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Cost Aggregation: The process of aggregating the estimated costs of individual

activities or work packages to establish an authorized cost baseline.


Agregate Activity level to Work Package Level

Cost aggregation Agreegated Project Estimate
Work Package level to Project Level

Contigency Risk Identified by PM

Data analysis Reserve analysis
Risk NOT Identified by PM or
Mgmt Reserve
Tools Beyond PM Authority or Threshold

Funding limit reconciliation Reconcile Expenses/ work based on fundling alloted at that time line

Financing Acquiring Funds for the Project

Cost Baseline = Agreegated Project Estimate + Contigency Reserve

Project Budget = Cost Baseline + Management Reserve

Cost baseline Time Phased Budget
Represented as Cummulative Cost curve over a period of time
The highest point of Cast baseline is termed as BAC- Budget at completion

Output Project funding requirements

Cost estimates

Project documents updates Project schedule

Risk register


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