Teaching & Learning Principles x3

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College of Nursing & Midwifery AMC/Lahore General Hospital Lahore.


SUBJECT: Teaching/ learning principles and practice (MCQS)
Time Allowed: 60mins Total Marks:50 Date:
Name_________________ Roll

Part A
Encircle the correct option in each statement which is given below:

1. Collaboration increases the productivity therefore in teaching experienced members

guide the immature one’s for
A. Spending time B Qualification
C. Recreation of life D Adjustment
2. While teaching tasks of import should be considered first. The least important thing to
do in teaching is
A. Drawing sketches and diagrams on the B Lecturing in interesting way
C. Ensuring disciple in the class D Students’ punishment
3. Teachers should have multiple skills to be effective but the most important skill to
A. Covering the prescribed course B Ensuring the students are relaxed while
C. Making student understand what the D Being regular
teacher explains
4. Communication barrier can distort learning. Which of the following is the biggest
barrier to communication in a classroom?
A. Confusion on the part of the teacher B Lack of teaching aids
C. Outside disturbance D Noise in the classroom
5. Effective learning needs continuous evaluation and competency of a teacher should be
judged for?
A. Length of association with a school B Meeting the needs of students
C. Personality D Books published
6. Students remain comfortable and learn more from a teacher who is__________.
A. Hardworking B Gentle
C. Affectionate D Able to communicate his ideas effectively
7. As a teacher what would you do if you realized that the students are not understanding
what is being taught in class?
A. Check up the related knowledge of the B Proceed to the next lesion to complete the
student syllabus
C. Repeat the lesson D Teach the lesson again with real-world
8. Some are born teachers. What is teaching Aptitude?
A. Possession of requisite abilities to be a B Devotion towards the profession
C. The desire to excel as a teacher D None of the above
9. What is most important element of teaching?
A. Teacher’s student’s relationship B Content
C. Teaching aids D Teaching environment
10. What is reason of dropouts?
A. Fear of punishment B Inability to following what is taught in the
C. Pressure to help at home and work D No interest in education
11. Concept can be cleared by using different techniques. Mind mapping refers to:
A. An action plane for an adventure B A teaching to enhance comprehension
C. Drawing the picture of mind D Studying the function of mind
12. Through which mental activity do we transform available information to reach
A. Motivating B Problem solving
C. Reasoning D Thinking
13. You want to ensure participation of more students in class. Which of the following
methods of teaching would you adopt?
A. Demonstration B Discussion
C. Recitation D Role play
14. What is the most important contribution that a teacher can make in the classroom?
A. Develop interest in the lesson B Impart knowledge of the subject
C. Reduce tension and make learning D Set high achievement levels
15. Student attention spam is very important so duration of lessons in macro-lesson plan is.
A. 5-10 min B 10-20 min
C. 20-30 min D 35-45 min
16. In order to modify the undesirable behavior of a student the most effective method is:
A. To punish to student B To bring it to the notice a parent
C. To find out reason for the undesirable D To ignore it
behavior and provide remedies
17. Which of the following is the brain of the computer?
A. Programme B Central processing unit (CPU)
C. Memory D Hard disc
18. The proponent of the cognitive theory of teaching is:
A. N.L Gage B Shiv Kumar
C. B.F. Skiner D McDonald
19. Which of the following is an approach to educational planning?
A. Man-power approach B Social demand approach
C. Both A & B D None of the above
20. Black board can be included in which group/ category of teaching-aids
A. Audio-aids B Visual aids
C. Audio-visual aids D None of the above
21. Which of the following is related with teaching skill?
A. Black board writing B Solving questions
C. Asking question D All of the above
22. A student tends to solve a problem without any help from a teacher. The teacher should
A. Advise him/her to take help from his/her B Pays no attention to him/her
C. Scolds him/her for folksiness D Appraises his/her individual effort
23. Which of the following stages is not the part of burner’s cognitive development theory?
A. Enactive stage B Iconic stage
C. Intuitive stage D Symbolic stage
24. Which one is the best model of curriculum
A. Rapid response B Neutral response
C. Roy D Tyler model
25. Where learning from thinking or analyzing problems in a systematic method in Kolb’s
learning mode:
A. Active conceptualization B Active experimentation
C. Concrete experience D Reflective observation
26. The stage in the learning cycle when you think of how your new experience connents to
what you already know is called:
A. Abstract conceptualization B Active experimentation
C. Concrete experience D Reflective observation
27. Important factor of curriculum is to help achieve the
A. Education B Objectives
C. Values D Principles
28. Which domain of objectives is ot being evaluation through our present system of
A. Affective B Cognitive
C. Psychomotor D Perceptive

