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The History of Terron

The Birth of Creation- Unknown to ~5000 years ago

Once upon a time, some countless thousands of years ago there was nothing; just the
endless cold, black void of space. Formed from the celestial matter of stars and the cosmos an
all-powerful god who named himself Ao, was spawned. Ao, also known as The Creator, used his
infinite powers to create a planet hospitable for life which would then be one day known as
Terron. Once the planet was created, he formed the gods, splitting his personality and traits
among them giving them each their own domain of creation that he saw fit. These gods would
then cause the birth of life on the planet’s surface making everything that we know of today;
nature, magic, weather, animals, good and evil and so much more. Ao believed in the balance
of everything above all else so he ensured each side of all spectrums had an opposite force. This
obviously caused tensions between the gods, however for thousands of years there was peace.
Then, when the god of Trickery poisoned the goddess of Fertility causing no mortal children to
be born for almost a century, the first war began. This sparked a waging conflict between each
of the gods and their respective followers; mortals and angel and devils alike. From this day
forward, Terron would be in eternal struggle and strife.

The God Wars- ~5000 to ~2000 BC [The First Era]

The war between light and darkness was also known as the Long Dark. Millions upon
millions of the lives of elves, dwarves, gnomes, angels, and devils lost their lives during this era.
Each and every god participated in the fight in their own way and dozens of lesser gods lost
their immortal lives to be reborn as mortals on Terron’s Surface. Ancient Civilizations were
destroyed and lost to time buried in the rubble of the chaos. The gods waged war within the
cosmos while their legions of angels and devils fought alongside their humanoid followers on
Terron’s Surface. Brother would be turned against brother all in the name of their makers. The
long dark lasted for nearly 3000 years changing the planets original single super-continent into
three separate ones. This whole time Ao had been nowhere to be found, staying out of the
conflict to allow things to resolve themselves as he knew they would. The gods felt abandoned
and betrayed, but made do. Eventually towards the end a cosmic force known as “The Oblivion”
formed from the madness and threatened to destroy all of existence. The gods put aside their
differences, both good and evil, and worked together to seal away this primal threat, but not
before he created the Abyss and spawned the first of the Demons. Thus, ended the god wars,
although some have never forgotten and still plot their inevitable revenge.
The Primordial Chaos- ~2000 BC to 0 AC [The Second Era]
Once the darkness was sealed away, a new era of peace washed over the land. As the
humanoid civilizations began to rebuild, Ao returned to the celestial cosmos to not only
congratulate the god's cooperation but to bring about a new race into existence; The Humans.
Using everything he learned from the other races that were created he formed Man and made
them innovative and ambitious. The event angered some of the hidden away evil gods to their
breaking point of jealousy. So, they traveled to each of the elemental planes and released the
Archomentals of each element to the prime material plane to wreak havoc on Ao’s creation.
This 2-millennia long war was even more difficult than the last for the titans had an unlimited
army of elementals and giants. All of the humanoid races had to band together to fight back
and save their planet from turning into another elemental plane. Using powerful and ancient
magics combined with human engineered siege weapons they were victorious, but not without
innumerable casualties. The titans were placed back into their prisons of the elemental planes
and peace once again returned to Terron.

The War of Scales and Might- 0 BC to 660 AC [The Third Era]

Unfortunately, the peace was not indefinite. With their masters now trapped in the
respective elemental planes the Giants became lost in their ways. With no direction or orders
they roamed rampant across Terron. Some formed civilizations, some were slain in their outrage
attacking humanoid cities and some simply went mad. An insane Fire Giant name Raksh
infiltrated a blue dragon’s lair and while it wasn’t home destroyed her entire nest of blue eggs.
This single action sparked a conflict between the two massive monsters that spread all across the
world. Chromatic and Metallic dragons alike battled the giants of all forms. Some believe this was
simply an excuse for these two races to butt heads, while some think Giants know nothing else
but war. The sheer intensity of the battles would take place over entire countries as they
destroyed cities and villages in their wake. The majority of humanoid races avoided the conflict
entirely so not to incur even further damage to their civilizations. However, some dragonborn
who had still been enslaved by dragons were used as foot soldiers. It wasn’t until thousands of
dragons and giants lost their lives nearly sending both races into extinction that a treaty was
signed. The Chromats were not happy about this however they understood its necessity but still
harbor a deep hatred for Giantkind.
The New age of Prosperity- 660 AC to present day [The Fourth Era]
For the past 60 years the planet has been under a long-lasting peace. Although minor
conflicts persist periodically a major war has not happened since the War of Scales and Might.
During this time the humanoid races continue to grow and prosper forming coalitions, alliances,
and settling their own borders making nations. The larger areas have always been mainly
segregated by race but after the last war much of the humanoids have spread all over the God's
creation. Each smaller country has split from one another based on simple differences in how
they wish to be governed. The 6 major nations were formed; The Human Kingdom of Vassidar;
The Elvish Monarchy of Syndorei; The Dwarven Federation of Mordheim; The Dragonborn
Oligarchy of Draconia; The Tiefling Empire of Abundarra; and the City-State of Brysaris, home to
a menagerie of all sentient races including the humanoid races but also Orcs, Goblins, Trolls,
Ogres, Genasi, Tabaxi, and more. Organized trade with caravans and ships spread all across the
allied nations providing every major city with goods from all over the continent. Life as a whole
has been prosperous for everyone but many of the separate nation's greed increases with each
passing year. They desire their neighbors land, wealth, and people for their own. Tensions are
high in the valleys and it's only a matter of time before another war begins.

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