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Programming in
Modern C++
C++ is a powerful and versatile
programming language that has been
widely used for decades. In recent years,
the language has undergone significant
improvements and advancements, making
it an even more attractive choice for
modern software development. This
presentation will explore the exciting
world of programming in modern C++,
highlighting its key features, capabilities,
and the advantages it offers to developers.
C++ is Better
Than C
Improved Improved Broader
Syntax and Memory Ecosystem
Readability Manageme and
nt Libraries
n The C++
C++ builds ecosystem has
C++ provides While C
upon the grown
powerful data requires
foundation of significantly
abstraction manual
C, introducing over the years,
capabilities memory
a more with a vast
through its management,
intuitive and collection of
class system, C++
expressive libraries and
allowing introduces
syntax that frameworks
developers to the concept
enhances that provide
create custom of smart
code pre-built
data types that pointers,
readability functionality
encapsulate which
and for a wide
both data and automate
maintainabilit range of
behavior. This memory
y. Features applications,
promotes allocation and
like object- from game
better deallocation.
oriented development to
information This helps
programming, scientific
hiding, data prevent
function computing.
encapsulation, common
overloading, This
and code issues like
and templates ecosystem
OOP in
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a fundamental
programming paradigm that has become a
cornerstone of modern C++ development. C++
embraces OOP principles, providing developers with
powerful tools to create modular, scalable, and
maintainable code. At the heart of OOP in C++ are
classes, which serve as the building blocks for
creating custom data types. Through classes,
developers can encapsulate data and behavior,
C++ also supports key OOP concepts such as
promoting information hiding and code reuse.
inheritance and polymorphism. Inheritance allows
developers to derive new classes from existing ones,
inheriting their properties and methods. This
facilitates code organization, code reuse, and the
creation of hierarchical relationships between objects.
Polymorphism, on the other hand, enables objects of
different classes to be treated as objects of a
common superclass, allowing for dynamic method
Inherita Inheritance is a fundamental concept in C++ object-oriented
nce programming that allows developers to create new classes
(derived classes) based on existing ones (base classes). This
Derived powerful feature enables code reuse, hierarchical relationships,
Classes and polymorphic behavior. Derived classes inherit the data
1 Inheriting from base members and member functions from their base classes, and
classes can selectively override or extend this functionality as needed.
More advanced inheritance concepts, such as multiple
Access inheritance, allow a derived class to inherit from multiple base
2 Specifiers classes, combining their functionality into a single entity. This
Public, protected,
powerful feature, when used judiciously, can lead to highly
modular and reusable code structures, but it also introduces
potential complexities that must be carefully managed by the
Polymorph developer.
3 ism
Overriding virtual

