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1. What is the read command in fortran?


2. Ctrl+B is used for …….


3. You can use the horizontal and vertical scroll bars to

ANSWER: View different rows and columns and edit the content of the cell

4. In flowchart the following denotes?

ANSWER: Decision

5. Which of the following enables you to paste data multiple times?

ANSWER: Both windows and office clipboard (or both a and b)

6. Which operating system is better for implementing a client server network?

ANSWER: Window 2000

7. Which is used to perform ‘what if’ analysis

ANSWER: All of the above

8. What does arrows represent in flow chart

ANSWER: Flowline

9. Comment put cells are called?

ANSWER: Cell tip

10. How can you find specific information in a list

ANSWER:Select Data > form from the menu open the data from dialog box and click the

criteria button

11. How do you select an entire column

ANSWER: Click the column heading letter

12. After typing header text, how can you quickly enter footer text?

ANSWER: Press page down key and type the text for the header and footer and click on the

switch between header and footer then type the text or (a and b)

13. To enter worksheet titles across a range you must….

ANSWER: Select the cell containing the title text + the range over which the title text is to

be centered

14. What is an algorithm?

ANSWER: A set of instructions in order

15. The… of data processing is noisy, hazardous and error prior.

ANSWER: Mechanical method

16. Crtl+A is used for……

ANSWER: Select all the text in the document

17. Which is not a way to complete a cell entry?

ANSWER: Pressing space bar

18. How can you increase the font size of selected text by one point everytime?

ANSWER: Ctrl+]

19. What do you start a flowchart with?

ANSWER: oval shape

20. How do you select an entire column in Microsoft Excel

ANSWER: Select edit > select > column from the menu

21.Is the second step in problem solving

ANSWER: Analyze / Disaggregate

22. Which allows you to paste data multiple times

ANSWER: Both windows and office clipboard (or both a and b)

23. The ..... Allows the problem solver to break problems into parts


24. A feature of MS word that solves the document automatically after certain interval is

available on

ANSWER: save Tab on quick access or tool bar

25. How to use format painter multiple times

ANSWER: Double clicking the format painter button

26. When a custom tab is set, word……

ANSWER: clears all default tab stop to the left of the custom tab stop

27. What does a searching algorithm do?

ANSWER: All of the above

28. To centre worksheet titles across a range of a cell, you must…..

ANSWER: Select the cell containing the title text + the range over which the title text is to

be centered

29. When a label is too long to fit within a worksheet cell, you typically must…..

ANSWER: increase the column width

30. To activate the previous cell in a pre-selected range, press…..

ANSWER: None of the above

31. How do you repeat things in a flowchart?

ANSWER: by looping

32. What does this pseudocode do: Print ”hello”

ANSWER: print the word hello to the output

33. In what computer generation was from 1959-1965

ANSWER: Second generation

34. How do you delete a column?

ANSWER: Right click the column heading you want to delete and select delete from the

35. How to complete a cell entry?

ANSWER: pressing space bar

36. Ctrl+E is used to……

ANSWER: to centre

37. In a worksheet you can select?

ANSWER: all of the above

38. Ctrl+A is used to…..…

ANSWER: select all text in the document

39.transfers results to the memory?


40. What does l represent in a flowchart

ANSWER: Probably flow line (not sure)

41. The default font used in MS word 2007 is…….

ANSWER: Calibri

42. Tab stop position cannot be the following alignment

ANSWER: Justify

43. Actual instructions in flowchart are represented with…….


44. Collection of unorganized facts and figure is…..

45. The period of .... computer is from 1959-1965

ANSWER: Second generation

46. How can you print three copies of a workbook?

ANSWER: Select file > print from the menu, type 3 in the box

47. When integrating word and excel, word is usually the?

ANSWER: destination and client (or both b and c)

48. What is algorithm?

ANSWER: a step by step procedure for solving a problem

49. A master document contains………

ANSWER: sub-document

50. Any algorithm is a program? True/false

ANSWER: true

51. In a ...... topology, each device has a dedicated point to point line

ANSWER: star

52. How do you insert a row in MS Excel

ANSWER: Right click the row heading where you want to insert the new row and select

insert the new row and select insert from the shortcut menu

53.Connection provides a dedicate link between two devices

ANSWER: point to point

54. My computer was introduced from?

ANSWER: Windows

55. How to use format painter multiple times

ANSWER: same as question 25 (check)

