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Debunking the Seduction

Books by Aaron Sleazy

Sleazy Stories: Confessions of an Infamous Modern Seducer of Women

Debunking the Seduction Community: e Exposition of a Sham Industry and a Primer on Seducing
Minimal Game: e No-Nonsense Guide to Getting Girls

In German:
Schmierige Geschichten: Bekenntnisse eines modernen Verführers

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Debunking the Seduction
The Exposition of a Sham Industry and a Primer on Seducing Women

Aaron Sleazy
Copyright © ,  by Aaron Sleazy

Cover image by Zsuzsanna Kilian.

is book is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works . United
States License. You are allowed to copy and distribute this le. However, you are not allowed to use it commer-
cially or to modify it.

Revision .
e Seduction Industry 

Foundations of the Industry 

e Issue with “Game” 

e Worst ing that Happened 

Two Big Red Herrings 

Foreword vi Common Concepts and Ideas 

Preface viii New Technology 

Introduction xi Making Money 

Acknowledgements xiii Lack of Business Ethics 

An Introduction to Seduction  Conclusion 

e Nature of “Game” 

Seduction in a Nutshell  uestions & Answers 


e most dangerous word for a beginner who be- their shady marketing tactics and sel sh motives.
comes interested in learning about seduction is “Don’t you guys have anything better to do than
the word community. at’s because the phrase
attacking the community?”, they cry. ey try to
“the seduction community” conjures up images of discredit critical thinkers by labeling them as neg-
a warm and fuzzy environment where everyone ative losers who are trying to jump on the anti-
involved is out solely to help each other. community bandwagon. Somehow keeping quiet
and not questioning the status quo has become
e seduction industry loves to invoke the word synonymous with being a positive “alpha dude”.
community whenever it could serve their pur-
poses — especially when anyone tries to question e truth is many of these guys in the seduc-

tion industry appeared out of nowhere and have vice and helping people for free. And he con-
never posted one single piece of advice on a public tinued to mentor guys long a er it was abund-
forum — well, not on a forum that wasn’t run by antly clear that he had the type of advice he could
the company they work for anyway. Worse, many charge a lot of money for. Like many guys, includ-
self-proclaimed gurus have never helped even one ing myself, he believed in this mythical “seduction
person without charging ridiculous amounts of community.” I mean, weren’t we all just a bunch
money. is type of behavior is certainly not the of humble guys trying to help each other to be-
de nition of a community. I’m all for the right to come better with women?
make money, but let’s just be honest and call this
what it really is — an industry. ere is no com- As you will read in this book, the reality today is
munity. quite different.

In contrast, A S spent many years on

the forum over at, giving ad-  Y  C


I discovered the seduction community in late of meeting them, sometimes without exchanging
, unaware that it was in fact a full-blown in- any words. One of the main reasons of my incred-
dustry. For a variety of reasons I did not take ible successes was that I did not listen to the many
much of what I read online seriously. In early proclaimed truths. As it is the case in many other
, when I nally devoted myself to learning areas, I have found that the seduction industry
how to seduce women, my progress was rapid. cannot live up to its promises. Upon further in-
I have done what was considered impossible — vestigation, I gained the impression that this is a
luckily I didn’t know about it. My feats in- sham industry that borders on being fraudulent.
clude having sex with women within minutes
As I was gaining prominence in some circles

throughout  and more and more people ates.
sought me out to learn from me, I also learnt how
this industry works. I met a number of promin- In August of  I made a very controversial
ent gures in London, which all but le me dis- post on mASF, a large public forum dedicated
appointed. Even worse, what those people de- to seduction. I rhetorically asked, “Is the Pickup
clared to be the truth about women turned out to Industry a Sham Industry?”. e response was
be rather nonsensical. It is probably no coincid- staggering. It was one of the most hotly debated
ence that the very best guys I know either distance threads, slaughtered a couple of wannabe-gurus in
themselves entirely from the community or have its wake, and it is still regularly referred to. Al-
never heard of it. most two years later it remains to be one of the
most-read posts on this forum with several thou-
It didn’t take long until some companies asked sand views. At that time, this post was prescient.
me to teach workshops for them. Some of those Meanwhile, common sense has caught up with a
people had no history whatsoever and I wondered critical mass, and in  there is now a sizable
who those people were and what made them qual- group of people active to expose the absurdities
i ed to teach. Coming from an academic back- the mainstream seduction community teaches.
ground, I was unaware that it is apparently the
norm in business to become an expert by pro- In February  I gave a talk on a conference
claiming to be one. e more I learnt about this dedicated to seduction. It was entitled “Overcom-
industry, the more I was appalled by how it oper- ing the Seduction Industry”. Later I released the

slides, which spread like wild re. is book is an a few years, it will be evident that it was instru-
elaboration of that presentation. It is my hope mental in sinking the ship, or, in a more positive
that it will nd an equally wide and warm recep- scenario, for changing the current state of affairs
tion. May it further debunk an industry that is for the better.
rotten to its core. It is my hope that when I look
back at Debunking the Seduction Community in A S


Many men seem to have problems getting the sex net is growing, and Debunking the Seduction Com-
life they want, or just nding a partner. As a result, munity is my contribution to it.
internet marketers eventually targeted this niche
market. ey try to lure in clueless guys to whom is book has two main purposes. First, it aims
they sell mostly inadequate products. Business to expose the mainstream seduction industry, to
seems to be brimming. e background and qual- describe its borderline fraudulent machinations,
i cations of those people is rarely questioned, and and to explain why it can’t keep its promises. In
critical thinking seems to be suspended. How- passing, I will discuss some prominent gures.
ever, the anti-community movement on the Inter- Some space is devoted to popular concepts that
sprang from the ever-so-rampant mental mas-

turbation in this scene. However, if you have not fact so simple that it is no surprise why the hu-
been exposed to the seduction industry yet, feel man race managed to prosper for so long. If you
free to skip the rst part altogether, or read it have problems attracting women, this book will
strictly for entertainment purposes. give you some blunt pointers on what to do.
As a contrast, in the second part I describe how e third part is dedicated to questions I have
simple seduction really is. e principles are in been asked either a er my talk or via email.


I am grateful for having met N- ing, which aims to be as practical as possible.
, one of the sanest members of the forum e following people gave feedback on dra s of
mASF, which mostly is a bastion of mental mas-
this book: D, PUA C, KNDER,
turbation. He gave me excellent down to earth
T L,  Y  C, R
advice. While other people tried to point me to
J and TVA O.
pick-up theories and offered nothing but vague
generalisations, he gave me concrete tips. In this Lastly, I warmly thank my editor C for his
regard, he is still an in uence for me and my writ- excellent services and the meticulous attention he
has paid to this book.

The Seduction Industry

Foundations of the Industry

The Core of the Problem

Fake reviews, bullshit marketing and get girls, or even dates. Of course, there were some
shitty instructors! very sound reasons for it, which I will cover later.
Because admitting failures to oneself is difficult,
e seduction community, even though I prefer those people put the blame on the women instead.
to call it the seduction industry, was the product Well, if I were a woman, I would not want to fuck
of many angry and frustrated men that could not a loser either. Some tried to come up with tac-

tics and techniques, designed to get you into the ally love to talk about sex.
pants of all the nymphos in the world, or at least
into B’s from next door. ose systems had R J plays into the revenge fantasies of
a couple of things in common: they were mostly angry and frustrated men who want to get what
theoretical, and they were primarily intended to they think to deserve and who believe that wo-
make someone money. men have to be tricked into having sex with men.
In fact, he seems to address misogynists and so-
ere never was a “community” or a “brother- ciopaths. For instance, his book How to Get the
hood of men”. From its inception, savvy business- Women you desire into Bed has a chapter with the
men tried to make money by exploiting the insec- title, “How to fake like you are warm and friendly”.
urities of other men. Take a look at one of the is is probably all you want to know about him
founders of this industry: R J claims and his method. For some strange reason I have
that his system with the name Speed Seduction never come across anybody, neither in real life nor
allows you, no matter how you look, how little in the public forums I frequented, who had suc-
money you have or how old you are, to get more cess with Speed Seduction.
women than you can handle. His staple are hyp-
notic commands imbedded in language. For in- Similar ploys have been conducted over and over,
stance, if you utter “below me”, the girl is supposed with the promise that no matter how you look,
to hear “blow me” and get aroused invariably. Ap- you can get girls easily with some secret tech-
parently it didn’t occur to him that women actu- niques. Unfortunately, it didn’t help that the

people designing those systems and methods were ing or Dungeons & Dragons. Instead, they found
apparently nerds that probably should have kept a new outlet for their imagined magic powers.
spending their days watching Star Trek or play-

