf/fwgf
ub{5\of} t'?Gt kltsf ?kdf To;nfO{ k|fKt ug{] 5f}, clg p;}af6 ltd|f] ;Gtfg /xg] 5 . cfjZos
k/]sf a]nfdf dfq ltdLn] of] j/bfg k|of]u ug"{ eg] . To;kl5 Pslbg s'GtLn] laxfg} p7]/ aflx/
x]l//x]sL lyOg\ . pgn] pbfpFb} u/]sf] ;"o{nfO{ 6x–6x / dgdf]xs b]lvg\, pgL cfkm\gf] a9\bf]
hjfgLdf ;"o{b]lv dgdf]xs eP/ b'jf{;f C[lifn] lbPsf] j/bfg ;lDemOg\ . tTsfn ;"o{b]j ToxL
pkl:yt eP/ pgLx?aLr zf/Ll/s ;Dks{ /xg uof] -;Tofn, @)^@, k[=#&_ .
s'GtL s'df/L lyOg\, pQm s'/f pgn] n'sfOg\ / s;}nfO{ elggg\ . afns hlGdPkl5 pQm afnsnfO{
gbLdf nu]/ aufOg\,Tof] afns s0f{ lyof] . s0f{nfO{ b/jf/df sfd ug]{ ;]jsn] gbLaf6 nu]/ kfn]/
x'sf{of], a9fof] . s'GtLnfO{ cfkm\gf] 5f]/f sxfF 5, s;n] x'sf{Psf] 5 eGg] yfxf t lyof], t/ pgn]
Tof] s'/f slxNo} s;}nfO{ atfOgg\ . kl5 pgsf] ljjfx kf08';Fu eof] . b'jf{;fsf] j/bfg :j?k
kl5 s'GtLn] wd{/fhaf6 o'lwli7/, jfo'af6 eLd, OGb|af6 ch'{g u/L tLg dxf/yLsf] hGd u/fOg\ .
t/ slxNo} s0f{ / kf08'k'qx?sf] kl/ro u/fOgg\ . o;sf] kmn:j?k dxfef/t o'4el/ bfh'efOx?
k|d'v zq'sf ?kdf Ps csf{nfO{ l;4ofpg] /0fgLltdf /x] . of] ;a} s'GtLn] ;"rgf n'sfPsf]
kl/0ffd lyof] .
dxfef/t o'4df s0f{ / b|f]0ffrfo{sf] xTof klg unt ;"rgfs} sf/0f ePsf] lyof] . o'4 r/dl;dfdf
k'u]sf a]nfdf ch{'gn] s0f{nfO{ ;fdfGo o'4sf lgod k|of]u u/]/ x/fpg ;Dej lyPg . n8fOsf]
;dodf s0f{sf] /ysf] Pp6f kfª\u|f hldgdf ufl8of] . Tolta]nf pgn] /ysf] kfª\u|f lgsfNg nfu]sf]
a]]nfdf ch'{gn] ufl08j wg' k|of]u u/]/ cfkm\g} bfO s0f{sf] xTof u/]sf lyP . of] klg ;"rgfsf]
sdLs} sf/0f lyof] lsgeg] o'4sf] lgod ;dfg cj:yfdf afx]s ljz]if cj:yfdf n8fO gug]{
lyof] . b|f]0f{frfo{sf] xTof klg unt ;"rgfsf] sf/0f g} lyof] . o'4df x/fpg ;Dej gePkl5 s[i0fn]
Pp6f o'lQm lgsfn] . cZjTyfdf gfd u/]sf] xfQLnfO{ eLdåf/f dfg{ nufOof] . clg eLdnfO{ d}n]
cZjTyfdfsf] xTof u/]F eGb} bf}8g nufOof] . b|f]0ffrfo{n] cfkm\gf] 5f]/fsf] gfd ;'g]/ ljrlnt eO{
glhs} /x]sf ol'wli7/nfO{ ;f]Wg uP . o'lwli7/ ;Tojflbtfdf ulgPsf lyP . b|f]0frfo{n] o'lwli7/nfO{
s] cZjTyfdf dfl/Psf] xf] < eg]/ ;f]w] To;kl5 ol'wli7/n] …cZjTyfdf xtf]xt Olt g/f] of s'~h/…
eg]/ hjfkm lbP . b|f]0ffrfo{n] ol'wli7/n] lbPsf] hjfkm-;"rgfsf]_ ljZn]if0f t'?Gt ug{ ;s]gg\ /
e'OFdf n8] lsgeg] pgL ljlIfKt eO;s]sf lyP . Tolt g} a]nf kf08j ;]gfsf ;]gfklt w[i6w'Dgn]
pgsf] lz/R5]bg ul/lbP .

oL dfly plNnlvt 36gfx?n] ;"rgfnfO{ k/fk"j{sfnb]lv g} dfgj hLjgsf] Pp6f cleGg cª\usf
?kdf lnPsf] atfpF5g\ .
cWoogsf] p2]Zo
k|:t't cWoogsf] d'Vo p2]Zo kf}/fl0fs / cfw'lgs ;"rgf / ;~rf/sf] cj:yf s]nfO{ To;sf] sIffsf]7fdf
k|of]unfO{ phfu/ ug{' /x]sf] 5 / jt{dfg ;dosf ;~rf/sf s[lqd xNnfx?sf] klg ljZn]if0f ug'{ 5 .
cWoog ljlw
låtLo tYofª\snfO{ ljleGg ;|f]taf6 lnP/ P]ltxfl;s / jt{dfg ;~rf/ k|lj|mofnfO{ s]nfpg] k|of; u/]/
lgDglnlvt zLif{sx?df k|fKt tYofª\ssf] 5nkmn ul/Psf] 5 .
P]gdf ;"rgf / ;~rf/sf] Joj:yf
oL dfly kl/ro v08df pNn]lvt kf}/ffl0fs sfnsf 36gfx? ldYof ;"rgf jf ;"rgf glbPsf jf
;"rgf ;dodf gkfPsf sf/0fn] 36]sf lyP . ;"rgf lbg] s'/fnfO{ Joj:yfksn] cfkm\gf] st{Jo 7fGb}gg\
To;}n], /fHon] jf s'g}klg sfof{non] sfg'gtM uf]Ko /fVg' kg]{ ;+j]bgzLn If]qsf] ;"rgfafx]s x/]s
gful/snfO{ ;"rgf n'sfpg' xF'b}g . ;"rgfsf] xs;DaGwL P]g @)^$ sf] kl/R5]b @ df b]xfosf s'/fx?
pNn]lvt 5g\ .
olb s'g} JolQmn] o; P]gadf]lhd s'g} lnlvt ;fdu|L jf sfd sfjf{xLsf] cWoog cjnf]sg ug{sf nflu
lgj]bg lbPsf] eP ;"rgf clwsf/Ln] lgj]bsnfO{ To:tf] lnlvt ;fdu|L jf sfd sfjf{xLsf] cWoog jf
cjnf]sgsf nflu dgfl;j ;do pknAw u/fpg ;Sg] 5 . o;/L k|fKt ePsf] lgj]bgpk/ hfFra'em
ubf{ lgj]bsn] dfu u/]adf]lhd cfkm\gf] lgsfo;F+u ;DalGwt gb]lvPdf ;"rgf clwsf/Ln] ;f] v'nfO{
To; s'/fsf] hfgsf/L lgj]bsnfO{ lbg' kg{]5 .
;"rgf clwsf/Ln] ;"rgf pknAw gu/fPdf jf ;"rgf lbg c:jLsf/ u/]df, cf+lzs jf unt ;"rgf
pknAw u/fPdf jf xf]Og egL ;"rgf glbPdf ;DalGwt JolQmn] To;/L ;"rgf gkfPsf] jf unt ;"rgfsf]
ldltn] ;ft lbgleq k|d'v;dIf lgj]bg lbg ;Sg] 5 . pQm lgj]bg hfF+ra'em ubf{ ;"rgf clwsf/Ln]
unt ;"rgf lbPdf jf cf+lzs ;"rgf lbPsf] kfOPdf k|d'vn] To:tf] ;"rgf clwsf/LnfO{ sfg'g adf]lhd
sf/jfxL ug{] 5 .
o;/L k|d'vn] u/]sf] lg0f{opk/ lrQ ga'em]df lgj]bsn] To:tf] lg0f{o kfPsf] #% lbgleq cfof]u;dIf
k'g/fj]bg lbg ;Sg] 5 . k|fKt k'g/fj]bgsf] sf/jfxL lsgf/f ubf{ cfof]un] ;DalGwt k|d'v jf ;"rgf
clwsf/LnfO{ cfkm";dIf pkl:yt u/fO{ aofg u/fpg s'g} lnlvt k]z ug{ nufpg, ;f] ;DaGwdf ;fIfL
k|df0f a'em\g jf ;fj{hlgs lgsfoaf6 s'g} lnvtsf] gSsn dfu ug{ ;Sg] 5 . olb k'g/fj]bgsf]
Joxf]/f dgfl;j b]lvPsf] cj:yfdf ;dofjlw tf]sL k'g/fj]bgnfO{ ljgf z'Ns ;"rgf pknAw u/fpg
egL ;DalGwt k|d'vsf] gfddf cfb]z hf/L ug{] 5 .
;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] k|d'vn] dgfl;j sf/0fljgf ;"rgf lbg OGsf/ u/]sf] jf cf+lzs ?kdf jf unt
;"rgf lbPsf] kfOPdf cfof]un] To:tf k|d'vnfO{ ljefuLo sf/jfxLsf nflu ;DalGwt lgsfodf n]vL
k7fpg] 5 . ;f]xL P]gsf] bkmf-##_df Ifltk"lt{;DaGwL Joj:yf u/]sf] 5 h;df ;DalGwt k|d'vn] ;"rgf
glbPsf] jf unt ;"rgf lbPsf] jf cf+lzs ;"rgfsf] sf/0fn] xflg gf]S;fgL ePsf] sf/0f v'nfO{ tLg
dlxgfleq cfof]u;dIf lgj]bg lbg ;Sg] 5 . o;/L ;"rgfsf] xs;DaGwL P]g @)^$ df ;"rgf glbPdf
;hfo;DaGwL Joj:yf u/]sf] 5 .
;"rgfsf] xs;DaGwL P]gdf pNn]lvt ePklg, sltko ljBfnosf Joj:yfksx?, ;~rfns / lzIfsx?
;f];DaGwL hfgsf/ g} 5}gg\ / sltkon] eP klg jf:tf ub}{gg\ . pgLx? s;}n] ;"rgf dfu]/ lbg' g}
k/]df To;nfO{ ;+:yfsf] u'0f:t/ / OHht k|lti7f;Fu hf]8]/ x]/]sf x'G5g\ . ;"rgf glbP/ eGbf lbP/
u'0f:t/ a9\b5 eGg] s'/f ltgLx?n] a'em]sf x'Fb}gg\ . slxn]sfxLF ;"rgf hLjg / d/0f;Fu hf]l8Psf]
x'G5 . lhDd]jf/ lgsfox?af6 ;"rgf lnFbf / lbFbf cln xf]l;of/ x'g'kg]{] cj:yf 5 . utjif{ xfd|f]
b]zdf sf]/f]gfsf sf/0fn] ;"rgfdf 7"nf] ;d:of cfPsf] lyof], To:tf] r'gf}tL ;fob Tof] eGbf klxnf
slxNo} lyPg . laxfg ;dfrf/ cfpFbf sf]/f]gf kf]lhl6e cfpg] km]l/ a]n'sf To;}sf] g]u]l6e x'g] ub{Yof]] .
a]n'sf g]u]l6e ePsfsf] ef]lnkN6 kf]lhl6e h:tf ;dfrf/x? b}lgs cfO/x]sf x'Gy], To:tf ;"rgfn]
qf;sf] jftfj/0f l;h{gf u/]sf lyP . ;fdflhs ;~hfn k|of]ustf{x? klg cfkm\gf jfnx?df dgdf h]
cfof] ToxL, c?sf] hLjgsf] Vofn g} gu/L kf]i6 u/]sf x'Gy] . To:tf kf]i6 ug]{x?n] cfkm"nfO{ Pp6f
lhDDf]jf/ gful/ssf ?kdf ln\g'kg]{ cj:yf lyof] .
;xL ;"rgf glbg]eGbf lbg] Joj:yfks k|ltli7t / ;DDfflgt x'G5 eGg] s'/f Joj:yfks?n] a'em]sf
5}gg\ . h;n] lgoldt / kf/bzL{ sfd u/]sf] x'G5 p;n] ;"rgf n'sfpFb}g / h;n] v/fa lgotk"j{s
;+:yfdf sfd ub{5, cfkm\gf] unt sfdnfO{ 5]Sgsf nflu df]x/fsf ?kdf unt ;"rgfnfO{ k|of]u ub{5
/ ;"rgf n'sfpF5 . /fd|f] pQ/ k'l:tsf k/LIf0f ug]{ lzIfsn] ljBfyL{n] rfx]sf] cj:yfdf pQ/ k'l:tsf
b]vfpg lxrlsrfpFb}g t/ ToxL s'/f sfdrf]/ lzIfssf nflu ufx|f] x'G5 . Joj:yfks Pp6f ;+:yfsf]
k|jStf xf] . p;n] lgoldt ?kdf cfly{s, z}lIfs, cg';GwfgfTds / kl/cfPsf ;Dk"0f{ lqmofsnfks]f
;"rgf ;/f]sf/jfnfn] dfu] jf gdfu]klg v'§f gsdfO{ pko'Qm / e/kbf]{ lsl;daf6 pknAw u/fpg'
kb{5, ta dfq pm pQd Joj:yfks / k|zf;s 7xl/G5 .
;"rgf / ;~rf/ k|lj|mof

;|f]tMZfdf{, -@)&), k[=&&_

Ps 7fpFaf6 csf{] 7fpFdf ;"rgf jf hfgsf/L k7fpg] sfo{nfO{ ;~rf/ k|lj|mof elgG5 . k|efjsf/L
;~rf/, Joj:yfkg / lzIf0fsf] d'6' g} dflgG5 . sIffsf]7fdf ul/g] ;~rf/ k|lj|mofnfO{ lgDgcg';f/
b]vfOPsf] 5 .
;~rf/ k|lqmofsf] k|f/De ;Gb]zsf] lrgf/L jf klxrfgaf6 x'G5 . ljrf/,;"rgf, hfgsf/L, cfj]u jf
;+j]u g} ;Gb]zsf jfxs x'g\ . To;kl5 ;~rf/df k|]ifssf] e"ldsf /xG5 . k|]ifs ;~rf/sf] ;|f]t xf] .
k|]ifs JolQm ;d"x / ;ª\u7g x'g;S5 -e08f/L,@)^^, k[=%)_ . sIffsf]7fsf] lzIf0fdf lzIfs k|]ifssf]
?kdf x'G5 . k|]ifsn] k7fPsf] ;Gb]znfO{ ljleGg ?kdf 9fNg'nfO{ ;fª\s]lts ?k elgG5 . >Job[Zo,
;ª\s]t, Ozf/f, lrq, zAb, cfjfh cflb ;fª\s]lts ?k x'g\ . ;Gb]znfO{ ;fª\s]lts ?k lbPkl5
To;nfO{ pko'Qm dfWodaf6 k|;f/0f ul/G5 . kq, kmf]g, /]l8of], Od]n, ;fdflhs ;~hfn cflbaf6
k|;f/0f ul/G5 . ;Gb]z k|fKt ug{] JolQm, ;d"x, jf ;ª\u7gnfO{ k|fks elgG5 . sIffsf]7f lzIf0fdf
ljBfyL{ k|fks x'g\ . k|fksn] kfPsf] ;Gb]znfO{ cfkm"n] a'em\g] u/L cg'jfb ug'{nfO{ ?kfGt/0f elgG5 .
k|fksn] 1fg, ljrf/ / Ifdtfsf cfwf/df ;Gb]znfO{ ?kfGt/0f ub{5 . o;/L ?kfGt/0f ul/Psf]
;Gb]znfO{ k|fksn] ;xL cy{ nufpg'nfO{ ;dembf/L elgG5 / k|fksn] ;Gb]z a'em]kl5 To;sf] k|ltlqmof
lbP/ ;~rf/df s]xL kl/jt{g ug{] sfo{ k[i7kf]if0f xf] . o;n] k|]ifsnfO{ ;"rgfsf] ;|f]tdf kl/jt{g ug{df
;xof]u ub{5 . sf]nfxnn] ;~rf/sf ;a} cjojx?df c;/ ub{5 . sIffsf]7fsf] lzIf0fdf aflx/af6
cfpg] cfjfh, ljBfyL{sf cgfjZos s'/fsfgLx? sf]nfxn x'g\ .
;~rf/df ckmjfx -km]s Go'h_
unt ;dfrf/sf] xNnf km}nfP/ k5fl8sf] 9f]sf k|of]u u/L kmfObf lng] k|rng k/fk"j{sfnb]lv g}]
lyof] . clxn] ljZjJofkL ?kdf of] zAb a9L rrf{df cfO/x]sf] 5 . o;/L a9L rrf{df cfpg'df k"j{
cd]l/sL /fi6«klt 8f]gfN8 6«Dkn] a9L dfqfdf ;fdflhs ;~hfn k|of]ustf{ / cfkm\gf lj?4df n]Vg]
kqsf/x?nfO{ af/Daf/ of] zAb k|of]u u/]sf x'G5g\ . To;}n] xfn ljZjdf of]] zAb a9L k|rlnt eO/x]sf]
5 . sf]/f]gfsf] dfxfdf/Lsf] cj:yfdf t s] ;dfrf/ l7s s] al]7s 5'6\ofpg klg sl7g eO/x]sf]
cj:yf lyof] .
k|yd / l4tLo ljZjo'4df ;~rf/df ePsf o:Tff ckmjfxn] k|f]kf]ufG8f g} dRrfPsf] s'/f Oltxf;df
kfOG5 . låtLo ljZjo'4tfsf ;dfrf/sf nflu clxn] h:tf] OG6/g]6 / ;f]l;on ldl8ofx? lyPgg\ .
l;ldt dfqfdf ;dfrf/ klqsfx? k|sfzg x'Gy] / To:tf klqsfdf h:fsf] af]njfnf x'GYof], p;}sf
;dfrf/x? p;}sf] ;dy{gdf k|sfzg\ x'Gy] . dflg;x? To:tf va/klqsfsf] jl/kl/ em'lDdGy] . clg
h] eg]sf] 5, To;sf k5fl8 bf}l8Gy] . ;dfrf/sf] ;TotYo s] xf] klxrfg gu/L Pscfk;df emu8f,
df/sf6 km}lnGYof] . Tolta]nf 6f9f 6f9f;Dd ;dfrf/ k|sfzg ug]{ dfWodx? /]l8of], 6]lnlehg lyPgg\
/ ePsf klg l;ldt dfqfdf lyP . To:tf ckmjfx km}nfpg] ;dfrf/s} cfwf/df w]/n} ] Hofg u'dfpg' k/]sf]
lyof] . To;/L unt tl/sfn] k|sfzg x'g] ;~rf/sf ckmjfxn] cToGt} rfF8f] dflg;sf] dfg;k6ndf
k|efj kfb{5g\ . cS;/ dflg;x? gsf/fTds ;]lG6d]G6df a;]sf x'G5g\ / pgLx? /fd|f eGbf g/fd|f
;dfrf/af6 a9L k|efljt x'G5g\ . To:tf ;dfrf/n] dflg;x? rfF8f] ;+j]udf cfP/ k|ltlqmof JoSt
ub{5g\ . ;/sf/L ;~rf/ dfWodx?af6 eGbf u}/ ;/sf/L ;~rf/ dfWodx?sf] e/ kg{'kg]{ sf/0f klg
oxL g} xf] . xfn cd]l/sfdf EjfO; ckm cd]l/sf, ef/tdf b"/bz{g / g]kfndf g]kfn 6]lnlehg /

/]l8of] g]kfnsf] ;dfrf/df >f]tfx? e/ gkg]{ sf/0f klg oxL g} /x]sf] 5 . To:fsf] sf/0f To:tf
cflwsfl/s ;+:yfn] k|sfzg u/]sf ;dfrf/df ;/sf/L ;Totf a9L /x]sf] x'G5 .
ljsLk]l8ofsf cg';f/ ;~rf/df x'g] ckmjfxsf ;ftj6f clek|fo /x]sf x'G5g\ . s;}nfO{ xflg ug]{ cfzo,
em'6f] ;DaGw, axlsPsf] ;Gbe{, s/sfksf] cfzo, :jfy{sf nflu x]/km]/ ul/Psf] ljifo, unt ;Gbe{ /
hfn;fhLk"0f{ sfo{sf nflu k|of]u ul/Psf] ;dfrf/ . o:tf ckmjfxsf] klxnf] sf/0f jf cfzo s;}nfO{
xflggf]S;fgL k'¥ofpg] /x]sf] x'G5 . pQm cfzoaf6 k|]l/t eP/ dflg;x? em'6f] ;dfrf/ km}nfpF5g\ .
s;};Fu ;lhn} k|lt:kwf{ ug{ g;s]sf] cj:yfdf cyjf JolQmut k|ltzf]w lng] clek|fon] hf];Fu abnf
lng' 5, p;};Fu ldNg] ;Gbe{ hf]8]/ Go'hsf] ckmjfx /r]sf x'G5g\ .
o:tf ;dfrf/sf] cfzo s'g} ljifo;Fu ;DalGwt JolQmsf] ;DaGw laufg{] jf em'6f] ;DaGw hf]8\g] xf] .
o;/L hf]l8Psf] ;DaGwsf] sf/0fn] JolQmx? e|ddf kb{5g\ . To:t} axlsPsf] ;Gbe{ klg ;~rf/sf]
ckmjfxsf] ;|f]tsf ?kdf lnOG5 . dflg;x? km';{bsf] ;dodf cfkm\gf] dg axnfpg cg]s axfgf dgdf
/lr/x]sf x'G5g\ clg pgLx?sf dgdf axlsPsf To:tf s'/fx? ;dfrf/sf ?kdf k|;f/0f ub{5g\ .
tL ;dfrf/ k|;f/0f ug{ pgLx?n] a9L dfqfdf ;fdflhs ;~hfnsf] k|of]u u/]sf x'G5g\ . o;/L o:tf
;dfrf/x? k|;f/0f ug{sf nflu ;~rf/sf ckmjfxsf] k|of]ustf{n] a9L dfqfdf ;fdflhs ;~hfnsf]
b'?kof]u u/]sf x'G5g\ .
o:tf ;dfrf/sf] csf]{ cfzo s/sfkk"0f{ ;dfrf/ klg xf] . s;}nfO{ s;}af6 k|ltzf]w lng k/]sf] v08df
p:fn] ;dfrf/sf] ;|f]t ePsf] 7fpFdf uP/ cfkm\gf] cfzo cg';f/sf] ;dfrf/ k|;f/0f ug{ s/ nufpF5
clg To:tf] em'7f] ;dfrf/ k|;f/0f ug{ s/sfk kfg{]sf] :jfy{ cg's"'n k|;f/0f x'G5 . To:t} :jfy{k"0f{
tl/sfn] / /fhg}lts, cfly{s kmfObf lngsf nflu aflx/ zLif{s Pp6f /fVg] / leq ;Gbe{ km/s
kf/]/ hfn;fhLk"0f{ tl/sfn] ;fdflhs ;~hfnx?df ;dfrf/ k|;f/0f ul/G5 clg dflg;x? zLif{ssf
sf/0fn] em'lSsG5g\ t/ leq d"n zLif{s;Fu slQklg d]n gvfg] u/L cs{} k|;ª\usf] ;dfrf/ lbOPsf]
x'G5 . To:t} sltko ;Gbe{df zLif{s / kmf]6f] Pp6fsf] x'G5 / leq ;dfrf/ eg] cs{} k|;ª\usf] /x]sf]
x'G5 . o;/L hfn;fhLk"0f{ tl/sfn] ;~rf/df x'g] ckmjfxsf k||f]kf]ufG8f /rL k|;f/0f eO/x]sf x'G5g\ .
clxn] sf]/f]gfsf sf/0f ;~rf/ dfWoddf o:tf em'6f ;dfrf/sf xnfxn k|f]kf]ufG8f dlRrO/x]sf 5g\ .
sf]/f]gf km}lng'sf] sf/0fsf af/]df klg To:tf ;dfrf/sf dfWodaf6 Pp6fn] csf{nfO{ bf]if nufO/x]sf
x'G5g\ . slxn] sf]/f]gf Pp6f dfgjlgld{t h}ljs ad xf] / of] cd]l/sfdf j}1flgsx?n] lgdf{0f u/]/
rLgnfO{ a]r]sf] / rLgdf lk|mhaf6 lns eP/ ljZjel/ km}lnPsf] eg]/ xNnf rnfO/x]sf 5g\ . o:tf
;dfrf/x? 7"nf7"nf zLif{s agfP/ k|;f/0f ul//x]sf 5g\ . slxn] hgfj/ slxn] rd]/f]af6 dflg;df
km}lnPsf] xNnf rln/x]sf] 5 t/ tL ;dfrf/sf] s'g} cflwsfl/s ;Totf x'Fb}g, To:t} sf]/f]gfaf6 aRgsf
nflu /S;L ;]jg u/] x'G5 eg]/ ;dfrf/x? k|;f/0f x'G5g\ clg dflg;x? To;}sf] k5fl8 bf}8G5g\
clg cgfxsdf Hofg u'dfPsf x'G5g\ . h:fn] k|;f/0f ub{5 p;}n] ef]lnkN6 km]l/ v08g u/]sf klg
;dfrf/ cfO/x]sf x'G5g\ . cfh sf]/f]gf -sf]le8 !(_ sf] cf}iflw kQf nfu]sf] af/]df ;dfrf/ cfpF5 t/
ef]lnkN6} pQm ;dfrf/sf] v08g x'G5 . dfG5]sf] d[To' / ;ª\qmldtx?sf af/]df klg To:t} b}lgsh;f]
ck'i6 ;dfrf/x? klg ckmjfxsf ?kdf k|;f/0f eO/x]sf x'G5g\ . To;}n] o:tf ckmjfxx? clxn]
;+;f/el/ km}nfO/x]sf kfOG5g\ . t;y{ ;+;f/el/ Ps lsl;dsf] cftª\s dlRrO/x]sf] 5 h;sf sf/0f

dflg;x? t8\lkO/x]sf 5g\ .
To;}n] dflg;x? hLjgsf] ;fy{stf /xg] ls g/xg] bf]wf/df /x]sf a]nf o:tf ;dfrf/n] dgf]j}1flgs
?kdf cftª\s l;h{gf u/]sf 5g\ . ;fdflhs ;~hfn k|of]u stf{n] eg] dgdf nfu]sf s'/fx?nfO{
;dfrf/sf ?kdf cfkm\gf km];j's, OG:6fu|fd, Xjf6\:Pk, 6'O6/ cflbdf kf]i6 u/]/ /dfO/x]sf x'G5g\ .
dfly pNn]lvt em'6f ;dfrf/sf] c;/af6 aRg JolQm :jod\ g} rgfvf] x'g'kg]{ eGb} IFLA (International
Feredation of Library Association) n] lgDg cg';f/ ;'emfj k|:t't u/]sf] 5 M

;dfrf/sf] ;|f]tsf] klxrfg ug]{, ljZjf; ug'{ eGbf klxnf cfkm"n] ulx/f] ljZn]if0f ug]{, kl/0ffdsf] Vofn
ug],{ cfkm"n] c?nfO{ ljZjf; ug],{ ;dfrf/sf] ulx/fO;Dd k'u/] k'/} k9\g,] ljZjf; ug'e[{ Gbf klxnf k|sfzs,
n]vs sf] xf] / sxfFaf6 ;dfrf/ cfPsf] xf] To;sf] klxrfg ug]{ . ;dfrf/nfO{ ;dy{g ug]{ dfWodsf]
d"Nofª\+sg ug]{, ;dfrf/ k|sfzg ePsf] ldlt x]g]{, s;}n] s;}nfO{ hf]s u/]sf] t x}g ljZn]if0f ug]{,
lj1x?sf] /fo lng], cfkm"n] u/]sf lqmofsnfkx?sf] cfkm}n] d"Nofª\sg ug'{ kb{5 .
oL dfly pNn]lvt ;'emfjx? ;dfrf/sf kf7sx? jf ;~rf/sf ckmjfxjf6 k|efljt JolQm hf]
5 p;n] /fd|f];Fu Wofg lbPsf] v08df To:tf ;dfrf/sf] sf/0fn] x'g] b'3{6gf tyf cGo Ifltaf6
s]xL xb;Dd ePklg aRg ;lsg] s'/f pQm ;ª\u7gn] ;'emfjsf] ?kdf k|:t't u/]sf] 5 . xfdLn]
klg To:tf ;dfrf/x? hf] ;To / tYosf ?kdf 5}gg\ / ;dfhdf Ps lsl;dsf] ckmjfx km}nfP/
s;}nfO{ b'Mv lbg] lgotn] /lrPsf x'G5g\ ltgLx?sf] k5fl8 gbf}8]/ ;To / tYo klxrfg u/]/
sbd rfNg' pko'Qm x'G5 . lzIfs sIffsf]7fsf] ;~rf/df hlxn]klg o:tf unt / ckmjfx km}nfpg]
;"rgf / ;~rf/df ;r]t x'g' kb{5 / cfkm"n] af]Nbf klg bf]xf]/f] cy{ gnfUg], a'em\gnfO{ sl7g gx'g]
zAbx?sf] k|of]u ug{' kb{5 .
jt{dfg ;dodf sIffsf]7fsf] ;~rf/
;~rf/ / ;"rgf sIffsf]7fsf] lzIf0fsf dxTjk"0f{ dfWod\ x'g\ / /fd|f] lzIf0f eg]s} k|efjsf/L ;~rf/ xf] .
clxn] sIffsf]7fsf] cj:yf kl/jt{g ePsf] 5 . ljBfyL{x? lzIf0fsf nflu ljBfno hfg] cj:yf gx'g
klg ;S5 . lzIfs / ljBfyL{sf] ef}lts ?kdf e]63f6 x'g] cj:yf gx'g klg ;S5 . w]/} ljBfyL{x?
sIffsf]7f eGbf aflx/ a:g ?rfpF5g\ cyf{t\ sIffdf ljBfyL{sf] pkl:ylt sd x'g yfn]sf] cj:yfdf s]xL
7fFpdf cgnfOgsf dfWodaf6 k9fO eO/x]sf] 5 t/ ;a} 7fpFdf ePsf] 5}g . hlt 7fpFdf ePsf] 5 tL
7fpFdf k7gkf7gsf] ;~rf/ eg]sf] h'd, u'un ld6, l6d\;, d];]Gh/ nufotsf ;fdflhs ;~hfnsf
;fwg /x]sf 5g\ . clxn]sf sIffsf]7fx? ljBfyL{sf lj:tf/f, efG;fsf]7f, a}7ssf]7f jf pgLx? hf]
hxfF h;/L a;]sf 5g\ ltg} ePsf 5g\ . of] Pp6f gofF ;~rf/sf] k|ljlw l;Sg] / k|of]u ug{] cj;/ /
df}sfsf ?kdf klg gofF lkF9Ln]] lng'kg{] cj:yf xf] . of] cj:yf slxn];Dd /xG5 eGg ;lsg] l:ylt
5}g, To;}n] lzIfsx?n] klg gofF kl/l:yltcg';f/ cfkm"nfO{ ?kfGtl/t ug{] / ljBfyL{n] klg o;nfO{
cgf}krfl/s tyf km';{bsf] ;dosf] pkof]usf ?kdf dfq lng] gu/]/ cf}krfl/s / gofF cj;/sf
?kdf lnP/ ;"rgf / ;~rf/sf k|ljlwnfO{ df}sfsf ?kdf ;b'kof]u u/L ef]lnsf b]zsf s0f{wf/sf
?kdf cfkm"nfO{ :yflkt ug'{ kg{] cj:yf b]lvPsf] 5 . z"Gotfdf ;':tfPsf / dfs'/fn] hfnf] nufPsf
sIffsf]7fx?sf] hfnf] k~5fpg] cj:yf l56}} cfpg] ;ª\s]t gePsfn] ljBfyL{n] of] cj:yfnfO{ k"0f{tof
kfng ug'{ kb{5 . cem} klg cgnfOg sIffx?df w]/} ljBfyL{x? cg'kl:yt /x]sf] kfOG5 . cleefjsx?
klg of] s'/fdf ;r]t eP/ cfkm\gf gfgLx?nfO{ cgnfOg sIffdf k|f]T;fxg ug{' kb{5 . o;n] klg vfnL
a:g'eGbf s]xL l;Sg] pTk|]/0ff lbO/x]sf] x'G5 .
Ps 7fpFsf] ;"rgf csf{] 7fpFdf ;~rf/ ug{] rng Hofb} k'/fgf] jf k/Dk/fb]lv rn]sf] xf] . /fd|f] lzIf0f,
k|zf;g tyf Joj:yfkgsf] d]?b08 g} k|efjsf/L ;~rf/ xf] . slxn]sfxLF ;~rf/sf] ?kdf ckmjfx km}nfP/
gful/ssf] dgdf ljrng u/fpg], /fHolj?4 ljb|f]x l;h{gf ug{] / df}sfsf] kmfObf lng] cj;/jflbtf
k/Dk/fb]lv g} rn]sf] lyof] . lzIf0fdf ;~rf/sf] k|d'v e"ldsf /xG5 . sIffsf]7fsf] lzIf0fdf lzIfsn]
;~rf/ k|efjsf/L eof] jf ePg cyf{t\ cfkm"n] ;Dk]|if0f u/]sf s'/fx? ljBfyL{;Dd k'u] ls k'u]gg\
/fd|f];+Fu Vofn ug'{ kb{5 . k|foM dflg;x? em'§f ;dfrf/sf dfWodaf6 ckmjfx km}nfP/ ;dfhdf
k|f]kf]ufG8f km}nfpg] x'G5g\, To:tfx?af6 ;w}+ ;r]t /x]/ ;dfrf/sf] ;|f]t s] xf] To:fsf] klxrfg u/]/
sbd rfn]df ef]ln pQm unt tyf ckmjfxsf sf/0fn] x'g] Ifltaf6 aRg s]xL xb;Dd ;lhnf] x'G5 .
clxn]sf] cj:yfdf sIffsf]7fsf ;~rf/ eg]sf ;fdflhs ;~hfnsf ;fwg ePsf 5g\ . slxn]sfxLF
o:tf ;fwgsf] klg ;b'kof]ueGbf klg b'?kof]u x'g] ;Defjgf /xg ;Sg] xF'bf Totflt/ lzIfs / ljBfyL{
b'j} ;r]t eP/ o:tf er'{cn ;fwgsf] k|of]udf klg Vofn ug{'kg{] x'G5 . lzIfsn] slxNo} klg hft,
j0f{, lnª\u, ef}uf]lns If]q, JolQmut tyf /fhg}lts lje]b x'g] u/L sIffsf]7fdf ;~rf/ ug'{ xF'b}g /
k|efjsf/L ;~rf/af6 sIffsf]7fnfO{ pTkfbgd"ns agfpg' kb{5 eGg] of] n]vsf] lgisif{ /x]sf] 5 .
;Gbe{ ;fdu|L;"rL
sf]O/fnf, ljBfgfy / rGb|axfb'/ >]i7 -@)^%_, z}lIfs Joj:yfkg / ;ª\u7gfTds Jojxf/, ljBfyL{
k':ts e08f/ .
e08f/L, s[i0fk|;fb -@)^^_, dgf]lj1fgsf tTjx?, Pd=s]= klAnz;{ P08 l8l:6«Ao'6;{
/fd uLtf -ldlt glbPsf]_, d'DaO{ k':ts ejg\ .
/fd;'/bf; :jfdL -@)^^_, >Ldb\eujb\uLtf ;fws–;~hLjgL -kl/lzi6;lxt_ lxGbL
6Lsf, uf]/vk'/ uLtf k|]; uf]/vk'/ .
zdf{ lr/GhLjL / lgd{nf zdf{ -@)&)_, sIffsf]7f dgf]lj1fg, Pd=s]= klAnP;{ PG8 l8l:6«Ao'6;{
;Tofn, /fdk|;fb -@)^@_, dxfef/t, afa' dfwjk|;fb zdf{ .
;Gt /fdkfn hL dxf/fh -;g\ @)!*_, 1fg u+uf, ;tnf]s 6«:6 cf>d . retrived, 10 Apr2023-3:50, retrived 10 23, 2023-3:45, retrived 5 0ct 2023

