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2016 International Conference on Emerging Technological Trends [ICETT]

Real-Time Smart Traffic Management System for Smart

Cities by Using Internet of Things and Big Data
Patan Rizwan, K Suresh, Dr. M. Rajasekhara Babu
School of Computer Science and Engineering,
VIT University,
Vellore, India-632014.,,
Abstract - Smart Traffic management system (STMS) is a one of the then handled and broke down. The data and information
important feature for smart city. Currently traffic management assembled are keys to handling inefficiency.
and alert systems are not fulling needs of STMS. It is more
expensive and highly configurable to provide better service for Background
traffic management. This paper proposes a low cost Real-Time
smart traffic Management System to provide better service by Activity congestion on street systems is only slower speeds,
deploying traffic indicators to update the traffic details instantly. expanded excursion time and expanded lining of the vehicles. At
Low cost vehicle detecting sensors are embed in the middle of road the point when the number of vehicles surpasses the limit of the
for every 500 meters or 1000 meters. Internet of Things (IoT) are street, activity congestion happens. In the metropolitan urban
being used to acquire traffic data quickly and send it for communities of India activity congestion is a noteworthy issue.
processing. The Real time streaming data is sent for Big Data Movement congestion is brought about when the interest
analytics. There are several analytical scriptures to analyze the
surpasses the accessible street limit. This is known as immersion
traffic density and provide solution through predictive analytics. A
mobile application is developed as user interface to explore the [1]. Singular episodes, for example, mischances or sudden
density of traffic at various places and provides an alternative way braking of an auto in a smooth stream of overwhelming activity
for managing the traffic. have undulating impacts and cause car influxes [2]. There are
even serious security issues in movement framework because of
Index Terms- Internet of things, Big Data, Smart Cities, Smart hostile to social components which likewise prompts stagnation
Traffic Management System. of activity at one spot. In nation like India, there is a yearly loss
of Rs. 60,000 crores because of congestion (counting fuel
wastage). Congestion in India has additionally prompted
A smart city is an urban improvement vision to incorporate moderate velocities of cargo vehicles, and expanded holding up
various Internet of Things (IoT) and information and time at checkpoints and toll squares [3]. The normal pace of
communication technology (ICT) arrangements in a safe style to vehicles on key halls like Mumbai-Chennai, Delhi-Chennai is
deal with a city's advantages – the city's benefits incorporate, yet under 20 kmph, while it is negligible 21.35kmph on Delhi-
are not constrained to, neighborhood offices data frameworks, Mumbai stretch. According to the vehicle organization of India
schools, libraries, transportation frameworks, clinics, power and IIM, India's cargo volume is expanding every year at a rate
plants, water supply systems, waste administration, law of 9.08% and that of vehicles at 10.76%, yet that of street is just
requirement, and other group administrations. The objective of by 4.01%. This has brought about lessened street space as per
building a smart city is to enhance personal satisfaction by the quantity of aggregate vehicles [3]. The normal fuel mileage
utilizing innovation to enhance the proficiency of in India is just 3.96kmpl. The significant explanation behind this
administrations and address occupants' issues. ICT permits city is movement blockage [3]. India is the second most populated
authorities to communicate straightforwardly with the group and nation after China in Asia, hence with expansion in populace,
the city base and to screen what is going on in the city, how the the quantity of vehicles additionally increments [4]. The
city is developing, and how to empower a superior personal monetary development has surely has affected urban activity. As
satisfaction. Using sensors coordinated with ongoing checking the pay rises, increasingly individuals start to go for cars as
frameworks, information is gathered from nationals and gadgets opposed to bikes [5]. Hence there is a need to oversee movement
adroitly as the administration of activity with the traditional

978-1-5090-3751-3/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

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2016 International Conference on Emerging Technological Trends [ICETT]
route, for example, the flagging framework is not having a d. Practical deployment and experimental evaluation
noteworthy impact in checking congestion [19] of vehicular procedure for system to measure traffic conditions and
movement. In figure 1 shows that placing sensors for vehicle provide frequent update for users.
detection e. Finally, our approach is provided great impact while
comparing to old approaches. It gives user friendly traffic
oriented updates interaction to travelers.

Paper organization

In this paper discussing by the Smart city traffic

management system. Section 1 contain related work, section 2
contain Problem statement, section 3 contain Theoretical
Deployment Process, section 4 contain practical evaluation
model, section 5 contain Experimental Result and their
discussion, section 6 contain Conclusion and future work and
finally references.