Big Lies and Empty Promises

Funny how these idiots say that inal ctional tale e Game by N S,
money doesn’t matter. Yet, they but does it work in real life?
charge , for a boot camp.
—L, Looks — especially height — are an important
factor on the mating market, and so is your ac-
cess to nancial resources or popularity. ey all
e seduction industry sells an imaginary short- greatly affect how much success with women you
cut to success with women. e general claim is have. Or have you ever heard of a famous Hol-
that you can learn how to get women no matter lywood actor or business tycoon who had prob-
how you look, how old you are, how popular you lems getting his dick wet? However, even if you
are, or how much money you make. “Game” is were the richest man in the world, you could still
touted as being the great equalizer that allows you not get any woman you desired. It essentially re-
to get what you deserve. It worked in the sem- mains a numbers’ game, even for womanizers such

as T W or M J. Unfor- • “I can make any girl my girlfriend.”
tunately not many people in this industry admit
this fact, if they are even aware of it.
• “I can steal any girl from her boyfriend in
But what if you can’t get laid? To spoil the sur- less than  minutes.”
prise: You cannot afford to neglect the basics. If
you have no idea how to dress but think you can
still get “more girls than you can handle”, you will None of those statements is true, however. Mate
get disappointed. Yet, it all seems so easy in the selection is the domain of the woman, which is the
ridiculous sales letters and websites so frequently reason why you will never be able to get any girl
found in the industry. Here are some big lies too you want. You can certainly become more attract-
many clueless (hopeless?) guys seem to believe: ive to more women, but this does not guarantee
that you will be able to get that special girl. But
• “You can get any girl you want.”
don’t worry, she probably isn’t that special any-
• “I never get rejected.” way.

Of all people, M made this claim.

Selling a Dream
Some bad news rst: as in any eld, not every-  Million or how to become a billionaire in-
body can rise to the top and become a master. stead. Or do you want to lose weight? No prob-
What is not questioned in, for instance, mathem- lem, dozens of fad diets will at least relieve you
atics or athletics is for whatever reason seemingly of some cash in your wallet. But what about suc-
unquestioned when it comes to self-help. Mar- cess with women — wouldn’t it be great if we were
keters promise that you — Yes, you in front of the all able to become great ladies’ men with virtually
screen! — can become a millionaire by follow- zero effort on our part? It is no surprise that the
ing a simple step by step recipe, and if becoming self-help industry has so many critics. Or did you
a millionaire isn’t ambitious enough, then there honestly believe all this nonsense?
are people that teach you how to make Your First

is is the title of a book by multi-millionaire D S. P. Apparently he is as annoyed with the self-help in-
dustry as I am with the seduction industry. Consider this quote: “But how many of them are multimillionaires? Few if
any. (...) On any given night out, [my wife] wears in jewelry more than they can claim in net worth. Yet they’re telling you
how to get rich!”

Appearances versus Reality
Due to the low if not nonexistent barriers of entry probably be enough to keep you busy anyway. Ten
into the market, the seduction industry is fraught girls a year is great and more than most guys — in-
with people who cannot get laid themselves. Even cluding many professional dating coaches — can
many of the big names are a lot worse than you hope to achieve. Also, picking up girls is for most
may think. is equally applies to people who men just a phase they are going through. No mat-
have acquired a reputation on public forums, an ter how good you are, it really gets boring a er a
issue I will discuss later. while.
But what does it mean to be good? For this, please However, only a minority of men stumbling
keep in mind that the average guy only has sex across this subculture want to become big pimps.
with a handful of women in his lifetime. If you Most just want to ( nally) get a girlfriend or get
have a life outside of pick-up, a demanding job, laid every once in a while. is is no big challenge
one hobby, some friends, and thus you only go out and certainly not a subject that needs to be over-
once or twice a month, then you are doing really complicated. Skip to the second part of this book
great if you get ve girls a year. is number will if you are impatient.

The Issue with “Game”

Can Game be Taught?

I deny that game can be taught. Even if you found magically get them girls, while in fact all their
a guy who is extremely successful with women, he problems reside in them. As long as people don’t
could not turn you into a copy of himself. e realise this and haven’t had much success, they are
reason is that we all have different backgrounds hard to teach because they have to work on the ba-
and live in different environments. I generally sics rst.
refuse to teach beginners for exactly this reason.
Some of them believe in techniques which will For instance, I am infamous for quick bathroom

pulls. However, a lot comes together to allow me women have a whole slew of other problems they
to do this. A newbie asking me to teach him all should pay attention to rst.
the necessary steps misses the point on so many
levels that it isn’t even funny. As if you can be a fat, e prevalence of aforementioned beliefs is one of
badly dressed slob and social retard and, with the the main reasons why I don’t associate myself with
application of some techniques, immediately turn the seduction community. ere are many more
yourself into a womanizer! But when an advanced issues. As my girlfriend once put it, a er I told
guy with a roughly similar background, and who her about some of the dogmas: “ is community
already gets laid, wants me to evaluate his game, is completely ridiculous.” It truly is, and in the re-
and to tell him how to become more efficient, I can mainder of the rst part of this book I will discuss
help him. But men that are not successful with some of the most pressing concerns.

Main Problems with “Old School Game”

Game as it is commonly taught is a chore. is boring to him. What is worse, you would have to
is not just my impression. Even the great advocate learn and rehearse your lines and stories over and
of indirect game, M, said that opening sets, over. In earlier newsletters from dating compan-
which is his way of saying “talking to girls”, was ies such as Real Social Dynamics it was advocated

to practice the delivery of your routines at least  even matter all that much, and certainly much less
to  times. Guess how enjoyable such a night than sexual attraction. In short, this kind of game
out must be! us, this kind of game also takes misses the point.
too long to learn. With a more natural approach
e worst aspect, though, are all the over-
to dating and mating you can go out today, right
complications. Just think of text game, phone
now, without any kind of previous practice, and
game, or downright nonsense such as tapping. In
you will probably do a lot better than those indoc-
fact, mental masturbation is rampant. One could
trinated routine-monkeys anyway. argue, though, that this was one step up from ac-
A er you have made it past the opening phase, tual masturbation. Unfortunately, it’s one step
you then strive for an advantage in the middle further away from actual sex as well. Just have a
game and a er you’ve spent some hours with the look at the redundant and ridiculous list of ac-
girl, you may get your prize and nally have sex ronyms on mASF! You don’t need this kind of
with her. is structure entails two problems be- vocabulary to talk about the process, and there is
sides the assumption that all girls are the same, no such thing as the art of seduction or the seduc-
namely that there is an algorithm to success with tion science. It is just weirdos speaking in a bizarre
women, and that the words matter. Words don’t language about things they hardly understand.

The Most Common Trap
It surprises me how blindly people follow self- . As a consequence he never progresses.
proclaimed authorities. If they only had paid that
much attention to their mathematics teachers at It is sad. If only people would think for them-
school. eir English teachers would also have selves.
been delighted had those people read novels and
When I began posting on mASF regularly, in early
short stories as ardently as they devour unsubstan-
, there was surely no shortage of people offer-
tial pick-up ebooks full of drivel.
ing their advice. Due to a rigorous academic train-
But what happens to a guy who seemingly doesn’t ing, however, I had acquired the habit to dismiss
possess the ability to think critically or even think everyone who gave me the impression of making
for himself ? e basic recipe for failure is: unsubstantiated claims, of being incompetent, or
of pulling things out of thin air. Sadly, this ap-
. “I experienced X but [insert random guru] plied to the vast majority of people. I did nd
said Y!”, he writes. one very helpful mentor though, who was able to
give me actual practical advice instead of staying
. He refutes his experiences. in generalisations as so many others did.

