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Things fall questions Here are some essay questions on "Things Fall Apart" by Chinua Achebe:

1. Explore the theme of cultural collision in the novel. How does Achebe portray the impact of British
colonialism on Igbo culture?

2. Analyze the character of Okonkwo. What are his strengths and weaknesses? How does his character
reflect the traditional Igbo values?

3. Discuss the significance of the title "Things Fall Apart". How does the novel illustrate the
disintegration of Okonkwo's life, family, and community?

4. Examine the role of gender in the novel. How does Achebe portray the relationships between men
and women in Igbo culture?

5. What is the significance of the character of Nwoye? How does his conversion to Christianity affect his
relationship with Okonkwo and the community?

6. Explore the theme of identity in the novel. How does Okonkwo's identity change throughout the

7. Analyze the use of symbolism in the novel. What is the significance of the drum, the locusts, and the

8. Discuss the historical context of the novel. How does Achebe portray the impact of British colonialism
on Igbo society?

9. Examine the theme of tradition vs. change in the novel. How does Achebe portray the tension
between preserving traditional ways and adapting to new ideas?
10. What is the significance of the ending of the novel? What message do you think Achebe is conveying
through Okonkwo's suicide?

Remember to support your arguments with evidence from the novel and use relevant literary devices
and techniques to analyze the text! Good luck with your essay!

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