4 Inheritance
Combining functionality from
multiple base classes

C++ provides access specifiers (public, protected, private) to

control the visibility and accessibility of class members,
allowing for robust encapsulation and information hiding.
Polymorphism is closely tied to inheritance, enabling derived
classes to override virtual functions from the base class and
provide their own implementations. This dynamic dispatch
allows objects of different derived classes to be used
interchangeably, further enhancing the flexibility and
2 Virtual
1 Polymorphism
Defined Polymorphism in C++ is achieved
Polymorphism is a fundamental
through the use of virtual
concept in C++ that allows objects
functions. By declaring a member
of different classes to be treated
function as virtual in the base
as objects of a common
class, derived classes can override
superclass. This enables dynamic
and provide their own
method dispatch, where the
implementations of that function,
appropriate method
allowing for dynamic dispatch and
implementation is automatically
flexible code.
selected at runtime based on the
actual type of the object. 4 Interfaces and Abstract
3 Runtime Type
Identification Polymorphism in C++ is often used
C++ provides the dynamic_cast
in conjunction with abstract
operator, which allows you to
classes and interfaces, which
safely cast an object to a derived
define a common set of methods
class type at runtime. This,
that derived classes must
combined with polymorphism,
implement. This promotes code
enables you to write code that can
reuse, modularity, and the ability to
handle objects of different classes
write generic, versatile algorithms
in a unified and extensible manner.
that can work with a variety of
concrete implementations.
Type Casting
Static Casting Dynamic
Static casting in C++ allows you to Dynamic casting in C++ is used to
explicitly convert between perform type conversions at
compatible data types at compile- runtime, typically between related
time. This is useful for basic type classes in an inheritance hierarchy.
conversions, such as converting an This allows you to safely cast an
integer to a floating-point number or object to a derived class type,
a character to an integer. Static checking if the conversion is valid.
cast is a safe and efficient way to Dynamic casting is particularly
perform type conversions when useful when working with
you're confident that the conversion polymorphic code and is often used
will be successful. in conjunction with virtual functions
Reinterpret Const Cast
and RTTI (Runtime Type
Casting Identification).
Reinterpret casting in C++ is a low- Const cast in C++ is a special type
level type conversion that allows of cast that allows you to remove or
you to interpret the binary add the const qualifier to a variable
representation of an object as a or object. This can be useful when
different type. This can be a you need to modify a const object,
powerful but dangerous tool, as it but it should be used with care as it
can lead to undefined behavior if can lead to undefined behavior if
used incorrectly. Reinterpret cast the object is not actually
should be used with extreme modifiable.
caution and only when you have a
deep understanding of the
Exceptions and
C++ provides powerful exception handling and template capabilities that
enhance the robustness and flexibility of your code. Exceptions allow you to
gracefully handle unexpected or error-prone situations, separating the main
logic of your program from the error-handling logic. By throwing and
catching exceptions, you can maintain a clean, modular codebase and
ensure that errors are properly identified and addressed, rather than causing
Templates, onto
your program the other
crash hand, are a metaprogramming feature that enables
you to write generic, reusable code. Templates allow you to define functions
or classes that can work with a variety of data types, without the need to
write specialized code for each type. This promotes code reuse, improves
maintainability, and enables the creation of powerful, flexible libraries and
frameworks. Templates can be used to implement data structures,
algorithms, and even entire subsystems of your application, streamlining the
The combination
development of exceptions
process and the
and reducing templates
risk of in modern C++ empowers
developers to create robust, scalable, and adaptable software. By leveraging
these advanced language features, you can write code that is better
equipped to handle a wide range of scenarios, from unexpected user input to
complex data manipulation, all while maintaining a clean, modular, and
maintainable codebase.
Streams and
Algorithms and
Standard Template
File Library (STL)
The STL provides a rich
I/O The Standard Template set of algorithms that can
C++ provides a robust set
of input/output (I/O) Library (STL) is a be applied to the various
stream classes that allow collection of pre-built container types. These
you to read from and data structures and algorithms, such as `sort`,
write to files, the algorithms that are part `find`, and `accumulate`,
console, and other data of the C++ standard work in conjunction with
sources. These stream library. The STL includes iterators, which are used
classes, such as a wide range of to navigate and access
`ifstream` and `ofstream`, containers, such as the elements within a
offer a standardized and `vector`, `list`, and `map`, container. By combining
efficient way to handle as well as a variety of the power of STL
file operations, making it algorithms for sorting, containers and
easy to read, write, and searching, and algorithms, you can write
manipulate data in your manipulating data. By highly efficient and
C++ programs. leveraging the STL, you expressive code that
can write more concise, operates on data in a
efficient, and reusable clear and concise
Modern C++, Lambda and
Lambda 1
C++11 introduced lambda
functions, which are
anonymous function objects. 2 Concurrency and
Lambdas allow you to define Parallelism
Modern C++ has also made
small, reusable pieces of code significant advances in
on the fly, without the need supporting concurrent and
for a separate function parallel programming. With
declaration. This makes your features like `std::thread`,
code more expressive and `std::async`, and various
concise, especially when synchronization primitives,
working with higher-order you can now write highly
functions and algorithms from scalable and responsive
the Standard
Model Library
and 3 applications that take
Atomics advantage of multi-core
To support safe and efficient
processors. Leveraging
concurrent programming, C+
concurrency enables you to
+11 introduced a
optimize performance,
comprehensive memory model
improve responsiveness, and
and atomic operations. The
tackle complex,
Move, Rvalue and STL
C++11 introduced several important By using move constructors and move
features that enhance the language's assignment operators, you can take
expressiveness and performance when advantage of move semantics with your
working with containers from the own custom classes and containers.
Standard Template Library (STL). One of These operations enable you to transfer
these key features is move semantics, ownership of resources from one object
which enables more efficient handling to another, reducing the need for
of temporary objects and resources. expensive deep copy operations. With
In C++, when you pass an object as a the use of rvalue references, C++11
function parameter or return it from a provides a powerful mechanism for
function, the object is typically copied. efficient resource management and
However, this copying can be expensive, By utilizing
improved move semantics
performance whenand rvalue
especially for large or complex objects. references, C++11 offers a powerful
with containers.
With move semantics, C++ can "move" means of optimizing resource
the resources of a temporary object management and enhancing
instead of copying them, resulting in performance. These features enable the
improved performance and reduced transfer of ownership of resources from
usage. to move semantics are one object to another, curtailing the
rvalue references, which allow you to necessity for costly deep copy
identify and manipulate temporary or operations. Leveraging move
movable objects. Rvalue references constructors and move assignment
provide the foundation for move operators in your own custom classes
constructors and move assignment and containers harmonizes with the
operators, which are essential for broader goal of enhancing efficiency in
implementing efficient move operations C++ programming.
in your own classes and custom

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