k|ljlwd}qL cfly{s Joj:yfkg / cfly{s
?kf >]i7*

lqe'jg ljZjljBfnon] ljBdfg cfly{s Joj:yfkgn] ljZjljBfnosf] nIo k|flKtdf cfly{s sf/f]af/x?
bIftf Pj+ k|efjsfl/tfsf ;fy ;Dkfbg ug]{, pknAw ;|f]t / ;fwgsf] clwstd pkof]u tyf
kl/rfng ub}{ cfly{s cg'zf;gsf] dfWodaf6 ;'zf;gsf] k|Tofe"lt lbg] sfo{nfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbO{
cfly{s ;+oGqx? lgdf{0f u/L cfly{s cg'zf;g sfod /fVg k|of; ul//x]sf] 5 . o; cWoogsf]
d'Vo p2]Zo k|ljlw d}qL cfly{s Joj:yfkg / cfly{s cg'zf;gsf] cj:yfsf] af/]df eO/x]sf] kxnsf]
ljZn]if0f ug'{ /x]sf] 5 . u'0ffTds ljlwsf] k|of]u u/L k|fylds / låtLos ;|f]tx?af6 k|fKt tYosf]
cfwf/df of] cWoog ul/Psf] 5 . ljZjljBfnosf] tfn's lgsfosf] gLlt tyf lgb]{zgn] lqe'jg
ljZjljBfnodf ljB'tLo k|zf;gnfO{ k|a4{g ul//xg'sf ;fy} lqe'jg ljZjljBfno ljlzi6Ls[t pRrlzIff
kl/of]hgf / ljZjljBfnon] klg k|ljlw d}qL k|zf;gsf] k"jfwf{/ ljsf; tyf ;km\6j]o/ lgdf{0fsf
nflu lg/Gt/ ah]6sf] Joj:yfkg ub}{ cfPsf] 5 . lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf lgodg lgsfox?df
s]Gb«Ls[t ljB'tLo k|zf;gsf] k|of; e}/x] tfklg lgsfout ?kdf km/skm/s ;km\6j]o/x? k|of]udf
cfO/x]sf 5g\ . o; k|s[ltsf cnucnu ;km\6j]o/ lgdf{0fn] ;~rfng :t/df bIftf clej[l4 ul/P
tfklg sfo{df bf]xf]/f]kg, vr{ cToflws x'g] / PsLs[t ;"rgf Joj:yfkg k|0ffnL nfu' ug{ sl7gfO
kl//x]sf] b]lvG5 . cfly{s cg'zf;g sfod /fVg clgjfo{ ?kdf ljB'tLo k|zf;gsf] gLlt cjnDag
ug}{kg]{ b]lvg'sf] ;fy} ljBdfg cfly{s cg'zf;gdf ePsf sdLsdhf]/Lx?nfO{ x6fpg] / pNn]vgLo
;'wf/ ug{ y'k|} k|of;x? ePsf 5g\ tyflk ljZjljBfnodf cEo:t ePsf] ;ª\u7gfTds ;+:sf/,
;ª\u7gfTds hl6n ;+/rgf, sfo{ ug]{ k|j[lQ, gLltlgoddf bf]xf]/f]kg Pj+ lgb[i6tfdf sdL, cfly{s
sf/f]af/ tyf n]vfËsgdf j}1flgs Pj+ ljB'tLo k|ljlwsf] sd k|of]u cflb ljz]iftfn] ubf{ ck]lIft
;'wf/ cfpg ;s]sf] 5}g . lqlj sLlt{k'/nfO{ k|fl1s pTs[i6tfsf] s]Gb| (Center for excellence)
cg'?k ef}lts ;+/rgf ;'wf/, gS;fª\sg tyf k|fl1s s[ofsnfkdf ;+nUg u/fpg g]kfn ;/sf/n]
gLlt tyf sfo{qmddf tf]lsPadf]lhd cufl8 a9]df k|fl1s pGgog e} pTs[i6 ljZjljBfnosf] ?kdf
cl3 a9\g] :ki6 dfu{{lrq b]vfk/]sf] 5 . o;y{ k|fKt ah]6sf] ;d'lrt k|of]u / o;sf] kf/blz{tfsf
;fy cg'zfl;t tj/df kl/rfng tyf pkof]udf Nofp+Fb} ljZjljBfno;Fu /x]sf] ef}lts tyf u}/
ef}lts ;Dkltsf] clwstd k|of]u u/L ljZjljBfnonfO{ cfly{s ?kdf ;an agfpFb} lbuf] ljsf;sf
;fy k|lt:kwf{Tds ;Ifdtf clej[l4 ug'{ ljB'tLo k|zf;gsf] k|d'v p2]Zo xf] .
zAbs'~hL M cfly{s ;'b[9Ls/0f, Psåf/ k|0ffnL, bL3{sfnLg cfly{s gLlt, k|ljlw, k|lt:kwf{Tds ;Ifdtf

* cfly{s pklgoGqs, cfly{s k|zf;g dxfzfvf, sLlt{k'/

cfly{s Joj:yfkg eg]sf] s'g} ljif]z nIo;lxt :yflkt ;ª\3;+:yfx?sf] cfly{s sf/f]af/x? k|efjsfl/tf
Pj+ bIfftfsf ;fy ;Dkfbg ul/g] Ps k|zf;lgs ;+oGq xf] . cfly{s Joj:yfkg Ps lgoldt Joj:yfkg
k|0ffnL xf] h:fn] ;ª\u7gsf] lglb{i6 nIo k|flKtsf nflu of]hgf agfpg], ;fª\u7lgs sfo{, lg0f{o,
;dGjo, dfgj ;+;fwg Joj:yfkg tyf lgb]{lzt / lgoGqg ;|f]t / ;fwgsf] clwstd pkof]u tyf
kl/rfng ub{5 h;afkt lgDgfg';f/ lqkIfLo ;ª\u7gfTds ;Dkfbgdf pNn]vgLo j[lå x'g hfG5 .
-!_ ;/f]sf/jfnfsf]] ;Gt'li6
-@_ ;]jfu|fxL ;Gt'li6
-#_ ck]Iffs[t nIok|flKt .
;du| ljQ cg'zf;g sfod ug]{ p2]Zo k|flKtsf nflu ef}lts tyf u}/ef}lts cfly{s ;|f]tsf]] clwstd
kl/rfng;Fu} cfly{s of]hgfsf] gLlt lgb]z
{ gsf] to, ;fª\u7lgs ;+/rgfsf] lgdf{0f, hgzlQm Joj:yfkg,
cfly{s sfo{qmdsf] sfof{Gjog / to u/]sf] of]hgf tyf sfo{qmdsf] k|efjsf/L sfof{Gjog k|Tofe"ltsf]
nflu ul/g] cfly{s lgoGq0f ;+oGqsf] Joj:yfkg ug'{nfO{ g} cfly{s k|zf;g elgG5 . d'Votof cfly{s
k|zf;gn] cfly{s ;'zf;g / cg'zf;g sfod ub}{ k|efjsfl/tf bIftfk"js
{ nIo xfl;n ug{ lgoldt ?kdf
k|0ffnLut tj/n] sfo{lzn /xg] x'gfn] ;ª\u7gsf] ;Dk"0f{ ;'zf;gsf] cfwf/ g} cfly{s ;'zf;g xf] .
lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf] nIo k|flKtsf] nflu rn crn ;Dklt tyf sf]ifx?sf] pko'Qm kl/rfngsf
;fy nfut / kmfObfd'vL Joj:yfkg x'g' cfhsf] ckl/xfo{tf xf] . cfly{s ;'zf;g cfly{s j[l4sf]
a9f]Q/L ug{ cfly{s ;|f]t ;fwgx?sf] sfo{bIftfk"j{s ljlgof]hg;DaGwL lg0f{o lgdf{0f k|ls|of, ;DklQsf]
l;h{gf, sfo{ jftfj/0fnfO{ ;anLs/0f ug]{ v'nf / k|ltikwf{ cfly{s gLlt cflbsf] to ub}{ pknAw ;|f]t
/ ;fwgsf] pRrtd kl/rfng ug{ lqe'jg ljZjljBfnodf klg cfw'lgs cfly{s k|zf;g x'g lgtfGt
cfjZos 5 . lqe'jg ljZjljBfno h:tf] ;fj{hlgs Pj+ ljz'4 k|fl1s ;+:yf h:sf] SofDk; tyf
sfof{nox? b]zel/ 5l/P/ /x]sf] a[xt\ cfsf/df /x]sf] of] ;+:yfdf cfly{s sf/f]af/x? cg'zfl;t,
cBfjlws / kf/bzL{ x'g' Ps clgjfo{ ;t{ xf] / cfly{s cg'zf;g Pj+ kf/bzL{tfsf] k|Tofe"lt cfly{s
Joj:yfkg ug'{ lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf] Ps dxTjk"0f{ sfo{ ePsfn] cfly{s k|zf;g tyf ljQLo Joj:yfkg
;~rfngsf] nflu b]xfocg';f/sf] cfly{s Joj:yfkg tyf k|zf;lgs sfo{x? ;~rfng ul//x]sf] 5 .
!= sf]ifx?sf] lgdf{0f, ;~rfng tyf kl/rfng
@= ah]6 th'{df tyf ljlgof]hg Joj:yfkg
#= vr{ Joj:yfkg
$= n]vf Joj:yfkg
%= cfly{s gLlt lgod tyf sfo{ljlwsf] tof/L
^= ljQLo ljj/0fsf] tof/L tyf ljZn]if0f
&= cfly{s ;|f]t / ;fwgsf] klxrfg tyf kl/rfng
*= cfly{s lgoGq0fsf] ;+oGq tof/ kfg'{

(= cfly{s s[osnfkx? ljr ;dGjo tyf ;~rf/hGo s[osnfk ;~rfng ug'{ .
!)= ljZjljBfnosf] cfly{s lbuf] ljsf;sf] ;'b[9Ls/0fsf] nflu ;/f]sf/jfnf;Fu ;xsfo{ Pj+ hg;Dks{
s[osnfk :yfkgf ug'{ .
bL3{sfnLg sf]if Joj:yfkgsf nflu ;Ifd k|zf;lgs ;+oGq ;'b[9Ls/0f ul/g'sf ;fy} kl/dflh{t cfly{s
Joj:yfkg k|0ffnL lgdf{0f ul/g'kg]{ cfjZostf /x]sf] 5 . s]Gb|Lo cfly{s k|zf;gsf] ;'b[9Ls/0f tyf
cfly{s k|zf;gsf ;Dk"0f{ ls|ofsnfkx? Psåf/ k|0ffnLcGt{ut Joj:yfkg u/L cfly{s k|zf;g;DaGwL
sf/jfxLx? cBfjlws Pj+ kf/bzL{ agfO{ gLlt lgdf{0f txdf 7f]; 6]jf lbg;Sg] x'G5 . ;fy} lqljdf
ljBdfg sf]if tyf rncrn ;DklQsf] k|efjsf/L kl/rfng eO{ -ck]lIfs[t_ cfly{s ;'zf;gdf 7f]; ;xof]u
k'Ug] ljZjf; ug{ ;lsG5 . lqe'jg ljZjljBfnon] cfly{s k|zf;gnfO{ k|efjsf/L ;~rfngsf] nflu x/]s
jif{ ah]6dfkm{t Joj:yfkg / ljQLo k|zf;gnfO{ kf/bzL{ / r':t agfp+Fb} cfw'lgs k|ljlwtkm{ pGd'v ug]{
-sfo{qmd tyf ah]6 @)&(, k[=g+= ª_ jflif{s gLlt tyf sfo{qmdx? to ul/P tfklg ck]Iffs[t cfly{s
cg'zf;g sfod ug{ ;ls/x]sf] 5}g . ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gdf g} ;fj{hlgs ?kdf cfly{s k|zf;gsf]
bIftfdfly ljleGg k|Zgx? Vf8f ePsf] b]lvG5 . lghfdtL va/ -@)&(_ n] ;fjh{lgs cfly{s k|zf;gdf
gLltut, sfg'gL, ;+:yfut, k|ls|ofut, k|ljlwut, cfr/0fnufot ljljw ;d:of b]lvPsf] 5 egL n]v
k|sflzt u/]sf] 5 h:fdf k|zf;gdf sfo{/t sd{rf/Lx?sf] cfr/0f Jojxf/df ;dfofg's"n ;'wf/ x'g
g;Sg' / ahf/df ePsf gjk|ltefnfO{ ;fj{hlgs ;]jfdf cf{slif{t ug{ g;Sg' egL pNn]v ul/Psf]
5 . lqe'jg ljZjljBfnon] ljleGg k|oTg u/L cfly{s cg'zf;g ;'wf/ ug]{ k|of;x? ub}{ cfPsf] 5 .
lqe'jg ljZjljBfno cfly{s k|zf;g dxfzfvfn] cfly{s jif{ @)&*.)&( sf] ah]6nfO{ k|efjsf/L /
cg'zfl;t agfO{ cgnfOg dfWodjf6 ah]6sf] sfof{Gjog ug{] p2]Zon] @)&&.!@.!& df ah]6 Joj:yfkg
cGt/lqmofTds uf]i7L ;DkGg u/]sf] 5 -l6=o'= kf]:6 @)&*_ . ;f] n]vdf, -l6=o'= kf]:6 @)&*_, lqe'jg
ljzjljBfnosf /lh:6«f/ k|f=8f= k]zn bfxfnHo"n] ljZjljBfnosf] ah]6 ljZj;gLo, cg'zfl;t /
k|efjsf/L agfpg ;DalGwt ;j} kIfsf] wf/0ff ;d]6\gfsf nflu cGt/lqmof sfo{qmd ;~rfng ul/Psf]
atfpg'ePsf] pn\n]v ul/Psf] 5 . o; k|sf/sf sfo{zfnf uf]i7L, cGt/lqmof sfo{qmd, tflnd cflb
ls|ofsnfkx? tyf cfly{s ;+oGqx? lgdf{0f u/L cfly{s cg'zf;g sfod /fVg k|of; ul//x]sf 5g\ .
cWoogsf] p2]Zo
o; cWoogsf] k|dv ' p2]Zo lqe'jg ljZjljBfnodf k|ljlwd}qL cfly{s Joj:yfkg / cfly{s cg'zf;gsf]
cj:yfsf] af/]df eO/x]sf] kxnsf] ljZn]if0f ug'{ /x]sf] 5 . of] cWoog d'Votof oL b'O{ p2]Zox?df
s]lGb|t /x]sf] 5 M
!= k|ljlwd}qL cfly{s k|zf;gsf] ;DefJotfsf] cWoog ug'{
@= cfly{s cg'zf;gsf] ljBdfg cj:yf / ;'wf/sf k|of;x?
cWoogsf] ljlw
cfly{s cg'zf;g l;4fGt o; cWoogsf] ;}4flGts cfwf/ xf] . cGo ;"rgf k|ljlw k|0ffnL / ljQLo
Joj:yfkg k|0ffnLsf] cjwf/0ffcg'?k o; cWoogn] lqe'jg ljZjljBfnodf ePsf] ljBdfg cj:yf /
x'g;Sg] ;Defjgfx?sf] cWoog ul/Psf] 5 . k|:t't cWoogsf nflu ;flxTo k'g/fjf]nsg dfWodnffO{
d'Vo ljlwcGtu{t /fvL ;DalGwt kbflwsf/L;Fu cGtjftf{sf] dfWodaf6 k|fylds ;|f]taf6 cWoog ;fdu|L
;ª\sng ul/Psf] 5 . låtLo ;|f]taf6 k|fKt ;"rgfx? klg cWoogsf] ;fdu|Lsf ?kdf k|of]u ul/Psf]
5 . ;ª\sng ul/Psf ;fdu|Lx?nfO{ ;}4flGts cfwf/df ljZjljBfodf ePsf] cj:yf tyf ;Defjgfsf]
ljZn]if0f ug]{ 9fFrfnfO{ o; cWoogdf ljZn]if0f ljlwsf] dfWodaf6 PsLs[t ;"rgf k|ljlwsf] Joj:yfkg
/ cfly{s cg'zf;gsf] ;DaGwsf] JofVof ul/Psf] 5 .
k|ljlwd}qL cfly{s k|zf;gsf] ;DefJotf
xfn lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf] ljB'tLo k|zf;gsf] gLltnfO{ cjnDag u/L cfly{s k|zf;gsf s]xL sfo{x?
cgnfOg k|ljlwsf] dfWodaf6 ;~rfng ePtfklg lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf] ;+/lrt / a[xt\ cfsf/
/x]sf] ;ª\u7gfTds 9fFrfsf] sf/0f ck]lIfs[t ?kdf abln+bf] kl/j]zcg'?ksf] cfly{s k|zf;g sfo{
k|efjsfl/tfsf ;fy ;~rfng ug{df sl7gfO ePsf] 5 . sfo{qmd tyf ah]6, -@)&(_, df ljB'tLo
k|zf;gsf] cDang ug]{ gLlt tyf k|ljlw d}qL cfly{s k|zf;gsf] dfWodaf6 sfo{df bIftf xfl;n u/L
cfly{s cg'zf;g sfod ug]{ pNn]v ePsf] 5 h;cg'?k cfly{s k|zf;g dxfzfvfdf b]xfocg';f/
cnu cnu k|0ffnLdf PsLs[t cgnfOg cfly{s Joj:yfkg ;~rfngdf cfO/x]sf 5g\ .
!= lqe'jg ljZjljBfno PsLs[t cgnfOg ah]6 Joj:yfkg k|0ffnL
@= lqe'jg ljZjljBfno ;DaGwg k|fKt ;]jf z'Ns Joj:yfkg k|0ffnL
#= lqe'jg ljZjljBfno C0f Joj:yfkg ;"rgf k|0ffnL
$= lqe'jg ljZjljBfno lgj[lQe/0f tyf ;'ljwf Joj:yfkg k|0ffnL
%= lqe'jg ljZjljBfno PsLs[t a]?h' nut Joj:yfkg k|0ffnL
lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf gLlt tyf sfo{qmdx?df :ki6;Fu ljZjljBfnosf] k|zf;lgs ;+/rgf / dfgj
;|f]tnfO{ ;do;fk]If agfO{ k|ljlwd}qL agfOg] 5 egL pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 . o;sf lgldQ ;~rfngdf
/x]sf] k|ljlwnfO{ sfo{ tyf k|zf;lgs l;sfO, cfly{s tyf ljQLo k|zf;g, k':tsfno tyf k|zf;lgs
sfo{ tyf k|zf;lgs ;+/rgf / dfgj ;|f]tnfO{ ;do;fk]If agfO{ k|ljlwd}qL agfOg] 5 -sfo{qmd tyf
ah]6, @)&(_ eGg] gLlt to u/]nuQ} b]xfocg';f/ lgodg lgsfox?df ljB'tLo k|zf;lgs ;+oGqx?
lgdf{0f ;'? ug]{ r/0fdf /x]sf 5g\ M
!= lqe'jg ljZjljBfno ljB'tLo PsLs[t cfly{s Joj:yfkg ;"rgf k|0ffnL
@= lqe'jg ljZjljBfno cgnfOg k|]h]G; l/kmd{ kl/of]hgf -TU Online Presence Reform Project_
#= lqe'jg ljZjljBfno b ;KnfO{, l8Knf]d]G6, sld;lgË P08 l/ OlGhlgol/Ë ckm PShfd
dfg]hd]06 OGkm/d]zg l;:6d -TU The Supply, Deployment, Commissioning and re_engineering
of Exam Management Information System)
$= TUWEBGISMS (WMS); lqe'jg ljZjljBfno j]a ef}uf]lns ;"rgf Joj:yfkg k|0ffnL
%= lqe'jg ljZjljBfno k/LIff Joj:yfkg ;"rgf k|0ffnL
^= TU Internet, Internet and Wireless Network Inrastructure Project
plNnlvt PsLs[t ljB'tLo k|zf;lgs ;+oGqx? tof/Lsf] qmddf ljZjljBfnon] ljleGg r'gf}tLx?sf]
;fdgf ub}{ cfPsf] 5 . d'Votof sfo{/t hgzlQm k|ljlwd}qL Joj:yfkg ;~rfng ug{ ;lsg] ;Ifdtf

cefjsf sf/0f ;kmntfk"j{s k|of]udf cfpg ;ls/x]sf] 5}g ;fy} ef}lts ?kdf ;~rfng eO/x]sf
k|zf;lgs ls|ofsnfkx? k"0f{ ?kdf lj:yflkt ug{ ;ls/x]sf] 5}g h;n] ubf{ cgnfOg / x:ts[t
b'j} ljlwaf6 sfo{x? ;~rfngdf cfO/xGbf k|zf;lgs sfo{ ck]Iffs[t ;/n / bIftfk'j{s gx'g'sf]
;fy} sfo{df bf]xf]/f] kg / k|zf;lgs vr{ j[l4 eO/x]sf] 5 . k|ljlwd}qL k|zf;lgs ;DefjgfnfO{
cWoog ub}{ ;kmntfk"j{s sfof{Gjogdf Nofpg ;DalGwt ljz]if1x?n] cfkm\gf] cleJolQm lbg'ePsf]
5 . o;}qmddf cy{zf:q s]Gb|Lo ljefusf ljefuLo k|d'v k|f=8f= lza/fh clwsf/Ln] ljZjljBfnosf
P]g, lgod / sfo{ljlwx?df ;d]t ;'wf/ ub{} k|fljlws Joj:yfkgsf] kIfnfO{ k|fyldstfdf /fVb} cl3
j9\g'kg{] cfjZostf /x]sf] -l6=o'= kf]i6 @)&*_ atfpg'eof] . o;}u/L cfly{s k|zf;g dxfzfvfsf k|d'v
s'df/k|;fb x'dfufO{n] cGt/lqmof sfo{qmddf ljZjljBfnosf] ;du| cfly{s Joj:yfkgnfO{ kf/blz{ /
Jojl:yt agfpg cgnfOgdfkm{t ah]6 lgd{f0f ug{] k|lqmofsf] cf/De ul/Psf] atfpg'eof] -l6=o'= kf]:6
@)&*_ .
ljZjljBfno cg'bfg cfof]usf]] u'0f:t/ ;'lglZrttf tyf k|Tofog lbzflgb]{z,-@)@@,k[=g+=#)_ s'g}klg
z}lIfs lgsfon] u'0f:t/ cfZjf;g dfGotf k|fKt ug{ ;"rgf k|0ffnL / ;fj{hlgs ;"rgfsf] rf/j6f
cfofdx? k"/f ug'{k5{ egL pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 . o;k|sf/ tfn's lgsfosf] gLlt tyf lgb]{zgn] lqe'jg
ljZjljBfnodf ljB'tLo k|zf;gnfO{ k|jw{g ul//x]sf] 5 . lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf] xsdf b]xfocg';f/sf]
lgsfon] u'0f:t/ ;'lglZrttf tyf k|Tofog k|fKt u/];Fu} cfly{s tyf cGo k|zf;g sfo{x? Jojl:yt
sDKo'6/ k|ljlwaf6 ;~rfng eP/x]sf] k|Tofe"lt lbG5 .
tflnsf g+= !
u'0f:t/ ;'lglZrttf tyf k|Tofog k|fKt lgsfox?
l;=g++ lgsfosf] gfd sfof{nosf] cfª\lus÷;DaGwg
!= dx]Gb|/Tg SofDk;, tfxfrn SofDk; :jfoQ k|fKt cfª\lus SofDk;
@= d]rL ax'd'vL SofDk;, emfkf SofDk; :jfoQ k|fKt cfª\lus SofDk;
#= kf]v/f jg SofDk;, kf]v/f SofDk; ljs]Gb«Ls/0f cfª\lus SofDk;
$= k[YjLgf/fo0f ax'd'vL SofDk;, kf]v/f SofDk; ljs]Gb«Ls/0f cfª\lus SofDk;
%= kf]v/f gl;{Ë SofDk;, kf]v/f SofDk; ljs]Gb«Ls/0f cfª\lus SofDk;
^= k'Nrf]s SofDk;, sf7df8f}+ SofDk; ljs]Gb«Ls/0f cfª\lus SofDk;
&= uf]/vf SofDk;, uf]/vf SofDk; cfª\lus SofDk;
*= gl;{Ë SofDk;, lj/f6gu/ SofDk; ljs]Gb«Ls/0f cfª\lus SofDk;
(= klZrdf~rn lOlGhlgol/Ë SofDk;, kf]v/f SofDk; ljs]Gb«Ls/0f cfª\lus SofDk;
!)= jftfj/0f lj1fg s]Gb|Lo ljefu, sLlt{k'/ s]Gb|Lo ljefu
!!= h}ljs k|ljlw s]Gb|Lo ljefu, sLlt{k'/ s]Gb|Lo ljefu
!@= jg:kltzf:q s]Gb|Lo ljefu, sLlt{k'/ s]Gb|Lo ljefu
!#= hn tyf df};dlj1fg s]Gb|Lo ljefu, sLlt{k/' s]Gb|Lo ljefu
!$= $( j6f ;fd'bflos SofDk; SofDk; ;DaGwg k|fKt SofDk;
!% ^ j6f lghL SofDk; SofDk; ;DaGwg k|fKt SofDk;
;|f]t M of]hgf lgb]{zgfno, @)*)
lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf oL !# j6f cfª\lus lgsfox? / %% j6f ;DaGwg k|fKt lgsfox?n]]
u'0f:t/ ;'lglZrttf tyf k|Tofog k|df0fkq lnP;Fu} k|zf;lgs sfo{x?df k"0f{tof ljB'tLo dfWodsf]
k|of]u ul/;s]sf] 5g\ . o2kL oL lgsfout ?kdf tof/ ePsf ;"rgf k|ljlwx? PsLs[t k|ljlw;Fu
hf]8g afFsL b]lvG5 .
ljZjljBfno cg'bfg cfof]un] lqe'jg ljZjljbfno ljlzi6Ls[t pRrlzIff kl/of]hgfdfkm{t ljZjljBfnosf]
ljB'tLo k|zf;gsf] nflu ljz]if ;"rfª\s;lxt cg'bfgsf] Joj:yf u/]sf] 5 h;n] yk lgsfox?
tyf s]Gb|Lo :t/df ljB'tLo k|zf;gsf] nflu k"jfwf{l/t ljsf;;Fu} ;km\6j]o/ ljsf;sf] nflu 7f];
6]jf k'Ug]5 .
tflnsf g+= @
lqe'jg ljZjljbfno ljlzli6s[t pRrlzIff kl/of]hgfdf ljB'tLo k|zf;gsf nflu cg'bfgsf] k|fjwfg
l;=g++ ;ª\s]t ljj/0f ls|ofsnfk lgb]{zg ul/Psf] If]q
! Digitalization Policy, Strategy and ! !,)),)),))).))
Rules/Guidelines preparation, approval
and implementation
@ Connectivity and ICT Infrastructure % s_ !,@%,))).)) k|lt sfo{ /
v_ %),)),))).)) Psd'i6
# Learning Management System/Virtual ! !,)),)),))).))
Learning Environment
$ Digital Resources Development and !)) @),)),))).)) k|lt sfo{
% Capacity Building, Trainings # s_ %),))).)) k|lt lzIfs
-!)) hgf ;Ddsf] ljB'tLo
k':tsfno tflnd_
v_ !,)),))).)) k|lt lzIfs
-!)) hgf ;Ddsf] k]8fuf]hL
u_ !,)),))).)) k|lt lzIfs
-%) hgf ;Ddsf] ljB'tLo
;fwfg ;~rfng tflnd_
^ Strengthening Web-based EMIS ! !,)),)),))).))
;|f]t M ljZjljBfno cg'bfg cfof]u, ljB'tLo k|zf;g ;~rfng sfo{ljlw, @)&(
o; k|fjwfgcg'?k ah]6 k|fKt ug{ tf]lsPsf] ;ª\s]t sfo{x? ;dfkg ePkl5 sfo{ ePsf] k|df0fLs/0fsf]
cfwfdf ;f]wegf{ ljZjljBfno cg'bfg cfof]udfkm{t k|fKt ug{ ;lsG5 .
lqe'jg ljZjljBfnon] klg ut cfly{s jif{bl] v ;"rgf k|ljlwdf jif]g{ L b]xfocg';f/ ah]6sf] Joj:yfkgn]]
ljZjljBfno ;"rgf k|ljlwd}qL k|zf;lgs sfo{ ;~rfng ug{ tof/ /x]sf] b]lvG5 .
tflnsf g+= #
;"rgf k|ljlwsf] nflu ah]6 Joj:yfkg
ah]6 Joj:yfkg
l;=g++ cfly{s jif{ ah]6 lzif{s ah]6 /sd p2]Zo
lqlj s]Gb|Lo sfof{nodf :yfkgf
;"rgf k|ljlw Joj:yfkg, ul/Psf] s]Gb|Lo ;rgf k|ljlw
! @)&*.@)&( $,)),)),))).))
pks/0f Joj:yfkg gjk|k|jt{g s]Gb«nfO{ yk k|jw{g
ug{ .
lqljsf ;a} lgsfox?nfO{
;"rgf k|lqlw Joj:yfkg- cGt/;DalGwt agfO{ lqe'jg
@ @)&(.@)*) Software / pks/0f ^,)),)),))).)) ljZjljBfno z}lIfs Joj:yfkg
Joj:yfkg tyf ;"rgf k|0ffnL TUEMIS k"0f{
?kdf sfof{Gjogdf NofOg] .
;|f]t M sfo{qmd tyf ah]6, -@)&* / @)&(_
cfly{s jif{ @)&*.)&( b]lv s]Gb|Lo :t/df ;"rgf k|ljlw;Fu ;DalGwt k"jf{wf/ tof/ tyf ;km\6j]o/
lgdf{0fsf nflu ah]6sf] Joj:yf ub}{ cfPsf] 5 tb\g'?k ;"rgf k|ljlwsf] PsLs[t kl/of]gfx? lgdf{0fwLg
r/0fdf /x]sf 5g\ .
lqe'jg ljZjljBfnodf s]Gb|Lo :t/df ljleGg ljB'tLo dfWodaf6 ljBdfg k|zf;lgs sfo{x? r':t b'?:t
ug]{ ;'wf/sf k|of;x? eO/x]sf 5g\ . o;} qmddf cgnfOg cWoog Joj:yfkg ug{ Proquest Online
database dfkm{t kf7\o;fdu|L pknAw, Anti Plagrarism Software :yffkgf u/L af}l4s rf]/LnfO{ Go"gLs/0f
ug]{ sfo{ k|f/De ul/Psf] 5 -sfo{qmd tyf ah]6, @)&*_ . k/LIff k|0ffnL ;'wf/f]Gd'v Joj:yfkg ug{ yk
k|of;x? qmdzM ub}{ cfPsf] b]lvG5, sfo{qmd tyf ah]6 -@)&*.)&(_ sf] gLlt tyf sfo{qmddf k/LIff
lgoGq0f sfof{nodf ;"rgf k|ljlwsf] kx'rF lj:tf/ ug{ ;km\6j]o/sf] lgdf{0f sfo{nfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbOPsf] 5
egL pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 . ;f]xL cfly{s jif{sf] gLlt tyf sfo{qmddf cfly{s ;'b9[ Ls/0fsf nflu cfly{s
Joj:yfkg ;"rgf k|0ffnL nfu' u/L PsLs[t ljQLo ljj/0fsf] cfwf/df cfly{s of]hgf tof/ kfl/g]5
-sfo{qmd tyf ah]6, @)&*.)&(_ egL gLlt to u/]cg'?k xfn cfly{s Joj:yfkg ;"rgf k|0ffnL
lgdf{0fsf] nflu pRr :t/Lo Ps ;ldlt u7g u/L ;km\6j]o/ lgdf{0fsf] nflu :km]l;lkms];g tof/ kfg]{ sfo{
x'bF+ 5
} . lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf] lgodg lgsfox?df s]Gb«Ls[t ljB'tLo k|zf;gsf] k|of; e}/x]sf] b]lvG5
tyflk lgsfout ?kdf klg d'Votof cfly{s, n]vf, k/LIff, e08f/ Joj:yfkgdf km/skm/s ;km\6j]o/x?

