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Green Island

Green Innovation Project


Mr. E.A.G. Stuart, the Superintendent of Education for Kedah and Perlis

in colonial British-Malaya, established Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan

Ibrahim in August 1919. Named the Government English School, it was
located in the city. Three classrooms were located in a longhouse with
a cemented floor and wooden walls.

Teachers from Alor Setar's Government English School (now known as

Sultan Abdul Hamid College) were invited by Mr. Stuart to hold the
newly formed school's position as principal prior to its official
opening in September of that year. Allahyarham Tuan Syed Jan,
the first headmaster, was chosen by the board.

Students from a former Anglo-Chinese school were among the first

to enrol in the new school's programme. tudent qualifications at
the school differed significantly from those at other schools. Class
Primary was the lowest academic standard. Prior to moving on to
Class 1, students completed two years of primary school, referred
to as Primary 1 and Primary 2. One year in Class Primary was enough
time for students who had a bright future ahead of them to
advance to Standard 1.

To keep up with the growing student body, the school hired three
additional teachers in 1921 and 1922. In order to meet this need,
the government leased a shophouse in Jalan Petri. Originally
known as Sultan Hamid School, it was renamed Sultan Hamid
School after its 1935 relocation to Jalan Kolam Air. n 1936, the
school was renamed in honour of Almarhum Yang Teramat Mulia
Tengku Ibrahim Ibni Sultan Abdul Hamid Halim Shah, the Regent
of Kedah (1913–1914), who had served as the regent of the state.

Mentor and the teacher in charge in the S.M.K.Ibrahim Innovation Club.
Project Board

Architecture designer & Portfolio Manager


Project Manager & Engineering

Co-ordinator & Civil Engineering

Software Designer & Team Administrator

Program Manager & Resource Manager
Number of wastage
of rubbish in the
The globe produces 2.01 billion tonnes of municipal solid garbage yearly, with at least 33 percent of
that extremely conservatively not handled in an ecologically safe way. Worldwide, garbage created
per person per day averages 0.74 kilogramme but vary greatly, from 0.11 to 4.54 kilos. Though they
only account for 16 percent of the world’s population, high-income nations create around 34
percent, or 683 million tonnes, of the world’s garbage.

When looking ahead, worldwide garbage is anticipated to expand to 3.40 billion tonnes by 2050, more
than twice population growth during the same time. Overall, there is a positive association between
trash creation and income level. Daily per capita trash production in high-income nations is forecast
to grow by 19 percent by 2050, compared to low- and middle-income countries where it is likely to
increase by around 40 percent or more. Waste production first falls at the lowest income levels and
subsequently grows at a higher pace for incremental income changes at low income levels than at
high income levels. The overall amount of garbage created in low-income nations is anticipated to
grow by more than three times by 2050. The East Asia and Pacific area is creating most of the
world’s trash, at 23 percent, while the Middle East and North Africa region is producing the
least in absolute terms, at 6 percent. However, the fastest developing areas are Sub-Saharan
Africa, South Asia, and the Middle East and North Africa, where, by 2050, total trash creation
is predicted to more than quadruple, double, and double accordingly. In these locations, more
than half of garbage is being publicly discardedand the trajectories of waste increase will have
huge ramifications for the environment, health, and economy, therefore needing immediate action

Projected waste genera�on, by region (millions of tonnes/year)

Global energy
consumption only
going up
Since 2000, global energy consumption has increased by about a third and is pro-
jected to continue to grow in the foreseeable future. Global energy demand grew
by 2.9% in 2018 and in a business as usual scenario, by 2040 global energy con-
sumption will reach 740 million terajoules - equivalent to an additional 30 percent
growth. From 2000 to 2040, this will amount to a 77 percent increase in global
energy consumption.

