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The Teaching Profession

Chapter 1: Activity 7
Name: ______________________________________________ Date: _____________
Course: ________________ Year Level: ________

Directions: Study the topic: The Teacher as an Expert. Then, reflect and write your answers
to the following questions:

1. How can we develop expert teachers?

- Developing expert teachers requires a combination of methods. School leaders

play an important role in creating an environment of continuous learning
among teachers, encouraging them to try out different approaches and assess
their effectiveness. Expert teachers have an incredible ability to observe,
approach, perform, and enhance their teaching methods, enhancing their skills
through continuous practice. They also develop advanced mental models of
their subject matter and classroom dynamics based on years of experience and
practice. Expert teachers prioritize student thinking and learning, introducing
different perspectives to the classroom to enhance engagement and
achievement. Finally, expertise in teaching develops slowly, with teachers
honing their abilities over time through dedicated practice and constant
professional development.

2. What are the factors that have contributed to the mediocrity of the teaching profession in
the Philippines?
- Many things have made people think that teaching isn't so great in the Philippines.
One big problem is how teachers are trained. The way teachers are taught has been
criticized because education in the country hasn't been as good as it should be. The
Teacher Education Council (TEC) was established to try and fix this, but people are
still worried about it. Also, being a teacher has a lot of challenges. Many issues affect
teachers directly or indirectly, which can make people negatively see the profession.
Another important thing is how good teachers are at their jobs. The Philippine
Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) measures this. People are worried about
whether teachers are doing well according to these standards.
Lastly, lots of teachers leave their jobs, which is a big problem. Studies have looked
into why this happens, and it affects how good education is in the country. It makes
it hard to keep education consistent and high-quality.

3. Identify an expert teacher. Set an interview with him/her. What made him/her as an
expert teacher? What lessons can be learned from him/her life as an expert teacher?
- One example of an expert teacher I know is my favorite college instructor (I will not
mention her name for privacy purposes.) She is an expert in her teaching methods
and her ability to mentor other teachers. Her leadership skills are very good. She is
also very committed to continuous learning and improvement. The lessons I can
learn from her life as an expert teacher are to strive to enhance my skills as a
teacher or a future educator to commit to learning and improving and also to lead,
mentor, and influence others.

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