A Global Perspective
Some people wrongly believe that game is a the rest of their spare time in front of the tube or
global movement: emaciated men rising up to on the Internet. ey seem to have forgotten how
claim what is rightfully theirs and free themselves to interact with other people. London is a more
from the yoke of feminism. From my travels, varied city than, say, New York City, but it’s still a
though, I got the impression that there is a sound rather cold and prude culture.
reason why the community has only two epicen-
ters. ose are obviously the United States and On the other hand, large parts of the world seem
the United Kingdom, but mainly London. strangely resistant to the in uence of mainstream
I believe the reason is due to the environment. pick-up. Maybe men in Eastern European coun-
e USA in particular is an incredibly monoton- tries, or in South America don’t really need it. As
ous culture. You’ll nd the same stores in literally it stands, pick-up is most de nitely not a global
every block. People live in the suburbs, commute movement but more of an insigni cant counter-
to work, spend ten hours a day in a cubicle, and movement in certain Western societies.

The Worst Thing that

Deteriorating with Style

e book that propelled “game” into the fringes is ction. But even if you take it at face value,
of the cultural mainstream was N S’ here are some facts to waken your critical mind:
e Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup N S, aka S, glori es phone num-
Artists. People apparently didn’t quite get that it bers and has huge issues guring out how to kiss

girls. It just takes him half the book to get some- other hand, a pick-up artist thinks he has to win
what over it. Despite those obvious shortcom- a game to get girls, using tactics and techniques,
ings, he is nonetheless teaching workshops with which for the most part go nowhere. If they do,
his mentor M when he got laid a grand which seems almost accidental, given their ridicu-
total of zero times with his master’s method. lously low success rates, they in retrospect con-
If you are somewhat well-read, you may have struct a story how their method has allowed them
heard of J C who is renowned to get the girl, oblivious to the fact that the girl was
for his work in comparative mythology. His book into them from the get-go. e result are usually
e Hero with the ousand Faces is about a basic long-winded eld reports that are mostly redund-
plot found in many traditional stories all over the ant. A prime example is the user AMIR on
world. S’ book reads like an attempt of mASF who is infamous for writing reports in ex-
painting by numbers with words since it closely cess of , words in which he describes how he
follows the structure C has identi ed as games girls that are seemingly physically attracted
the so-called monomyth. to him all the way through.
I found it impossible to take e Game seriously. Let me phrase this more concisely: Game is for
Yet, it has fostered the world-wide spread of pick- the most part nothing more than backward ration-
up artists. ose people are quite a different breed alising. It doesn’t really exist. Further, any reason-
than your seducers of yore. A seducer understands ably good looking guy gets more girls than a pick-
what women want and gives it to them. On the up artist.

Neil Strauss’ e Game was a best seller, and there dustry, the seduction industry. Examples are
were plenty of people wanting to have their share plentiful. Just think of M. is Polish fel-
of the cake, too. Realising that the barrier of low may not like to hear it, but according to a
entry to the seduction industry is low if not vir- former Mystery Method instructor, he had a total
tually non-existent, suddenly a myriad of self- of one “lay” before becoming a professional pick-
proclaimed gurus with no history whatsoever ap- up instructor. One might be tempted to con-
peared out of nowhere. ey let their ashy web- sider this an insufficient foundation for this pro-
sites, and sales letters lled with hyperbole, do the fession. In order to cement this claim to fame,
talking. Further, many of the personas you see M posted on a thread on mASF with the
in this scene don’t give you the impression that title ”its : on Tuesday - Mehow answers any
they have any success with women. As G questions”. I have le the original spelling of the
from writes, “ e rst time I saw post’s title intact.
D DA and D. P, I thought
they don’t get laid.” (I thought the same.) If you ever thought that the commercial people
were the most successful with women, then I have
In the middle of the s the community that bad news for you. ose people are not sedu-
never was a true community but always had com- cers but internet marketers. ey sell products to
mercial undertones nally turned into an in- make you, again, not into a seducer but into a par-

ody of one, a “pick-up artist”. Businesses are much
lem. e much bigger issue is that there are heaps
different from academia. If you hold a PhD in of misinformation. It couldn’t be any other way
economics from, say, the Massachusetts Institutebecause guys that don’t get laid simply can’t tell you
of Technology, you have an official seal of quality.
how to get laid. ey have no clue. As I will lay
But what is your counterpart on the Internet? It’s
out in more detail in the next part, seduction is ex-
a JPG graphic designed by some guy in India for tremely simple. Obviously, would you know the
 an hour that says “  PUA in the World”. truth as a seduction marketer and decided to sell
As a result, you have extremely thin spread in- it, you would have a hard time lling  DVDs
formation. is itself would not pose a big prob- with it.

Two Big Red Herrings

Phone Numbers and Make Outs

e seduction industry overcomplicates seduc- niques. You have at the very least:
tion to ludicrous extents. e reason is obvious:
ey want to create a need, which they then sat- • Number-close
isfy by selling more products. Let’s have a look at
a common structure according to which a certain • Kiss-close
number of closes have to be achieved in order to get
the girl. Of course, they all require speci c tech- • Full-close (sexual intercourse)

In this structure, you talk to a girl and eventually instance, doing so would be tantamount to cheat-
get her phone number. You then set up a date for ing on their boyfriend or husband. Don’t ask me
later, on which you try to achieve the other two about the underlying logic.
closes. However, as any seasoned seducer knows,
you can have sex with women without getting her People concentrating on getting phone numbers
number, without knowing her name, and even or getting make-outs confuse their goals. e goal
without kissing them. (In the most extreme case, should be sex. Getting a number by an elaborate
you can have sex with women within minutes and technique that equals bullying the girl into hand-
skip the verbal aspects altogether.) In fact, there ing it out achieves nothing — and then the guys
are some cases where the girl will have sex with wonder why the number was fake, why the girl
you but won’t allow you to kiss her, because, for never picked up her phone, or why she aked!

Why Phone Numbers are Worthless

Getting a phone number is not an achievement at got a number was because he met a girl through
all. J S-V, a guy with hardly any ex- his social circle that was trying to throw herself at
perience whatsoever, only thinks otherwise due to him for weeks or months. Eventually it occurred
his very limited experience. e very few times he to him that J A might be interested

in him and he mustered up enough courage to ask because their attraction game or their phone game
her out or asked for her number. is eventually is weak, but because the girl was never really inter-
lead to a date and possibly to more if the girl was ested in them to begin with.
willing to do all the steps the guy was supposed to
If you want to get a girl’s number, just pull out
do. us, J has the rm belief that any number
your phone and tell her to key it in. ere is
will lead to a date and potentially sex. Too bad the
no need for fancy routines. en you get some
world doesn’t really work like this.
more numbers if you feel so inclined. In fact,
In the wild, a phone number is of relatively little P J, a NYC playboy that specialises in
value. Many women will give out their number this kind of game and one of the very few people
just to get rid of the guy hitting on them. Or how in this industry I respect, states that, statistically
would you explain that so many guys, including speaking, he has sex with about   of all the wo-
the “professionals”, have problems with fake num- men whose phone number he gets. He is tall and
bers or girls not returning their calls? No, it’s not very good-looking.

He recently stated that due to his media exposure, which includes appearances on mainstream TV, his success rate
dropped by about  .

A Word on Make Outs
Kissing girls is rather similar to collecting phone
you realise that she wants to be kissed based on her
numbers (but much more fun, though). Unfor- behaviour, you can just go for it. Forget about ab-
tunately, it doesn’t mean much per se. Plenty ofsurdities like N S’ “evolutionary neck
girls will happily make out with every semi-decent
bite routine”, or whatever it is called. However, in
guy that comes along. It doesn’t mean they will many instances making out with girls will sabot-
fuck him. e reason for this is simple: Kissing is
age you, if your goal is to get laid. If in doubt, only
a source of validation for girls, so they do it over
kiss her when you are alone with her, or at least
and over. No, this doesn’t necessarily mean thataway from her friends in the club or bar. is is
those girls are sluts. another reason why the the mystique in the “com-
To many women, at least in the Western world, munity” that surrounds kissing girls is essentially
a make out means preciously little. erefore, if a red herring.

