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GreekReporter.comAncient GreeceWhat Did Aristotle Teach Alexander the Great?

What Did Aristotle Teach

Alexander the Great?
ByPhilip Chrysopoulos

October 5, 2023
Greek philosopher Aristotle teaches young Alexander the Great, by
Charles Laplante, published in 1866. Public Domain

When philosopher Aristotle was summoned to teach young

Alexander the Great, it was a tutorage that helped shape the
course of Greek civilization.

One of the wisest Greek philosophers, Aristotle, was also the

teacher of the world’s most powerful conqueror, Alexander
the Great. The teacher-student relationship lasted for almost
twenty years, with the teaching starting when young
Alexander was thirteen years old.

Aristotle of Stagira (384-322 BC) was a student of Plato. He

was a pioneer in that he employed systematic, scientific
examination in all aspects of human knowledge. His
contemporaries called him “the man who knew everything.”

Aristotle’s approach was empirical and observational. He

believed in the importance of evidence and experience in the
pursuit of knowledge. He also introduced the concept of
metaphysics, while his writings span a wide range of
disciplines, such as logic, ethics, political theory, aesthetics,
and rhetoric.

The philosopher from Stagira was one of the first to describe

emotions and control over them as the most important part of
personality development. Aristotle also delved into non-
philosophical fields such as empirical biology. He was an
excellent observer and wrote extensive descriptions of plants
and animals.

Why did Philip II summon Aristotle?

For King Philip II of Macedon, the great philosopher would be
the ideal tutor to teach his son, Alexander, to become a
powerful heir to his throne. Furthermore, Philip wanted to
bring culture and education to his kingdom to match the
intellectual and cultural achievements of the well-organized
and cultured Greek city-states.
By the time the King of Macedon summoned Aristotle to teach
Alexander the Great, Macedon was already transforming from
a turbulent area to a veritable kingdom. This kingdom was
located in the crossroads of several different cultures that
were not easy to merge.

The ambitious Philip had realized that military prowess alone

would not suffice to create a strong, well-respected kingdom.
For Aristotle, it was a challenge, as he would be able to apply
his philosophical principles to mold the future ruler. Alexander
would be the ruler of a land that, until that time, was derided
by the kings of the organized and cultured Greek city-states.

Aristotle Teaching Young Alexander

In 343 BC, when Philip summoned Aristotle to tutor his son
Alexander, a close seven-year relationship started. Aristotle
chose the Temple of the Nymphs at Mieza to be the teaching
place for its serenity and beautiful natural surroundings.

The curriculum he devised was a mix of rhetoric, philosophy,

politics, natural sciences, and the arts. This was so as to
cultivate Alexander’s intellect and character. The method the
teacher utilized was one based on interest and grounded in
observation and experience.

While walking through the greenery of Mieza, the two had

conversations. Their discussions ranged from the methods of
government to the structure of plants and animals. Aristotle
wanted Alexander to think analytically and critically.

Teacher and student also talked about emotions. Discussing

emotions was crucial to the shaping of Alexander’s character
because the young royal was impulsive and often
tempestuous. Yet, he had an inquisitive and receptive mind.

Ruins of the school where Aristotle taught Alexander on the site of

Ancient Mieza. Credit: Jean Housen/Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 4.0

Gradually, the relationship between student and teacher

became a dynamic partnership of mutual respect. The
partnership ended in 336 BC, when the young heir ascended
to the throne after his father was assassinated.

In 335 BC, when Alexander began his ambitious campaign in

Asia, the philosopher returned to Athens, but the two men
remained in contact through letters.

Alexander Carries Aristotle’s Teachings to His

Aristotle’s influence on the world’s greatest conqueror can be
seen in Alexander’s carrying along books with him on several
subjects throughout his grand campaign. More importantly, it
was evident in his skillful diplomacy in handling difficult
political problems throughout his lifetime as a mighty

Knowingly or not, Alexander became a product of the

Hellenistic tradition, imbued with a sense of cultural mission
and desire to spread Greek ideas and values. As Alexander
moved through Asia Minor, Egypt, and Persia, he promoted
the fusion of Greek and local cultures, a policy known as
Ancient Greek style temple in Kashmir India. Image source:
GreekReporter/Arunansh B. Goswami.

Aristotle’s lessons in poetry, and especially Homer, inspired

Alexander to develop the story of the brave Achilles as the
standard to which he would aspire. Hence, Alexander chose
the path of the moral hero, placing honor and self-restraint
above all else. He did not indulge in sexual excesses and
practiced the same self-restraint with food.

Furthermore, the renowned philosopher imparted in him an

interest in medicine, leading Alexander to prescribe
treatments for many of his friends. Aristotle’s teachings in
zoology and botany even motivated Alexander to take an
army of botanists and zoologists to Asia alongside his regular

These men took with them large amounts of specimens that

would actually prove useful for later scientific advancements
in the respective fields.

Aristotle, Alexander the Great, and Diplomacy

A book called Secretum Secretorum (Secret of Secrets),
which was very popular from the thirteenth to fifteenth
centuries, is purportedly a treatise on letters containing
advice from Aristotle to Alexander the Great. The advice is
about everything from Alexander’s diet to how to conduct

The origin of the treatise is unknown. It is claimed that the

9th century Arabic edition was translated from Greek. No
Greek texts have, however, been found. Scholars believe the
texts were originally written in Arabic by Yaḥyā ibn al-Biṭrīq,
an Assyrian scholar who pioneered the translation of Ancient
Greek texts into Arabic.

Among the advice on everyday issues such as health, nature,

and eating habits, the philosopher delves into serious political
issues as he responds to Alexander’s questions on how to rule
the new lands he conquered and deal with the natives.
Below is an example of a question Alexander allegedly

O my excellent preceptor and just minister, I inform you that

I have found in the land of Persia men possessing sound
judgement and powerful understanding, who are ambitious of
bearing rule. Hence I have decided to put them all to death.
What is your opinion in this matter?

Aristotle responded:

It is no use putting to death the men you have conquered;

for their land will, by the laws of nature, breed another
generation which will be similar. The character of these men
is determined by the nature of the air of their country and the
waters they habitually drink. The best course for you is to
accept them as they are, and to seek to accommodate them
to your concepts by winning them over through kindness.

This account of Aristotle’s advice to Alexander shows the

value of counselors, secretaries, and administrative elites,
and, more importantly, bolsters the need for diplomacy in
strenuous situations.

After taking over the Persian Empire, Alexander treated the

Persian royal family with chivalrous respect and married the
daughter of King Darius, Stateira (also known as Homa). He
also had two other noble Persian wives, Barsine and
Parysatis. It was his notion to integrate and infuse Greek
culture into the conquered lands. Alexander’s best friend,
Hephaestion, also married a Persian noblewoman named

It is not certain if Alexander followed his mentor’s good

advice in all issues. Nevertheless, the Greek conqueror ruled
supreme in a big part of the known world of the time, and his
legacy remains strong to this day.

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