From 1980 to 2050, global energy use could triple from around 300 to 900 million
terajoules. It's difficult to grasp the amount of energy consumed worldwide. To
illustrate, the global annual energy consumption corresponds to the energy
released from the Hiroshima nuclear bomb every four seconds. A Boeing 737 can
cross the Atlantic Ocean on one terajoule. 83 percent of the energy we use comes
from fossil fuels. Oil is the biggest energy source followed by coal and natural gas.

This makes green energy innovation absolutely essential. For now, most of the
increase in global energy consumption will be covered by burning more coal and
gas. Tht's not good. It emits enourmous amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere.

Global direct primary energy consumption

Direct primary energy consumption does not take account of inefficiencies in fossil fuel production.

Modern biofuels
140,000 TWh Solar
120,000 TWh Gas

100,000 TWh

80,000 TWh Oil

60,000 TWh

40,000 TWh

20,000 TWh

0 TWh
1800 1850 1900 1950 2019

Source: Vaclav Smil (2017) and BP Statistical Review of World Energy • CC BY
The fast development of our cities and evolution of our industrial processes has had a
significant influence on how the urban world has grown. The rising popularity of the
scattered city model in the 20th century not only contrasted dramatically with older,
more compact cities of the 19th century, but also generated detrimental implications
on infrastructure and resources. In response, growth alternatives with minimal environ-
mental effect were searched for. Even though different ideas relating to sustainability
and the environment have arisen, key concerns remain open for dispute. Cities emerge
under extraordinarily complicated patterns of urban development, with geographical,
cultural, environmental, and socio-economic aspects that are very challenging to
detect using a narrow collection of indicators.

This article accepts these difficulties and the reality that it cannot handle all the diverse
parts of the urban development process. Therefore, the chosen sectors and indicators
of the index generated only represent a part of local reality. The study seeks to simplify
and quantify this complexity, by proposing a basic umbrella framework to define a
green city and creating a mechanism to assess green city performance over time. While
the compact city idea was introduced in an effort to overcome the difficulties of urban
growth and resource efficiency, the Green Island Concept (GIC), is a more contempo-
rary approach to the problem of constructing denser, greener and more liveable cities.

The paper introduces a Green Island Conceptual Framework (GICF) and two tools: one
tool to measure city Environmental Performance (EP) over time(IHS-GCI), and the other
is a Green Island Action Planning methodology (GIAP) which contains innovative
approaches to improve the city’s EP for a chosen timeline. The IHS-GCI tool may be used
to measure EP, to explain various variables impacting the computed EPs over time,
establish objectives, monitor successes and aid in the production of a city’s GCAP.

The study covers a variety of gaps in the green city area and consolidates earlier
research into one workable conceptual framework and tools, applicable to varied cities
and requirements. In the end, this paper was able to define a green city as “an island
that promotes energy efficiency and renewable energy in all its activities, extensively
promotes green solutions, applies land compactness with mixed land use and social mix
practises in its planning systems, and anchors its local development in the principles of
green growth and equity.” Unlike previous definitions for green cities, the following con-
cept specifically incorporates energy efficiency as a significant element. Furthermore, it
was proved that GDP has a positive effect on Green Island performance, population size
has a negative impact, and that the most relevant criteria are sanitation and air quality.

Urban solutions ranging from micro to macro design call for technological innovation
and environmental consciousness. Substantial architectural requirements, such as
energy efficiency, the use of renewable energy sources, and the recycling of materials,
are necessary to meet these demands. Historically, our approach to addressing issues
pertaining to the natural world has been referred to using the moniker "Green Island."
The larger goals of our project include ensuring sufficient supplies of water and energy,
in addition to ensuring adequate sanitation conditions (including the handling of solid
waste). We were only able to accomplish such an incredible project by concentrating
on a critical issue that affects the entire world. In crowded facilities, one of the most
common issues is the production of waste products in addition to excessive water and
energy consumption. Through conducting research on the internet, in books, and mag-
azines, we were able to come up with our very own problem statements and ideas for

