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UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS Independence- Freedom - Happiness



Field of Training: English Language Studies

Major: Business English


1. Course Title: SPEAKING 4

2. Course Code:
3. Units of Credit: 2
4. Entry Level: 3rd year students
5. Time Allocation:
+ Theory: 08 periods

+ Practice: 22 periods

+ Autonomous learning: students are encouraged to self-study while subject to the teacher’s
periodical assessment. The minimum time for self-study is 60 hours.

6. Prerequisites: - Students are required to have accomplished Business English courses 1-3.
- English competency required is mid-B2 (CEFR).
7. Course objectives:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will achieve:

7.1 Knowledge:
Students will be able to:
- know and understand some knowledge of the topic areas in Economics-Commerce such as (1)
Management Styles , (2) Team Building, (3) Raising Finance, (4) Customer Service, (5) Crisis
Management, and (6) Mergers and Acquisitions
- use and develop the vocabulary related to the topic areas;
- develop language functions for specific situations of business communication;
- use knowledge of business terms and language functions for solving specific problematic cases
in real-life situations.

7.2 Skills:
Students will be able to:

- make a presentation;
- discuss proposals to improve the team’s performance;

- deal with complaints;
- deal with a crisis in the company;
- negotiate successfully.

7.3 Attitude:
Students should:
- be active in participating in class activities;
- have good cooperation in teamwork;
- be aware of the significance of crisis management;
- be aware of the importance of raising finance for the company.
At the end of the course, students are expected to achieve speaking skills at level B2 (CEFR).
Students are also encouraged to get the BEC Higher certificate for self-evaluation of their language

8. Course description:
There are the last 6 units included in the course with business subjects related to (1) Management
Styles , (2) Team Building, (3) Raising Finance, (4) Customer Service, (5) Crisis Management
, and (6) Mergers and Acquisitions

Each unit has 4 main parts:

Part 1: Starting up (to introduce the topic to lead to the unit)
Part 2: Vocabulary (to provide some essential words to lead to the unit)
Part 3: Business communication skills (to develop language functions necessary in business
Part 4: Case study (encourage students to work in a team in order to analyze the real business
situation and develop problem-solving skills as well as presentation skills)
Besides, each unit provides students with tasks and exercises with the aim to develop their speaking
skills via Survival Business English and Speaking Bank. Students are also prepared to do some
speaking practice for international exams orientation.

9. Performance requirements: Students are required to:

- attend class regularly;
- accomplish class assignments;
- participate in class discussion and other activities.

10. Course materials:

- Core materials:
[1] Cotton, D., Falvey, D., & Kent, S. (2010). Market Leader –Upper Intermediate (3rd ed.),
Harlow: Pearson Longman.
- Supplementary Materials

[2] Mascull, B. (2011). Market Leader –Upper Intermediate Resource Bank (3rd ed.). Harlow:
Pearson Longman.
[3] Powell, M. (2009). In Company – Upper Intermediate (2nded.), Hong Kong: Macmillan.
[4] Rogers, J. (2010). Market Leader-Upper Intermediate Practice File (3rd ed.). Harlow: Pearson
[5] Trappe, T. & Tullis, G. (2005). Intelligent Business – Upper Intermediate Business English.
Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.
[6] Whitby, N. (2013). Business Benchmark –Upper Intermediate (2nd ed.). Cambridge: CUP.
[7] Cambridge BEC Higher (2005). Cambridge: CUP.

11. Learning Assessment Scheme:

a. Mid-term scores: 40%

- Class Attendance: 5% , In-Class Participation: 5%
- LMS: 15%
- Mid-term Test: 15%
b. Final Exam: 60%

12. Grading: (credit system)

13. Course Contents:
Session Content Materials Students’ Objectives
Session 1 * Course * Material [1]: + Doing some As mentioned
(5 periods) introduction; - Starting up: Talk about the role research in advance in Item 7
* Preview of of a manager and what makes a to brainstorm ideas
required study good manager about the topic for
methods - Vocabulary: Management class discussion
Qualities + Discussing the
Unit 7: - Skills: Presentations ideas
Management - Case Study: Making a Persuasive + Working
Styles Presentation about a Candidate’s individually / in
Suitability for the Position of pairs/ in groups
Project Manager (Oral Task

* Material [2]:
Resource Bank – Speaking Unit 7

* Material [4]:
Survival Business English Unit 7
Session 2 Unit 8: * Material [1]: + Doing some As mentioned
(5 periods) Team Building - Starting up: Talk about the research in advance in Item 7
advantages and disadvantages of to brainstorm ideas
Unit 9: working in teams about the topic for
Raising - Vocabulary: Prefixes class discussion
Finance - Skills: Presentations + Discussing the
- Case Study: Motivating the Sales ideas
Team (Oral Task ONLY) + Working
individually / in
* Material [2]: pairs/ in groups
Resource Bank – Speaking Unit 8

* Material [4]:
Survival Business English Unit 8

* Material [1]:
- Starting up: Talk about the
advantages and disadvantages for
a private individual of borrowing
money from different sources
- Vocabulary: Financial terms
- Skills: Negotiating
- Case Study: Last Throw of the
Dice (Oral Task ONLY)

* Material [2]:
Resource Bank – Speaking Unit 9

* Material [4]:
Survival Business English Unit 9
Session 3 Unit 10: * Material [1]: + Doing some As mentioned
(5 periods) Customer - Starting up: Talk about customerresearch in advance in Item 7
Service care to brainstorm ideas
- Vocabulary: Complaints about the topic for
Unit 11: - Skills: Active Listening class discussion
Crisis - Case Study: Hurrah Airlines + Discussing the
Management (Oral Task ONLY) ideas
+ Working
* Material [2]: individually / in
Resource Bank – Speaking Unit 10 pairs/ in groups

* Material [4]:
Survival Business English Unit 10

* Material [1]:
- Starting up: Talk about crises and
crisis management
- Vocabulary: Handling Crises
- Skills: Asking and Answering
Difficult Questions
- Case Study: In Range (Oral Task

* Material [2]:
Resource Bank – Speaking Unit 11

* Material [4]:
Survival Business English Unit 11

Session 4 Unit 12: * Material [1]: + Doing some As mentioned
(5 periods) Mergers and - Starting up: Talk about the research in advance in Item 7
Acquisitions advantages and disadvantages of to brainstorm ideas
acquisitions about the topic for
- Vocabulary: Describing mergers class discussion
and acquisitions + Discussing the
- Skills: Making a Presentation ideas
- Case Study: Rinnovar + Working
International (Oral Task ONLY) individually / in
pairs/ in groups
* Material [2]:
Resource Bank – Speaking Unit 12

* Material [4]:
Survival Business English Unit 12
Session 5 MID-TERM PAIR-WORK: ORAL TASK + Doing some As mentioned
(5 periods) TEST research in advance in Item 7
to brainstorm ideas
about the topic for
class discussion
+ Discussing the
+ Working
individually / in
pairs/ in groups
Session 6 LMS – NO + Doing some As mentioned
(5 periods) CLASS research in advance in Item 7
to brainstorm ideas
about the topic for
class discussion
+ Discussing the
+ Working
individually / in
pairs/ in groups

Ho Chi Minh City, August 1, 2018




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