In existing status of the smart city transport management

system. In [12] this paper proposed a strategy for deciding traffic
Fig. 1: Smart central wise Traffic management system [12] blockage on streets utilizing picture preparing procedures and a
model for controlling traffic signals in light of data got from
pictures of streets taken by camcorder. We separate traffic
Smart Cities are day to day increasing and inside cities thickness which compares to aggregate range possessed by
transportation play’s key role are also increasing heavily. For vehicles out and about as far as aggregate sum of pixels in a
better traffic control system [16] needed to control the vehicles video outline as opposed to figuring number of vehicles. We set
traffic it means reducing time delay, now currently traditional, two parameters as yield, variable traffic cycle and weighted time
semi-automation only are using to controlling vehicles traffic. for every street in view of traffic thickness and control traffic
Traffic blockage has turned into a noteworthy issue in each lights in a consecutive way it is very time complex as well as
extensive city of the world. To guarantee a dependable expansive.
transportation framework it is imperative to have a wise traffic
Consequently, it is high time to adequately deal with the
control framework. The initial step to do that is to get traffic
traffic jam [15] issue. There are different strategies accessible
information. Traffic information may originate from various
for traffic administration, for example, video information
sensors. A few cases are utilization of affectation circle, infra-
analysis, infrared sensors, inductive circle recognition, remote
red light sensor, optical stream flow etc. are not used for current
sensor system, etc. Every one of these techniques are successful
traffic control system now our approach applying technologies
strategies for keen traffic administration. Yet, the issue with
called Internet of Things and Big data.
these frameworks is that the establishment time, the expense
Contribution caused for the establishment and support of the framework is
high. Henceforth another innovation called Radio Frequency
A summarized workflow of the paper as follows: Identification (RFID) is presented which can be combined with
the current flagging framework that can go about as a key to
a. Study current various types of traffic management system
brilliant traffic administration [13] continuously. This new
innovation which will require less time for establishment with
b. Review on what are the disadvantages are facing by using
lesser expenses when contrasted with different techniques for
Existing Traffic Management system.
traffic blockage administration. Utilization of this new
c. Theoretical technical deployment process shown how we
innovation will prompt decreased traffic blockage. Bottlenecks
can deploying sensors and interaction provided by system.
will be distinguished early and consequently early preventive

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2016 International Conference on Emerging Technological Trends [ICETT]
measures can be taken in this manner sparing time and cash of (2)
the driver.
Calculating gap between the vehicles . Accessing priority
In [6] author introduced model called dynamic traffic calculation by each vehicle and their speed calculation [20] by
monitoring system. It using their various parameter factors using the below conditions.
towards collecting Gathering of high quality travels time and
speed. It means that various affecting factors are should

counting. In [7] author invented that GPS based vehicle tracking
system. It provides to decreasing the short distance traveling’s. 
as well as same content in [8] focused on various factors are to
be considering timely data acquiescing by using VSNs vector 
distance routing algorithm. It provides the high reliable
communication [18]. It covering the range maximum distance fir 
collecting data. In [9,10] greedy and PDC based data collection In here mention that first calculating the acceleration of the
schemes for application monitoring in urban areas. By using vehicle from sensor it is arrive rate of speed to be calculated by
these logic, we have to reducing redundancy information as well using below condition
as it consuming very less band width. In [11] this author created
an RFID based intelligence traffic control system. It controlling
traffic flow, reducing accidents in traffic places and remote
location transmission.

III. PROBLEM STATEMENT Vehicle motion calculation using the below formula

A Novel Technical support for traffic control system for (3)

better emerging traffic management system for smart cities.
Deploying booming technologies like Internet of Things and Big
data. User friendly App based traffic updates, status of road
based vehicle strength etc. interaction provided by using these


The portability model utilized for regenerations depends on

the comfortable driving model (CDM) in [17]. It is a traffic cell
robot where space is discretized in units of 1.5 m and time in
interims of 1 s. The position and the speed of a vehicle named as
n are given by and , individually. Vehicles are named
downstream such that the vehicle before n is named n + 1. For
accommodation, extra variables and are
acquainted with signify the spatial and worldly progress between
vehicles n and n + 1. The model incorporates expectant impacts
by considering the status of the first vehicle's brake light

by suspecting its speed

Fig. 2. Theoretical flow strategy for Real-Time traffic
and management system.
by computing the compelling separation as using eq. (1)

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2016 International Conference on Emerging Technological Trends [ICETT]
In Figure 2 shows flow of the process Real-Time traffic Internet of things module
management system. plan a straightforward activity calculation
[14] to execute in the movement framework. The activity Approach is to completely IoT based vehicle
focuses are dealt with as autonomous areas. We take the information gathering system. Intel IoT kit with all latest
movement densities of various streets at a specific time as info. features and vehicle detection sensors. Connected the sensors
In light of out information, we have created two yields. based on our criteria we deploy on road ½ km or 1 km and more
Movement Cycle ( ) is the aggregate time required for one it depends best is to deploy very near distance for getting better
results. At least 10 sensors are connected in each other and it
complete revolution of the sign lights at any activity point. The
communicates to the single IoT kit. All kits are connected to the
activity cycle is taken as an element of aggregate movement
network access sharing information among the Internet. It
thickness ( ) of vehicles given as (4).
continues monitoring for vehicles and updates are sending to the
=f( ) (4) big data storage and analytics.

