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1'"t Partial Payment TIUAC: 2'nd Partial Payment WAC XXnfiXX

for Partial Payment or full payment, based on agreed/signed contract between NSN & Subcontractor
attachments with WAC from Tl Subcontractor: Approved PAT Documents + Purchase Order +

nAfter the WAC approval

- NSN needs to keep the Sopies of WAe wlattachrnent for rce*rdo
This is to confirm that the above referenced Partner is entitled to payment in the amount
stated and to confirm that allWorks have been completed through RFS, OIL Clearance and
documentation generation/submission/approval, as listed below, and that no items remain

**WAC Approval Datellnternal Acceptance updated

in EPltl: tr

1. flf
the Works are not completed within 3 month from PAC, Partner to provide acceptable
justification for the delay with confirmation that data has been entered into EPM in order to be
eligible for 30% payment.)

2. Project Manager to lnitial Each Box for completed items as applicable.

3. This Works Acceptance Certificate is being issued exclusively for, and limited to,
authorizing payment to the Partner and does not release the Partner from fulfilling its contractual
obligations, strict compliance with STC's requirements/policies and procedures, warranty
obligations, taking conective actionMorks for any deficiency(s) disclosed prior or subsequent
to the issuance of this Works Acceptance Certificate, and compliance with FinalAcceptance
obligations/policies and proced ures.

(Name/S ig naturelDate)

Revised 14 Aug 2009

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