29. Which of the following theory is also known as Theory of reinforcement

A. Operant conditioning Theory B Stimulus Response Theory
C. Classical conditioning Theory D Theory of insight
30. Which of the following characterizes a well-motivated lesson?
A. The class is quiet B The children have something to do
C. The teacher can leave the pupils to attend D Here are varied procedures and activities
to some activities undertaken by the pupils
31. Teaching tinkling to 1-Maliksi becomes possible through the use of
A. Expository method B Demonstration method
C. Laboratory method D Return demonstration method
32. Pictures, models, and the like arouse students’ interest in the day’s topic. In what part of
the lesson should the given materials be presented?
A. Culminating activities B Evaluation activities
C. Developmental activities D Initiating activities
33. Which one of the following instructional strategies “present or model the essential
elements of real or imaginary situations.”
A. Drill and practice B Tutorial
C. Educational game D Simulation
34. A useful paradigm to assist nurse to organize and carry out the education process is the
A. Sure model B Assure model
C. Surety model D Shore model
35. NLNE stands for
A. National legends of nursing education B Nation league of Nursing education
C. National league of Nursing education D Nurses league of nation education
36. Judgment in learning involves
A. Organized B Methodical
C. Work oriented D All
37. Which is a systemic, sequential, logical based process that consists of teaching and
A. Education process B Nursing process
C. Ultimate process D None
38. Perform the act of teaching using specific teaching methods and instructional material
A. Assessment B Planning
C. Implementation D Evaluation
39. Socratic method is a method in which we use:
A. Instrument approach B Visual approach
C. Questioning approach D Precision approach
40. According to cognitive theory perception is
A. Selective B Non selective
C. Discrete D Random
41. According to Albert Einstein, teaching is a _______.
A. Teaching is system of action B Teaching is skill
C. Teaching is a art D Teaching is intimate contact between a
more mature personality
42. The success of a lesson depends upon the degree of ________ participation
A. Teacher B Student/pupil
C. Curriculum D Both a & b
43. ______________ is an active process in which one person shares information with others
to provide them with the information to make behavioral changes:
A. Thinking B Learning
C. Teaching D Reasoning

44. Who was the founder of modern nursing?

A. Mary Seacole B Virginia Handerson
C. Grace Neill D Florence Nightingale
45. Learning needs, readiness to learn and learning styles of the learner are observed in
A. Planning B Assessment
C. Evaluation D Implementation
46. Primary goal of patient education is
A. Awareness of disease B Self-care independence
C. Spreading knowledge D Both B and C
47. Which of the following is not the barrier of teaching?
A. Lack of time B Lack of motivation
C. Confidence D Lack of privacy
48. Which is not included in psychological factors contribute to learning from the
A. Motivation B Interest
C. Learning desire D Nature if content
49. According to Plaget, which one of the following factor an important role in influencing
A. Reinforcement B Language
C. Experience with the physical world D Imitation
50. _____________ is called perceptional level learning.
A. Concrete to abstract B Known to unknown
C. Seen to unseen D Simple to complex
College of Nursing & Midwifery AMC/Lahore General Hospital Lahore.


SUBJECT: Teaching/ learning principles and practice (MCQS)
Time Allowed: 60mins Total Marks:50 Date:
Name_________________ Roll

Q No.1 Different methods are used to convey the information, briefly discuss some (10)
communication models.

Q No.2 (a) Define Health belief model. (5)

(b) Construct the Health belief model (5)

Q No.3 (a) Define Reflection, Journal, writing, critical thinking. (5)

(b) Describe and drawbacks of experimental learning cycle. (5)

Q No.4 (a) Define philosophy of education and describe the idealistic scheme of education. (5)
(b) Enlist the principle of Health education. (5)

Q No.5 (a) What are the principles of adult leaner. (5)

(b) Enlist merits and limitations of brainstorming strategy. (5)

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