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Subject: Computer Applications in Management

(Paper: 11003)
Time: Three hours Full Marks: 70

( answer any SEVEN questions)

1. An electric distribution company charges its domestic consumers as follows:

Consumption In Unit Rate of Charge

1 – 300 Rs. 1 per unit

301 – 500 Rs 200 plus Rs 1.50 per unit excess of 300
501 – 800 Rs 430 plus Rs 2.50 per unit excess of 500
Above 800 Rs 600 plus Rs 3.50 per unit excess of 800

Write a program which will accept consumed unit from the user and display the
amount to be paid by the consumer.

2. What is the uses of Flash Fill tool in business? Explain with examples. What is the
difference between Match & Index function in Excel.

3. a) What is the difference between Simple IF & Multiple IF function in excel.

b) What is basic difference between sumif() and sumifs() function.

4. a) Write a program to read three values from the user & print the smallest number.

b) State the output of the following program code with your justification about how the
output is obtained.

void main()
int i;
for(i=1;i<=20; i+=5)
printf(“\n%d”, i);
5. Briefly Explain each of the following function with example:
a. Vlookup
b. Goal Seek

6. List out four Financial Functions used in Excel and explain how each of these functions is
helpful in business with examples.

7. a) Define Loop in terms of programming language with example. Classify the types of
loops in C with suitable examples.
b) What is the basic difference between while and do-while loop in C.

8. Briefly Explain each of the following functions with example:

a) MID()
b) EXACT()
c) REPT()
[2.5 X 4 =10]

9. What is Conditional Operator in C? Write a program using Conditional Operator, which

will accept a number from the user & check whether the no is divisible by 7 or not.

10. a) Explain different types of Relational Operators in C.

b) Write a program in C, which will display all the even numbers from 2 to 30.


11. Distinguish between the following terms :

a. r++ and ++r
b. Division Operator & Modulus Operator
c. Logical && Function & Logical || Function
d. p=6 and p==6
[2.5 X 4 =10]

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