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&fi_rS:ru11: tr: Gqrcr.ffi ffi emt $ rfu *, $16:GAEIL: [ .

Fr( L{C'V FCi:{ r-h{[ lvfl!:R4F3f;r{$ oF.]r\nvifvrrr] Agqm
}( AS h,i IVX T }q A I} M T [\ N $T I?/\T:[ \1
E S fi $I.\i X C [

1" -i oi nt Fr: u nrlatior.l Cou rse,,

(r) R;,itlon;rle: The Fount,laticn coLr"se (FC) sl-rorrlcr nrar-l< fhe

conrrencerli:nI of training of candiclates selee_tecl try
-larlnrrr anil Kaslrmii-pr-rblrc serrrice Con-rnrissirrrr icl 1,Lre
sc;rle o'r the JI\r( Acr.rrnrst'ative serr",ice,.r&K pr-rrir-e
((iar.-etlecl) Service ancj l[nK /Jccounts
(Gaze[ec1) Ser-vrcr:
I ire i;:1.;ir it ti'ettc 0i et comr.rron [.ot-tnc]ation Cotrr:;r.r
rs Lo
ii.r:;till a si-rared uncrerstanclincl of governnrent buird
c.anraraclerit-- amongr v;rr-ious crruil services
[or- snroollrer
conduc.l of the al[air.:; ol. governnten[. For-nraily,
object ves; arc ltstr:cl as Follornrs:

a. lrrsi-ill riclht attrrLrcres ancr varures srch as:;t--.rr.-ciisciprrne,

propr-iel-y crnd integrity, clrgnity
of laboLrr, cclmrlitnrent
1.o the Constitution, ancl sr:nsrtrvil.yr
1,o the riqlrts of the
i-rtizens, pa r.r-icu ra rry the cr isadv.: ntaqecl
a rrcl crr r,ferr:ruy_
a lt lecl;

Lr. a spir-ir- of purrrr c. sei-viccr

.rr-rd seI o1, .orn]:;
beh;rvicr ancl stanclar-ds of pi:t [orrnat]c.e,

C. Impart .ut unclerst.rncltnq of the,,ntaci.tinerV o{, the

qov€rn-ulen1," nncl of the r:ccTrorr.uc,
polilical, social ancj
aclr r j risl r,ttive ctlvlrrr111-1r.,p1

d. Pr.or,r:te all-r.ouncr creveioprrent of t-rre pr:rso.,rri.y

Ihe c1']'icer r-rainees ari'r cl.verop their reacler.shrpof
a bility; a ncl

e, [3uilcling esprlt Ce corps in orcler [o grealer

coot.ciinatron a n'tong cl tterent public set.rrices,

(ri) ilur;rtion: The I.oLtndation Cours;e shall be 1'or- a periocl of

one anci half n-ionilr.

(rrr) curricular Irrputs: -rre cu'ricL.rlar inpurts shail co*prrse

oI three weei<s of 1'ormal acac]entic inp.,uts, orre weel<
Fliqlh Altir"ucle Trei<, Villaqe Visii ancl examinatro'rs.
I.-strLrctio. shoulrl be inrparteci in 6 c.risciprrnes,
i,e, [,ubric
,,, --. Acinrinistrartroa, lvlanaclenrent arnr_1 Beha,.zior"al
,. \ ....{^ \- scrercr:s,
l'lisfory r,ri J,i{l( L\ Curlturre, Econorrics, Larv, ancr r,,oiit.rcai
.j\ \.-.-.r, t)
. ' -" \r\t'\1"
\ \
Cot'rc:pt:; arncl co.stitLrtion. In ;rcrdrIi.r'r, r]urr,cLrrarr
Page 1 o1' 1ir
iits;lr-rrcIion shc;LrlcJ be prrovrcled in Irrl,ci_'r;r1-iitr_t

[3iililll j::li!J:..nnoIos1f , ,,,,i"c..r rans1uragres I ,,r,.r,,,

I'Jornrally, i,tioL_rncl 60 ses-sior.ts ol r_I Jr lll ll CI;]5\r OOI'l

instrurction slroulcl le imparil.]
(across rl, the
in ,-t.l.. IroLt nclatlon C_oL.l-se
llre.ri<-,,ri oi u.,,hich is as
a. PLrblic[ion
I 5 Sessions
r-n in rites r:ach
(of !j:j
b, ancl Behaviour_;rl
ser:,sio t-ls"
Scienr_es Oil
C, [:r,:; ._
07 se:;siOns.
cl, I t',r lr t Ji.r.
o llrstor-y
ol'-l&l( anci Crii,rtit-e _ Ll3
f. PrljLir-rl Corrcepts
ernd Coirstituiio,ilr 04
g. ICI- (Jlfornralion sessrons,
l-eclrnologly) 8t Ease ol,cloir.tct Contntrinrcatiorr
5c!s c)rrs'
ttusiness 05
h. Lanquarqes _ 0B sessrons.