The first step was to construct a city that was self-sufficient. Following further
research, an island that is both environmentally friendly and self-sufficient will be
developed. Because there is vegetation in the city, we came to the conclusion that we
should think outside the box. In conclusion, the completion of this project will hasten
the acceleration of technological advancement. It is a situation that will benefit both
the current generation and the generations to come. Additionally, there will be a
reduction in the amount of environmental contamination. Green Island's status as a
nature preserve allows it to contribute to the preservation of biodiversity; the reduc-
tion of air pollution; the storage of water; the attenuation of noise; and the provision
of relief from heat during times of extreme aridity. ICT is used on a smart island to
improve operational efficiency, communicate with the public, improve the quality of
government services, and overall improve the welfare of the island's inhabitants.
Located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, the Palm Jumeirah is an artificial archipela-
go of artificial islands that stretches into the Persian Gulf by land reclamation. The
Palm Islands, which include Palm Jebel Ali and Palm Deira, will jointly enhance
Dubai's coastline by a total of 520 kilometres when finished (320 mi). [1] In 2017, its
population was expected to be at least 10,000. [2] United Arab Emirates' emirate of
Dubai, the Jumeirah coastline region, is where it is situated. Both Van Oord and
Boskalis, two Dutch construction firms, worked together on the project as a joint
venture. The World was likewise built by the same corporations. On Palm Jumeirah,
the most recent additions are The Pointe, Club Vista Mare, and Nakheel Mall.

Water and electricity sources, as well as sanitary problems, will be addressed in our
project's greater scope (including the handling of solid waste). We were only able to
complete such an amazing project because we focused our efforts on an issue that
has global implications. One of the most typical problems in congested facilities is
the generation of waste products, as well as excessive water and energy use.

Electricity generated by solar panels may be used to power various electrical devices. Solar panels
harvest sunlight and transform it into electricity. Each solar cell of a solar panel is made up of layers
of silicon, phosphorous (which produces the negative charge), and boron (which provides the posi-
tive charge) (which provides the positive charge). Photons are absorbed by solar panels, which start
an electric current. After being hit by a photon of light, the solar cells produce an electric field, which
in turn pulls these liberated electrons towards the direction of current generation, thus allowing for
the generation of electricity. The Photovoltaic Effect is the name given to the whole process. Average
homes are well-equipped to generate enough solar power from their roofs to meet all of their energy
demands, and any extra electricity produced is sent into the main power system for use at night.

Power is generated during the day and then consumed in the house at night in a well-balanced
grid-connected system. Owners of solar generators may be compensated if their system generates
more electricity than they use for their residences under net metering schemes. Off-grid solar appli-
cations need the use of a battery bank, charge controller, and inverter. The battery bank receives
power from the solar array in the form of DC (direct current). For non-DC equipment, an inverter
transforms DC to alternating current (AC) by drawing power from the battery bank. As long as an
inverter is present, it is possible to design solar panel arrays to fulfil even the most stringent electrical
load specifications. It is possible to utilize AC current to power loads in residences or commercial
buildings, recreational vehicles and boats and distant cabins, cottages, or houses such as remote
traffic controls, telecommunications equipment, oil and gas flow monitoring, RTU, SCADA, and

Using solar panels to generate power is quite practical.

Off-grid life is evident. Off-grid implies not being on the
main electric grid. Solar power helps remote houses and
cabins. Electric utility poles and cabling from the closest
main grid access point no longer need hefty expenses.
Properly maintained, a solar electric system may last up
to 30 years.

Besides allowing you to live off-grid, solar power is a

clean and sustainable source of energy. With global
climate change, it's increasingly vital to limit greenhouse
gas emissions' strain on the atmosphere. No moving
components, little maintenance: solar panels. When
well-maintained, they survive decades.
Wind turbines convert wind energy into electricity, which we all need to power our
homes and businesses. They can be standalone, serving only one or a few houses or
businesses, or they can be grouped to form part of a wind farm. We explain how they
function and why they are vital for the future of energy in this section.

