English Lesson PPT For 07-08-23

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PAGE 9-12 (UNIT 1) , The Leopard
Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to:
• Consider how verbs (At least 2) can be used in descriptions
• Explore how a writer combines structural and language techniques
• Discuss what might happen next in a story (at least 2 to 3 points)
🎯Success Criteria
• Consider how verbs can be used in
• Explore how a writer combines structural and
language techniques
• Discuss what might happen next in a story
• (at least 2 to 3 points)
Keywords and Vocabs:
❖ Review
❖ Context
❖ Scanning
Beginning-Brainstorming (5 mins)
➢Brainstorming on structural features, verbs, language techniques
Middle-Pair Work
➢Students will read the extracts silently. (15 mins) [Resources Next Slide]
➢Students will work in pair and predict.
➢Script reading and Discussing views
➢Complete any of the 2 exercises from page 9 to 12.
Resources Link - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fmitjxstTajzyJkGckIuU8L8r5ONuLiZ/view?usp=sharing
End and Exit Task (Reflection)
End – 15 mins
Students will swap their answers with their partner and give each other feedback, considering the
➢Has the partner clearly explained their answers?
➢ Do their answers make sense? Reflection and evaluation:
➢ How could their answers be improved? Reflection: Were the lesson objectives achieved?
Thank You!

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