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Odiong, Roxas, Oriental Mindoro

Course / Course Code Assessment in Learning 2
Module No. & Title 4. Affective Assessment
Assessment No. & Title: Affective Assessment
Name: Aulida, Shann Angeli A.
Fetalver, Keian Hannah G.
Galario, Crizza S.
Presto, Cyr Abrahm Kurt B.
Year and Section: III- BSED English A

By groups of 4-5 members, develop your own affective tool using the attached interview guide questions.
Then, pick five high school students to answer your assessment instrument.

Interview Questions
1. Do you enjoy reading?
2. What do you like about reading?
3. What type of books do you like to read?
4. Do you prefer to read in or outside of school?
5. Are there any books you don’t like to read?
6. What makes reading exciting for you?
7. What makes reading boring?
8. What does your teacher do to make reading and learning enjoyable?
9. How do you rate yourself as a reader?
10. Do you prefer to read books in print or e-books?

Affective Tool


Student 1: Nicole Anne D. Delos Reyes

Do you enjoy reading?
Yes. I enjoy reading because allows me to explore new worlds, gain knowledge, and immerse
myself in captivating stories. Reading gives me relaxation, inspiration, and a chance to widen
my perspective on different topics.

What do you like about reading?
I enjoy reading because it takes me on exciting adventures, introduces me to interesting
characters, and allows me to escape different realities. I like the feeling of getting lost in a
good book and the way reading sparks my imagination. It is my favorite way to relax and
unwind after a long day.
What type of books do you like to read?
I enjoy reading different books but my favorite are usually in the romance and fantasy genres. I
like getting lost in stories filled with magical worlds, epic adventures, and heart-warming
stories. But, I also enjoy exploring non-fiction books related to personal development and

Do you prefer to read in or outside of school?
I prefer to read outside the school because it gives me the freedom to choose my reading
materials and read at my own pace. I enjoy the comfort of reading in my favorite spots like
bedroom or quiet places without any distractions. Reading outside of school allows me to
explore different genres and authors that may not be covered in the school curriculum.

Are there any books you don’t like to read?
I do not particularly enjoy reading books that are too technical or heavy on academic jargon,
as I prefer more engaging and relatable content. In simple words, I prefer fictional rather than

What makes reading exciting for?
Reading is exciting for me because it allows me to embark on thrilling adventures, learn about
different cultures, and empathize with diverse characters, which sparks my imagination and

What makes reading boring?
I find reading boring when the story lacks interesting plot twists or fails to captivate my
attention, making it difficult to stay engaged and invested in the narratives.

What does your teacher do to make reading and learning enjoyable?
My teacher makes reading and learning enjoyable by incorporating interactive activities, group
discussions, and incorporating multimedia elements such as videos and visuals that bring the
text to life.
How do you rate yourself as a reader?
I rate myself as an independent reader, as I can comprehend complex texts, analyze themes,
and draw connections between different pieces of literature.

Do you prefer you read books in print or e-books?
I prefer reading books in print as I enjoy the experience of flipping through pages, the texture
of books, and the ability to physically highlight and annotate passages, which enhances my
reading experiences.

Student 2: John Marc M. Mariano

Do you enjoy reading?
Not really. I find it hard to get into books and stay focused. I prefer more hands-on activities
and learning through visual aids. But I understand the importance of reading and trying to find
alternative ways to gain knowledge and information.

What do you like about reading?
I am not a big fan of reading. But I do appreciate how it can transport me to different worlds
and give me a break from reality. It is like going on an adventure without leaving my room.
Also, it helps me improve my vocabulary and imagination. So even though I don't enjoy it as
much as others, I can still see the value in reading.

What type of books do you like to read?
If I had to choose, I guess I would go for adventure or mystery books. They have a way of
keeping me engaged and entertained. But, reading is not my thing.

Do you prefer to read in or outside of school?
I prefer to read outside of school because it allows me to choose books that I'm genuinely
interested in and read at my own pace. It's more enjoyable and feels less like an assignment.

Are there any books you don’t like to read?
I am not really into reading fantasy books. I prefer stories that are more grounded in reality and
explore real-life situations. I find them more relatable and engaging. But I am always open to
exploring new genres and giving different books a chance.