56. You can activate a cell by

ANSWER: All of the above

57. Hyperlinks can be …….

ANSWER: All of the above used to store user defined programs


59.Transfers results to the memory

60. Which operating system is better for implementing a client server network

ANSWER: window 2000 a collection of unorganized facts and figure


62. Comment putting cells are called

ANSWER: same as question 9

63. When formula bar is active, you can see

ANSWER: all of the above

64. What is white box testing?

ANSWER: a software

65. What does a searching algorithm do?

ANSWER: question 27

66. To activate the previous cell in a pre selected range, press…..

ANSWER: question 30

67. To centre worksheet titles across a range of cell, you must?

ANSWER: question 28

68. Multiple calculations can be made in a single formula using?

ANSWER: Array formula

69. What is the default font used in MS word 2007 document?

ANSWER: Calibri

70.can be used to store user defined programs.


71. Which data structure follow the FIFO principle?


72. Any algorithm is a program? True/false

ANSWER: false

73. Which of the following is not a type of page margin.

ANSWER: Center

74. Actual instructions in flowchart are represented in


75. Which of the following is not a basic step in creating worksheet

ANSWER: Copy the worksheet.

76. When integrating word and excel, word is usually the?

ANSWER: Destination and client (B&C)

77. ……can be used to store user-defined program


78. When you click on file menu in word 2010, it opens?

ANSWER: Backstage view

79. Which of the following is equivalent to spreadsheet package?


80. Which of the following is available in a table

81. Hyperlinks can be……


82. A flowchart that outlines the main segments of a program

ANSWER: Macro flowchart

83. Another name for L-D arrays is ……. A. Linear arrays B. Lists C. Horizontal array D.

Vertical array

84. The symbol * in fortran means?

ANSWER: multiplication operation

85. What is white box testing?

ANSWER: is a testing technique that examines the program structure and derives test data from

the program logic/code

86. Ctrl+ I is used for?

ANSWER: Italize

87. When a label is too long to fit within a cell, you typically must?

ANSWER: increase the column width

88. Algorithm cannot be represented by

ANSWER: Syntax

89.connection provides a dedicated link between two devices

ANSWER: point to point

90. How do you insert a row in MS Excel?

ANSWER: Right click the row heading where you want to insert the new row and select insert

from the shortcut menu

91. The second step involved in problem solving is …….

ANSWER: Analyze or Disaggregate

92. In word you can force a page break by….

ANSWER: by positioning your cursor at the appropriate place and pressing ctrl + Enter

93. How can you find specific information in a list?

ANSWER: select data > form from the menu to open the data form dialog box and click the

criteria button

94. You can use horizontal and vertical scroll bars to…….

ANSWER: view different rows and columns edit the contents of a cell

95. What FIFO principle

ANSWER: a principle that executes first the job that first enter the queue

96. Data transmission characteristics

97. Which of the following cannot be used to enter data in a workbook.

ANSWER: Pressing the esc key

98. Which button do you click to add up a series of numbers?

ANSWER: the Autosum button

99. What character often draw the line between what is feasible and what is impossible.

ANSWER: performance

100. Which of the following is not a basic step in creating a worksheet.

ANSWER: Copy worksheet

101 A feature of MS Word that saves the document automatically after certain interval is

available on?

ANSWER: None of the above

102 Word includes a series of pre-defined graghics called?

ANSWER: Clip art

103. …….is a dot /symbol positioned at the beginning of a paragraph

ANSWER: A bullet

104 A flowchart doesn't need to have a start


105 Attributes of general purpose computers includes?

ANSWER: Speed, Accuracy

106 How do you save a file while still working?


107 Is pseudo code a programming language but not a specific language?

ANSWER:Pseudocode is not a programming language

108 What happens when you link a document in excel workbook to Word?

ANSWER:The word document contains a reference to the original source application

108 AutoFormat feature in Excel?

ANSWER: Excel's AutoFormat feature offers a quick way to dress up tabular data in worksheets

by applying predefined formats

109 Why the document you created at home displays with a different font at school?

ANSWER: Because the font you used at home is not installed on your school computer


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