k|of]udf cfO/x]sf 5g\ . o; k|sl[ tsf] lgsfout ?kdf cnucnu ;km\6j]o/ lgdf{0f sfo{n] ;~rfng
:t/df bIftf clej[l4 ul/Ptfklg sfo{df bf]xf]/f]kg, vr{ cToflws x'g] / PsLs[t ;"rgf Joj:yfkg
k|0ffnL nfu' ug{ sl7gfO kl//x]sf] b]lvG5 .
k|f=8f= w|j' s'df/ uf}td, -@)*)_, ælqlj sf] k|fl1s pTs[i6tfsf nflu ljZjljBfnosf] bL3{sfnLg b[li6sf]0fadf]lhd
k'gM ;+/rgf ug],{ ;/f]sf/jfnf;Fusf] ;xsfo{df ahf/d'vL sfo{qmd ;~rfng ug],{ k|fljlws hgzlQm
pTkfbgdf ljz]if kxn ug]{ / cGt/f{li6«o k|lt:kwf{ cg';Gwfg / ;f]sf] k|sfzg u/L ljZjal/otf sfod
/fVg ;"rgf k|ljlwsf] ;d'lrt k|of]u ckl/xfo{ ePsf] 5 .Æ o; cjwf/0ffcg';f/ ljZjJofkL k|lt:kwf{sf
nflu k|ljlwd}qL jftfj/0f / bL3{sfnLg ahf/d'vL Joj:yfkgsf] /0fgLlt, gLlt tyf of]hgf to ug'k{ g]{
ckl/xfo{tfnfO{ :ki6 kf/]sf] 5 .
ljZjljBfnosf] k|zf;lgs ;+/rgf / dfgj ;|ft] nfO{ ;do;fk]If agfO{ k|ljlwd}qL agfOg] 5 . o;sf lgldQ
;~rfngdf /x]sf k|ljlwnfO{ clej[l4 u/L lzIf0f l;sfO, cfly{s tyf ljQLo k|zf;g, k':tsfno tyf
k|zf;lgs ;+/rgf / dfgj ;|ft] nfO{ ;do;fk]If ?kdf k|ljlwd}qL agfOg] 5 -sfo{qmd tyf ah]6, @)&(,
k[=g=+ r_ eGg] gLlt Pj+ of]hgfsf] to / ;f] sfof{Gjogsf nflu ljz]if kl/of]hgfx? lgdf{0f eO/x]sf] tyf
ljZjljBfno cg'bfg cfof]udfkm{t ;"rgf k|ljlwsf nflu ljsf; ah]6 Joj:yfkg ub}{ cfPsf] / d'Votof
ljZjljBfnosf] of]hgfsf lgb]z { s k|f=8f= w|j' s'df/ uf}td, -@)*)_ n] 7f]; kxnsf] of]hgf u/]cg'?k ælqlj sf]
k|fl1s pTs[i6tfsf nflu ljZjljBfnosf] bLw{sfnLg b[li6sf]0fadf]lhd k'gM ;+/rgf ug],{ ;/f]sf/jfnf;Fusf]
;xsfo{df ahf/d'vL sfo{qmd ;~rfng ug],{ k|fljlws hgzlQm pTkfbgdf ljz]if kxn ug]{ / cGt/f{li6«o
k|lt:kwf{ cg';Gwfg / ;f]sf] k|sf;g u/L ljZjal/otf sfod /fVg ;"rgf k|ljlwsf] ;d'lrt k|of]u ckl/xfo{
ePsf] 5 .Æ ljZjljBfnodf ljB'tLo k|zf;g ;+oGq lgdf{0f tyf ljz]if u/L cfly{s k|zf;gdfdf ljB'tLo
k|zf;gsf] ;Defjgf cle[ljl4 ePsf] b]lvG5 .
cfly{s cg'zf;gsf] ljBdfg cj:yf / ;'wf/sf k|of;x?
;+:yfdf ul/Psf cfly{s lqmofsnfksf] Joj:yf ldnfpg] / cfjZos ljQLo ;|ft] klxrfg, ;ª\sng tyf
o;nfO{ cf}lrTok"0f{ Pj+ lgod;+ut ?kdf kl/rfng ug]{, ul/Psf cfly{s lqmofsnfksf] lgodn] Joj:yf
u/]cg'?k n]vf l;4fGt tyf k|0ffnLdf cfwfl/t /x]/ n]vf;DaGwL Joj:yfkg ug],{ ul/Psf cfly{s ultljlw
tyf lqmofsnfknfO{ lgodfg';f/ ?h' u/fpg n]vf k/LIf0f u/fpg] h:tf ;Dk"0f{{ lqmofsnfksf] Joj:yf
ug]{ ;du| k|lqmof g} cfly{s k|Zff;g xf] eGg] bz{gsf] cfwf/df lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf] cfly{s k|zf;g
;~rflnt 5 . cfly{s k|zf;g pNn]lvt sfo{x? nfO{ lqlj P]g, lgod, ljlgod tyf sfo{ljlwcg';f/
tf]lsPsf] kl/lwleq /xL sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug]{ u/fpg] u/]df dfq lq=lj=df k|efjsf/L cfly{s k|zf;g tyf
cfly{s cg'zf;g sfod x'g]5 .
lqe'jg ljZjljBfnon] cfly{s k|zf;g;DaGwL sfo{nfO{ Jojl:yt jgfpg, cfly{s kf/blz{tf sfod ug{
tyf ljQLo cg'zf;g sfod ub}{ ;DajlGwt kIfnfO{ hafkmb]xL jgfpg lqe'jg ljZjljBfno P]g @)$(
sf]] cwLgdf /x]/ cfly{s Joj:yfkgsf nflu lqlj cfly{s Joj:yfkg tyf vl/b;DaGwL lgod @)%)
-;+zf]wg;lxt_ sf] Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 . oL ljZjljBfno :t/Lo P]g lgodsf] ;fy} k|rlnt P]g, lgod,
cfly{s sfo{ljlw klg cfly{s cg'zf;g sfod /fVg cfsif{0f x'g] ub{5 . o;/L cfly{s k|zf;gn] u/]sf
sfo{x? lgodfg';f/ / cg'zf;gk"j{s ePsf] k|Tofe"lt oL rf/ txsf] k/LIf0faf6 k|dfl0ft x'g] ub{5 .
-!_ lgsfout k/LIf0f
-@_ cfGtl/s n]vf k/LIf0f
-#_ dxfn]vf k/LIfssf] k/LIf0f
-$_ ;/f]sf/jfnfx?sf] k/LIf0f
ljZjljBfnodf oL rf/} k|s[ltsf k/LIf0fx? x'g] ul/Psf] eP tfklg ;do;dodf cfly{s cg'zf;gsf]
af/]df ljleGg ax;x? x'g] ub{5 . ljZjljBfnosf lgodx? ;do;fk]If kl/jt{g x'g ;s]sf 5}gG.\ .
ljZjljBfnodf cfly{s c/fhstf 5. a]?h' sxfnLnfUbf] cj:yfdf 5 . a]?h' km:o{f}6 k|efjsf/L x'g
;ls/x]sf] 5}g . cem} !^ ca{eGbf a9Lsf] a]?h' sfod 5 . lgj[t x'g] lzIfs sd{rf/Lsf] a9\bf] ;+Vofsf
sf/0f k]G;g bfloTj ljZjljBfnosf] IfdtfeGbf aflx/ uPsf] 5 -lqe'jg ljZjljBfno / ;kgf, @)*)_ .
o;y{ ljZjljBfnon] ;du| ljQ cg'zf;g sfod ug]{ p2]Zo k|flKtsf nflu ef}lts tyf u}/ ef}lts
cfly{s ;|f]tsf]] clwstd kl/rfng;Fu} cfly{s of]hgfsf] gLlt lgb]{zgsf] to, ;fª\u7lgs ;+/rgfsf]
lgdf{0f, hgzlQm Joj:yfkg, cfly{s sfo{qmdsf] sfof{Gjog / to u/]sf] of]hgf tyf sfo{qmdsf]
k|efjsf/L sfof{Gjog k|Tofe"ltsf] nflu ul/g] cfly{s lgoGq0f ;+oGqsf] Joj:yfkg ug'{nfO{ g} cfly{s
k|zf;g elgG5 . d'Votof cfly{s k|zf;gn] cfly{s ;'zf;g / cg';fzg sfod ub}{ k|efjsfl/tf
bIftfk"j{s nIo xfl;n ug{ lgoldt ?kdf k|0fflnut tj/n] sfo{zLn /xg] x'gfn] ;ª\u7gsf] ;Dk"0f{
;'zf;gsf] cfwf/ g} cfly{s ;'zf;g xf] oBlk lqe'jg ljZjljBfodf d'Votof b]xfocg';f/ cfly{s
cg'zf;gsf] If]qdf ljBdfg r'gf}tLx? /x]sf 5g\ M
• cfly{s lgoGq0f tyf s]Gb|Lo PsLs[t ljQLo ljj/0f k|0ffnL lgdf{0fsf] nflu Integrted Software
sf] Joj:yf gx'g' .
• lqljsf lgsfox?n] km/skm/s Software sf] k|of]un] ubf{ Software nfutdf cToflws j[l4
x'g'sf] ;fy} lgsfout ljB'tLo k|z;fgdf s]Gb|Lo k|zf;g Pj+ ;/f]sf/jfnfsf] kx'Fr gx'g' .
• lqe'jg ljZjljBfnodf ylkFb}+ hfg] z}lIfs tyf cGo sfo{qmdx?sf] 5'§f5§} sfo{qmdut cfly{s
k|zf;g tyf ljQLo ljj/0f tof/L sfo{ e}/x]sf] .
• cfly{s lgoGq0fsf] ;+oGq lgodfg';f/ k|efjsf/L sfof{Gjog gePsfn] cjfl:ts vr{ tyf cfDbfgL
-k]:sL tyf bfloTj_ cToflws dfqfdf a9f]Q/L x'g' / ;f] sf] tYofª\s Joj:yfkg lgodfg';f/
gePsfn] bfloTj e'QmfgL / k]:sL km5\of}6 ck]Iffs[t ?kdf x'g ;ls/x]sf] 5}g .
• sf]if Joj:yfkgsf nflu :ki6 gLlt to gx'g'sf] ;fy} Psn vftf sf]if k|0ffnL nfu' gx'g' .
plNnlvt r'gf}tLafx]s ljZjljBfnon] cfkm\gf] lzIfs tyf sd{rf/Lx? Pj+ ljBfyL{x?nfO{ ;]jf;'ljwf
k|bfg ug{sf nflu s]Gb|Lo / lgsfo :t/df ljleGg sf]ifx? :yfkgf ePsf 5g\ . oL sf]ifx?sf]
oyf]lrt kl/rfng ug{ g;Sbf ck]lIft nfe ljZjljBnfon] lng ;s]sf] 5}g . lqljjf6 k|efjsf/L
cfly{s k|zf;g tyf cfly{s cg'zf;gsf] ck]Iff /fVb} th{'df ul/Psf cfly{s gLltlgodcg';f/ cfly{s
lqmofsnfk ug]{ u/fpg] u/]sf] ePtf klg To;nfO{ Jojxf/df NofpFbf / jf:tljs ?kdf sfo{ ;Dkfbg
x'Fbf s]xL ;d:of pTkGg ePsf] b]lvG5 jf cg"e'lt ug{ ;lsG5 .
dxfn]vfk/LIfssf] %( cf}F k|ltjb]gdf ljZjljBfnosf] cfGtl/s cfonfO{ ggk/]6{e vftfdf hDdf u/L

;f] vftfaf6 lgsf;f lng] gu/]sf], w/f}6L lx;fa 5'§} vftfdf g/fv]sf], clwsfz+ lgsfon] a}+s lx;fa
ldnfg gu/]sf], ;Dkltsf] ef}lts ;+k/LIf0f gu/]sf], cfDbfgL / c;'nLsf] d"Nofª\sg gu/]sf] / aflif{s
nIo / k|ult k|ltj]bg gu/]sf] nufot Joxf]/f ut ljut jif{b]lv cf}Nofp+Fb} cfP tfklg ;'wf/ u/]sf]
5}g . k|rlnt n]vfk|0ffnL / 9fFrfdf ;'wf/ u/L cfly{s sf]/fjf/nfO{ kf/bzL{ / cg'zf;g agfpg'kb{5
-dxfn]vfk/LIfssf] %(cf}+ aflif{s k|ltjb]g, @)&(,k[=g+= $*!_ . o;/L x/]s jflif{s k|ltjb]gdf cfly{s
cg'zf;gsf af/]df s}lkmot hgfpF+b} cfPsf] 5 . nut a]?h'sf] cj:yfn] cfly{s cg'zf;g sfod
gePsf] b]lvP tfklg xfnsf] jif{df qmlds ?kdf a]?h' a9\g] b/ 36]sf] b]lvPsfn] cfly{s cg'zf;gdf
;'wf/f]Gd'v k|ult ePsf] b]lvG5 .
tflnsf g+= $
a]?h' / ;+k/LIf0fsf] k|ltj]bg

cfly{s jif{ k|ltj]bg g++ a]?h' ;+k/LIf0f ePsf] s}lkmot

@)&@.)&# %$ cf}{}+ cf=j= @)&@÷)&# b]lv
!^,^^$,%*(,)))=)) #(^,@@(,)))=))
a]?h' km5\of{}6sf nflu
@)&#.)&$ %% cf}{}+
!(,%#@,@@*,)))=)) !,)*(,@#&,)))=)) cfwf/x? tof/ ul/Psf] .
ljZjljBfno :yfkgf
@)&$.)&% %^ cf} !,@((,@!^,)))=)) sfnb]lv sDKo'6/
k|ljlwaf6 Plss[t
@)&%.)&^ %& cf}
@*,^&!,($(,)))=)) *(^,^*!,)))=)) a]?h' nut k|0ffnLsf]
Joj:yfkg ePsf] h;n]
#,^*!,#^#,)))=)) ubf{ ljZjljBfnosf] s'g
lgsfodf s'g k|s[ltsf]
@)&^.)&& %* cf} a]?h' /x]sf] 5 eGg] tYo
@$,@^*,&*%,)))=)) %,#$),*##,)))=))
:ki6 ePnut} a]?h’
@)&&.)&* %( cf}+ @^,^*,#(,%!,)))=)) ^(,$(,#&,)))=)) km5\of{}6 sfo{df lgs}
@)&*.)&( ^) cf}+ @^,$(,%!,!),)))=)) – ;xh ePsf] .
;|f]t M dxfn]vfk/LIfssf] sfof{no jflif{s k|ltjb]g
o; a]?h' cª\sn] ljZjljBnosf] cfly{s cg'zf;gsf] Joj:yfkgdfly k|ZglrGx v8f ul//x]sf] 5 .
tyflk a]?h' cª\s 36\g] qmddf /x]sfn] cfznfUbf] kl/0ffd b]lvPsf] 5 .
ljBdfg ef}lts tyf ljQLo ljj/0fx?af6 ;|f]t Pj+ ;fwgsf] ljlgof]hg / ;f]af6 k|fKt pknlAwaf/]
ljZjljBfnon] PsLs[t ?kdf k|ult k|ltj]bg tof/ kfg{ sl7gfO x'g' / ;/f]sf/jfnfx?nfO{ cfjZos
kg]{ ljQLo tYofÍ k|bfg ug{sf nflu pQm ljBdfg n]vf sfo{ k|0ffnLdf kl/dfh{g ug'{kg]{df b]vL xfn}
n]vf lgb]{lzsf ;ldltn] pQm n]vf k|0ffnLnfO{ kl/dfh{g u/L lqe'jg ljZjljBfno n]vf sfo{ljlw
lgb]{lzsf @)*) lgdf{0f u/]sf] 5 . To; lgb]{lzssfn] ljZjljBfnosf] ljQLo ljj/0fsf] k|:t'tLs/0fsf]

Joj:yfkgnfO{ oyfy{ ?kdf lrq0f ug]{ p2]Zon] o; n]vf lgb]l{ zsfsf] lgdf{0f ul/Paf6 cfly{s cg'zf;gdf
dxTjk"0f{ 6]jf k'Ug]5 ;fy} cfly{s tYofÍ Joj:yfkg oyf{yk/s / lgod;ª\ut tj/n] ug{ ;s]df dfq
ljZjljBfnon] cfly{s lbuf] ljsf;sf of]hgfx? Pj+ ljZjljBfnosf] ljsf;sf] nflu cfly{s gLltx?
lgdf{0f ug{ ;lsG5 . o;} cjwf/0ff adf]lhd cfly{s sf/f]af/x?sf] cy{k"0f{ k|ult ljj/0f tof/ ug{
;lsg] u/L o; n]vf sfo{ljlw lgb]{lzsf lgdf{0f ul/Psf]n] 7Ls ;dodf 7Ls dfqfdf 7Ls kIfnfO{
cfjZostfcg'?k cfly{s ;"rgf lbgfsf ;fy} kf/bzL{k"j{s cfly{s ljj/0fx? to ug{;lsg] ck]Iff
/fVg;lsG5 .
cfpFbf] cfly{s jif{bl] v kl/dfh{g ul/Psf] n]vf sfo{k|0ffnLcg';f/ ljB'tLo PsLs[t n]vf Joj:yfkg to
ul/g] gLltcg';f/ cfly{s ljj/0f ;do;fk]If tyf tf]lsPsf] ;dodf g} s]Gb|Lo cfly{s ljj/0f tof/L tyf
;f]sf] ljZn]if0f u/L ljZljBfnosf] gLlt tyf sfo{qmd / of]hgfsf] nflu ;dodfg} cfjZos ;"rgfx?
pknAw u/fpg ;lsg] b]lvPsfn] cflYf{s cg'zf;gdf csf{] ;'wf/fTds df]8af6 cufl8 hfg] b]lvG5 .
cfly{s Joj:yfkgsf] If]q
;fj{hlgs ;+:yfgdf cfly{s k|zf;gsf] If]q a[xt\ ?kdf km}lnPsf] x'G5 . ;/f]sf/jfnfx?k|lt a9L
lhDd]jf/ / hafkmb]lxtf;lxt o; k|zf;gdf b]xfocg';f/sf] sfo{If]qdf lg/Gt/ sfo{ ;Dkfbg ub{5 .
;fj{hlgs ;+:yfdf sf]if Joj:yfkgsf] dxTjk"0f{ e"ldsf /x]sf] /xG5 . ;]jf u|fxL efjgfaf6 :yflkt o;
;+:yfgdf k'FhL nufgLsf] Joj:yf gx'g] ePsfn] x/]s vr{sf] nfly sf]if :yfkgf u/L To;} sf]ifaf6 vr{
Joj:yfkg ul/g] x'gfn] sfo{ bIftfk"j{s sf]ifsf] :yfkgf, sf]ifsf] ;'b[9Ls/0f / sf]ifaf6 ul/g] vr{sf]
k|efjsf/L ljt/0f g} cfly{s k|zf;gsf] d'Vo sfo{If]q xf] .
;+:yfgnfO{ k|fKt x'g] h'g;'s} ;|f]taf6 x'g] cfDbfgL sf]ifsf] cfut k|jfx -Cash In Flow_ elgG5 eg]
To; sf]ifaf6 ePsf] vr{nfO{ sf]ifsf] lgut k|jfx -Cash out Flow_ elgG5 . cfly{s k|zf;gsf] bfloTj
eg]sf] sf]if :ykgfsf] ;'?df lglZrt /sdsf] sf]if v8f ul/G5 / To; sf]ifaf6 ePsf] vr{ zf]wegf{
u/L sf]ifsf] df}HbftnfO{ oyfjt\ jf j[lå ub}{ nfg'kb{5 . ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfgdf gub Joj:yfkgnfO{
cfly{s k|zf;gsf] cToflws dxTjk"0f{ sfo{If]qsf] ?kdf lnOg] ub{5 . o;cGt{ut gubsf] t/ntf,
Go"gtd gubsf] Joj:yfkg, l:y/ gub Joj:yfkg cflb sfo{ kb{5g\ . lglZrt cjlwsf] ljZn]if0f ub}{
kof{Kt gubsf] df}Hbft /fvL c? lgwf{l/t If]qdf nufgL ug]{ jftfj/0f agfpFb} sf]ifsf] cfodf j[lå ug{'
g} cfly{s k|zf;gsf] bIftf xf] .
lqe'jg ljZjljBfno P]g, @)$( sf] bkmf 5 -h_, bkmf !) -r_ / bkmf #$n] lbPsf] clwsf/ k|of]u
u/L agfPsf] lqe'jg ljZjljBfno cfly{s Joj:yfkg tyf vl/b;DaGwL lgod @)%) sf] kl/R5]b
*, n]vf;DaGwL Joj:yf lgod #&, #*, #(, $), $! lqe'jg ljZjljBfnodf n]vf k|0fflnsf] Joj:yf
b]xfocg';f/sf] Joj:yfkg;lxt to u/]sf] 5 M
-s_ ljZjljBfnodf x'g] ;Dk"0f{ cfly{s;Fu ;DalGwt sfdsf/afxLsf] n]vfg ug'{ .
-v_ jf:tljs tyf :ki6 ?kdf b]lvg] u/L /Lt k'¥ofO{ n]vf cBfjlws /fVg' .
-u_ kmfF6jf/L tyf k|ltj]bg ;Dkif]0f -dfl;s, rf}dfl;s, cw{ jflif{s / jflif{s_
-3_ n]vfk/LIf0f tyf a]?h' km5\of}{6 tyf a]?h' nut Joj:yfkg
g]kfn ;/sf/ cfly{s sfo{ljlw P]g @)%%, lqe'jg ljZjljBfno cfly{s Joj:yfkg tyf vl/b;DaGwL
lgod @)%) tyf k|rlnt sfg'g, P]g, lgodaf6 lgb]{lzt eO{ o; ljZjljBfnodf cfly{s Joj:yfkg
sfo{ k|efsfl/tfsf ;fy ;~rfng eO/x]sf] 5 . cfly{s ;'zf;g cfly{s j[låsf] a9f]Q/L ug{ cfly{s
;|f]t ;fwgx?sf] sfo{bIftfk"j{s sfo{ jftfj/0fnfO{ ;anLs/0f ug]{ Pj+ v'nf / k|lt:kwf{Tds cfly{s
gLlt cflbsf] to ub}{ pknAw ;|f]t / ;fwgsf] pRrtd kl/rfng ug{ lgtfGt cfjZos 5 . lqe'jg
ljZjljBfno klg ;fj{hlgs lgsfo x'g'sf ;fy} Pj+ ljz'4 k|fl1s ;+:yf xf] . o; ljZjljBfnosf
SofDk; tyf sfof{nox? b]zel/ :yflkt eO{ a[xt\ cfsf/df /x]sf x'gfn] o; ;+:yfdf cfly{s
sf/f]af/x? cg'zfl;t, cBfjlws / kf/bzL{ x'g' Ps clgjfo{ ;t{ xf] eg] cfly{s cg'zf;g Pj+
kf/bzL{tfsf] k|Tofe"lt cfly{s Joj:yfkgn] k|ltlalDat ug]{ x'gfn] ;do;fk]If j}1flgs 9ª\uaf6 cBfjlws
ub}{ nfg' ljZjljBfnosf] Ps dxTjk0f{ sfo{ xf] . lqe'jg ljZjljBfnonfO{ klg ;/sf/L cg'bfgdf
cfwfl/t ;~rflnt :jfoQtf k|fKt ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] ?kdf g]kfnsf] ;/sf/n] ah]6sf] Joj:yf
ub{} cfPsf] 5 . k|fKt ah]6sf] ;d'lrt k|of]u / o;sf] kf/bzL{tfsf ;fy kl/rfng tyf pkof]udf
NofpFb} ljZjljBfno;Fu /x]sf] ef}lts tyf u}/ef}lts ;Dkltsf] clwstd k|of]u u/L ljZjljBfnonfO{
cfly{s ?kdf ;an agfpFb} lbuf] ljsf;sf;fy k|lt:kwf{Tds ;Ifdtf clej[l4 ug'{ cfly{s k|zf;gsf]
dxTjk"0f{ p2]Zo xf] .
cfly{s cg'zf;gdf ;'wf/sf k|of;x?
k|f=8f= w|'js'df/ uf}td, -@)*)_, æcfly{s tyf k|zf;lgs kynfO{ kf/bzL{, ldtJooL tyf r':t b'?:t
agfpg ;do;fk]If ;'b[9, ;Ifd/ k|efjsf/L Pj+ glthfd'vL agfpg Pj+ cfly{s cg';fzg sfod /fVg
k|ljlw d}qL x'g' clgjfo{ ;t{ xf] .Æ o; egfOn] cfly{s cg'zf;g sfod /fVg clgjfo{ ?kdf ljB'tLo
k|zf;gsf] gLlt cjnDaGg ug}k{ g]{ b]lvG5 . ljBdfg cfly{s cg'zf;gdf ePsf sdLsdhf]/Lx?nfO{ x6fpg
tyf pNn]vgLo ;'wf/ ug{ y'k|} k|of;x? ePsf 5g\ tyflk ljZjljBfnodf cEo:t ePsf] ;ª\u7gfTds
;+:sf/, ;ª\u7gfTds hl6n ;+/rgf, sfo{ ug]{ k|j[lQ, gLltlgoddf bf]xf]/f]kg Pj+ lglb{i6tfdf sdL,
cfly{s sf]/fjf/ tyf n]vfËsgdf j}1flgs Pj+ ljB'tLo k|ljlwsf] sd k|of]u cflb ljz]iftfn] ubf{
ck]lIft ;'wf/ cfpg ;s]sf] 5}g . ljZjljBfnosf k|fl1s ultljlwnfO{ cGo c;fGble{s ultljlwn]
cfjZostfeGbf a9L k|efj kfl//x]sfn] k|ToIf / k/f]If ?kdf cfly{s Joj:yfkgdf hl6ntf yk]sf] 5
-sfo{qmd tyf ah]6, @)&(_ . oL r'gf}tLx? x'Fbfx'Fb} klg b]xfocg';f/ ;'wf/sf lgldQ ljZjljBfnon]
gLlt tyf sfo{qmd to ug'{sf ;fy} ljz]if sfo{of]hgfx? klg lgdf{0f ul/Psf 5g\ M
• ljB'tLo cfly{s tyf k|zf;lgs sfo{ ;~rfngdf ;xhLs/0f ug{ ;'? ul/;s]sf] x'Fbf
ljZljBfnosf lgsfox?aLr l56f] ;Dks{ sfod ug{, ljQLo ljj/0f cWofjlws ug{, b}lgs
z}lIfs tyf k|zf;lgs sfo{ ;'rf? ?kn] ;~rfng ug{ ;an / ;Ifd x'g] ljZjf; lnPsf] 5'
-sfo{qmd tyf ah]6, @)&(, k[=g+=em_ eGg] pNn]v ePcg';f/ k|ljlwd}qL cfly{s Joj:yfkgn]
cfly{s cg'zf;gdf sf]N6] km]g]{ ck]Iff;lxt gLlt to u/]sf] 5 .
• lqe'jg ljZjljBfnon] PsLs[t cfly{s Joj:yfkg ;"rgf k|0ffnL agfpg] lg0f{o;Fu} k|ljlw d}qL
cfly{s Joj:yfkgsf] dfWodaf6 cfly{s cg'zf;g sfod ug{ pNn]vgLo sbd aGg ;Sg]
b]lvPsf] .
• lqe'jg ljZjljBfnon] z"Go a]?h' agfpg] lgsfox?nfO{ k'/:sf/ lbg] gLltkZrft\ cfly{s
cg'zf;g pNn]vgLo k|ult x'g] nIo /flvPsf] 5 .
• lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf] cfly{s sf/f]af/sf] n]vf k|0ffnL @)%! nfO{ kl/dfh{g u/L lqe'jg
ljZjljBfno n]vf lgb]{lzsf @)*) lgdf{0f ul/Psf] 5 . h;n] cfly{s sf/f]af/sf] oyf{yk/s
lrq0f ugf{sf ;fy} ljQLo k|ltj]bg kf/bzL{k"j{s lgdf{0f ul/g] 5 .
• ah]6sf] ;d'lrt k|of]usf] k|Tofe"ltsf] nflu k'FhLut ah]6sf] ;xL k|of]u olsg ug{ ljz]if
sfo{;Dkfbg d"Nofª\sg of]hgf tof/ kfg]{ gLlt cjnDag u/]sf] 5 . ;fy} qmdfut sfo{qmdx?sf]
k|fyldstfsf nflu ljz]if cfwf/ tof/ kfl/g] 5 .
• PsLs[t a]?h' nut 8f6fa]; tof/ u/]sf] / ;f]cg'?k ljz]if 6f]nL;lxtsf] Joj:yfkgdf a]?h'
;+k/LIf0fsf] k|ult pGd'v nIo;lxt sfo{ yfngL ul/Psf] .
• cfly{s lxgfldgf tyf zª\sf:kb If]qdf ljz]if ;ldltx? u7g ul/ 5fglag sfo{ eO/x]sf] .
• a}+s lx;fa ldnfgnfO{ lgoldttf lbg ljz]if sfo{of]hgf agfO{ ah]6 lgsf;f Joj:yfkg u/]sf] .
oL sbdx?sf ;fy;fy} cfly{s k|zf;g dxfzfvfn] cGo ljz]if kxnx? u/]sf 5g\ . ljB'tLo k|ljlwsf]
k|of]u ub}{ cfly{s cg'zf;g sfod ug{ Ps pRr:t/Lo ;ldlt agfO{ b]xfocg';f/ sfo{ txut ?kdf
yfngL ul/g] -x'dfufO{+, k|d'v, cfly{s k|zf;g dxfzfvf, @)*)_ .
!= cfly{s sf/f]af/df ;~rfng /x]sf] ljBdfg ;km\6j]o/x?sf] cWoog u/L lj:t[t cfly{s
;'rf+ssf;lxt PsLs[t cfly{s Joj:yfkg ;"rgf k|0ffnL lgdf{0f ul/g] h;n] ubf{ tf]lsPsf]
;dodf g} cfly{s k|ult k|ltj]bgx? tof/ kfl/g] nIo lnPsf] 5 .
@= cfly{s jif{sf] ;'?df g} ljZjljBfnosf] cfly{s kIfsf] ljZn]if0f u/L cfDbfgL vr{sf] oyfy{
lrq0f ul/gfsf ;fy} w/f}6L tyf bfloTj, k]:sL cflb k|f]befjL -Accrual_ sf/f]af/sf] ;dodfg}
Joj:yfkg ul/g] .
#= lgoldt ?kdf cfly{s ljj/0f tyf df:s]jf/Lsf] lgoldt cg'udg tyf lgoGq0f ul/g] 5 .
o; k|sf/ ljZjljBnfosf] gLlt tyf sfo{qmddf cfly{s cg'zf;g;DaGwL gLltx? X'g', ljZjljBfnosf
kbflwsf/Lx? o;k|lt ;hu x'Fb} ljleGg kxn ug'{ / lqe'jg ljZjljBfno cfly{s k|zf;g dxfzfvf
k|d'v Pj+ n]vfk/LIf0f dxfzfvf, k|d'v cfly{s lgodttf / cg'zf;gdf k|lta4 /xg'n] qmdzM cfly{s
cg'zf;g sfod /fVg ljz]if kxnx? ul/g] b]lvPsf] 5 . oBlk tbg'?k yk sbdx? rflnPdf
;f]r]cg'?k k|ult k|fKt ug{ ;lsG5 .
• sfo{ ;Dkfbg;DaGwL lhDd]jf/L, hafkmb]lxtf tyf sfo{ ;Dkfbgsf] cfwf/df k'/:sf/ tyf
;hfosf] Joj:yf ul/g' kb{5 .
• s]Gb«Ls[t sG;N6]G;L ;]jf Joj:yfkg x'g'kg]{ -s]Gb|Lo Joj:yfkgdf_
• k|zf;lgs bIftfsf -Administration Efficiencies_ nflu z}lIfs tyf ;fdfGo k|zf;gsf]
ljB'tLo PsLs[t k|zf;gsf] cjwf/0ffcg';f/ k|zf;lgs ;+/rgfx?sf] kl/dfh{g ul/g'kg]{
-Administration Reengineering_
• z}lIfs tyf ;ª\u7g lgodfg';f/ ljZjljBfnosf] ;+/rgf kl/j{tgdf clgjfo{ ?kdf cfly{s
tyf dfgj ;+;wfg kIfsf] ljZn]if0f;lxt of]hgf tof/sf] cfwf/df dfq sfo{qmd, ljefu, :s'n
jf cGo s'g} ;+/rgfsf] yk 36 x'g'kg]{ .
• ljZjljBfnosf] ;jf{ª\uL0f ljsf; tyf p2]Zo k"lt{sf nflu ;DalGwt lgsfo tyf ;/f]sf/jfnf
kIfaLr ;dGjo, ;xsfo{ / Pstfj4 x'g' h?/L 5 .
• gLltut lg0f{odf Ps?ktf / Ps4f/ k|0ffnL x'g' cfly{s cg'zf;gsf] nflu lgtfGt cfjZos
tYo xf] . o;y{ ljBdfg ;Dk"0f{ sfo{ljlwsf] k'g/fjf]nsg x'gkb{5 .
lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf lzIffWoIf k|f= 8f= lzjnfn e';fnn] cfly{s k|zf;g dxfzfvfn] cgnfOg ah]6
dfkm{t k|ljlwd}qL k|zf;gsf] cf}lrTo k'li6 u/]sf] atfpFb} ah]6dfkm{t gLlt tyf sfo{qmdsf] Jojxfl/s
sfo{fGjog ug{ ;Da4 kIfnfO{ cg'/f]w ug{e' of] -l6=o=' kf]:6 @)&*_ . xfn}sf jif{x?df lqe'jg ljZjljBfno
of]hgf lgb]{zgfnodfkm{t bL3{sfnLg of]hgfx? to ub}{ ljZjljBfnonfO{ g]kfnsf] pTs[i6 pRr lzIff
s]Gb«sf] ynf]sf] ?kdf ljsf; ug{ tTk/ /x]sf] b]lvG5 . k|f=8f= w|'js'df/ uf}td, -@)*)_ sf] cleJolQm
cg';f/ lqlj sLlt{k'/nfO{ k|fl1s pTs[i6tfsf] s]Gb| (Center for excellence) cg'?k ef}lts ;+/rgf
;'wf/, gS;fª\sg tyf k|fl1s ls|ofsnfk ;+nUg ug{ g]kfn ;/sf/n] gLlt tyf sfo{qmddf tf]lsPadf]lhd
cufl8 a9]df k|fl1s pGgog e} pTs[i6 ljZjljBfnosf ?kdf cl3 a9\g] :ki6 dfu{{lrq b]vf k/]sf]
5 .Æ cljnDa ljz]if sfo{of]hgf;lxt cfly{s cg'zf;g, k|ljlwd}qL k|zf;g / k|lta4 sfo{ jftfj/0f
agfpg' kg]{ ckl/xfo{tf b]lvG5 .
cfly{s sfo{ljlw P]g @)%%, lqe'jg ljZjljBfno cfly{s Joj:yfkg tyf vl/b;DaGwL lgod @)%) tyf
k|rlnt sfg'g, P]g, lgodaf6 lgb]{lzt eO{ o; ljZjljBfnodf cfly{s Joj:yfkg sfo{ k|efsfl/tfsf
;fy ;~rfng eO/x]sf] 5 . cfly{s ;'zf;g cfly{s j[låsf] a9f]Q/L ug{ cfly{s ;|f]t ;fwgx?sf]
sfo{ bIftfk"j{s sfo{ jftfj/0fnfO{ ;anLs/0f ug]{ Pj+ v'nf / k|lt:kwf{Tds cfly{s gLlt cflbsf]
to ub}{ pknAw ;|f]t / ;fwgsf] pRrtd kl/rfng ug{ lgtfGt cfjZos 5 . lqe'jg ljZjljBfno
klg ;fj{hlgs lgsfo x'g'sf ;fy} Pj+ ljz'4 k|fl1s ;+:yf xf] . o; ljZjljBfnosf] SofDk; tyf
sfof{nox? b]zel/ :yflkt eO{ a[xt\ cfsf/df /x]sf x'gfn] o; ;+:yfdf cfly{s sf/f]af/x? cg'zfl;t,
cBfjlws / kf/bzL{ x'g' Ps clgjfo{ ;t{ xf] eg] cfly{s cg'zf;g Pj+ kf/blz{tfsf] k|Tofe"lt cfly{s
Joj:yfkgn] k|ltlalDat ug]{ x'gfn] ;do;fk]If j}1flgs 9ª\uaf6 cBfjlws ub}{ nfg' ljZjljBfnosf]
Ps dxTjk"0f{ sfo{ xf] . d'Voto, cfly{s cg'zf;g sfod /fVg ljZjljBfnosf] l;Ëf] k|zf;g g}
hjfkmb]xL /xg'kb{5 ;fy} P]g lgod tyf tf]lsPsf] sfo{ k|0ffnL cg'?k lgodt?kdf ;dofjlwleq
k|ltj]bg k|:t'lts/0f ug]{ / ;f] cg'?kg ;'w/fTds sbdsf] nflu k|s[of cjnDag ug]{ ;+:sf/ /
k|0ffnLsf] ljsf; ul/g' kb{5 .
lqe'jg ljZjljBfnonfO{ klg ;/sf/L cg'bfgdf cfwfl/t ;~rflnt :jfoQk|fKt ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf]
?kdf g]kfnsf] ;/sf/n] ah]6sf] Joj:yf ub{} cfPsf] 5 . k|fKt ah]6sf] ;d'lrt k|of]u / o;sf]
kf/blz{tfsf ;fy kl/rfng tyf pkof]udf NofpFb} ljZjljBfno;Fu /x]sf] ef}lts tyf u}/ef}lts
;Dkltsf] clwstd k|of]u u/L ljZjljBfnonfO{ cfly{s ?kdf ;an agfpFb} lbuf] ljsf;sf ;fy
k|lt:kwf{Tds ;Ifdtf clej[l4 ug'{ cfly{s k|zf;gsf] dxTjk"0f{ p2]Zo xf] .
;Gbe{ ;fdu|L;"rL
uf}td, w|'js'df/ -@)*)_= k|ljlwd}qL k|zf;lgs Joj:yfkg / cfly{s cg'zf;g -cGtjf{tf{ @)*).)!.@%_
uf}td, eLdnfn -@)&*_= ;d[l4, ;kgf / lqe'jg ljZjljBfno, uf]/vfkq b}lgs, sf7df8f}+ g]kfn
lqlj -@)&*_= lqe'jg ljZjljBfno cf=j= @)&* / )&( sf nflu lq=lj= ;efaf6 kfl/t sfo{qmd tyf
ah]6, lqe'jg ljZjljBfno 5fkvfgf, sLlt{k'/ sf7df8f}+, g]kfn
lqlj -@)&*_= lqe'jg ljZjljBnfo ah]6 Joj:yfkg cGt/lqmof sfo{qmd, lqe'jg ljZjljBnfo l6=o'=
cgnfOg ;"rgf kf]:6
; TU Post, 2078
lqlj -@)&(_= lqe'jg ljZjljBfno cf=j= @)&( / )*) sf nflu lqlj ;efaf6 kfl/t sfo{qmd tyf
ah]6, lqe'jg ljZjljBfno 5fkvfgf, sLlt{k'/ sf7df8f}+, g]kfn
gful/s va/ -@)&#_= lqe'jg ljZjljBfno / ;kgfM gful/s cgnfOg b}lgs va/ klqsf, sf7df8f}+
lghfdtL va/ -@)&(_= cfly{s j[l4 / cfly[s ljsf;M lghfdtL cgnfOg va/ klqsf, sf7df8f}+ g]
kGyL /fh]Gb« -@)&(_= clg s;/L ;'lw|of]; lqe'jg ljZjljBfno, cgnfOg va/
dxfn]vfk/LIfssf] sfof{no, -@)&%_= pgfG;f7Lcf}+ aflif{s n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltjb]g, dxfn]vf k/LIfssf]
sfof{no sf7df8f}+, g]kfn
dxfn]vfk/LIfssf] sfof{no, -@)&^_= pgfG;f7Lcf}+ aflif{s n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltjb]g, dxfn]vf k/LIfssf]
sfof{no sf7df8f}+, g]kfn
dxfn]vfk/LIfssf] sfof{no, -@)&&_= pgfG;f7Lcf}+ aflif{s n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltjb]g, dxfn]vf k/LIfssf]
sfof{no sf7df8f}+, g]kfn
dxfn]vfk/LIfssf] sfof{no, -@)&(_= pgfG;f7Lcf}+ aflif{s n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltjb]g, dxfn]vf k/LIfssf]
sfof{no sf7df8f}+, g]kfn
dxfn]vfk/LIfssf] sfof{no, -@)&*_= pgfG;f7Lcf}+ aflif{s n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltjb]g, dxfn]vf k/LIfssf]
sfof{no sf7df8f}+, g]kfn
>]i7, k'ikgf/fo0f -@)*)_= a]?h' Jojf:yfkg / cfly{s cg'zf;g -cGtjf{tf{ @)*).)!.!&_
x'dfufO{, s'df/k|;fb -@)*)_= k|ljlwd}qL cfly{s Joj:yfkg / cfly{s cg'zf;g -cGtjf{tf{ @)*).)!.@)_
IN HIGHER EDUCATION PROGRAM (NEHEP). University Grant Commission, Sanothimi,
UNIVERSITIES IN NEPAL- Educational Quality Assurance and Accreditation Council,
University Grant Commission, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur April 2022