The clesiqtt of 1,rre coLr-se

ancr cur-ric-rra ;ru:,t be
bcrsed r'e^ what *re institute uurLr_onre-
, an Cf-ficer l-rainee
encl cf rhe ;;i,;, and to
il:[::.j,fthe i,vi,icrr coLrrd be

The design o1'the coLr-se,

inputs, in acrdrLion to,re
niust focus ;; il.itopinq the
conlp..tertcies. lvla.,i,tunr i,,tpo,trn.e nlus1. rlesrrt_:d
itrcurica[ing1 l-he riqht
values uino,-,g ,,arrnee s
.e placecl on
their si:rvice c'areer-s. in particrirr, aI t.he stai,t of
be :;ensilize. more ettectiv;ely cffice Tr,rinees must
arrcl Lo the needs of t.he
on ethics, or_r gender issues
oirt'.r.,iry arrred. An e[fec-l.rvc:
modure coverinq these
contexI ol'cha]lenqes of purblrt. -rr-,ori,i be cleverolrecl in
r.,u,_,ug.r.,ent in irrdia^
The Founcratio. Course shouricr
worr< tor,var-cr:, crr:veropincr
spiriI of teairworr< anronc.;st a
rrainees anc] ef1'ectivery utiiizi:
ii:-,:;;;;::' :L:'n.' ,u*,..' ro,i r.:kins , p r.u;[ ,.,, or
especially ul-iiizirtq of poltce
Irorest ser-vrce orri.Xfrt"' arrcJ




Page 2 oi 15
Teach ing in a ll discip iin es m ust ble nd theo retica
rnslructior wiar ,ore ski, and appricatio.-orie.ted l

(e'g' draftirrq al'fidavits or arrioaviI inpurs

oased repriu, in ru,,l;"to
better prepare ilre Trai,ees to dear
rarith th! chaileng.s or
reai life sil.uations,

Cases or projects fron.r the Tnstitute

effectively demonstrate the pr-actical nrust be usecJ to
aspects of pro;ecL

Greater- erphasis rrust be praced on irrproru

written and oral communication skills ing both
as \^rell as ttthe
vvurt ds
presentatron srcirs of officer
iru,na,ar.' '
(rv) co*ctrrricurar inputs: The Foundatio.
Course shourd rre
a high-intensity course based cn the premise
erenrent o1'stress that sor,e
and adversity herp
effectrvery in adurts. In addition =i-,up. character more
ir-,. FourcJation course
shor-rrd enconrpass a wide array
oi. rc-cur-r-icurar activities
that comprrse the tollowing:

. Higlr AltitLrde Trel< _ Trruo days

. short weer<end Tre*s
- i. first .Lrvo r'eeks (for
. Fete
" Athietic Meet
' Adventure Sports (River Raftinq, J
p.ock CIimbing,
Bungee JLrmping)
, . Jungle Safari
" Cne Act play Conrpetrtions
. Debates
". Extra-Cur-rlcular Moclulc:
Activities by CIubs and Societies.

Trainees shourd arso under-go

compursory physicar
O-, in ilre nrorninq (ir-onr UonJay ro r=r-idav)Trairring
;::;, ror one

(v) pedaEogicar Issues:

rr4ajor-ity of t.he instructiorrar
should be delivered using ihe iecture inputs
method, in additio.,
tire Lrse of case studie"s, ritnrs,'"gioup
games shourd arso be- Lrrere ciiscussions and
thougir tnese do not for' a
sizabre conrpclnent of the overari
crassroonr instr-uctior.r.
Besides teaclring in class, Trainees
should be broken into
grouirs of 20 to 25 a.d attacrred
\\--'-- T1',
mernber who acts as their counseror.
\^/ith a facurty
Nornrary, t.her-e
be 3 4-.or"..nno sessions in everiz coL*se,
(-. --t.j!,th:Hl.l
- -' \'i\x
\'\ \r'"))

Page 3 of 15
(vi) state Da'shan: -i-he officer trainees shall be taken for
State darshan durinq the foundation course.
It should be a
10-i5 days Lour where trainees traverse the state visiting
22 districts in a typicar group itinerar-y. It srrouid
visit to renrote.r'eas of the state viz. Kargir, Bani,
Padder, Tangdrrar, Darhar, Lohi-Marhar,-M'achadi, poqar,
Blralessa, charroo, Gurez etc rryitlr speciar
emphasis on
histor-ical praces, pote.tiar tour-rst praces, i.teraction
Iocal tri bes/popLrration f'or uncrer-sta ncr ing' culiu
re, traditior-r
and language o1' the conrnruniiy/area.

(vII) Evaluatiolr:The evaluation of the Foundatior-r Course, like

other courses, shourci h.rve trryo broad
conrponents. The first is the assessmen.r throurqh nrid_term
and end-of-course examiratioirs [or the r",arLous facurties
taught. The second is the Director Gener-a[s Assess,ent
r,vhich covers evaluario. of the non-acadenric
of training,
KAS Frofessional Course (phase I)
(l) Duration: The r(AS professioirar Course (prrase-r) or
Phase-I, should conrmence ir,mediateIy upon the
of the Foundation Cour-se. Tlre course slrould be
of 10 months durarron. It shorrld conrprise of the l.oirorrvrns;

Zg weeks
Other Institutes
(b) Errd-of-course exa m natron
1-week; -
(c) Studv Torrr B tryepks
(d) Bureau of parliamEnt;n; Stuoiaa l t.tigqk
and Training (BpST)
(e) Blocl< Leave 1 rryeek

The objectives of tlre course are as f,ollonrs:

a. To accluire a pan l&K per.spective of ernerqirrq

socio-econonric and politico-leoal trei-rds; - an
understanding of the enrerqing role o1. Lhe KAS and
Its shared adrninistrative responsibilities urill-r other

b" To acqurre i<r'rowledge and skills needed to

dlscharge adrninlstrative responsibilities in the first
decade of career in the Lollorr,rinq areas:
f-*- I' l-aw and Legal rnstr-unrents.
--) ii. Administrative rules, procedures and
r \r\z\r." r
) progranrmeguidelines,
[, Page 4 of 15
iii. l"{oclern nranagement t.ools,
lv. Econonric analysis.