What makes reading exciting for you?
Sometimes, I do pick up a book. Usually, it is when I find something that catches my interest
like if it’s got a cool plot or if it is about something I like, then I will give it a shot. I enjoy reading
when I find the right stuff and that is what makes reading exciting for me.

What makes reading boring?
When the story does not grab my attention or If I cannot relate to the character. Sometimes,
the language can be too hard to understand and can be too complicated, that is when I end up
feeling lost. If it is not interesting or it feels too hard to understand, it is a no for me.

What does your teacher do to make reading and learning enjoyable?
My teacher knows we all have different interests, so she lets us choose books that we like.
Also, she sometimes reads aloud in funny voices, which makes it more fun to listen and
imagine the story.

How do you rate yourself as a reader?
I'm an okay reader. I don't love it, but I can get through stuff when I need to. Still working on
finding books that grab me, though.

Do you prefer to read books in print or e-books?
I prefer e-books because they are easier to carry around and I can quickly find information
without flipping through pages. And they do not feel like a chore to lug around like print books
sometimes do.

Student 3: Marian O. Gante

Do you enjoy reading?
I enjoy reading as it allows me to escape into different worlds, expand my knowledge, and
stimulate my imagination.

What do you like about reading?
What I like about reading is that it transports me to different places and times, introduces me to
different characters, and helps me gain new perspectives and insights.

What type of books do you like to read?
I enjoy reading different genres like mystery, fantasy, and historical fiction. I also like non-
fiction books that explore topics like psychology, historical non-fiction, and science fiction.

Do you prefer to read in or outside of school?
I prefer to read outside of school as it gives me the freedom to choose books that align with my
interests and allows me to read at my own pace and in a comfortable environment.

Are there any books you didn’t like to read?
Some books do not appeal to me like heavy academic textbooks or genres that I’m not
particularly interested in, like horror or romance novels.

What makes reading exciting for you?
Reading is exciting for me because it takes me on thrilling adventures, keeps me engaged with
suspenseful plots, and allows me to connect with characters on an emotional level.
What makes reading boring?
Reading can become boring for me when the story lacks a compelling plot or fails to capture
my interest, I also find it boring when the writing style is monotonous or the content is

What does your teacher do to make reading and learning enjoyable?
My teacher makes reading and learning enjoyable by organizing book clubs, encouraging
open discussion, and incorporating interactive activities that bring the text to life. They also
recommend books based on our interests and provide a supportive and encouraging learning

How do you rate yourself as a reader?
I would rate myself as an avid reader, as I enjoy reading regularly, actively seek out new
books, and challenge myself with a variety of genres and topics.

Do you prefer you read books in print or e-books?
While I appreciate the convenience of e-books, I prefer reading books in print. I enjoy the
experience of holding a physical book, flipping through the pages, and being able to easily
highlight the important things.

Student 4: Edielyn Magracia

Do you enjoy reading?
Whenever I have time, you will usually find me with my nose buried in a book. There is just
something about getting lost in a story that is so addictive. It is like I can escape all the
craziness of the world and just dive into a different reality for a while. Also, there is always
something new to discover, whether it is a new author, genre, or storyline. Reading is just the

What do you like about reading?
Reading is my ultimate escape. It is this awesome adventure that I can dive into anytime,
anywhere. I love getting lost in different worlds, meeting cool characters, and just immersing
myself in all kinds of stories. And it is a great way to learn new things without feeling like you
are studying. Whether I am in the mood for some fantasy, sci-fi, or even just a good old
mystery, there is always something exciting waiting for me between the pages.

What type of books do you like to read?
I love mixing it up depending on my mood. Sometimes I am in the mood for some epic fantasy
with dragons and magic, other times I am all about diving into the mysteries of a good thriller.
Sci-fi is another favorite of mine, especially when it has mind-bending concepts and futuristic
worlds. I like books that have a gripping storyline and interesting characters.

Do you prefer to read in or outside of school?
I prefer reading outside of school. I appreciate reading inside of school, but there is just
something special about reading on my terms. Whether it is curled up in bed, lounging in the
backyard, or even on a long bus ride, reading outside of school lets me fully immerse myself in
the story without any distractions. There is no pressure to analyze every little detail or write
essays about it afterward. It is just me and the book.

Are there any books you don’t like to read?
I'm all about diving into different genres and exploring new worlds through books. But, if I had
to pick, I am not really into overly technical textbooks or super dense academic reads. I
appreciate learning, but sometimes I just want to escape into a story. So, I tend to gravitate
towards fiction that is more character-driven or has a captivating plot. I also love a good
mystery or fantasy to keep me hooked.