lqljdf ljBdfg s/f/ lzIfsx¿sf] ;d:ofsf] k|s[lt,
lg¿k0f / sfg'gL kIfsf] ljj]rgf
;xk|f= ljgf]b hf]zL*

lqe'jg ljZjljBfnodf hsl8P/ /x]sf au|]NtL ;d:ofx?dWo] s/f/df sfo{/t lzIfsx?sf] ;d:of
klg Ps k|d'v, 68\sf/f], dfgjLo b[li6n] ;+a]bgzLn / k|fl1s b[li6df nHhf:kb ;d:of xf] t/
æef]sfn] eG5 8fF8f jf/L vfpF, c3fPsfn] eG5 8fF8fkf/L vfpFÆ eg]em}F u/L s/f/df sfo{/t lzIfsx?sf
;d:ofnfO{ 7fn" lrGtgsf cfwf/df lgwf/df kfFr d'hf kg]{ u/L lrGtgzLn eO{6f]kNg] af}l4s hdftsf]
s'g} v8]/L 5}g . cQ/ 5ls{P/ af:gfbf/ agfOPsf sfuhsf km"nx?af6 lg;[t ;'uGwdf hLjg bz{gsf]
hLjGttf vf]Hg] xf] eg] xfd|f ;d:ofx?sf] ;dfwfg ;Dej 5}g . To;n] t lg/k]If ;dfgtf / cfbz{sf]
asf]{ cf]9]/ bngsf] efio lgdf{0f ug]{5 . log} tYox?nfO{ dgg ub}{ g'g, lrgL / kfgLsf] :jfbnfO{
kf/vLx?n] cfkm} rfv'g\ / :jfb lnpg\ eGg] p2]Zon] s/f/ ;]jfdf sfo{/t lzIfsx?sf ;d:ofx?sf]
tYok"0f{ ?kdf k|:t't ug]{ hdsf]{ o; n]vdf ul/Psf] 5 .
s/f/df sfo{/t lzIfsx?nfO{ ljz]if k/LIffsf] Joj:yf ug{' plrt xf] jf xf]Og eGg] ;DaGwdf;Ddflgt
;jf]{Rr cbfntsf] JofVof o:tf] 5– æ====d"ntM ;dfgtf eg]sf] ;dfgx?aLrsf] ;dfgtf g} xf] . o;
cy{df ;dfg x}l;ot / cj:yfdf /x]sf s'g} vf; ;d"xdf ljz]if ;'ljwf jf xs k|bfg ug]{ u/L
sfg'g lgdf{0f ug{' / ;f] ;d"xdf gkg]{ JolQmx?nfO{ ;f] clwsf/ k|bfg gug{' g} ;dfgtfsf] ljk/Lt
ePsf] dfGg ldNb}g . s'g} vf; ;d"xx?nfO{ dfq clwsf/ k|bfg ug]{ u/L lgdf{0f ul/Psf] sfg'g
tfls{s / ljj]s;Ddt juL{s/0fdf cfwfl/t 5 eg] To:tf] sfg'g ;dfgtfsf] l;4fGtsf] cg's"n g}
/x]sf] dfGg'kb{5 . s'g} vf; p2]Zo k|flKtsf nflu jf ;d:of ;dfwfgsf nflu ljz]if sfg'gL Joj:yf
ug{ sfg'g lgdf{tfnfO{ ;dfgtfsf] l;4fGt afws aGg ;Sb}g .=====Æ
To;/L g} ljz]if k/LIffsf] Joj:yfn] k|lt:kwf{sf dfWodaf6 cfpg rfxg]x?sf] ;dfgtfsf] xs xgg
x'G5 eGg] ts{ ug]{x?nfO{ ;jf]{Rr cbfntsf] hafkm o:tf] 5– æ;f/df eGg'kbf{ JolQm JolQmx?aLr
wd{, j0f{, lnË, hfthflt, pTklQ, cf:yf h:tf s'g} klg cfwf/df e]befj gug{' g} ;dfgtf xf] t/
;+ljwfgdf Jojl:yt ;dfgtfsf] xsn] lg/k]If ;dfgtfsf] l;4fGtnfO{ cËLsf/ u/]sf] 5}g . ;dfg
cj:yfsf JolQmaLr ;dfg Jojxf/ ug]{ / ljz]if cj:yf / kl/l:ylt ePsf ju{nfO{ ;sf/fTds
lje]bsf] dfWodaf6 ljz]if ;+/If0f k|bfg u/L km/s Jojxf/ ug{ ;lsg] Joj:yf ;+ljwfgd} pNn]v
ePsfn] of] l;4fGtsf] k|of]u ;fk]lIft ?kdf x'g] eGg] b]lvG5 .Æ
zAbs'~hL M cjnDag, Ohnf;, pTk|]if0f, lgsf;f, kbf;Lg, k/dfb]z, aSof}tf, labfOsf] :j0f{ cj;/,
efio lgdf{0f, j[lQ ljsf; .

* ;xk|fWofks÷sfo{sf/L lgb]{zs, cGt//fli6«o ;DaGw s]Gb|, sLlt{k'/

;dfwfglagfsf s'g} ;d:of g} x'Fb}gg\ t/ ;d:ofsf] klxrfgsf ;DaGwdf lg/k]If / lg?k0fsf] ;DaGwdf
;sf/fTds b[li6sf]0f /flvPdf dfq} ;dfwfg ;Dej x'g;S5 . æd dfq} of]Uo 5', c?n] t s'/} kf] a'‰b}gg\Æ
egL 6f]kNg] / ;d:ofsf] klxrfg ug{c' ufj} gsf/fTds b[li6sf]0f lgdf{0f ug]x{ ?af6 ;d:ofsf] ;dfwfgsf]
t s'/} 5f]8f}F ;d:ofsf] ;xL klxrfg;Dd klg ;Dej 5}g . lqlj leqsf clwsf+z ;d:ofx?sf] ;dfwfg
c;Dej t 5Fb} 5}g t/ x/]s ;d:ofx?nfO{ cgfjZos ?kdf tf]8–d/f]8 ub}{ JolQmut :jfy{ k"lt{sf
nflu æefio lgdf{0fÆ ug]{ gsf/fTds k|j[lQn] ubf{ æs;f/ a6fg]{Æ k/Dk/f g} xfaL /x]sf] b]lvG5 . @)^!
;fnb]lv cfh;Dd cfpFbf klg jt{dfg ;dodf s/f/df sfo{/t lzIfsx?sf] ;d:of ;dfwfg gx'g'
nhf:kb t 5 g} t/ Tolt dfq} geO{ o;n] lqljsf] k|zf;lgs Ifdtf / g]t[Tjsf] b"/blz{tfdf;d]t
k|ZglrGx v8f u/]sf] cj:yf 5 .
s]xL lzIfsx?sf ;DaGwdf, ltgsf] of]Uotf, bIftf, lgi7f / cfr/0fdf ;d:of gePsf kSs} klg
gxf]nf t/ To:tf Psf–b'O{ gd'gfx?nfO{ ck|fdfl0fs pbfx/0fsf ?kdf k|:t't u/]/ cGo ;a}sf xsdf
rfa's nufO/xg s;/L ldN5 < To:tf Psf–b'O{ gd'gfx? t lqlj ;]jf cfof]un] kf/v u/]/ pTs[i6
7x/ u/]sf :yfoL tyf jl/i7dWo] klg gePsf t xf]Ogg\ xf]nf . au}Frfdf /f]lkPsf ;a} la?jf ;lk|Ps}
x'g'k5{ eGg] sxfF 5 / < a? ltgnfO{ 7fpF ;f/L ubf{ jf km/s 9ª\un] Joj:yfkg ubf{ ;sf/fTds
glthf k|fKt ug{ ;lsG5 ls eGg]tkm{ Wofg lbg' g} pko'Qm xf]nf . ;'Nemfpg] / aNemfpg] lgotsf aLr
aonL v]Nb} of] ;d:of /lx/xg' ;+:yfut lxtdf laNs'n} 5}g .
;d:ofsf] pb\ud
lqe'jg ljZjljßfnodf jt{dfg ;dodf sfod /x]sf] æs/f/ lzIfsÆ x?sf] ;d:ofsf] pb\ud sxfFaf6
s;/L z'? eof] eGg] tYo s]nfpg] xf] eg] ljleGg ;dodf lq=lj=P]gdf ePsf] kl/dfh{g, cgzgdf a;]sf
cf+lzs lzIfsx?nfO{ cgzg tf]8\g lq=lj=sf tkm{af6 lj=;+= @)^!÷)$÷^ df u7g ul/Psf] ;ldltn]
u/]sf] lnlvt clkn / ;f]eGbf cufj} ;d:of ;dfwfgsf nflu tTsfnLg lzIffWoIf k|f=8f= dx]Gb| l;+xsf]
;+of]hsTjdf ul7t & ;b:oLo æ;d:of ;dfwfg ;ldltÆ n] a'emfPsf] k|ltj]bg / pQm k|ltj]bgsf
cfwf/df l;kmfl/z sfof{Gjogsf nflu ldlt @)^!÷)$÷!& df a;]sf] lq=lj= sfo{sf/Lsf] a}7sn] u/]sf]
lg0f{o g+= ^$* df ;dfj]z ePsf % a'Fb] lg0f{ox? ;dflji6 clen]vx?sf] cWoog u/]df yk :ki6 x'g]
b]lvG5 . pQm ;dodf æsf];{ s/f/Æ sf dfWodaf6 ;d:of ;dfwfg ug]{ hdsf]{ lqljn] u/]sf] b]lvG5 t/
k6sk6ssf] cgzg, ;ª\3if{ / ;Demf}tfsf afah'b klg ;d:of ;dfwfgtkm{ pNn]vgLo sbd rfn]sf]
gb]lvPkl5 cGttM tTsfnLg cf+lzs k|fWofks ;ª\3sf pg} cWoIf >L gGblszf]/s'df/ -l;+x_ sf]
g]t[Tjdf k'gM @)^$ ;fndf cfd/0f cgzgdf uPsf] / tTsfnLg k|wfgdGqL lu/Lhfk|;fb sf]O/fnfåf/f
sf7df8f}Fsf] /Tgkfs{df cgzg a;]sf cgzgsf/L cf+lzs lzIfsx?nfO{ h'; VjfP/ cgzg tf]8fO{
;d:of ;dfwfgsf nflu dGqLkl/ifb\nfO{ lgb]{zg ePadf]lhd tTsfnLg cy{dGqL, lzIff tyf v]ns'b
dGqL / ;"rgf tyf ;~rf/ /fHodGqL;lxtsf] # ;b:oLo ;ldlt u7g ePsf] / ;f]xL ;ldltsf] ;'emfj
/ lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf] dfuadf]lhd ldlt @)^$÷!!÷@! sf] cy{ dGqfnosf] kqdf ;/sf/sf] cfly{s
bfloTj x'g]u/L ()) ± $*) u/L s"n !#*) cf+lzs lzIfsx?nfO{ k"0f{sfnLg b/aGbLdf s/f/ ;]jfdf
n}hfg] lg0f{o ePsf] kq k|fKt ePsf] b]lvG5 .

o; kl5sf lbgx?df s/f/ ;]jfdf sfo{/t lzIfsx?nfO{ pkk|fWofks;/xsf] kbdf n}hfg ldNg]u/L
tna ldnfg ug]{ cfwf/df b/aGbL ;ª\Vof 36fP/ ldnfg ug]{u/L k6sk6s rnv]n eP . ljZjljßfno
Joj:yfkg ug]{ lhDd]jf/Ldf /x]sf tTsfnLg z}lIfs Pj+ k|zf;lgs g]t[Tjn] lqljnfO{ cfjZos ePhlt
b/aGbL lbg] tTsfnLg ;sf/sf] cfZjf;g x'Fbfx'Fb} klg lhDd]jf/Lk"js
{ sfo{ u/]sf] b]lvPg . a? tTsfnLg
lq=lj= g]t[Tjn] ælbFbf gvfg], /ftL p7]/ sf]n rf6\g]Æ g]kfnL pvfg rl/tfy{ x'g]u/L a]nf 38\lsPkl5
dfq} b/aGbL gk'u ePsf] ;DaGwdf xf]xNnf u/]sf] b]lvG5 .
;d:ofsf] k|s[lt
█ clxn];Dds} cj:yfnfO{ x]g]{ xf] eg] klg Psflt/ s/f/ ;]jfdf sfo{/t k|fWofksx?nfO{ ;dfof]hg
ug{ ;lsg] u/L b/aGbL g} gvf]Ng], ;doa4 ?kdf k|lt:kwf{sf nflu cfjZostfcg';f/sf ljifodf
lj1fkg ug{ g;Sg], u/]sf lj1fkgx?sf] klg ;dodf k/LIff gx'g], k|lt:kwf{sf nflu lj1fkg
ug]{ ;dodf jf lj1fkg e};s]kl5 k/LIffsf sfo{ljlw / dfkb08x?df kl/jt{g ug]{h:tf sfo{x?
gePsf xf]Ogg\ . pk/f]Qm cj:yfn] ubf{ clxn];Dd klg sl/a #@% hgf lzIfsx? s/f/ ;]jfdf
g} sfo{/t /x]sf] b]lvG5 . lqlj k|zf;gnfO{ eg] o;sf] 7\ofSs} hfgsf/L 5 eGg] s'/fdf zª\sf
ug]{ cfwf/x? k|z:t} /x]sf 5g\ .
█ s/f/ ;]jfdf sfo{/t lzIfsx?n] lqlj lgodfg';f/ g} tnadfg, u|]8 j[l4 / k]G;g afx]ssf
cGo ;]jf;'ljwf kfpg] Joj:yf /x]sf] 5 . o;sf nflu g]kfn ;/sf/, cy{ dGqfnoaf6 ;f]xL
zLif{sdf cltl/Qm /sd lgsf;f ug]{ Joj:yf ePsf] 5 t/ ljleGg axfgfdf pk/f]Qm zLif{sdf
lqljnfO{ k|fKt x'g'kg]{ /sd cy{ dGqfno;Fu g} aSof}tf /x]sf] / cy{ dGqfnoaf6 nfdf] ;dob]lv
pQm zLif{sdf /sd lgsf;f gePsf] eGg] ul/G5 t/ To;f] xf] eg] klg To;f] x'g'df sfo{/t
lzIfsx?nfO{ bf]iff/f]k0f ug{ lsdfy{ ldNb}g . cfly{s k|zf;gn] lng'kg]{ bfloTjsf nflu s/f/df
sfo{/t lzIfsx?nfO{ bf]ifefuL b]vfpg] u/L ePsf] æefio lgdf{0fÆ n] klg ;d:of ;dfwfgk|ltsf]
pbf;Lgtf b]vfpF5 .
█ s/f/cGtu{tsf] b/aGbL tTsfnLg ;dodf sfo{/t cf+lzs lzIfsx?sf] 6fpsf] u0fgfsf] cfwf/df
lbg]u/L Joj:yf ePsf] / s/f/df sfo{/t lzIfs h]–h:tf];s' } sf/0fn] ;]jf lgj[Q ePklg lgwf{l/t
b/aGbL ;ª\Vof;d]t ;dfKt x'g] Joj:yf /x]sfn] s/f/ lzIfsx?sf] Joj:yfkg ug]{ k|ls|ofn]
gjk|j]zL k|lt:kwL{x?sf] cj;/ vf]l;g] ts{ klg o'lQm;ª\ut /x]sf] b]lvGg t/ ljleGg ;dodf
ljleGg vfn] ;/f]sf/ ;d"xx?n] cbfntdf d'2f xfn]/ jf lj/f]wsf sfo{qmdx?dfkm{t s/f/df
sfo{/t lzIfsx?sf ;DaGwdf e|dk"0f{ æefio lgdf{0fÆ ub}{ cfPsf] kfOG5 . pk/f]Qm ;DaGwdf
lr/kmf/ ug]{ k|oTg o; n]vdf ul/Psf] 5 .
█ sltko cj:yfdf s/f/ ;]jfdf sfo{/t lzIfsx?nfO{ c;Ifdtfsf] ku/L u'FyfOlbg] klg ul/G5
t/ To;/L c;Ifd elgg] lzIfsx?nfO{ lqljsf] s'g} sfo{ k|0ffnLn] sf/afxL ug{ jf k|dfl0ft
ug{ ;s]sf] b]lvGg a? sltko ltg} lzIfsx?n] k9fPsf au|]NtL ljBfyL{x?g} k/LIffdf pQL0f{
x'Fb} cfPsf] b]lvG5 . Psflt/ ckof{Kt l;6 ;ª\Vofdf ul/g] lj1fkg / csf]{tkm{ bf]ifk"0f{ k/LIff
k|0ffnLn] klg s/f/df sfo{/t lzIfsx?sf] Joj:yfkgsf] ;d:ofdf r'gf}tL v8f u/]sf] 5 .

cg'QL0f{ u/fpgnfO{ ;f]Wg ;lsg] k|Zgx? / canDag ug{ ;lsg] lsl;d–lsl;dsf pkfox?
x'g;S5g\ . o; cl3 7"nf] ;ª\Vofdf lqljdf sfo{/t lzIfs Pj+ sd{rf/Lx? lqlj ;]jf cfof]usf]
k/LIffdf cg'QL0f{ x'g'n] klg pk/f]Qm sYonfO{ k'li6 u/s} b]lvG5 .
█ nfdf] ;do b]lv s/f/ ;]jfdf sfo{/t lzIfsx?n] lqlj lgodfg';f/sf] tnadfg / u|]8 j[l4
kfpg] x'Fbf xfn ltgn] vfO{kfO{ cfPsf] /sd / pk–k|fWofks txdf ltgnfO{ Joj:yfkg ubf{
e'QmfgL ug{'kg]{ /sddf s'g} vf; leGgtf gx'g] x'Fbf lq=lj= nfO{ 7"nf] cfly{s ef/ kg{hfg] ts{
o'lQm;ª\ut b]lvGg .
s/f/ lzIfs Joj:yfkgsf ;DaGwdf ljBdfg ;d:ofsf] sf/0fx?
lqljdf nfdf] ;do b]lv c:yfoL÷s/f/ lzIfssf] ?kdf sfo{/t lzIfsx?n] j[lQ ljsf;sf] cj;/af6
jl~rt /xg'k/]sf] cj:yf laWodfg 5 . pRr lzIff cWoog k"/f u/L cfkm\gf] 1fg / ;Lkaf6 d'n'snfO{
g} cd"No of]ubfg lbg ;Sg] / of]ubfg lbO/x]sf pRr:t/Lo hgzlQmn] o;/L cfhLljsfsf] ;fdfGo
;jfnd} s]lGb|t /xL Go"gtd kfl/>lds, ;'ljwf / j[lQ lasf;sf] cj;/ kfpg' k5{ egL lg/Gt/ ;ª\3if{
ul//xg' k/]sf] b]lvG5 . oxL / o:tf ;d:ofsf] ;dfwfgdf s]lGb|t /x]/ lqljdf ljleGg ;dodf sfo{/t
kbflwsf/Lx?sf] kbfjlwsf] clwsf+z ;do / phf{ vr{ eO{ /xg' ;do, >d / af}l4stfsf] ckJoo
dfq} xf] .
█ cf+lzs / s/f/df sfo{/t lzIfsx?sf] ;]jfsf] k|s[lt Pp6} ePklg logsf ;d:ofx?sf] p7fgdf
tflTjs leGgtf /x]sf] b]lvG5 t/ klg cfd?kdf ltgsf] ;d'lrt Joj:yfkgsf] dfFu k|lt gsf/fTds
wf/0ff ;[hgf ul/g'df ;d:ofx?k|lt ulx/f] rf;f] gx'g' g} k|d'v sf/0f xf] .
█ b'O{ bzseGbf nfdf] ;dob]lv kbflwsf/Lx?sf] dly+un l/UofpFb} cfPsf] of] ;d:ofnfO{ ;dfwfg
ug{dfeGbf ;d:ofnfO{ tGsfP/ hl6ntd cj:yfdf k'¥ofpg'n] ljleGg ;dodf kbfl;g ePsf
kbflwsf/Lx?n] ;d:of ;dfwfgk|lt b]vfPsf] pbf;Lgtf, /fhgLlts :jfy{ / rnv]nsf] e"ldsf
sd lhDd]jf/ 5}g . Psflt/ k|fljlws ljifotkm{ ljz]iftM lrlsT;f lj1fgtkm{ s/f/df g} pkk|fWofks
kbdf lgo'lQm lbg] / ;fjlws ?kdf a9'jf x'Fb} hfg] Joj:yf /x]sf] b]lvG5 . csf]{tkm{ dfgljsL,
Joj:yfkg, lzIff, s[lifh:tf ;+sfox?df eg] nfdf] ;do s/f/df / cf+lzs lzIfssf] ?kdf ;]jf
k|bfg ul/;Sbf klg j[lQljsf;sf] ;fdfGo cj;/;d]t gkfpg'nfO{ jf:tjd} v]bk"0f{ cj:yf g}
dfGg'k5{ .
█ s/f/ lzIfsx?sf] ;d:of oyfjt /xg'df d"ntM lqljsf] k|zf;lgs sdhf]/L / ToxfFleq ljBdfg
/fhg}lts u'6aGbL g} lhDd]jf/ /x]sf] 5 . o;}sf/0f s'g} ljifodf s/f/ ;]jfdf sfo{/t lzIfsnfO{
pQm ljifodf sfo{ef/ g/x]sf] lgSof]{n u/]/ ;]jfaf6 cjsfz lbg jf lgh lzIfssf] ;]jf cGoq
cfjZos eP ;f]xLadf]lhd sfo{ef/ ldnfg ug{;Dd klg lqlj / dftxtsf SofDk; k|zf;gx?n]
;s]sf] eg] b]lvGg . b'O{ bzseGbf a9L ;dob]lv oxL ;d:ofn] g} lg/Gt/tf kfO/xg'n] ;d]t
lq=lj=sf] k|zf;lgs c;IfdtfnfO{ g} k'li6 ub{5 .
█ ;dosf] nfdf] cGt/fndf lqljsf ljleGg ;+sfox?n] ;dofg'sn
" ?kdf gofFgofF kf7\oqmdx? tof/