Let's start with the components of the wind farm that we're all familiar with: the tow-
ering white or pale grey turbines. Each of these turbines is made up of a set of blades,
a box called a nacelle, and a shaft. The wind, even a slight breeze, causes the blades to
rotate, generating kinetic energy. The whirling blades cause the shaft in the nacelle to
revolve, and a generator in the nacelle transforms the kinetic energy into electrical

To connect to the national grid, the electrical energy is then transmitted through a
transformer on-site, which raises the voltage to the level required by the national
power system. At this point, the power is normally transferred to the National Grid
transmission network, where it will eventually be consumed in homes and businesses.
A wind farm or a single wind turbine, on the other hand, can generate power that is
consumed privately by an individual or a small group of residences or businesses.
Hydropower plants capture the energy of falling water to generate electricity. A turbine
converts the kine�c energy of falling water into mechanical energy. Then a generator
converts the mechanical energy from the turbine into electrical energy. Hydro plants
range in size from "micro-hydro’s" that power only a few homes to giant dams like
Hoover Dam that provide electricity for millions of people.The photo on the right shows
the Alexander Hydroelectric Plant on the Wisconsin River, a medium-sized plant that
produces enough electricity to serve about 8,000 people

1. Turbine. The force of falling water pushing against the

turbine's blades causes the turbine to spin. A water turbine is
much like a windmill, except the energy is provided by falling water
instead of wind. The turbine converts the kinetic energy of falling
water into mechanical energy.

2. Generator. Connected to the turbine by shafts and possibly

gears so when the turbine spins it causes the generator to spin
also. Converts the mechanical energy from the turbine into electric
energy. Generators in hydropower plants work just like the genera-
tors in other types of power plants.

3. Transmission lines. Conduct electricity from the hydropower

plant to homes and business.
Is renewable energy
increasing or
Growth of the world's capacity to generate electricity from solar panels, wind
turbines and other renewable technologies is on course to accelerate. By 2026,
global renewable electricity capacity is forecast to rise more than 60% from
2020 levels. Renewables are set to account for almost 95% of the increase in
global power capacity through 2026. Solar PV remains the powerhouse of
growth in renewable electricity, with its capacity additions forecast to increase
by 17% in 2021 to a new record of almost 160 GW. Onshore wind additions are
set to be almost one-quarter higher on average than during the 2015-20 period.
Demand for biofuels is set to grow strongly to 2026, with Asia accounting for
almost 30% of new production.

Stronger policies and

raised climate goals
leading into COP26 are
driving renewables to
new records, but faster
deployment across all
key sectors is needed
to reach net zero

Photoelectric sensors use a beam of light to detect the presence or absence of an

object. It emits a light beam (visible or infrared) from its light-emitting element. A
reflective-type photoelectric sensor is used to detect the light beam reflected
from the target.

Light sensors detect light and convert light energy to an electrical signal output.
Once converted into electrical energy, the radiant energy within the infrared to
ultraviolet light frequency spectrum source can then be measured

What are light senosr detect ?

Light sensors detect the intensity or brightness of a light source. Light is often
measured in Lumens, a which describes how much light is emitted from a source,
and Lux, which describes light intensity measured over a specific area.

How does a light sensor

detect light?
Sensors for light. A Light Sensor creates an output signal representing the intensi-
ty of light by measuring the radiant energy that occurs in a very restricted range
of frequencies known as "light," which ranges in frequency from "Infrared" to
"Visible" to "Ultraviolet."

If someone enters the room or moves inside the room, the speed of the returning
sound waves changes, triggering the switch. ... The sensor uses a photodetector,
which converts light in the wavelengths into electrical current that triggers an
alarm in the minicomputer housed in the detector, activating the switch.