A Further Note on “Phone Game”
An example of phone game taken from R J- her week and nd out when she is busy. In turn,
, and probably copied by the likes of D this reveals on which days she is free. All you then
DA, M, and every guy that came have to do is to propose a “date” on those days and
a er them, is to call the girl, chat with her for ashe will have no excuse not to meet up. Too bad
bit and eventually agree on a meet-up. However, there is a downside. You can corner a girl like this
some girls don’t want to meet the guy because they and make her feel very uncomfortable by doing so.
are not interested in him, but don’t mind the val- You might even get her to agree to meet up with
idation they get from having random guys calling you — but only to make her ake on you later. To
them. repeat it once again, bro: is is not a game of
you against the girl. If she doesn’t want you, she
Don’t despair, J V! Here’s how you do it doesn’t want you. You will only make her resent
if she really answers your call: You ask her about you.

Common Concepts and Ideas

An Overview of Mystery Method

Mystery Method, developed by a guy with the e biggest names in the seduction industry —
nom de guerre M, is probably the most Love Systems, Real Social Dynamics, Venusian
widespread method within the seduction com- Arts, M, and S — are all heavily in u-
munity. It’s popularity was furthered by N enced by it. Some have changed their approach
S’ book e Game. Eventually, M later, to teach what they call “structured natural
got his own TV show on VH, which made it into game”, but it remains the predominant method.
a second season. In fact, many of the smaller companies seem to be

teaching a derived version. rst, and later you shi your attention to your ini-
tial target. Oh, I forgot to mention: If you end up
Mystery Method glori es the indirect approach, having sex with the girl before seven hours have
meaning that you approach a group from a ° passed, you did not play solid game but had a fool’s
angle (!) and not talk to the girl you are interested mate. Hundreds of pages would not be enough to
in, but to someone else. You win over the group describe all that is wrong with this method.

“All Girls are the same”

N S of Love Systems has frequently abysmal performance of the instructors S
stated that “all girls are the same” and thus the and B — Amazing choice of names, by the
same steps work on every girl. For some reasons, way! — on the TV show Keys to the VIP (Season
he and his posse of instructors seem to be remark- , episode ). If anybody, “professional instruct-
ably unsuccessful if this was really true. Please put ors” should know it, or am I missing something?
the phone down, N, and think about this be-
e truth is that there is no one-size- ts-all ap-
fore you call your lawyers: How do you explain
proach. All girls have different ideas. Some will
failure if you know the exact steps necessary to se-
never fuck you on the rst night or the rst date
duce any girl? Further, how do you explain the
because of their morals. Others want to be wined

and dined for weeks. Some refuse to give blow to get laid in, say, Tokyo.
jobs, even in marriage — as I’ve been told by frus-
trated husbands. en there is a fraction that e line between tragedy and comedy is o en
wants to keep their virginity until their marriage. ne. In London, a former Mystery Method Corp.
On top of that, there are girls who claim to be instructor once said to me, “Dude, you are way
virgins and refuse vaginal intercourse but happily too direct.” Apparently, it was inconceivable to
take it up the ass or down the throat. (Let’s thank him that you could do more in clubs than talk-
religion for that!) Or imagine you were in a coun- ing to girls, and when he later on saw me making
try where there is no religion, which is probably out with a girl that had problems controlling her
one of the reasons why, according to some of my horniness, he was watching us with his eyes wide
friends, it is ridiculously easy for a white Westener open and saliva dripping from his mouth.

The Linear Model of Seduction
Probably the worst aspect of Mystery Method is • Comfort  (C): Intimacy
the assumption of linearity. First and foremost,
• Seduction  (S): Arousal
his model has an absurd foundation, namely that
all girls are the same and that you could get any • Seduction  (S): Last-minute Resistance
girl. Both are obviously false, but let’s now focus
on the linearity. M claims that any seduc- • Seduction  (S): Sex
tion has to go through these nine stages: As a result, you will o en see — for instance in the
videos those alleged gurus release online — that
• Attract  (A): Opening the girl is interested in them, yet those guys are
• Attract  (A): Female-to-male attract too focussed on their model. Instead of realising
phase (“attracting”) that the girl desperately wants to fuck, and simply
be taken home, they “get her used to their touch”,
• Attract  (A): Male-to-female attract “elicit her values”, or “build some comfort”.
phase (“qualifying”) Let’s consider the possibility that a woman’s in-
• Comfort  (C): Connection terest in a man is entirely sexual at rst. If she nds
you attractive, you give her the clear impression
• Comfort  (C): Trust that you are a sexual being and not afraid to act

like a man. is will only further her arousal. You them and talk to them. Even if she is not inter-
only have a shot if she is interested in you anyway. ested in you, she may listen to you for an hour or
Of course, you can “play it safe” and entertain her two. Yet, this doesn’t mean that she will have sex
with all your stories and fancy routines. But if this with you. is might be a hard pill to swallow.
is how you seduce girls, then you don’t realise that But don’t worry if this is over your head, bro, the
some girls will gladly enjoy that guys come up to gurus apparently don’t get this either.

Demonstrating Value
Mystery Method and Love Systems subscribe to a model of seduction that is based on an algorithm.
model of seduction that is based on the concept
of value. ey want to make you believe that you For all the pseudo-scienti c theories that are be-
as a guy have less value than the girl and in order ing traded in the seduction community, nobody
to overcome this disadvantage, you use a couple seems to have either the mental capacity or the
of routines to demonstrate higher value. As a con- willingness to consider the results of real science.
cession to a nerdy fan base, they speak of DHV It is a well-established fact that mate selection is
routines. Acronyms are common in computer sci- the domain of the woman. In the animal kingdom,
ence, and they also have their place in a misleading two males can well ght over one female, but the
female still choses the mate, which could well be

the one who was defeated. kind of value in the man she eventually choses,
e main issue of the value-based concept is thus the vague concept of value as commonly taught
that value is relative to the woman. J P- explains absolutely nothing. If there is anything
 and S G might look for some- healthy women have in common, then it is that
thing entirely different in a man, regarding be- they all get horny. (It is for this reason that I have
haviour, age, looks, status and money. While it been able to seduce women from vastly different
is undeniable that any woman wants to see some backgrounds.)

Dressing well requires an understanding of fash- On the other hand, M’s peacocking theory
ion. Ideally, you belong to a certain scene or sub- presupposes that you have to wear certain items
culture anyway. If you don’t and are interested in that make you stand out. Do a Google search
one, then show up a couple of times and pay atten- and laugh at those pictures! In  I used to
tion to what guys are wearing. en you’re good go out a lot in London. “Pick-up” was relatively
to go. If in doubt, ask people where they buy their mainstream, and its practitioners were usually ex-
stuff. Most are a bit shallow anyway and love talk- tremely badly dressed. With my friend T —
ing about themselves. the guy that got me started on fashion and who

has now turned his passion into a profession — I plateau boots, all in an attempt to stand out and
used to play the game “Spot the PUA”. It is great to signal immunity to social pressure. ose ex-
fun and maybe you should try it to. We always had tremes may be less common nowadays, but go to
a laugh at those people. any mainstream night club in the typical pick-up
epicenters, and it shouldn’t take you too long to
Typical peacocking items include furry hats, see such people. us, the message is: If you look
goggles, necklaces and bracelets in all shapes and as if you don’t belong, then you don’t belong. In-
forms. I have heard of people wearing feather stead of peacocking, people would be much better
boas, fur coats, pink suits, shnets as tops and advised to work on their style.

The Seven-Hour Rule

I’ve read eld reports from guys who —PUA C,
had a girl in their bedroom dripping
wet, but didn’t fuck her because they
I agree that the notion of fool’s mate and the idea
didn’t want to break the  hour rule
that it takes seven hours to have sex with a women
and have ”fool’s mate”. M is
are both utterly bizarre. First of all, spending that
by far the worst guru in my opinion.
much time with a woman without having sex will

lead to many problems Mystery Method speci c- ups in which I got my dick wet in much less than
ally addresses. One is so-called last minute resist- een minutes, and I kept seeing a relatively high
ance, i.e. the guy suddenly surprises the girl with percentage of those women. My personal exper-
the fact that he actually has a dick a er rmly pla- ience, as well as the experiences of every success-
cing himself in the friend zone by “building com- ful guy I know, therefore undermines the notion
fort” for hours upon hours. e girl is surprised of solid game as opposed to fool’s mate. So, if you
by this and — unsurprisingly — not willing to en- happen to end up with a girl in front of you that is
gage in sexual intercourse at all as a result. dripping wet and waiting for you to put it in, you
In fact, you can have sex with women much, much better do so. You don’t want to be the guy that
quicker. My personal best is something around turns down sex because he doesn’t want to viol-
three minutes, and it was a regular club, not a sex ate a random rule some bizarro from the Internet
party or a swinger club. I have had plenty of hook pulled out of his (furry) hat.