c, To clenror-rstrate in the r-eqionar ranguage

of lhe st.rte i,e. LJrdu; Hindi, t(ashnrir-i and Doqri to
better- appr-eciate its aclnrinistratrve and cultural

cl' T-o acquii-e an under.standing on [he cuitur-ar and

socio-econon-rrc backgr-ourrd of the siat.e,

e^ To deinonstrate effectirie rr,'r-itten/ora I

conrrl-]unrcariion sl<ills. l-.oth rn inter-personal and

orqanizaUonal context;
i. -to exhiltit rrqht
v;:lires eli attituclr:s; and
g, To nrairrtairr physical fitness,
(1r ) cunricular Inputs: Tlre phase I should entail a tolal oi.
arouncl 300 - plurs hour"s o1'teachlnq spread across the
variours l'aculties that shouid be tauglrt and also
on IC-f- ancl l-.anguages, The course should be thematicall;z
clivicled into rryeel<ly moclules that form the 1.ocus
of nrost
teachrnq irr 1-hat particurar r,rreek. Tl.e list c1'nrcdurles
to be
coverecl is as l'ollor,vs:

Weel< 1 1'aS 1' Ilg''r'er' r'c

rrye-ali-iqi-_- _ Ldt 0Al't: i,;s_Lt .-t .o,t ,? c ,e ,Jt
a \^/
lllqk 1__* lLtq_ltqil ItryLrts_q!!e;" iu; r.ilLrlltg l!!!t[Lt_g-
Weel< 5 Elections, or:certrrJtiiiii; i- arrd liural
-Wedl6 ---
Agr-icultur-e, Ir.r-ig.:iicn & l-.D S, Health
Eclrrca tion
Weel< 7 Irrl'as[r trcliti r. -r PPP .
tn/eel< B Llrltan Deve opnrent
Weel< 9 p'q:_erl!1e rug
E tNL !_e_ettlls- !!ill:.
Weel< I0 Errvirr:rrrrrerrt & Clinrate Chaangei Disasler
Weel< .L I Pqllic_llfqlce,lg t i,. n oiu,le,r, I

1,? [r]-3 V'l iqe stav
\,Veel< 1.4 O l'tice lr,1a n t-, -r.t tlish
a.1e I s ii aa
n., e,',
Ol'l'icral Corlnrurtication / L-or,rgt-11111p1'11
L-over-r Ordet S
Sll.Os etc,
__ 1r 161 - 5l il),\ I R['] _
_n1s[ c_!_{ql rI trt I
!f 41 9 n
Week :17 Larr,r attd orclet.
Wer:k ]U & 19
-tqqq!4-Lel sl Asqg q n llls lf -a q-e!
Wpq( 20 !p!1!e qlt {.?I LLLlet Autllqq1Jlll
\rve el< 7)" Disadvantaqecl ctr-ortns & Minor.iti
\, I
\A/eek 22- ConsIrtution o1'lnc]i._r & -l&l(
ex[enclec] to .lt\t(.
\A/ec1< 23 GST Ac1 anC P.r,rles
.'-\1, qy..I
, - - --.
\,"t\ ,1

Week 24 One v;eek speciat .rt
Niit\t ilrkr;blxi;
Flcl l')u ql113

orre weel< special .oLrs-" uiNn[iA. -

One i,veel< special coLlrse at CAG

f x.t rrr irra Iiorts

In novalion

In addition to [he weel(ly nroclules, teaching inpuris

on Law, Politicar Concepts and Constitutior, Ecorronrics,
and crgarrzational behavior- should be impartecl-ilriouc,h
lhe lengih o1' the cor-rrse^ Sir,irarry, 30 sessior",=
tlrree IangLrages (LJrdur, llindr, l(ashiriri
and Dog.i) u,..O iCl
shorild spr-ead through ihe entire duratio.
of the coLr-se.
(i) As i. tl're For-rndation Course, the insl_itr_rte,u:;t
clearly enunclate the Iear-nrng ourtconres for
pro[essionai coL]rse against inihich -[rainets
could be tested. The design (includirrg the
content) must clearly be aligned with the
or-rtcortt es,

(ii) The l'ocus of r,ust shil't from

in[orrrational content to focusinq on ac]rlinistratjve
challerrges, inter-si-ate variatior-ls across
the reasons thereof, sturdying best practices unJ anC
associated adaptive challenges, and acquiring
proficiency in the required skilli
(iil ) vaiues and Ethrcs nrust r'ornr a strong focus
area fc,r
the overall course desrgir. Specil=ic instructiorrerl
content should be developed usir-r91 experience
clelivering specific progranrnres or-t eil-rics
governmerrt arrd corporate seclor-.
in th,:
enrplrasis o. clevelopme,t of soft sr<iIs
In aclditior,,
should h;
continued in phase-I.
(iv) )L)ec[rc tnputs 0n dealinq r,viflr the meclia
exposu[e to processes related to the lower
higher jr-rdiciary shourd arso fornr a focr-is
area in th,:
teachi ng curricr; u nr, I

(v) The Study Tour slror_rld cover, as part of rts itiner_ary,

bad pockets/ renrote ar-eas oi'the starte to se*siiizr:
Cfficer Trainees to the special challenqes of ilres,:
reg io rrs.