u/L nfu' ul/;s]sf] 5 . ;f]xL cg'?ksf ljifox?sf nflu leGgleGg ljifosf ljifo lzIfsx?sf]
cfjZostf klg a9\b} uPsf] b]lvG5 t/ kf7\oqmdsf] cfjZostfsf] cfwf/df ljifout ?kdf
cfjZos kg]{ dfgj>f]tsf] ;ª\Vof olsg u/L b/aGbL ;[hgf jf ldnfg u/]sf] eg] b]lvGg .
█ sltko k/Dk/fut ?kdf k7gkf7g x'Fb} cfPsf ljifox?sf ;DaGwdf ljBfyL{x?sf] rfk jt{dfg
;dodf 36]sf] / gofF ljifox?df rfk a9]sf] b]lvG5 t/ ;f]xL cg'?k lzIfsx?sf] Joj:yfkgsf
nflu :yfoL ;dfwfg vf]Hg]tkm{eGbf klg 6fn6'n] /0fgLlt dfq} clVtof/ ul//xg'n] klg s/f/
;]jfdf /x]sf lzIfsx?sf] ;d:of lbgfg'lbg hl6n aGb} uPsf] b]lvG5 .
█ lqlj ;]jf cfof]uaf6 lgoldt ?kdf lzIfs b/aGbLsf] nflu lj1fkg gx'g' . lj1fkg eO{ g} xfn]
klg ;dodf k/LIff / kl/0ffd lgsfNg g;Sg' / ljifout cfjZostfsf] ;lx klxrfg g} gu/L
ljBfyL{ ;ª\Vof clt g} Go"g ePsf jf ljBfyL{ g} gePsf ljifox?df ;d]t b/aGbL vf]lng'n]
klg Psflt/ cfjZos ljifosf lzIfsx?sf] ;ª\Vof kl/k"lt{ x'gg;Sg] / csf]{tkm{ cfjZostf g}
gePsf] ljifodf lzIfsx?sf] ;ª\Vof y'lk|g'n] ubf{ klg ;d:ofsf] ;dfwfg x'g g;s]sf] b]lvG5 .
█ lqljsf cfª\lus SofDk;x?df k/Dk/fut ?kdf cWofkg x'bF } cfPsf sltko ljifox? -dfgljsLtkm{
;+:s[t, lxGbL, ;+:s[lt, e"uf]n, Oltxf;nufotsf ljifox? / lzIffzf:q ;+sfotkm{sf klg y'k|}
ljifox?_ df ljBfyL{sf] ;ª\Vof g} gePsf] jf clt Go"g ;ª\Vofdf dfq ljBfyL{ egf{ x'g] u/]sf]
b]lvG5 . oL / o:tf ljifox?sf] ;DaGwdf :yfgLo / If]qLo ?kdf SofDk;x?df ljifo ;dfof]hg
ug]{ k|ls|of cl3 a9fpg' kg]{ b]lvG5 . pbfx/0fsf nflu ;+:s[t ljifosf] cWoog cWofkgsf nflu
5'§} g]kfn ;+:s[t ljZjljBfno /xFbf klg lq=lj=n] pQm ljifosf] k7gkf7gsf nflu lzIfssf]
b/aGbLsf] Joj:yf ul//xg' cfkm}df pb]s nfUbf] cj:yf xf] . o:t} cj:yf sltko k|fljlws
ljifox?sf ;DaGwdf klg /x]sf] b]lvG5 .
█ s'g} Ps cf+lus SofDk;df s/f/cGtu{t /flvPsf lzIfsnfO{ cGoq SofDk;df ;?jf ug{ ldNg] jf
gldNg] ;DaGwdf :ki6 sfg'gL Joj:yf geP klg Jojxf/df eg] To:tf] ;?jf ug]{ ul/Psf] 5 . Psflt/
sfg'gL Joj:yf gePsf] eGg] cfwf/df sIffef/ geP klg s/f/sf lzIfsnfO{ ;f]xL SofDk;df /fvL /xg]
/ csf]l{ t/ sIffef/ gx'bF fgx'bF } klg cGo ljleGg axfgfdf ;?jf ul/lbg] h:tf sfo{x? x'bF } cfPsf 5g\ .
█ k|of]ufTds ljifox? cWofkg x'g] ljifox?sf ;Gbe{df k|of]ufTds sIff / lgoldt sIffef/sf]
u0fgf ;DaGwdf ;dofg's"n Joj:yf x'g;s]sf] b]lvGg . o;n] ubf{ st} cgfjZos ?kdf cltl/Qm
sIffef/ b]vfP/ lqljnfO{ cfly{s af]em yKg] / csf{lt/ oyfy{df cltl/Qm sIffef/ axg ubf{ klg
plrt kfl/>lds k|fKt gx'g] u/]sf pbfx/0fx? kof{Kt 5g\ . cltl/Qm sIffef/afkt k|fKt x'g]
kfl/>ldsdf ;dofg's"n kl/dfh{g gx'Fbf :yfoL lzIfsx?;d]t ;]jfk|lt g} pbf;Lg eO{ cf+lzs
lzIfssf] e/df sIff ;~rfng ug{'kg]{ afWofTds cj:yf ;[hgf x'g uPsf] b]lvG5 .
█ lqljdf ;dofg's"n ?kdf gofF kf7\oqmdx? lgdf{0f ug]{ sfo{ gePsf] cfd ljBfyL{x?sf] u'gf;f]
/xFb} cfPsf] 5 . ljut b'O{ bzs nfdf] cjlwnfO{ lgofNg] xf] eg] :gfts–txsf] kf7oqmdsf]
;DaGwdf dfgljsLtkm{ la=;L=P dfq} gofF kf7\oqmdsf] ?kdf cfPsf] b]lvG5 . lzIffzf:q ;+sfotkm{
o:tf s'g} gofF kf7oqmd g} cl3 a9]sf] b]lvGg . ;dofg's"n ?kdf gofF kf7\oqmdx? lgdf{0f
u/L nfu' ug]{ / To;k|lt ljBfyL{x?sf] cfsif{0f hufpg ;s]df dfq} sIffef/ gk'u]sf :yfoL
lzIfsx?sf] ;dfof]hg ug{ / lq=lj=sf] cfDbfgL;d]t j[l4 ug{ ;lsg]5 . cGoyf ljutsf ljleGg
;dodf ljBfyL{ ;ª\Vof /fd|} eP/ lgo'lQm kfPsf t/ jt{dfgdf ljBfyL{sf] rfk gePsf sf/0f
sIffef/ gk'u]sf ljifosf lzIfsx?sf] ;dfof]hg;d]t sl7g x'Fb}hfg] b]lvG5 .
█ s/f/df sfo{/t lzIfsx?nfO{ kl/dflh{t kf7\oqmdcGtu{tsf sfo{qmdx?df oyfzSo Joj:yfkg gu/L
ljleGg axfgfdf gofF cf+lzs lzIfsx?nfO{ k|fyldstf lbg] gLltn] ubf{ klg sltko ljifox?sf]
;Gbe{df sl7gfO pTkGg ePsf] b]lvG5 .
;d:of ;dfwfg ug]{ pkfo / cf}lrTosf ;DaGwdf
█ z}lIfs jif{ @)&( ljleGg sf/0fn] nfdf] ;do ;]jf cfof]usf] sfof{no g} aGb /x]sf] / lj1fkg
eO{ tflnsf k|sflzt eO;s]sf] k/LIff;d]t ;~rfng x'g g;s]sf] Pj+ cGt/jftf{ ;DkGg eO;s]sf
k|ltof]uLx?sf ;d]t kl/0ffd k|sflzt ug{;d]t ;]jf cfof]un] ;s]g . xfn c:yfoL jf s/f/
;]jfdf sfo{/t lzIfsx?n] k"j{jt\ cWofkg ul//xFbf lzIffsf] u'0f:t/ sfod} /xg] t/ ltg}
lzIfsx? cfGtl/s k|lt:kwf{af6 kbf]Gglt eO{ uP/ cWofkg sfo{nfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbFbf eg] ltgn]
lbFb} cfPsf] lzIffsf] u'0f:t/ x|f; x'G5 eGg] h:tf xf:of:kb ts{ ug{ kl5 gkg]{ hdftsf]
af}l4s nx/d} pkl:ylt /x]sf] b]Vbf clxn];Dd klg ;]jf cfof]usf cWoIfsf] lgo'lQmsf] s'g} 6'Ëf]
gnfu]sf] cj:yfdf ut jif{ æ==== @)&( ;fnÆ ;Dd dfq sfod x'g]5Æ eg]/ ul/Psf] lg0f{o;d]t
lqlj k|zf;gn] a]n}df k'g/jnf]sg ug{' pko'Qm b]lvG5 . ;d:of ;dfwfgsf] ;sf/fTds kIfdf
g} hfg] xf] eg] s/f/ ;]jfdf sfo{/t lzIfsx?sf] ;DaGwdf To:tf lzIfsx?nfO{ Psk6ssf
nflu ljz]if cfGtl/s k/LIffsf] dfWodaf6 cfGtl/s k|lt:kwf{ u/fO{ :yfoL ;]jfdf k|j]z ug]{
df}sf lbg'sf] ljsNk b]lvGg .
-cf}lrTo M xfn s/f/ jf :yfoL ;]jfdf lzIfsx? sfo{/t /x]sf] b/aGbLsf] k|s[ltcg';f/ lghx?
sfo{/t /x]sf] b/aGbL lghx? s'g} klg sf/0fn] ;]jfdf g/x]df :jtM ;dfKt eOhfg]5 . o:tf]
cj:yfdf ljz]if cfGtl/s k/LIffsf] dfWodaf6 cfGtl/s k|lt:kwf{sf] k|lqmof ckgfO{ c:yfoL
/ s/f/ ;]jfdf /x]sf lzIfsx?nfO{ j[lQljsf;sf] cj;/ lbFbf cfkm\gf] z}lIfs of]Uotf k"/f
u/L cj;/sf] kvf{Odf /x]sf k|lt:kwL{x? s'g} lsl;dn] k|lt:kwf{sf] cj;/af6 jlGrt x'ghfg]
b]lvGg ._
█ lqlj ;]jf cfof]uaf6 oyfzSo rfF8f] v'nf k|lt:kwf{sf nflu pkk|fWofks kbsf] kbk"lt{sf nflu
lj1fkg ug]{ .
-cf}lrTo M lqljdf sfo{/t /x]sf :yfoL k|fWofksx? lbgx'Fh:tf] ;]jf lgj[Q x'g] qmd hf/L /x]sf]
jt{dfg cj:yfdf tL ;a} b/aGbLx? ldnfg ubf{ ;Gtf]ifhgs ;ª\Vofdf v'Nnf k|lt:kwf{sf nflu
lj1fkg cXjfg ug{ ;lsg] cj:yf /x]sf] / gofF ljifox?sf] k7gkf7g eO/x]sf ;DaGwdf ljifout
cf}lrTo k'li6 u/L g]kfn ;/sf/sf ;DalGwt lgsfodf yk b/aGbLsf nflu tTsfn kxn ug{;lsg]
cj:yf /x]sf] b]lvG5 ._

█ s/f/ ;]jfdf /xL nfdf] ;do Joltt ul/;s]sf / lgs6 eljiod} ;]jf lgj[Q x'g] lzIfsx?sf ;DaGwdf
lghx?n] rfx]df lq=lj= ;]jfaf6} cjsfz k|fKt ug]{ OR5f u/]df ælabfOsf] :j0f{ cj;/Æ (Golden
Handsake) sf] dfWodaf6 lglZrt nfe k|fKt x'gu ] /L labfO ug{ ;lsg] u/L cfjZos gLlt th{d' f
ug]{ .
-cf}lrTo M o:tf] k|s[ltsf] Joj:yfn] l;dLt ;ª\Vofdf /x]sf] b/aGbLdf g} s/f/ ;]jfdf /x]sf
clwsf+z lzIfsx?nfO{ lq=lj= ;]jfleq ;d]6\g ;xh x'ghfg] b]lvG5 . _
█ s/f/ ;]jfdf /x]sf lzIfsx?nfO{ :yfoL ?kdf ;]jfdf k|jz ] lbgfsf nflu Joj:yf ul/g] ljz]if
cfGtl/s k/LIffsf nflu ;]jf cfof]uaf6 lj1fkg ul/g] b/aGbL ;ª\VofnfO{ u0fgf ubf{ ljleGg cf+lus
SofDk;x?df s/f/ ;]jfdf sfo{/t lzIfsx?sf] s"n ;ª\Vof olsg u/L cfjZostf / cf}lrTotfsf]
cfwf/df k'li6 x'g;Sg] ;ª\VofTds cfwf/ lgdf{0f u/]/ dfq} u0fgf u/L lj1fkg ug{k' g]{ b]lvG5 .
ljz]if k/LIffsf nflu ckgfO{g] sfo{ljlwn] s;/L cg'QL0f{ agfpg] eGg]tkm{eGbf klg ;s];Dd clwstd
lzIfsx?nfO{ ljifout bIftfsf ;fy :yfoL ;]jfdf k|jz ] ug]{ dfu{ lgdf{0f ul/g'k5{ ._
-cf}lrTo M ljz]if cfGtl/s k/LIffsf] Joj:yf lqlj cGtu{t s/f/ ;]jfdf sfo{/t lzIfsx?;Fu ;DalGwt
;d:ofnfO{ k"0f{ ?kdf lg/fs/0f ug]{ p2]Zon] Ps k6ssf nflu dfq ul/g] ePsf] x'Fbf o; pk/fGt
oxL k|s[ltsf] ;d:ofnfO{ bf]xf]l/g glbg] u/L ;dfwfg ug]{ p2]Zosf nflu o;f] ug{' jf~5gLo x'g]5 ._
ljz]if cfGtl/s k/LIffsf cf}lrTodf p7]sf k|Zgx?sf] sfg'gL kIfsf ;DaGwdf
ljz]if cfGtl/s k/LIffsf] ;DaGwdf kl5Nnf] %÷& aif{ otf lj/f]wsf lgs} rsf{ :j/x? p/fNg]
ul/Psf] b]lvG5 . @)%* / @)^! ;fndf klg o:tf] Joj:yf gePsf] eg] lyPg . s/f/ ;]jfdf /x]sf
lzIfsx?sf] ;d:of ;df3fgsf x]t' lqe'jg ljZjljBfno ;efn] ldlt @)&* dª\l;/ !! ut] a;]sf]
a}7saf6 u/]sf] o;} k|s[ltsf] lg0f{onfO{ klg cGoyf dfg'kg]{ b]lvGg . ;fdfGotof !) jif{;Dd klg
j[lQljsf;sf] cj;/ gkfPsf t/ ;]jfdf lg/Gt/ /x]sfx?nfO{ To:tf] ljz]if cj;/ lbg' ;fdflhs
Gofosf b[li6n] klg cg'lrt gx'g] 7x/ ub}{ ;DdfggLo k|wfgGofofwLz sNof0f >]i7sf] Ohnf;af6
@)^!÷@)^@ tfsf lqlj;Fu} ;DalGwt d'2fdf km};nf ub}{ Psk6ssf nflu ljz]if cfGtl/s k/LIffsf]
Joj:yf ug{ ;lsg] u/L cfb]z hf/L ePsf] b]lvG5 . lqlj h:tf] a[xQ/ p2]Zo / If]qflwsf/;lxtsf]
;fj{hlgs ;+:yfn] u/]sf lg0f{opk/ lrQ ga'‰bf ;/f]sf/jfnf hf] sf]xLn] klg sfg'gL pkrf/sf]
af6f] vf]Hg' c;ª\ut s'/f ePg . ljz]if cfGtl/s k/LIff;DaGwL Joj:yf ug]{ lqljsf] lg0f{o;DaGwdf
klg k6sk6s l/6 bfo/ ePsf] / cbfntL k|ls|ofaf6 lg0f{ox? klg ePs} 5g\ . l/6 lgj]bsx?n]
p7fPsf ljleGg ;jfnx?sf ;DaGwdf ;Ddflgt cbfntaf6 ljleGg ldltdf ePsf lg0f{osf k|d'v
c+zx? oxfF pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 .
█ l/6 lgj]bsx? d]3k|;fb v/]n, ;'zLns'df/ uf}td / u0f]zs'df/ s]=;L= åf/f bfo/ ul/Psf] l/6
lgj]bgsf ;DaGwdf ldlt @)&^÷(÷@ df ;jf]{Rr cbfntsf ;DdfggLo k|wfg GofofwLz >L rf]n]Gb|
zd;]/ h=a=/f= dfggLo GofofwLzx? >L bLkss'df/ sfsL{, s]bf/k|;fb rfln;], >L dL/f v8\sf
/ >L xl/s[i0f sfsL{;lxtsf] Ohnf;n] u/]sf] !^ k[i7 nfdf] km};nfsf] -cfb]z v08 _

a'Fbf g+= @% df n]lvPadf]lhd
æl/6 lgj]bsn] pQm ;+zf]lwt Joj:yfn] v'nf k|lt:kwf{ gu/L kbk"lt{ ug{ nfu]sf] eGg] lhls/ lnP
klg ;f] ;+zf]lwt Joj:yfn] lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf] ;]jfdf nfdf] ;do;Dd sfo{ u/]sf sd{rf/Lx?aLr
cfGtl/s k|ltof]lutf Pjd\ k|lt:kwf{af6 g} kbk"lt{ x'g] xf] ;f] k|lqmofaf6 ul/Psf] kbk"lt{ klg To:tf
lqe'jg ljZjljBfno ;]jfdf /x]sf k|lt:kwL{x?aLr v'nf k|lt:kwf{ g} x'g] xf] . To:tf] k|lt:kwf{df pQL0f{
x'g g;s]sf] cj:yfdf klg l;ldt k|ltof]lutfsf] gfddf cg'lrt kmfObf lnO{ :jtM :yfoL lgo'lQm x'g]
xf]Og . To:tf] k|ltof]lutfdf ;fd]n eO{ cg'QL0f{ eP klg :jtM :yfoL lgo'lQm ul/g] eGg] klg xf]Og .
;f] Joj:yfn] ;d]6]sf lqe'jg ljZjljBfno ;]jfdf sfo{/t JolQmn] :yfoL ?kdf lgo'Qm x'gfsf nflu
To:tf] k|ltof]lutfTds k/LIffdf ;xefuL e} pQL0f{ x'g}kg]{ x'G5 . To:tf] k/LIffdf pQL0f{ x'g g;Sg]n]
:yfoL x'g] cj;/ gkfpg] x'Fbf cof]Uo JolQmnfO{ :yfoL lgo'lQm ug{ nfluPsf] eGg] klg b]lv+b}g .
lgoddf ePsf] pQm Joj:yfcg';f/ lqe'jg ljZjljBfno lzIfs sd{rf/L kbdf ;Lldt JolQm cyf{t\
pkk|fWofks, ;xfos k|zf;s jf ;f] ;/x / ;f]eGbf d'lgsf kbx?df lglZrt k|ltzt dfq ljz]if
cfGtl/s v'nf k|ltof]lutfaf6 kbk"lt{ ul/g] eGg] Joj:yfn] ;Dk"0f{ kbx?df ;a} k|lt:kwL{nfO{ k"0f{ lgif]w
ul/Psf] eGg] cj:yf;d]t 5}g .Æ
a'Fbf g+= @& df lrlsT;flj1fg k|lti7fg, jL/ c:ktfn;d]t ePsf] pTk|]if0f k/dfb]z ljifosf] g]=sf=k=
@)&# c+s * lg=g+= (@!* sf] pbfx/0f;d]t lbO{ æc:ktfndf nfdf] ;do ;]jf u/]sf sd{rf/LnfO{
k|lti7fgdf lgo'lQmsf nflu ;Lldt cfGtl/s k|ltof]lutfdf ;fd]n x'g Psk6s df}sf lbg' :jod\df
cg'lrt jf u}/sfg'gL gx'g]Æ pNn]v ul/Psf] 5.
km};nfsf] a'Fbf g+= #! sf] cGTodf – æ;f/df eGg'kbf{ JolQm JolQmx?aLr wd{, j0f{, lnË, hfthflt,
pTklQ, cf:yf h:tf s'g} klg cfwf/df e]befj gug{' g} ;dfgtf xf] t/ ;+ljwfgdf Jojl:yt ;dfgtfsf]
xsn] lg/k]If ;dfgtfsf] l;4fGtnfO{ cËLsf/ u/]sf] 5}g . ;dfg cj:yfsf JolQmaLr ;dfg Jojxf/
ug]{ / ljz]if cj:yf / kl/l:ylt ePsf ju{nfO{ ;sf/fTds lje]bsf dfWodaf6 ljz]if ;+/If0f k|bfg
u/L km/s Jojxf/ ug{;lsg] Joj:yf ;+ljwfgd} pNn]v ePsfn] of] l;4fGtsf] k|of]u ;fk]lIft ?kdf
x'g] eGg] b]lvG5Æ egL n]lvPsf] 5 .
km};nfsf] a'bF f g+= #@ df ;dfgtfsf] l;4fGtsf] yk JofVof ub}{ n]lvPsf] 5 – æ== = d"ntM ;dfgtf eg]sf]
;dfgx?aLrsf] ;dfgtf g} xf] . o; cy{df ;dfg x}l;ot / cj:yfdf /x]sf s'g} vf; ;d"xdf ljz]if
;'ljwf jf xs k|bfg ug]u{ /L sfg'g lgdf{0f ug{' / ;f] ;d"xdf gkg]{ JolQmx?nfO{ ;f] clwsf/ k|bfg gug{' g}
;dfgtfsf] ljk/Lt ePsf] dfGg ldNb}g . s'g} vf; ;d"xx?nfO{ dfq clwsf/ k|bfg ug]{ u/L lgdf{0f ul/Psf]
sfg'g tfls{s / ljj]s;Ddt juL{s/0fdf cfwfl/t 5 eg] To:tf] sfg'g ;dfgtfsf] l;4fGtsf] cg'sn " g}
/x]sf] dfGg'kb{5 . s'g} vf; p2]Zo k|flKtsf nflu jf ;d:of ;dfwfgsf nflu ljz]if sfg'gL Joj:yf ug{
sfg'g lgdf{tfnfO{ ;dfgtfsf] l;4fGt afws aGg ;Sb}g . = = =Æ
km};nf sf] a'bF f g+= ## df l/6 lgj]bssf] lgj]bgnfO{ vf/]h efuL dfGb} n]lvPsf clGtd ;ft x/kmx? – æ== = =
l/6 lgj]bsh:tf] cj:yfsf] JolQm / lqe'jg ljZjljBfno ;]jfdf aiff}F+{ sfo{/t /x]sf JolQmx?sf] cj:yf ;dfg
x'g ;Sb}g . hLjgsf] cd"No cjlw lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf] ;]jfdf ;dk{0f u/L lqe'jg ljZjljBfnonfO{
nfdf] ;do;Dd ;]jf k|bfg u/]sf JolQmx?nfO{ Psk6s ;Lldt k|ltof]lutfsf cfwf/df k|lt:kwf{ u/fO{ :yfoL
ug]{ k[i7e"dLdf lgld{t sfg'gaf6 l/6 lgj]bssf] ;+ljwfg k|bQ ;dfgtfsf] xs xgg\ ePsf] eGg ldNg] ePg .Æ
km};nfsf] clGtddf cyf{t\ a'bF f g+=#^ df ljz]if cfGtl/s k/LIff;DaGwL Joj:yfsf] lj?4df bfo/ ul/Psf]
l/6sf] ;DaGwdf n]lvPsf] 5 – æt;y{ pko{Q' m cfwf/ / sf/0f;d]taf6 lqe'jg ljZjljBfno lzIfs sd{rf/L
;]jf;DaGwL lgod, @)%) sf] ^ df ePsf] ljz]if v'nf k|ltof]ufTds k/LIffaf6 kbk"lt{ ug]{ Joj:yf sfg'g;Fu
aflemPsf] gb]lvPsfn] lgod ^ df ePsf] ;f] Joj:yf xl6;s]sf] x'bF f l/6 lgj]bssf] dfuadf]lhdsf] cfb]z
hf/L ug{' k/]g . k|:t't l/6 lgj]bg vf/]h x'g] 7x5{ . l/6 lgj]bssf] bfo/L nut s§f u/L ldl;n
lgodfg';f/ a'emfO{lbg" . Æ
o;} k|s[ltsf] d'4f ;DaGwdf lqlj, ;efsf] ldlt @)&*÷*÷!$ sf] lg0f{o g+= % af6 lqlj lzIfs, sd{rf/L
;]jf;DaGwL lgod, @)%) sf] lgod ^ sf] ;+zf]wgsf ;DaGwdf /d]z lji6n] ldlt @)&*÷(÷* df bfo/
u/]sf] l/6 lga]bgdf lgj]bsn] dfu bfaL u/]adf]lhdsf] cGtl/d cfb]z hf/L ug{'eGbf dfggLo GofofwLz
>L clgn s'df/ l;Gxfsf] Psn Ohnf;af6 ldlt @)&*÷(÷!( hf/L cfb]zdf o:tf] n]lvPsf] 5 –
ætt\ kZrft\ ldlt @)&*÷*÷!$ sf] lqe'jg ljZjljBfno ;efsf] lg0f{o g+= % n] lqlj, ;]jfdf ;+nUg
/x]sf lzIfs sd{rf/Lx?nfO{ ;Daf]wg x'g]u/L lqlj lzIfs sd{rf/L ;]jf;DaGwL lgod @)%) sf]
lgod ^ sf] ;+zf]wgcl3 g} lj1fkg v'nf eO{ ;s]sf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutf;DaGwL lj1fkgnfO{ c;/ kg]{
s'g} Joxf]/f pNn]v gePsf] x'Fbf lqlj ;]jf cfof]uaf6 ldlt @)&&÷!!÷( df hf/L ;"rgfadf]lhdsf]
sf/afxLnfO{ nfdf] ;do;Dd :ylut gu/L ;f] lj1fkg;DaGwL cfjZos k|lqmof tTsfn cl3 a9fpg'
egL ;jf]{Rr cbfnt lgodfjnL, @)&$ sf] lgod $( adf]lhd cGtl/d cfb]z hf/L ul/lbPsf] 5 .Æ
l;Gxfsf] Psn Ohnf;af6 lg0f{o cfpg'n] ;d]t ljz]if cfGtl/s k/LIffsf] Joj:yfnfO{ j}wtf lbPsf]
tYo k'li6 x'ghfg] b]lvG5 .
o;}u/L sltko cj:yfdf clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]un] ldlt @)&#÷)#÷#! df n]vs ] f] kqsf] xjfnf
lbFb} ljz]if cfGtl/s k/LIffsf ljkIfdf ts{ ug]x{ ?sf] klg sdL 5}g t/ pQm kqdf n]lvPsf] Joxf]/feGbf
kl5 ldlt @)&^÷(÷@ ;jf]R{ rsf] km};nf cfpg'n] klg c=b=' lg=cf= sf] kqsf] cf}lrTo ;dfKt ePsf] b]lvG5 .
'{ \, ldlt @)&^÷(÷@ df ;jf]R{ r cbfntsf ;DdfggLo k|wfgGofofwLz >L rf]nG] b|zd;]/ h=a=/f=;lxtsf]
Ohnf;n] u/]sf] lg0f{osf] a'Fbf g+= @# –æ== lqe'jg ljZjljBfno P]g, @)$( sf] bkmf % -h_, !) -r_
/ bkmf #% n] lqe'jg ljZjljBfnonfO{ cfjZos kg]{ lgodx? agfpg;Sg] clwsf/ bkmf @* adf]lhd
ul7t ;efnfO{ k|bfg u/L ;f] ;efn] P]gn] k|bfg u/]sf] clwsf/ k|of]u u/L agfPsf] b]lvG5 . o;}
Joj:yfdf ldlt @)^(÷^÷@( df ;+;f]wg tyf yk Joj:yf u/L pkk|fWofks, ;xfos k|zf;s jf ;f];/x
/ ;f]eGbf d'lgsf kbx?dWo] ljz]if cfGtl/s v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfåf/f k"lt{ ul/g] tl/sf;d]t sfo{sf/L
kl/ifb\n] lgwf{/0f u/]adf]lhd x'g]5 eGg] Joj:yf pNn]v 5 . ;f]xL kl/ifb\nfO{ lbOPsf] clwsf/ k|of]u
u/L ljz]if cfGtl/s v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfåf/f kb k"lt{ ug{ uf]/vfkqdf ldlt @)&)÷!!÷#) df lj1fkg;d]t
k|sflzt u/]sf] kfOG5 .Æ

-;jf]{Rr cbfntsf] pQm lg0f{on] ljZjljBfnox?n] P]gn] k|bfg u/]sf] clwsf/ k|of]u u/L lgodx?
agfpg;Sg] clwsf/nfO{ ;dy{g u/]sf] b]lvG5 ._
an ldrfO u/L k]; ul/g] ts{n] lgisif{eGbf clg0f{otkm{ n}hfG5 . sfg'gL ;d:ofx? pk/sf] ax;
/ To;sf pk/ ul/g] l6Kk0fL jf cfb]z;d]t lgod, ljwfg / sfg'g;Ddt x'g'k5{ . ;d:ofx? pk/
lgikIf ?kdf ul/g] ts{;ª\ut / sfg'g;Ddt ax;n] dfq} ;d:ofsf] lgsf; lg:sg ;Sb5 eGg]
;jfndf s;}sf] c;xdlt gxf]nf . ldlt @)&^÷(÷@ / df ePsf] ;jf]{Rr cbfntsf] km};nfn] d'2fsf]
!^ k[i7 nfdf] ljj]rgf;lxtsf] lg0f{o ubf{ sxLF st} klg ljz]if cfGtl/s k/LIff;DaGwL Joj:yf cg'lrt
5 / eg]/ af]n]sf] kfOGg . To:t} u/L ldlt @)&& ÷!!÷( df ;jf]{Rr cbfntaf6 hf/L ;"rgfdf
n]lvPsf a'Fbfx?sf] ;sf/fTds cfzotkm{ Wofg g} glbO{ s]xL ljBfyL{, k|fWofks, sd{rf/L Pj+ a]nfavt
ljleGg kbdf kbfl;g x'g' ePsf pRrkb:y kbflwsf/Lx?;d]tn] lqlj cGtu{t s/f/ ;]jfdf /x]sf
lzIfs÷sd{rf/Lx?sf] cfGtl/s Joj:yfkgsf] ljifonfO{ cGoyf ?kdf k|:t't ug{' ;Ddflgt cbfntaf6
ePsf] km};nfsf] alv{nfkdf ax; / jQmJojfhL ug]{ sfo{n] cbfntsf] km};nf, /fi6«sf] ;+ljwfg / sfg'g
dfg]sf] eGg ldNg] b]lvGg . To:tf] cgfjZos ax;afhLdf nfUg'eGbf lq=lj= sf] jt{dfg g]t[TjnfO{ plrt
;xof]u u/L ;d:of ;dfwfgsf] af6f]df nfUg' g} ;a}sf nflu >]o:s/ x'g] b]lvG5 .
;Gbe{ ;fdu|L;"rL
lqe'jg ljZjljBfno lzIfs lgo'lQmsf cfwf/, sfo{;Dkfbg d"Nofª\sg tyf sfo{Ifdtf cª\s ljefhg
tyf l;kmfl/;;DaGwL k|ls|of – @)%@ – lqlj, ;]jf cfof]u, sLlt{k'/ .
lqe'jg ljZjljBfno lzIfs lgo'lQmsf cfwf/, sfo{;Dkfbg d"Nofª\sg tyf sfo{ Ifdtf cª\s ljefhg
tyf ;kmfl/;;DaGwL k|ls|of – @)^$– -@)&) kf}if !$ ut];Dd ePsf ;+;f]wgx? ;lxt_ –
lqlj, ;]jf cfof]u, sLlt{k/' .
lqe'jg ljZjljBfno ;]jf cfof]u pkk|fWofks kbsf] lgo'lQmsf cfwf/ Pj+ ;kmfl/;;DaGwL k|lqmof –
@)^^ , -@)^( ÷!@÷@) ut];Dd ePsf ;+;f]wgx?;lxt_ – lq=lj=;]jf cfof]u .
lqe'jg ljZjljBfno lzIfs lgo'lQmsf cfwf/, sfo{;Dkfbg d"Nofª\sg tyf sfo{ Ifdtf cª\sljefhg
tyf ;kmfl/;;DaGwL k|ls|of – @)^( – lqlj, ;]jf cfof]u, sLlt{k'/ .
lqe'jg ljZjljBfno ;]jf cfof]u ljz]if cfGtl/s v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfcGtu{t pk–k|fWofks kbsf] lgo'lQmsf
cfwf/ Pj+ ;kmfl/;;DaGwL k|lqmof – @)^(, lqlj, ;]jf cfof]u .
lqlj,pks'nkltsf] sfof{noaf6 cf+lzs lzIfsx?sf] ;d:of ;dfwfgsf pkfox?af/] ;'emfj;lxtsf]
k|ltj]bg k]; ug{ lzIffWoIf k|f=8f= dx]Gb| l;+xsf] cWoIftfdf & ;b:oLo ;ldlt u7g ul/
Psf] kq – k|ltlnlk –! =
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g]kfn ;/sf/, k|wfgdGqL tyf dlGqkl/ifbsf] sfof{noåf/f -ldlt @)^#÷%÷^ sf]_ lzIff tyf v]ns'b

dGqfnonfO{ cf+lzs k|fWofksx?sf] ;d:of ;dfwfg ug{ ;ldlt u7g;DaGwdf n]lvPsf]
kq – k|ltlnlk – =!
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– k|ltlnlk – !=
g]kfn ;/sf/, cy{ dGqfno, ah]6 tyf sfo{qmd dxfzfvf åf/f lq=lj= df yk ())±$*) b/aGbL yk
ug]{ ;DaGwdf n]lvPsf] r=g+= ** -ldlt @)^$÷!!÷!&_ sf] kq – k|ltlnlk – !=
>L ;jf]{Rr cbfnt, ;DdfggLo k|=Gof= rf]n]Gb| ;dz]/ h=a=/f=;lxtsf] ;+j}wflgs Ohnf;åf/f -ldlt
@)&% kmfNu'0f ! ut] /f]h $ df_ hf/L ul/Psf] pTk|]if0fsf] cfb]zsf] k|ltlnlk ––– ! =
>L ;jf]{Rr cbfntdf = = jif{ #@ sf] /d]z lji6;lxt dlgtf vqL;d]tn] bfo/ u/]sf] -ldlt @)&*÷(÷*
sf]_ l/6 lgj]bgsf] k|ltlnlk ––– !=
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k'; !( ut]_ hf/L pTk|]if0fsf] cfb]z – k|ltlnlk – !=

lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf] ljut @% jif{df ePsf
cg';Gwfg tyf k|sfzgx¿sf] cWoog / ljZn]if0f
k|f=8f= ljlgn cof{n*

o; n]vdf lqlj kl/jf/ -d'VotM lzIfs tyf ljBfyL{x?_ åf/f ljut @% jif{b]lv -;g\ !((*–@)@@
;Dd_ k|sfzg u/]sf cg';Gwfg d"ns n]vx?sf] tYofÍ ;ª\sng u/L ljljw sf]0faf6 cWoog÷ljZn]if0f
ul/Psf] 5 . o;sf nflu v'nf;|ft] -Open source_ 8]6fa];x? -Google scholar, Scopus, SJR, NepJol
etc_ k|of]u ul/Psf] 5 . pknAw 8]6fa];sf] Go"gLs/0f -Reduction_ / k|df0fLs/0f -Validation_
sf nflu The Data Point ;km\6j]o/ k|of]u ul/Psf] 5 . yk k|df0fLs/0fsf] nflu ;dfg ljlwåf/f
ef/t, o'/f]k / cd]l/sfsf ;dfg :t/sf ljZjljBfnox? -lbNnL ljZjljBfno, hjfx/nfn g]x?
ljZjljBfno, OG;a|'s / Sn]d;g ljZjljBfno_ x?åf/f ;dfg cjlwdf k|sflzt cg';Gwfg d"ns
n]vx?sf] t'ngfTds cWoog ul/Psf] 5 . lqlj kl/jf/åf/f ljut @% jif{df !,)@,)!# n]vx? /
#))! l/Eo'' n]vx? cg]sg hg{nx?df k|sflzt ul/Psf] kfOG5 . ;g\ @)!# b]lv n]v k|sfzg b/
cl3Nnf] !) jif{sf] eGbf # u'0ffn] a9]sf] b]lvG5 . ljwfut ?kdf ;jf{lws d]l8sn, afof]nf]lhsn /
lkmlhsn ;fOG;sf] n]vx? ^% k|ltzteGbf a9L k|sflzt ePsf] b]lvG5 . Go"g ;ª\Vofdf sDKo'6/
;fOG;sf] n]vx? n]vx? k|sflzt ePsf] b]lvG5 .
zAbs'~hL M u'un :sn/, hg{n, 8]6fa];, tYofÍ, ;km\6j]o/
ljZjljBfnox?nfO{ lrgfpg] k|dv ' s'/f ægofF 1fgsf] cfljisf/æ xf] . of] cg';Gwfgaf6 dfq k|fKt x'g]
ub{5 . c'g;Gwfg 1fgsf] pbej ljGb' xf] h;df uxg ;f]r ;+Zn]if0f clg k|df0fLs/0fsf] cfjZostf
x'g]u5{ . g]kfnsf ljZjljBfnox?df h]7f] / cu|0fL lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf] ægofF 1fgsf] cfljisf/æ
ug]{ Ifdtf p;sf] cg';Gwfg sfo{x?sf] k|sfzg Ifdtf, :t/Lotf / To;sf] k|efjn] lglb{i6 ub{5 .
k|ljlwn] ;dfh / ljZJljBfnox?nfO{ olt glhs NofPsf] 5 ls s'g} klg pTs[i6 cg';Gwfg sfo{ jf
cfljisf/x? k|sfzgsf] dfWodaf6 ;+;f/el/ JofKt x'G5g\ . x/]s k|sfzgx?nfO{ 6kSs l6k]/ 8]6fa];
s]Gb| -u'un :sn/, :sf]k; cflb_ x? ;"rLs[t u5{g\ . ;ª\slnt 8]6fx?nfO{ ljZn]if0f ug{;Sg]
;km\6j]o/x? l;Q}df pknAw 5g\ . ;g\ @))$ df hGdfPsf] u'un :sn/n] cfkm" hGdg'eGbf @%)
jif{cl3 b]lvsf c;ª\Vo k|sfzgx? -hg{n cfl6{snx?_ sf] e08f/0f u/]sf] 5 .
s'g} klg cg';Gwfgstf{n] ælqe'jg ljZjljBfno, g]kfnæ ;djGwg /fvL ljut @% jif{ -;g\ !((*–@)@@
;Dd_ b]lv /fli6«o÷cGt//fli6«o hg{nx?df k|sfzg u/]sf n]vx?sf] tYofÍx? Klxn] u'un :sfn/ /
To;kl5 tYofÍ ;'wf/ jf z'4Ls/0fsf] nflu :sf]k; -Scopus_, l;dfuf] -SCImago_, l/;r{ u]6 -Research
* 8Lg, lj1fg tyf k|ljlw cWoog ;+:yfg, sLlt{k'/

Gate_, g]khf]n -NepJol_, OToflb 86fj];åf/f ;ª\sng ul/Psf] 5 . oL 8]6fa];nfO{ k|df0fLs/0f ug{
pknAw ;km\6j]o/x? -The Data Point, OToflb _ tyf s[ltd a'l4eQf -Artificial Intelligence_
h:t} Chat GPT / Goolge VARD k|of]u u/L lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf] cg';Gwfg Ifdtf, of]ubfg /
k|efjsf] uxg cWoog / ljZn]if0f ul/Psf] 5 .
cWoog÷ljZn]if0fsf] tl/sf
;j{k|yd u'un :sn/ -https://scholor.goolge.com_] sf] Article Search df uP/ Custom Range
df tf]lsPsf] jif{ -h:t} !((* b]lv !(((_ /fvL ;f] jif{df Tribhuvan University, Nepal sf] gfddf
k|sflzt ePsf ;a} #@# n]vx?sf] ;"rL -zLif{s, n]vsx?, 7]ufgf / 8fpgnf]8 ln+s;d]t_ nfO{
Excel Sheet df ;ª\u[xLt ul/of] of jfx]s oL n]vx?sf] p4/0f -Citation_ x? tyf l/Eo" cfl6{sn
;d]t ;ª\sng ul/of] . o;/L ;g\ !((* b]lv @)@@ ;Ddsf ;Dk"0f{ cfl6{snx?sf] ;"rLnfO{ Excel df
;ª\u|x ul/of] . To;kl5 n]vx?sf] ljwf klxNofpg k|ydt\ k|yd n]vssf] lzIf0f ;+:yf÷ljefusf] gfd
/ To;kZrft\ zLif{snfO{ s|d;} uF Research Gate (, SJR (https://www., Scopus ( / NepJol ( 8]6fa];df
uP/ ;r{ ul/of] . lgs} ;do nfu]tf klg oL 8]6fa];x?af6 nueu ()–(@ k|ltzt cfl6{snx?sf]
ljifout k|df0fLs/0f ug{ ;lsof] . ljwfx? SJR df lbOPsf] juL{s/0fsf] cfwf/df lglZrt ul/Psf]
xf] . oL k|df0fLs/0fx?nfO{ Plss[t ug{ The Data Point ;km\6j]o/ k|of]u ul/of] h'g 6fOD; xfo/
Ph's];g j8{ o'lgel;{6L /}+lsËåf/f pknAw u/fOPsf] xf] . oL 8]6fx?sf] ;+Zn]if0f, ljZn]if0f / lrq
agfpg Excel g} k|of]u ul/Psf] xf] . Pj+ /Ltn] cGo ;dsIfL ljZjljBfnox?sf] ljut @% jif{sf]
8]6fa]; ;ª\sng, cWoog / ljZn]if0f ul/Psf] xf] . Tfflnsf–! df lqlj kl/jf/åf/f k|sflzt cg';Gwfg
n]vx?sf] tYofÍx?nfO{ lrq g+= ! df jflif{s j[l4b/ b]vfOPsf] 5 .
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tYofÍ . (source: Google Scholar)
Published Number of published Published Number of published
Review Article
Year Year

Journal Article Review Article Journal Article

1998 323 12 2011 4680 64
1999 320 10 2012 4460 75
2000 422 22 2013 4560 93
2001 976 23 2014 4890 124
2002 1050 14 2015 5190 139
2003 1120 21 2016 5620 134
2004 1330 29 2017 6120 153
2005 1560 26 2018 7010 181
2006 1880 25 2019 8060 190
2007 2380 23 2020 9100 335

2008 3040 46 2021 9680 533
2009 3800 59 2022 9982 615
2010 4460 55 Total 102013 3001

ljut @% jif{df lqljsf] cg';Gwfg k|sfzg ! nfv gf3]sf] b]lvG5 . l/Eo' n]vx?rflx #))) sf]
;ª\Vof aNntNn 5f]Psf] 5 . cg';Gwfg k|sfzgsf] jflif{s j[l4b/ rflx ;Gtf]ifhgs 5 . xfnsf
jif{x?df of] ;ª\Vof nueu !) xhf/ k|ltjif{ k'u]sf] 5 .
ljut @% jif{ b]lv lqljsf] cg';Gwfg k|sfzg
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k|sfzg j[l4b/ x]bf{ :ki6tM $ r/0f b]lvG5M k|ltjif{ @ xhf/ n]v k|sfzg x'g !) jif{ nfu]sf] lyof] .
To;kl5sf # jif{ d} $ xhf/ n]vx?, ^ xhf/ k'Ug km]l/ ^ jif{ nfUof] . To;kl5sf] # jif{df km]l/
*,))) k|sfzg eof] . b; xhf/ n]v k|ltjif{ k'Ug km]l/ csf]{ # jif{ nfu]sf] b]lvG5 . s'n ldnfP/ !
xhf/af6 !),))) ;Dd k'Ug !* jif{ nfu]sf] b]lvG5 .

lrq g+=– ! M ;g\ !((* b]lv @)@@ ;Dd lqlj kl/jf/åf/f k|sflzt cg';GwfgfTds n]vx?sf] j[l4
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;g\ !((* df #@# hg{n cfl6{sn / !@ l/Eo' cfl6{snx? k|sflzt eP/ ;'?cft ePsf] b]lvG5 .
of] ;ª\Vof ;g\ @))@ k'Ubf !),))) gf3]sf] / ;g\ @)!% df %))) gf3L ut jif{ !),))) sf] ;ª\Vof
glhs k'u]sf] kfOG5 . hg{n cfl6{snsf] t'ngfdf l/Eo' cfl6{sn Go"g b]lvG5 . t;y{ lqljsf
cg';Gwfgstf{x? æ;Gbe{ n]væ eGbf æd'Vo–n]væ tkm{ Hofbf cfslif{t b]lvG5g\ .
lqljdf ;g\ @)!# b]lv :gftsf]Q/ txdf ;]d]:6/ k|0ffnL nfu' ePsf] xf] . o;} jif{b]lv k|sfzg b/

klg j[l4 ePsf] b]lvG5 . o;nfO{ ;'vb ;+of]u dfGg ;lsG5 . ;g\ @)!* b]lv lqlj j8{ /}+lsËdf
!,))) leq kb}{ cfPsf] xf] . ;g\ @)!% sf] e"sDk / ;g\ @)!(–@) sf] sf]le8 dxfdf/Lsf] a]nf sIff
/ k/LIffdf Jojwfg k/] klg k|sfzg b/df s'g} klg gsf/fTds c;/ b]lvFb}g .

lrq g+=– #M cg';Gwfg k|sfzgdf ljwfut juL{s/0f -Source: Google Scholar, Scopus, SJR & The
Data Point ;km\6j]o/_
j8{ /}+lsËdf lg/Gt/ p4/0f -Citation_ a9\g'df d'Vo of]ubfg k|sfzgs} xf] . oL @% jif{df k|sflzt
! nfveGbf a9L cg';Gwfgd"ns k|sfzgx?df ljwfx?sf] s]s:tf] of]ubfg xf]nf t < lrq g+= @
df ljwfut juL{s/0f b]vfOPsf] 5 . h;cg';f/ @&% l/;r{ cfl6{snx? Biological Science sf]
b]lvG5 . To;kl5 s|dzM @!% / !(% cfl6{snx? Physical / Medical Science sf] /x]sf] 5 .
ljBfyL{ ;ª\Vofsf] lx;fjn] oL # ljwfdf hDdf !@% ljBfyL{ /x]sf 5g\ . ;j{flws $#% ljBfyL{ cWoog
ul//x]sf] Dofg]hd]G6df hDdfhDdL !@% l/;r{ cfl6{sn k|sflzt ePsf] b]lvG5 -lrq g+= #_ .
l/Eo' cfl6{sn k|sfzgdf Medical Science cu|0fL -#(%_ b]lvG5 . t;y{ lqljdf ;jf{lws l/;r{
cfl6{sn -^&%_ / l/Eo' cfl6{sn -&)%_ k|sfzg ug{ ;kmn ljwfx?df d]l8sn, afof]nf]lhsn /
lkmlhsn ;fOG; kb{5g\ . OlGhlgol/Ë / sDKo'6/ ;fOG;sf] of]ubfg gu0o -s|dzM $% / )=@%_
b]lvG5 . tflnsf–@ df ljwfut k|sfzg ;ª\Vof b]vfOPsf] 5 .
tflnsf–@ M lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf] ljut @% jif{ b]lv ePsf cg';Gwfg k|sfzgdf ljwfut of]ubfg
-source M lrq g+= @ df ePsf ;a}_
Journal Articles published Review Articles published in
Disciplines in last 25 years last 25 years
Arts & Humanities 12345 38
Biological Science 27549 712
Business & Economics 11566 123

Computer Science 882 3
Education 3425 87
Engineering 3909 84
Law 1123 8
Medical Science 19322 1159
Physical Science 21872 787

Total 102013 3001

Tfflnsf–@ af6 ljljw ljwfx?df c;dfg k|sfzg b]lvg'n] :gfts txsf] -hxfF ;jf{lws ljBfyL{x?
cWoog/t 5g\_ kf7\oqmdnfO{ 1fgd"vL (knowledge-based) af6 ;Lkd"vL (skill-based) jf gjk|jt{gd"vL
(innovation-based) tkm{ kl/dfh{g ug'{kg]{ cj:yf b]lvG5 . o;sf ;fy} cg';GwfgkZrft\ k|sfzgtkm{
klg lzIfs tyf ljBfyL{x?nfO{ clek|]l/t ug'{kg]{ b]lvG5 .

lrq g+=–# M xfn lqljdf ljljw ljifox?df cWoog/t ljBfyL{x?sf] juL{s/0f -Source: Times Higher
Education World University Ranking 2022 portal_
eljiodf cg';Gwfg k|sfzgsf] ultnfO{ tLj| kfg{ Dofg]hd]G6, cf6{\; PG8 x\o'dflgl6h / Ph's];g
ljwfx?df b]lvPsf] Go"g k|sfzg b/nfO{ psf:g cfjZos 5 lsgls oxfF lqljsf -&$%_ ljBfyL{x?
cWoog/t 5g\ -lrq g+= #_ . To:t} OlGhlgol/Ë / sDKo'6/ ;fOg;h:tf dxTjk"0f{ ljifox?df
cg';Gwfgsf] tLj| ult cfjZos 5 .
lbNnL ljZjljBfno;Fu lqljsf] t'ngf
lrq g+= $ df lbNnL / lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf] cg';Gwfg k|sfzg b/sf] t'ngfTds cWoog b]vfOPsf]
5 .

62 lqlj jflif{s lbj; k|sfzg

lrq g+= $M lqe'jg / lbNnL ljZjljBfnosf] ljut @% jif{b]lvsf] cg';Gwfg k|sfzg / j[l4b/sf]
t'ngfTds cWoog (Source: lrq g+= @ df ePsf ;a}_
;g\ !((* b]lv @))) ;Dd lqljeGbf nueu @ u'0ff a9L cg';Gwfg k|sfzg u/]sf] ef/tsf] lbNnL
ljZjljBfnonfO{ cg]s dfkb08df lqlj;Fu t'ngf ug]{ ul/G5 . oL b'j} ljZjljBfnox? ;dfg /}+lsËdf
/x]sf], ;dfg, sfo{qmd, ljifo / tx ;~rfng ul//x]sf], y'k|} ;DaGwg k|fKt sn]hx? /x]sf ;/sf/L
cg'bfg k|fKt ljZjljBfnox? x'g\ . ;g\ @))$ b]lv lqljn] cg';Gwfg k|sfzgdf pl5g]sf] b]lvG5
-lrq g+=$_ . xfn lqljsf] k|sfzg j[l4b/ lb=lj= sf] eGbf # u'0ffn] a9L b]lvG5 . ha ls lb=lj= df
lzIf0f l;sfO -Learning) / cg';Gwfg -Research_ df nufgL @ u'0ff a9L 5 . ljZjljBfno cg'bfg
cfof]u, ef/tsf] ;g\ @)!( sf] jflif{s k|ltj]bg cg';f/ lb=lj= df k|fljlws ljifox?k|lt ljBfyL{x?
cfslif{t gx'g', cem} klg :gfts txdf # jif]{ sfo{qmd g} ;~rfngdf /xg' / cg';Gwfg ;xof]u
-Collaboration_ df ck]Iffs[t j[l4 x'g g;Sg' xf] .
cGo ;dsIfL ljZjljBfnox?;Fu lqljsf] t'ngf
tflnsf–# df lqljsf] cg';Gwfg k|sfzgsf] t'ngf cGo $ ;dsIfL ljZjljBfnox? (lb=lj=, hjfx/nfn
g]x? ljZjljBfno, OG;j|'s ljZjljBfno, cli6of / Sn]d;g ljZjljBfno, cd]l/sf_ ;Fu b]vfOPsf]
5 -lrq g+= %_ .
tflnsf # M cg';Gwfg k|sfzgdf lqlj, lb=lj=, hjfx/nfn g]x? ljZjljBfno, OG;j|'s ljZjljBfno
-cli6«of_ / Sn]d;g ljZjljBfno -cd]l/sf_ . oL $ ljZjljBfnox?dWo] OG;a|'s ljZjljBfnosf] /}+s
%)) leq /x]sf] 5 . -source: Google Scholar_

Research Articles Published (Source: Google Scholar)
Tribhuvan Delhi Jawaharlal Nehru Innsbruck Clemson
Article University University University University University
Year Nepal India India Austria USA
1998 323 654 2345 4025 6870
1999 320 771 2830 4490 7940
2000 422 779 3170 5480 8810
2001 976 853 3330 6520 8880
2002 1050 947 3690 7270 8830
2003 1120 1090 4310 8030 9310
2004 1330 1210 4520 10200 10300
2005 1560 1310 4980 11700 11900
2006 1880 1460 5560 11400 12800
2007 2380 1630 6190 12100 12700
2008 3040 1820 7070 14000 13100
2009 3800 2040 8170 15500 13900
2010 4460 2240 9530 15100 14300
2011 4680 2380 11100 16400 15100
2012 4460 2610 13200 16000 15500
2013 4560 3180 15100 20200 18600
2014 4890 3340 15800 16600 16500
2015 5190 3830 18400 20000 21500
2016 5620 3950 16400 16300 16500
2017 6120 4070 22100 21000 23700
2018 7010 3980 16500 16200 17800
2019 8060 3800 25200 16800 24300
2020 9100 3900 17600 22700 16700
2021 9680 4120 33200 16800 24800
2022 9982 4320 17100 16200 17300

cg';Gwfg k|sfzgsf] ;ª\VofTds b/sf] t'ngf ug{ ef/t;lxt o'/f]k / cd]l/sfsf] !÷! ljZjljBnfox?
5gf}6 ul/Psf] 5 . OG;a|'s ljZjljBfno o; kª\lQmsf/ ;g\ !((( b]lv @))# ;Dd ljBfjfl/lwsf]
nflu cg';Gwfg/t lyof]] . Sn]d;g ljZjljBfnosf] j8{ /}+s lqlj ;/x /x]sf] / ToxfF lqljsf ;of}F
:gftsx? cWoogsf nflu jif]{gL hfg] u/]sf] Oltxf; 5 .
cg';Gwfg Ifdtfdf lglZrt ?kn] o'/f]k / cd]l/sfsf ljZjljBfnox? cu|0fL 5g\ . t;y{ oL
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Disciplines Number of Students (2022) Publications/student
Arts & Humanities 60412 0.20
Biological Science 14155 1.95
Business & Economics 206704 0.06
Computer Science 26565 0.03
Education 89422 0.04
Engineering 31560 0.12
Law 10540 0.11
Medical Science 8901 2.17
Physical Science 34600 0.63

Total 482859 0.21

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Chat GPT, (retrieved on 7 May, 2023)
Google Scholar, (retrieved on 14 March – 5 May, 2023)
Google VARD, (retrieved on 9 May, 2023)
Microsoft Bing, (retrieved on 11 May, 2023)
Nature Index Journals, (retrieved on 19 May, 2023)
NepJOL, (retrieved on 2 April – 22 May, 2023)
Pub Med Journals, (retrieved on 19 March – 15 May, 2023)
QS World Ranking, (retrieved on 18 May, 2023)
SCImago Journal, (retrieved on 19 March – 15 May, 2023)
Scopus, (retrieved on 23 March – 17 May, 2023)
The Data Points, (retrieved on 4 March – 7 May,
Times Higher Education World University Ranking,
university-rankings/by-subject (retrieved on 4 March – 7 May, 2023)

A Media Trial on Tribhuvan University’s Examination
Process in Recent Years
Manoj Karna*

Tribhuvan University’s (TU) students are, now-a-days, haphazardly affected with the
unpunctual publication of the result of the examinations as well as the frequent publication
of the examination schedule for final semester/year examination more than one time in the
same academic session and for the level of the students. The fair examination conduction
and the result publication properly in time not only add the reliability of the educational
entity but also ensure the quality education in the society. Keeping some postulates of test,
measurement and assessment of some educationists like Linn and Gronlund, Cronbach,
S. Stevens, Print Murray, Patricia Broadfoot, Robert J. Gregory and from dictionary, this
article renders the interrelation of standards in the examination processes of this university;
some possible responsible factors for unexpected circumstances felt in the examination; TU's
recent image of examination process in media, and some possible solutions to the questions
raised by the Nepali society. This academic writing concerns with recent some news in the
mass media; interviews with some related student and university teachers by making a
constituent campus, Patan Multiple Campus, Patandhoka, as a sample study in the field, and
some different sources including texts, hence, the quasi-experimental method works here.
Keywords: academic calendar, assessment, impact and image, measurement, test.
Tribhuvan University (TU) is the oldest and the only central university of Nepal where around four
hundred-thousand students study, except in Manang district where there is no of its institution to
date, in its sixty-two constituent, five hundred and twenty-nine community and five hundred and
forty-nine private campus and colleges (Kaini, March 12, 2023, p. 1). Despite having about eighty
percent hold of TU on the student market of Nepal in the higher education sector and as there
are many new universities on the very leadership of this central university, TU itself is suffering
from delayed conduction of examination and unpunctual publication of result which has adverse
effects on the future of the Nepali youths, beginning the new academic session in time as well as
the disappointment of students to this biggest educational entity. TU has a special central level
office, Examination Control Office at Balkhu (Kathmandu), which performs the examination

* Lecturer, Department of English, Patan Multiple Campus, Patandhoka

activities of bachelor’s level with its some regional offices nationwide, but it operates its semester
examinations through dean offices for master's level so that the workload will be divided for the
rapid result. Nowadays, TU has adopted the policy of internal evaluation through a mid-term test
in the semester programs at master’s level courses as well as at courses like B.Sc. CSIT, B.B.A.,
B.C.A, and also in the annual programs like B.A. and B.B.S.
Where this article discusses the terms “test”, “measurement” and “assessment” to clarify whether
TU stands firmly on their concept or not, it includes the sample study of Patan Multiple Campus,
Patandhoka, Lalitpur. This constituent campus of TU in the capital valley of Nepal (Kathmandu)
runs educational programs in different streams including Science & Technology, Humanities
& Social Sciences, and Management in its sufficient land property and infrastructure where
Bachelors’ and Masters’ levels studies occur. The campus can run Master’s degree programs in
various subjects like English, Nepali, Economics, Sociology, Population, Rural Development,
Business Studies, Physics, Information Technology, and Environmental Science; some technical
studies like B.Sc.CSIT and B.C.A. (in computer studies), and new area of studies like B.S.W.
(social work) under different aforementioned faculties.
The Theory Implied Here
This article relies on the postulate and definitions of “measurement, assessment and test” of the
students in the area of higher education. The three terms, measurement, assessment, and test, are
different and significant but relative terms to each other. Let us try to understand their empirical
meaning from a dictionary and some prominent educationists.
According to one definition of “test”, it is an examination of somebody’s knowledge or ability,
consisting of questions for them to answer or activities for them to perform (Wehmeier, 2005, p.
1585). Likewise, in another definition of "measurement", it is the act or the process of finding the
size, quantity, and degree of something (Wehmeier, 2005, p. 952), and the denotation meaning of
“assessment” is an opinion or a judgment about somebody/something that has been thought about
very carefully (Wehmeier, 2005, p. 79). Where measurement and assessment are “processes”, the
test is an “activity” in such processes. These terms are inseparable in institutions like universities
where extensively they are in function.
Some educationists mean “test” as an instrumental tool or a way to measure the students and some
other educationists take “test” as a comparative tool for the students. But one can understand that
nearly about total activities of the learners are essential to bringing them to notice. These social
scientists postulate further. While Linn and Gronlund define “test” together as an instrument
or systematic procedure for measuring a sample of behavior by posing a set of questions in a
uniform manner, Cronbach understands it as a systematic procedure for comparing the behavior
of two or more persons (J. B. R. et al., 2071 B. S.: p. 160).
Let me invite you to another process activity. It is a measurement, which is conducting different

examinations of the students. For "measurement", S. Stevens defines it as the assignment of
numerals to objects and events according to rules but N.E. Gronlund takes it as the quantitative
description of a pupil's behavior and is concerned with the development of behavior (J.B.R. et
al., 2071 B.S.: p.161).
Internal "assessment" is another type of testification of the students at a local level on campus. It
not only ensures the continuous learning and behavior of the students through regular monitoring,
but also it provides the opportunity for the students to be familiar with the question model, and
test material and to perform excellently, thus, in the final semester examination. Where Linn and
Miller define assessment as "any of a variety of procedures used to obtain information about
student performance", there Print Murray understands it as “the interpretation of measurement
data” (J.B.R. et al., 2071 VS: p.164). J.B.R. et all further write on the same page that Where
Patricia Broadfoot understands “assessment” as “oriented of feedback and motivation for students
of support leaving rather than to judge or measure it” then, Robert J. Gregory accepts this term
as “estimating the magnitude of one or more attributes in a person”.
One can learn easily that to measure a student completely, only a yearly or mid-term
examination is not enough rather writing a term paper in each paper in a semester, field visit,
presentation, viva-voce, and so on are also essential. It is also noticeable that to measure a
student properly, the institution must follow its calendar sharply: opening admission on time,
certain hours of class conduction, mid-term/final exam conduction, and publishing the result
at earliest reach.
What is TU Suffering from Actually?
Despite TU following the annual and semester examinations at different levels, the overall
performance is not winning the heart of the average Nepali people. It has a direct effect on the
student market, and the students' quality of education as per their constitutional right, and raises
the question of the reliability of this university. Many media persons are raising such issues in the
mass media to draw the attention of the Nepali government and the TU’s authority. The overall
number of students is decreasing in TU but the affiliation process is on; there is no integrated
calendar for enrolment, class conduction, examination, and result publication; sometimes the
answer sheet vanishes from the campus; there does not come results for fifteen months long,
and the new admission at Master’s level begins before the publication of Bachelor’s level result
(Kaini, 2023). In the same news and referring to Dadeldhura Campus’s chief, Ganga Dutta
Upreti, Kaini further mentions, “The regional examination controller office has been opened in
Attaria but the authority/delegation of right has not been given to such branch office so the human
resource has to contact the central office Kathmandu to receive and submit the packet of answer
sheets which kill altogether eight to ten days.”
Many of the other authors like Kaini also accept the Nepali universities’ common problems

including TU as the political appointment of authorities and the unnecessary distribution of
affiliation of the colleges which are mostly motivated by business and benefit rather than quality
education. Shanti Krishna Adhikari is such other columnist in the mass media who claims as per
the annual report of the University Grants Commission of Nepal. He mentions these claims in
one of the articles about TU at various places:
Looking at the number of campuses, it seems that the universities are distributing affiliation
giving the priority of community and educational trader rather than quality education …
the authorities from different political parties are appointed in which the dean, examination
controller, campus chief, assistant campus chief are appointed by satisfying the main
political parties … where TU has increased the number of deputy controller from fewer
to many in the two decades but still the performance is unsatisfactory … here are some
universities unable to celebrate the convocation day even for twelve years and not to
publish the result for one year. (‘Nepal, a Country of Universities’, 2023).
Let us see some conditions of examination which are less satisfactory today in TU The future
of the examinees in TU's examination (Parajuli, 2023) is at stake and the university is unable to
follow its academic calendar strictly by the act of some insincere examiners. According to the
latest report of the Comptroller Office of Nepal, some university teachers in TU do not submit
the answer sheet duly in the prescribed time and they hold it even for nearly six months where
the examination duration for an examiner is one month. Shristi Parajuli enlists such human
resources who are insincere to the duty are from some constituent campus and affiliated colleges
in TU including Nepal Commerce Campus, Public Youth Campus, Public Administration
Campus, Bhaktapur Multiple Campus, Kirtipur Central Campus, Bhairahwa Multiple Campus,
Gorkha Campus, Tribhuvan Multiple Campus, Pushpalal Campus, Himalayan Campus, and so
Stakeholders’ Views
Sanjeev Upreti had been teaching human resources for a long time in the central department of
English and is supposed a comparatively politically neutral and devoted person. His frequent
articles in the mass media on TU’s academic excellence remain always awakening and reminding
the duty of the related parties in the university. He identifies the solutions to some problems and
mentions that the vice-chancellor, rector, and registrar are all appointed politically, and thus, the
student and teachers are all politically motivated where healthy and critical discussion is not
possible (Upreti, 2023). Of course, his series of mentions in his newspaper article touches on the
examination controller and the deans also who operate the examinations in TU and who all are
appointed as per the will of political figures.
In this series, the foul politics by students and teachers based on the political ideology, here
in the university, is another big problem. Even many media reporters and people feel it, but
where the media reporters can express their views easily in their field, the commoners have

limited options to express their views. Adhering to the thought of Upreti and by referring to Prem
Chalaune, a claimed victim of wrong politics in TU, Rubi Rauniyar reports in another national
daily newspaper, “The disguised criminal gang of some teacher and students is active here who
interfere the appointment of authority, their transfer, pass and fail in the examinations as well
as they occupy the hostel in the university premise” (Rauniyar, 2023). She ends the news by
quoting other human resources of TU, Jeevan Kafle, that the political parties conduct TU and this
is why the authorities fail to implement its academic calendar strictly which causes the criminal
Affirming the opinions of the rector of TU, Shiva Lal Bhusal, and the former planning chief
of TU, Ridish Pokharel, Kaini makes another parallel banner news in the same issue of the
newspaper as mentioned earlier in this article. It shows restructuring is a major concerning issue
in this university which can fulfill the demand of the student for service and academic excellence
also. He writes that TU should be restructured on two concepts; firstly, it should be modeled
as the “Multi-TU” in different states where the central TU will be as the research entity in the
federal structure, and secondly, to give academic, administrative and financial autonomy to the
faculties converting them into schools (Kaini, 2023).
Sarita Tiwari seems hopeful amidst some confusion in the current affairs of the students at the
University of Nepal. In her view, the Free Students’ Union (F.S.U.) plays a vital role and exerts
positive pressure on the university authority but if the leadership of such an institution forgets the
path, then the very F.S.U. misleads adversely influencing the regular activities of the university.
However, the F.S.U. has played always a good role in the historical political changes in Nepal.
Recalling the glorious past of the role of F.S.U. in the university, Tiwari seeks the responsible role
of this authentic union in TU especially, "The organized avian of the students and the political
movements have not only affected the academic calendar rather the social and political awareness
in the global and national issues too” (Tiwari, 2023).
To cross-check the claims of different persons in media who have been mentioned duly above in
this article, the writer conducts some interviews with some stakeholder students and teachers at
Patan Multiple Campus, Patandhoka, Lalitpur. It is relevant to listen to that their concerns are
matching to that of the different columnists and media persons. Narendra Bhandari, an M.B.S.
(management) student and the candidate for the treasurer post in the last election of F.S.U.
April 8, 2023, from A.N.N.F.S.U. (a left faction of the Biplav), points out some confusions
in TU (personal communication, May 12, 2023), a blame game on each other by seeing the
political color of the university authorities and he gives some constructive suggestions at last.
Bhandari says that while the Examination Controller makes grievances about not having the
plentiful staff in the examination control office at Balkhu and the regional branch offices of it,
the Vice-chancellor crosses the controller's voice and claims to have enough human resources.
Bhandari thinks that priority to duties should be a top priority rather than blaming each other

because it is a matter of service and as a whole image of TU. He further demands that the time
and fairly examination conduction with its result assurance is a must to reset the golden image
of TU.
In the same way, Sushil Bist, the newly elected president of the Free Students’ Union from the
election of April 8, 2023, Patan Campus, (personal communication, May 11, 2023) says that
to make TU’s result as a better and improving, it is quite necessary to monitor the question
paper (of B.B.A. and others) to avoid any negligence of repetition; to implement strictly the
academic calendar like school level examination agencies they strictly follow (S.E.E. and
National Examination Board); to conduct at least two times the internal evaluation to draw
attention of students towards study for final examination, and revision of the course by the
teacher after internal assessment so that the students should check their mistakes.
Such points are collective of serious concern for some science students in the fourth year at
Bachelor's level at the very Patan campus. They seem helpless in the ongoing system. Samyog
Ghimire, Madhav Pokharel, Prakash Khadka, and Rohit Joshi collectively express their views
(personal communication, May 10, 2023) that there should be the facility of regular and continuous
internal evaluation for students because just one, the annual examination, is not relevant in TU
in today's context for global competition. They claim that there is a racket of some student mafia
who offer some ten thousand rupees to the intelligent student who in turn will write the answer
sheet of a such an ill-thinking student so that he/she will receive a TU’s degree without even
appearing in the class. These four respondent students also demand the strict implementation
of the university’s academic calendar as well as the regularity and punctuality of the teachers in
the class with full preparation of the lecture. They claim that most of the teachers enter the class
fifteen minutes late and leave it again early, thus, they take just fifteen to twenty minutes of theory
class and betray the students.
One can find the near about same experience about the examination process while listening to
some of the teachers of this Patan campus. Since they are teaching staff, they are more conscious
to put forward their ideas. Dr. Jagat Prasad Parajuli from the Department of History & Buddhist
Studies at the campus (personal communication, May 10, 2023) speaks on the examination system.
According to him, there is no need for examination operation through dean offices ahead of an
authorized entity for the examination which already exists in TU, Examination Control Office
at Balkhu. He thinks that such parallel practice is just for money earning rather than fast result
publishing which the students are badly bearing. On the very day, a junior teaching staff from the
same department and who also performs the duty of invigilator in the final examinations, Laxmi
Tamang, informs this author that the semester system has a regular evaluation process but the
examination does not occur in its true sense because some student leaders try to enter the exam
hall for ill-intention like to supply the chit to the targeted student or try to exchange answer sheet
from outside examination hall with a nexus of some student, teacher, and staffs and in such cases,

the invigilator is afraid of them nowadays in the examination hall. She seems disappointed as the
remuneration and the result of the examination both are uncertain, that is, the result publication
and the remuneration payment time is not fixed. Likewise, while meeting the former assistant
campus chief of the day shift, Pashupati Neupane, he reveals some serious issues (personal
communication, May 10, 2023) as there is no remuneration of the invigilator in time and TU
is unable to follow its calendar strictly in today's context which harms the examination routine
to publish frequently. Neupane adds that there is no monitoring of the examination process
properly; even only one invigilator has to do duty in a big room with fifty-eight examinees; the
examinees try to sit randomly by violating the seating plan, and there is no publication of the
result in time. He asks how TU will compete with other universities if we fail to fill up these
Tribhuvan University is today suffering from politicization by the political parties and their
sister organizations like the students' wing; the problem of vision which needs restructuring
TU in the federal structure of Nepal and the growing context of the number of the colleges
under this university; the insincere behavior of some teachers who are careless in their duty
whether it be the teaching being regular and punctual in the class or be sincere to submit the
answer sheet packet within the prescribed time, however, the managerial problem of the central
office of Examination (Balkhu) also causes being late for remote human resources to submit
the answer sheet in time, and so on. If the institution wants to implement the postulates of
Linn and Gronlund, Cronbach, S. Tevens, Print Murray, Patricia Broadfoot, Robert J. Gregory,
and of the dictionary, there must be academically healthy, free, and fearless conduction of
different internal and final examinations. These examinations must occur after honest teaching
of certain hours prescribed in the course of study and the assessment-like work is essential.
For this, the regularity and punctuality of students, teachers, and staff on the campus premise
with their full preparation for natural duty are prime factors. Today's challenge is to implement
the course of study with its spirit in the class properly. Therefore, many works can easily be
performed on the campus and colleges at a local level to improve the quality of education
like the internal evaluation process as well as the physical infrastructure facilities for the
students, and there are some other activities to be taken care of by TU’s central agencies like
monitoring the examination processes to prevent repeated question paper as in B.B.A. claimed
by the student earlier in the interview to ensure the total evaluation properly by the teachers to
every student and to curb any immoral works like fake students appearing in the examination,
copying answer from chit or writing answer sheet outside and getting success to exchange it to
that of inside the exam hall, and so on as well as following the academic calendar work. The
unplanned distribution of affiliation to private colleges is to be reviewed instantly to ensure the
necessity and quality of education.