Material Required We all want our home appliances to be

controlled automatically based on
some conditions and that's called
Arduino UNO Home automation. Today we are going
LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) to control the light based of darkness
Resistor (100k-1;330ohm-1) outside, the light turns ON automatical-
LED - 1 ly when it is dark outside and turns off
Relay module - 5v when it gets bright. For this, we need a
Bulb/CFL light sensor to detect the light condition
Connecting wires and some circuitry to control the Light
Breadboard sensor. It’s like Dark and light Detector
circuit but this time we are using Ardui-
no to get more control over light.

In this circuit, we are making a Light

Sensor using LDR with Arduino to con-
trol a bulb/CFL as per light condition of
the room or outside area.
LDR is Light Dependent Resistor. LDRs are made from semiconductor materials to enable them
to have their light-sensitive properties. There are many types but one material is popular and it
is cadmium sulfide (CdS). These LDRs or PHOTO RESISTORS works on the principle of “Photo Con-
ductivity”. Now what this principle says is, whenever light falls on the surface of the LDR (in this
case) the conductance of the element increases or in other words, the resistance of the LDR falls
when the light falls on the surface of the LDR. This property of the decrease in resistance for the
LDR is achieved because it is a property of semiconductor material used on the surface.

LED using #define relay 10
Arduino int LED = 9;
int LDR = A0;

As per the circuit diagram, we have void setup()

made a voltage divider circuit using {
LDR and 100k resistor. The voltage pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);
divider output is feed to the analog pinMode(relay, OUTPUT);
pin of the Arduino. The analog Pin pinMode(LDR, INPUT);
senses the voltage and gives some }
analog value to Arduino. The analog void loop() {
value changes according to the int LDRValue = analogRead(LDR);
resistance of LDR. So, as the light Serial.print("sensor = ");
falls on the LDR the resistance of it Serial.print(LDRValue);
get decreased and hence the voltage if (LDRValue <=700)
value increase. {
digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);
Intensity of light ↓ - Resistance↑ - digitalWrite(relay, HIGH);
Serial.println("It's Dark Outside; Lights status: ON");
Voltage at analog pin↓ - Light turns }
ON else
As per the Arduino code, if the digitalWrite(LED, LOW);
digitalWrite(relay, LOW);
analog value falls below 700 we con- Serial.println("It's Bright Outside; Lights status: OFF");
sider it as dark and the light turns }
ON. If the value comes above 700 we }
consider it as bright and the light
turns OFF.

SOURCE : Original

SOURCE : Original
SOURCE : Original

SOURCE : Original


SOURCE : Original

The island is divided into three sections. The first is a residential area where people may relax and enjoy the wonders
of nature thanks to the vegetation architecture. The second is the downtown region, where people will work in places
like offices, while the rest will be shopping malls and hotels. Sea bay is where the sea covers half of the island. The
design was inspired by the renowned ying-yang symbol. There will be a port and additional features.
The perception and usage of one's surroundings is addressed by urban design. People care about the appearance, feel,
and livability of their neighborhoods, and urban design tools are the most effective tools a planner has for meeting this
requirement. To do this, urban planners must be well-versed in how physical surrounds impact human perception and
behavior, which includes knowing cultural habits and preferences, economic variables, and functional activities related
with the physical environment.

A good urban design project often considers not just the circumstances within the project borders, but also the implica-
tions of the suggestions on the greater surrounds. At the same time, such attempts should investigate how the recom-
mended activities link back to the individual's experiences. Although urban design is sometimes assumed to handle just
urban design components such as a park, street, or town center, urban design methods are equally helpful in tackling
regional, landscape-scale objectives.

This is an effec�ve defini�on because:

It conveys a set of implicit ideals that should be pursued by all relevant urban design efforts.

It provides a valuable checklist for designers, planners, engineers, and other practitioners to employ in addressing the
fundamental values of urban design (as noted above).

It defines a logical participative approach and offers a clear technique for implementing urban design principles.