co-crir'icular Inputsr In conrpai"ison [o il.rt FL-, thir

Plta:;e-l shoLrlcl sriclht.ry r-rocrr-:st ,n iis ra.-ro ,r"n
inpt-rLs. l-lower,'er, to sr.rprpremenj- ilre

Paqe 6 of i5 4

aciivil-ies ccrr be nor.matry, orsanized in
ai. Weel<end Trek
l-rnal Day,s 5
c. Ertra-Curr.r.icr rlar lr,,locluie
cl. Activities of Clurbs arnd Societies
-l ^

As i'ihe Foundation Cor-rr-se, Tr-ainees

uncre'qo rnancratory phvsicar
Tr-aininq for orre hour- on arl
rr,ror-l<iirg days durrrng the

(rv) ${-r-rc}y Tour'; Thre crfrcer-

Trai.ees ghourcl bc_: taken for
Stucly t.or-rr in phasr.:_l This a
slrould be a six !\re611 5or,.
rnrher.e Trainees brear< iir1.o
oror_rp..:, cf _r,r0 fr-ainee.r
eaclt, tr"averse ilre _state/ cor-tnl.i-1r
a [lC]'rrC'-lS. Tl'e varilL. all.lC,.rt,C.[S covering r,rar_ioLrs
itinerary (over an
i,r a i5,1.;.it, o.OUp
6-r,rreer< periocl) shourd be as roror,vs:

d) 41[ry aitiCnnrena
_a) I lllrtc Sgc.!.qr aLtacttrre..,
c fll e n t
C e1v3 !!_{ a ita
03 da
(ci ) Vislt
r..- rr
tnstitLrtetTOiganraLolri-of L7_
t-v(Cllellce t.e. ISRO \,DA
rCancer "1' ! '1/ 'ltTtr]c n-r
'l l'15' IJ iS'
-,1-^ts -Research/
l-lorlicr_rlturr-e/ p.ural neveroiirenil
Torryn ptanning/ Llr.ban D.;.i;p
Ins[itutes in the Corintnr
i;ai Ful dress colliioii oaiiriatraa.;ui
?O uuyJ
Lv rJ:',.
( 1') Bur-eaur of p.r rLAnienta iy -iir"r*e^i-ancL I r,rreel<
ll-q tltl g- (Bf_SI) Ata ctr nr e rr r

1 rryeek
(TV) F'eciagoiricaI Issues; Trre l-rairrees
aclecluate !lroulls [or- classr-ocrnr must be divided int_o
instr-r,rctioi-r, r,rrith so,re
sessions clerivered in
eslreciaily in the case of-rrarf-glroupr.;
r.rre, as pienary,
gr._.t ,p.onul Case studies
sonreIinres even ;rtterlpted ban
in t/g grLup., size to alior,rr 1,or_
beltet- class particrpation. The
metirod nray conrDr-ise recrurr-,., ,rr-,iJrr [.Loon,t,,ant teaching
by se,i.ars, case stLrdies, firrr-rs,
ilrorH be sLrpported
,rnouJo.n-,ent qames and
rore pray e.xeTCises. J&r( IrPA&R'D
;;;;ic ot.n to irrtroduce
cralsroonr,, nrerhod- (-wtrerein
\\ *; .j,,1]r::1.
rcj(-r-ur-e rsj seen onrine arrcr is foirorn;ec]
a recordec,
-- -\, ;f
' wo'r< orr glirren cases) in itr
- by iptensiu. ,.n.,iru,_
i.o*,r",i.u teachi.q in the
' \.:
..- 1
{'. ,,,iI\\l'-\! -Plra:;,r-l
cclr se,

\ \ \\

Paqe ,z of I5
(vl) Evaltration: r\s in ihe F,ounclation (Jour-se, Evalriat
shoulcj be br-oacily oI rr,rro rlair-r heacis, i.e
aind the Directo' Generars As:;essnrr:nt rhe
rrnc.ler exa.rinations should conrpr-ise
o1' erd-o1.-c..u-se
c-'xamirations, mic-rerm e)ianrir-rations ancl concur.rr:i-rt
evaluatio, or
verr-ioLr:, farcLrrl.ies t.;ruqrrt.. Tr-re Dirr:c[or
Gener-a1',s Assessnre.t srrourrcr ini-rudt:
assessnrent on
l-angrraqes and ICT as lnrell as orher co-cLrrricLrlar
itrclurcliIq r,rir-ilrng a 5000-,,,,rord Terlr papel-
oi., uny clislr.rr_t
oi Lhe Stai_e,

D istrIct'tr'r"a i n i rr r;

(r) A Conrmittee comprising of the A.iri.istrartive Secretarlz,

G/\D and DG, Ii'rPAL\RD shail serect Deputy
witlr whonr c1'ficei" Trarnees may be attached I.or-
1-rainirrq, -l-lie GAD shail prepare a totar
tr.aining r-osteT r,or
all o1'ficers with exac[ dates/ time rines of the
tiiining, The
corlce.necl Depr-rty Conrnrissioner-s shall
deploy the c#icr:rs
in vartours departments/offices in rhe drsir-ici
sclrente nrentioned.
ir-p.,- tn.

(rr) A system o[ mentorship nrust also be introduced

o,e or two senior-of[icers in the district may
be designati:d
as menrors for ure Trainees deproyed irr the pairicurrrr
d i stri ct"

(ilI) A vicleo-con1'ei-e.ce , cr rre herd by the

CoLrn:;eror. (rt.
the Instiir-r1-e) v,;rth ar Ti.aineas in the r.ristr.ict
errer-y .r,r,o
Iron[hs durtng D .,rirct Tt.aininq l.ot f.i:ec]bac.k ar d
.'tssL:ssntent of the prL)gress

(t,,,; t.)r-n";ltiorr of Dlstrict-l-rair:imrl sh;ill he as unrter.