New Technology

Probably in an attempt to differentiate themselves downright nonsense such as tapping. e mes-
from countless companies that were doing not sage was that you could cure all your problems
much more than offering Mystery Method with without even going out. is was called inner
their own spin and a new label, some players in game. Apparently this term describes everything
the market came up with creative ideas. New that is going on inside your head when it comes
angles were focussing on being more social, on in- to meeting women. Fix your inner game rst, and
troducing concepts like state and inner game, or your outer game will be taken care of automatic-

ally, they claim. Unfortunately, one of the main head anyway. erefore, it is doubtful how this
issues of people who lack success when it comes approach could offer a solution to this problem.
to the fairer sex is that they are too much in their

Wouldn’t it be great if you could x your inner of a swamp on his own hair.
game by simply telling yourself how amazing you
It might make you feel good to read an ebook
are? Simply stand in front of the mirror and re-
or listen to an audio programme that attempts to
peat to yourself: “I am rich and famous. I am rich
“ x your inner game” by making you repeat hack-
and famous. I am rich and famous.” e obvious neyed phrases such as “I make no excuses for my
downside, though, is that if you are not already
desires as a man.” But who do you think is in a
rich and famous, telling yourself that you are is stronger position, the guy standing in front of his
somewhat odd and somewhat reminds me of the
bathroom mirror babbling nonsense or R
tales of B M who is known for
J who has hardly any inner monologue going
rather extravagant stories of his feats and abilities,
on to begin with but simply walks up to girls he
which among others include pulling himself out
nds hot?

When I rst heard about tapping I burst out in ies of the premises of EFT. Anyone with a semi-
laughter. e gullibility of people is apparently functional brain should realise that it is complete
without bounds. Fancy names for this technique nonsense. However, I’ll gladly provide you with
have been thrown around for some time, and the an example. My friend T L relayed the
most current acronym of choice is EFT (“Emo- following tragicomic story about a guy named
tional Freedom Technique”). One of its cham- T M, whom he met in the mASF chat
pions is E A, a woman in her room:
forties that senses a business opportunity in ex-
ploiting this niche. EFT is “self-hypnosis” that T M spent months sitting
involves tapping oneself in a particular location in his room, not approaching, just
such as your chest or your wrist. Its applications using the EFT on himself. Yet, he
are manyfold, including but not limited to ap- still felt it worth his time to hang
proach anxiety, building con dence, or even mak- out in pick-up chat rooms and even
ing money. Maybe E should start tapping for regularly offer advice. Occasion-
world peace? A Nobel Prize should be motivation ally, he would go out and try to
enough. make eye contact with girls, but not
approach even if they reciprocated.
I won’t even bother to point out the absurdit- is guy was severely depressed and

had a lot of issues, but it’s pretty sad doubtedly -year old men living in
that someone had convinced him their mothers’ garages.
that EFT was his best hope at im-
proving with women (instead of just
talking to them). Last I heard, is story also points towards another issue,
he had mustered up the courage to namely that people that have problems attracting
hang-out in D chat rooms to game partners frequently have serious psychological is-
the female avatars of what were un- sues.

In an attempt to differentiate themselves from state” when you feel good about yourself. Too bad
their competitors, Real Social Dynamics focussed you normally don’t feel good about yourself all the
on teaching “natural game.” e pinnacle was time. But don’t despair, this is where e Blue-
to be found in a  DVD product with the title print comes in: If you feel down and don’t want to
e Blueprint Decoded. e new magic pill this talk to anybody, then you just unsti e yourself. In
product taught was called state. What exactly state London I once bumped into an RSD acolyte who
was wasn’t entirely clear. Apparently you are “in frequently shouted war cries in a bar (!), claiming

that doing so would make him immune to social it forces guys who are naturally in-
pressure and “put him into state”. I shook my head troverted to take on a fake persona
in disbelief. and makes them feel ashamed if they
R J gave me a brief recap and an explana- don’t want to chat up every random
tion why in his opinion state messes up more guys idiot at a bar. For me, I only chose to
than anything else: associate with two people when I’m
out: my friends and hot girls. Fuck
e pioneers of natural game lauded state!
state like it’s the secret to attracting
women. However, the idea that you I agree that forcing yourself to do something you
need to “generate” state by talking don’t want to do does more harm than good.
to a bunch of random of people will ( is doesn’t apply if you have severe social pho-
cripple guys more than it helps. It bias, in which case you are better off seeking pro-
instills the belief that people have fessional help.) Related ideas can o en be heard,
to bring their con dence “out” of such as “approach x girls a night”, “approach the
themselves, rather than just walk- rst girl you see without exception”, or “go out x
ing up (like any normal, attractive nights a week.” Rather, just do what you feel like.
guy) and getting the girl. Moreover, If you have to force yourself, you are already lost.

Making Money

The Big Circle Jerk

Have you ever wondered why there are hardly any else’s product and get a share of the money. In
objective reviews of pick-up products out there? fact, some people like D DA even
e reason is that people are only in it to make pay you   commission for sales of their entry
money. On the one hand you have people releas- level product, which is usually a relatively cheap
ing products. Selling to your own fanbase is not ebook.
all there is, which is why affiliates are brought into
the boat. As an affiliate you advertise someone Obviously, portals such as Seduction Chronicles,

E-Seduce or PUARatings have no interest in dis- own pockets. As a consequence, you will see hype
couraging you from purchasing products. uite wherever you look.
the contrary, every sale they facilitate lls their

Boot Camps
It’s ridiculous that guys spend thou- was nothing special about it. If anything, it taught
sands of dollars on bullshit, espe- me that “pick-up artists” are just random people
cially boot camps. With a few thou- who are o en somewhat maladjusted. Anybody
sand dollars you can go to the Greek can walk up to forty girls a night and hope for the
Islands and fuck your brains out. best. ere is no reason to pay a couple grand for
—PUA C, Melbourne this experience.
However, boot camps cannot work as advertised,
Boot camps are weekend workshops in which you simply because every student, or client, comes
are supposed to learn how to pick up girls. I have from a different place. ey all have different
attended a free boot camp in early , hosted strengths and weaknesses, and different goals.
by the London Seduction Society. Even though e same way that there is no one single method
I enjoyed the experience, I also found that there that works on any girl, guys have different needs as

well. No matter how varied those are, in the end, a thing as long as you don’t turn the interaction
an instructor will tell you to approach a girl. He sexual. Pick-up is a numbers’ game, but this struc-
will probably call them sets. It’s quite likely that ture is supposed to hide this fact. For this reason,
the student will get shot down, but that doesn’t boot camps are the scam of the decade.
matter. e instructor then has a plethora of reas-
ons and explanations why your approach didn’t If you want to see for yourself how a boot camp
work. ere is always a reason. However, it will works, just nd out where the big companies hold
never be that the girl was simply not into you. them, and you can see your heroes in action —
Should you be successful and get the girl to talk without paying a small fortune for it. It’s usually
to you or even kiss you, then S G will common knowledge where those workshops are
equally provide you with a gazillion of reasons being held. Given the lack of creativity, it’s no sur-
why what he has taught you has helped you in prise that they usually take place in meat markets
this particular case. But what has helped you was such as Tiger Tiger in London or e Park in New
simply that you walked up to the girl and that she York City. Just show up and be prepared for a big
found you attractive enough. You will also en- surprise. A popular spot for day game workshops
counter the problem that he won’t tell you that in NYC are the book stores near Times Square
the mere fact that the girl talked to you doesn’t mean and Union Square, by the way.

