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Earlier that day my mom and brouther went out shopping they said We will back around eight

tonight, but your

brother will be back at three oclock he is just at work. So then I was fine but now not so much My mom said
that mekyle would be back around 3:30 because he had to walk home after work, but it is 5:45 and he still isn’t
home and neither is dad so right now I am home alone and scerd am sitting in my closet with one of my dad
work hammer hopeing that nothing happened to david and he will come home soon.

AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! what was that The door to the house just opened. I waited. Nothing
complete silence whenever my mom comes into the house she always yells up hello or were homme but this
time absolute silence. That is really weird I think that someone is in my house How could they have gotten in
here .I know that mom must have locked the door when she left. My brother definitely would have said
something if it was him but still nothing. I am getting really scared I have no idea what is going on . Someone
is in the house and if I were to be attacked no one would hear me screaming

Someone is on the stairs, I can hear each cracking stair that they step on I can hear each heavy breath that they
take. wait there is two people .And then there it was the loudest noise that I have ever heard in my life it
sounded like the noise was very close like someone was screaming right inside my ear then suddenly it just
stopped. then the heavy breathes got much louder and the steps got much faster there the loud screams were
again realize that while the loud shrieks are going on my mouth is hanging wide open as if I were screaming oh
no those loud shrieks were coming from me .now the person can obviously hear me and follow the noise right
now my hands are red and they are burning from holding the hammer so tightly, the room is spinning please let
it be mekyle trying scaring me,” my thoughts as I got ready to realize who my killer is. the handle is shaking on
my shut door then a tiny ittle baby foot peeks in and this great aroma smakes me in the face the next thing I
know I burst out laughing I get out of the closet hug my grandmother and youngest cousin darian and apologize
for scaring my grandmother half to death my phone rings it mum oh I’m sorry sweetie I almost forgot your
brother is going to a friend’s house after work and ma is bringing you dinner at about 6:00. Also she has your
cousin darian today so the two of them will be with you from about 6:00 to 8:30. Okay I love you goodbye.

Kalay chetty

Grade 9D

English narrative eassy

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