A) Four rnonilis !rr the [tevearure De;-.r*rtnrenL.
st t'r ,,'i trc o, rlr,_ tq:t,rr.l ,,.t
tt; to I.J .l t\, r;r lc rltp otIi, _,,.-,
:it rl bi a. u t(lcl .

r) For the iiritiar 2 ,ro.ths, t.he ol.ficer-s

sh.rr bi: poste d
ats Patwari o1. an irrdeperrclent p;rl-rr,rar
li;riqa rvhere
lte sharll nral<e Girdr:waris and e,i.er_;rl.letasl 20
.-ru[artioi'rs to be certrriec] by ihe r_oncern(:d

ir) For- renrai.inq 2 nro.Lh:;. ofr'ir-ers

shar be postc:c1
.rs r\r.rib r-e,:hsircra' where rre/she :;rrart r:xcr-ci:;e
\ prr''vtis of trre F rst Cr,,rss [,laqrsLr-afe
", \
_-" \
_..' ' --, arrr,r
i:-. ' \ .-..-1
_.1; \ \ , 'llPPtrl:. [l1r: 'tl'\''i,r't t(] .t ll'- C rd.,,.1 1 l)'1 111.r.
,, \l his r_0.[rol ancl .t[t::;I l.ire mL.t[ati.ns.
\,.,...,.....- \,'
Paql: 8 uI' 15
Tlre concerned Dep;1y Comrrissioner- shall issue
necessa ry d eploy ment o rd e r of th e o[fice r-s
a cco rclin g ly.

B) One and a half nronth posting irr the Finance

Depa ntrnerrt.: -

i) For weel<s [he ofl'icer-s shall be clepioyed wiilr

the Distr.ict Treasury Cff icet [or havtng practical
krrorruleclge o1' trar ni n g operations/pF[1S.

ii) For 2 weel<s, the ofilcer shall be deplol,ed r,vith the

DDCs f'or- having practical experierrce o1. makincl
clil'ferenl btlls/tencJering pt"ocetsses/ rnal<ing
lturrchases etc.

iii) For )- rryeel<s the off ices sirall be

deplo;rec1 with the
CTOs [o have ltractical knornriedge of the C]S-t,

Tlri: concerneC Deputy Coirnrissioner shall issue

necessary deployment orcler ol t:he officers

C) {}rre anrcl a half nron$r posting in R.ural

Developnrellt Depa rtrn ent

The officer- shatll remarn attached wl1.h the BDCs

trylrer"e t.hey shall exerclse all po\^/er-s and functions of
Pa nchaya t Insl:ectors.

D) Two weeks training in the Municipal

Comr n'littee/ Corpo rations ; -

Tlre o1'f icer- shall rerlain deployed rr,rith -loiryn Area

Comm ittees/M u nlcipal
Com m rttees/cor.poralions in
reslrective districts/Janrnrr-r arrd sr-rnaqarr for a perod of tvrro
weel< irr cJrl'1'ereitt qr-oups,

The concer-rred Deputy Conrrrlissioner- shall jssue

necessary cleploymenL or-der of the of1'rcers accordinqly.

E) Clnr: nronilr district training:-

The co.cer-ned Depurty Conrnrissio.ers srralr depro\u ther
\ oilicers [ot- tr-ainirrq ]n the {'ollonrinq manne{-:-
\ ,-- -'-
".. -' r \-,.i) I weel( training ln police Statior-rs
n- ._.-'\-,.., ii) I weel< in district Courts/Sesslons Cour-ts
\ n \r)ir
l11i; 2- r,rrr:el<s tr-airrinq in the oifice of the SDNI/ACR,
\\ \

Page 9 of i5
t') Two weeks tr"airring iri tlie Inciustrie,:s
-the o[f icers
shall be cleirloyed in c]ifr'erent Lndu:tr-r..rL
areas by 1.he ri:spect.rve Deputy Conrnrissioriers i'Or-ir
per"iocl o[ tv'ro rrueei<, so as to acquainl therl ulth
rnclustt-ial processes/deveJopments qoing on in the

The concer.ed Deltuty Cont,i:;sioner slrall issri,:

I')t-aCeS!r-li-lv' depiOylti:i'rt O;Cier- Ol lhC OfiiCr_.rS
aCCO t_Cl tf l,q 1.,r".

"il'wrl rvee ks i.r"a iriirrq

Gi) with ti..le Lj il-ecto r
Planning im t"he office of tlie Deputy
Corn rn issiorrer conce rnecl.

-the oflicers
shall be clep oyed rhe rf iri:ct.r
'vit.h lh,:
Planning rr the DCs; offrce to accustor-.n Jr. l(AS
of ices rnrrt.h all fiquresl indexes and daia, t,rs usage
1'or plan and pclicy for"nrLrla[ion,

H) Tvvo weeks at ]oint t-aw & Onc]er training at

J [i t(, S Ir e r- e - l{;r s h rn i r, !i: o I i ce A ca d e n r
-the of1'rcers shall lte given trarninq ai, polic:
/\r-acleil'7, [Jdhantput.for a periocl o]. l.wo weeks
coverlng Cr.PC, lpC, clLrties as M.rqistrate and o[he r.
rerlatecl la\,,s. lc\K IlilpA shall nrat[<e neces:].tTy'
a rra n gente rrts.