What makes reading exciting for you?
Reading is like stepping into different worlds without leaving your room. It is all about the thrill
of adventure, like being a detective solving a mystery or exploring distant galaxies. You get to
meet all these fascinating characters who feel like old friends by the end of the book. It is like
having a movie playing in your mind, but you are the director, imagining every scene. And by
reading you are constantly learning, whether it is about history, science, or just understanding
different perspectives.

What makes reading boring?
If the plot is predictable or the characters feel flat, it is hard to stay interested. Also, if the
writing style is too dense or complicated, it can feel more like a chore than a leisure activity.
Another one is that when you are forced to read something for school that is just not your cup
of tea that can suck the fun out of it too.

What does your teacher do to make reading and learning enjoyable?
My teacher is like a magician when it comes to making reading and learning fun. She pick out
these amazing books that you just cannot put down and you will find yourself sneaking in a few
extra chapters at night. Then, they bring these stories to life in class discussions, making us
think deeper about the characters and themes. She mixes things up, whether it is through
interactive activities, group projects, or even cool technology stuff like using apps or online
resources. She is also super supportive and encouraging, always cheering us on to dive into
new genres and authors.

How do you rate yourself as a reader?
I am more of a student than a teacher! I love discussing books with friends and sharing
recommendations, but I am always learning something new from every story I dive into. I
guess you could say I am more of a guide, helping others navigate the vast world of literature
and discovering what speaks to them. I am just passionate about reading and eager to share
that excitement with anyone interested.

Do you prefer to read books in print or e-books?
I am a bit old school, so there is something about flipping through actual pages that I love. The
smell of a new book and the feel of the paper is kind of magical. But e-books have their perks
too, especially when I am traveling light or cannot wait for a delivery. So, I guess it depends on
the situation, but if I had to choose, I’d lean towards print books. There is just a charm to them
that is hard to beat.

Student 5: Jonelyn T. Mesa

Do you enjoy reading?
Yeah, I enjoy reading! It is like going on adventures without leaving my chair. When I open a
book, it is like stepping into a whole new world, whether it is solving mysteries with Sherlock
Holmes or exploring magical realms with Harry Potter.
What do you like about reading?
I like that reading takes me to different places and lets me meet new characters. It is like
making new friends with every book I read. It is a great way to escape from reality for a bit and
just let myself be a part of a story.
What type of books do you like to read?
I am into mystery and adventure books mostly, but sometimes I read fantasy too. I love trying
to solve the puzzles and figure out the twists in mystery novels, and adventure stories always
get my adrenaline pumping.

Do you prefer to read in or outside of school?
I like reading both in and outside of school, but at home, I can pick whatever I want to read. In
school, we sometimes have to read certain books for assignments, which can be cool too, but
there is something special about choosing a book just because it sounds interesting to me.

Are there any books you don’t like to read?
I am not a big fan of textbooks or anything too heavy on facts and figures. I prefer books that
let me use my imagination and get lost in a story rather than ones that feel like I'm studying.

What makes reading exciting for you?
What gets me excited about reading is when the story keeps me guessing or when there is a
big plot twist. I love those "aha!" moments when everything clicks into place, or when the
author throws in a surprise that I never saw coming.

What makes reading boring?
Reading gets boring for me when it is too slow-paced or when I cannot connect with the
characters. If I am not invested in what is happening or if it feels like nothing is happening at
all, I will usually end up putting the book down.

What does your teacher do to make reading and learning enjoyable?
My teacher makes reading fun by picking books that are interesting and sometimes by acting
out scenes. They also encourage us to share our thoughts and ideas about the books we are
reading, which makes it feel more like a group activity rather than just something we have to
do for class.

How do you rate yourself as a reader?
I think I am a pretty good reader, maybe like a 7 out of 10. I can usually understand what I am
reading and follow along with the story, but there are times when I struggle with certain words
or concepts.

Do you prefer to read books in print or e-books?
I prefer reading books in print because I like holding a physical book, but e-books are cool too
when I cannot get to a bookstore. There is just something about turning the pages and feeling
the weight of the book in my hands that I enjoy. Also, e-books are convenient for traveling or
when I want to read something right away without having to wait for shipping.

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