Public Forums
Stay away from public forums! I consider them to e problem is that seniority, measured by the date
be a haven for virgins and social retards. Only a of registration, and post-count, are all too o en mis-
minority of the people on them (barely) get laid, taken for competence. It seems there is no way
and on a rather low skill level like online dating or around it; just avoid those forums like the plague.
collecting phone numbers and hoping for a date e few good people that are interested in discuss-
to emerge. As a consequence, you have a situation ing seduction have all ed to very small private
where the blind are leading the blind. To give one lounges anyway. Don’t worry if you are not a
example, on one of the bigger forums, mASF, a member. Once you get that good that you catch
user with the name O has the status of a the interest of those people, your game won’t
so-called tribe elder, a post count in the thousands, need much help anyway. Besides, the very best
and is ranked among the top three posters. (He normally don’t bother to discuss “game” anyway.
was actually the number one ranked poster for ink about it: If you get girls, why would you
years.) He also happily hands out advice to new- ever want to google “how to pull girls”?
bies. is might sound great, but there is one sad
fact: His lay count is three or four girls in a freak- Instead of trying to learn game from websites,
ing decade. Make your own conclusion about the message boards or books, simply keep going out
fact that he is also a moderator on said forum. and talk to girls. If you come across a guy
that seems to be good with women, chat him

up. I made a couple of great friends this way. tice mASF has recently adopted as well, and they
ose people may or may not know of the seduc- quickly ban people with critical opinions, which
tion community, and it’s generally better if they is also the norm on e Attraction Forums. Are
haven’t. Also, they are usually more skilled when you still surprised you don’t nd much objective
they haven’t. discussion online?
Another hardly talked about problematic aspect As a last note, there are regional groups, so-called
of big boards, be it mASF, e Attraction Forums lairs with their own forums and meetings. ose
or RSD Nation is their overt or co ert commercial are o en seen as a bridge between large public
focus. You may be unaware of it, but their main forums and private lounges. But this is true only
purpose is to extract money from you. e most in theory. Most lairs are even more commer-
liberal of the big forums is arguably mASF. How- cial, sometimes blatantly so, than the big pub-
ever, its owner J V, aka F, lic forums. e people organising those groups
obviously loves making money. You will there- simply cultivate a customer base and cooperate
fore nd a plethora of questionable products be- with companies. e usual deal is that “gurus”
ing promoted on his website. Ads are plastered give a talk for free (for which the lair charges
all over the place, and some look as if they are money nonetheless) in exchange for an opportun-
part of his site. On other forums you will get ity to promote products and services (for which
banned if you mention competitors. RSD Nation the lair leader charges a commission of usually 
for instance automatically censors names, a prac-  per sale). Further, I know of only very few such

groups that make an effort to screen members. way anyway. e next part of this book, “An In-
Luckily, you can learn how seduction works on troduction to Seduction”, will give you the basic
your own, and you will be better off doing it this outline.

Lack of Business Ethics

The Best Things in Life are Free

A common theme in Internet marketing is to offer future sales. If someone has your email address,
something for free in exchange for, say, an email then he already knows that you are to some extent
address. It is standard procedure to offer “free interested in his offerings and thus you are a po-
reports” for subscribing to someone’s newsletter. tential buyer. While I personally nd this practice
Some people have pretty good content, although rather annoying — and more honorable people
those might not necessarily run seduction-related don’t seem to do it —, there is hardly anything
websites. e usual motive is to generate leads for unethical about it since you know what the deal

is. However, some companies have found ways to Instead, you had to ask for it.
rede ne what ee means.
For instance, Real Social Dynamics offers “free” us, this company is apparently not only count-
talks. Some of their instructors travel around the ing on people not showing up and thus forfeiting
globe to speak in countless cities. If you want to their deposit. ey also have set up hurdles if you
participate, you have to sign up in advance and pay wanted your deposit back. e event I attended
a deposit. Surely, you would think that if it was a was relatively crowded, and had I been pressed for
free offering, you could just show up. Out of curi- time, I would simply have le instead of inquiring
osity, I attended one of their events in London on how to get my money back. I did get the de-
in , because I wanted to hear J speak. posit back, in the end. Yet, the way this event was
What I found odd was that you didn’t automatic- handled le a bad taste in my mouth. Had I con-
ally get your money back. You had to sign a form, sidered spending money on one of their services,
which wasn’t even automatically handed to you. this experience would have changed my mind.

“I’ll just trick you if you aren’t willing!”
Forced continuity is a marketing term that de- other end said, as fast as possible, “If you don’t
scribes the method of slipping in a paid subscrip- object, we’ll automatically send you a pizza every
tion of which you might very well be unaware of. day from now on and bill you accordingly un-
I have no particular reason for attacking Real So- til you cancel.” Surely you would never order
cial Dynamics yet again, but it ts with the pre- from that guy again and probably report him to
vious section. When I registered for that par- the authorities. As D from
ticular talk in London, I eventually saw a “con- told me, D DA does something very
rm your order” page on my screen. For whatever similar. When you order one of his relatively
reason, there was suddenly a checked box accord- cheap ebooks, you might end up subscribing to
ing to which I was about to subscribe to a monthly a monthly interview series. e method is al-
audio series named RSD Mastermind “for only ways the same: you have a cheap or ee ont-end
. each +  shipping & handling”. It ap- product, that is bundled with a monthly member-
peared out of nowhere, and I had to opt-out. ship that most people are not aware of.
As every honest marketer will tell you, the stand- No matter how you turn it, this is an unethical
ard route would be to opt-in, when it comes to business practice. I am tempted to compare those
additional products and services. Imagine you slipped in subscription offers to shopping in real
ordered a pizza via phone and the person on the life when someone would slip some items into

your shopping bag during check-out. Of course, Apparently this motivation goes completely out
in real life this doesn’t happen because as long of the window once the interaction is done an-
as there is face-to-face communication, even the onymously via the Internet.
biggest crooks want to maintain some decency.

An Introduction to Seduction

The Nature of “Game”

A woman’s interest in you is mostly sexual. Some rusty ten-foot pole, others you might do if there is
women will always be turned off by you. Others nothing better around at the time, and then there
are into you, and there is a third group that might are the one’s you are completely into. Accept this
be interested, which I shall call the grey zone. ey as a fact.
are hardly different from men in this regards. If
you are a guy reading this, you will arguably agree In general, your success with women is nothing
that there are women you wouldn’t touch with a but an extension to how well you live your life. If

you thoroughly enjoy success in one area, no mat- on this planet can. Even for celebrities it remains
ter whether it is business, sports, or some other a numbers’ game. However, you will obviously
somewhat social activity, you should have little have it much easier if you are rich, famous, good-
problems getting girls. You only have to talk to looking, and not too old. Many “gurus” claim that
them, express your interest and be sexual with you can get any girl you want the same as you can
them. In turn this means that if you have prob- achieve anything in life, but this is not true. You
lems with getting women, there is something else cannot achieve everything in life. e same way a
you should work on rst. guy who is around  feet will nd it impossible to
However, if you get girls somewhat regularly, then become a center in the NBA, no matter how much
“game” helps you to make things happen faster if “hard work” he puts in, he will have a hard time
this is what you desire, or getting more of the girls getting supermodels. is is not a matter of “lim-
in the grey zone. Competence through repeated iting beliefs”. Life is not fair, and nobody in their
success will then eventually help you to not fuck right mind would claim it is. at being said, you
up more of the great prospects and convert more can certainly achieve a lot in life, given your po-
of the girls that are on the fence. tential, enough effort and the right circumstances.
You can also get enough girls.
Still, you cannot get any girl you want. Nobody

If you Can’t Get Laid to Save Your life
I’m sorry to break the news to you, but if you don’t Next, choose a hobby with a social aspect. No, I
get laid, there is usually a sound reason for it. It am not talking about joining a Linux user group.
might be psychological, because you think it is Get some friends, male and female, and get used
morally wrong to sleep with girls, or it might be to just talking to people. If you have to get in
an external factor. If you live in a small town in shape, you have to change your eating habits any-
the middle of nowhere, and dream of pulling hot way, so why not focus on cooking as a hobby and
actresses, you may want to consider moving some- join a local meet-up group?
where else where those girls are. Further, if you en, decide what your environment is. Do you
have a severe psychological issue, for instance you like the city you live in? I le my small hometown
feel that you cannot talk to strangers or get un- for a variety of reasons, one of which was that I
comfortable in public places, then don’t be afraid found it too repressive. I couldn’t express myself
to seek professional help. the way I wanted, and my life indeed took a turn
You do not need to waste time and effort learn- for the better once I had moved to Berlin. is
ing routines. Spend some time at the gym instead alone took care of a lot of my issues and I realised
and exercise. Being in reasonably good shape will that many of my problems were only due to a con-
help you more than your fragile ego will make you servative surrounding.
want to believe. Focus on certain scenes, i.e. nd your niche

or subculture. Yes, appearances matter! Even All of this might sound rather shallow, and it is,
though it is important to get a suitable wardrobe, but this is simply how things are. You will for the
don’t worry about it too much. You will grow into most part meet women whose life has some con-
it. If you are into indie/rock music and like going nection to yours. Everything else is tantamount
out in this scene, simply copy what other guys are to pipe dreams. If you are a short Indian guy you
wearing. It may take you a while to get comfort- will hardly ever pull skinny Scandinavians, and if
able with it, but eventually, you will be able to get your social circle doesn’t overlap with royalty, you
comfortable with it and nd your own style. are not going to score with a princess either.