-l** nrclnths postirrE as LJrrder. Secrei_ary tr;
Gtive rn rri e n t,
The GAD shall issue tlre necessary postii-rg orrjers,

J) Evaiuation: The Dislrict tr-air-rinc1, rir<e a; othr:r

con-tponents o1'Droba[ion, shoLrlc] lte assessed bv
l"he l&l( INlPAI\RD. r-lris shoulcr involve erralLrar.ion r.
claily dierr"ies, montl'rly analytical notes; (senr b/
trainees i,o thetr l(,S[rr]tli,rr, (ori,selor:, at th:
tnstirute) of a vilracle stL.rdy repor-t r-o be prepar-e,.1
\',.. thr-orrqh effipirical ,iir,:lcJ r,vor-k, o1' sinrilar urbatr
.,. i,.
1.s (lItltClttS, oi ;t oi:tr L a:sij llrtr ..t, r). l-t\.. ,- tsr,:
,!". " "' rI i''\, - r .,r I' I'c:rrcl
\\';i \'"' ,r1(r cl:c lrrci i/ rlr-- T'.rr,'c.s, ,.,J ,f
\ ;_tsslqnnteltl.s ctr-r [he l,:ncluaqes.
4" l{AS Frofessiomal Cqrurse (Fl-r;rse-iI)
(r) Ratloliale {or sarrclwir:h paLLern: Thi: ,,:,3;6li1i;,1
D;r[" recot-]tmencltd, e:;seittialLlr se(:l(s to bleitcl theor,,r

Page lLr o1 15
1':,.,:!' ii 11
j!' I
: ?ii;.tJ ;,i:
[lis- " * :Hi
n ovic\e ', lll.t";i:111 :t:-,:,:l
.r:]=";;;;;'r..\,'"il '
i :ilt #:l ::' I l' :r::',i::' i ::,, ,i*=
x':.. :
irr r11;r','ve
,'.,,'1,o,.= l.
*l':[:',1\i|';rtJli]";'..';' \\-r.

l:*f ;:::i,: :, .:.''.,,'o -l:'r,',,1 :':::8i,":!:,'"''' on

,*nuriL .' ';\l '*r:l[1.i,l5!*,.Jj.;:l ;*-:]i'=
,,], _',. up fo,

tl:::::l"n' \.ratrrirrq sha\\

be one
durartiotr or rhe
It., l\

oi ) FiltillfiT", :lil$j:i:::U:i : ;#l,l,}*i

l::i :, :l'+l\, l' : l';ilffi
"T fil i ff lll;:; =* i:l: :

iiu:; "+:.:il::
"' lilli.*-, t1'*4 *;l,ii.

.mi;:; ;::;
irillfl=ilI,il$t.r ';t;.:.1r':
ta\ rsstres
??il5a1 l'L'i
*';llli::l:':=':!i:Jl'i"*llf:' :i:i:i'tr ;il:.iiilffi
-"'"'' o'
Jil;;'', 1:':i' :i;';" lo "'
l*:?,';',.' lUll
the cottrse'
activitils i'rittrin

i:: beetr forrlu\ated

Pl ogr
anllr\e hats
e r;oitt {r'3inrttg ,n C'-
"rhc M\d (-a]c(?l
0) .- trbiect\vcs:-

'^'it 1r i\rP
the fo\\owtttq

a) ;.'"rffi. -,1: g.l',?l=; :*# .:*,[ ":l[jF::it :l

proq'a r.nres
;:,fx:J,i, !,1 d? ;'l..3*1i1,:'R
ilf ,?S *LS?'J'.'.:?'=':x$;;.i
,\ /sc'herles; r.,^.r .^nrpxft of 1ro\icy

e rhanr=,,..1':.*;iLil: :?ll:
t,. - \.

. -'i.'"\,1--"'- b) tll 3pfl

strateg in5
[o prlct f rtlut''c
.---- '--\..,"\tt
\._-- . ,, rt\\ Ihem to formur\ate
,.\\ \ c) Prepare
Page 1'1 of
(r'l) -tlre l'lid
Car-eer Tr-;ri.inq pro,qr-arre s;har
( be rinriecj vrith
Lil'i tl-1.' l. J,lr r, ,l .t{ -t lJ r nS l;fiC,r
prornored to ilre rext rever ,nless >lr.,i i.L .-,iilt he iras
rrnderqone ihe r-equired t,r-ainr.c]. Ho\rueve
r, tire officer l^;ho
crosses rhe age or ii5 as on 1'L Janrary or ilre ye:ar,
in whrch er par-trcurar qrade is ro be r-ereased
in his r;*rcLrT,
sir,rll be exempted fronr underqornci ihe partrcrrar
(IrI) l"licl Career tr-airing sliall be cLrirciur:ted
in ilrrL:e phases ,.,r2,
Phase-1[. phase-rV .lnd I]hase-V, The
r(AS ofr.icer.s sriarl
rnanclatcrily under.gone the i.1rd Career
rj )r (JL-() "t',r,
lli -t .- tr, , r .,,i,. f. i, tl ,. , .l _ . _

Sca!q _ DcsiglptSlr:_ Tlair.rilg Requirec:

