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Our initiative is called Indoor Farming. Many people who work late or don't know how to care for
their plants might benefit from our efforts. As a result, this programmed will urge people to take
better care of their plants. Innovation can assist in addressing important development challeng-
es. Other global concerns will need a significant amount of research. Green innovation, in
particular, fosters not just production but also the effective use of natural resources, making it a
vital instrument for social and economic progress. Thus, the use of technology in agriculture
boosts growth and development by allowing for more efficient output.

Nowadays, many people do not have enough time to care for their plants, the furnace is so hot,
causing the plants to wilt , due to the covid-19, it is more difficult to go out and do gardening.
Another thing there isn't a lot of space for planting or gardening , if you give the plants too much
water, they won't be able to breathe because the soil is always saturated and there isn't enough
oxygen and finally many people do not know how to properly care for their plants.

For the function our project is that the humidity, temperature, and soil moisture are all moni-
tored in this indoor garden .The water device will activate and water the plants if the soil humidi-
ty sensor senses that it is too dry. The light sensor can switch on the LED lights and provide 8
hours of light, as plants need at least 8 hours of light a day. If the temperature rises so high, the
dc fans can kick in to cool it off.

#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial
#include <SPI.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>
#include <SimpleTimer.h>
#include <DHT.h>
#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial
#include <OneWire.h>
#include <DallasTemperature.h>
#define ONE_WIRE_BUS D2
OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS);
DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);

char auth[] ="0yXk4WO4UlEm16jNT_0wJgYdCNEbl8Hf"; //Authentication code sent by Blynk

char ssid[] = "biology4spm_5GHz@unifi"; //WiFi SSID
char pass[] = "025481Biology"; //WiFi Password
#define sensorPin D3
int sensorState = 0;
int lastState = 0;
#define DHTPIN 2
#define DHTTYPE DHT11
SimpleTimer timer;
void sendSensor()
float h = dht.readHumidity();
float t = dht.readTemperature();

if (isnan(h) || isnan(t)) {
Serial.println("Failed to read from DHT sensor!");
Blynk.virtualWrite(V5, h); //V5 is for Humidity
Blynk.virtualWrite(V6, t); //V6 is for Temperature
void setup()
Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass);
pinMode(sensorPin, INPUT);

timer.setInterval(1000L, sendSensor);
Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass);
int sensor=0;
void sendTemps()
sensors.requestTemperatures(); }
float temp = sensors.getTempCByIndex(0); if (sensorState == 1 && lastState == 0) {
Serial.println(temp); Serial.println("needs water, send notification");
Serial.println(sensor); Blynk.notify("Water your plants");
Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, temp); lastState = 1;
Blynk.virtualWrite(V2,sensor); delay(1000);
delay(1000); //send notification
void loop() }
{ else if (sensorState == 1 && lastState == 1) {; //do nothing, has not been watered yet; Serial.println("has not been watered yet");
sendTemps(); delay(1000);
sensorState = digitalRead(sensorPin); }
Serial.println(sensorState); else {
if (sensorState == 1 && lastState == 0) { Serial.println("does not need water");
Serial.println("needs water, send notification"); lastState = 0;
Blynk.notify("Water your plants"); delay(1000);
lastState = 1; }
delay(1000); delay(100);
//send notification }

Both of these operations will be managed using an app. The software also allows users to
monitor activities manually. The Arduino coding software can be used to accomplish all of
these tasks.

Finally the advantages for our project is that less chemical and illness exposure. If the plants
are in an open field or outside the home, there is a good risk that some fungus or virus may
breed on them and they have food. It can be infected if the plants are outdoors. The Photo-
synthesis of plants may be harmed by car smoke. Plants can thrive in an organic environ-
ment. Farmers can use pesticides or chemicals to grow plants and vegetables, which can
have an impact on human health if consumed, so growing vegetables indoors and organi-
cally is a safe option. This project will make a better place and help the nature and agricul-
The term "green vehicles" refers to a category that include automobiles that are powered
by a variety of fuels as well as technology. Among the many types of cars that fall under
this category are electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles, hydrogen vehicles, vehicles powered
by clean ethanol, vehicles powered by natural gas, and vehicles powered by clean diesel.
The term "green vehicles" refers to many kinds of motor vehicles that either operate
entirely or partially on non-fossil fuel energy sources or produce much lower levels of
carbon dioxide emissions than gasoline or diesel. In this post, we are going to talk about
cars that are powered entirely by electric batteries.

There is no question that the biggest advantage of utilising eco-friendly automobiles is the
environmental benefit. More than ever before, we are attempting to discover ways to mini-
mise damaging emissions that contribute to climate change. The adoption of green cars,
especially electric ones, makes it feasible to make our cities cleaner. The so-called smart
cities that attempt to enhance the liveability of inhabitants, decrease pollution, reduce
CO2 emissions. Alkè electric vehicles are primarily employed in metropolitan areas for
rubbish collection, logistics and delivery tasks. Another advantage is obviously health.
Pollution is known to cause several ailments that may be partially alleviated by breathing
better air. Benefits in terms of cost savings. Green cars, and electric vehicles in particular,
ensure a large decrease in both operating and maintenance expenses. In the case of elec-
tric cars, 100 percent clean energy may be harnessed using renewable energy sources,
such as integration with solar systems.

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