The Main Idea

Pick-up and seduction are not about manipula- two of you want it. By the way, the law knows spe-
tion. You cannot trick or talk a girl into sleep- ci c terms when this was not given: sexual harass-
ing with you. us, just forget about magic tricks, ment and rape.
routines, patterns, NLP, hypnosis and the like.
Studying those is counter-productive and poten- It’s a simple message: Cool guys get laid and al-
tially harmful since it turns you into a manipu- ways got laid. Instead of looking for an imaginary
lator. Seduction is mutual. It only happens if the short cut or magic pill that will make you success-
ful with girls overnight, you better become a “cool

guy”. is is actually much easier than you might well. e latter requires some understanding of
think, and bene cial on many levels. In fact, it is fashion and style. With some research things will
almost ridiculous how simple this is. just fall into place.
Important prerequisites are to like yourself. Be- Before you should even think of “picking up girls”
come comfortable with your body and sexuality. or seducing women, you have to work on yourself,
Sports are a great way to help you with it. If and for some this might be hard work. However,
you feel any kind of guilt when watching porn or theory won’t really help you. As with bodybuild-
scantily clad women in magazines, then get rid of ing, .  is about execution, so just go out and
those thoughts. Get in shape, eat well, and dress talk to some girls.

Nobody has All the Answers

e desire to enlist the services of a “guru”, espe- does not have a “one size ts all” approach either.
cially if you have the time and money to do so
is understandable. A er all, some guys are great Different styles evolve based on the personality of
with women and veri ably so. However, just as in the seducer. is means that you shouldn’t follow
martial arts where different styles evolved based anyone’s advice blindly even if they are good. Your
on the preferences of certain ghters, seduction situation may be much different from theirs. For

this reason, focus on your own experiences. What around it. On the other hand, just because some-
works for you and what doesn’t? If you nd that, thing works for you, don’t necessarily assume it
for instance, you’ve got the gi of the gab and can will work for others as well and begin to evangel-
say the most outrageous things, yet still don’t of- ize your “method”. We are all different.
fend anyone, then feel free to base your “game”

About Personal Style

I have acquired a reputation for my successes in picking up women there was an obvious next step.
night clubs. is environment might not be for (You would have a hard time getting me into a
everyone, and I am perfectly aware of that. If a  mainstream club, though.)
year-old virgin who has never been to a club asks
whether I can “teach” him to be as good as I am, I Further, I am not overly talkative. In fact, I nd it
have no choice but to turn him down. He would rather frustrating to spend my time with too much
not be able to learn much from me. I developed small-talk. I prefer to get to the point as soon as
my style because I love going to clubs. is is not possible. I do have friends, but I don’t want to
a general statement, but I tremendously enjoy a be in a position where I have to rely on my social
number of scenes in London and Berlin. us, circle to get introduced to other girls. You are in a
much better position when you can go out alone,

wherever you want, and get a girl on the same my body and my sexuality, I get sexual quickly.
night. If you can do this repeatedly, then you can My style certainly wouldn’t work for everybody,
call yourself a seducer. Because I am in touch with but feel free to try.

Seduction in a Nutshell

Where to Meet Women

Girls are everywhere. Ideally, your life is varied also the least exciting. However, for this to work
enough to allow you to meet many people, be it at you better have a large social circle to begin with.
school or work, on public transport, or as you just
go through your day. You can meet girls on the Online dating is becoming more and more popu-
street, while shopping for groceries, or as you go lar, probably because it allows people to get over
for a run. Meeting girls through one’s social circle the fear of rejection. But caveat emptor: It is
is in fact the easiest and most common way. It is mostly social retards picking up other social re-

tards. Or do you honestly believe that hot and on. In big cities there is an abundance of lonely
somewhat social girls have a shortage of men pro- office girls that spend their evenings alone, eat-
positioning them? As my friend C recently ing Chinese food while sitting in front of the telly.
put it: “Why go for low hanging fruit? I feel like ey are only waiting to meet a great guy.
guys go for the online stuff when they feel things
Certain jobs will make it incredibly easy to meet
aren’t working in real life.”
girls. You probably wouldn’t read this book if you
Lastly, you can try cold approaching and meet girls had one of those, and if you don’t have such a job
in night clubs and bars. Yes, girls go out to get laid. yet, changing your career merely for this aspect
is is what I prefer, but depending on your age or would be a bit odd. I’m talking about the mu-
city, this may not be an option. If you don’t like to sic and service industries. Join a band, do some
go out, you can also try your luck during the day: DJing, become a bouncer, or get a job as a bar-
ere are streets, malls, bus stops, book stores, re- tender! Girls will just come to you. But no matter
cord stores, coffee shops, cafeterias, public trans- what your situation is, there is no excuse for not
port, university campuses, and the list goes on and meeting girls.

Seduction is primitively simple. Or how else do end this will be the cornerstone of your successes
you explain that our race managed to stick around as well as you will pigeonhole yourself in order to
for millions of years? Eventually it boils down to: appealing to a certain group of girls.
For the most part, girls won’t do the work for you,
• Picking your environment so you have to be willing and ready to make the in-
• Focussing on receptive girls teraction sexual. (What you can and cannot do is
obviously determined by the surrounding. Meet-
• Not fucking it up ing girls on campus is much different from a loud
techno club.) If she likes you she’ll give you a
e rst and most important step is to show up. chance. If she doesn’t, nothing — no “routine” in
In some of the most fashionable clubs in London the world — will make her change her mind. is
I have seen guys getting laid simply based on their “method” is more effective than any kind of game.
appearance. is is an extreme case, but in the You may want to think about that for a moment.

Sleeping around can get boring a er some time, so as guys want sex. e best part, though, is that if
looking for a girl to keep around for a relationship you want to get into a relationship, you have to do
might be a reasonable goal for many guys. Espe- hardly anything because it’s the girl’s job. Here is
cially men who have not have much success with the basic wish list girls have:
women might feel insecure when it comes to re-
lationships, and for exactly this reason this is the • You satisfy her sexually
next subject the seduction gurus try to overcom-
• You are not a complete dickhead
plicate. A er they couldn’t teach you how to suc-
cessfully get girls, maybe they can teach you how • You look good next to her
to keep that one girl that kept you around? I really
would not bet my money on it. • You can be introduced to her friends

A common claim is that “getting girls is easy but • You can be introduced to her family
keeping them is hard”. is is certainly not my ex-
perience. Girls love sex, and what helps you a lot is at’s it. It is really that simple (at rst). Have fun
that some girls think they can only have sex in a re- with your new girlfriend!
lationship, so they will want you to commit. Girls If this short list looks intimidating, which it
want the safety of a relationship probably as much shouldn’t, then don’t despair, because it gets even

better: Depending on her level of sexual depriva- any girl that would take them. Whenever I see a
tion, her age or certain of your features, some of reasonably good-looking guy with a dog of a girl-
those items quickly disappear from this list. Of friend or wife, I feel sorry for them. However,
course, nding a girl to have a great relationship women are not necessarily different in this regard.
with is a bit trickier, but that’s why we make an ef- As they get older and approach their s, they in-
fort to leave the house and talk to girls in the rst creasingly settle for pretty much anyone. It’s actu-
place: to meet enough girls so that we can choose ally sad.
wisely! Sadly, though, too many guys settle for


Debunking the Seduction Community has hope- help you. ere is no quick- x solution available.
fully shown that the seduction industry does It does take some effort and you will have to learn
worse things than offering hot air. In fact, it can how to deal with rejection, and if you fail you just
be detrimental to your progress. It also offered try again, until you get the success you can realist-
you a pill that might be hard to swallow: If you ically expect for yourself.
have problems attracting women, you have to
work on yourself. “Educating” yourself by watch- On the other hand, and let this be a warning,
ing misleading DVD programmes and attending following the overcomplicated and o en plainly
weekend workshops by unquali ed people won’t wrong “theories” of gurus can easily have you
walking around like a chicken whose head got

cut off. On, a forum where approaches, because he tries to t
many fraudulent gurus get exposed, a guy named stuff into community theory and
D got his fair amount of ridicule. He was into owcharts in his head all the
offering commercial boot camps, but he has had time. Repeat: Only a community-
sex with only three women — from about , in uenced person can do so many
approaches! e user G G com- approaches and not get extremely
mented: good in the process.
at’s only possible for a community
guy, constantly blocking his nat- So, forget about “pick-up theory”. Get a life, go
ural instincts from learning from the out, and get laid. Sex is no big deal. It is just sex.

