Every Child Is Special

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Submitted By: Shaveynna Heart Bacolod 9-Galileo

Submitted To: Sir Jefferson Paraiso

Reaction paper about the movie “EVERY CHILD IS SPECIAL”


The movie every child is special also known as “Taare Zameen Par” is a very heartwarming
and touching film that captures the struggles and triumphs of a young dyslexic boy named Ishaan
Awasthi. Ishaan, a student who has dyslexia, cannot seem to get anything right at his boarding
school. Soon, a new unconventional art teacher, Ram Shankar Nikumbh, helps him discover his
hidden potential. This movie was directed by Aamir Khan, this movie explores the societal
pressures faced by children who don’t follow to the traditional academic standards.

One of the most captivating elements of the film is its depiction of Ishaan's transformation
from a misunderstood and disheartened child to a self-assured and proficient student. With the
compassionate mentorship of his art instructor, Ram Shankar Nikumbh, Ishaan uncovers his
distinct strengths and abilities, underscoring the significance of acknowledging and fostering
diversity in learning. The movie also highlights the obstacles encountered by parents and
educators in identifying and assisting children with diverse learning needs. It stresses the
importance of an all-encompassing approach to education that appreciates creativity, emotional
awareness, and individual development in addition to scholastic success. Additionally, "Every
Child is Special" serves as a powerful reminder of the influence that empathy, compassion, and
mentorship can wield in a child's life. It prompts audiences to move beyond superficial
judgments and preconceptions to recognize the potential and value in each individual.

In conclusion, the movie “Every Child is Special” likely emphasizes the message that every
child has unique talents, abilities, and potential, in any case of societal expectations or
limitations. It reminds us that every child deserves a opportunity to shine in their own way. With
right support and encouragement anything is possible.

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