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 The case of ectopic pregnancy in which the fetus is located in

What is abortion?
the fallopian tube demands immediate surgical intervention so
 Refers to expulsion of human fetus before the period of
as to avoid tubal rupture that may endanger the life of the
mother along with that of the fetus.
 Expulsion of human fetus can be intentionally or

unintentionally, deliberately or accidentally Is therapeutic abortion moral?
 Therapeutic abortion – is the direct and deliberate performance
Classification of Abortion: of expelling a human fetus to restore the mother’s health
 Direct abortion – intentional or deliberately done to terminate and/or to save a mother’s death
pregnancy  Here the fetus is directly killed as a form of treatment in an
 Indirect abortion – unintentional expulsion of the fetus effort to save the mother.
 Spontaneous abortion – accidental expulsion of fetus  The principle of double effect does not apply here.
 Not morally justified
Period of viability:
 Refers to the stage of gestation when the human fetus can
Is abortion morally justified in case of Rape or Incest?
survive outside the uterus.
 The innocent victim of criminal attack is allowed to eject or
 A period when the baby has the ability to live in the outside
destroy the sperm before conception takes place.
world with or without medical assistance.
 The sperm may be removed from the vagina at any time after
 Usually starts at the end of twenty-eight (28th) week of
the attack since conception has not taken place yet.
gestation equivalent to 7 months.
 If conception has taken place already, it never morally
permissible to abort an innocent human life.
Different types of Abortion:
1. Complete - termination of pregnancy before the fetus is viable
When does human life begin to exist?
2. Incomplete - a condition where some fetal material remains
 Philosophical approach
within the body
 Human life begins to exist at the very completion of fertilization
3. Induced - the termination of pregnancy by one’s own choice or
which is the union of the sperm and the egg cell.
due to a clinical emergency.
 Fertilization is identical with conception
4. Septic - usually result from induced abortions done by
 Segmentation approach
untrained practitioners using nonsterile techniques; they are
 Human life begins maybe later than at the completion of
much more common when induced abortion is illegal
fertilization (7-8 days or 14-21 days)
5. Spontaneous - the loss of pregnancy naturally before twenty
 Segmentation is a process by which the zygote divides and
weeks of gestation
multiples into cells reaching the point of developing possible
6. Threatened - associated with bleeding and/or uterine
existence of twins, triplets or more human lives.
cramping while the cervix is closed. This stage of abortion may
progress to spontaneous incomplete or complete abortion
7. Therapeutic - the ending of a pregnancy on purpose. It is done Moral Teachings on the Inviolability of Human Life
before the fetus is able to survive on its own  The Church affirms that human life begins to exist at the
moments of conception or fertilization.
 It must be respected and protected absolutely from the
Termination of the Life of the Pre-born Child After the
Period of Viability moment of conception.
 Legally performed in some countries – US, Canada, China  From the moment of his existence, a human being must be
 Abortion can take place anytime during the entire gestational recognized as having the rights of a person.
age, from the moment of conception until when the baby is  The inviolable right of every innocent being to life.
about to be born.  From conception, the child has the right to life.
 Direct abortion is enormously contrary to God’s Moral Law
Following Church Definition of Abortion by
Dr. Brian Clowes: Maternal-Fetal Conflict
 Abortion is the intentional or unintentional expulsion of the  Maternal-fetal conflict is a term used to identify those
pre-born child at any time after fertilization and before the situations in which there is a discordance between the interests
natural birth process is completed. of a pregnant woman and the fetus she is carrying.
 The existence and degree of perceived conflict can be seen to
Is abortion Moral? depend on:
 As long as it is direct, deliberately, or willfully done to o Whether the woman and fetus have independent interests
terminate the pregnancy – it is IMMORAL. and rights deserving respect and support;
 Employed as an end or a means to another end, abortion is o Whether obligations attach to pregnancy; and
directly willed. o Whether the risk to the fetus posed by the prenatal
 Blatant transgression of natural law (Ten Commandments) behavior of the woman should be subject to state or
 Against order of right of reason – that innocent life must not medical intervention.
be taken directly, deliberately, and willfully for whatever  Can the nurse refuse to participate in any treatment or
reasons intervention in which the direct motive is to frustrate the
 Unjust killing of human being of whatever age and stage of generation of life?
human development.
"Where a particular treatment, intervention, activity, or practice is morally
objectionable to the nurse....the nurse is justified in refusing to participate
When is abortion morally permissible?
on moral grounds....The nurse is obliged to provide for the patient's safety,
 When it is therapeutic, spontaneous to avoid patient abandonment, and to withdraw only when assured that
 When it is not willfully employed as an end or means. alternative sources of nursing care are available to the patient."—American
 Unintended loss of the fetus following a medical or surgical Nurses Association, Code of Ethics
procedure necessary to preserve life or health of the mother.
 Usually done under the principle of double effect
"Nurses have the right, under responsible procedures, to refuse to assist in
the performance of abortion and/or sterilization procedures....Nurses have
the professional responsibility to provide high quality, impartial nursing care
to all patients in emergency provide nonjudgmental nursing
care to all patients, either directly or through appropriate and timely
referral....[and] to inform their employers, at the time of employment, of
any attitudes and beliefs that may interfere with essential job functions."—
Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses, position
statement on nurses' rights and responsibilities related to abortion and

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