Questions & Answers

Are you saying that game doesn’t exist? I have problems “open-
ing girls” but I think if I just practice enough, I will eventu-
ally overcome this and finally get girls.

As the proponents of the seduction industry de- truly nonsensical position, and we can all thank
scribe it, “game” does not exist. ose people sell Mystery Method for spreading it.
it as the great equalizer that, no matter how you
look or how little money you have, you can get If you don’t work on your fundamentals, you will
any girl. is simply does not work. Game is not always have to dig yourself out of a hole if you
a skill you practice. don’t get shot down immediately. Instead, x
It is little surprise that as a consequence too many those basics, get your life in order and focus on the
guys believe that their looks and those other basic receptive girls rst. If no girl is receptive to you,
factors don’t matter because once they get good at you’ve got some serious problems which have to
”game” all those problems will be solved. is is a be addressed rst.

OK, you say that this is a sham industry and that all those
people have no credentials, but why should I then listen to
you instead?

I can only encourage people to be critical of consider the pinnacle of pick-up.

everything they read, which doesn’t seem to be I have reached an unusually high skill level. I
taught enough in schools and universities, and for have had encounters where girls followed me into
which reason all those bogus industries are able to nightclub bathrooms within mere moments, and
thrive in the rst place. As I wrote, I do not claim I have seduced girls completely non-verbally, only
to have all the answers. due to physical escalation. If you now want to ob-
What distinguishes me is that my development ject that I am nothing but a “club guy” that is com-
was rapid. I have had hook-ups in a variety of petent at getting one-night stands, I am sorry to
ways. Whereas a lot of guys in this scene are con- disappoint you. I have also been in relationships
tent with collecting phone numbers and hoping of all kinds of forms. Keeping girls around was
for dates to materialise, I spent my efforts on gur- never my problem.
ing out how to seduce girls as quickly as possible. Lastly, I have had to learn “game.” As a con-
It took me about nine months until I had reached sequence, I have acquired a deep understanding
a level some would describe as mastery, i.e. hav- of underlying principles and I know what works
ing sex with girls within minutes. is is what I and what is just super uous nonsense. Of course,

you will occasionally encounter so-called naturals, how to become truly efficient, and are thus able
but those people usually are less aware of their ac- to distinguish what are important and necessary
tions. Also, from my own observations, I doubt steps when it comes to seducing women, and what
that many of those people ever asked themselves are merely bells and whistles.

You say that meeting women and getting laid via online dat-
ing was a low skill. What do you mean by this?

One of the absurdities of the community is that e issue I have with online game is, apart from
people that get laid occasionally from their social the amount of time it consumes, that it doesn’t re-
circles or from online dating think they are great quire any balls. You send out a couple of emails
seducers. However, those two methods are the and hope that one girls bites. In fact, if she meets
least risky. e window of opportunity in social up with you, she is in the vast majority of cases
circle game is ridiculously large. A girl might nd down to fuck. e big downside, though, is that
you interesting, and you can ask her out weeks many girls seem to look much better on their on-
later. On the other hand, if you meet a girl in a line pro les.
club and don’t make it happen the same night, you
may have blown your one chance. us, I refer to high level game as when a guy
walks up to a girl in real life and starts an interac-

tion that ends in sex. On the other hand, the com- bers is something many people can do. In fact, for
mon kind of game, and the kind many “profes- M, one of the main gures of the seduc-
sionals” teach is to collect a lot of phone numbers, tion industry, having sex with women quickly was
hope that some girls answer your calls, and meet considered fool’s mate, simply because it didn’t t
up with them. Again, this requires relatively little into his system. But what if you do it week a er
skill. Compared to the seducer that has sex with week? I am tempted to say it’s a rather rare skill,
the girl the same night, collecting phone num- and one hardly any man possesses.

You may not necessarily be wrong with most of your state-

ments, but me and my buddies Jeb and George do the kind of
game you are arguing against all the time and we have tons
of success with it. How do you explain this?

e main issue with game is not even that guys get taught is overcomplicated and misses the point.
laid or not using it. For my argument it doesn’t Further, guys don’t seem to understand that wo-
even matter whether those alleged gurus get laid man really want to have sex. Really. ey are
or not. at many don’t get laid a lot is only fur- yours for the taking.
ther proof. But even if they did, it doesn’t re-
fute my statement that “game” as it is commonly Someone educated in conventional game misses

all the signs and follows some inane theory on woman is already interested. Yet, they keep on
how to get girls when he has just to take them. spouting out their lines, but because they focus
Seduction is always mutual. e girl wants to be too little on what is in front of them, they waste
kissed, and the guy thinks of ways of “getting from their time in the best case. In the worst case,
A to A” — if you don’t get this reference, good though, they lose the girl because most women
for you, since it’s a jab at Mystery Method. can’t stand guys that don’t dare to make a move.
You don’t get girls because of game – you get them
It is not the case that game works. People merely despite game, because they were tolerant enough
believe it does because they fail to realise that the to put up with it.

There are so many videos on YouTube that show successful

pick-ups. What do you have to say about that? I think you are
just another negative PUA that hates the community!

In- eld videos are an interesting phenomenon. and usually you only see a guy wasting time with
Most show barely anything. What you mostly see his “method” or fucking it up royally without real-
are guys afraid to ask for a number directly (num- ising it. Further, many high-pro le videos are
ber close routine), or guys that are too afraid to either staged or the result of meticulous editing,
make a move and kiss the girl or trying to leave but this is an issue I won’t go into at this point.
with her. I have watched a couple of those videos
Dude, you are such a hypocrite! You say that boot camps don’t
work but on the other hand you offer your own similar pro-
grammes and charge a ton of money for it!

I do not offer boot camps. In fact, I have been in- industry is that it gives empty promises and mis-
vited by some lairs that asked me to offer (paid) leads guys. In contrast, I don’t make any such
boot camps and I have turned their request down. claims. In fact, read this book again and ex-
However, have worked with more avanced guys plain to me how this would work as “advertising
on one-on-ones. ose people already got enough to the anti-pickup community.” I am not try-
girls and merely wanted to become more efficient, ing to sell you anything. In fact, I’m technically
i.e. they want to learn how to get girls faster, undermining my own business when I tell guys
not how to get girls, which is a huge difference. that a more sensible approach, if they are strug-
Or, they were successful in one area, like cold- gling to get girls, is to x their life rst, and once
approaching from day-game. All those guys have that is done, they will nd it relatively easy to
more than just a modicum of sexual con dence meet girls. People who nowadays contact me for
and experience. ey don’t need to work on some phone coaching sessions have done a lot of the ba-
basic issues. Also, I do not work with complete sic work, which pickup companies normally com-
beginners. pletely ignore, already.

My main concern with the mainstream seduction e men that sought me out were usually pretty

good with women. ey have found my posts very voting my life to it. Still, I have an interest in help-
helpful and wanted to meet me in person. Many ing other men to improve their love lives, which
have followed my posts for years. e fact that is part of the reason why you will nd a myriad
I got most of my clients via referrals — I do not of posts on the Internet. I have given people free
run any advertising at all — probably speaks for advice for years. If anything, people calling me a
itself. Lastly, let me point out that I teach seduc- hypocrite might be called hypocrites themselves.
tion semi-professionally. I have no interest in de-


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