5electiorr Addiriorral Sccr cllrV .*. Ph ItJ 171 Lo io, v..,,
G ci

Spccia I Sca ie
ect lr iva le
rr I of serr,iee) I

Special Secretary & Pn-rv-1fitr, r,, I rr-l

--hrrer-ifie- Secretary
Lriva le nt o1'seT\zice
tt equvatent Plr-V (15rr, to I

!te GAD shall prepare an i!ntjctl cale:nclar,or

t'ainino ancl prblish the 5ai're iir the
,Lo.rir oI Ja.uar.y
y 1'ro, iiri.:r *sted or'i.ir_ers. orA
bai'ch ol 25 to 3rl oiLrcer-s; shaLr be cleputed fcr- trainirc;
all 1,hL: pir:rses -ihe oii'icers shari be serecl,i:cJ
conre first seTr,'e b;rsis. -irre scheir-rr:
rr. [irst
shail rre as uncrei:-
[:hase-III: Tc ecllip the -l rme Sr-ale KAli ofj.icer.s
have conrprel,ecr 7-10
;,r:ars oi totar ser.vice rn l(AS r,vir,h Hre, sl<ills, ancr r<noi,"rrecrr-re t.hai,
wiil herp ihe,
- [o achie ire
t:xcelletrce in the
irn! emenl.atiol ,rf ,.,ric,:i,,-1,q,,.,t
[]r.ograrlrrr-resi sclleittes.
Tlre tr-aintnq shall br,: foi a pe.orJ 01.
60 day:;, All the I nrr,: S,cale lGi slrall
rranclator.ily urniiergo thi:, irairi.g
have to
[o qer. erevatr:d to rher
Iielectro. scare or I(6 r [re trai.iig srrar
be] by
Fcr ] 5 clay,5, the or.r.tcer shail a*e.d
:i}[ 1Y,lj'^3T,
:,lreLrcrrl-eLr u dmrlQ tner
1r[ocfan.rnie at J&r( iMpA&11D,
F,or. 45 days, the ol.ficers shall
be [al<en il r.r,-
rltff'erent rjj'.xcoilcnce iir
ilre cr:uniry tLealing r^,r u-r
lvlatragentent/ llural Developrrentl
flousrng ancl Urlt:n
Developnrent ancr Fi'r.rrce fcr spcciarizecl

Phase-I\/r -ro eqr-rip the selecrior-r sc_ale KAS ol,liccrs

\ havinq r-onrple[ec1 lZ-L4 years ol total seTrrrce
irr ltAS w il,t
eirhirncerl r<norvreclqe base rn ilre con[exr
.- ir " *--r"
.-\ \- policy/leadership and neqotiation skiils. of prL;ric
"" .-" =u
. i.,r'\...*- rhe trai.ilrq srraI
be ftir c1 pei-rocl or'60 ctays. Ail rhe seiecfon
i 'ir scare's
i- . -.,"--' I
i 'l
I ,1' l(/\Sl shall have rr irrarrcr':ft-ri'r ,r, urncle r-qo
this tr-ai.,ncl r.o
""\: \ clel- elevarecr t.o special scare or
i<ns, l rre t,rarirq shar _rl
corclr-rcted by J&r( Ii",pA8r11D.. For. 15
clay,s, thi: o j.fict,rs

Page 12 of i5
shall attenci the:;pecializecl tr.airring proqr-an-rme art l&l(
II\4pAilllD. For. 45 days, the offrcer-s sha I be tal,.en to
difl'erent irrstitutes of exr-ellence in I,he cor-lntr1r I'or
aclvancecl exposLlre in the field oj. deveiopnrent.

l-r[rase v: l-o equrp the Special scale l(AS officers witlr 15-
17 year"s oi tobal service in lfiS for higher level of
responsibilit.ies in adnrinistr-ation. I he o1'ficer-s shall be
given exposLrr-e to best practices in diff'erent spheres of
acl nri nis[ral.ion, In fu r-nr.:tror"r Tech nology, Fi na nce, pla nni nq
and Developnrent, Rural Developrient Depar-tment c\
Ur-ban Departmerrt, llealth secior, social sector ppp etc,
-lhe trainirrg
shall l:e for a periocl oi'60 eJays All iire special
scaie l(AS oil'rcers slrall have ro nrandator-ily r-rncerqo tlris
Li-ari-rinrl to g;el eiei.,atccl to SuL-rer *l-inre Sc.rle of l(aS. The
lrainees shall be conductecl by Ji\K It,lpA&RD. For 36 days,
lhe o1'ficers shall be tal<en to different institutes/
Uirlvr:rsities o1'excellence irr the countryz for adrranced
explosLlre in t.he 1'leld of develop me nt/ pr'l b iic policy/
rlanaqernent etc. arrd for one \Arssi to an\/ selected
insl.itute of
exceJlence ou[sic]e 1:he country for advanced
exposLil-e ln the f ield of clevelopmerrt/public
poI icy/ma fr.t genrent etc.

(lv) l-he Gerrr:i"al Adnrinist-ratiorr Depar-tnrent shall carr5r out the

[raiirincr llr-ogr-an.]nres .rs proposecl above, develop strategic
llartnership ,,,rrilhin India and abroad rn,jt.h tlre Institutes of
r:xcellence/Unii,,er-sitles in the f ield of aclnrinistration in
or-cler- to rlr:sic1n ancl deliver conl,enrporary l<nowrledge to
the ot1'lcers ,-rncer" t.raiirirrg. Surch aclrelements should cover
resoLlrce slralirq, collaborative resear"clr, capacity bLrildinq
and improving qL-ralrt.y [or traininq inputs. -f-he details oj'
some o1' sr.tcl-r instrtules are as under:

(i) Cenler [oi- C]ood Gcvernanc.e, liyclerabad.