i) The politicization in academic programs/activities in TU should be curbed and the
governments at different levels should assist the TU authority;
ii) Including TU, the F.S.U. in the universities should focus to play a fair role in academic
excellence, for example, to help conduct fearlessly the internal mid-term examinations on
the campuses rather than teaching in the foul politics;
iii) The examiner should submit the answer sheet packet in time or should not involve himself
in such serious activities of TU;
iv) TU should delegate some rights to the regional examination offices so that they can operate
the duty from the local level by saving time and cutting unnecessary expenditures. Of
course, restructuring the university is a must now in the context of the growing number of
colleges under TU for the maximum students of in the country;
v) TU should follow publicly the policy of “reward and punishment” to encourage the dutiful
and honest teacher/human resource as well as to punish the insincere human resource in
their duty, especially in the examination sector;
vi) TU must strictly follow its academic calendar to ensure the future of the students which
will reset the good public image and reliability in Nepali society, and it is easy for TU to
vii) The works of observation and monitoring during the examination must be in true senses to
ensure a fearless atmosphere for the invigilator and to curb any fake examinee at the place
of others;
viii) There should be supplied with human resources through regular recruitment by announcing
vacancy after every six months for rapid and essential performance in the teaching and
non-teaching activities in TU At the same time responsibility is a must for everyone rather
than blaming each other by seeing the political color of the authority;
ix) The distribution of the affiliation process should be reviewed, and
x) The demand of students and teachers, which came to light during the interview, should be
fulfilled as soon as quick.
I would like to extend my due thanks to Information and Public Relation Division, the Registrar's
Office, Tribhuvan University which provided me the golden opportunity to write this academic
article. I must sincerely thank all those innocent students whose keen interest in teaching-learning
activities and whose eyes are waiting for some constructive changes in TU soon and who participated
in this research work with hope. My special regard goes to the senior teaching human resources as
well as the responsible young team at Patan Multiple Campus, Patandhoka, Lalitpur.

Nepal, a Country of Universities. (Trans.). (2022, December). ehimalayanimes. Retrieved from
J.B.R., S.P., Acharya, T.P., Chand, S.N., Kaderiya, M., Basnet, H.B., Regmi, J.P., &
Paudel, K. (2071 VS). Curriculum and Evaluation. Kathmandu, Pinnacle Publications
Pvt. Ltd.
Kaini, S. (2023, March 12). The heavy TU even hard to crawl (Trans.). Kantipur Daily.
Kaini, S. (2023, March 12). When to restructure TU (Trans.). Kantipur Daily.
Parajuli, S. (Presenter). (2023, April 18). List of university teachers to make the students weep
(Trans.) [Television broadcast]. Kathmandu, Nepal: Galaxy 4K. Retrieved from
Rauniyar, R. (2023, May 9). Not stopped goondaism in the university (Trans.). Nagarik
Tiwari, S. (2023, March 14). Where is F.S.U. in reformation of university? (Trans.).
Kantipur Daily.
Upreti, S. (2023, March 12). The humanity & social sciences and the humanity taught in the
univeristy (Trans.). Kantipur Daily.
Wehmeier, S. (ed). (2005). New Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary.
Oxford University Press.

Mentoring a New Researcher: A Teacher’s
Pralhad Adhikari*

Mentorship is the formal or informal relationship that empowers the less experienced professional
with guidance from the more experienced professional. Mentorship can be used as a part of
andragogy. This autoethnography presents my lessons about academic research mentoring, as a
university teacher who supervised multiple theses in a master’s degree. I share some experiences
of how I evolved as a research supervisor in more than 5 years and insights for more effective
supervision of a new researcher.
Keywords: andragogy, early career researcher, master’s degree, research supervision, thesis.
Mentoring or coaching (Burley & Pomphrey, 2011) or supervising (Lunsford et al., 2017) is the professional
relationship between a more experienced person and a less experienced person that sets the goals to
empower the latter in a fixed time period. It involves providing mentees with various types of support,
such as advising, coaching, and role modeling (Gruber et al., 2020). This relationship serves the functions
of career enhancement and improvement of psychosocial skills (Carol A. Mullen & Klimaitis, 2021).
Mentees value certain behaviors in mentors, including integrity, guidance, and constructive feedback. There
are differences between formal and informal mentoring, with informal mentoring being associated with a
greater range of mentoring functions and higher satisfaction. Effective mentoring can enhance the scholarly
productivity of proteges and prevent their attrition from the academic degree or even profession (Gruber et
al., 2020). Similarly, mentoring the graduate students is helpful to empower them with skills such as time
management, and network-building. Mentoring can be used to socialize somebody new in the industry
(Thomas et al., 2015). It may be helpful for those who come from a marginalized background. Mentoring
can be used to improve academic performance, retain students in higher education and ease their transition
to higher levels in the undergraduate level (Lunsford et al., 2017). For graduate students, socialization and
scholarly productivity can be the potential benefits (Lunsford et al., 2017) among others. Mentoring may
occur informally, for example, a study (Searby et al., 2015) found that female administrators in universities
find mentors informally who help them as sponsors, teachers, counselors, and spiritual guides. Mentorship
may be helpful to mentors’ growth?? also (Lucey & White, 2017).
Mentorship has the potential to be used as a teaching method or andragogy. Adhikari (2022b??)
has suggested mentoring for the Nepalese psychological community for growth, satisfaction, and
productivity. This suggestion can carry over to other educational settings. Eastern cultures like Nepal

* Assistant Professor (Psychology), Department of Psychology and Philosophy, Tri-Chandra Multiple

College, Kathmandu,

and China have a long tradition of mentorship (Adhikari, 2022b; Lee & Bush, 2003). A faculty can
assume several roles like that of advisor, instructor, employer, and agent of socialization (Lechuga,
2011) for their protege. Lee and Bush have recommended including mentorship as a formal part
of the curriculum. The ways to plan, establish, operate, and evaluate mentoring relationships need
to be explored.
Statement of Problem
Mentoring is a buzzword. Still, how can one be an effective mentor has not been discussed much
from a supervisor’s perspective. A mentor’s evolvement needs to be shared to gain insights about
how other mentors can act more effectively. Especially, in the domain of research mentorship, the
mentors’ narrative needs to be shared more if pedagogy at the college and university levels is to be
An objective is to share the experiences of mentoring. Another objective is to interpret them in the
broader practice of research mentoring and its effectiveness. My narrative as a supervisor of 18 MA
(Psychology)’s thesis researchers has been shared.
The autoethnography method has been adopted. It is related to explaining socio-cultural actions
in relation to a researcher’s personal experience. It lets us present our stories through cultural
lenses (Adams et al., 2015). We can use our experiences to critically evaluate culture (including
andragogy). We use reflexivity to interrogate self-society overlap. The experiences have been
recollected with help of files stored on my computer. I also used the list of my proteges stored in
the internet to bring up their imagery and remember critical incidents in our relationships. I used
thematic analysis to process these experiences.
I divide this section into several categories under three themes as shown in the table below:
Table 1 Factors that determine the effectiveness of mentoring relationship
Mentor-related Protégé-related University-related
Socialization of protégé Management skills Networking (A poor
Empathy (protégé perspective) English language barrier
Connect to funders
Evolution (learning attitude) Willing but unable
(pain of a penniless
Delegation Statistics: a puzzle researcher)
Decrease online feedback Planning life and something else
Provide resources (pandemic expe-
Things to improve

The new researchers may be clueless about the relationship with the supervisor. So, I have the
practice of socializing students via a written document named “Conditions for Thesis Supervision”.
It is not a legal document, but still, it serves as a standard to discipline both the mentor and protégé.
Even though it has a strict-sounding nomenclature, this document is a socialization tool that
discusses the limits and boundaries of limitations. For example, to maintain a work-life balance,
I let students call me on workdays only and between office hours. This clearly communicates to
the protégé that they should honor the personal life of a supervisor. Similarly, the socialization
document clarifies to students that they can communicate openly, they can defend their position
with evidence, they should try to arrange a meeting weekly, and they should ask permission from
test-makers if they are to use any standardized psychological tests. Below are some suggestions I
offer to students regarding communication.
• “I prefer face-to-face communication. Make the habit of meeting me weekly with updates
about your work and progress. If you want to meet me, call me the preceding day and we will
fix the time.
• You may use email if you are okay with a late response. Please do not send files by email for
feedback. Bring the printout of things you have written during a meeting.
• I do not entertain even a single inquiry about administrative aspects related to the thesis. Contact
the MA coordinator or related employees at the Department/College for such inquiries”.
The Protege Perspective
An Australian professor mentored me for a study that checked if sources of social support acted
as moderators in the relationship between functional impairment and depression (Adhikari &
McLaren, 2023). In the course of mentorship, I sometimes had reservations to contact my mentor
even though she was open to any type of questions and support. She had eliminated hierarchy; she
had allowed me to address her by name but I felt (or self-perceived) a power differential. She was
professionally demanding, yet very kind to allow her mentee enough time to do the needed. After
we were done with proposal, we had to adapt it to Nepal Health Research Council (NHRC)’s criteria
and this adaptation took weeks. When a journal rejected our article and I had to adapt our article for
another journal, I was very embarrassed because new adaptation took months for me. At moments,
I felt like quitting. Nevertheless, I had made myself ready to relax and persevere, as a result of
growth. Moreover, my mentor’s support also played significant role. She mailed me sometimes
and I would rekindle or get triggered to do the next thing after a long stagnation. She corrected
the errors with enough feedback, and I never felt irritation in her tone despite my silly lapses.
As a mentee, I felt that being unable to catch up with the mentor’s expectations is a big barrier
to an effective mentoring relationship and consequently the effectiveness of the relationship.
Even though our research got published finally, we could have been quicker if I communicated

my problems more frankly with her. I underutilized my opportunity. I see the same problem
with my proteges. I expect their queries and always cooperate to openly communicate with their
queries, but they get contactless for months and do away with their work in haste at the last hour.
They hesitate to communicate even in the moments when they are clueless about how to move
An Evolving Supervisor
Supervisors also grow as they supervise several proteges. They evolve as a researcher themselves.
They also change the way they supervise. Based on their experiences with a protégé, they alter
the way they maintain the relationship with a new protégé. I have the habit of documenting
my learning as a supervisor. Since many students are in the hurry to do away with their degree
completion, they have a tendency to copy the contents from the internet or submit the work they
submitted earlier for another degree. As a part of quality control, I now let students know and sign
the terms and conditions of the supervision relationship in which I clarify the protégé about open
communication, accessing the resources I provide to the protégé, and codes of conduct like coming
on time for a meeting. Signing, I believe, increases their commitment to genuinely working, openly
communicating, and doing the needed to accomplish a research project. Before, I used to provide
feedback via email but I realized that feedback is not very effective via mail. Now I have evolved
and prefer meeting in person with printout for feedback. Before, I did not have any resources
to offer but after the COVID-19-induced lockdown, I began a YouTube channel, and after 2021, I
published a reference book that provides ideas to prepare consent forms, conduct the study and analyze
data. Similarly, I posted my research and review articles for free via Academia and ResearchGate, the
two social media of researchers. My socialization document has the following suggestions for protégé:
• “Watch all relevant videos at carefully.
• Study some works at or https:// and get ideas for how to complete research.
• Buy a book titled ‘Research Methodology: Psychology / Social Work’ published by Asmita Books
Publisher at Putalisadak (in front of Shankardev Campus). It is written for MA students and is
As I have evolved, I have learned several things from experiences. For example, I have learned to
formalize and standardize the relationship with??. My socialization document is an example of the
management skill I learned. If I did not document, I would have forgotten some of my lessons, and
the mentoring relationship would encounter the same errors repeatedly.
The Increasing Delegation
Adhikari (2022a) has suggested removing hierarchy in a student-teacher relationship because
these blocks open communication. The students need to be given more autonomy; they should be

challenged. The mentoring relationship should be based on trust and equality. The mentor provides
moral support and expertise to the mentee (Awaya et al., 2003). In my experience, the students need
to be motivated to work harder and challenged to solve the problems on their way. However, how
to motivate is a puzzle, even though we have multiple theories of motivation at hand.
I do not impose ideas on proteges; they have the ability to decide. I just tell them the options or
conventions. They have to decide which one among the options is best. They can defend their
position and retain it if my suggestions are not suitable for them. However, with greater power
(of decision-making) comes greater responsibility. In the socialization document I have made, the
following points highlight my protégé’s authority to decide:
• “Please make changes according to comments/feedback. If you want to defend your position,
do it with evidence. Communicate fearlessly.
• I do not want perfect results. I want you to try perfectly. Even though I am your supervisor, you
should take full responsibility for your thesis. I suggest things but the decision to keep them on
or omit from the thesis is entirely yours. So, by the completion of the report, you need to build
on confidence to defend your thesis totally on your own.”
A solution to the problem of students being clueless about proposal-making or being rejected after
submitting the proposal is to establish a convention of making a concept paper student, assigning
the supervisor, and preparing a proposal under the supervision of a mentor. This practice is currently
being practiced in the Central Department of Psychology (CDoPsy). However, a different mode
of selecting a research problem should not be stopped. For example, the professors can involve
their students in some of their research projects like the University Grants Commission (UGC) is
encouraging (University Grants Commission, 2021) to do so.
The Decreasing Online Feedback
Some proteges might think that acquiring online feedback would be better than meeting the supervisor
in person because such feedback saves their time and travel cost. However, the new researchers
benefit more from in-person feedback in my opinion. When they meet the supervisors face-to-face,
they can interact more and get the solutions instantly often. Moreover, they learn to value professional
relationships. When they bring the printouts, the supervisor can mark the mistakes or weaknesses and
they can witness them directly (or get real-time comments). During socialization, I suggest proteges
make a diary to write comments and their replies (based on the changes to the thesis they make). In
the Master of Counseling Program of Tribhuvan University????, there is a practice of documenting
and mailing the comments from the external examiner in a specific format. This is a good beginning
and can be extended to a mentor-protégé relationship also. There is a problem, however. The teachers
(or professors) have to use their private resources to go online and mail the comments, and in my
case at least, providing online comments is not possible. I live 36 km away from TriChandra College
and carrying computers to the office is cumbersome. The college has not provided personal cabinets,

computers, and internet to its teachers yet. So, without infrastructure, this mode of feedback cannot
be made a rule. It is not that I did not provide feedback online ever. In the initial years of assistant
professorship, I did, but I realized that most of the students did not attend to the comments carefully.
My personal life was also consumed by professional tasks. So, I turned off online feedback mode.
Regarding the feedback, I socialize proteges in the ways mentioned below:
• “I suggest you maintain a comment/thesis diary. Note the comments down as I provide them to
you in a meeting. Also, note where and how you addressed them. You should report to me how
you addressed them in the next meeting.
• Please make changes according to comments/feedback. If you want to defend your position, do
it with evidence. Communicate fearlessly.
• What if you do not address the feedback without proper defense? I may reject to supervise you.
Do not take the rejection personally. It will be your carelessness being rejected, not you.
• Bring both the printouts to our meeting: the one in which you got the comment and the one in
which you made changes.”
The Pandemic Experience
The COVID-19 pandemic taught us many lessons for life. It was a crisis but people adapted to
it despite the lockdown (Adhikari, 2020) after some time passed. Some students were in touch
via email communication. It was a time when we had a lot of confusion. The proteges mailed me
and I engrossed myself in their documents onscreen. The longer the onscreen time, the higher the
mental health consequence was (Neophytou et al., 2019; Twenge & Farley, 2021). Because of the
digital file not being completely seen at once and maybe we are not habituated to reading it, the
students did not address the comments properly, and the same comment had to be repeatedly given.
Some proteges have the tendency to assign their tasks to a supervisor and some even try to place
the blame on the supervisor if they are shown lacking by examiners. To reduce this problem of
diffusion of responsibility, I socialize them by informing them early to own their work.
• “Professors do not do work for students. So, try your best as advised. Do not expect me to do
any work for you. I am here just to guide you … by the completion of the report, you need to
build on confidence to defend your thesis totally on your own.”
A Youtuber
I tried to automate my teaching when I had to tediously repeat the instruction for students to train them
in citation and data analysis including statistical calculation. This project available at https://www. was begun during the first round of the COVID-19 pandemic
(or the first lockdown) in 2020. Since then, I have made and posted 70 videos about SPSS, Excel,
NVivo, Mendeley, Zotero, and other technologies that I know related to research. The supervisors

now have the facility of using social media or other internet technology to let students repeatedly
watch their instruction. Students mainly panic after they encounter with data analysis step. Many
students in the Department of Psychology have dropped out after being unable to analyze quantitative
data. Using multidimensional instructional methods is helpful to reduce statistics anxiety (Pan &
Tang, 2005). So, YouTube is my way of instructing. In the socialization document, I mention:
• “Use Mendeley or Zotero for citation and references management. Their tutorials are available
in the Nepali language on my YouTube channel. Do not believe in the software blindly. Use
your judgment to decide if the outputs are right.
• Watch all relevant videos at carefully.”
Interestingly, during the pandemic, when meeting proteges was not possible, I sent the feedback to
them with video messages uploaded on YouTube privately. When I have to bulk-train students for
a bachelor’s degree, I use the ‘Unlisted’ option of video publication on this platform.
The Uncanny Convention: Proposal Without Guidance
There is a convention of letting students present proposals to the college and assigning a supervisor.
I find this convention strange. Even though the students studying two subjects entirely dedicated
to research methods and they should be ready to prepare a proposal on their own, the supervision
from the phase of proposal preparation can help both the mentor and protégé have a cognitive map
of where they are heading. The student can have an easier and clearer way to blaze the trail they are
about to walk. Moreover, many students seem to be clueless about how to begin research at the end
of the fourth semester despite their studying Research Methods and doing several research-based
assignments (Adhikari, 2022a). I encourage my students to consult with me from the proposal
preparation phase. If they happen to submit a proposal with copied content, it gets rejected as
mentioned in a point in my socialization document.
• “If your proposal is not strong or healthy (i.e., plagiarized), I will assign you the topic of my
• If you are confused about your topic or not committed to it, you may even discuss a new one.
• If you are clueless about research, you can take my topic and get guidance from scratch to
complete your thesis.
• If your thesis is related to (mental) health, I suggest you acquire ethical approval from Nepal
Health Research Council (NHRC) and aim for the publication of research in a good international
journal. You can submit a proposal online. Go to”
Undocumented Feedback
The feedback lost in oblivion can reinvent the wheel, or create discord in the relationship between
mentor and mentee. The students may not address the comments because for whatever reasons; the

mentors have to waste resources by repeatedly suggesting the same thing. As mentioned earlier, a
comment diary is a solution to the feedback getting lost unattended. Sometimes, it is interesting to
show the comments given and documented earlier.
Outdated (and dominating!) Examiners
The external examiners, generally retired professors, stop getting updated on the latest trends in the
industry. Many a time, they base their judgment on their old-day practices. When the proteges get
evaluated in that manner, they are intimidated. Sometimes, external examiners are so overpowering
and rude, they constantly humiliate students. They forget that the students today can be professors like
them tomorrow. Even rejection can be done politely but some external examiners seem not to have
learned ways to provide feedback modestly. To adapt to such a situation, I orientate my proteges with
the following instructions:
• “After you are done with the thesis, prepare a PowerPoint presentation for thesis defense. Include the
major parts of the thesis briefly. Make the slides graphical. Do not miss out Introduction, Methods,
Results (table and graphs), and Discussion.
• Be confident to present. It is just speaking out about what you have really done. So, you need not
fear. Bring a notebook and note down comments given by examiners. Do not get defensive as they
comment. Humbly, you may defend as you get a chance to speak. Please note that Nepali culture
promotes yes-men. So, active listening is advised. Smile as you get the comments. Smile as you
present your matters.
• After you present/defend your thesis, consult with me about the comments of the examiners. After
the final correction, you need to submit the printout to me in a meeting. Only after that, you have to
do the hard binding”.
A Poor Networker
Early career researchers benefit from networks. However, I should confess that I am not a
proactive networker because I am an introvert. In many colleges in Nepal, thesis presentations are
not publicly announced. They should be used as a ceremony for networking opportunities. Like-
minded investigators may join; the knowledge can be shared and the door for other studies may
open. In the psychology field of Nepal primarily, summits, conferences, seminars, workshops, and
presentations are rarely held. They should be increased. The heads and coordinators should pay
attention to this issue.
The Pain of Penniless Researchers: Where are the Funders
When psychology graduates work with sensitive and taboo issues, they often encounter
underprivileged participants. Even the human participants expect some remuneration. So, the early
career researchers including the student researchers have the pain of affording many expenses such
as travel costs, communication expenses, and printing costs. In Nepal, in the public domain such

as in daily newspapers, very few funders that supports social science (or psychology) research
have been noticed. A single event cannot be generalized. An organization named Ageing Nepal
had shared a notice for fellowship. I shared the notice with students in the thesis year with the
promise to mentor them but no student contacted me. The students also may not be skilled to
conduct the study or serious about research as a career. A fact is clear: there are very few funders
in Nepal who support social science studies. Tribhuvan University and UGC funds are noteworthy
mentions. Recently, some governmental bodies have started to fund the research related to their
issues. For example, the Commission for Investigation of Authority had announced scholarships to
fund studies related to issues of good governance or corruption (Commission for Investigation of
Abuse of Authority, 2022). Other organizations willing to exercise evidence-based practice should
step in to fund social science studies.
Management Skills
The research project’s completion needs some managerial skills. Managers need technical,
conceptual, and human skills (Robbins & Judge, 2022, p. 40). So, a researcher is a kind of manager.
For planning the research to building relationships with mentors and participants uses technical,
conceptual, and human skills.
A Case of an Introvert
A student, who I had professed during their bachelor’s degree, of CDoPsy suffered from an anxiety
disorder. Other life problems were to blame too but their introversion came on their way in research
completion. They were talented in academic domains, but reluctant to interact with strangers. This
impaired their progress and procrastinated on their thesis research. Even though they were denied
many jobs offers to complete their research, they were impeded by their lack of human skills, and
their research project had to suffer.
A solution to such problems in conducting research can be creatively solved. For example, a
researcher can hire an assistant for data collection and train them well to accomplish the task. If
somebody feels uncomfortable meeting people to collect data in person, they can design an online
survey. Research problems should be feasible to study. In other words, a researcher should choose
problems that they can handle, methods that they can manage, or a breadth of topic that they can
The Protege Reaction
If the main drivers for research were passions, the story would have been different. However,
students place degree acquisition on top. Skills are more important than degrees or marks. When
the students understand this well, their passion may increase. Some students show a willingness to
accomplish a lot in the field of research psychology, however, their excitement fades away when
they are embroiled in the practical issues of life. I had a few students who were rude to me, a few

others who hurried to pass out without doing the minimum, and who even tried to present the theses
presented somewhere else. Many students were humble and willing to do their tasks but their feeble
research knowledge hampered them. Few proteges were very proactive, independent, and creative.
They had to be only facilitated. Prodigious proteges obviously do away with research sooner;
inexperienced students may take longer. To address the behavioral issues, the college/university
management should have clear guidelines. The power differential is a protector sometimes but it
also is a barrier. Adhikari (2022a) has suggested removing the hierarchy in a mentoring relationship.
Lack of clear formatting guidelines, for example, creates ambiguity and the mentoring relationship
also has to suffer.
The Language Barrier: Is English a Skill?
Many students are seen to be in difficulty because of their lack of English skills. Since many
resources are found in this language, it is a plus if they are already dexterous in it. Theoretically,
English is not a skill per se and it can be compensated if you are adept at using technology these
days. However, if you lack both English and internet skills, then you may really lag behind other
researchers who possess these. In Nepal, minimum English reading and writing proficiency are
needed if early career researchers want to get ahead in psychology. Still, I believe that English
skills should not be an obstacle. I socialize proteges to seek help from other people if they are less
skillful in English.
• “You may need to translate psychological tests to Nepali. Do not use Google Translate. It is not
accurate. You may need to contact the creator of the tests for permission to use them in Nepal.
• You may take the help of other persons who are skilled in both Nepali and English for translation
and back-translation. You can even translate the test to your native tongue if you have one and
if you want to research the people who speak your native tongue.”
Willing but Unable? The Time will Teach!
Some students are willing to learn skills and put in a lot of hard work. Still, they seem to be unable
to learn. Definitely, there may be some weaknesses in the mentoring relationship, but we should
wait till some time elapses before we know if they will persevere or quit. Despite the availability
of many resources for free (like on YouTube) and from the home itself, it is strange, why students
cannot learn the skills enough. Again, the lack of technological know-how may be to blame. There
are other issues like shortage of time because of employment and family issues. In my opinion,
their perseverance is the litmus test. Still, the mentors may teach skills for time management, and
work-life balance. They can support by being proactive in the relationship.
Statistics: A Puzzle?
I remember that a student had dropped out of his master’s degree when he had failed to compute
results from his quantitative data. He had a law degree as his backup; he might have dropped

out because he pursued a psychology degree as a pastime. Many students face the barrier of
statistics. The larger problem is the statistics anxiety. As many as eight in 10 graduate students have
statistics anxiety (Onwuegbuzie, 2004) and it may be the cause of delayed academic performance.
In today’s time when computer applications handle every computation, statistics should not be
a barrier. Proteges should know when to use a statistic and how to interpret it. The calculation
will be handled by the software, but the user should know how to do the steps in it to get the
results. Currently, some students are found to outsource their data analysis to the outsiders at a very
expensive rate. When the college knows well about the students’ problems with statistics, it should
make a mechanism to address their problems. There can be a data analysis assistance cell or paid
consultation facilities at a reasonable price.
Planning Family and Something Else
Many students leave their thesis undone and bear a child. They get busy in rearing their newborns
and procrastinate their research. Most of the female students have done this whereas some male
students have attributed their delay to such a decision. They should know about family planning
well. Family planning is about knowing when to bear children so that life becomes easy in career,
finance, and everything else. Similar is the case with their employment. The students should know
that they can get better opportunities if they enter into the workforce with a completed degree.
Moreover, they can choose to be part-time employees until they are done with their thesis work.
Employment-Study Balance
As mentioned earlier, students can manage ways to strike a balance between jobs and study in
different ways. Still, if they are disciplined enough and strive to complete research work during
the six months of the last semester, they will have less to suffer. The management should establish
good policies to enable students to complete their thesis by the end of the fourth semester. When I
socialize the proteges, I encourage them to start early and put in hard work.
• “Doing research and writing a thesis takes a lot of time, maybe months. Please plan wisely and
work hard to complete both on time.
• You need to do a lot of hard work for the thesis. Study the research articles and relevant other
literature carefully for it.
• You need to know the research gap well. So, an intense study is the only option to find it.
• You may need to find relevant theory or make the “theoretical framework” based on available
literature. So, study intensely.
• You should study the tool(s) you choose in detail.
• I cannot teach you data analysis from scratch. I am here for minor guidance. I assume that you
know it already (from the learnings of earlier semesters).”

