Apologizing Thursday 04042024 Efearrive

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EFE – Arrive
to tell someone that you are sorry about
something you have done.
(Cambridge Dictionary)

- I do apologize for my mistake.
- The pilot apologized to the passengers for
the delay.
Learning Objectives

01 02
Learn new Correctly use the
vocabulary related words regarding the
to the topic. topic.

Be active and
confident in the
Breakout Room
Today’s highlight

Brainstorming Visual Vocabulary

Vocabulary Bank

Idioms Breakout Feedback

Have you ever done something
terrible to someone? How do you
Visual Vocabulary

1. Remorse 2. Patience 3. Confess

/rɪˈmɔːrs/ /ˈpeɪ.ʃəns/ /kənˈfes/

4. Apologize 5. Revenge 6. Relief

/əˈpɑː.lə.dʒaɪz/ /rɪˈvendʒ/ /rɪˈliːf/
Vocabulary Bank

No Vocabulary Meaning Sample Sentence

1 Remorse Rasa bersalah She felt deep remorse after realizing the impact of
/rɪˈmɔːrs/ her actions.

2 Admit Mengakui She had to admit her mistake before they could move
/ədˈmɪt/ forward with finding a solution.

3 Apologize Meminta maaf I apologize for arriving late to the meeting.


4 Concede Menyerah After much debate, she finally decided to concede to

/kənˈsiːd/ his point of view.

5 Relief Lega After forgiving him, she felt a wave of relief wash over
/rɪˈliːf/ her.
Vocabulary Bank

No Vocabulary Meaning Sample Sentence

6 Patience Kesabaran It takes so much patience to get her.


7 Redemption Penebusan After years of struggling, he found redemption

/rɪˈdemp.ʃən/ through acts of kindness and selflessness.

8 Haunt Menghantui Claire has been haunted by her remorse for years.

9 Heartache Sakit hati I’ve never felt this kind of heartache before.

10 Forgive Memaafkan Eid Al-Fitr is the occasion where Muslims come

/fɚˈɡɪv together to forgive one another.
No Question Sample Answer
1 What is the best way to apologize to a friend who is upset? The best way to apologize is ______

2 What would you do if someone doesn’t accept your apology? If someone doesn’t accept my apologize I will _______

3 How do you apologize for a mistake you made at work? If I make a mistake at work I will ______

4 What is the difference between saying sorry and asking for I think the difference is _________
forgiveness? State your opinion.

5 Is forgiveness a sign of weakness or strength? Give us the In my opinion, forgiveness is a sign of (weakness/strength).
reason. It’s because …….

6 How do you forgive yourself for your past mistakes? Tell us. Well, I usually forgive myself by _______( Verb+ Ing)

7 How do you apologize to someone without feeling I think you should _______(verb 1)
embarrassed or scared?

8 Is it always necessary to apologize when someone feels hurt, Yes, it is. The reason is ______
even if you don’t think you were wrong? Share your
thoughts. No, it isn’t necessary to apologize because ______
Feedback Session

Grammar Pronunciation Others

the day”

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