(ii) National Institurte of Pr_rbllc Finance arrd polrcy,
New Dellii.
(ili) National Institute o1' Frnancial i"lanaqernent,
Fa r"i cla ba d ,

(iv) Acl rli n istrative Stal'1' Col I eqe, I lyde ra bac1,

(v) Indian lnstttute of Pr.lbllc Adnrinistration, Ne\,rr
Del h i.
(vi) I n c] I a n 1 n s tr tr-rte o1' ful a n a r,; e nt e ni., A h nt ecl a ba d,

(vii) .[nclian Instrtute o1' N,lanaqerlen'r, Bangalor-e.

(viii) insiitL-rte oF Secretar-iat Traininq c\ [4anaqerre n1,,
l\ew Delirr,
(ix) l'4anaqement. Developmeni lnstil-ut,e (NIDI),
(x) 1 n d a n Sr,h o o I of il r :;l ness, l-l yd e ra b a cl l',1
i r
/ o l-r a r
I .

Paqe l3 of llj
(xi) TERI Universil.y, l\elv Delhi.
(xii) TATA institute o1. Social Sciences, wlumbai,
(xiii) Ecore National D' Adrninistration, strasbourg,
(xiv) EMDC/wMDC, office of personner Manageme.t
(oPM), USA,
(xv) Syracurse Universrty.
(xvi) Lee Kuan yew School of public policy, Singapore,
(xvii) Ecole National D' Adrninistration de paris (EN/\),
(rviii) University of California, Berkeley, USA.
(xix) London School of Econonrics, London, Ui(.
(xx) DCID, Dulie Univetrsity, USA,
(>lxi) CanibriclgeUrrivet"siiy,Ui(.
(rxri) Oxford University, UK"
(rxiii) Howarcj University, USA.
(xxiv) IACA, Vienna.
(xxv) John Hopkins University, USA,
(xxvi) Gracruate Institute for poricy sturdies (GRIps),
(xxvii) l(y1shu Unrversity, Gradr_rate Sclrool o1.Law, Japan"
(xxviii) ANZSCG, Australiar.
(v) The General Acirnrrristratiorr Departnrent shall noilfy
different courses of one or two week duration in addition
to mid-career training programnres (phase IIi, IV & \i) orr
following topics in the month of Ja.uary each year
to be
imparted in various repurted institutes in the country:

(i) ic Pol icy, pu bl ic Ad nr i n istration/N1 a na gem ent"

PLr bl
(ii) Public Finance
(iii) Public Health and Nutrition
(iv) Population ancl demographic studies.
(v) Natiorra ity/Globa I Secr,r rity

(vi) Internatronal Development

(v lt)
!rban Planning/Developnient, City planriing
lvrrr) Social Development
, (ix) Social Protectron
(x) Social Innovation
r (xi) Social Welfare
(xr) Economics and Applied Economics
(xiii) Public Education
(xlv) Leadersh i p
\\ !*u) Tra nsportation
(rvi) Technology Management
u' ,''--l' \ (xvii)
Climale Change and environment
_"_*-\-t')_)*(xviir) Tax Adrninistration L\ Revenue forecasting
trrt\'1[xI' Ease of doing br:siness & iCT solutions
LegaI procedures/languaqe dra1.ting,

Page 1.,1 oi 15
(\'j) ['ur-[l.rer', the st;r[e iJnive.sities shnll alsc l_re encouraqed i.o
clevise -cur.h specrariz-ecl courses for t(AS cfi.icer-s
a.d r:rrer.\z
I(AS oflicer irily clroose any course of his choice
urhich he
ir'roL.rld lil<e to r.rnder-c1o in a span o{,trr,ro yeaTS.
l-he institrrfe
of exr-eilenc.e wrrich ar.e reqrrired be serecr.ed to for
inrpi:rt.irrc1 lrairi.g to r(AS o1'f icers shall
be shor-t-lis1,ed b,v a
Co rlt rn l l e e co m pr r-i 5 g tl-r e 1'o I orvi n q : _
i 1

(i) Aclnrini:;tr-ative;r, l'inanct:

Depa i-l.nterr [.
(ii) Adnrini:;tr-atir,/e Secr.etarv, Genr:ra I

Ad nr i nistratron Deoa r-trlbnt

(iii) /\\r io be nonrinalecJ btr
t.lre (lhief Sr:cr.eia i i,.

Thi-: sr.:nior- nrost Admini:;tratirre 5..r.tary s113ir be

1.he Chair"nran of ure conrr,rrtee. Trre General
Aclrlrnistr-aLion shall ser,.rice t.he [_onrnrll[ee.

(VII) l-l'rr: Conllll.tee conrptr-istnq of, 1,he,,vinq shali

pr::r1odiceri1i, rerrieiru .rnc1 pi-escribe ..syllabus 1.or" l,raininq o1.
ifiS o1'licg.s li-or.n lilte to tinrr::_

(i) DG, l&l( r\,1PA&R.D Clrairntan


(ii) ltclminisIr.rtirre Sr:cr et.ary, Finairce t]el_rar1.lretr1

(iii)Adrlinl:;Ir-eri_ive Secr-el.ary, Generai
Ac]n:inislraliof DeparirlenI
-. ---1
:''-.,, -;,j1.-\,,.r
lClrhra ,clc"i], S ,..,q\.rl;' \'

A,daJitional Secr-etar y to tlre GoverJr.,*i.,t.

I-'ar;e l!i o1' l.!j

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