The denser the activity, longer is the movement cycle. This Big Data Analytics Module
strategy is connected for more cycle span when there is more It Receives the sensors information with sensor Id.
movement (as in surge hour) so that more vehicles can breathe Compute all the information performing analytics operations.
easy. At the point when there is less movement, the activity Various factors are considering for calculating individual sensor
cycle is abbreviated with the goal that vehicles don't need to sit strength and add each other sensor entry and leaving vehicle
tight for a drawn out stretch of time in sign moves. The second details road capacity. Etc. factors are considered compute
parameter is weighted time portion analyzed report are to be produced it make ready through access
V. PRACTICAL EVALUATION MODEL by using internet either mobile APP or internet browser. Here
apply various forms are approaches [21] are connected with
In practical approach it consists the three different modules latest real-time streaming data processing mechanisms are used.
are adding.
User Interaction Modules
Experimental Setup
In this module consists of the latest analytics and
For experimental setup three different modules are there for decision tools are providing for travelers. Capacity of road
overall application designing. Based on below figure (3) shows number of vehicles are there status everything shown accessing
deploying technologies on root phase. internet. Multiple way’s user wants to access the information
example mobile APP, internet browser throw enabling GPS on
Device, etc. In user point of view very faster interaction and fast
data processing are to be done by using background as big data
stream analytics. For better and faster real-time data stream
computing as well as analytics on top of that we apply


In considering a multiple possibility are taking for the

shown the potentiality of the application. First vehicle motion
detection sensors deployed road. Connected with Intel IoT board
figure 4 showing the vehicle density and arriving rate of the
vehicles. We consider one road how the distance wise vehicles
are accessing.
Fig. 3. Technical overflow for interconnection to the For correspondence separations of 80 m or more, we set m
technologies. = 0.75. For littler separations, in any case, we set m = 1.5 with
respect to short separations an unmistakable observable pathway
is liable to exist. We have picked a dynamic roadway situation
with exact limit conditions. Vehicles proceed onward a 12-km-

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2016 International Conference on Emerging Technological Trends [ICETT]
long two-lane thruway fragment with an entrance ramp and exit The time arrangement of indicator D06 as portrayed in
ramp. This fragment relates to a segment of the German Figure 6 is excellent for all indicators upstream the entrance
Autobahn A044 between the urban communities Figure 5 ramp: After the breakdown happened at around 7:15 A.M.,
demonstrates the geometry of the considered thruway area. To upstream vehicles drawing closer the entrance ramp need to
model open limit conditions, including the inflow and back off bringing on a congested movement design that ventures
outpouring by means of the two slopes, we utilized the indicator upstream. Stream in every bearing is around 36 000 vehicles for
information of November 4, 2010, which demonstrate an every day with extra 7000 vehicles joining the street by means
unconstrained breakdown in morning crest hour movement (see of the on–off-incline framework. Vehicles leaving the
Figure 6). framework as required by the limit conditions are chosen
haphazardly with no inclination for (non-) conveying vehicles.
Along these lines, the exit ramp has no impact on the proposed
methodology, yet it is important to incompletely make up for
vehicles entering by means of the entrance ramp. Essentially,
entering vehicles are conveying as indicated by the given
infiltration rate. The entrance ramp builds the likelihood than
35% from 819 to 527 s. Also, the lower bend in Figure 5
demonstrates the standard deviation of the watched travel times.
The standard deviation of travel times can be comprehended as a
measure of travel time dependability and shows comparable
reliance on the infiltration rate; with one in four vehicles being
capable to convey, the standard deviation's worth measures as it
were 96 s, contrasted and more than 200 s when correspondence
is killed.

Fig. 4. vehicle access rate per each rode in periodical

change rate.

Fig. 6. Average travel time for a different penetration rate

with multiple travel time ranges.

To decide the normal increment of time deferral in each

situation, we ascertained an ideal travel time. To do as such, we
Fig. 5. IoT Device enable rate for vehicle density and begun a vehicle at every second of the reenacted day on an
arriving rate. unfilled street and recorded the relating travel time. Taking into
record the offer of trucks and trucks' expanded travel time

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