Things I Can Improve
I was more reactive to students. I majorly replied to the queries of the students via email or phone.
However, I rarely proactively poked them to do the needed or showed the path to take at a particular
point. Maybe I can get proactive and remind students. I can inquire them the progress of their
work. This is what I learned from my Australian mentor. I can also be proactive to suggest things
or send relevant resources to my students. Proteges can be stuck in the quagmire of confusion and
In some instances, I have been lenient because of my emotional attachment with proteges. These
were because the students came in at the last minute to submit or they had invested a lot of time.
There is no harm in becoming professionally demanding. So, I can be clearer during socialization
that they have to plan ahead and work hard to accomplish their research. I have started some steps
such as the following:
• “Doing research and writing a thesis takes a lot of time, maybe months. Please plan wisely and
work hard to complete both on time. Hastily submitted report may not be accepted. Please do
not wait for the eleventh hour.
• Good luck with your thesis!”
Mentoring is not just an intermittent activity. In developed nations, mentoring is starting to get
formal, structured, and purposeful (C. A. Mullen, 2008, p. xi), and is an organizational culture in
academia. The college and university management should take initiative for planning, implementing,
and evaluating the mentoring programs as a formal scheme. Mentoring should be taken as part of
andragogy because it helps in career advancement and psychosocial support (Carol A. Mullen et
al., 2008).
A mentoring relationship is equality-based, relational, and developmental (Carol A. Mullen &
Klimaitis, 2021). Group mentoring has been suggested by the experts. This model can be adopted
in our university also. Rather than a faculty supervising a student, a group of mentors can do
the supervision. The teacher-student hierarchy can be made collegial. The new researchers need
to be socialized by the mentors. The mentors need to be empathetic but should not stop being
professionally demanding. They can be kind and proactively remind protege’s ideas to proceed
further or poke them to remain motivated.
There can be nuances in what is important in the relationship. The mentors think that empathy,
understanding, easy access, good communication, and enthusiasm are needed (Lee & Bush, 2003).
Proteges think that enthusiasm and good communication are the most needed attributes in mentors.
However, communication and negotiation can resolve the differences. The mentors can delegate
authority to mentors to decide for themselves. However, interaction should be more intense

between mentor and mentee. Nepali students may not have been ready yet for the online feedback.
The mentees should get enough guidance regarding the resources they need to rely on. Supervision
may begin from the phase of proposal-making.
There is a need for big preparation to plan, implement and evaluate the mentoring effectiveness. For
example, which student should be given which professor as supervisor should be based on some
criteria rather than randomness. The university or college management can facilitate formalization
and recognition of the mentoring relationship. It should use the thesis presentations as networking
opportunities for researchers and marketing opportunities for colleges or universities. External
examination of the thesis should be connected to the growth of university teachers; incumbent
rather than retired professors should be the examiners. Funders like governments and organizations
should be linked with students by university management.
The mentees should be passionate and dedicated. They should develop English and technological
skills. They should be willing to do the needed to excel in their research skills. They should carefully
strike the balance between family, education, and job. To accomplish the research skills, they may
have to hone some management skills.
In the future, the unique cultural factors affecting the mentoring relationship can be studied.
Such studies should build on the finding of studies in developed nations. Similarly, the insights
from guruparampara (teacher-pupil lineage; Adluri, 2014) that existed in Eastern cultures can be
consulted for theoretical frameworks or insights.
Mentoring can be used as a teaching method in MA, especially to train new researcher. The mentors
should first provide orientation regarding the college or university culture, scope and methods
of research, and the management skills. The mentees themselves should be disciplined and use
mentoring relationship as a big learning opportunity. They should constantly work hard to hone
their technical and human skills. The college or university should ease the teaching and learning
activities. The mentoring to new researcher can help enhance the graduating student’s career and
improve psychosocial wellbeing. My experiences shared in this article may provide insights to
increase effectiveness of mentoring to an early career researcher.
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The Impact of Information Technology in Higher Education:
A Sociological Analysis
Sunil Rawal*

The impact of technology in higher education has been an issue of increasing interest in recent
years, as technological advancements have transformed the way education is delivered and
experienced. This study aimed to investigate the impact of technology in higher education,
by examining the perceptions of students and faculty members towards technology in higher
education institutions. Descriptive statistics and test statistics were used to analyze the data
collected from 390 respondents. The findings showed that respondents generally agreed that
technology has made education more accessible and efficient, and has provided opportunities for
students to develop new skills and competencies. However, the respondents also acknowledged
that technology has negatively impacted face-to-face interaction and communication skills
among students. The theoretical reflection of these findings suggests that technology has
transformed the way higher education is delivered and experienced. Technology has opened up
new opportunities for students who would not have otherwise had access to higher education,
and has improved the efficiency of educational processes. However, the negative impact in face-
to-face interaction and communication skills suggests that there may be a trade-off between
the benefits of technology and the social and interpersonal aspects of education. Overall, the
findings suggest that technology has the potential to improve the accessibility and quality of
higher education, but its impact in social and interpersonal skills should be carefully considered.
Theoretical reflection on these findings suggests that the use of technology in education should
be approached with caution, and that the social and interpersonal dimensions of education
should not be neglected in the pursuit of technological innovation. In conclusion, this study
contributes to the ongoing discussion of the impact of technology on higher education, by
providing insights into the perceptions of students and faculty members towards technology in
higher education institutions. The findings suggest that technology has significant implications
for higher education, and that further research is needed to explore the impact of technology in
various aspects of education.
Keywords: Higher education, Information Technology, Impact analysis, Mix-methods approach,
Sociological analysis.

* Faculty of Sociology, Patan Multiple Campus, Patan

Information technology has revolutionized the way we live, work, and learn. In the field of
education, it has transformed the traditional methods of teaching and learning. The incorporation
of technology in higher education has led to significant changes in the way we access, process,
and share information. This article aims to analyze the impact of information technology in higher
education from a sociological perspective.
Information technology (IT) is a crucial element of innovative performance that may dramatically
increase corporate efficiency and performance. There have been several studies done to look at the
effect of IT on performance quality and productivity. IT includes the creation and administration
of technologies such as hardware, software, networking, databases, and others. On the other hand,
innovative performance is the result of a number of business elements, including work processes,
teams, communication, interaction, company culture, policies, leadership, climate for creativity and
innovation, loyalty, and the business and economic environment. Organizations have been forced
to change in response to the competitive demands, which include rising consumer expectations,
fierce competition, time and quality constraints, and mass customisation. (O’Brien and Marakas,
2008; Yang; Lia et al., 2006; Karadag and Dumanoglu, 2009; Bharadwaj et al., 1999).
Impact of Information Technology in Higher Education: The incorporation of technology in higher
education has resulted in several positive impacts. Firstly, it has made education more accessible
to students from different parts of the world. Online courses and distance learning programs have
made it possible for students to access higher education irrespective of their geographic location.
Secondly, technology has made the learning process more interactive and engaging. Digital tools
such as videos, animations, and simulations have made learning more interesting and effective.
Thirdly, technology has made it easier for educators to monitor student progress and provide
feedback in real-time.
However, the integration of technology in higher education has also brought about several
challenges. Firstly, the digital divide between students from different socio-economic backgrounds
has widened. Students who do not have access to computers and the internet are at a disadvantage.
Secondly, the over-reliance on technology has led to a decline in critical and creative thinking
and analytical skills among students. Students are increasingly dependent on search engines and
digital tools to find information, which has led to a decrease in their ability to critically evaluate
information. Thirdly, the use of technology has led to a decrease in face-to-face interactions
between students and educators, which has resulted in a decline in social skills among students.
Statement of the Problem
The accessibility, effectiveness, and efficiency of educational processes have all been significantly
impacted by the use of information technology (IT) in higher education. While technology has
increased efficiency and made education more accessible to a wider range of students, it has also

sparked worries about how it will affect students’ ability to communicate and interact in person. On
the other hand, technology has given students the chance to learn new abilities and competencies.
This article’s problem statement would be to investigate the impact of IT i
n higher education, taking into account both the positive and negative effects on accessibility,
effectiveness, student-teacher interactions, communication skills, and student competencies.
In order to inform educational practices and policy involving the use of technology in higher
education, the research aims to offer insights into the social implications of IT in higher education
and identify patterns and themes that may emerge from the data. The study’s conclusions will help
us better understand how IT has affected higher education and will offer suggestions for enhancing
educational practices and regulations.
Sociological Analysis
The impact of information technology in higher education can be analyzed from a sociological
perspective. Sociologists believe that education is a key determinant of social mobility. The
integration of technology in higher education has made it possible for students from different
backgrounds to access education. However, the digital divide between students from different
socio-economic backgrounds has widened, which has led to increased social inequality. Students
from disadvantaged backgrounds are less likely to have access to computers and the internet, which
puts them at a disadvantage.
Sociologists also believe that education is a socialization process. Education is not only about
acquiring knowledge, but it is also about learning social norms and values. The over-reliance
on technology has led to a decline in face-to-face interactions between students and educators,
which has resulted in a decline in social skills among students. The use of technology has also led
to a decline in critical thinking and analytical skills, which are essential for the development of
independent thinking.
Literature Review
The integration of information technology in higher education has brought about significant
changes in the way students learn and educators teach. This literature review aims to provide
a comprehensive analysis of the impact of information technology on higher education from a
sociological perspective.
Information technology (IT) is important to companies and may help them gain a competitive
edge. Hardware, software, networking and communications, human resources, and databases are
all included in the IT support system that Turban et al. (2008) suggested. The actual hardware and
equipment utilized in information processing are referred to as physical components in the context
of IT (O’Brien & Marakas, 2008a). Computer software comprises programmed instructions that
coordinate the content of a computer information system (Loudon & Loudon, 2001). Electronic

communication between computers worldwide is made possible by communications and networking
technology (Santhanam & Hartono, 2003). Moreover, databases provide a structured collection
of data on numerous areas of a business, including customers, staff, inventory, rivals, and sales
(Sujansky, 2001). When these IT components are used effectively, businesses may become more
productive and perform better, which enables them to adjust to competitive priorities such as rising
consumer expectations, fierce global rivalry, and time and quality demands (Verma & Seth, 2011).
Digital Divide and Inequality: The digital divide refers to the unequal distribution of
technology and internet access among individuals from different socio-economic backgrounds.
The integration of technology in higher education has widened the digital divide, as students
from disadvantaged backgrounds are less likely to have access to computers and the internet
(Warschauer & Matuchniak, 2010). This has resulted in increased social inequality, as students
from disadvantaged backgrounds are less likely to have access to higher education.
Online Learning and Engagement: The incorporation of technology in higher education has
made it possible for students to access education from anywhere in the world. Online learning
programs have made education more accessible and convenient for students (Allen & Seaman,
2017). Digital tools such as videos, animations, and simulations have made learning more
interactive and engaging for students (Picciano, 2017).
Decline in Critical Thinking and Social Skills: The over-reliance on technology has led to
a decline in critical thinking and analytical skills among students. Students are increasingly
dependent on search engines and digital tools to find information, which has led to a decrease
in their ability to critically evaluate information (Friedman, 2016). The use of technology has
also led to a decline in face-to-face interactions between students and educators, which has
resulted in a decline in social skills among students (Kirschner & De Bruyckere, 2017).
An outline for a study to examine how information technology (IT) has affected higher
education is provided in the table. It names four main ideas or factors that will be assessed
using a Chi-Square Test: (1) The effects of technology on expanding educational opportunities,
(2) The effects of technology on enhancing instructional effectiveness, (3) The effects of
technology on student communication and face-to-face interaction skills, and (4) The effects
of technology on giving students opportunities to acquire new knowledge and abilities.
A statistical technique called the Chi-Square Test determines whether there is a meaningful
correlation between two variables. In this instance, the test will ascertain whether there is a
correlation between the variables being assessed and the use of technology in higher education.
The first factor aims to ascertain whether technology has increased access to education for a wider
range of students. This factor needs to be assessed because one of technology’s potential advantages
is that it may make education more accessible to people who might have previously been excluded
because of geographical, economic, or physical barriers.

Table 1:
Research Framework on Impact of Information Technology on Higher Education

Concept Variable Test Notes

This parameter evaluates whether
“Technology has made
Chi-Square the use of technology has increased
education more accessible to a
Test access to higher education for a
wider range of students.”
wider variety of students.
This variable assesses whether
“Technology has improved
technological advancements have
the efficiency of educational Chi-Square
improved the effectiveness of
processes in higher education Test
Impact instructional processes in higher
of IT on education institutions.
Higher This variable investigates if
“Technology has negatively
Education impacted face-to-face student communication and face-
to-face contact abilities have been
interaction and communication Test
negatively impacted by technology
skills among students.”
This variable evaluates whether
“Technology has provided
technology has made it possible for
opportunities for students Chi-Square
pupils to learn additional talents
to develop new skills and Test
and abilities outside of their core
academic courses.
The second variable examines whether technological advancements have increased the effectiveness
of teaching methods in higher education institutions. The potential for technology to improve
educational procedures and streamline them makes this variable crucial to assess in order to give
students a better learning experience.
The third variable examines whether technology has had a negative effect on student communication
and face-to-face interaction. The social and communication skills of students may be negatively
impacted by technology, so it is crucial to assess this variable.
The fourth factor examines whether technology has given students chances to expand their
knowledge and abilities outside of their core academic courses. Technology can provide creative
teaching resources and tools that can broaden students’ skill sets and improve their overall education,
making this variable crucial to assess.
Overall, using the Chi-Square Test enables a quantitative analysis of the data gathered, and this

research framework offers a clear and structured approach to investigating the effect of IT on
higher education.
The objective of this research is to look at the social implications of information technology on
higher education. In addition to providing insight into the experiences and opinions of persons
participating in higher education, the research seeks to detect any patterns or themes that may
emerge from the data. The study’s conclusions may be utilized to guide educational practices and
policy involving the use of information technology in higher education. The goal is to present
a thorough examination of the social effects and influence of information technology on higher
The goal of this study is to offer a thorough sociological analysis of the effect of information
technology on higher education, with a concentration on quantitative research analysis utilizing a
questionnaire survey. The following are components of the research design:
The higher education institution’s students, instructors, and administrators has made up the sample
frame. To guarantee that participants are reflective of the diversity of students, professors, and
administrators in higher education, a stratified random selection approach has been employed.
Data Collection
A questionnaire survey has been used as the main technique of data gathering for this project. To
gather quantifiable information on the effect of information technology on higher education, the
survey contained closed-ended and Likert scale questions. To guarantee clarity and validity, the
questionnaire were pre-tested with a limited sample of participants.
Data Analysis
Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics have been used to assess the quantitative data
obtained from the questionnaire survey. The data were compiled using descriptive statistics in
order to spot patterns and trends. We have tested hypotheses and look for correlations between
variables using inferential statistics.
Ethical Considerations
Before any data is collected, participants’ informed consent has been sought. By giving each
participant a special identifying code, confidentiality and anonymity has been guaranteed.
Findings and Interpretation
The table 2 displays the descriptive data for four claims that assess the effect of information

technology (IT) on higher education. The information was gathered from 390 respondents who
were asked to score their agreement with each statement on a scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to
5. (strongly agree).
The mean and standard deviation of the first claim, “Technology has made education more accessible
to a larger range of pupils,” are 2.24 and 1.171, respectively. This implies that although there is
a wide range in the replies, the respondents generally agree with the statement just marginally.
According to the minimum and maximum values, some respondents strongly disagree with the
results, while others firmly agree.
The second claim, “Technology has increased the effectiveness of educational processes in
higher education institutions,” has a mean value that is lower at 1.87 and a standard deviation
that is lower at 0.687. This indicates that there is less variance in the respondents’ answers and
that they generally agree with the statement to a lower amount than they did with the previous
The third claim, “Technology has badly harmed pupils’ ability to engage with others face-to-face
and communicate,” had a higher mean of 2.47 and a lower standard deviation of 0.950. This
shows that although there is a wide range in the replies, the respondents mostly disagree with
the assertion.

Table 2:
Descriptive Statistics
Impact of IT on Higher Education N Mean Minimum Maximum
“Technology has made education more
390 2.24 1.171 1 5
accessible to a wider range of students.”
“Technology has improved the efficiency
of educational processes in higher 390 1.87 .687 1 5
education institutions.”
“Technology has negatively
impacted face-to-face interaction and 390 2.47 .950 1 5
communication skills among students.”
“Technology has provided opportunities
for students to develop new skills and 390 1.69 .851 1 5

Notes: This table provides descriptive statistics for four claims that assess the influence of
information technology (IT) on higher education. The information was gathered from 390
respondents who were asked to score their agreement with each statement on a scale from 1
(strongly disagree) to 5. (strongly agree). For each statement, the mean, standard deviation,
lowest and maximum values are shown.

The standard deviation for the fourth claim, “Technology has created possibilities for pupils to gain
new abilities and competences,” is 0.851 while the mean claim is 1.69. This indicates that there is
a significant amount of answer variety and that respondents generally agree with the statement to a
lower extent than they did with the previous statement.
Overall, the descriptive data imply that respondents’ perceptions of the influence of ICT on higher
education vary. While the majority of individuals agree that technology has increased access to
education and created chances for new skills and competences, there is less agreement on how
it has influenced the effectiveness of educational processes and how it has negatively impacted
communication and face-to-face contact abilities.
The test data for three claims about how technology is affecting higher education are displayed
in Table 3. A sample of respondents who were asked to rate their degree of agreement with each
statement provided the data.
The results of each statement’s chi-square test are displayed in the table. With a chi-square value
of 329.564, the first claim, “Technology has made education more accessible to a larger range of
pupils,” is significant at the p .001 level. This suggests that there is a strong connection between
technology and educational accessibility.
The second claim, “Technology has increased the effectiveness of instructional processes in higher
education institutions,” similarly qualifies as significant at the p .001 level with a chi-square value
of 278.821. This suggests a strong connection between technology and the effectiveness of the
educational process.
A chi-square score of 188.077, which is significant at the p .001 level, indicates that the third
claim, “Technology has badly damaged face-to-face contact and communication abilities among
students,” is true. This suggests that technology and student communication abilities and face-to-
face engagement are significantly correlated.
The table also includes the degrees of freedom (df) for each assertion. While the second statement
only has three degrees of freedom, the first and third assertions each contain four. There is also
information on the lowest predicted cell frequency, which shows that no cells have expected
frequencies lower than 5.
The asymptotic and Monte Carlo significance levels for each statement are also included in the
table. The asymptotic and Monte Carlo significance levels are both significant for all three claims
at the p .001 level. The table also displays the 99% confidence intervals for each assertion, which
demonstrates that the range of the upper limits is from.005 to.005.
The test results as a whole indicate that technology has a substantial impact in a number of areas of
higher education, including accessibility to education, the effectiveness of educational processes,
and face-to-face contact and communication skills among students.

Test Statistics
“Technology has “Technology “Technology
made education has improved has negatively
more accessible to the efficiency impacted
a wider range of of educational face-to-face
students.” processes in interaction and
higher education communication
institutions.” skills among

Chi-Square 329.564a 278.821c 188.077a

df 4 3 4

Asymp. Sig. .000 .000 .000

Monte Carlo Sig. .000b .000b .000b

99% Lower 0.000 0.000 0.000
Confidence Bound
Interval Upper .005 .005 .005
Notes: a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected frequencies less than 5. The minimum expected cell
frequency is 78.0.

b. Based on 900 sampled tables with starting seed 334431365.

c. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected frequencies less than 5. The minimum expected cell frequency
is 97.5.

The bar graph displays the overall proportion of responses to a question about how information
technology has affected higher education. Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, and Disagree are the
four categories used to categorize the replies. The graphic shows that 69.74% of respondents agree
with the statement, while 5.90% of respondents strongly believe that technology has had a good
influence on higher education. This suggests that the majority of respondents think technology has
improved higher education.

Figure 1: Impact of Information Technology
In contrast, 23.08% of respondents had no
opinion on the topic, indicating that they either
were unclear about the influence of technology
or did not have one. Just 1.28% of respondents
disagreed with the assertion, which suggests
that only a very tiny proportion of respondents
think technology has hurt higher education.
According to sociological analysis, this graphic
indicates that most people have a favorable
impression of how information technology
is affecting higher education. The majority
of respondents think that technology has
increased access to and enhanced the quality
of education. The potential for technology to
improve educational opportunities and results
is supported by this. Whilst there may be some ambivalence or doubt regarding the role of technology
in higher education, the relatively large number of respondents who were neutral or unclear about
the statement implies otherwise. This may be because people are worried about things like the digital
divide or possible detrimental impacts of technology on social skills and communication.
Conclusion and Theoretical Reflection
The results from the tables of test statistics and descriptive statistics point to a considerable influence
of technology in higher education. Most respondents concurred that technology had improved access
to and efficiency of education and given students opportunity to gain new skills and competences. Yet,
respondents also admitted that technology had badly damaged face-to-face contact and communication
abilities among pupils.
These data theoretically suggest that technology has altered how higher education is provided and
experienced. Students who otherwise would not have had access to higher education now have new
options, and technology has increased the effectiveness of instructional procedures. Although there may
be a trade-off between the advantages of technology and the social and interpersonal parts of schooling,
the detrimental effect on interpersonal and face-to-face communication skills raises this possibility.
In addition, the strong link between higher education and technology shows that the use of technology
in the classroom is something that should not be disregarded. The results show that technology can
improve educational outcomes while also emphasizing the need for more research on how technology
affects many facets of education.
Overall, the results indicate that technology has the potential to enhance the accessibility and standard of
higher education, but it is important to carefully assess how it may affect social and interpersonal skills.
Theoretical analysis of these data leads to the conclusions that technological innovation in education
should be pursued with prudence and that the social and interpersonal aspects of education shouldn't be
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Status of Employees’ Enablement: A case of
Tribhuvan University
Sushmita Acharya*

Capabilities and enablement matter for the proper functioning of any organizations. Building the
capacity and enablement of employees is a critical area of concern for the organization. This
study provides an employee perspective on present status of organizational employees’ enablement
of Tribhuvan University. For theoretical insights Organizational theory has been employed.
Following the post-positivist approach quantitative case study research design is employed. The
data is collected via structured questionnaire survey with TU employees. The findings show that
more than the managerial expertise, physical resources and technology impact more on employees’
enablement. The findings also indicate that skill development trainings for employees are not evenly
organized so there is need of skill development training for employees in TU and it acts as strong
means to enable, motivate and empower the working force in organization.
Key words: Competency, Enablement, Managerial expertise, Organizational structure, Resources,
In today’s context, proper functioning of any organization demands the qualified and competent
human resources. It is obvious that any organization whether public or private, there exists people
of different personalities, education and experiences, expertise coming from different background.
They may have different level of competencies and exposure. Employees’ enablement here represents
the capacity and competency enhancement of employees. Enablement becoming a vague term and
multi-dimensional concept, it basically includes the working environment, organizational policy,
leadership, and other physical resources at the disposal for organizational functioning. Competence
of staff could be obtained by providing them training, refresher and orientation courses, exposure
and participation on national and international programs, site visit to get knowledge to implement
it on work place and so on. Hence, availability of skilled and competent human resources are the
major prerequisites for successful functioning of any organizations or institutions.
Theoretical aspects
This study basically concerned with the “Organization Theory” as purposed by Robbins (1983).
According to him, “Organization Theory” is the discipline that studies the structure and design of
organizations. It refers to both the descriptive and prescriptive aspects of the discipline. It describes
how organizations are actually structured and offers suggestions on how; they can be constructed

* Lecturer, Public Adminstration Campus, Balkhu

to improve their effectiveness” (Robbins, 1983). Within this perspective, the structural dimensions
of centralization, formalization and specialization/differentiation are considered to be of central
importance in understanding the functioning of systems (Dalton et al. 1980; Robbins, 1983).
Organizational structure comprises broad ‘structural’ features, such as the overall physical size of an
organization, and the ‘structuring’ activities, such as the decentralization of decision-making, that
managers carry out. These latter activities actively shape the behavior of organizational members.
As such, they provide the institutional support for a host of other critical internal organizational
elements, such as values and routines (O’Toole and Meier, 1999). Parsons (1951) has noted that
social control over individuals can be maintained either by socialization or by sanction. Social
control refers to the adequacy of achieving conformity with expectations of behavior and standard
of work, while the later refers to the method by which task roles are articulated together to
accomplish a given set of tasks. As social distance between organizational levels increases, the
free flow of information is reduced (Barnard, 1964). Social distance is created by concentration
of power (or centralization) in an organization. There is less need for feedback when power is
concentrated at the top of the hierarchy, since the role of subordinates is to implement decisions
rather than to participate in the shaping of those decisions. The organizational structure consists
of role expectations and rules for who should or can do what and how each task should or can
be done. A distinction can be made between formal and informal norms. Formal norms are often
outlined in organizational charts, rules and job descriptions. Such structural characteristics have
a central position in instrumental perspectives. Here, the researcher tries to explore about how
organizational structure exert influence on employees’ enablement.
Organizational Factors (Structure and Resource)
Within Organizational factors, this study focused on organizational structure and resources to
examine the impact of these factors on the employees’ enablement.
Organization theorists suggest that there are three key ‘structuring’ dimensions that are susceptible
to managerial control: centralization, formalization and specialization (Robbins, 1983). The
structural qualities of an organization are its physical characteristics, such as size, span of control,
and flat/tall hierarchy. In contrast, ‘structuring’ refers to policies and activities occurring within the
organization that prescribe or restrict the behavior of organization members.
Structural (quality of organization) Structuring (policies and activities of
Size/subunit size organization)
Span of control Specialization
Flat/tall hierarchy Formalization
Administrative intensity Centralization
(source: Organization structure and Performance, Dalton 1983, p. 51)
The design of suitable organizational structures may represent an especially desirable means
of achieving success and it can be assumed that less hierarchical structures may afford greater
opportunities for the free transfer of valuable knowledge, and for the resolution of collective action
problems without recourse to formal control mechanisms (Miller, 1992).

The structural design of the organization can range from mechanistic to organic form, corresponding
to the opportunities for structural flexibility. A functional type of organizing with many hierarchical
levels is characteristic of a mechanistic structure. Processes may be highly regulated through
elaborate planning and control systems, specialization of tasks and high degrees of formalization
and centralization. Only minor incremental changes are possible in such a highly formalized
and centralized structure. In contrast, an organic structure can range from the divisions form to
the project or matrix form consisting of few hierarchical levels. Essential for both the divisional
and matrix forms are planning and control systems that are predominantly performance oriented
instead of means oriented and allow for ambiguous information and necessary experimentation
and intuition. Moreover, direct process regulation in the form of specialization and formalization
is extremely low, whereas indirect process regulation by training and education is well developed.
Such organic structures provide great leeway for structural flexibility. Many large corporations are
undertaking organizational restructuring to increase their responsiveness.
Organizational capabilities, employees’ enablement or organizational competencies, consists of
various kinds of resources such as employees training and education, professional experience,
information, competency of staff, and most importantly not to be excluded is the budget itself (Hupe
& Buffat, p. 549). If the organizational capabilities in terms of competent human resources are
available in organization, then there are greater opportunities for organizational goal achievements.
Capacity building through training and the provision of information and knowledge sharing could
have direct impact on functioning of organization. It can be said that training might be helpful to
update expertise and cognition of employee which in turn could lead to capacity building as means
of enablement and in turn the performance achievement of organization.
Resources are always a prerequisite for all organizations to function, and also to achieve high
performance are dependent of the possession of resources (Andersén, 2011). It has been argued
that processes are indeed important, but the possibilities of carrying out activities are always
restricted by the organization’s resources. Besides the competence of staffs other resources are also
needed for the organization to perform successfully such as managerial expertise, capital fund for
organizational and infrastructural development, employee motivation and also for dissemination of
information and technological upgrade.
When examining resource characteristics, it is also necessary to look at organizational capability
characteristics, because capabilities determine the way in which resources are reconfigured and
redeployed to work together to add value to the firm (Prahalad and Hamel, 1990). In fact, some
contend that resource and capability characteristics are in fact one in the same (Barney, 1991). It
has been found from the literatures that there are various connotations for the word capabilities, in
this study resource capabilities have been grouped into two categories such as managerial/human
capabilities/competence and physical/informational/material resources.
Research Methodology
This study employed a quantitative case study design to get comprehensive picture on the
functioning of TU and its impacts on employees’ enablement. 35 structured questionnaire survey
has been administered with TU employees (administrative staffs including officer level and junior

level) using purposive sampling.
Tribhuvan University (TU) is the pioneer and oldest leading public university of Nepal having
been founded in 1959 for higher education. It is the world’s 12th largest institution in terms of
enrollment which is located in Kirtipur, Kathmandu. To obtain the accurate and reliable information
the researcher herself was involved to collect the data who is having the full information and
knowledge about the phenomenon, context and the existing situation of Tribhuvan University so
that the variables under investigation become clearer and understandable. Moreover, university’s
publication and bulletins has also been studied to validate the findings. Hence, in this study utmost
importance has been given for maintaining the reliability and validity of the data. The data has been
collected purely for academic purpose.
Dependent variable
Employees’ Enablement is the concept of empowering the employees by providing them the
suitable environment for skill and competency development.
Independent variable
Organizational variable is the independent variable of the study which represents the organizational
structure and resources factors which has been measured by following means such as work role
and Job Design, Training of employees, Managerial competency and expertise, and Availability of
physical resources and technology as shown in Figure1.
Relationship between the Independent Variables and the Dependent Variable

Figure 1. Analytical framework of the study (Source: Developed by the author using
Organizational Theory.
The findings have been based on quantitative analysis using the percentage and mean analysis.
Employees’ view on functioning of TU has been analyzed by using various statement as measures

such as ‘Work roles are structured in our university’, ‘Rules in our university are transparent’,
‘Most of the officials have strong desire to avoid responsibility’, ‘There is a sense of lack of
urgency thinking that somebody else will take care of it’ and ‘Our university lacked trained person’
as shown in table 1.
It has been found that 60% of the respondents agreed (partly and strongly) on both the
statements such as ‘Most officials have strong desire to avoid responsibility’ and ‘There
is a sense of lack of urgency thinking that somebody else will take care of it”. It means
that officials are not seriously completing their responsibilities which in turn resembles the
absence of formalization. Such working tendency of officials need to be changed and TU
has to improve its quality by enhancing organizational efficiency. This result also indicates
possibility of delay in getting work done which is panic and pathetic situation for the
organization and concerned.
Table 1. Employees Views on Functioning of TU: Percent Distribution N=35

Agree% (partly Disagree% (partly and

and strongly) strongly)
Work roles and job designs are structured in our
40 60

Rules in our university are transparent 55 45

Most officials have strong desire to avoid

60 40

There is a sense of lack of urgency thinking that

60 40
somebody else will take care of it.

Our university lacked trained person 62 34

Q. Please provide your opinion on the following statements (1-strongly disagree, 2- partly disagree,
3-partly agree, 4-strongly agree and 5-do not know).
Regarding the officials’ views on training under taken, it has been found that the highest 62%
of the respondents agreed on the statement ‘Our university lacked trained person’. It resembles
that majority of the staff are still not satisfied with the training received so far and it prevails that
competency enhancement of staff in terms of training is very poor in university. If TU is lacking
trained personnels, how service standards can be assured. This also reflects the fact that the human
resource development program conducted by HR department (Prashasan Mahashakha) is not
sufficient. In short, this study portrays the facts that there is lack of professionalism of employees
in TU.
Further another question has been asked to TU employees ‘Have you received any training for your
skill development?’ Result has been given in Table 2.

Table 2 Training received by Employees N=35
Question Yes%
Have you received any training for skill development? 46
It has been found that 46% of the respondents said that they have received training for skill
development and 54% said no. As per employees, such training program is also not so frequent. It
reflects the fact that TU organizes skill development trainings for staff but all staff are not getting
opportunity to participate. This certainly hinders the enablement of employees. Additionally, it can
be said that job design related training programs should need to be organized frequently which will
enhance employees’ skill and knowledge for job and it will be strong means to motivate employees.
Resource as such comprises a vast meaning. The degree of resourcefulness varies depending on the
national context. For the developing countries like Nepal, it has been always a challenge to balance
and mobilize the resources properly. Resources and capabilities are seen as the heart of a firm’s
competitive position (Collis & Montgomery, 1995) as organizations use a combination of both
resources and capabilities to implement strategic decisions into actions. Table 3 below presents the
Resources impact on employees’ enablement via the Managerial expertise and Physical resources
and technology.
Table 3 Resources impact on employees’ enablement

Agreed % Mean

Managerial expertise impact more on employees’ enablement 48 3.30

Physical resources and technology impact more on employees’

52 3.36
(Note: The % figures are rounded and 5-point Linkert scale used (1- disagreed to 5- completely
agreed). In this table the agreed % is combination of partially agree and completely agree)).
As per Table 3, it has been found that 52 % of the respondents give their opinion that ‘Physical
resources and technology impact more on employees’ enablement) with having mean value of 3.36
whereas 48% of the respondents said that ‘Managerial expertise impact more on on employees’
enablement’’ with mean value of 3.30 respectively.
From the empirical data analysis, it has been found that more than the managerial expertise physical
resources and technology impact more on employees’ enablement. It reflects the fact of inadequacy
of infrastructural and technological resources in the TU.
In this study, the structural orientation and resources capabilities of TU has been examined
empirically. In today’s context of rich information , technological upgradation along with the
competent human resources is the prerequisite for proper functioning of any organization or

Regarding the organizational resources, it has been found from the empirical data that there exists
a higher extent of insufficiency of resources. Even though the majority of the respondents went
with informational resources to impact on enablement of employees’, 48% of the respondents
who favored managerial expertise to impact on employees’ enablement also cannot be ignored.
Therefore, it can be said that both managerial expertise and infrastructural/technological resources
have impacted on employees’ enablement but infrastructural/technological resources are found to
be dominant.
The extent of presence of formalization has been measured in this study by two criteria that are
transparency in organizational rules and responsibility undertaken. Measurement of optimum level
of formalization is quite tough as formalization occurs in every organization, but there is a wide
variety of its degree and scope. A common problem for organization is therefore to find the so-called
optimum formalization. As per some research scholars argue, if there is under-formalization i.e.
the existence of too small quantities of rules and documents, it leads to the freedom of action of
workers, which in turn can result in chaos and a decline in the efficiency (Robbins et al, 2008). More
rigidity resembles more formalization. In this study, the presence of formalization is examined by
the officials’ opinion regarding the transparency in rule and it was found to be moderate.
In terms of organizational theory, differentiation is the series of the processes that organizations
use to assign employees and assets for achieving their goals. In this study, the respondents’ opinion
regarding the availability of more trained human resources and feeling of urgency in work has
been considered as key means to know the presence of differentiation in the organization but it was
found to be of lesser degree.
Finally, it has been concluded that there is inadequacy of infrastructural and technological resources
in the TU. It reflects the fact that TU organizes skill development trainings for staff but all staff
are not getting opportunity to participate. This certainly hinders the enablement of employees.
Additionally, it can be said that job design related training programs should need to be organized
frequently which will enhance employees’ skill and knowledge for job and it will be strong means
to motivate employees.
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