SOURCE : Pinterest
Green Architecture, often known as sustainable architecture or Green Building, is a design
strategy that minimises negative impacts on human health and the environment. While con-
structing this piece of architecture, a builder frequently purchases components that protect
water, air, and soil. Some of the most frequent characteristics of a green building are water-sav-
ing plumbing fixtures, ventilation systems built for effective cooling and enough lighting, alter-
nate power sources such as solar and wind power, and optimal use of space, among other
things. All of this, in addition to causing little or no harm to the natural ecosystem when creat-
ing the structure.

When creating a green building, there are four main considerations that should be made. Site
development should be the first concern, with the emphasis constantly on reducing environ-
mental effect and making the most use of the circumstances to take advantage of sun access,
wind patterns, and shading. Concurrently, material selection should be done with care. Using
recycled items that have a negative influence on the environment should be the preferred
option. In addition, implementing energy-efficient design into the building must be carefully
considered because it greatly reduces long-term running costs. The design should also comply
to sanitary requirements, resulting in superior air quality. These are basically the frameworks
for green building construction. Essentially revolves around.

To be clear, green construction is more than simply a development trend; it is a method that
meets the needs of the present. Whatever happens, the need for green building will continue to
rise and will never go away. At the very least, the trend toward a secure tomorrow has begun,
as seen by these buildings. Today's world does not move at a snail's pace. Every day, there is a
new product launch or sophisticated product being developed. The resources are becoming
few, and unless there is a shift in man's thought and conduct, the desired lifestyle appears to be
in jeopardy. These green buildings are undeniably a step forward in providing much-needed
relief from the formerly dirty and confined structures in which people are accustomed to stay-
ing nowadays. Adopting the green building concept is the way to go, and one should not shy
away from such a promising technique.

SOURCE : Original
"Resource conservation" is one of the least contentious notions in our society, which
advocates for the preservation of natural resources for future generations. There are
no conflicts or shortages between our use of resources and the needs of future genera-
tions, as this suggests. It's important to note that the current and future generations'
spending patterns are in perfect accord. We care for the people in our lives: our loved
ones, our friends, our co-workers, our neighbours, our nation, and maybe even the
environment. In the process of building museums and sports facilities, we already take
into account the people who will come after us. People we don't know may benefit from
our charitable donations. Ancestors play an important role in several cultures, and
people strive to live their lives in a way that makes their elders pleased. We should also
think about how we might pass on a healthy Earth to our children and grandchildren.
As a result of these policies, the quality of life in the future is also impacted. Environ-
mental and demographic issues, although linked, are distinct considerations.

There are ways to devastate the ecosystem without increasing the population, and
there are ways to follow population policies that make the globe uncomfortably popu-
lated within the ecological boundaries. This way of living might potentially lead to a
population decline that would have a negative impact on the survivors' economic
well-being. In any case, there is a clear moral need not to put future generations in
suffering because of population difficulties. Future generations will feel the effects of
the broad cultural policies we choose now. Of course, the future level of life is strongly
influenced by our capacity to build a just and efficient global economy. Technology is no
different. However, a person's happiness is not solely dependent on their possessions.
Political, legal, and moral institutions and values are just as essential as the arts and
sciences when it comes to a culture's spiritual well-being. The Earth is expected to stay
liveable for at least a billion years, and many future generations might follow us in the
event of a catastrophe. Humanity's greatest potential has yet to be realised. T

hese future generations might benefit greatly from the decisions we take now. A nucle-
ar war that wipes out humanity would mean that this future we've been preparing for
will never come to fruition. The predicted influence on the future of our activities now
may be the most significant thing from the standpoint of making a difference. Those in
the future are no different from people in the present except for one property: the
epoch they live in. The fact that we live in a certain era does not, when seen objectively,
confer any unique moral or ethical weight on that era. No matter how far away these
"others" may be, or how much they are now suffering, if we are concerned about their
well-being, it doesn't matter. Because we have a moral obligation toward the people
who will be living in the future, we should hold on to our common-sense belief in the
importance of their future and their hopes and dreams if we don't alter our ways.
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